Re: Monsanto's Wheat

2003-03-20 Thread Prkrjake

"Our God is the God of all men; the God of heaven and earth, of the seas 
and the rivers. The God of the sun, the moon and all stars. The God of 
the high mountains and of the lowly valleys. The
God who is above heaven and in heaven and under heaven. He hath a 
habitation in the heaven and in the earth and the sea and all that are 
therein. He inspireth all things. He quickeneth all things. He is over 
all things. He sustaineth all things. He giveth light to the sun. He 
hath made springs in the dry ground; and dry islands in the sea. And 
hath appointed the stars to serve the greater Light. He hath a Son, 
co-equal and co-eternal with Himself. The Son is not younger than the 
Father; nor is the Father older than the Son. And the Holy Ghost 
breathes in them. The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost are not divided."

Re: Monsanto's Wheat

2003-03-19 Thread Prkrjake
Would you be willing to elaborate on the Celtic Prince reference please..

I think poetry and story will also guide us through some of this illusion..


Re: GlobalNews Posts/etc

2003-02-04 Thread Prkrjake
Dear Everyone:
I am not a farmer in practice yet, but a gardener, and in my heart a farmer.
I am a student of Rudolf Steiners mass works. I am also a mother, and a resident between Heaven and Earth.
I appreciate the content from ALL of the postings.

It is my understanding from my recent new study of RS - Agriculture that y'all are the Priests of the Future, of which I am sensing that the future RS was referring to is NOW!!! 
All the attention you put into figuring out how to nurture and care for this divine being is of benefit to all earth's and heavens inhabitants. Please do not stop posting Jane Sherry, it is RELEVANT for the whole picture and you guys/gals are the Knights of the Table Round. Now, help us out, do not censor anything or anyone, listen with your heart perceptivity. Please? okay guys and gals? We each have a specific task to fulfill to sort it out for the whole, at least that is my understanding of karma and destiny.
We must, I believe, take into consideration the effect of this war mongering on our Dear Sophia/Earth.
How can we just think of only the few acres we each farm or the small city plot I currently reside on, and not know that all that is happening is impacting each and every one of us forever? By us I mean all the Earth and Sky and waters and Air...

Peace and Love and Tolerance,

Re: BD Brain Teasers

2003-02-02 Thread Prkrjake
how does one contact Joe Stevens?

Re: to Jane Sherry

2003-01-28 Thread Prkrjake
Lately, I am tentatively noticing and striving to make distinctions regarding communication styles.
I think this could be ( but  not as literal as main stream definition mind you) a gender thing. No offense or defense intended fellas, because I am very straightforward in my style, and temprement read(masculine) ANd it would be worthy of noting what is ocurring in the cycle of the earth and how we need to be tender with ourselves and each other right now.
Jane,I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE what you provide here on the posts. I woudl feel a tremendous loss if you indeed leave now,.
Is it possible we are acting out of the macrocosmic paradigm right now on this micorsosmic scale?
Please we are brothers and sisters here, and I would urge and invite us to request of one another and ask of one another not point fingers or blame or sound condescending our communications with each and the other.
I also do not receive mainstream publications as I am not certain of their motives and as well as their stockholders agendas.

So Jane, you have been a gold mine for me these cold winter months. WOuld you be willing to re-consider?
Jane Parker

Re: csa names

2003-01-25 Thread Prkrjake
I listen to Pacifica Radio,
and I am a humanist.

Re: csa names

2003-01-25 Thread Prkrjake
Where is yoiur farm located?
I live in Takoma Park.
Jane Parker

Re: Kolisko; Agriculture of Tomorrow

2003-01-24 Thread Prkrjake
Dear Allan,
Yes, copy of Kolisko, thank you.
Jane Parker

Re: FW: [globalnews] Good Week for Peace Movement

2003-01-23 Thread Prkrjake
Dear Jane:
Thank you, I went to my first protest ever, this Saturday in Washington, DC
500,000 strong.
I went with my 16 year old daughter, my 10 and half year old nephew, 2 brothers-in-law and 494,000 other amazing peace supporting peoples.
We walked for 4 miles in the freezing cold, supposedly but it  was warm the whole time. My daughter and I sang "amazing grace" and the Simon and Garfunkel song, "Last night I had the Strangest dream..." And people joined in around us.
My nephew talked about Korea and economies. These kids are amazing.
And when I returned home, my youngest called from her best friends house and asked," how was the protest Mommy? Did it work?" and I was warmed by her innocence, and I said I did not know how the Administration would respond, and she said "oh then it was a waste of time, and I said NO nothing done in the service of good is EVER a waste of time."

Thank you for this Jane, I wasn't sure, and now I am weeping with relief and I have printed this out so my 12 year old can see it and know that good is at work too.
Jane Parker

Re: Certification Story

2003-01-23 Thread Prkrjake
Thank you dear dear babara and woody.
I am weeping with the depth with which you speak my truth beauty and good.
Bless you on this cold cold day.
Jane Parker

Re: Want video of Percy Schmeiser and the beast known as "Monsanto"

2002-12-17 Thread Prkrjake
Mr. Chris ould you scheck for me too. Thanks, Jane Parker

Re: Getting Worried

2002-12-07 Thread Prkrjake
when we defend a wrong action how are we then able to stand for a right one?
and why on earth is anyone taking sides?

Re: Three Kings Spray Attn Patricia Smith

2002-12-03 Thread Prkrjake
Barbara and Woody,
Thank you and bless you for this sumptuous gorgeous sharing regarding 3 kings.
This is my first year doing preps only since October, and I am itching for the 3 kings prep making as well as application.

I came home about 2 weeks ago, and noticed all this activity on the ground at the base of a 50 year old Magnolia tree in my front yard which had been sprayed 1-2 weeks previous and set up as a broadcaster, on the ground were starlings, all over the ground, and then I norticed activity in the tree, every branch was full of these beautiful gold speckled birds!! And a pair of Mourning doves flew to the ground as I sat awe-struck..simply awe-struck and deeply grateful...
I have lived in this house for 2 years and never had this occurred..
Thank you BD wisdom.

Yours, In Deep Profound Gratitude,
Jane Parker

Re: Brainstorming with Michael Moore was Re: FW: [globalnews] A Thanksgiving ...

2002-11-30 Thread Prkrjake
Dear Jane Sherry,
Greetings and thank you for sending this to BDNow.
Where did it originate from?
Jane Parker

Re: Droughts and rainmaking change to "Dreaming of Preps/Compost/Refractomet...

2002-11-29 Thread Prkrjake
Go for it.
You can do it all, one piece at a time. Joel Salatin has alot to say about all this in a recent article in ACRES USA.
Peace and courage and perserverence.
Jane Parker

Re: Mars in its current cycle

2002-11-26 Thread Prkrjake
Dear Jane Sherry,
AN astrosophist is this millenias (more or less)
Write me off list if you want more details.

Re: Mars in its current cycle

2002-11-25 Thread Prkrjake
 Jane SHerry,
Hi,  I asked Steve to post it because my computer was on the fritz at the time.
This is from a colleague and friend of mine, Mary Stewart Adams.  An Astrosophist, and she lives in Michigan.
Would you lik me to forward your email to her?
Jane Parker

Re: Fw: "Hidden Agendas"? was Re: [compost_tea] Re: Testing & NOP Decision {L...

2002-11-15 Thread Prkrjake
Love this idea, resume of sorts, as I am new to this I would like to join the family ..
Thanks -Jane Parker

Maybe you could suggest a little format to get things started?


2002-11-09 Thread Prkrjake

--- Begin Message ---


Who is behind this? 
Yes the firebrands, yes that includes you as well.. 

Why is it we can describe the bag we are in taste it smell it define it intricately but fail to see the remedy to get out of the damn bag? 

What as you see it, is missing??
Where does the current paradigm of economics show up in this fulfillment? Market forces I doubt will cure these ills.
How do you think it could look different? 

How familiar are you with Rudolf Steiners work regarding World Economy? 



--- End Message ---


2002-11-09 Thread Prkrjake

--- Begin Message ---
Okay I will forward this to list serve and you do the same with your response..
I was at the mid-atlantic conference, I am an Associative Economics student, among many other interests wihich are deeply tied to nutrition for all the Human Beings needs, not just bd food,
de deebil/fear is a good place to start..fear is a real presence, and redeemption is in the power of the Human idividuality, ("You will do as I have done and more" CHRIST) human as CREATOR)  Robert Sardellos book/work," Freeing the Soul from Fear"
--- End Message ---

Fwd: plan

2002-11-09 Thread Prkrjake
Hey Everyone I sent this personally to Will and now here it is for all..JP
--- Begin Message ---
I have alot to say to you regarding this post of Bowling for Columbine..
Who is behind this? This is a brillantly executed well thought out plan to dis-engage the human being from our origins and our future tasks..
Ahriman and his sacrifice to get us to WAKE-UP
Their are no victims so to speak, it is up to us..
Yes the firebrands, yes that includes you as well..
Why is it we can describe the bag we are in taste it smell it define it intricately but fail to see the remedy to get out of the damn bag?
What as you see it, is missing??
Where does the current paradigm of economics show up in this fulfillment? Market forces I doubt will cure these ills.
How do you think it could look different?
How familiar are you with Rudolf Steiners work regarding World Economy?
-Jane Parker

--- End Message ---

Re: Another reason to vote Green

2002-11-06 Thread Prkrjake
I just want you to know, I Love you.
I am so inspired by you staying in the game, and know that you are appreciated thousands of miles away here on the east coast of our great land.

Re: love & fear (was 9/11 conspiracy)

2002-11-03 Thread Prkrjake
Dear Ones,

Tis VITAL now in our times. As I said in my earlier post, "love is no longer given, it must be created now", this came directly from Robert Sardellos work. ( if you are interested in doing your own research, 2 books "Love and the World", and "Freeing the Soul from Fear" both profound works) he will have a book out soon on the 12 VIrtues.

I awoke this morning knowing that what we have all inhereted, in the times we live ours to heal, ie... to transubstantiate.
Christ said "You will do as I have done, and more.."
Christ is the "Prototype" for humanity.
In my own personal experience with Robert Sardellos work, I have a road map of how the human being does transusbstantiate these impulses of Lucifer and Ahriman, 
There are others working through these impulses in our times, all you "farmers/priests" in the words of Rudolf Steiner, for starters...

I invite us humans to work as Prototypes of CHRIST with Lucifer and Ahriman,, for those of you who know the statue Steiner sculpted out of wood, which is at the current Goetheanum,"The Representative of Man" 
Notice that (we)the Human Being are  the scales of balance for these Beings (Lucifer and AHriman) who have a made a tremendous sacrifice for all humanity to help us evolve for and with our home the Earth.

Yes Christ is already here. In the Etheric, in the clouds. And as Stephen Storch is sharing with us, and Hugh Lovel,  the farmer has nothing but tremendous opportunity to further all of humanity DAILY by your applications of the Preperations and Remedies, derived from Steiners indications for Agriculture.
This does heal the Etheric of the Earth, around the Earth and into the Cosmos.
GLen Atkinsons work regarding the Vortices, how galaxies are created, and humans are microcosmic reflections of these vortices we are here doing our own whirlygig with each other and those galaxies.

What are we creating?!!    

How about Love..

Jane Parker

Re: 9/11 conspiracy

2002-11-01 Thread Prkrjake
Dear Ones,
I am new to the whole listserve, but not to spiritual science.
I wrote a long response to this the other evening after I returned from the Josephine Porter Institute, and it vaporized off my screen, well here goes again, lets see what comes...

Humanity has crossed the Threshold into the Age of the Consciousness Soul.

That means us.

  It is easy to slam the polititians, to point the attention at the Multi-nationals. and talk about sustainability, etc,
 or why isn't BD more "seen" in the world, any number of gripes and assessments.

When we do this, unseen forces are able to utilize our 'juices' for the emergence of Materialism further into the Earths being.

Rudolf Steiner gave a plan for the antecdote to this reality. Associative Economics.  It has gone un-done. Yet there are individuals working diligently to sort this through for all our benefit, of which, in Freedom we can come to practice and implement.

The ways I expereince the build up of these adversarial forces is any time I judge, assess, perpetrate, victimize, behave as if I am a victim, anything that smacks of any of these behaviors, leaves out the possibility of LOVE in the (world).
I am not talking of some warm fuzzy.

Spiritual Science speaks to that now Love is no longer a given, it must be created, created by us, Human Beings here on the Earth.

How is Love created?
Attention, interest, warmth, investment.
In the OTHER. I work for you. I labor for you.

Work to Create Peace and Love for us all,
Jane Parker

Re: Impact BD Practices

2002-10-29 Thread Prkrjake
I would as well like a copy of this.
Please send to :
Jane Parker 104 Hodges Lane
    Takoma Park, MD 20912

I will send you postage .
My computer has been acting up and I am not able to download very much materrial at a time.
Thank you.

Re: Cancer etc

2002-10-22 Thread Prkrjake
I am off th JPI- will right more on return early next week.
BLessings on us all-Sunny

Re: Cancer etc

2002-10-22 Thread Prkrjake

All the suggestions given are important, I would say that with all "new" treatments addressing the 'disease of our time' i.e  "cancer", there will be lots of misinterpretations, which lead to fear, which will keep those who may benefit from said therapies unaware of alternatives, so to speak.
Cancer is a microcosmic expression of our macrocosmic thought life, I would say, I would like to see us addressing this pressing issue in our times, as well as treatments for the actual diseases of the manifestation of our collective unconcsiousness.
Blessings, Sunny

Re: Cancer, selenium and Steiner

2002-10-20 Thread Prkrjake

I had a client who used Misletoe for 20 years she had both breasts removed and went on to live without radiation or chemotherapy for 20 years, she died in her mid 60's. And currently a very dear  colleague is undergoing Mistletoe therapies, if you like I would see if she will talk to you of her experience with this therapy.
I suggest you speak with an anthrosophical Doctor as well regarding this very inportant questioning.

I can suggest a couple, Peter Hinderberger in Baltimore, MD @ 410 367-6263
and/or Thomas COwen, and I'll have to look for his number for you.
Jane Parker

Re: equisetum

2002-10-16 Thread Prkrjake
Dear Hugh Lovel,
Thank you, thank you ,thank you..
Music to my soul...thanks for reminding us all to focus on making our corner of this amazing planet better.
Peace, Sunny