Dornachian reactions?

2003-06-18 Thread Arjen Huese

It is really interesting stuff that people are working with here, 
especially the cosmic pipes, homeopathic peppering and use radionic 
instruments and cards. According to the feedback on this list, it seems 
like these things work as good, or even better, than the original thing. At 
the same time we struggle in Europe with legislation that prohibits the 
making of the preparations, but the official point of view (regarding the 
ban on burying animal material) from the Goetheanum is (quote Manfred 
Klett) '... in the meantime we have to feel free to act illegally...'
We only need one malignent journalist to broadcast these 'illegal' 
practices into public and along with some juicy allegations we can throw 
away our dear Demeter symbol.
I would be interested to know the different points of view of the 
respective BDAA's in USA, OZ and NZ, as apparently there is a much more 
free approach to the use of the preps. Any contact with Dornach? Has Hugh 
already delivered a lecture at the Landbautagung?

Arjen Huese

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Re: prep making illegal in the EU

2003-06-09 Thread Arjen Huese
It is true about the making of the preparations being illegal here in 
Europe at the moment. The problem is in the burying of the organs; after 
all the animal diseases that we have had the last years (BSE, foot and 
mouth, chicken disease now in Holland, etc) legislation has become very 
strict on what you can and can't do with animal organs.

So we either have to make them illegally, or ? There have been some 
experiments in Holland by a creative BDfarmer who made the preparations 
without the organs, by putting the herbs at a certain place in a replica 
Cheops pyramide. Apparantly there are different levels in the pyramide, 
that correspond with ...?

I would love to hear from other people if they have any alternative ways of 
manufacturing the preparations. What are these Rae cards that Loyd was 
writing about last week? Apparantly there has been a lot of creativity in 
applying them (broadcasters, BDmax ready-sprays, orgon accumulators), but 
how about making them? Does everybody here follow the basic recipe?

Arjen Huese

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Re: prep making illegal in the EU

2003-06-09 Thread Arjen Huese
At 08:11 10/06/2003 +1200, you wrote:
While it may be illegal to make and apply BD preps in the EU it could be
possible to use Homeopathic preps made from preps from outside the EU. Or to
make them in Europe now from existing preps.
My experience in the USA is that preps I took there from NZ - and going thru
several X ray machines -worked very well there.
 These preps you took to USA were they homeopathic preps? --- is it 
homoepathic preps that you are using in your Etherics 1000 sprays? And by 
dynamising them already when you make them into a homeopathic prep, you 
don't need to stir them for 1 hour any more? --- That would make sense 
wouldn't it?

I am working my way through your Biodynamics Decoded and I am impressed I 
must say. It seems some pieces of the puzzle that were already moving 
through my hands are finding their places now. Thanks!

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Re: Introduction

2003-05-31 Thread Arjen Huese
At 06:20 30/05/2003 -0400, you wrote:

In a message dated 5/29/03 10:15:58 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hey, what do you use to accumulate orgone for a field or farm?
The farmer is the best orgone accumulator, next a chembuster device as
discussed a few months ago, see yer archives...sstorch
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Would love to see the current archives, because I have no clue what a 
chembuster is... But I seem to need a password to get into there. Any idea?


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Re: Introduction

2003-05-31 Thread Arjen Huese

Hey, what do you use to accumulate orgone for a field or farm?
One way that I have been using is with the help of a map. A map as a 
picture of my farm can be used to find energy spots, low energy places. 
Because of the correspondence between the map and the actual shape of my 
farm, there is a resonance. What I do to the map (after concentrating and 
aiming my intentions) has an effect on my farm. I have been using a small 
orgon-accumulator (plastic pipe with rolled alufoil+wrapping foil, centre 
is a knitting pen) to aim orgon energy for a certain limited amount of time 
to my fields. I guess it is in miniature what others do with a cosmic pipe? 
-- I have no experience with the cosmic pipe thus far. Reiki is a nice way 
too by the way.

Part of the process is first to get in touch with the 'organizing 
principle' of the farm and find out what is needed: energy levels might be 
high enough and a certain form of information might be required, or the 
other way around. Because this 'contact with the organizing principle of 
the farm' (or deva, or farm organism or whatever you wish to call it) is 
quite an subjective thing, I would like to have more ways of getting 
information about the energetic state of my farm. Feeling energies with my 
hands personally for me is a stronger experience, and more relieble, 
because it is so 'real', a real feeling in my hands. A big difference for 
exemple between a bucket of water with preps unstirred, compared to the 
radiation/current after one hour stirring...


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2003-05-30 Thread Arjen Huese
Hello everybody,

I joined the BDNow list recently and I would like to take the opportunity 
to introduce myself. My name is Arjen Huese and I work as biodynamic 
vegetable grower at Emerson College in the UK ( We have 
got a three year biodynamics training here, where I teach vegetable growing 
and some soil subjects.

I used to have my own biodynamic market garden in Holland before I came to 
England, 2.5 ha on a lovely black sandy soil. I worked with the spray 
preparations, but also with other 'energetic' methods including meditation, 
dowsing, feeling of the earth/crop radiation, colours and Bach flower 

I did a course with a man called Hans Andeweg, who has quite stirred up the 
Dutch biodynamic movement, by teaching many farmers and growers how they 
can feel the radiation of the soil/crops as well as using a pendulum to 
determine certain parameters like Bovis value and Orgone. He uses these 
parameters to establish if a field/crop/farm organism is healthy or might 
need a certain input. If needed you can administer a certain energy (with 
an Orgone accumulator) or information (using flower remedies, etc).

He got me quite excited about this, and I practised it for some years until 
I had to quit my farm. Now I am teaching at Emerson, and working my way 
through the Agriculture Course with a group of students and at a certain 
point I gave them the assignment to explain how the spray prepararions 
really work, what background is there behind them. Mistake! I realised I 
didn't have a clue myself... The usual explanation of horn-manure = 
calcium-force and horn-silica = silica-force seemed a bit too easy and 
seemed to be contradicted by Steiner in other chapters of the AgC (espec. 
ch.6). I studied further and encountered the four ethers, which were 
somehow mentioned during my training at Warmonderhof in Holland, but nobody 
ever explained them thoroughly or seemed/seems even to know a lot about it.

A book by Guenther Wachsmuth (' The Etheric Formative Forces in Cosmos, 
Earth and Man', 1932) that I dug out from the Emerson Library proved very 
informative, I would really recommend it to anybody interested in basic 
understanding of the four ethers and the role they play in plant growth and 
the way they move during the seasons. The latter might give some reasoning 
behind the advice from Steiner to hang up or dig down preparations in 
certain times of year.

This is where I am standing at the moment, still studying the ethers, still 
getting more practiced in feeling energies (particularly the quality, 
rather than the quantity, of energies) and after what I have been reading 
now in the BDNow list about peppering, perhaps do some experiments with 
slug peppers (the main problem in my 2ha garden here at Emerson). My 
students urge me to do some experiments with peppers almost every week, so 
let's give it a try, even without the right constellation perhaps ;)

Kind regards,

Arjen Huese

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