Re: [beagleboard] RE: [EXTERNAL] Re: Industrial Beagle Bone Black damages SD cards.

2019-04-09 Thread Dr. Michael J. Chudobiak

On 4/9/19 7:59 AM, Steffensen, Flemming [COMRES/SOL/AAR] wrote:

  The failing SD-cards are for the most
part the consumer
SanDisk Ultra A1 SDHC 16gb, but we also have a few Kingston
  industrial 8gb (SDCIT/8GB B0623-004.A00LFTS).

  They are bought through official distributors of the
  respective brands, and not likely to be fake, although we have
  not performed tests anywhere near as detailed as the one you
  link to.
Talking with the distributer, I’m told that
  they internally have 0.08 % failure rate on the consumer
  SanDisk, and less than 0.00 % of the industrial Kingston.
  The datasheet for either card makes no promise in this regard,
  except 5 and 10 year warranty. I’ve asked for further details,
  if possible.

I had the same problems until switching to SwissBit SLC SD cards,
  which are supposed to have aggressive power-up/power-down
  protection circuits. No problems since. Very expensive, but
  cheaper than in-field failures.
- Mike


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Re: [beagleboard] Power - shutdown

2016-05-02 Thread Dr. Michael J. Chudobiak

On 05/02/2016 02:54 PM, Yiannis Papelis wrote:

Very much agree with you - even though I don't want to use a battery, it
seems more and more than a battery is a necessity for field use of the
BBB, which would explain the existing connector.

In my work, the solution was to use a read-only filesystem with a tmpfs 
overlay. I mount the boot and root partitions read-only, and configure 
/etc/sysconfig/readonly-root with READONLY=yes and TEMPORARY_STATE=yes. 
(This system runs Fedora.)

Permanent file writes are not frequently needed, but the filesystems can 
be temporarily re-mounted as read/write when they are required.

Also, I use a Swissbit SD card, which is more robust (and expensive) 
than normal SD cards, because it contains additional power-down protection.

I haven't experienced any filesystem corruption since switching to this 

I did use supercaps as pseudo-battery-backups for a while - the program 
would switch the filesystem to readonly as soon as a powerfail circuit 
was tripped - but the readonly+overlay approach is simpler and more 
robust in practice.

- Mike

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Re: [beagleboard] BeagleBone Black doesn't sometimes start. Only Power LED is on

2015-08-24 Thread Dr. Michael J. Chudobiak

On 08/13/2015 07:28 PM, Andrew Glen wrote:

For what it's worth, I run hundreds of 24/7 unattended systems with the
BBB. We have tested reboots into the tens of thousands, and with some
work we are able to achieve zero failures.

Off the top of my head here are the key platform specific things I do
that you might want to look at:

1) Mod the h/w to avoid the Ethernet issue (from another post) (this may
be fixed in the latest kernel, but we locked the s/w down a while back.


Could you elaborate on what hardware changes you made to fix the 
ethernet issue?

- Mike

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Re: [beagleboard] Re: BBB power led blinking, revived after several power button presses

2015-01-26 Thread Dr. Michael J. Chudobiak  I was happy to see, the
programs on the website worked just fine on my board. Thus, I was able
to conclude that strangely, my BBB board didn't like 5V external power

The BeagleBone Black  BlueSteel Basic seem to be extremely sensitive to 
the rise time of the 5V power supply at startup.

1 ms or longer is a problem, and it is not at all unusual for power 
supply to be slower than this.

200 us is reliable.

See also:!msg/beagleboard/aXv6An1xfqI/Vy9JxPRvIPwJ

The original BeagleBone White, for whatever reason, did not have this 
issue. (Anyone know why?)

I feed my raw power in through a voltage-controlled solid state relay 
circuit, and I get 100% reliable startups now.

- Mike

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Re: [beagleboard] Re: Recommendation to boot / resume Linux in less than a second...

2014-11-11 Thread Dr. Michael J. Chudobiak

On 11/11/2014 09:19 AM, Jean-Pierre Poulin wrote:

Hi all, many thanks for this insightful discussion.

Q: Is systemd a viable option to optimize boot-time on ARM embedded
platforms?  (Given its steeper learning curve are the results worth the
extra work / risk over 'init'?)

I've attached the output of systemd-analyze plot  plot.svg on my BBB 
system for your reference. My systems need to boot in 10 seconds or 
less, and that is easily achieved.

There is really no reason not to use systemd, that I am aware of. (There 
is a lot of FUD about it, though.)

- Mike

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Re: [beagleboard] Re: Recommendation to boot / resume Linux in less than a second...

2014-11-10 Thread Dr. Michael J. Chudobiak

On 11/10/2014 03:37 PM, William Hermans wrote:

systemd is supposed to make boot times even faster compared to the older
/ std debian init daemon. The problem I personally have with systemd, is
that I'm oldschool Linux, know init fairly well, and can not find very
good information about systemd on the web.

systemd has a ton of documentation. Some useful bits:

Using systemd-analyze plot  plot.svg is hugely useful for identifying 
startup bottlenecks.

- Mike

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[beagleboard] BlueSteel-Basic gone?

2014-09-17 Thread Dr. Michael J. Chudobiak

Has the BlueSteel-Basic been discontinued?

- Mike

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Re: [beagleboard] Why use C/C++ file I/O to access GPIO pins?

2014-08-18 Thread Dr. Michael J. Chudobiak

I've been playing with software and hardware for 30+ years,
but I'm new to Linux and embedded Linux systems. The code
snippets I've been able to find for GPIO access all seem use
file I/O functions. I've never seen this approach before --
I'm accustomed to reading and writing processor registers.
The file I/O approach seems strange to me, but I'm new here,
and there's a /lot /that seems strange.

You may be more comfortable using the GPMC bus for memory-mapped byte 
I/O, rather than the bit-wise GPIO interface. It's much faster too.

- Mike

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Re: [beagleboard] gpio high on startup

2014-08-07 Thread Dr. Michael J. Chudobiak

On 08/07/2014 01:16 AM, Matt Pinner wrote:

are the gpio pins always high during boot?

See pages 17-49 of for the 
default states of each pin.

- Mike

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Re: [beagleboard] Re: Maximum current on GPIO?

2014-07-30 Thread Dr. Michael J. Chudobiak

Now when I want to set a HIGH signal to that GPI, can I connect it with
BBBs 3.3V directly


or is a resistor needed in order to keep this 8 mA
sink limit?

No. (You must observe the 8 mA limit, but connecting a GPIO to the 3.3V 
or gnd rails will not require anything close to 8 mA.)


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Re: [beagleboard] BeagleBoard SBC Goes OEM, COM Version Coming

2014-06-18 Thread Dr. Michael J. Chudobiak

On 06/18/2014 02:10 AM, Maxim Podbereznyy wrote:

So from the article The BlueSteel-Basic is available for pre-order now
at $55 and the full version is $55 at Digikey. What's the point? :)

Well, the full version is only hypothetically available at DigiKey.

The commercial board may allow CircuitCo to make a profit, and act as a 
incentive keep them in stock, which would be nice.

Moreover does removing a couple of chips make this board industrial

Less power is a win. Less complexity is a win. Possibly greater 
availability due to fewer exotic parts is a win.

- Mike

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Re: [beagleboard] GPIO2_7, etc. (boot conflict?)

2014-06-17 Thread Dr. Michael J. Chudobiak

On 06/16/2014 07:49 PM, Lee Crocker wrote:

find 6 other GPIOs if I don't have to, so is there some simpler way of
making these not interfere with the boot process?

I use a 3-state buffer driven by SYS_RESETn. The buffer is open during 

- Mike

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Re: [beagleboard] Re: Can the BBB get damaged due to a hard power down?

2014-05-28 Thread Dr. Michael J. Chudobiak

I really donšt see how this can work. First, the supercaps are 2.5v so you


PMC wonšt like a short circuit, which the supercap is when it is fully
discharged. I could go on, but this idea doesnšt make sense to me.

Same is true of an uncharged battery. The charger circuit is 
current-limited. (I pull it up with a diode drop + 10 Ohms to a +5V rail 
also, for faster charging.)

- Mike

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Re: [beagleboard] Re: Can the BBB get damaged due to a hard power down?

2014-05-28 Thread Dr. Michael J. Chudobiak

Sounds cool and easy to implement hardware-wise.
Can you share the code for that?

Something like this:

// use plain old open to avoid any buffering etc
int enablefd = open(/proc/sys/kernel/sysrq, O_SYNC | O_RDWR);
int trgfd = open(/proc/sysrq-trigger, O_SYNC | O_RDWR);

// enable sysrq
write(enablefd, 1\n, 2);

// sync disks
write(trgfd, s\n, 2);

// remount ro
write(trgfd, u\n, 2);

// poweroff
system (/usr/bin/systemctl poweroff -f);


As I mentioned, I use full data+metadata journaling on the filesystem, 
not just metadata.

The only issue is that the system doesn't restart if power is reapplied 
before the supercap is fully discharged. You have to wait 10 seconds or 
so before a restart is possible. I'm not sure how to fix that.

- Mike

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Re: [beagleboard] Re: Can the BBB get damaged due to a hard power down?

2014-05-28 Thread Dr. Michael J. Chudobiak

asked anyone at TI if it is OK to use the PMU like this? Perhaps you
should post a question on E2E.


The battery charger should work fine with a supercap.  You'll need to 
make sure the TS (battery temp sense) pin is at a proper voltage to 
allow charging.  If the supercap does not have a temperature sensor, you 
can simply put a 10k resistor from TS to GND.

If you are charging at 440mA, it will take 50 Seconds to reach full
charge. What happens when the power fails before that 50 Seconds? I would
recommend that you monitor the supercap voltage and wait until it is fully
charged before opening any files.

That is why I use full data+metadata journaling on the filesystem.

If an unclean shutdown happens before the supercap is charged, the next 
boot-up will be delayed for several seconds as the filesystem is 
repaired using the full journal. That is annoying, but it is a minor 
cost for robustness. Mostly, the supercap is there to eliminate the need 
for the repair delay.

It is an interesting concept, but I'm still skeptical if this can really

Well, I do use it, so that's one data point.

The other main alternative for bullet-proof power-fail robustness is to 
rely on on something like unionfs to provide a mix of read-only and 
read/write filesystems, but that's not so simple either. It's complex 
and not very well supported in general.

Batteries have a fairly limited lifetime, so I don't consider that a 
practical solution (for me).

I'm interested to hear how other people prevent corruption on power 
loss, though.

- Mike

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Re: [beagleboard] Re: Can the BBB get damaged due to a hard power down?

2014-05-28 Thread Dr. Michael J. Chudobiak

On 05/28/2014 02:19 PM, William Hermans wrote:

Batteries can be had that have a lifetime of 5+ years. Depending on the
type of battery you use. Flooded lead acid ( for RE use ) can have a
much longer life. Especially if the batteries are conditioned / charged

No doubt, but if I can avoid putting a battery in my product, I will. 
They will die eventually, they sometimes corrode in a horrible mess, and 
they require maintenance actions by the user. No thanks. :-)

- Mike

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Re: [beagleboard] Re: Can the BBB get damaged due to a hard power down?

2014-05-27 Thread Dr. Michael J. Chudobiak

A battery powered
cape for a graceful power-down might be option. I don't have the
knowledge to design/build one (relatively) easily.

On the BeagleBone white, I use a 5F supercap on the battery terminals. 
When my hardware detects failing prime power it flags an input that my 
software watches for. My software then immediately uses the magic-sysrq 
to sync disks and remount as read-only, to protect the filesystem. The 
supercap provides just enough power/time to do that.

Also, I use full data+metadata journaling on the filesystem (ext4).

It's been very robust so far.

- Mike

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Re: [beagleboard] Re: Commercial use of BeagleBone

2014-05-22 Thread Dr. Michael J. Chudobiak

On 05/22/2014 09:18 AM, Gerald Coley wrote:

You can build it yourself. The white label program at CCO has been
suspended until they get their production capacity increased.

Ugh. Do you have any more information on that? Circuitco is totally 
unresponsive about the status of our various orders.

- Mike

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Re: [beagleboard] Re: Commercial use of BeagleBone

2014-05-22 Thread Dr. Michael J. Chudobiak

On 05/22/2014 11:18 AM, Gerald Coley wrote:


Did you get a response from CCO?

Yes. Thank you!

- Mike

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Re: [beagleboard] Re: Availability - how come nobody has any BeagleBone Black to sell?

2014-04-03 Thread Dr. Michael J. Chudobiak

On 04/03/2014 05:26 AM, Drew Fustini wrote:

For North America, the Embest BBone Black appears to be in stock for
$45USD with qty 768:

Is anyone selling an original BeagleBone (white, not black) equivalent? 
I have an order in with CircuitCo, but it is weeks overdue and they are 
not returning emails or phone calls.

- Mike

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Re: [beagleboard] Re: Availability - how come nobody has any BeagleBone Black to sell?

2014-04-03 Thread Dr. Michael J. Chudobiak

On 04/03/2014 09:11 AM, Anil Gupta wrote:

As far as I know, Circuitco only takes orders from qualified
distributors.  Unless you are one, they won't entertain your order.

No, that's not correct. They take orders from anyone who wants to use 
the boards commercially. Ordering from distributors for commercial 
purposes is frowned upon in the BB community, for obscure reasons.

They have my order; they just aren't delivering in the promised timeframe.

- Mike

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