[beagleboard] Re: please can u help us to sort out problem of gpio pins because we r not getting our led s blink

2014-11-11 Thread Karl Karpfen
Not very helpful...what is your problem and what did you try already?

Am Samstag, 1. November 2014 06:39:19 UTC+1 schrieb sumsga...@gmail.com:

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Re: [beagleboard] UWN-200 WiFi Dongle support in 3.14 kernels...

2014-11-11 Thread DeKay
On Monday, 10 November 2014 22:39:35 UTC-6, Brian Anderson wrote:


 No, unfortunately I have not gotten back to this.  The BBB is my 
 occasional hobby, and I have not had the time recently to get back to 
 things.  And, I am finding it a challenge to keep up with the plethora of 
 snapshots and kernel upgrades...not quite sure what to choose as a stable 
 option so that I can actually do something useful besides flashing 
 snapshots and updating kernels.

Exactly this.

But, I have recently made good on my threat to acquire some TP-Link 
 dongles, so I will try things out when I have a chance (traveling this 
 week, so probably won't get to this for a week or so).

 I am having WLAN problems similar to yours in 3.14: freezes, having to 
 manually bring up the link, etc.  Wired links work fine.  Did you make any 
 progress?  A couple of things I found along the way that might help you or 

 I'd like to try my scenarios again with the latest 3.14 kernels using the 
 TP-Link.  Have you tried the latest and greatest?

The latest 3.14 kernels, yes.


   Not sure I really care about anything any more besides the Atheros chip 
 sets as everything else seems to be a huge waste of time.

The TP-Link dongle I have is Ooopsing my kernel right now  :-(  


 Interesting.  Guess I need to have a look at rfkill, thats a new one on 
 me.  So, are you thinking that in newer kernels (beyond 3.8), the default 
 is to not obey the enable on boot stanzas in /etc/networking/interfaces?  
 That additional stuff is needed?  Can someone confirm or deny this 
 assumption?  Seems a bit odd that this is necessary, but I suppose it would 
 explain the observed behavior.  Has anyone else had this type of problem 
 with enabling wireless interfaces in 3.14 kernels?

What I do know is that my eth0 was completed commented out after I flashed 
my Bone with 3.14, yet the wired network interface came up without issue in 
/etc/network/interfaces.  Now that I think about it, the image I flashed 
for Jessie contains lxqt, so maybe there is kind of tool working behind the 
scenes.  I'm doing everything from a serial console and might not have 
noticed this.

boots his Bone... Ah, I see that connman is working behind the scenes.  


 I have a TP-Link dongle that causes the kernel to Ooops, and a 
 ZD1211-based one that doesn't see the outside world even after it gets an 
 IP address via me manually running dhclient wlan0 on it.  I feel your 


 Could this be something with the gateway config having changed in newer 
 kernels?  I can't remember whether I could get to the BBB via WiFi from a 
 machine on the same subnet as I probably was SSHing to the BBB via a 
 hardwired ethernet connection.  It might be interesting to see if you can 
 access the BBB via WiFi from a machine on the same subnet (without a 
 hardwired ethernet connection) if you haven't already done so.

Between crashes on the Atheros stick, I was able to get a network 
connection by bringing it up manually.  

rfkill unblock all
ifconfig wlan0 up
iw wlan0 connect essidname (my network is wide open)
dhclient wlan0

I later found I could also get the network going with the ZD1211 stick with 
the old USB extender cable trick, but I got DUP packets out of it during a 
ping.  Never saw those before, but Google says DUP packets are a sign your 
network setup is a mess.  The Atheros stick, when it worked, never gave DUP 

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Re: [beagleboard] Re: libpruio (fast and easy D/A - I/O)

2014-11-11 Thread TJF

Am Montag, 10. November 2014 21:52:26 UTC+1 schrieb William Hermans:


 I'd be willing at some point to help you port some code for your project, 

Hello William, welcome at the libpruio project.

I know about many tasks to improve the libpruio package. Some of them might 
be fun for you.

 Do you have a quick setup guide for your library ?

Find the installation guide in the documentation at page Preparation 

Could you check the documentation text? It seems that you're a native 
speaker with good language skills. You should be able to improve the text a 
lot. (I could mail a pdf version, where you could add your comments.)

 Other problem is that I am not exactly a hardware person so much as a 
 software developer, and I am semi new to embedded Linux. The new to embeded 
 Linux part shouldnt be too much of a problem, just means I need to read up 
 on the libc functions available to me. Not being an EE however slows me 
 down greatly however, since I do not want to fry my boards . . .

I'm neither an electronics engineer, nor a programmer, nor an expert on 
embedded systems, nor a native speaker. I think I realy know what you're 
talking about.

I'm looking at the project from the user point of view, evaluating how 
things should work and then do my best to make this happen. And, knowing 
there's no perfect solution, I try to learn from my failures.

 As an aside, I must have really really become accustomed to C over the 
 last several years, BASIC syntax hurts my eyes, lol but it was the very 
 first language I picked up 17+ years ago . . . 

Basic isn't the first programming language I used, but for me it's the most 
productive. I'm not speaking about the m$ dialects, which I dislike as 
well, and which I don't use since the middle 80's. (AFAIR QB 4.5 was the 
last one I tested and droped.) But there're other dialects, which are in 
some points more powerful than C, and easier to read for my old eyes.

The libpruio package contains some examples, as you can see at this 
documentation page 
I think all code in folder src/c_examples could have a review. But most 
important, there're some examples with grafics output

   - pwm_adc.bas, 
   - osci.bas, 
   - rb_oszi.bas, and 
   - triggers.bas

which I didn't translate to C code jet. My idea was to use cairo grafics 
library, but there might be a more common way to create short and easy C 

Note: libpruio examples should be easy to understand for beginners and 
should have less than 200 lines of code.

Feel free to send further colaboration ideas and discuss details (here or 
PM). Or just make your choice and start.


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Re: [beagleboard] UWN-200 WiFi Dongle support in 3.14 kernels...

2014-11-11 Thread DeKay
On Tuesday, 11 November 2014 07:00:38 UTC-6, DeKay wrote:

 What I do know is that my eth0 was completed commented out after I flashed 
 my Bone with 3.14, yet the wired network interface came up without issue in 
 /etc/network/interfaces.  Now that I think about it, the image I flashed 
 for Jessie contains lxqt, so maybe there is kind of tool working behind the 
 scenes.  I'm doing everything from a serial console and might not have 
 noticed this.

 boots his Bone... Ah, I see that connman is working behind the scenes.  

Well, so much for that.  With my ZD1211 stick connected via a USB extension 

root@beaglebone:~# ifconfig
wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:11:e2:01:85:9d  
  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 
  RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

root@beaglebone:~# connmanctl scan wifi
Error /net/connman/technology/wifi: Not supported
root@beaglebone:~# iw wlan0 connect Wlan1-97AA60
root@beaglebone:~# connmanctl scan wifi
Error /net/connman/technology/wifi: Not supported
root@beaglebone:~# dhclient wlan0
root@beaglebone:~# ifconfig
wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:11:e2:01:85:9d  
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  inet6 addr: fe80::211:e2ff:fe01:859d/64 Scope:Link
  RX packets:43 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:56 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 
  RX bytes:8261 (8.0 KiB)  TX bytes:10616 (10.3 KiB)
root@beaglebone:~# ping www.google.com
no response this morning, gave me DUPs yesterday


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[beagleboard] GPIO pins and Device Trees with 3.14 kernel

2014-11-11 Thread Peter Gregory
So, is the answer to wait for Config-pin and BBB-IO to come out for kernel 3.14?
Do I need to roll back to 3.8 kernel so I can use cape manager?

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Re: [beagleboard] Re: Recommendation to boot / resume Linux in less than a second...

2014-11-11 Thread Jean-Pierre Poulin
Hi all, many thanks for this insightful discussion.

Q: Is systemd a viable option to optimize boot-time on ARM embedded 
platforms?  (Given its steeper learning curve are the results worth the 
extra work / risk over 'init'?)

On Mon, Nov 10, 2014 at 1:42 PM, Dr. Michael J. Chudobiak 
m...@avtechpulse.com javascript: wrote:

 On 11/10/2014 03:37 PM, William Hermans wrote:

 systemd is supposed to make boot times even faster compared to the older
 / std debian init daemon. The problem I personally have with systemd, is
 that I'm oldschool Linux, know init fairly well, and can not find very
 good information about systemd on the web.

 systemd has a ton of documentation. Some useful bits:


 Using systemd-analyze plot  plot.svg is hugely useful for identifying 
 startup bottlenecks.

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Re: [beagleboard] Re: Recommendation to boot / resume Linux in less than a second...

2014-11-11 Thread Robert Nelson
On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 8:19 AM, Jean-Pierre Poulin
jeanpierrepou...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi all, many thanks for this insightful discussion.

 Q: Is systemd a viable option to optimize boot-time on ARM embedded
 platforms?  (Given its steeper learning curve are the results worth the
 extra work / risk over 'init'?)

option? systemd is a 'requirement' for fast bootup...


Robert Nelson

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Re: [beagleboard] Re: Recommendation to boot / resume Linux in less than a second...

2014-11-11 Thread Dr. Michael J. Chudobiak

On 11/11/2014 09:19 AM, Jean-Pierre Poulin wrote:

Hi all, many thanks for this insightful discussion.

Q: Is systemd a viable option to optimize boot-time on ARM embedded
platforms?  (Given its steeper learning curve are the results worth the
extra work / risk over 'init'?)

I've attached the output of systemd-analyze plot  plot.svg on my BBB 
system for your reference. My systems need to boot in 10 seconds or 
less, and that is easily achieved.

There is really no reason not to use systemd, that I am aware of. (There 
is a lot of FUD about it, though.)

- Mike

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Re: [beagleboard] Re: Recommendation to boot / resume Linux in less than a second...

2014-11-11 Thread Robert Nelson
On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 8:58 AM, Jean-Pierre Poulin
jeanpierrepou...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi MJC, thank you very much for that plot... impressive results and an
 insightful test to do to identify what can be sped up.

 Robert: thanks for that comment... we'll go systemd for sure now! :)

If you really look back, pre-systemd there was lots of different
projects trying to minimize boot times. They all got faster then
sys-v.. Then Lennart released systemd and really just blew them out of
the water...

I did see a demo of timesys showing off something that booted even
faster then systemd, but you'll pay lots of $ for it.


Robert Nelson

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Re: [beagleboard] UWN-200 WiFi Dongle support in 3.14 kernels...

2014-11-11 Thread Brian Anderson
FWIW, I should note that my original problems were on a wheezy image.  I 
switched back and forth between a 3.8 and a 3.14 kernel.  My problems were 
all with the 3.14 kernel.

I am not familiar with jessie as of yet.  So, your problems may be 
modulated by that too besides the kernel.  Does jessie use systemd?  Does 
jessie use a different wireless configuration mechanism than wheezy?  I 
suppose its time to do some research unless someone has already dealt with 
wireless configuration with jessie and cares to weigh in.


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Re: [beagleboard] GPIO pins and Device Trees with 3.14 kernel

2014-11-11 Thread Charles Steinkuehler
On 11/11/2014 7:47 AM, Peter Gregory wrote:
 So, is the answer to wait for Config-pin and BBB-IO to come out for kernel 
 Do I need to roll back to 3.8 kernel so I can use cape manager?

The whole point of config-pin and the universal cape was to be able to
play with GPIO pins w/o needing to mess with device tree overlays.

You can already use config-pin with the 3.14 kernel, most of the
universal overlay is part of the default 3.14 device-tree by default
(and you can add more of it in if necessary).

Charles Steinkuehler

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Re: [beagleboard] GPIO pins and Device Trees with 3.14 kernel

2014-11-11 Thread Charles Steinkuehler
On 11/9/2014 7:06 PM, Peter Gregory wrote:
 I'm not sure how to list the current pin mix configuration to validate my 
 changes have taken effect.

Dig around in /sys/kernel/debug/pinctrl/

 Where are the output / input pins mapped in the file system?  Should they 
 show up under /sys/class/gpio/gpiochip(0, 32, 64, 96)?

The gpiochip* files are the four banks of GPIO pins.  The individual
pins will show up as a directory if exported by the kernel, something like:

$ ls -1 /sys/class/gpio/

 I should have file system entries for PWM pins I have enabled in the device 
 tree, but I see nothing under the /sys/class/pwm/ directory.
 Is this where the entries should show up?

IIRC how PWM is handled changed in the 3.14 kernel, but I haven't worked
with it yet.  Try searching through the list, I think there have been a
few threads on PWM and the 3.14 kernel.

Charles Steinkuehler

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[beagleboard] Beagle on NPR: Weekly Innovation: Harness Could Allow Dogs, Humans To Communicate

2014-11-11 Thread Jason Kridner

[image: David Roberts says the Cyber-Enhanced Working Dog harness will
allow humans to monitor dogs' physical and emotional states remotely, such
as in search and rescue operations.]

David Roberts says the Cyber-Enhanced Working Dog harness will allow humans
to monitor dogs' physical and emotional states remotely, such as in search
and rescue operations.
Becky Kirkland/North Carolina State University

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Re: [beagleboard] GPIO pins and Device Trees with 3.14 kernel

2014-11-11 Thread Peter Gregory
Thanks for the info Charles.

I must have something wrong in my rebuild of the dtb file.
I have no pin entries under /sys/class/gpio.
I'll look around in /sys/kernel/debug/pinctl to see what the current config 
settings are.

All my searches on this forum and the web turn up examples for the 3.8 kernel 
and cape manager.
I've found references to configuring the GPIO pins under 3.14, but no examples 
or explainations of where changes can be verified.
Cape Manager under 3.8 is documented very well.

I found the repository for config-pin, but apt-cache search turned up nothing 
for installing it.
Do I need to compile the source from the repo on the BBB to get config-pin?

Thanks for the info.

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Re: [beagleboard] BeagleBoard-X15 - seriously? :)

2014-11-11 Thread Gerald Coley
I have no set a price range so how do you know?


On Tuesday, November 11, 2014, __rh___ richard_hubb...@lavabit.com wrote:

 On Sun, 9 Nov 2014 11:00:21 +0100
 Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller h...@goldelico.com javascript:; wrote:

  Am 08.11.2014 um 21:05 schrieb rh_
  richard_hubb...@lavabit.com javascript:;:
   On Fri, 7 Nov 2014 12:32:19 -0600
   Gerald Coley ger...@beagleboard.org javascript:; wrote:
   Definitely not one of those. Look at what it has on it and make a
   good guess.
   Ok definitely must mean $200-400. Is this not good guessing?
   This starts to be a in different realm and the competition is more
   fierce. But you know more about that than I ever will and it's
   likely that I just don't understand the landscape. Dual Gb ethernet
   will attract a lot of attention for server/firewall/IDS/IPS.
  I think the feature set of the X15 is almost comparable to the
  OMAP5432EVM (which AFAIR was originally planned to become
  a PandaBoard 5):
  So this seems to confirm the price range $200-400...

 X15 not interesting at this price range. Plus some of the features
 are really vaporware as it's likely they remain in their software
 blackhole, as mentioned earlier.

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Re: [beagleboard] BeagleBoard-X15 - seriously? :)

2014-11-11 Thread Gerald Coley
This true!


On Tuesday, November 11, 2014, Robert Nelson robertcnel...@gmail.com

 On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 10:19 AM, __rh___ richard_hubb...@lavabit.com
 javascript:; wrote:
  On Sun, 9 Nov 2014 11:00:21 +0100
  Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller h...@goldelico.com javascript:; wrote:
  Am 08.11.2014 um 21:05 schrieb rh_
  richard_hubb...@lavabit.com javascript:;:
   On Fri, 7 Nov 2014 12:32:19 -0600
   Gerald Coley ger...@beagleboard.org javascript:; wrote:
   Definitely not one of those. Look at what it has on it and make a
   good guess.
   Ok definitely must mean $200-400. Is this not good guessing?
   This starts to be a in different realm and the competition is more
   fierce. But you know more about that than I ever will and it's
   likely that I just don't understand the landscape. Dual Gb ethernet
   will attract a lot of attention for server/firewall/IDS/IPS.
  I think the feature set of the X15 is almost comparable to the
  OMAP5432EVM (which AFAIR was originally planned to become
  a PandaBoard 5):
  So this seems to confirm the price range $200-400...
  X15 not interesting at this price range. Plus some of the features
  are really vaporware as it's likely they remain in their software
  blackhole, as mentioned earlier.

 At least vent your frustration to the correct people:


 They are the ones who don't want to support their ip found in TI products..


 Robert Nelson

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Re: [beagleboard] Beagle on NPR: Weekly Innovation: Harness Could Allow Dogs, Humans To Communicate

2014-11-11 Thread Drew Fustini
thanks for posting... two of my favorite things: converge: open source
hardware and public radio :)

On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 10:09 AM, Jason Kridner jkrid...@beagleboard.org


 [image: David Roberts says the Cyber-Enhanced Working Dog harness will
 allow humans to monitor dogs' physical and emotional states remotely, such
 as in search and rescue operations.]

 David Roberts says the Cyber-Enhanced Working Dog harness will allow
 humans to monitor dogs' physical and emotional states remotely, such as in
 search and rescue operations.
 Becky Kirkland/North Carolina State University

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Re: [beagleboard] Re: Recommendation to boot / resume Linux in less than a second...

2014-11-11 Thread Jean-Pierre Poulin
Supercool.  We're hoping to reduce boot-time by using open-source based 
solutions so following the latest systemd-based efforts appears as the next 
logical step.  Thanks a bunch for that useful advice!!

On Tuesday, November 11, 2014 10:07:19 AM UTC-5, RobertCNelson wrote:

 Then Lennart released systemd and really just blew them out of the 

 I did see a demo of timesys showing off something that booted even 
 faster then systemd, but you'll pay lots of $ for it. 

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Re: [beagleboard] Re: Recommendation to boot / resume Linux in less than a second...

2014-11-11 Thread Jean-Pierre Poulin
Q: Have you guys ever tried reducing boot-times through a hibernate-based 
solution?  (e.g. Warp)  How do these stackup versus efforts to fast-boot 
Linux as detailed in this thread?

On Tuesday, November 11, 2014 12:13:20 PM UTC-5, Jean-Pierre Poulin wrote:

 Supercool.  We're hoping to reduce boot-time by using open-source based 
 solutions so following the latest systemd-based efforts appears as the next 
 logical step.  Thanks a bunch for that useful advice!!

 On Tuesday, November 11, 2014 10:07:19 AM UTC-5, RobertCNelson wrote:

 Then Lennart released systemd and really just blew them out of the 

 I did see a demo of timesys showing off something that booted even 
 faster then systemd, but you'll pay lots of $ for it. 

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Re: [beagleboard] Re: Only able to read 0x0 or FF with spidev...

2014-11-11 Thread Jason Lange
The two devices that show up are associated with the same clock and data
lines, they just have different chip select lines to allow you to multiplex
two devices -- they cannot be used simultaneously.

On Mon, Nov 10, 2014 at 3:54 PM, janszymanski12...@gmail.com wrote:


  Following the links: http://elinux.org/BeagleBone_Black_Enable_SPIDEV
 I was able to make it work, but I have a SS too long (1.4ms) for my need.
 For easy test connect MOSI and MISO with a wire (loopback) to eliminate
 connection problem with you SPI slave.
 Hope this will help. When you done, can you measure the timing a let me
 I can post you my code if you need it.


 On Tuesday, November 11, 2014 5:03:38 AM UTC+11, lambert...@gmail.com


 I am trying to communicate with a device (ADS1299à by using the
 Beaglebone black but without success. First I have to enable spi dev
 entries in /dev. There are plenty of blog/tuto which are giving dtc file to
 generate our own dtbo. But dtc files seems to not be always the same.

 In fact I can see that there are already some dtbo files in /lib/firmware
 root@beaglebone:~# ls /lib/firmware/ | grep SPI

 So I want to use only SPI0 because I know that SPI1 is already used by
 HDMI. Can I used theses dtbo files ? Is it better to write my own ? It is
 quite strange, when I enable one of theses dtbo files, I get not only one
 but two entries in /dev ??

 Currently I want to validate my wiring between the two boards. I found a
 piece of code to read the device id in register of the device though SPI.
 But when I try to read this register, I can only get 1 or only get 0
 (depends of the dtbo files)

 Any advice of the good way to process here ?

 Thanks  Regards,

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Re: [beagleboard] Re: Only able to read 0x0 or FF with spidev...

2014-11-11 Thread Jason Lange
...so if you enable both spidevs you have four devices show up.

On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 9:51 AM, Jason Lange j.b.la...@gmail.com wrote:

 The two devices that show up are associated with the same clock and data
 lines, they just have different chip select lines to allow you to multiplex
 two devices -- they cannot be used simultaneously.

 On Mon, Nov 10, 2014 at 3:54 PM, janszymanski12...@gmail.com wrote:


  Following the links: http://elinux.org/BeagleBone_Black_Enable_SPIDEV
 I was able to make it work, but I have a SS too long (1.4ms) for my need.
 For easy test connect MOSI and MISO with a wire (loopback) to eliminate
 connection problem with you SPI slave.
 Hope this will help. When you done, can you measure the timing a let me
 I can post you my code if you need it.


 On Tuesday, November 11, 2014 5:03:38 AM UTC+11, lambert...@gmail.com


 I am trying to communicate with a device (ADS1299à by using the
 Beaglebone black but without success. First I have to enable spi dev
 entries in /dev. There are plenty of blog/tuto which are giving dtc file to
 generate our own dtbo. But dtc files seems to not be always the same.

 In fact I can see that there are already some dtbo files in
 /lib/firmware :
 root@beaglebone:~# ls /lib/firmware/ | grep SPI

 So I want to use only SPI0 because I know that SPI1 is already used by
 HDMI. Can I used theses dtbo files ? Is it better to write my own ? It is
 quite strange, when I enable one of theses dtbo files, I get not only one
 but two entries in /dev ??

 Currently I want to validate my wiring between the two boards. I found a
 piece of code to read the device id in register of the device though SPI.
 But when I try to read this register, I can only get 1 or only get 0
 (depends of the dtbo files)

 Any advice of the good way to process here ?

 Thanks  Regards,

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Re: [beagleboard] Re: libpruio (fast and easy D/A - I/O)

2014-11-11 Thread William Hermans
Back in the early to mid 80's I was living in Kitzingen,Germany, and I was
young. If you catch my meaning.

But anyway, I am still a bit busy, but perhaps in my spare time I can read
your documentation a bit at a time to be used to it. It is something I've
been wanting to do for a while now . . .

On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 6:06 AM, TJF jeli.freih...@gmail.com wrote:

 Am Montag, 10. November 2014 21:52:26 UTC+1 schrieb William Hermans:


 I'd be willing at some point to help you port some code for your project,

 Hello William, welcome at the libpruio project.

 I know about many tasks to improve the libpruio package. Some of them
 might be fun for you.

 Do you have a quick setup guide for your library ?

 Find the installation guide in the documentation at page Preparation

 Could you check the documentation text? It seems that you're a native
 speaker with good language skills. You should be able to improve the text a
 lot. (I could mail a pdf version, where you could add your comments.)

 Other problem is that I am not exactly a hardware person so much as a
 software developer, and I am semi new to embedded Linux. The new to embeded
 Linux part shouldnt be too much of a problem, just means I need to read up
 on the libc functions available to me. Not being an EE however slows me
 down greatly however, since I do not want to fry my boards . . .

 I'm neither an electronics engineer, nor a programmer, nor an expert on
 embedded systems, nor a native speaker. I think I realy know what you're
 talking about.

 I'm looking at the project from the user point of view, evaluating how
 things should work and then do my best to make this happen. And, knowing
 there's no perfect solution, I try to learn from my failures.

 As an aside, I must have really really become accustomed to C over the
 last several years, BASIC syntax hurts my eyes, lol but it was the very
 first language I picked up 17+ years ago . . .

 Basic isn't the first programming language I used, but for me it's the
 most productive. I'm not speaking about the m$ dialects, which I dislike as
 well, and which I don't use since the middle 80's. (AFAIR QB 4.5 was the
 last one I tested and droped.) But there're other dialects, which are in
 some points more powerful than C, and easier to read for my old eyes.

 The libpruio package contains some examples, as you can see at this
 documentation page
 I think all code in folder src/c_examples could have a review. But most
 important, there're some examples with grafics output

- pwm_adc.bas,
- osci.bas,
- rb_oszi.bas, and
- triggers.bas

 which I didn't translate to C code jet. My idea was to use cairo grafics
 library, but there might be a more common way to create short and easy C

 Note: libpruio examples should be easy to understand for beginners and
 should have less than 200 lines of code.

 Feel free to send further colaboration ideas and discuss details (here or
 PM). Or just make your choice and start.


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[beagleboard] Reccomended Development Linux

2014-11-11 Thread Walter Schilling
Good afternoon:

I am getting ready to teach a class using the Beaglebone Black for a set of 
college students.  Last year we were caught in the short supply of the 
black boards, so I'm getting started  abit earlier.  However, I'm trying to 
figure out the best distro and cross compilation environment to use.  Last 
year I used a Ubuntu distro with the Debian image and while things went OK, 
there were some quirks.  Based on feedback, I was planning on switching to 
a Debian distro, and I started building a VM for them to use for this 
purpose.  However, it seems as if Debian is no longer including the 
gcc-arm-Linux-gnueabihf package, and many of the sites have indicated this 
is now obsolete.

With that being the case, what is the current recommended cross compiler 
and platform for Beaglebone Black development?

Walt Schilling

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Re: [beagleboard] Re: BeagleBoard-X15 - seriously? :)

2014-11-11 Thread John Syn

On 11/11/14, 8:19 AM, __rh___ richard_hubb...@lavabit.com wrote:

On Sun, 9 Nov 2014 11:00:21 +0100
Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller h...@goldelico.com wrote:

 Am 08.11.2014 um 21:05 schrieb rh_
  On Fri, 7 Nov 2014 12:32:19 -0600
  Gerald Coley ger...@beagleboard.org wrote:
  Definitely not one of those. Look at what it has on it and make a
  good guess.
  Ok definitely must mean $200-400. Is this not good guessing?
  This starts to be a in different realm and the competition is more
  fierce. But you know more about that than I ever will and it's
  likely that I just don't understand the landscape. Dual Gb ethernet
  will attract a lot of attention for server/firewall/IDS/IPS.
 I think the feature set of the X15 is almost comparable to the
 OMAP5432EVM (which AFAIR was originally planned to become
 a PandaBoard 5):
 So this seems to confirm the price range $200-400...

X15 not interesting at this price range. Plus some of the features
are really vaporware as it's likely they remain in their software
blackhole, as mentioned earlier.
Maybe not as bad as you think. I had a discussion on the linux-omap
mailing list and TI have RPMSG/REMOTEPROC working on the AM572x processor
and will push this to mainline early 2015.


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Re: [beagleboard] Reccomended Development Linux

2014-11-11 Thread William Hermans

This is a fairly good guide, and I pretty much followed it exactly using
Lubuntu 14.04. Maybe a few small changes here and there, most mostly due to
armel versus armhf differences.

Lubuntu by the way, is exactly Ubuntu, but with a less graphics intensive
Desktop ( LXDE instead of the garbage Ubuntu ships with - Unity ).

My own very rough text install notes . . .

Download Lubuntu 14.04 i386 iso
 Download UNetbootin
 Run UNetbootin - select Diskimage - select downloaded Lubuntu ISO -
 select correct USB drive - click OK
 reboot computer
 enter BIOS change boot priority to USB memory
 save and exit
 select install Lubuntu
 Installation typ page - select intall Lbuntu alongside windows 7
 Intall Lubuntu alongside windows 7 page - make necessary adjustments -
 Lubuntu needs atleast 20GB to be usable, and 40GB or mroe would be better.
 sudo apt-get update
 sudo apt-get install cairo-dock xcompmgr
 sudo nano ~/.config/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart
 At the end, add these lines :

 sudo nano /etc/sysctl.conf
 add the following line: net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1
 sudo sysctl -p
 sudo apt-get install openssh-server
 sudo apt-get install build-essential
 sudo apt-get install eclipse
 run eclipse - select a workspace
 close the welcome page
 select help - install new software - Indigo Update Site
 expand Programming languages
 select - C/C++ Development tools - (optional but recommended ) C/C++
 Library API Documentation Hover Help (incubation )
 click next - next
 Agree to the liscense terms - select finish
 When done restart eclipse.
 File - new - project
 fill out appropriate information, clicking next until finish
 sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf
 project - properties - C/C++ Build - settings - GCC C Compiler ==
 GCC C Linker ==
 GCC Assembler ==
 C/C++ General - Paths and Symbols - GNU C includes tab
 /usr/arm-linux-gnueabihf/include check add to all configurations
 C/C++ General - Paths and Symbols - GNU C library paths tab
 /usr/arm-linux-gnueabihf/lib check add to all configurations
 project - build all
 sudo apt-get install ssh sshfs
 sudo mkdir /media/beaglebone
 sudo sshfs /media/beaglebone
 sudo cp ./test /media/beaglebone
 sudo umount /media/beaglebone
 login to the beaglebone
 root@arm:~# cd /home/debian/
 root@arm:/home/debian# ./test
 !!!Hello World!!!

On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 11:46 AM, Walter Schilling schill...@msoe.edu

 Good afternoon:

 I am getting ready to teach a class using the Beaglebone Black for a set
 of college students.  Last year we were caught in the short supply of the
 black boards, so I'm getting started  abit earlier.  However, I'm trying to
 figure out the best distro and cross compilation environment to use.  Last
 year I used a Ubuntu distro with the Debian image and while things went OK,
 there were some quirks.  Based on feedback, I was planning on switching to
 a Debian distro, and I started building a VM for them to use for this
 purpose.  However, it seems as if Debian is no longer including the
 gcc-arm-Linux-gnueabihf package, and many of the sites have indicated this
 is now obsolete.

 With that being the case, what is the current recommended cross compiler
 and platform for Beaglebone Black development?

 Walt Schilling

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Re: [beagleboard] Reccomended Development Linux

2014-11-11 Thread Robert Nelson
On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 12:46 PM, Walter Schilling schill...@msoe.edu wrote:
 Good afternoon:

 I am getting ready to teach a class using the Beaglebone Black for a set of
 college students.  Last year we were caught in the short supply of the black
 boards, so I'm getting started  abit earlier.  However, I'm trying to figure
 out the best distro and cross compilation environment to use.  Last year I
 used a Ubuntu distro with the Debian image and while things went OK, there
 were some quirks.  Based on feedback, I was planning on switching to a
 Debian distro, and I started building a VM for them to use for this purpose.
 However, it seems as if Debian is no longer including the
 gcc-arm-Linux-gnueabihf package, and many of the sites have indicated this
 is now obsolete.

 With that being the case, what is the current recommended cross compiler and
 platform for Beaglebone Black development?

So right now there's a binutils for armhf in debian jessie:


However the gcc cross compiler is still stuck in sid:


So once that migrates to jessie (if it migrates) you'll have matching
armhf cross gcc/binutils/libs that can used to cross build projects
for the bbb running jessie.


Robert Nelson

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Re: [beagleboard] Reccomended Development Linux

2014-11-11 Thread Robert Nelson
On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 1:09 PM, Robert Nelson robertcnel...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 12:46 PM, Walter Schilling schill...@msoe.edu wrote:
 Good afternoon:

 I am getting ready to teach a class using the Beaglebone Black for a set of
 college students.  Last year we were caught in the short supply of the black
 boards, so I'm getting started  abit earlier.  However, I'm trying to figure
 out the best distro and cross compilation environment to use.  Last year I
 used a Ubuntu distro with the Debian image and while things went OK, there
 were some quirks.  Based on feedback, I was planning on switching to a
 Debian distro, and I started building a VM for them to use for this purpose.
 However, it seems as if Debian is no longer including the
 gcc-arm-Linux-gnueabihf package, and many of the sites have indicated this
 is now obsolete.

 With that being the case, what is the current recommended cross compiler and
 platform for Beaglebone Black development?

 So right now there's a binutils for armhf in debian jessie:


 However the gcc cross compiler is still stuck in sid:


 So once that migrates to jessie (if it migrates) you'll have matching
 armhf cross gcc/binutils/libs that can used to cross build projects
 for the bbb running jessie.

Based on:


This delay is expected.. So for users which to cross build packages,
running Debian Jessie on the desktop (amd64 only) and running debian
jessie on the bbb (1), they'll have matching gcc/lib/etc..

1: http://elinux.org/Beagleboard:BeagleBoneBlack_Debian#Jessie_Snapshot


Robert Nelson

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Re: [beagleboard] Re: Recommendation to boot / resume Linux in less than a second...

2014-11-11 Thread William Hermans
Yeah, what Robert said is pretty much what I've read. SYSV is partially
parallel loading, where systemd is fully parallel.

My own problems with getting used to it is mostly due to not knowing how to
do the equivalent of a Debian LSB init script ( service ) work.

On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 10:15 AM, Jean-Pierre Poulin 
jeanpierrepou...@gmail.com wrote:

 Q: Have you guys ever tried reducing boot-times through a hibernate-based
 solution?  (e.g. Warp)  How do these stackup versus efforts to fast-boot
 Linux as detailed in this thread?

 On Tuesday, November 11, 2014 12:13:20 PM UTC-5, Jean-Pierre Poulin wrote:

 Supercool.  We're hoping to reduce boot-time by using open-source based
 solutions so following the latest systemd-based efforts appears as the next
 logical step.  Thanks a bunch for that useful advice!!

 On Tuesday, November 11, 2014 10:07:19 AM UTC-5, RobertCNelson wrote:

 Then Lennart released systemd and really just blew them out of the

 I did see a demo of timesys showing off something that booted even
 faster then systemd, but you'll pay lots of $ for it.

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Re: [beagleboard] Re: Recommendation to boot / resume Linux in less than a second...

2014-11-11 Thread Maxim Podbereznyy
I wonder if systemd is so magical why it is not used by any of PC's Linux

2014-11-11 22:45 GMT+03:00 William Hermans yyrk...@gmail.com:

 Yeah, what Robert said is pretty much what I've read. SYSV is partially
 parallel loading, where systemd is fully parallel.

 My own problems with getting used to it is mostly due to not knowing how
 to do the equivalent of a Debian LSB init script ( service ) work.

 On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 10:15 AM, Jean-Pierre Poulin 
 jeanpierrepou...@gmail.com wrote:

 Q: Have you guys ever tried reducing boot-times through a hibernate-based
 solution?  (e.g. Warp)  How do these stackup versus efforts to fast-boot
 Linux as detailed in this thread?

 On Tuesday, November 11, 2014 12:13:20 PM UTC-5, Jean-Pierre Poulin wrote:

 Supercool.  We're hoping to reduce boot-time by using open-source based
 solutions so following the latest systemd-based efforts appears as the next
 logical step.  Thanks a bunch for that useful advice!!

 On Tuesday, November 11, 2014 10:07:19 AM UTC-5, RobertCNelson wrote:

 Then Lennart released systemd and really just blew them out of the

 I did see a demo of timesys showing off something that booted even
 faster then systemd, but you'll pay lots of $ for it.

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Company - http://www.linkedin.com/company/mentorel
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/mentorel.company

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Re: [beagleboard] Re: Recommendation to boot / resume Linux in less than a second...

2014-11-11 Thread Chris Morgan
On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 2:51 PM, Maxim Podbereznyy lisar...@gmail.com wrote:
 I wonder if systemd is so magical why it is not used by any of PC's Linux

It looks well represented, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Systemd#Adoption

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Re: [beagleboard] Re: Recommendation to boot / resume Linux in less than a second...

2014-11-11 Thread William Hermans
Maxim, for distro's like Debian which is slow moving for stability reason.
I would imagine the Debian team wants the technology proven before they
make the leap. From what I understand, the next iteration of Debian *will*
include systemd, and it is an apt-get-able package for wheezy right now.

Also according to what I've read, it will work right along side SYSV, or at
least init scripts, with no harm to anything, except perhaps slower boot
times ( versus just using systemd by its self ).

If you really want to know about it, I would suggest you do a bit of
googling. There is lots of information out there about it, it is just that
I have not been able to find a decent simple example of how to setup
services yet. This is either because I'm not searching for the correct
thing, or the documentation on the whole process is jut limited right now.

The key point, is if Debian is going to move to using it, it is probably
worth researching yourself.

On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 12:54 PM, Chris Morgan chmor...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 2:51 PM, Maxim Podbereznyy lisar...@gmail.com
  I wonder if systemd is so magical why it is not used by any of PC's Linux

 It looks well represented, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Systemd#Adoption

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Re: [beagleboard] Re: BeagleBoard-X15 - seriously? :)

2014-11-11 Thread John Syn

On 11/11/14, 8:38 AM, Robert Nelson robertcnel...@gmail.com wrote:

On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 10:19 AM, __rh___ richard_hubb...@lavabit.com
 On Sun, 9 Nov 2014 11:00:21 +0100
 Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller h...@goldelico.com wrote:

 Am 08.11.2014 um 21:05 schrieb rh_

  On Fri, 7 Nov 2014 12:32:19 -0600
  Gerald Coley ger...@beagleboard.org wrote:
  Definitely not one of those. Look at what it has on it and make a
  good guess.
  Ok definitely must mean $200-400. Is this not good guessing?
  This starts to be a in different realm and the competition is more
  fierce. But you know more about that than I ever will and it's
  likely that I just don't understand the landscape. Dual Gb ethernet
  will attract a lot of attention for server/firewall/IDS/IPS.

 I think the feature set of the X15 is almost comparable to the
 OMAP5432EVM (which AFAIR was originally planned to become
 a PandaBoard 5):


 So this seems to confirm the price range $200-400...

 X15 not interesting at this price range. Plus some of the features
 are really vaporware as it's likely they remain in their software
 blackhole, as mentioned earlier.

At least vent your frustration to the correct people:


They are the ones who don't want to support their ip found in TI
I guess if enough users way in and convince IMGTEC to support Linux
mainline, they may rethink their reluctance to support the open source
community. Post your comments on:


If you don¹t stand up and be counted, then you have no right to complain.



Robert Nelson

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Re: [beagleboard] Re: Recommendation to boot / resume Linux in less than a second...

2014-11-11 Thread William Hermans
Also, as far as I know. ARCH uses systemd by default. However, since I do
not personally use ARCH, this is pure speculation on my own behalf. I've
also read that fedora, and a few others use systemd as well.

On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 4:35 PM, William Hermans yyrk...@gmail.com wrote:

 Maxim, for distro's like Debian which is slow moving for stability reason.
 I would imagine the Debian team wants the technology proven before they
 make the leap. From what I understand, the next iteration of Debian *will*
 include systemd, and it is an apt-get-able package for wheezy right now.

 Also according to what I've read, it will work right along side SYSV, or
 at least init scripts, with no harm to anything, except perhaps slower boot
 times ( versus just using systemd by its self ).

 If you really want to know about it, I would suggest you do a bit of
 googling. There is lots of information out there about it, it is just that
 I have not been able to find a decent simple example of how to setup
 services yet. This is either because I'm not searching for the correct
 thing, or the documentation on the whole process is jut limited right now.

 The key point, is if Debian is going to move to using it, it is probably
 worth researching yourself.

 On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 12:54 PM, Chris Morgan chmor...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 2:51 PM, Maxim Podbereznyy lisar...@gmail.com
  I wonder if systemd is so magical why it is not used by any of PC's

 It looks well represented, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Systemd#Adoption

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Re: [beagleboard] Re: BeagleBoard-X15 - seriously? :)

2014-11-11 Thread Alfredo Muniz
On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 6:39 PM, John Syn john3...@gmail.com wrote:

 If you don¹t stand up and be counted, then you have no right to complain.

Agreed. http://forum.imgtec.com/discussion/3394/linux-and-open-source

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Re: [beagleboard] Re: Recommendation to boot / resume Linux in less than a second...

2014-11-11 Thread liyaoshi
If this is for automotive ,systemd is not so useful
last mode is required when in automotive enviroment
while as I know systemd can not turnning boot sequence for different
If not about automotive ,skip this .
And,if only talking about 0.5s or 1s , its only about u-boot and kernel

what I test in imx 6 , whats' my test result is boot from nand slc onfi1@80M

Arm@800M with 16bit DDR@400m

unless you remove kernel printk, its possible boot less than 1s

remove any print out from serial ,boot loader turn mmu can cache on

load kernel with uncompressed and make small than 4M,without prink

actually I remove lots of in kernel .the best time is about less than 1s

2014-11-12 7:42 GMT+08:00 William Hermans yyrk...@gmail.com:

 Also, as far as I know. ARCH uses systemd by default. However, since I do
 not personally use ARCH, this is pure speculation on my own behalf. I've
 also read that fedora, and a few others use systemd as well.

 On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 4:35 PM, William Hermans yyrk...@gmail.com

 Maxim, for distro's like Debian which is slow moving for stability
 reason. I would imagine the Debian team wants the technology proven before
 they make the leap. From what I understand, the next iteration of Debian
 *will* include systemd, and it is an apt-get-able package for wheezy right

 Also according to what I've read, it will work right along side SYSV, or
 at least init scripts, with no harm to anything, except perhaps slower boot
 times ( versus just using systemd by its self ).

 If you really want to know about it, I would suggest you do a bit of
 googling. There is lots of information out there about it, it is just that
 I have not been able to find a decent simple example of how to setup
 services yet. This is either because I'm not searching for the correct
 thing, or the documentation on the whole process is jut limited right now.

 The key point, is if Debian is going to move to using it, it is probably
 worth researching yourself.

 On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 12:54 PM, Chris Morgan chmor...@gmail.com

 On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 2:51 PM, Maxim Podbereznyy lisar...@gmail.com
  I wonder if systemd is so magical why it is not used by any of PC's

 It looks well represented, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Systemd#Adoption

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[beagleboard] Netinstall for Wheezy on Beagleboard xM

2014-11-11 Thread Paulo Sherring
Hi all.
I am trying to use Netinstall script, provided here 
https://github.com/RobertCNelson/netinstall ( Thanks to you, mr Robert C. 
Nelson, for the great job!).
I managed to run just fine the installer but, when I am supposed to select 
a disk for install, I get no disk available. Don't know if I am getting 
something wrong here, but i wish I could create a SD card for my 
architecture with a bootable Debian wheezy.
Up to the disk selection, everything run smoothly.
What am I getting wrong?

Paulo Sherring.

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Re: [beagleboard] Re: Recommendation to boot / resume Linux in less than a second...

2014-11-11 Thread Robert Nelson
On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 7:09 PM, liyaoshi liyao...@gmail.com wrote:
 If this is for automotive ,systemd is not so useful
 last mode is required when in automotive enviroment
 while as I know systemd can not turnning boot sequence for different modules
 If not about automotive ,skip this .
 And,if only talking about 0.5s or 1s , its only about u-boot and kernel

 what I test in imx 6 , whats' my test result is boot from nand slc onfi1@80M
 Arm@800M with 16bit DDR@400m

 unless you remove kernel printk, its possible boot less than 1s

 remove any print out from serial ,boot loader turn mmu can cache on

 load kernel with uncompressed and make small than 4M,without prink

but also double check with lzo... As it can beat uncompressed...


Robert Nelson

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Re: [beagleboard] Netinstall for Wheezy on Beagleboard xM

2014-11-11 Thread Robert Nelson
On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 7:35 PM, Paulo Sherring
pauloasherr...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi all.
 I am trying to use Netinstall script, provided here
 https://github.com/RobertCNelson/netinstall ( Thanks to you, mr Robert C.
 Nelson, for the great job!).
 I managed to run just fine the installer but, when I am supposed to select a
 disk for install, I get no disk available. Don't know if I am getting
 something wrong here, but i wish I could create a SD card for my
 architecture with a bootable Debian wheezy.
 Up to the disk selection, everything run smoothly.
 What am I getting wrong?

Very odd, as you need the disk to load the debian-installer...  What
brand/type of microSD card are you using? With the current v3.17.x
some sandisk's mmc have been failing for me.

First try a different microSD, otherwise pass --use-beta-kernel
which will pull in v3.18.x instead. (we will be migrating to v3.18.x
pretty quickly..)


Robert Nelson

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Re: [beagleboard] Re: Recommendation to boot / resume Linux in less than a second...

2014-11-11 Thread liyaoshi
This is depends on your SOC main clock and cache size and nand /eMMC read
If on 512K L2 cache and over than 1G , lzo MAYBE will beat uncompressed
but in less than 500M  and with very fast nand 16bit EDO ddr mode /eMMC
50M@8bit with ADMA
what I get test result is raw (uncompressed) kernel image will be the
better choice on iMX6

You can see the test result from the link ,

None69656444.62674904.626749Ti dont have eDMA and ADMA enable as default in
previous u-boot driver
While this is patched in 2014.04 version on omap5 and dra7x driver
It wont take over than 1s while loading 6M size kernel image
What I test on imx6 , u-boot with ADMA driver enable on eMMC 4.4 @8bit 50M
Will over than 15MBytes /s
And with APBH DMA enable in 8bit nand driver @100M EDO mode enable
Will over than 15MBytes/s too

So , what I suggest , you should check your u-boot driver , and make sure
ADMA enable for eMMC/sd

2014-11-12 9:37 GMT+08:00 Robert Nelson robertcnel...@gmail.com:

 On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 7:09 PM, liyaoshi liyao...@gmail.com wrote:
  If this is for automotive ,systemd is not so useful
  last mode is required when in automotive enviroment
  while as I know systemd can not turnning boot sequence for different
  If not about automotive ,skip this .
  And,if only talking about 0.5s or 1s , its only about u-boot and kernel
  what I test in imx 6 , whats' my test result is boot from nand slc
  Arm@800M with 16bit DDR@400m
  unless you remove kernel printk, its possible boot less than 1s
  remove any print out from serial ,boot loader turn mmu can cache on
  load kernel with uncompressed and make small than 4M,without prink

 but also double check with lzo... As it can beat uncompressed...


 Robert Nelson

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Re: [beagleboard] Re: Recommendation to boot / resume Linux in less than a second...

2014-11-11 Thread liyaoshi

This is what I have done in my iMX6 solo @800M 16bit ddr board

2014-11-12 11:22 GMT+08:00 liyaoshi liyao...@gmail.com:

 This is depends on your SOC main clock and cache size and nand /eMMC read
 If on 512K L2 cache and over than 1G , lzo MAYBE will beat uncompressed
 but in less than 500M  and with very fast nand 16bit EDO ddr mode /eMMC
 50M@8bit with ADMA
 what I get test result is raw (uncompressed) kernel image will be the
 better choice on iMX6

 You can see the test result from the link ,

 None69656444.62674904.626749Ti dont have eDMA and ADMA enable as default
 in previous u-boot driver
 While this is patched in 2014.04 version on omap5 and dra7x driver
 It wont take over than 1s while loading 6M size kernel image
 What I test on imx6 , u-boot with ADMA driver enable on eMMC 4.4 @8bit 50M
 Will over than 15MBytes /s
 And with APBH DMA enable in 8bit nand driver @100M EDO mode enable
 Will over than 15MBytes/s too

 So , what I suggest , you should check your u-boot driver , and make sure
 ADMA enable for eMMC/sd

 2014-11-12 9:37 GMT+08:00 Robert Nelson robertcnel...@gmail.com:

 On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 7:09 PM, liyaoshi liyao...@gmail.com wrote:
  If this is for automotive ,systemd is not so useful
  last mode is required when in automotive enviroment
  while as I know systemd can not turnning boot sequence for different
  If not about automotive ,skip this .
  And,if only talking about 0.5s or 1s , its only about u-boot and kernel
  what I test in imx 6 , whats' my test result is boot from nand slc
  Arm@800M with 16bit DDR@400m
  unless you remove kernel printk, its possible boot less than 1s
  remove any print out from serial ,boot loader turn mmu can cache on
  load kernel with uncompressed and make small than 4M,without prink

 but also double check with lzo... As it can beat uncompressed...


 Robert Nelson

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Re: [beagleboard] Reccomended Development Linux

2014-11-11 Thread Walter Schilling

Is this what you are using to build the kernel then?


On Tuesday, November 11, 2014 1:17:56 PM UTC-6, RobertCNelson wrote:

 On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 1:09 PM, Robert Nelson robert...@gmail.com 
 javascript: wrote: 
  On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 12:46 PM, Walter Schilling schi...@msoe.edu 
 javascript: wrote: 
  Good afternoon: 
  I am getting ready to teach a class using the Beaglebone Black for a 
 set of 
  college students.  Last year we were caught in the short supply of the 
  boards, so I'm getting started  abit earlier.  However, I'm trying to 
  out the best distro and cross compilation environment to use.  Last 
 year I 
  used a Ubuntu distro with the Debian image and while things went OK, 
  were some quirks.  Based on feedback, I was planning on switching to a 
  Debian distro, and I started building a VM for them to use for this 
  However, it seems as if Debian is no longer including the 
  gcc-arm-Linux-gnueabihf package, and many of the sites have indicated 
  is now obsolete. 
  With that being the case, what is the current recommended cross 
 compiler and 
  platform for Beaglebone Black development? 
  So right now there's a binutils for armhf in debian jessie: 
  However the gcc cross compiler is still stuck in sid: 
  So once that migrates to jessie (if it migrates) you'll have matching 
  armhf cross gcc/binutils/libs that can used to cross build projects 
  for the bbb running jessie. 

 Based on: 


 This delay is expected.. So for users which to cross build packages, 
 running Debian Jessie on the desktop (amd64 only) and running debian 
 jessie on the bbb (1), they'll have matching gcc/lib/etc.. 

 1: http://elinux.org/Beagleboard:BeagleBoneBlack_Debian#Jessie_Snapshot 


 Robert Nelson 

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Re: [beagleboard] Re: BeagleBoard-X15 - seriously? :)

2014-11-11 Thread Nishanth Menon

On 11/07/2014 03:43 PM, Nishanth Menon wrote:

On Fri, Nov 7, 2014 at 3:40 PM, Laurent Desnogues
laurent.desnog...@gmail.com wrote:

On Fri, Nov 7, 2014 at 7:32 PM, Gerald Coley ger...@beagleboard.org wrote:

Definitely not one of those. Look at what it has on it and make a good

You got me wondering because Richard basically copied his info
from Nishanth Menon himself:


Sigh.. at least use the typo corrected patch V2:
https://patchwork.kernel.org/patch/5254791/ :P

just in case folks are interested:

queued for 3.19-rc1

Nishanth Menon

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Re: [beagleboard] Re: BeagleBoard-X15 - seriously? :)

2014-11-11 Thread Robert Nelson
On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 10:11 PM, Nishanth Menon n...@ti.com wrote:
 On 11/07/2014 03:43 PM, Nishanth Menon wrote:

 On Fri, Nov 7, 2014 at 3:40 PM, Laurent Desnogues
 laurent.desnog...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Fri, Nov 7, 2014 at 7:32 PM, Gerald Coley ger...@beagleboard.org

 Definitely not one of those. Look at what it has on it and make a good

 You got me wondering because Richard basically copied his info
 from Nishanth Menon himself:


 Sigh.. at least use the typo corrected patch V2:
 https://patchwork.kernel.org/patch/5254791/ :P

 just in case folks are interested:

 queued for 3.19-rc1

Nice work Nishanth!

This has to be one of the fastest mainline enabled arm kits ever!


Robert Nelson

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[beagleboard] Start working on a Project

2014-11-11 Thread geekswine
I have worked on arduino and atmega16a before. In my past the only 
experience I have is in making a library for interfacing lcd jhd162a for 
atmega 16a. I have gone through the BBB manual. I will be getting BBB in 1 
month. I have gone through the ideas of many projects listed on 
beagleboard.org, but since I am a newbie to BBB, I am not getting that from 
which project should I start contributing to. Till I get my BBB is there 
any way (theoretical or simulation) by which I start contributing to any 
project in beagleboard org? Is there any bug to be fixed to any project 
where I can start working and learn more about it and help in contributing. 
Please help.
Looking forward to working with beagleboard org.

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[beagleboard] Re: TCP error

2014-11-11 Thread Catch Axe
No ideas? :(

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Re: [beagleboard] Re: PRU0 base address

2014-11-11 Thread Karl Karpfen
OK, solved, using this initialisation PRU is at least initialised:




   HWREG(PRU0CONTROL_PHYS_BASE+PRU_CTRL)=0x0002; // enable and execute

Afterwards CTRL-register contains 0x8003 which means PRU is executing

2014-11-10 9:38 GMT+01:00 Karl Karpfen karlkarpfe...@gmail.com:

 OK, seems I have to clarify this a bit: in my environment no Linux is
 involved, I'm digging within the hardware directly.

 What I found meanwhile: some clocks have to be enabled. But setting
 0x0010 (=CM_PER_PRU_ICSS_CLKSTCTRL_OCP_GCLK) did not do the trick.

 Any other ideas?

 Am Donnerstag, 6. November 2014 16:28:56 UTC+1 schrieb ericgg...@gmail.com

 The PRU does need to be enabled, typically by a Device Tree entry similar
 to this:

 fragment@4 {
 target = pruss;
 __overlay__ {
 status = okay;

 If using a cape of some kind, this would normally be in the device tree
 setup for that cape.
 If it's your own custom cape, you would need to add this to your device
 tree file.
 There may also be a suitable device tree overlay already installed in
 /lib/firmware that you can simply enable, but I don't have my BBB in front
 of me right now to check.

 On Wednesday, November 5, 2014 11:19:34 PM UTC-8, Karl Karpfen wrote:

 OK, the base address seems to be correct. Nevertheless CTRL-register isn
 ot readable, so it seems some important PRU-initialisations are missing. So
 is there any clock or power that has to be turned on for PRU?

 Am Dienstag, 4. November 2014 17:54:03 UTC+1 schrieb Karl Karpfen:

 OK, I'm sure it is a stupid question but I don't find it in AM335x
 TRM...there the offset of PRU_CTRL-register is defined with 0x. But
 what is the base address? I found a definition 0x4a322000 in one of
 Starterware headers but this seems to be wrong.

 So what is correct base address for PRU0 registers and RAM areas?

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Re: [beagleboard] Re: Recommendation to boot / resume Linux in less than a second...

2014-11-11 Thread robert.berger

On Wednesday, November 12, 2014 1:35:13 AM UTC+2, William Hermans wrote:

 Maxim, for distro's like Debian which is slow moving for stability reason. 

Who says that Debian is not using it? [1] 




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