Re: water, war, present times, the future

2002-08-26 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 8/25/02 9:12:43 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I think you are in the wrong job, anyone who can use Christ Consciousness 

justify war should be working for G.W. Bush, I suggest you check what they

are putting in your coffee.

David C


not asking for war, not justifying war, just see us in it [my whole life] and 
see more coming...sstorch

Re: water, war, present times, the future and an amazing story

2002-08-26 Thread kentjamescarson

 a lillte poem relating to that beautiful story : above the heads of all of
us ,in robes of golden light, stands an image of our father , an angel of
the light, and in between, although unseen  sleeps a servant of the flame,
awaken him by calling him, holy christ self is his name. with all your heart
you must demand that the fire in your heart expand, and by it's light at
once you'll see.  there really is no mystery.
 thanks so much for sharing that story , it will help on those cloudy days
:)sharon   p.s. the above poemwas shared with me 30 years ago by some people
i met in sante fe N.M. i believe they were with a group called the I Am 
i never forgot the poem.- Original Message -
From: Merla Barberie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 26, 2002 8:56 AM
Subject: water, war, present times, the future and an amazing story

 A friend sent me Mark Twain's A War Prayer this morning, but I liked the
 following even better.

 My best to all


 jill davies wrote:

  friends -
   this may seem off the topic, but it actually is central -
  our basic world view is what shapes our lives, individually and
  collectivelyand thus the future of the planet.The website at the
  bottom contains many other return from death accounts.There is much
  learn from them.   - Jill
  Mellen-Thomas Benedict is an artist who survived a near-death experience
  1982.  He was dead for over an hour and a half and during that time, he
  rose up out of his body and went into the Light. Curious about the
  he was taken far into the remote depths of existence, and even beyond,
  the energetic Void of Nothingness behind the Big Bang. Concerning his
  near-death experience, Dr. Kenneth Ring has said,
  His story is one of the most remarkable I have encountered in my
  research on near-death experiences.
  - - The road to death - -
  In 1982 I died from terminal cancer.  The condition I had was
  and any kind of chemotherapy they could give me would just have made me
  of a vegetable.  I was given six to eight months to live. I had been an
  information freak in the 1970's, and I had become increasingly
  over the nuclear crisis, the ecology crisis, and so forth. So, since I
  not have a spiritual basis, I began to believe that nature had made a
  mistake, and that we were probably a cancerous organism on the planet. I
  no way that we could get out from all the problems we had created for
  ourselves and the planet. I perceived all humans as cancer, and that is
  I got. That is what killed me. Be careful what your world view is. It
  feed back on you, especially if it is a negative world view.  I had a
  seriously negative one.  That is what led me into my death. I tried all
  sorts of alternative healing methods, but nothing helped.
  So I determined that this was really just between me and God. I had
  really faced God before, or even dealt with God.  I was not into any
kind of
  spirituality at the time, but I began a journey into learning about
  spirituality and alternative healing. I set out to do all the reading I
  could and bone up on the subject, because I did not want to be surprised
  the other side. So I started reading on various religions and
  They were all very interesting, and gave hope that there was something
  the other side.
  On the other hand, as a self-employed stained-glass artist at the time,
  had no medical insurance whatsoever.  So my life savings went overnight
  testing. Then I was facing the medical profession without any kind of
  insurance. I did not want to have my family dragged down financially, so
  determined to handle this myself.  There was not constant pain, but
  were black-outs.  I got so that I would not dare to drive, and
eventually I
  ended up in hospice care. I had my own personal hospice caretaker.  I
  very blessed by this angel who went through the last part of this with
me. I
  lasted about eighteen months. I did not want to take a lot of drugs,
since I
  wanted to be as conscious as possible.  Then I experienced such pain
that I
  had nothing but pain in my consciousness, luckily only for a few days at
  - - The light of God - -
  I remember waking up one morning at home about 4:30 am, and I just knew
  this was it.  This was the day I was going to die. So I called a few
  and said goodbye. I woke up my hospice caretaker and told her. I had a
  private agreement with her that she would leave my dead body alone for
  hours, since I had read that all kinds of interesting things happen when
  die. I went back to sleep.  The next thing I remember is the beginning
of a
  typical near-death experience. Suddenly I was fully aware and I was
  up, but my body was in the bed. There was this darkness around me.
  out of my body 

Re: water, war, present times, the future

2002-08-26 Thread Moen Creek

Thank You  Steve!

In Love  Light

Re: water, war, present times, the future

2002-08-25 Thread D S Chamberlain

I think you are in the wrong job, anyone who can use Christ Consciousness to
justify war should be working for G.W. Bush, I suggest you check what they
are putting in your coffee.
David C

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, 26 August 2002 8:32 AM
Subject: water, war, present times, the future

 I did my usual routine this morning, fed the cows and went to the coffee
 at the edge of the farm [how convenient].  I got my cuppa and sat in my
 ''spot in the corner by the window.  It was still early and the Sunday
 papers were still being assembled.  I don't like to read the paper, so I
 through over a casual glance and something on the most important slot on
 cover of the NY Times caught  my eye.  A color photo of some farm fields
 the headline In the Race to Tap Euphrates, the Upper Hand is Upstream
 my attention.   As I read about the area that is the fertile crescent, the
 birthplace of modern agriculture that occurred 5000 years ago, it struck
 as ironic that history is repeating itself in this way, in these times.
 was after all the embattlement over water that ended the incredible reign
 prosperity that this region enjoyed.  So many millenia later the scenario
 repeats, the names of the countries are different and the weapions will be
 different but what is at stake is basically the same.  Add technology with
 greed and ambition and the three or four nations on this river want to
 50- 60 billion gallons of water from a river that flows about 35 billion
 gallons.  Doesn't add up.  This is a crisis and a cenario playing out all
 over the world.  Right here on Long Island, a small island in the Peconic
 Bay, Shelter Island, has run out of water.  People have to go to the high
 school and shower by water that is trucked onto the island, restaurants
 closed.  Nobody seems upset by this, not yet.  So, in my head I connect
 these events, water, war, pollution, Israel, Hussein, Bush.   I still
 that people are going to die.  Lots of people.  I do not want them to, but
 the reality is they will die.  They are dying of starvation, they are
 of thirst, dying of AIDS, and dying of cancer.  We are dying at the hands
 fellow man.  We will fight eachother for the last drop of water.  It could
 the way the war of all against all is going to start.  So my statement the
 other day to bring on the other phase of the war still stands.  I feel
 strongly that we must move on.  Of course innocent people will die, but
 suffer so that we may live a cushy life in the USA.  Heck, I spend more on
 gas for my truck than they spend on food for their family.  It is too bad.
 It is not right.  Even in the way I consciously choose to live and make
 healing of the Earth and people my priority I cannot help but feel that
 lives that are going to be sacrificed in the near future will help clear
 ether and usher in a new age of peace and the Christed Consciousness and
 prosperity, such that the Earth will shine like a bright star out into the
 cosmos and the people of the earth will vibrate to a higher vibration in
 fourth dimension of planet Earth.  Something is coming down the pike, I
 we can handle what it is ''we'' have been called upon to do...SStorch