Re: [globalnews] Der Spiegel: Fundamentalist Bush Regime Wants Crusade Against Islam; Bush Believes God Put Him in Oval Office (Long)

2003-03-03 Thread Peter Michael Bacchus

Targeting water
 treatment plants, electrical facilities? The reality of this nightmare, is
 that if just a small percentage of the war machine's budget, were used to
 clean up the leftover landmines, DU and poisoned wells THAT ALREADY remain
 behind from the last Gulf War, we could end many varieties of death by
 malnutrition because of water borne illnesses, we could set up sustainable
 agricultural projects, we could help people help themselves
 (teach-a-man-to-fish-story folks on this list are so fond of), set up
 medical centers, etc.

 If we used the whole budget now being spent to send our own young people
 to be canon fodder and the cost of arms and deplorable new weapons of mass
 destruction (that our country produces and sells wholesale to places like,
 you guessed it (!) Iraq) then we could probably clean up all the dirty
 in third world countries providing a great foundation to end world hunger,
 rampant water borne illness, etc etc etc.

Rather that we, the
 people, individually and together should resist injustice in every way
 we can. Here in the US, a lot of that would look like how you vote with
 dollars. That's just one solution.

 In My opinion one of the best ways to clean up water, either in well or in
the drainage system, is to actively practice biodynamics and put the
suggestions of Steiner, and all that has been developed from them, to work.
Peace and prosperity,

Re: [globalnews] Der Spiegel: Fundamentalist Bush Regime Wants Crusade Against Islam; Bush Believes God Put Him in Oval Office (Long)

2003-02-27 Thread Jane Sherry
What was important in that article, Allan, was that the Germans perceive our
leaders to be waging their own fundamentalist holy war, chosen by God, based
upon their prayer certified aggression.

For how many years now have we waged war on Iraq? (You must not be reading
the stuff coming through GN even though you're on the list. Curtis has been
posting stories about this for months. Check out the archives.) Sanctions,
uranium poison, planes dropping bombs in the sidelines? Targeting water
treatment plants, electrical facilities? The reality of this nightmare, is
that if just a small percentage of the war machine's budget, were used to
clean up the leftover landmines, DU and poisoned wells THAT ALREADY remain
behind from the last Gulf War, we could end many varieties of death by
malnutrition because of water borne illnesses, we could set up sustainable
agricultural projects, we could help people help themselves
(teach-a-man-to-fish-story folks on this list are so fond of), set up rural
medical centers, etc.

If we used the whole budget now being spent to send our own young people off
to be canon fodder and the cost of arms and deplorable new weapons of mass
destruction (that our country produces and sells wholesale to places like,
you guessed it (!) Iraq) then we could probably clean up all the dirty wells
in third world countries providing a great foundation to end world hunger,
rampant water borne illness, etc etc etc.

I cast my vote for worldwide disarmament NOW! We are the largest producers
and sellers of weapons of mass destruction. I vote for dumping all those
thanatos devices now everywhere in the world.

Why people, excuse me, so called leaders, think it is possible to use these
nuclear weapons is beyond my comprehension. We are way past the point where
such nightmares should exist.

For weeks, now I have been asking myself, what would Ghandi do if he were an
Iraqi? And the answer I keep receiving is the same one. It is not up to
individual charismatic leaders to find a solution, but rather that we, the
people, individually and together should resist injustice in every way that
we can. Here in the US, a lot of that would look like how you vote with your
dollars. That's just one solution.


 From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2003 07:17:39 -0500
 Subject: Re: FW: [globalnews] Der Spiegel: Fundamentalist Bush Regime Wants
 Crusade Against Islam; Bush Believes God Put Him in Oval Office (Long)
 I found this post to be rather blowsy, opinionated and unimportant, Jane

Re: FW: [globalnews] Der Spiegel: Fundamentalist Bush Regime Wants Crusade Against Islam; Bush Believes God Put Him in Oval Office (Long)

2003-02-27 Thread Gil Robertson
Allan, James and the list.
Continuing Allan's question on the difference between News in 
Australia and other countries.

I am trained in writing for the Media and for the past three years 
worked as a media analyst, after decades of producing a wide range copy 
for print, radio and TV. Thus I can speak with some authority on the way 
news is written and presented and identify the intention of  the writer 
and the sub editor. We get quite a lot of your syndicated news on our 
cable TV and when in the UK, I was also exposed to more of your packaged 
news, along with the local material.

In Australia, we have several tiers of news availability. Our print 
media is in the hands of only a few and does not have the degree of 
independence and amount of variety it had in the past. In some ways it 
is very similar to some papers in the US and the UK, not surprising as 
the same men own many of them. Our Radio is basically:- commercial, 
again owned by few, thus a lot of commonality; the ABC, our national 
broadcaster, which has in depth, investigative journalism and reliable; 
Radio National a specialized public broadcaster catering for more depth 
and including greater overseas coverage. Gives much longer time to 
issues of importance. In TV we have: commercial, again owned by the few, 
but news and current affairs at greater depth than US or UK; Cable which 
is largely piped directly from overseas with a bit of local sport and a 
few programs lifted from commercial TV, a lot of the content is exactly 
the same as the same channels in the US. Then we have the SBS. This is a 
gem, it is part of our public broadcasting system, with special coverage 
to include the interests of our numerous ethnic groups. The news on SBS 
is much longer in each item and at greater depth than on other 
broadcasters. There are also a number of news programs from other 
countries that go to air on SBS. When we want to get a well balanced 
understanding on an issue, we turn to SBS, Radio National or either of 
ABC Radio or TV. In addition we have both Radio and TV produced by and 
for Aboriginal communities, specific to their needs and interests.

That said, I think there is a basic difference between the product that 
goes to air here against that in the US. Our media can question our 
Government, our businesses and our lifestyle without being seen as 
anti or non. This does not seem to be the case in the US. There 
seems to be an official or un-official code of conduct in your media 
that means many questions are not asked and many subject not covered. 
From the perspective of one used to our media, I see your media 


Re: FW: [globalnews] Der Spiegel: Fundamentalist Bush Regime Wants Crusade Against Islam; Bush Believes God Put Him in Oval Office (Long)

2003-02-26 Thread Peter Michael Bacchus

I heard yesterday that Baghdad offered 
 to debate Washington in public but that Bush ridiculed the offer.  I 
 know why he wouldn't want to accept the offer, but I do not 
 understand why this is an unacceptable offer!

What a wonderfull idea, I'm all ears!