OT: Letter from Michael Moore to 'Governor' Bush

2003-03-20 Thread Roger Pye
From another list, apologies for cross-posting

Monday, March 17, 2003

A Letter from Michael Moore to George W. Bush on the Eve of War

George W. Bush
1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Washington, DC
Dear Governor Bush:

So today is what you call "the moment of truth," the day that "France
and the rest of world have to show their cards on the table." I'm glad
to hear that this day has finally arrived. Because, I gotta tell ya,
having survived 440 days of your lying and conniving, I wasn't sure if
I could take much more. So I'm glad to hear that today is Truth Day,
'cause I got a few truths I would like to share with you:
1. There is virtually NO ONE in America (talk radio nutters and Fox
News aside) who is gung-ho to go to war. Trust me on this one. Walk
out of the White House and on to any street in America and try to find
five people who are PASSIONATE about wanting to kill Iraqis. YOU WON'T
FIND THEM! Why? 'Cause NO Iraqis have ever come here and killed any of
us! No Iraqi has even threatened to do that. You see, this is how we
average Americans think: If a certain so-and-so is not perceived as a
threat to our lives, then, believe it or not, we don't want to kill
him! Funny how that works!
2. The majority of Americans -- the ones who never elected you -- are
not fooled by your weapons of mass distraction. We know what the real
issues are that affect our daily lives -- and none of them begin with
I or end in Q. Here's what threatens us: two and a half million jobs
lost since you took office, the stock market having become a cruel
joke, no one knowing if their retirement funds are going to be there,
gas now costs almost two dollars -- the list goes on and on. Bombing
Iraq will not make any of this go away. Only you need to go away for
things to improve.
3. As Bill Maher said last week, how bad do you have to suck to lose a
popularity contest with Saddam Hussein? The whole world is against
you, Mr. Bush. Count your fellow Americans among them.
4. The Pope has said this war is wrong, that it is a SIN. The Pope!
But even worse, the Dixie Chicks have now come out against you! How
bad does it have to get before you realize that you are an army of one
on this war? Of course, this is a war you personally won't have to
fight. Just like when you went AWOL while the poor were shipped to
Vietnam in your place.
5. Of the 535 members of Congress, only ONE (Sen. Johnson of South
Dakota) has an enlisted son or daughter in the armed forces! If you
really want to stand up for America, please send your twin daughters
over to Kuwait right now and let them don their chemical warfare
suits. And let's see every member of Congress with a child of military
age also sacrifice their kids for this war effort. What's that you
say? You don't THINK so? Well, hey, guess what -- we don't think so
6. Finally, we love France. Yes, they have pulled some royal
screw-ups. Yes, some of them can pretty damn annoying. But have you
forgotten we wouldn't even have this country known as America if it
weren't for the French? That it was their help in the Revolutionary
War that won it for us? That our greatest thinkers and founding
fathers -- Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, etc. -- spent many years in
Paris where they refined the concepts that lead to our Declaration of
Independence and our Constitution? That it was France who gave us our
Statue of Liberty, a Frenchman who built the Chevrolet, and a pair of
French brothers who invented the movies? And now they are doing what
only a good friend can do -- tell you the truth about yourself,
straight, no b.s. Quit pissing on the French and thank them for
getting it right for once. You know, you really should have traveled
more (like once) before you took over. Your ignorance of the world has
not only made you look stupid, it has painted you into a corner you
can't get out of.
Well, cheer up -- there IS good news. If you do go through with this
war, more than likely it will be over soon because I'm guessing there
aren't a lot of Iraqis willing to lay down their lives to protect
Saddam Hussein. After you "win" the war, you will enjoy a huge bump in
the popularity polls as everyone loves a winner -- and who doesn't
like to see a good ass-whoopin' every now and then (especially when it
's some third world ass!). So try your best to ride this victory all
the way to next year's election. Of course, that's still a long ways
away, so we'll all get to have a good hardy-har-har while we watch the
economy sink even further down the toilet!
But, hey, who knows -- maybe you'll find Osama a few days before the
election! See, start thinking like THAT! Keep hope alive! Kill
Iraqis -- they got our oil!!
Michael Moore

Re: An il's problem

2003-03-20 Thread Hugh Lovel

Thank-you for showing your thought process in solving Anil's problem.  I hope it works as well in Anil's tropical environment as it does in our temperate climate. Michael

Dear Michael,

I have reason to believe it, meaning using biodynamics with a fine touch, may work much better in the tropics than in the temperate zones. Peter Proctor told me that in India he saw changes in the life of the topsoil reaching something like 9 inches deep the first year, whereas he though similar progress in New Zealand required three or four years.

Visit our website at: www.unionag.org 

Re: Chembuster Plans

2003-03-20 Thread Hugh Lovel
>What happens to the chemicals when the chemtrails or smoggy haze is
>- Original Message -
>From: "Richard Kalin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 8:41 AM
>Subject: Chembuster Plans
>>  http://educate-yourself.org/ct/goodbyects10jan02.shtml

Lance, et. al.,

I dunno, but I might venture a few guesses based on observation of the
ether when a stagnant, murky, hazy, oppressive condition changed over to
vibrant and cheerful .

I think oxygen is key, it carries the etheric organization, whether
organization or disorganization. Whe you have pollution and disorganization
and the Sun's rays percolate down through there and one of the results is
ozone. Only if the ozone just sits there and doesn't react with the rest of
what's up there, do we have a drought. If the ozone decides to react the
haze clears. Then clouds form and the cloud ceiling comes down, the
definitios and degree of concentration of the clouds increase and there's
more of a tingle in the air.

If one had a way of working with the oxygen in our environment,
pareticularly in the atmosphere, we would clear it up, or you might say it
would clear up.

It was Courtney's contention that what he called "Energy Balancing
Procedure" by applying all of the BD preps sequentially, first the horn
applications of 500 and 501, then barrel compound and horsetail (508) in a
tight sequence. This would commonly be done starting with 500 first
evening, 501 nesxt morning, barrel compound that evening and ending with
horsetail the following morning. Two days back to back. In Courtney's
words, "The preps will draw to them what they need within the farm
organism. If you need rain, you 'll get rain."

I think it might be more revealing to look at this process in terms of
oxygen instead of rain.

When the ozone reacts with water in the atmosphere, does this make hydrogen
peroxide, and if so to what degree? Does the degree vary? How widely? Are
there any known cirsumstances that vary in any predictible way
corresponding to what oxygen was doing or not doing at that time in the

You know, one of my first misconceptions my teachers had to get me to
expell before I could seriously study chemistry, was that chemical
reactions went in only one direction--as for instance chlorine does when it
encounters sodium. That's one that does go in one direction to a high
degree, but under certain conditions this reaction reverses to a high
degree. What I realized was that ALL chemical reactions are reversable
under certain conditions. The conditions being the existing parameters of
fluctuating variables. Basically all chemical reactions go both directions
and what a chemist looks for is an equili reaction. What the industrial
chemist/engineer must do is see what can and must be done to shift the
equilib rium in a desired way and produce something with chemical activirty
within a normal environment.

It might be nice if someone did a study of the pathways and conditions for
oxygen's activities in the atmosphere under various conditions. And, of
course there's a chance someone has. Which means a search of the literature
might be a good idea.

It also would be good to better pin down the roles of sulfur and
phosphorous, both in the atmosphere and in the plant. Such a survey is
worth looking through the literature  to see what you found. Surely you'd
find something. When it comes to living organisms that contain within them
their patterns of organization--as compared to the rocks and bodies of
water whose organizational patterns are generalized throughout the
environment.--their chemical equilibria are exceedingly sensitive and
complex. Evershifting, and probably none of shifts any faster than brain
chemistry. Anyway, I know brain chemistry is pretty complex. The Budha
seemed to think that there were 17 trillion thought events per second. I'd
say, based on my own biofeedback work, that sounds about right. I might
have picked a similar figure.  Hmmm.

In any event oxygen is bound to have a pathway from free oxygen, or as
Steiner referred to it, "dead" oxygen in the atmosphere to bound ,or
"living" oxygen in the water and in the earrth. This pathway or pathways
could be determined--and to some degree must have been
determined--satisfactorily  in the literature

We should keep in mind that homeopathic preparations can have some strong
influences on the chemical equilibria of the life forms on our farms. I
think that's pretty well established, though I might know some who would

Well, I'd better get to bed.
Hugh .
 What is the effect on the chemistry of polluted air? How does hydrogen
peroxide react with pollution? Peroxide's still a free radical, though
somewhat more muted than ozone. Isn't that hydrogen peroxide somewhat
better than benigfn in regard to the pollution? There was a guy up in
Ontario that sent me compost samples for some time. My test showed the
piles that ha

An il's problem

2003-03-20 Thread mroboz

Thank-you for showing your thought process in 
solving Anil's problem.  I hope it works as well in Anil's tropical 
environment as it does in our temperate climate. 


2003-03-20 Thread Spiritual Renaissance Center

That was really good about the heart, that 60% of the cells are neuro cells,
not muscle.  I happened to be near farm fields where they were spraying
chlorinated hydrocarbons, nerve agents.  My heart was hurting and
I thought of Joseph Chilton Pearce's writing.
Also, concerning GAIA, do any of the people working with the Nature
Beings have insights.  At Findhorn they said large geographical areas
have angels, and in the book Ephesus, Giants Work with the Large Land Masses? 
Dora Van Gelder wrote that Trees have intelligences (kind of like Lord
of the Rings).  Anyone encounter an earth being like a GAIA? 
Did Steiner write about it?  Didn't he compare the Universe to a human
Timothy H.
>>"This is just
a personal belief and may not be Anthroposophical in
The Earth's soul appears to mirror
that of our own."
Hi Eric, anthroposophical is as anthroposophical
does. Check out Joseph Chilton Pearce's cutting edge elucidations of research
in neurocardiology. The holographic heart is not just microcosmic of the
earth's radiant energy. Man, you don't know how right you are!

Re: Chembuster Plans

2003-03-20 Thread Lance Howard
What happens to the chemicals when the chemtrails or smoggy haze is


- Original Message -
From: "Richard Kalin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 8:41 AM
Subject: Chembuster Plans

>  http://educate-yourself.org/ct/goodbyects10jan02.shtml

Re: an inspiring tid bit

2003-03-20 Thread Lance Howard

Speaking of Slovenia, I've been reading Marko 
Pogacnik, a communer with nature spirits and a practitioner of lithopuncture or 
earth healing.  From what I have read he works on a smaller scale than 
necessary for what is apparantly needed in SE Australia (according to James 
Hedley).  He has been resuscitating landscapes in Europe.  His 
experiences concur with Steiner's description of the hierarchy of nature 
I'm particularly interested in how he has described 
fairies and devas "of place" and how such understandings might help define "farm 
organisms."  He gives workshops (mostly in Europe) but may visit the US in 
Oct. 2003.  Has anyone met or heard of him?

  - Original Message - 
  The Korrows 
  Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2003 5:09 
  Subject: an inspiring tid bit
  Excerpted from- BioFach Newsletter 17.3.2003+++ This 
  newsletter is a free service from NürnbergMesse (http://www.nuernbergmesse.de) for 
  BioFach 2004 (http://www.biofach.de) 
  farmed area in the former Yugoslavian subrepublic Slovenia has experienced 
  a jump of 50 % in the past year. The number of hectares increased from 
  10,000 to 15,000 and the number of organic farms to 1,150. A large share 
  of the farmers is organized in two organic associations: the "Union of 
  Slovenian Organic Farmers Association" (BIODAR) and the "Union for 
  Biodynamic Husbandry" (AJDA). Direct land subsidies have been available 
  for organic farming since 1999. The statutory basis corresponds to the EU 
  Organic Agriculture Regulation 2092/91. There are also private standards, 
  which are in line with the IFOAM guidelines and form the basis for the 
  BIODAR certification label. Bio-dynamic farms conform to the international 
  Demeter guidelines. The Agricultural Institute in Maribor is the only 
  officially approved organic certification centre.The State 
  Development Programme 2004-2006 has been prepared with the involvement of 
  the organic industry, but a specific organic action programme is still 
  called for.

Re: Monsanto's Wheat

2003-03-20 Thread Eric Myren

Yah I know I am cheeky.
The only problem I find in dealing with a quantum reality is that you have to have a very flexible brain or spine or both because it is what causes most people to seek Psychiatric advice. A normal ego based shrink would have a field day in this chat room. I always question everything in my belief system and discard everything that does not fit and Biodynamic Agriculture is a perfect fit.

something I wrote when I was 19yrs old

Children Of The Sun

we will dance till dawn you and I
the way the ancients did and continue to do
our dance is of the moon and sun
will we always be fighting and never apart?
till a tear of light drips from the Son to earth
sending us to freedom and salvation

In this time of war of the ignorant 
A sincere heartfelt

On Thursday, March 20, 2003, at 04:47 PM, Moen Creek wrote:
I see that I got to demonstrate the fundamentals of reality.
Everything in a quantum world is based on: Stimuli - Belief - Response.
With the subtext that all data is cooked to support the belief we choose to believe.

I chose to remember a story told around a Beltane fire in such a way that it supported the belief I had regarding Eric's expression of his beliefs and responses to the stimuli of SS and Allan.

Hafiz writes:

I can
See angels
Sitting on your ears,

Polishing trumpets,
Replacing lute strings,
Stretching new skins on the drums
And gathering wood for the evening's fire.

They all danced last night
But you did not
Hear them.

If you ask Hafiz for advice
On how to befriend their sweet voices
And how to have the nourishing
Company of the finer

I would reply,

"I could not say anything
You could not
Tell me."

What was the use of this story?

I just felt like Talking.


In Love & Light

Re: Monsanto's Wheat

2003-03-20 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: Monsanto's Wheat

Roger Pye responded to

> Markess,
> Would you be willing to elaborate on the Celtic Prince reference please..
> I think poetry and story will also guide us through some of this 
> illusion..
> Thanks,
> Jane

Patricius, born about 385-90 at Bannaventa Berniae (thought to be 
between the Rivers Clyde and Severn, but closer to the former than the 
latter, eg Dumbarton), the Romano-British son of Calpornius (a decurion, 
municipal official, and a deacon in the local church). When Patrick was 
almost 16, he and his sister were abducted by the Irish chieftain Niall 
Naoi Ghiallach and his men. The girl went to Connacht, Patrick to County 
Antrim, not far from Ballymena, where he worked as a shepherd and 
swineherd.  In his early twenties, he walked to Wexford, 200 miles 
south, and sailed to Gaul.(snip)

I see that I got to demonstrate the fundamentals of reality.
Everything in a quantum world is based on: Stimuli - Belief - Response.
With the subtext that all data is cooked to support the belief we choose to believe. 

I chose to remember a story told around a Beltane fire in such a way that it supported the belief I had regarding Eric's expression of his beliefs and responses to the stimuli of SS and Allan.

Hafiz writes: 

I can
See angels
Sitting on your ears,

Polishing trumpets,
Replacing lute strings,
Stretching new skins on the drums
And gathering wood for the evening's fire.

They all danced last night
But you did not
Hear them.

If you ask Hafiz for advice
On how to befriend their sweet voices
And how to have the nourishing 
Company of the finer 

I would reply, 

"I could not say anything
You could not
Tell me."

What was the use of this story?

I just felt like Talking.


In Love & Light

Strange Journey

2003-03-20 Thread Roger Pye
21 March 2003
Last weekend I stood on a hillside, part of a mountain which erupted 
from the earth perhaps during the last Iceage, perhaps millions of years 
earlier, certainly the rocks of that region have been estimated at being 
400 million years old. The slope itself, its thin skin of soil hiding 
the red basalt 'pipe' within through which flow the nutrients and energy 
that support trees covering most of the hill, is a legacy of that 
volcanic period when fire and lava spewed forth from the earth.

On the face of it the hillside was serene. Morning mists following a 
night which had begun with a thunderstorm raging in the north, much of 
its violent noise shielded by the ridge across the valley, continued 
with rain and wind storms, ended in peace with the sunrise and the cool 
air rolling upwards. My body's 'antennae' and my experiences during the 
two nights I had slept in the cabin on the hillside told a different 
story, one of the twisting and writhings of rocks tortured and torn 
asunder by immense heat and pressure, so much so that the energies 
generated those ages ago were still flowing beneath my feet. And beneath 
the cabin.

From a direction a little to the west of north, from a far, far 
distance, an underground energy beam about three metres (ten feet) wide 
and comprising five equally separated energy flows, passes 'over' the 
ridge, down the opposite hillside, across the valley, up the slope on 
which I stood, continuing on for . .  ever? The existence of the 
energies is obviously noticeable only by the occasional twisted tree 
along their route - and by any clairsentient visitor whose bed in the 
cabin lies over the beam. As mine did.

The first night it was very quiet, I was hot even though the night was 
cool, all atremble and barely slept at all, what sleep I did manage was 
punctuated by the wierdest dreams. My reason for being there was to 
attend a dowsing workshop held during the intervening day and the energy 
beam (which I already suspected) was detected during one session. So 
this night just past I had taken precautions by borrowing two 
'cheops-style' pyramids from my host, placing them on the downslope 
cabin verandah at the edges of the beam, and visualising a bar of white 
light joining them.

It was about 10.30 pm when I went to bed. I was very tired from the 
workshop and the 'energetic' night preceding it, also apprehensive about 
what might happen during the night. If anything. It did, and it didn't.

The night before my body had become overly warm and begun vibrating 
within a quarter of an hour, and I had twisted and turned both in and 
out of sleep all night. None of this happened. Instead after a short 
while there was noise, a continuous undulating hum as of traffic on a 
nearby freeway or a swarm of bees leaving the hive. The nearest highway 
is many kilometres distant, there are no bees, the noise stopped when I 
got up to go to the toilet and re-commenced when I was back in bed.

There was plenty of time to think about it all, however. In my 
estimation at least 12 hours passed by sunrise (about 6.00 am), half of 
them in refreshing dreamless sleep, the remainder awake - but most 
elsewhere than the cabin; a cave and a different, much earlier, me.

So. The energies were still there as they had been for years beyond the 
counting but the conjoined pyramids had elevated their frequency to an 
audible level that wasn't bothersome to me. As well, I had learned 
things and travelled (not far, but that is another story).


Earth Healing, Energy & Water Dowsing, Reiki Practitioner
May I have given you seeds that you can turn into roots
that will bear fruit in the future. (Rudolf Steiner)

Re: Austr. Workshop/ Was there a higher purpose?

2003-03-20 Thread Lloyd Charles

 Hugh wrote>
> Right now Im faced with a conumdrum. At Albury folks were presented with a
> procedure in its full-blown oiperation using both card instruments and
> instruments. They saw the treatments get set up and turned on and maybe
> they saw when they were turned off
> That's the shape those who attended Aulbury and the other workshops are
> presently in. They saw the operation, but now they need a couple of days
> real hands on with coaching to be able to go home and do this work. And
> there's several stages where they need coaching.
> Probably the dowsing is
> the most critical as almost anyone can turn a dial and select a card or
> remedy. The dowsing, of course, will take time to build up confidence and
> accuracy. But a lot of them need to get some real hands-on practice with a
> coach first.
> That's the need--to give some real hands-on coaching, practical stuff
> everyone brings an instrument and we pair off and practice. I'll see what
> can do about coming up with a set of exercises. Lorraine Cahill, who works
> with me here at UAI, would be good at this. It doesn't matter too much
> kind of instrument, we can work with it.

Dear Hugh
   Maybe we could get some local groups going with this. If
Lorraine could work up a set of excercises so we're all going in the same
direction, we should be able to yard up some coaches to take groups of say
twenty and just work on the dowsing side - its mainly a practice and
confidence thing - questioning technique is a problem for a lot of people
too. I feel confident enough with my pendulum to take a group and I'm sure
we could find others to do so in the other regions but I think this needs
some direction.
When you come out in July/August how much time will you have available for
possibly running smaller regional workshops?
Lloyd Charles

Horn Clay

2003-03-20 Thread Richard Kalin
After much calling around, I finally located a source for bentonite - a
local well driller supply house - so we are about to make some horn clay for
the farm. Greg Willis' instructions (below) don't say if the clay should be
wet or dry when filling the cow horns. Bentonite expands considerably with
water, so if wet, how wet? Also, I've heard about using clay plugs when
making 500. Is that a good thing to use bentonite for as well?


From: Greg Willis
Subj: Horn Clay
Date: Sun, 21 Jun 1998 21:54:52 -0500

For all you inveterate BD Trekkers, here is a bold new world to enter.
I spoke with Hugh Courtney about horn clay and his observation was that
clay makes the field seem "smoother".  I have been doing it for two
years now and find that, intuitively speaking, the 500-501-clay sequence
seems to complete the process, it rounds it out, brings it to its
fullness.  (Does anyone out there speak "intuitive"?)

I wish I had some extra to pass around but I do not.  You will have to
make it yourselves for now.  Ask JPI to make some.  Or make some with a
local BD organization.

These are the instructions we give our clients.

Greg Willis

#509  Horn Clay

Technical Data

 We make four kinds of horn clay.  We use bentonite clay because it is
available and already ground to a powder.  We pack it in the horns
exactly the same as horn silica.  We call it #509.

 We spray a Spring to Fall horn clay that is applied in the Spring; a
Fall to Spring clay that is applied in the Fall; a Spring to Spring clay
(one year in the ground) for new Spring applications; and a Fall to Fall
horn clay for new Fall applications.  These latter two would be for new
fields and fields in a state of severe neglect.   Thereafter use the six
month clay started at the same time as the spray application.  The year
is divided into Spring and Fall by the summer  and winter solstices.

 Mix a rounded 1/2 teaspoon per acre in rain water or solarized water
and stir for 60 minutes, then apply.  For soils deficient in clay, we
use a rounded full teaspoon per acre.You will find that a double
application will be far more effective than one double strength

 Horn clay will stay active for a minimum of 3 hours and has a residual
effect of about six months, so it is well to apply it twice a year.


 Horn clay is very important to the success of the application of the
preparations.  Without the horn clay, it is simply not possible for the
biodynamic system of preparations to reach its fullest potential.  The
misuse or lack of use of horn clay over the years since the original
lectures has had a very limiting effect on the progress of biodynamics.
Clay works to connect the concepts in the human mind just as it works to
connect the effects of silica and clay.  Those who do not use it do not
benefit from the complete understanding of the what the Universe has to
offer.  So the lack of use of clay, or horn clay, has a limiting effect
on the benefits and the understanding of the basic system.

 Clay plays the part of the mediator, in a sense, like water.  It acts
to connect the various disparate elements of Nature into a coherent
whole.  Without the action and activity of clay to hold it together, it
is not possible for the various elements to carry out their respective

 How does this come about?  Let us look at clay more closely.  You will
notice that it has a very strong positive and negative bonding
properties.  These properties are representative of the nature of clay.
It holds together or bonds the various elements so that they can work
together.  It is, in a very real sense, the glue that binds the soil
together.  Without this glue, it is not possible for soil to gain the
kind of structure, both physical and etheric, necessary for a plant to
properly exist.  This structure, emblematic of the structure of the
Universe, is what holds soils together.  So we see that the nature of
clay is that is binds and connects, both at once.  These physical
realities or observations work exactly in the same manner in the astral
and etheric worlds.  All work together.

 Why is it important to make horn clay?  This too is very much like the
other remedies.  It is important to at once conserve and utilize the
homeopathic properties of the clay.  Bentonite clay is more than
adequate to do the job.  Other local clays work very well too.

 The horn clay works homeopathically as do the others.  By placing the
clay in the soil as you would horn silica, you are greatly increasing
its power to radiate its spiritual properties over large areas.  So it
is at once more efficient and more beneficial for all the same reasons
the silica and cow manure are placed in the horn first.

 The presence of horn clay in a field will bring together or bind the
various disparate elements that you are applying.  This is the genius of
God.  By further preparing th

Re: Help

2003-03-20 Thread Rambler Flowers LTD

- Original Message -
From: "Hugh Lovel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> chief keys to how horn clay operates. And thanks, Tony, for making such
> wonderful horn clay. What have been your experiences in using it?
 Hi Hugh sorry for the delay . It has been a very busy week as well as my
wife has been going through a homeopathic detox and it has made her very
sick with the flu.
Your post has reminded me that we  reburied some horn clay  and I have never
lifted it , will check in the next day or two and report back.
Yes I have been using  horn clay ever since and my crops have been getting
Back soon Tony R

Re: Austr. Workshop/ Was there a higher purpose?

2003-03-20 Thread Hugh Lovel
>Dear Hugh
>You may have guessed there was more intended in my last post - I hit send
>instead of save - at any rate most of what I meant to say seems to have come
>across. Thanks for your thoughts. I have strong opinions on the way the high
>country is being, and should be managed, (mismanaged). I've spent a lot of
>time up there since I was a kid and my family has close connections with
>people that lived and worked there way back before it was turned into an
>incendiary device (national park). Educated people would not agree with me
>but they dont know the land over a long period and most of them have motives
>that relate more to politics than anything else.
>Lloyd Charles

Dear Lloyd,

It is normal, or usual, for educated people to have vastly erroneous ideas
about practical matters with which they have little experience. Yet, they
THINK they know so much.

I guess I can say this as a person of extensive education who has no
degrees whatever and has learned a great deal of what I know from actual
experience. And yet I too fall into the common trap from time to time,
thinking I know something when I'm way off the beam.

Truth is, though, that had I pursued degree programs to get the kind of
education I have, I would have had to spend so much time in classrooms and
labs that I wouldn't have had much time for such experiences as building
highway bridges, cooking on oil rigs, driving trucks, playing chess in the
ghetto, working in a fish market, publishing newspapers or any of the other
rich life experiences I've had that bring it all home and make it real. It
seems like in school you only learn about things, while in life in general
you have the opportunity to really learn things.

As the anthroposophical joke goes, the end of the world was done and all of
humanity was walking on the road of destiny to its celestial goal.. Lo,
they came to a fork in the road. On the one hand the sign  said HEAVEN, and
on the other it said LECTURE ABOUT HEAVEN. The better part of humanity took
off up the road to heaven, while the anthroposophists firmed their resolve
and went up the other road to hear about heaven.

Right now Im faced with a conumdrum. At Albury folks were presented with a
procedure in its full-blown oiperation using both card instruments and dial
instruments. They saw the treatments get set up and turned on and maybe
they saw when they were turned off. It was like getting a bunch of lawn
maintenance workers from the city and taking them through a milking parlor,
maybe a double four herringbone with recessed floor. The feeders are
automatic so they never even see them. The compressors are going, the cows
are washed and milkers attached and the milk flows down the pipeline to the
bulk tank. The observer gets some idea of how it all works, but you turn it
over to them to do the next milking and they are utterly lost. They don't
know to wash up the pipeline while they are getting the cows in the lot.
They don't know how to switch over the pipes from the washer to the bulk
tank and to put the filter sock on the insert in the pipeline. They don't
know the first things about teat management, how to strip, what's going on
with the feeding, when a cow is in heat, how to tell a cow's identity from
glancing at her bag, the whole schmear. What each would need so you could
turn your back on them and let them do the job is a couple day's coaching.

That's the shape those who attended Aulbury and the other workshops are
presently in. They saw the operation, but now they need a couple of days
real hands on with coaching to be able to go home and do this work. And
there's several stages where they need coaching. Probably the dowsing is
the most critical as almost anyone can turn a dial and select a card or
remedy. The dowsing, of course, will take time to build up confidence and
accuracy. But a lot of them need to get some real hands-on practice with a
coach first.

That's the need--to give some real hands-on coaching, practical stuff where
everyone brings an instrument and we pair off and practice. I'll see what I
can do about coming up with a set of exercises. Lorraine Cahill, who works
with me here at UAI, would be good at this. It doesn't matter too much what
kind of instrument, we can work with it.

Well, I must go for now. Had to interrupt my day to make a farmer up in
Illinois a weed reagent. I carbonized his giant ragweed seed in a cast iron
skillet and made a card from it. I've taken a strip of plastic and cut a
slit in it where I can make the marks. I place it at the center of the card
form, pinned to a board with a push pin and rotate and dowse for the sector
marks. Giant ragweed came up with 6 sector marks. Then I made his reagent
on a vial of placebo tablets with a little 8o proof organic vodka with the
prue machine. Now I'm sending it out.

I seldom make reagents like this. I leave it up to Lorraine, but she is
attending a class in Pennsylvania this week and this farmer couldn't wait.

See ya!


Re: Austr. Workshop/ Was there a higher purpose?

2003-03-20 Thread James Hedley
Dear Lloyd,
A most insightful post as usual. The dust arrived here today, complete with
fog. The sky was a most unusual colour with visibility probably down to
about 200 yards.
The problem with the rain around Albury is the geopathic stress line that I
mentioned in an earlier posting and the intense electromagnetic fields which
emanate from a large area going back into the Snowy Mountains Hydro electric
scheme and the effects of the power transmission cables. These intense
electromagnetic fields are  poisoning the Orgone  in the whole south eastern
area of NSW and  from power generation and transmission through NE Victoria.
Areas which have rivers running through comparatively flat country, or land
that has subterranean water has a problem with earth radiations caused by
geopathic stress. Most scholars of telluric and cosmic fields classify these
harmful radiations into two groups; surface and deep seated.These radiations
are propagated over land surfaces having good conductivity, a certain
percentage of damp and a mineralogical composition facilitating the passage
of positive electrical ions.
By origin these radiations are either cosmic or earthly. The Chinese refer
to them as either yin or yang. These two energies together are the basis of
all vital phenomena including rainfall. Excess of one or the other brings
about troubles, deficiencies, illness and death. It is this excess of
positive ions which cause problems in SE NSW with rainfall and I suspect

A polish forester Jerzy Mazurckzac proved conclusively the correlation
between these earth radiations and health. The experiment was quite simple.
An area was tested with a geomagnetometer to define the areas of geopathic
stress. dishes of a supersaturated salt solution were placed along the
stress lines and also some were placed in the neutral areas. the solutions
were allowed to dry and the crystals were then tested.  Salt crystals from
the geopathic stress area were grey and had a distinct distorted pattern.
the crystals were then tested with a photon emission testing instrument. The
solution which had been exposed to the positive ions from the geopathic
stress areas had five times the photon emissions  compared to those from the
neutral areas.
It is easy to see how cells in the body, being  mineral salts and water are
effected by these positive ions.
>From tuning in to the devas in that area they inform me that in their words
"the whole area is dead, there is no vitality, or life force as you would
call it. The nature spirits do not find much there to support them. The
position of the town is in an area that should never been built upon. The
seepage  from the river through the surrounding soils causes a massive
change in polarity, instead of being  negative polarity it is positive
it is the effects of the admixture of positive charge and electromagnetic
fields which is causing the problem there. The air is ionised with positive
ions. The fires in the mountain areas have also not helped. The long term
prognosis for the area is not good unless there is some major reworking of
the energy structure of the area. It would require earth acupuncture on a
scale as large as some of the major projects that have been undertaken in
the past." There is more to this but I think that this enough to give the
general drift. the problems of earth radiations have been with man since the
dawn of time and have inspired building of pyramids to maintain the
fertility of the Nile, to the era of building cathedrals along ley lines as
major projects to reverse problems deriving from earth radiations.

Taking as a starting point that this information could be correct, the
question then becomes how do we overcome such a potentially wide scale
destructive outcome for what some people regard as some of the best farming
country in Australia. It is not going to get better if we just stick our
heads in the sand and hope that it will go away. It is easy to say that man
should not be in the area, however I do not see that as being an option.
The problem can only be solved on a farm by farm basis. It will require
minor costs to change polarity of soils to counteract the saltwater beneath
which has changed the soil polarity over millions of hectares.
This could be done by the use of small coils, such as a Moody coil or
variants upon them such as Lakhovsky coils. It could even be done with the
radionic kites that Gil Robertson refers to often. The secret is going to be
to find methods of broadcasting the energy of sea water. Initial testing of
this hypothesis has indicated that radionic broadcast of sea water is able
to counteract the effects of positive ionisation.
Highly paramagnetic rock dust in 200 ml bottles can prove to be effective
diverting geopathic stress inside a house.
If there are any farmers from that area who would like to increase the
fertility of their soils by using techniques that have been developed to
over come this positive polarisation, if you conta

Re: Austr. Workshop/ Was there a higher purpose?

2003-03-20 Thread Lloyd Charles
Dear Hugh
You may have guessed there was more intended in my last post - I hit send
instead of save - at any rate most of what I meant to say seems to have come
across. Thanks for your thoughts. I have strong opinions on the way the high
country is being, and should be managed, (mismanaged). I've spent a lot of
time up there since I was a kid and my family has close connections with
people that lived and worked there way back before it was turned into an
incendiary device (national park). Educated people would not agree with me
but they dont know the land over a long period and most of them have motives
that relate more to politics than anything else.
Lloyd Charles

Re: Monsanto's Wheat

2003-03-20 Thread Prkrjake

"Our God is the God of all men; the God of heaven and earth, of the seas 
and the rivers. The God of the sun, the moon and all stars. The God of 
the high mountains and of the lowly valleys. The
God who is above heaven and in heaven and under heaven. He hath a 
habitation in the heaven and in the earth and the sea and all that are 
therein. He inspireth all things. He quickeneth all things. He is over 
all things. He sustaineth all things. He giveth light to the sun. He 
hath made springs in the dry ground; and dry islands in the sea. And 
hath appointed the stars to serve the greater Light. He hath a Son, 
co-equal and co-eternal with Himself. The Son is not younger than the 
Father; nor is the Father older than the Son. And the Holy Ghost 
breathes in them. The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost are not divided."

Re: Austr. Workshop/ Was there a higher purpose?

2003-03-20 Thread Hugh Lovel
Dear Lloyd,

You raise some good points. So it was extremely lucky that the burned areas
did not receive any downpours, eh?

It seems that may written intention, used with ALL treatments by both Peter
and myself, was this:

If it be Thy will, let the powers of nature converge to bring in beneficial
energies and to transform any detrimental energies into beneficial ones
within the boundaries as marked for now and in the future for as long as is
appropriate. Amen.

This is pretty standard and it covers a multitude of possibilities to sin
that might otherwise lead to grief. If it kept the mountains around Albury
from getting deluged, so be it. In order to get those gentle rains you
speak of you can write another intent card to go with that one that asks
for " gentle falls of rain to germinate some ground cover and stabilise the
soil before any major rainfall rips it to shreds."

And you're right that it is customary to use some version of "For the
benefit of all and the detriment of none." I left it off for brevity and
because I interpret the b it about beneficial energies and transforming
detrimental energies as covering that base.

But you bring up something that is of overarching importance. Using
radionics requires a purity of heartfelt intention, and an open-handed
blessing of all, that sets the stage for getting results. To do it for
narrow, selfish ends to ANYone's detriment is disempowering and usually it
won't work.

This is not to say you couldn't snip out GW's picture and treat him on
necrosis in the heart muscle and lace the treatment with a slug of
strychnine. You certainly could. But what actual good would it do? If you
knew his real significance, "The Man Who Polarized the World into Peace by
Trying To Rule It" you would applaud his performance as a class act, no
matter the degree to which he is identified with what he is doing and has
no external view on himself.. If you tried such a thing, who would most
likely visit the mortician's slab would be you. Pure backfire, and not
rare, either. In fact, by doing what he is doing with such arrogant
self-assurance, he is waking up the very people he caught up in
unconscious, knee-jerk reaction with 9 11


>Dear Hugh,
>Tobias is correct about the rain around Albury, we had good rain at our farm
>(almost five inches) and there has been from two inches up to ten or so as
>you travel north from us into SE queensland, most of the eastern side of the
>wheat belt and into the tablelands had useful to good falls and most of the
>coastal strip from Victorian border to well up into queensland. The inland
>areas - western NSW and Queensland missed out and that is a large area of
>country - we had a not so subtle reminder of it yesterday - 40+ mph NW winds
>carrying red dust all day when the wind eased and turned south west last
>night we got visibility reduced to about 80 yards and quite a bit of
>The rain petered out as you got closer to Albury - most farmers around there
>are probably not all that happy. However there are a few things to consider.
>1. There is several million acres of the alpine country and surrounding
>forest areas burnt to a cinder - mostly in an arc around the east and south
>east of Albury, probably the most damaging wild fires we have had since
>white settlement.
>2. much of this damage is within the catchment of the hume dam and a lot of
>the rest is catchment for the snowy mountains hydro scheme
>3. If the Albury area and east into the mountains had recieved the same
>amount and like manner of rain that we got on our farm, it would have been a
>disaster of mammoth proportions , the Hume dam would now be half full of
>ash, mud and the remains of dead things, damage to infrastructure in the
>high country would be a huge mess - what that country most desperately needs
>is several light gentle falls of rain to germinate some ground cover and
>stabilise the soil before any major rainfall rips it to shreds.
>4. When we do these radionic treatments we ask ''for the good of all and to
>the detriment of no one'' or something of similar meaning - do we interpret
>this as ''for the greater good''

Visit our website at: www.unionag.org

Re: Help

2003-03-20 Thread Hugh Lovel
Dear Michael Roboz,

Why would I use homeopathic horn clay followed by an evening yarrow (502)
homeopathic soil spray and the next morning a foliar valerian (507) spray
to control spider mites in tea plants?

Here is part of the explanation from another post. It explains why the horn
clay but does not make the 502-507 tandem spray clear so read on with a
little patience.


Upon seeing aphids I would tend to think the sap is weak and watery. If you
tasted this sap (as good a test, if not better, as a refractometer) it
would be bland rather than rich and catch-at-your-throat. To some extent
501 WILL help, as it influences the strength with which the silica force
comes up from within the earth , and that is what carries the lime and
other strong minerals upward along with the nitrogen, which is what makes
the plant lush.

But the real key is the clay, which is the mediator between silica and lime
and is what needs stimulating if the silica force is to carry lime up into
the sap of the plant and to the growing tip. Thus the sure-fire remedy--I
suspect almost every time--for aphids is horn clay. Apply it along with
applications of horn manure and horn silica and you not only won't see any
imbalances between lime and silica and your basil won't rush too bloody
quickly to bloom, but you won't see any aphids.

Tony Robinson (Rambler Flowers) will probably remember digging up his horn
clay when I gave a workshop at his place in August of 2000. It was one of
the best examples of fungal (mycorrhyzal) development I've seen in horn
clay. But, of course, I haven't seen as much horn clay as all that because
it isn't so widely made as yet, having not been specifically recommended in
the Agriculture Course. Nonetheless, I have slides of Tony's horn clay and
you can see the rich fungal development. This is what you want on your
plant roots. Mycorrhyzal colonization of plant roots can increase the
mineral uptake of a plant by a factor of 10 or more.

Clay mediates between silica and lime all right. It's the bridge that get
the lime, phosphorus, potash, etc. into the plant.

Here's a "Steiner said." On pages 32 and 33 of the Agriculture Course,
Creeger/Gardener translation, Steiner is talking about the mineral forces
and their tendency to crystalize and to become free from the Earth's
influence and come under the influence of the "distant cosmic forces that
are within the earth." He goes on to say, "Let me remark here that if we
are dealing with a soil that does not carry these influences upward during
the winter as it should, it is good to furnish the soil with some clay, the
dosage of which I will indicate later. With the clay, we prepare the soil
to conduct the crystalline force upward, for the plant growth above the
Earth's surface."

Horn clay will also cure spider mites, grasshoppers, and quite a few other
insect infestations. I remember one Florida nursery under shadecloth where
in the less lush area Pitosporum had absolutely no spider mites while the
lusher areas were infested.There are a couple of species of predatory mites
that eat spider mites, and I was using a small Radio Shack microscope
watching this process. The predator mites were racing around the leaf,
pinching the sloth-like, sucking spider mites as though they were Hansel's
witch checking to see if he was ready to roast yet. In the area with the
weaker sap they kept racing around, checking but not eating. In the
stronger sap areas there simply weren't any spider mites. The predators had
them completely in check. Taste a leaf in the weaker sap area? Mild and the
juice could be swallowed pleasantly enough. Taste a leaf from the stronger
sap part? Whew, the caustic limeness of it warned you not to swallow. The
remedy for the area where the plants were too lush and the nitrogen uptake
was well ahead of the lime was horn clay.

Incidentally, in making horn clay, when you take it out of the horn, DON'T
scrape off the fungi and dispose of this before drying and grinding the
clay, unless you are trying to collect a little concentrate horn clay
fungi. That fungi is what you want, in aces and spades. It is one of the
chief keys to how horn clay operates. And thanks, Tony, for making such
wonderful horn clay. What have been your experiences in using it?

Best wishes,
Hugh Lovel

Okay. Why the 504 along with the horn clay? Simply that 504 is a
circulatory remedy that carries the magnesium up to the leaf to play its
role in the chloroplasts as the central ion in chlorophyll. This helps to
round out the picture with the horn clay and the uptake of calcium.

But there is even more to this picture. Yarrow is known to be one of the
plants to first colonize new soils, as with the slopes of Mt. Hood, Mt. St.
Helens, etc. It works with the watery element especially well, and
mycorrhyzae have a special affinity for it. It loves both the very fluid
potash that is key to good stem formation, and the firery sulfur that draws
the spiritual hydrogen, etc. into biological ac

RE: Help

2003-03-20 Thread A.M.Dharmapalan
Dear Michael,
Many thanks for your support.
We have had some torrential rains over the last week and hopefully, the mites will be 
washed away
for this season, but we must be ready with a plan for next years attack.
We have made a brew and some peppers and sprayed it. Will revert with the results.
Warm Regards

-Original Message-
Behalf Of mroboz
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2003 12:28 PM
Subject: Re: Help

Dear Hugh,

  Could you provide an explanation as to your thought processes for Anil's
mite problem.  Perhaps now you are caught up and more energiized.  Much
appreciated, Michael

- Original Message -
From: "Hugh Lovel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 10:19 PM
Subject: Re: Help

> Anif Dear,
> For this I would use homeopathically potentized biodynamic horn clay plus
> stinging nettle sprayed or treated radionically in the afternoon. Then an
> evening treatment of homeopathic biodynamic yarrow remedy (502) followed
> the next morning with homeopathic biodynamic valerian remedy (507). The
> treatment might need to be repeated a few times.
> I could explain why but it would take some time and here it is very late
> night. What are your access to biodynamic remedies and what would be your
> means of applying them?
> Best wishes,
> Hugh Lovel,
> Georgia, USA
> >Dear Friends,
> >I will be very grateful,  if anyone , can give me some information or
> >suggestions on how to control
> >Mites in Organic Tea, especially Red Spider Mite ( Oligonycus coffea )
> >I work on a Organic Tea Plantation in South India, where we have also
> >started started to appreciate
> >the principles of BD farming and thus, very much in its infancy !!
> >Thanking you,
> >With Kind Regards
> >Anil Dharmapalan
> >