Re: [globalnews] War on Iraq? Not so fast

2002-08-26 Thread Eve Cruse

So, America is powerful, that is a fact of history and I can think of
nations in whose hands that power would much more need to be feared.

I have no particular brief for American foreign policy, in the past they
have done wise and generous things, like the Marshal Plan, and foolish and
even shameful things, like their complicity in the overthrow and murder of
Chile's Allende, and the bringing to power of that butcher Pinochete.
However, the nearest that the US ever came to being led by a megalomaniac
was Nixon, and the system defeated him. Many such have ruled in other
countries in the world. Hitler, Stalin, Miloshevic, Hussein etc, and Africa
seems to be full of them, so perhaps we should thank our lucky stars that
the US, rather that any of these tyrants has the upper hand.


 From: Peter Michael Bacchus [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2002 08:07:40 +1200
 Subject: Re: [globalnews] War on Iraq?  Not so fast
 Isn't this a case of the pot calling the kettle black? Which country in the
 world has the most weapons of mass destruction? Which country has initiated
 the most strikes on other nations? Why havn't other countries initiated pre
 emptive strikes on U.S.A.???

Re: [globalnews] War on Iraq? Not so fast

2002-08-26 Thread Eve Cruse

 From: D  S Chamberlain [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2002 11:06:22 +1000
 Subject: Re: [globalnews] War on Iraq?  Not so fast
 - Original Message -
 From: Eve Cruse [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, 26 August 2002 12:40 AM
 Subject: Re: [globalnews] War on Iraq? Not so fast
 Hi David,
 I agree that my comparison was insulting  to the snakes, and I am not
 promoting war, which is always an indication of the failure of more
 methods of problem solving. I am not even a Bush fan. If I lived in the US
 would have voted democrat.
 What I do say, is that in this less-than-perfect world there are times
 pre-emptive strikes are necessary, and even desirable, rather than risk a
 far worse outcome.
 Pre-emptive strikes, motivated by fear of the unknown, that kill the
 innocent are murder,  War is not the sanitised pictures you see on TV or the
 Stallone bullshit Hollywood loves, it's coming too after the explosion,
 laying in your own shit and slowly realising that the mud on your face is
 your best friends guts. War is little kids petrified with fear and
 screaming, screaming and screaming because their mother was just blown apart
 in front of them. War is pieces of little kids all around you. Ask a vet of
 front line action, war doesn't hurt the leaders who start them only the
 little people who have no say.

Yes, I've been through it. London was not exactly pleasant during the blitz,
followed by the rain V1's and V2's.
 As for spin doctors, they work on both sides.  Hitler, Goebbels et al were
 all masters at propaganda, as Hussein also seems to be. And we as
 individuals simply do not have the reliable information needed to make the
 difficult decisions.
 If military action is contemplated, whether 'declared' or not, then
 is essential. I grew up in London during WW11 and remember everywhere
 signs saying loose lips sink ships and the like.
 And it also was used to cover the stuff ups, the time you speak of was
 different to now, there was in fact a war on, now we are being manipulated
 by all manner of interests who claim knowledge without producing the
 evidence, secretcy is the wall they hide behind.
 If a pre-emptive strike is made against Iraq, which seems likely, what
 we think if after it weapons of mass destruction were found there in an
 advanced state of development? Remember, Hussein like Hitler is a
 megalomaniac, and as such he is very likely to use such weapons.
 More to the point what if there were no weapons of mass destruction? All
 just bad luck? Do  you think we would be told the truth? In the overall
 scheme of things Hussein is a piss ant, if they so badly want to take him
 out then turn their resources to getting just him, don't slaughter the
 innocent as well.
 David C

Still more to the point is that if Hussein is not stopped, and does have
such weapons at his disposal, then millions could die in a nuclear and germ
warfare holocast led by a madman who has absolutely no respect for human

 From: D  S Chamberlain [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sun, 25 Aug 2002 11:27:23 +1000
 Subject: Re: [globalnews] War on Iraq?  Not so fast
 Don: I live where there are numerous varieties of poisonous snakes most
 which have their myths on their power to strike and bite. My experience
 them is that in most cases they just want to go about their business and
 help me by eating the mice and rats.
 Occasionally we do kill one that gets into our living room but we
 run around slaughtering them all, just in case they do come into our
 We will never know the what the outcome of Churchill's plan. Not all of
 plans were as good as we are wont to remember, the outcome could have
 Can you or any of us believe what the spin doctors feed us? Right now
 are reports that the invasion has begun, yet our erstwhile leaders are
 denying this, why? If it is so then the Iraqi's would certainly know
 it, so it can't be security reasons. It can only be an attempt to
 our own people.
 Sorry I can't trust liars, who wish to kill thousands of people for
 reasons. Then again I suppose they are just Iraqis not Americans so it
 probably OK.
 David C
 - Original Message -
 From: Eve Cruse [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, 25 August 2002 3:08 AM
 Subject: Re: [globalnews] War on Iraq? Not so fast
 From: Roger Pye [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Organization: Earthcare Environmental Solutions
 Date: Sat, 24 Aug 2002 11:05:57 +1000
 Subject: Re: FW: [globalnews] War on Iraq?  Not so fast
 Why suppress the inevitable.  All sides in power want the war.  The
 that be want the war.  The steps are in motion

Re: [globalnews] War on Iraq? Not so fast

2002-08-25 Thread Eve Cruse

Hi David,

I agree that my comparison was insulting ‹ to the snakes, and I am not
promoting war, which is always an indication of the failure of more rational
methods of problem solving. I am not even a Bush fan. If I lived in the US I
would have voted democrat.

What I do say, is that in this less-than-perfect world there are times when
pre-emptive strikes are necessary, and even desirable, rather than risk a
far worse outcome.

As for spin doctors, they work on both sides.  Hitler, Goebbels et al were
all masters at propaganda, as Hussein also seems to be. And we as
individuals simply do not have the reliable information needed to make these
difficult decisions.

If military action is contemplated, whether 'declared' or not, then secrecy
is essential. I grew up in London during WW11 and remember everywhere signs
saying loose lips sink ships and the like.

If a pre-emptive strike is made against Iraq, which seems likely, what would
we think if after it weapons of mass destruction were found there in an
advanced state of development? Remember, Hussein like Hitler is a
megalomaniac, and as such he is very likely to use such weapons.


 From: D  S Chamberlain [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sun, 25 Aug 2002 11:27:23 +1000
 Subject: Re: [globalnews] War on Iraq?  Not so fast
 Don: I live where there are numerous varieties of poisonous snakes most of
 which have their myths on their power to strike and bite. My experience with
 them is that in most cases they just want to go about their business and
 help me by eating the mice and rats.
 Occasionally we do kill one that gets into our living room but we don't
 run around slaughtering them all, just in case they do come into our living
 We will never know the what the outcome of Churchill's plan. Not all of his
 plans were as good as we are wont to remember, the outcome could have been
 Can you or any of us believe what the spin doctors feed us? Right now there
 are reports that the invasion has begun, yet our erstwhile leaders are
 denying this, why? If it is so then the Iraqi's would certainly know about
 it, so it can't be security reasons. It can only be an attempt to mislead
 our own people.
 Sorry I can't trust liars, who wish to kill thousands of people for dubious
 reasons. Then again I suppose they are just Iraqis not Americans so it is
 probably OK.
 David C
 - Original Message -
 From: Eve Cruse [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, 25 August 2002 3:08 AM
 Subject: Re: [globalnews] War on Iraq? Not so fast
 From: Roger Pye [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Organization: Earthcare Environmental Solutions
 Date: Sat, 24 Aug 2002 11:05:57 +1000
 Subject: Re: FW: [globalnews] War on Iraq?  Not so fast
 Why suppress the inevitable.  All sides in power want the war.  The
 that be want the war.  The steps are in motion already.  On some level
 war has already begun.  Bring it on, let's get it over with.
 I have been following this debate, and it leads me to the following
 thoughts:  Reverence for life is a most worthy principle which asks of us,
 as Tolkien put it, that we do not destroy that which we cannot create.
 Most people, however draw the line somewhere in its application. What, for
 example, would you allow to establish a habitat in your living room?
 Mice or Rats? How about an Egyptian Krat, a small and very poisonous snake
 that coils into a spring and can leap ten feet? Now, in our 'global
 everything is, in a sense, in our living room.
 Hitler was a Krat, and Neville Chamberlin tried to find room for him in
 Europe by 'turning the other cheek'. No doubt Chamberlin was, in this
 respect at least, a better Christian than Churchill. On the the other hand
 if Churchill had been allowed to confront Hitler earlier, as he very much
 wanted to do, perhaps WWII might have been averted and millions of lives
 Now, is Saddam Hussein a Krat? Yes, you may bet your life that he is.

Re: [globalnews] War on Iraq? Not so fast

2002-08-25 Thread Donelinion


Re: [globalnews] War on Iraq? Not so fast

2002-08-25 Thread Peter Michael Bacchus

Isn't this a case of the pot calling the kettle black? Which country in the
world has the most weapons of mass destruction? Which country has initiated
the most strikes on other nations? Why havn't other countries initiated pre
emptive strikes on U.S.A.???

Re: [globalnews] War on Iraq? Not so fast

2002-08-25 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 8/25/02 8:02:42 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Why havn't other countries initiated pre

emptive strikes on U.S.A.???



They finally did Peter.  Though BinLaden is a rogue, a man without a country 
he represents the way things will be done to deal with a power like the usa.  
If I understand correctly, BinLaden, unlike Bush, has openly declared 

Re: [globalnews] War on Iraq? Not so fast

2002-08-25 Thread D S Chamberlain

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, 26 August 2002 12:40 AM
Subject: Re: [globalnews] War on Iraq? Not so fast

 Hi David,

 I agree that my comparison was insulting  to the snakes, and I am not
 promoting war, which is always an indication of the failure of more
 methods of problem solving. I am not even a Bush fan. If I lived in the US
 would have voted democrat.

 What I do say, is that in this less-than-perfect world there are times
 pre-emptive strikes are necessary, and even desirable, rather than risk a
 far worse outcome.

Pre-emptive strikes, motivated by fear of the unknown, that kill the
innocent are murder,  War is not the sanitised pictures you see on TV or the
Stallone bullshit Hollywood loves, it's coming too after the explosion,
laying in your own shit and slowly realising that the mud on your face is
your best friends guts. War is little kids petrified with fear and
screaming, screaming and screaming because their mother was just blown apart
in front of them. War is pieces of little kids all around you. Ask a vet of
front line action, war doesn't hurt the leaders who start them only the
little people who have no say.

 As for spin doctors, they work on both sides.  Hitler, Goebbels et al were
 all masters at propaganda, as Hussein also seems to be. And we as
 individuals simply do not have the reliable information needed to make the
difficult decisions.

 If military action is contemplated, whether 'declared' or not, then
 is essential. I grew up in London during WW11 and remember everywhere
signs saying loose lips sink ships and the like.

And it also was used to cover the stuff ups, the time you speak of was
different to now, there was in fact a war on, now we are being manipulated
by all manner of interests who claim knowledge without producing the
evidence, secretcy is the wall they hide behind.

 If a pre-emptive strike is made against Iraq, which seems likely, what
 we think if after it weapons of mass destruction were found there in an
 advanced state of development? Remember, Hussein like Hitler is a
 megalomaniac, and as such he is very likely to use such weapons.


More to the point what if there were no weapons of mass destruction? All
just bad luck? Do  you think we would be told the truth? In the overall
scheme of things Hussein is a piss ant, if they so badly want to take him
out then turn their resources to getting just him, don't slaughter the
innocent as well.
David C

  From: D  S Chamberlain [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Sun, 25 Aug 2002 11:27:23 +1000
  Subject: Re: [globalnews] War on Iraq?  Not so fast
  Don: I live where there are numerous varieties of poisonous snakes most
  which have their myths on their power to strike and bite. My experience
  them is that in most cases they just want to go about their business and
  help me by eating the mice and rats.
  Occasionally we do kill one that gets into our living room but we
  run around slaughtering them all, just in case they do come into our
  We will never know the what the outcome of Churchill's plan. Not all of
  plans were as good as we are wont to remember, the outcome could have
  Can you or any of us believe what the spin doctors feed us? Right now
  are reports that the invasion has begun, yet our erstwhile leaders are
  denying this, why? If it is so then the Iraqi's would certainly know
  it, so it can't be security reasons. It can only be an attempt to
  our own people.
  Sorry I can't trust liars, who wish to kill thousands of people for
  reasons. Then again I suppose they are just Iraqis not Americans so it
  probably OK.
  David C
  - Original Message -
  From: Eve Cruse [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Sunday, 25 August 2002 3:08 AM
  Subject: Re: [globalnews] War on Iraq? Not so fast
  From: Roger Pye [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Organization: Earthcare Environmental Solutions
  Date: Sat, 24 Aug 2002 11:05:57 +1000
  Subject: Re: FW: [globalnews] War on Iraq?  Not so fast
  Why suppress the inevitable.  All sides in power want the war.  The
  that be want the war.  The steps are in motion already.  On some
  war has already begun.  Bring it on, let's get it over with.
  I have been following this debate, and it leads me to the following
  thoughts:  Reverence for life is a most worthy principle which asks of
  as Tolkien put it, that we do not destroy that which we cannot
  Most people, however draw the line somewhere in its application. What,
  example, would you allow to establish a habitat in your living room?
  Mice or Rats? How about an Egyptian Krat, a small and very poisonous

ReOFF/ : [globalnews] War on Iraq? Not so fast

2002-08-25 Thread mroboz

Please note a few things:

1.  The US controls the UN.  So, who decides to bomb who?
2. The latest treaty to serve the Internation War Court is NOT supported by
the US, along with a only a few other countries. Why?  They'd be hauling
American generals and presidents by the dozen. So, Might is Right.
3. The victims of 9/11 were NOT allowed to sue the American Gov't. Why was

- Original Message -
From: Peter Michael Bacchus [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, August 25, 2002 1:07 PM
Subject: Re: [globalnews] War on Iraq? Not so fast

 Isn't this a case of the pot calling the kettle black? Which country in
 world has the most weapons of mass destruction? Which country has
 the most strikes on other nations? Why havn't other countries initiated
 emptive strikes on U.S.A.???

FW: [globalnews] War on Iraq? Not so fast

2002-08-22 Thread Jane Sherry