Dear Ones,
I am new to the whole listserve, but not to spiritual science.
I wrote a long response to this the other evening after I returned from the Josephine Porter Institute, and it vaporized off my screen, well here goes again, lets see what comes...

Humanity has crossed the Threshold into the Age of the Consciousness Soul.

That means us.

 It is easy to slam the polititians, to point the attention at the Multi-nationals. and talk about sustainability, etc,
or why isn't BD more "seen" in the world, any number of gripes and assessments.

When we do this, unseen forces are able to utilize our 'juices' for the emergence of Materialism further into the Earths being.

Rudolf Steiner gave a plan for the antecdote to this reality. Associative Economics.  It has gone un-done. Yet there are individuals working diligently to sort this through for all our benefit, of which, in Freedom we can come to practice and implement.

The ways I expereince the build up of these adversarial forces is any time I judge, assess, perpetrate, victimize, behave as if I am a victim, anything that smacks of any of these behaviors, leaves out the possibility of LOVE in the (world).
I am not talking of some warm fuzzy.

Spiritual Science speaks to that now Love is no longer a given, it must be created, created by us, Human Beings here on the Earth.

How is Love created?
Attention, interest, warmth, investment.
In the OTHER. I work for you. I labor for you.

Work to Create Peace and Love for us all,
Jane Parker

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