Renaming files on the server

2002-02-07 Thread Troy May

Hello all,

My friend (who doesn't English too well yet) has been emailing me asking
about a guestbook he made.  It sounds like he wants to archive his message
files with a certain format and back them up automatically everyday.  Here's
his last email to me:

i want to store all those message everyday from that dat file to another
file. or simply rename the dat file to a html or shtml file with current
date everyday. so that i can make archives or history of messages. but i
want to save all these messages with current date everyday automatically.
please tell me coding of renaming a dat file into a different file
formate(i.e. html/shtml)in perl. i want the file to be saved as this
following format [mess(currentdate).html] . and i don't know the coding of

So it sounds like he wants to take a .txt file or something and rename it to
mess(date).html everyday automatically by using Perl.  What's the easiest
way of doing this?

Any ideas?

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File Upload Problem on IE and Opera

2002-02-07 Thread Elwyn Chow

Hi Everyone,

I'm writing a program that allows people to send emails with
attachments via a web page. It stores these attachments encoded on the
hard disk like they would look in the final text file that gets send.

For some reason, IE and Opera isn't reading a value from the
$cgi-upload but Netscape (on PC and Red Hat) and Mozilla seem to be able

The server is the same Red Hat machine and I'm running Apache
(duh!) :-)

Could anyone suggest to me what is going wrong and how to fix it?



use strict;

use DBI;
use CGI;
use Time::ParseDate;
use Apache::Table;
use LWP::MediaTypes qw(guess_media_type);
use MIME::QuotedPrint;
use MIME::Base64;
use Mail::Sendmail 0.75; # doesn't work with v. 0.74!
use LWP::MediaTypes qw(guess_media_type);
use Text::Template;
use lib '.';


sub store_attachments {
   my $cgi = shift;
   my $session = shift;
   my $temp = shift;

   my %param = %{$temp};

   my @attach_list = @{$param{attach_list}};

   unless(($cgi-param(attachment_file))  ($cgi-param(attachment_file) ne ) ) 
  $param{attach_result} = OK: No Change;
  return %param; 

   my $attachment_file = $cgi-upload(attachment_file);
#   my $attachment_file = $cgi-param(attachment_file);

   if (grep (/$attachment_file/, @attach_list)) {
  $param{attach_result} = pfont class=\notsosmall\Error: You tried to 
upload the file '$attachment_file' as the attachment file. There is already a file 
with that name. Remove the other file before trying to upload this one 
  return %param; 


   if (!(defined($attachment_file)) || ($attachment_file =~ /^\s*$/) )
  $param{attach_result} = OK: No Change;
  return %param; 

   # This code reads and encodes the filehandle
   print h1VALUE IS:  . $attachment_file . /h1;
   binmode $attachment_file; undef $/;
   my $encoded = encode_base64($attachment_file); 

   if ($encoded eq ) {
  $param{attach_result} = pfont class=\notsosmall\Error: You selected the 
file '$attachment_file'. It has a zero file size or wasn't uploaded 
  return %param; 

   my @bits = split( /\//,$attachment_file);
   my $fileshort = $bits[ ($#bits) ];# File name without path
   my $type = guess_media_type($fileshort);
   my $filepath = TEMP_MAIL_DIR .  $session-SID . _attachment_ . $fileshort;

   unless (open (MFILE, $filepath)) {
  $param{attach_result} = pfont class=\notsosmall\Error: Couldn't open the 
file '$filepath' for writing: $!/font/p\n;
  return %param; 

Content-Type: $type; name=$fileshort
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$fileshort



   push (@attach_list, $fileshort);
   $param{attach_list} = \@attach_list;
   $param{attach_result} = OK: New File Saved;

return %param;

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To write a script that reads numbers from STDIN and print onSTDOUT.

2002-02-07 Thread Bruce Ambraal


Could  any one write some coding for the problem.

In perl against Linx could someone help.

I want to write a script that reads in four numbers from STDIN and add the first two 
together, and than adds the second 2 together.

The input format is a number on a line.(press enter after every number)
I also want to ompare the resulting two numbers with  or  and print the largest on 

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regular expressions

2002-02-07 Thread Octavian Rasnita

Hi all,
Do you know where I can find a good free tutorial or manual for the regular
expressions in Perl?
Thank you.

My dear email address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: To write a script that reads numbers from STDIN and print onSTDOUT.

2002-02-07 Thread Brett W. McCoy

On Thu, 7 Feb 2002, Bruce Ambraal wrote:

 Could  any one write some coding for the problem.

 In perl against Linx could someone help.

 I want to write a script that reads in four numbers from STDIN and add
 the first two together, and than adds the second 2 together.

 The input format is a number on a line.(press enter after every number)
 I also want to ompare the resulting two numbers with  or  and print
 the largest on STDOUT.

Is this a homework problem perchance?

I won't take all of your fun away from writing the code yourself, but will
give you a hint:

You can retrieve values from STDIN like this:

my $value = STDIN;
chomp value; #remove trailing newline

-- Brett

There are things that are so serious that you can only joke about them
- Heisenberg

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multipart/x-mixed-replace and image/gif

2002-02-07 Thread Hytham Shehab

Hi gurus,
Am working on a script to generate a sequence of GIFs in an img tag, when i run this 
script from dos, it works OK and  generate the appropriate headers, but when running 
under a web page - hosted by Apache v 1.3 on XP - it doesn't do anything, and i use 
CGI::Carp(fatalsToBrowser); but it give me no sign for error, can any one give me a 
hand on this, thanks in advance

The HTML page:
IMG SRC=/cgi-bin/anim.cgi

The CGI script:
@files=qw/logo1.gif logo2.gif logo3.gif logo4.gif/;
print Content-type: multipart/x-mixed-replace\n\n;
foreach $file(@files){
print $file\n\n;
print Content-type: image/gif\n\n;
print LOGO;

Re: To write a script that reads numbers from STDIN and print on STDOUT.

2002-02-07 Thread Jeremy Webster

  The input format is a number on a line.(press enter after every number)
  I also want to ompare the resulting two numbers with  or  and print
  the largest on STDOUT.

 Is this a homework problem perchance?

heh heh heh...I thought exactly the same thing when I read it.

glad you didnt just do it for him


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Passing Arrays In CGI

2002-02-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi there:

I'm currently in a programming situation where my Perl CGI program a) 
displays an online merchandise database ... b) allows the end-user to 
select items from that database listing on an HTML page ...  c) displays a 
summary screen ... and then d) sends the info to a secured server socket.

One problem I'm having now, is passing an array (a.k.a. a list) containing 
merchandise items selected to another CGI program which will then create a 
dynamic HTML summary screen.

Let's say the end-user selects milk , butter ,  eggs

 and I store those items in the array @FOOD

 can I pass and entire array from one CGI Perl program to another CGI 
Perl program?

How would the second program parse out the array variables from the 
non-array scalar variables?


-- Al Willen

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Re: regular expressions

2002-02-07 Thread Shawn

- Original Message -
From: Octavian Rasnita [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 4:37 PM
Subject: regular expressions

 Hi all,
 Do you know where I can find a good free tutorial or manual for the regular
 expressions in Perl?
 Thank you.

I don't know of a free one that is anywhere near the caliber of Mastering Regular 
Expression by
Jeffrey Friedl.  There are lots out there, but this book, after you have read it, will 
allow you to
make regex's effortlessly...

The book is by O'Reilly ISBN:1565922573 and can be had at for a very 


 My dear email address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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module errors

2002-02-07 Thread GsuLinuX

we wroted a perl code to fetch some information we want from a web site. The code is 
as below:

use LWP::Simple;
use HTML::Parse;
use HTML::FormatText;
use CGI;
$query = new CGI;
my ($html, $ascii);
$html = get(;);
defined $html or die Sayfa gelmiyor bi turlu!!;
$ascii = HTML::FormatText-new-format(parse_html($html));
@satircik=split /\n/,$ascii;
$dolaralis=substr($satircik[11], 30,11);
$dolarsatis=substr($satircik[11], 40,11);
$markalis=substr($satircik[17], 30,11);
$marksatis=substr($satircik[17], 40,11);
$frankalis=substr($satircik[18], 30,11);
$franksatis=substr($satircik[18], 40,11);
$euroalis=substr($satircik[30], 30,11);
$eurosatis=substr($satircik[30], 40,11);
$sterlinalis=substr($satircik[31], 30,11);
$sterlinsatis=substr($satircik[31], 40,11);
$output = '?xml version=1.0 encoding=ISO-8859-9 ?';
$output .= \ndoviz\n;
$output .= dolar\n;
$output .= alis$dolaralis/alis\n;
$output .= satis$dolarsatis/satis\n;
$output .= /dolar\n;
$output .= mark\n;
$output .= alis$markalis/alis\n;
$output .= satis$marksatis/satis\n;
$output .= /mark\n;
$output .= frank\n;
$output .= alis$frankalis/alis\n;
$output .= satis$franksatis/satis\n;
$output .= /frank\n;
$output .= sterlin\n;
$output .= alis$sterlinalis/alis\n;
$output .= satis$sterlinsatis/satis\n;
$output .= /sterlin\n;
$output .= euro\n;
$output .= alis$euroalis/alis\n;
$output .= satis$euroalis/satis\n;
$output .= /euro\n;
$output .=/doviz\n;
open (dovizhtml, $outputfile);   
print dovizhtml $output;
print $query-redirect('doviz.xml');

We have the debug error:

Can't locate HTML/ in @INC(@INC contains:
.) at
/usr/local/plesk/apache/vhosts/ line

Begin Failed-compilation aborted at
/usr/local/plesk/apache/vhosts/ line

Although we have the modules, why perl gives that error?!!?



Re: module errors

2002-02-07 Thread Brett W. McCoy

On Thu, 7 Feb 2002, GsuLinuX wrote:

 we wroted a perl code to fetch some information we want from a web site. The code is 
as below:

 use LWP::Simple;
 use HTML::Parse;


 We have the debug error:

 Can't locate HTML/ in @INC(@INC contains:
 ) at
 /usr/local/plesk/apache/vhosts/ line

 Begin Failed-compilation aborted at
 /usr/local/plesk/apache/vhosts/ line

Are you sure you don't mean HTML::Parser (they are two differenty

-- Brett

Where do I find the time for not reading so many books?
-- Karl Kraus

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Re: module errors

2002-02-07 Thread Uwe Voelker

 use HTML::Parse;

The module is called HTML::Parser.


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Re: module errors

2002-02-07 Thread Brett W. McCoy

On Thu, 7 Feb 2002, Uwe Voelker wrote:

  use HTML::Parse;

 The module is called HTML::Parser.

A further investigation via CPAN showed me that HTML::Parse is part of the
HTML::Tree bundle and is now actually a deprecated module, according to
the readme.

-- Brett

All generalizations are false, including this one.
-- Mark Twain

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Passing a hash through a URL

2002-02-07 Thread Josiah Altschuler

I have a question about passing data through URL's.  I'm passing hashes in a
CGI script, but sometimes when I click on a link that passes a larger hash,
nothing happens.  I don't get any message.  I'm guessing there is a limit to
the amount of data I can pass through a URL?  If this is the case, are there
any ways to fix this problem?

Thanks for the help,

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RE: Passing a hash through a URL

2002-02-07 Thread Josiah Altschuler

Hi.  Thanks for the response.  I'm passing the hash with an href in this
manner.  So does this mean that I'm not using get or post?

$query = CGI-new({red = [%{$clusArrayHash[$i]}]})-query_string;
print pre h6 ( , a ({ -href =$query; }, Redundant

-Original Message-
From: Al Hospers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 8:42 PM
To: 'Josiah Altschuler'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Passing a hash through a URL

 I have a question about passing data through URL's.  I'm
 passing hashes in a
 CGI script, but sometimes when I click on a link that passes
 a larger hash,
 nothing happens.  I don't get any message.  I'm guessing
 there is a limit to
 the amount of data I can pass through a URL?  If this is the
 case, are there
 any ways to fix this problem?

I assume by passing data through URL's you mean using GET. there is
a limit, I don't remember exactly what it is. if you use POST there is
effectively no limit.


Al Hospers
CamberSoft, Inc.

Shockwave and Director development, CD-ROM, HTML,
CGI scripting, and Graphic Design.

A famous linguist once said:
There is no language wherein a double
positive can form a negative.


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Re: module errors

2002-02-07 Thread GsuLinuX

Ok, you have reason, it must be parser but after it continues to give some
module errors...

Can u say me if my method is true, to fetch some information from a web


- Original Message -
From: Brett W. McCoy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 11:59 PM
Subject: Re: module errors

 On Thu, 7 Feb 2002, Uwe Voelker wrote:

   use HTML::Parse;
  The module is called HTML::Parser.

 A further investigation via CPAN showed me that HTML::Parse is part of the
 HTML::Tree bundle and is now actually a deprecated module, according to
 the readme.

 -- Brett
 All generalizations are false, including this one.
 -- Mark Twain

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2002-02-07 Thread naive naive

Hi,I am using Perl ver 5.6.1.
I have downloaded the NET::Telnet
module and is able to log into telnet.
But what I am unable to do is to open/edit a file
from the client side.
I had read the documenation and still unable to open
the file using the fhopen method and get method.
The documenation state that the Filehandle must
already be open for this method to be used. Do U have
any idea what that means?
Or can you give me an simple example to juz open 
a file( server side) from the client.
Any advice will be greatly appreciated.


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Re: In-line editing..

2002-02-07 Thread Jon Molin

Steven M. Klass wrote:
 Hi all,
 Here is the general problem.  I have a file that I need to edit but can't.

im not sure i follow you here, making a backup copy is not an option?

perl -pi.bak -e 's/foo/bar/g' weird_uneditable_file;some_app
weird_uneditable_file;mv weird_uneditable_file.bak weird_uneditable_file

would that 'line' not work for you?


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Re: CMD command

2002-02-07 Thread walter valenti

man Net::Telnet


Hi anyone how to use the cmd command
in the NET::TELNET module.

I knows it issues command and retrieve output.
I try using it in my program but there is no output.
Is there anything I should prepare for in the server
side before using the cmd command.

Can anyone give an example of how cmd method works.
Thks in advance!!~

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Re: Complete Beginner Looking for Advise!

2002-02-07 Thread Murtini


I recommend using 'Perl By Example' author Ellie Quigley. I have no
background programming experience at all, I am a Pharmacy student at
Uni. I have been exposed to more than 3/4 of the book by doing examples
and excercies at  the end of each chapter; I've found it stimulating and
excellent, so far.

In my personal opinion its the only perl book that I have really gotten
a handle on and ironically its written by a female. I see most
perl programming books are written by men. ;-)



   Hi everyone,
   I'm a complete newbie to perl and programming.  I'm a computer science
   freshman at Cal Poly SLO, and am only in CPE 102 where we are
studying the
   fundamentals of JAVA.  However, because I make websites I am very
   in perl, and would like to begin pursueing that language.
   Are there any web tutorials/references that you have found that are
   well-written and straight-forward?
   Also which books would you recommend to someone with limited programming
   experience and no perl?
   If you have any other advise or tidbits, like what you wish you had done
   different when you were learning perl, or if I should learn another
   before perl, etc, etc, please let me know.  My ultimate goal is to be
able to
   build a classified page for my website to my liking, however that is
quite a
   task and I realize it will be a while before I am able to do that.  I
want to
   learn the basics well, and go on from there.
   I thank you for your advise!  Hopefully in the future I'll be able to
   understand what you guys are talking about.  Right now I read it and
nod my
   head and smile!  ;)

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RE: .dat files

2002-02-07 Thread Jenda Krynicky

 From: Scott Lutz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions to actually
 reading/modifying/making the infamous .dat files that are spread all
 over the Win32 file system?
 I would like to see what is in them, and maybe edit if I choose, and
 wonder if there is a module out there for doing this?

This really depends on what .dat files you mean.

1) You might want to get a hexa editor and see what's inside. Not 
that they are likely to be human readable, but most files start with 
some kind of header. Eg. .EXE usualy starts with MZ, in Word 
documents you'll find something like (this time in hexa)
D0 CF 11 E0 A1 B1 A1 E1
then some zeroes with a few nonzero bytes scattered around and 
then a few lines of FF.

2) .dat is a bit strange extension. it's used by the system to store 
parts of the registry, but also by many different programs to store 
ANY data. And the internal format of course differs.

If you mean those USER.dat, SYSTEM.dat (Win9x) and 
(WinNT/2k) then you may use either Win32::TieRegistry or 

You may need to load the file you want to edit if it's not loaded 
already (say if you want to change something in 
NTUSER.dat/HKEY_CURRENT_USER for all users). I believe 
TieRegistry contains a function for this, for Win32::Registry you will 
want to download the Win32::Registry2 patch from


There is a reason for living. There must be. I've seen it somewhere.
It's just that in the mess on my table ... and in my brain.
I can't find it.
--- me

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Re: Inserting and array into an Oracle db

2002-02-07 Thread Frank

On Wed, Feb 06, 2002 at 06:12:38PM -0500, McElwee, wrote:
 I'm capturing data from a proprietary database to a flat file and I want to
 create tables and insert rows of data into those tables. From what I've read
 as long as the number of columns matches the number of elements in a row I
 should be able to do wholesale inserts into the oracle database. I just need
 direction on how best to approach this. I was thinking of using a sql
 statement of the order:
  @row = $sth-dump_results(80, \n, ':',\*CONTENT);
   foreach $x (@row){
 $sql = insert into $i values($x);
 $sth = $dbh2-prepare($sql);
 $sth-execute or die Can't execute SQL statement: ,
 $sth-errstr(), \n;
 I know this won't work but am I moving in the right direction? Should I be
 using fetchrow_arrayref() to reference the rows? How would I use this in a
 sql statement? Perhaps I'm moving down a cul de sac, so any pointers in the
 right direction would be appreciated.
---end quoted text---

Look at late binding in Oracle it'll speed up the input of data since
the SQL template is optimised and stored in a buffer, since Oracle has
been informed that it is going to be reused many times. Of course it
depends on the number of inserts as to whether it pays dividends.

Personally I'd use fetchall_arrayref instead of dump_results but that
may be due to habit.

 Frank Booth - Consultant
Parasol Solutions Limited.

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reg exp question

2002-02-07 Thread Stuart Clark

How do I match a pattern that starts with a 4 and has 16 numbers in it.
I try /^4\d{16}/;
Also  how do I match a 16 digit number that starts with either 6565 or
starts with a number in the range of  555000-555100

Issuing multiple concurrent commands (to system)

2002-02-07 Thread Mason, Andrew

Is it possible to issue multiple concurrent commands to system (for
instance) from within a perl script?

If it is (and I strongly suspect that it must be) would someone please
be so kind as to suggest some terms or perl commands to look up.  (I
suspect the term threading might appear but I don't want to start
barking up the wrong tree if I don't have to)

I'm happy to research this but just don't know where to start.

The reason I would like to do this is to speed up some reporting
scripts.  Ie if I'm using a perl script to search multiple locations for
a file, or issue a command on multiple machines it would be nice to
issue them all at once rather than wait for each to return.

Also is it possible to make perl issue a command to system (again for
instance) and not wait for a returned value?



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Date::Calc date returned format

2002-02-07 Thread patrick . kenneally

using the following code under W2K Activestate v5.6.1 (629), I get the 
date output as : 20 days ago, it was 20020118

I would like to drop the leading '20' in 2002 so it would read: 20 days ago, it 
was 020118. I know I could just rip it out but I would like to know how to 
return the date from the module in 2 digit year format.

Thanks in advance,


use Date::Calc qw( :all );

  ($year, $month, $day) = Add_Delta_Days (Today, -20);

printf 20 days ago, it was %02d%02d%d\n, $year, $month, $day;

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Re: Complete Beginner Looking for Advise!

2002-02-07 Thread Frank

On Wed, Feb 06, 2002 at 08:59:36PM -0500, RunningBarrels wrote:

 Also which books would you recommend to someone with limited programming 
 experience and no perl?

Learning Perl is a good place to start. I still use my copy if I forget
something. It's a good read, like most of the O'Reilly books.

 If you have any other advise or tidbits, like what you wish you had done 
 different when you were learning perl, or if I should learn another language 
 before perl, etc, etc, please let me know.  My ultimate goal is to be able to 
 build a classified page for my website to my liking, however that is quite a 
 task and I realize it will be a while before I am able to do that.  I want to 
 learn the basics well, and go on from there.

Perl is what's called a loosely-typed language: it doesn't have defined
integer, floating point or character variables, unlike Java or C. This can make it
somewhat confusing if you're used to languages like Java OR are learning the two

All the best.
 Frank Booth - Consultant
Parasol Solutions Limited.

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Re: reg exp question

2002-02-07 Thread Frank

On Thu, Feb 07, 2002 at 11:10:14PM +1100, Stuart wrote:
 How do I match a pattern that starts with a 4 and has 16 numbers in it.
 I try /^4\d{16}/;

If it consists of 16 numbers try:

 Also  how do I match a 16 digit number that starts with either 6565 or
 starts with a number in the range of  555000-555100
---end quoted text---



not tested mind.

 Frank Booth - Consultant
Parasol Solutions Limited.

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Re: CMD command

2002-02-07 Thread Matt C.

Man Net::Telnet? Sure. But not in the spirit of this list at all. I agree to
encourage the use of documentation, but this is a little *too* terse.


--- walter valenti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 man Net::Telnet
 Hi anyone how to use the cmd command
 in the NET::TELNET module.
 I knows it issues command and retrieve output.
 I try using it in my program but there is no output.
 Is there anything I should prepare for in the server
 side before using the cmd command.
 Can anyone give an example of how cmd method works.
 Thks in advance!!~
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Re: reg exp question

2002-02-07 Thread Frank

On Thu, Feb 07, 2002 at 12:17:42PM +, 'Perl wrote:
 not tested mind.



will manage numbers in the range 555000-555199, not ideal


will manage the right range, I think.

(6565\d{2}) will match 6 numbers
as will (555 ..
(0\d{2}) matches 000-099
(100)   matches 100
\d{10} grab the remainder.

 Frank Booth - Consultant
Parasol Solutions Limited.

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Re: Issuing multiple concurrent commands (to system)

2002-02-07 Thread Jenda Krynicky

From:   Mason, Andrew [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Is it possible to issue multiple concurrent commands to system (for
 instance) from within a perl script?
 If it is (and I strongly suspect that it must be) would someone please
 be so kind as to suggest some terms or perl commands to look up.  (I
 suspect the term threading might appear but I don't want to start
 barking up the wrong tree if I don't have to)

open PIPE1, 'first program |' or die Error: $!;
open PIPE2, 'second program |' or die Error: $!;

should do it ... if you need the output. The problem will be that 
you'll have to be carefull not to block reading from the pipes.

If your script runs under Unix, you may use select(). If you use 
Windoze you are pretty much f*cked up. select() works only or 

Another options to look into are

system( 1, first_program, params);
system( 1, second_program, params);

(doesn't wait for completion, output's lost.)

system( 1, first_program params  tmp_file1);
system( 1, second_program params  tmp_file2);

(doesn't wait for completion, output goes to files)

use IPC::Open2;


use Win32::Process;


use Win32::Spawn;

Depends on what you need and where you run it.


There is a reason for living. There must be. I've seen it somewhere.
It's just that in the mess on my table ... and in my brain.
I can't find it.
--- me

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RE:Kill a process

2002-02-07 Thread Jorge Goncalvez

HI, I wanted to kill a process INETD by code:by hand in the cygwin bash i tried 
ps |awk '/INETD/{print $1}'|xargs kill
and it works, now i wanted to do it by Perl code:
I tried:
system( c:\\cygwin\\bin\\bash.exe('ps |awk '/INETD$/{print $1}|xargs kill'))
system(c:\\cygwin\\bin\\ps.exe |c:\\cygwin\\bin\\awk.exe '/INETD/{print 
$1}'|c:\\cygwin\\bin\\xargs.exe c:/cygwin/bin/kill.exe);

neither by replacing \\ by /.

But didn't work why?

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TCl/Expect Question

2002-02-07 Thread Pankaj Warade
Title: Glacier

am developing the text file browser for the file of size  100MB. "less" Unix 
command is pager for doing the same . I am developing the GUI interface for the 

am using the Expect/ TCL/ TK to build the GUI for the unix command "less". In 
"less", 'f' key forwards the one window. User need to hit the 'f' key 
continuously to scroll window by window. 

In my program, when user click say 'Function key F1' , 
i need continuous scrolling window by window till usser press any other key. For 
this i wrote expect wrapper for "less" program as follows:

't' is the file of size 150 MB.

#!/usr/local/bin/expect -f 

set timeout 2set prompt "(%|#|\\$) 
;# default promptlog_user 1catch {set prompt 

eval spawn less tinteract 
{ "/" {send 
"/REPT\r"} "g" {send 
"g\r"} "q" 
{exit} "t" 
send_user "panakj" 
} }expect_user {-re "g" 
send_user "End of the Program" 


In above program , when user press key 't' then user 
see pankajpankajpankaj onscreen and then screen scrolls three times. I need 
first it scrolls, print pankaj,then again it scrolls and then print pankaj and 
so on. I am not able to figure out where is the problem. Is it the problem with 
the buffer ? not understanding why it is buffering the commands sent to spawned 
process and then executing them all at once ???

Can anyone know about it ??

Thanks in advance,


Open a brand new browser window with Perl

2002-02-07 Thread Ron Goral

Is it possible to open a brand new browser window and set it's size,
location and characteristics (no menu bar, no status bar, etc.) using Perl
or is it necessary to always use the same window that has called the script?

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Renaming files on the server

2002-02-07 Thread Troy May

Hello all,

My friend (who doesn't English too well yet) has been emailing me asking
about a guestbook he made.  It sounds like he wants to archive his message
files with a certain format and back them up automatically everyday.  Here's
his last email to me:

i want to store all those message everyday from that dat file to another
file. or simply rename the dat file to a html or shtml file with current
date everyday. so that i can make archives or history of messages. but i
want to save all these messages with current date everyday automatically.
please tell me coding of renaming a dat file into a different file
formate(i.e. html/shtml)in perl. i want the file to be saved as this
following format [mess(currentdate).html] . and i don't know the coding of

So it sounds like he wants to take a .txt file or something and rename it to
mess(date).html everyday automatically by using Perl.  What's the easiest
way of doing this?

Any ideas?

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Re: Complete Beginner Looking for Advise!

2002-02-07 Thread Dave Benware

 Hi everyone,
 I'm a complete newbie to perl and programming.  I'm a computer science
 freshman at Cal Poly SLO, and am only in CPE 102 where we are studying the
 fundamentals of JAVA.  However, because I make websites I am very interested
 in perl, and would like to begin pursueing that language.
 Are there any web tutorials/references that you have found that are
 well-written and straight-forward?
 Also which books would you recommend to someone with limited programming
 experience and no perl?

There's a list of Perl books here with reviews from posters.


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Re: run from command line

2002-02-07 Thread Carl Rogers

At 03:58 PM 2/6/2002 -0600, Booher Timothy B 1stLt AFRL/MNAC wrote:
Hello. I am trying to run a simple command to remove all the leading spaces
from a file and it just isn't working. No errors, just no results - still a
lot of leading spaces on each line.

%perl -pi.bak -e 's/^\s+//' bomb1.txt

any ideas?

Try using double-quotes. (On a WinNT and ME, the above didn't seem to work 
for me either. It did when I used .


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RE: Date::Calc date returned format

2002-02-07 Thread Bob Showalter

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 7:02 AM
 Subject: Date::Calc date returned format
   using the following code under W2K Activestate v5.6.1 
 (629), I get the 
 date output as : 20 days ago, it was 20020118
 I would like to drop the leading '20' in 2002 so it would 
 read: 20 days ago, it 
 was 020118. I know I could just rip it out but I would like 
 to know how to 
 return the date from the module in 2 digit year format.
 Thanks in advance,
 use Date::Calc qw( :all );
   ($year, $month, $day) = Add_Delta_Days (Today, -20);
 printf 20 days ago, it was %02d%02d%d\n, $year, $month, $day;

The format %02d treats $year as an integer and prints it in a field
*at least* 2 columns wide, with leading zeros if necessary. If the
number is larger than 99, more than two columns will be output.

You can convert 2002 to 2 by using the modulus operator:

   printf 20 days ago, it was %02d%02d%d\n, $year % 100, $month, $day;

An alternative is to treat $year as a string and take the two
rightmost characters:

   printf 20 days ago, it was %02d%02d%d\n, substr($year, -2), $month,

I would use the % operator myself.

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simple question

2002-02-07 Thread Stuart Clark

Hi all,
Can anyone help please?
# example values
$Charge = 55;
$CreditCard = 423452345654532;
$VisaCard = /^4\d{15}/;
$BankCard = /^(6565\d{12})|(555[10]00\d{10})/;
if ($Charge  0  (($VisaCard|$BankCard),$CreditCard) ) { # This bit
doesn't work?
  Print The credit card number is valid and the transaction is a
}elsif ($CreditCard =   $Charge  0 ) { # Is  ok for a null entry?
Print No Credit card entered and the transaction is a refund;
Also is the if (blah  blah) bit ok?
If so what would be the syntax for or if (blah or blah)
Stuart Clark

RE: Issuing multiple concurrent commands (to system)

2002-02-07 Thread Bob Showalter

 -Original Message-
 From: Mason, Andrew [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 7:11 AM
 Subject: Issuing multiple concurrent commands (to system)
 Is it possible to issue multiple concurrent commands to system (for
 instance) from within a perl script?
 If it is (and I strongly suspect that it must be) would someone please
 be so kind as to suggest some terms or perl commands to look up.  (I
 suspect the term threading might appear but I don't want to start
 barking up the wrong tree if I don't have to)
 I'm happy to research this but just don't know where to start.
 The reason I would like to do this is to speed up some reporting
 scripts.  Ie if I'm using a perl script to search multiple 
 locations for
 a file, or issue a command on multiple machines it would be nice to
 issue them all at once rather than wait for each to return.
 Also is it possible to make perl issue a command to system (again for
 instance) and not wait for a returned value?

system() is basically:

   exec() (in child)
   wait() (in parent)

If the child isn't going to talk to the parent, and you want the parent
to be able to do other things while the child is running, you need to
do the fork and exec separately, without the wait. You can wait later
if you need to reap the exit status of the child.

perldoc perlipc says you can also use:

   system(foo );

which would do:

   exec /bin/sh -c 'foo '
   exec foo
   (/bin/sh exits)
   wait (reaps /bin/sh exit, but foo still running)

Relevant docs in:

perldoc -f fork
perldoc -f exec
perldoc -f wait
perldoc perlipc

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Re: decimal point

2002-02-07 Thread Motherofperls

In a message dated 1/28/02 1:16:55 AM Pacific Standard Time, 


I have a sub routine that I use for making all numbers calculate to two 
decimals places which I use for calculating money values.

I will place it on my website.
The site is new and only displays well in internet explorer 5.0 and above 
till further updates.  Not as good in NetScape 6 yet.

Hope this helps!

Re: simple question

2002-02-07 Thread Frank

On Fri, Feb 08, 2002 at 01:44:17AM +1100, Stuart wrote:
 Hi all,
 Can anyone help please?
 # example values
 $Charge = 55;
 $CreditCard = 423452345654532;

 $VisaCard = /^4\d{15}/;
 $BankCard = /^(6565\d{12})|(555[10]00\d{10})/;

does something like: 

$okayflag = /^4\d{15}/ || /^(6565\d{12})|(555[10]00\d{10})/;


 if ($Charge  0  (($VisaCard|$BankCard),$CreditCard) ) { # This bit
 doesn't work?

if( ($Charge  0 )  ( defined($BankCard) || defined($VisaCard) ){

I think if you used strict and -w you'd find it'd complain about not
using uninitialised variables and may have flagged other points in the

 Frank Booth - Consultant
Parasol Solutions Limited.

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Re: simple question

2002-02-07 Thread Sudarsan Raghavan

Stuart Clark wrote:

 Hi all,
 Can anyone help please?

 # example values
 $Charge = 55;
 $CreditCard = 423452345654532;

 $VisaCard = /^4\d{15}/;
 $BankCard = /^(6565\d{12})|(555[10]00\d{10})/;

The regular expressions will try to match the contents of $_ here. From your 
previous posts I guess
 you want to do the match on $CreditCard. The statement should be

 $VisaCard = $CreditCard =~ /^4\d{15}/;
 $VisaCard will either be 1 (true match) or undef if the match fails.

 if ($Charge  0  (($VisaCard|$BankCard),$CreditCard) ) { # This bit
 doesn't work?

   Print The credit card number is valid and the transaction is a

 }elsif ($CreditCard =   $Charge  0 ) { # Is  ok for a null entry?

 Print No Credit card entered and the transaction is a refund;


 Also is the if (blah  blah) bit ok?

Yes that's ok

 If so what would be the syntax for or if (blah or blah)

if (blah || blah)

 Stuart Clark


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Re: Open a brand new browser window with Perl

2002-02-07 Thread Morbus Iff

 Is it possible to open a brand new browser window and set it's size,
 location and characteristics (no menu bar, no status bar, etc.) using Perl
 or is it necessary to always use the same window that has called the script?

With Perl, no. But you can certainly tell Perl to send some javascript that 
does what you want to the browser. Have Perl spit out something like this 
to the browser window:

 SCRIPT LANGUAGE = Javascript TYPE=text/javascript!--
 function open() {'/path/to/file.shtml', 'Your New Window',
 directories=0,status=no,resizable=0'); }
 titleSee Other Window/title
  body onLoad=open()

   h1Please See The Other Window/h1


Morbus Iff ( softcore vulcan pr0n rulez )
please me:
icq: 2927491 / aim: akaMorbus / yahoo: morbus_iff / morbus

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Never had this happen before!

2002-02-07 Thread Motherofperls

I was happily programming, getting close to the end of my project just trying 
to figure out table placement in html within my largest function on the page.

All of a sudden my function won't function!  I didn't change any of the perl 
code!  And it was fine except for table placement!  Well,  I removed the sub 
routine for debuggin and to my surprise it compiles fine!

When I put it back into the program it won't compile. I have no clues from 
checking it in dos, except it reports a syntax error at the beginning line of 
the routine,and end of line of the routine.

I have no clues as to what to do to fix it.  Has anyone out there had this 

ICQ 136482454

Re: Never had this happen before!

2002-02-07 Thread Jon Molin

 I was happily programming, getting close to the end of my project just trying
 to figure out table placement in html within my largest function on the page.
 All of a sudden my function won't function!  I didn't change any of the perl
 code!  And it was fine except for table placement!  Well,  I removed the sub
 routine for debuggin and to my surprise it compiles fine!
 When I put it back into the program it won't compile. I have no clues from
 checking it in dos, except it reports a syntax error at the beginning line of
 the routine,and end of line of the routine.
 I have no clues as to what to do to fix it.  Has anyone out there had this

had what problem? had a sub with compile error, yes i have. have you
tried checking the beginning line and the end line of the sub?

 ICQ 136482454

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Re: Using =~ with a list

2002-02-07 Thread Lysander

This doesn't seem to work... My webhost is running PERL 5.004_04
I tried just the following

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
use strict;

  my @body;

  $body[0] = Test Data:\n;
  $body[1] = foo\n;
  $body[2] = I should be below bar\n;

  s/foo/bar/ for @body;

  print @body;

and I get

syntax error at ./ line 10, near s/foo/bar/ for 
Execution of ./ aborted due to compilation errors.


Sheridan Saint-Michel

- Original Message -
From: Randal L. Schwartz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 04, 2002 12:28 PM
Subject: Re: Using =~ with a list
 This works:

 s/foo/bar/ for @body;

 presuming you have a reasonably modern Perl.

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RE: Open a brand new browser window with Perl

2002-02-07 Thread Ron Goral

I hate it when I make a post and then answer my own questions, but Morbus
made me recall the window resizing and moving methods useable via
JavaScript.  If I were to print the new page with an onLoad event that
called the resizeTo and moveTo methods, I can resize and move my windows
anywhere I wish.  It's not a new window, but it sure walks and talks like
one.  The same is true of all the window properties.

Sorry 'bout the bad post guys.


 Is it possible to open a brand new browser window and set it's size,
 location and characteristics (no menu bar, no status bar, etc.) using Perl
 or is it necessary to always use the same window that has called the

With Perl, no. But you can certainly tell Perl to send some javascript that
does what you want to the browser. Have Perl spit out something like this
to the browser window:

 SCRIPT LANGUAGE = Javascript TYPE=text/javascript!--
 function open() {'/path/to/file.shtml', 'Your New Window',
 directories=0,status=no,resizable=0'); }
 titleSee Other Window/title
  body onLoad=open()

   h1Please See The Other Window/h1


Morbus Iff ( softcore vulcan pr0n rulez )
please me:
icq: 2927491 / aim: akaMorbus / yahoo: morbus_iff / morbus

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Re: Using =~ with a list

2002-02-07 Thread Jenda Krynicky

From:   Lysander [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 This doesn't seem to work... My webhost is running PERL 5.004_04
   s/foo/bar/ for @body;

Too old perl for this. Use

for (@body) {



There is a reason for living. There must be. I've seen it somewhere.
It's just that in the mess on my table ... and in my brain.
I can't find it.
--- me

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Re: Never had this happen before!

2002-02-07 Thread Motherofperls

My program won't compile when the sub routine is in the program,  
but when I remove it from the program and put it into another file
that I call, and compile which contains only the sub
routine I'm checking, it compiles fine!

Why does it do that?

Re: Never had this happen before!

2002-02-07 Thread Brett W. McCoy

On Thu, 7 Feb 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 My program won't compile when the sub routine is in the program,
 but when I remove it from the program and put it into another file
 that I call, and compile which contains only the sub
 routine I'm checking, it compiles fine!

 Why does it do that?

Do you have some code to share?

-- Brett

You will inherit millions of dollars.

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RE: Never had this happen before!

2002-02-07 Thread John Edwards


Why don't you start by posting the errors that perl reports. It will save us
having to guess...


-Original Message-
Sent: 07 February 2002 15:42
Subject: Re: Never had this happen before!

My program won't compile when the sub routine is in the program,  
but when I remove it from the program and put it into another file
that I call, and compile which contains only the sub
routine I'm checking, it compiles fine!

Why does it do that?

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RE:pidof a process

2002-02-07 Thread Jorge Goncalvez

Hi, Iw onder if there is a way to obtain the PID of a process with perl?

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RE: .dat files

2002-02-07 Thread Scott Lutz

The file(s) I really wanted to look into is the index.dat that contains all
cookie information, and browser session info.
I am going to try a hex editor to see what I can see.


-Original Message-
From: Jenda Krynicky [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 3:51 Morning
To: Beginners Perl
Subject: RE: .dat files

 From: Scott Lutz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

 Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions to actually
 reading/modifying/making the infamous .dat files that are spread all
 over the Win32 file system?

 I would like to see what is in them, and maybe edit if I choose, and
 wonder if there is a module out there for doing this?


This really depends on what .dat files you mean.

1) You might want to get a hexa editor and see what's inside. Not
that they are likely to be human readable, but most files start with
some kind of header. Eg. .EXE usualy starts with MZ, in Word
documents you'll find something like (this time in hexa)
D0 CF 11 E0 A1 B1 A1 E1
then some zeroes with a few nonzero bytes scattered around and
then a few lines of FF.

2) .dat is a bit strange extension. it's used by the system to store
parts of the registry, but also by many different programs to store
ANY data. And the internal format of course differs.

If you mean those USER.dat, SYSTEM.dat (Win9x) and
(WinNT/2k) then you may use either Win32::TieRegistry or

You may need to load the file you want to edit if it's not loaded
already (say if you want to change something in
NTUSER.dat/HKEY_CURRENT_USER for all users). I believe
TieRegistry contains a function for this, for Win32::Registry you will
want to download the Win32::Registry2 patch from


There is a reason for living. There must be. I've seen it somewhere.
It's just that in the mess on my table ... and in my brain.
I can't find it.
--- me

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Re: pidof a process

2002-02-07 Thread walter valenti

Jorge Goncalvez wrote:


### the special variable $$ contains the owner process


Hi, Iw onder if there is a way to obtain the PID of a process with perl?

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RE: simple question

2002-02-07 Thread Darren Simpson

what do the below actually do? they look like dutch to me
$VisaCard = /^4\d{15}/;
$BankCard = /^(6565\d{12})|(555[10]00\d{10})/;

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RE: simple question

2002-02-07 Thread Nikola Janceski

I think the match is wrong...
$BankCard = /^(6565\d{12})|(555[10]00\d{10})/; 
should be
$BankCard = /^(?:(6565\d{12})|(555[10]00\d{10}))/;

the first says starting with 6565 and 12 more digits or contains 555 and 0
or 1 and 00 and 10 digits
So dlsfkj55500099 will match.
the second won't match that.

-Original Message-
From: Darren Simpson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 11:17 AM
To: Perl List
Subject: RE: simple question

what do the below actually do? they look like dutch to me
$VisaCard = /^4\d{15}/;
$BankCard = /^(6565\d{12})|(555[10]00\d{10})/;

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RE: simple question

2002-02-07 Thread Bob Showalter

 -Original Message-
 From: Darren Simpson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 11:17 AM
 To: Perl List
 Subject: RE: simple question
 what do the below actually do? they look like dutch to me
 $VisaCard = /^4\d{15}/;

/^4\d{15}/ is a regular expression match operation. Documented
in perldoc perlop starting at a heading that looks like this:


Since neither the =~ nor !~ operators appear before this, the
match operation is applied to the default variable, $_.

So here the contents of $_ are tested to see whether they
match the pattern:


Which means:

   ^  = beginning of string
   4  = the digit 4
   \d{15} = a sequence of 15 digits

The results of this match are assigned to the variable $VisaCard.

Since the left-hand side of the assignment is a scalar, the assignment
is made in scalar context. Per the docs, the m// operator in scalar
context will return 1 (true) for a match, or '' (false) for no match.

So, in plain English, $VisaCard is set to 1 if $_ starts with a 4 and
is followed by 15 more digits. Otherwise, $VisaCard is set to ''.

Note that no checking of $_ is done beyond the first 16 positions, so there
can be anything beyond that and $VisaCard will still be 1.

 $BankCard = /^(6565\d{12})|(555[10]00\d{10})/;

This is just a more complex version of the previous statement. $_ is
tested for a pattern, and $BankCard will be set to 1 if it matches the
pattern, or '' if it doesn't.

For the specific syntax of the regular expression, see perldoc perlre.

Whether these expressions are right is another subject. Personally, I
would use a module like Business::CreditCard for this kind of thing...

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Re: Never had this happen before!

2002-02-07 Thread Motherofperls

Sorry ,

I have been programming all night and found an oversight on my part.

Perl reported and error in a sub routine,  but the error was above the 
above some of my comment lines where I didn't expect it to be.  

That was part of html code that was out of place.

Live and learn I guess.  I'm learning alot about reading compiler errors, and 
this is a new error report that I'm not familiar with.

Next time I will look above the sub routine.


Re: reg exp question

2002-02-07 Thread Jeff 'japhy' Pinyan

On Feb 7, Stuart Clark said:

How do I match a pattern that starts with a 4 and has 16 numbers in it.
I try /^4\d{16}/;

That's quite vague.  Do you mean the string must start with a 4 and
consist ONLY of 16 digits?


Also  how do I match a 16 digit number that starts with either 6565 or
starts with a number in the range of  555000-555100

Again, you put \d{16} after you already matched some numbers.


Jeff japhy Pinyan  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
RPI Acacia brother #734
** Look for Regular Expressions in Perl published by Manning, in 2002 **
stu what does y/// stand for?  tenderpuss why, yansliterate of course.

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Re: more reg exp help please

2002-02-07 Thread Jeff 'japhy' Pinyan

On Feb 8, Stuart Clark said:

if ($Charge  0  (($VisaCard|$BankCard),$CreditCard) ) { # This bit
doesn't work?

What is ((A | B), C) trying to do?  Perhaps you want:

  (($VisaCard || $BankCard)  $CreditCard)

}elsif ($CreditCard =   $Charge  0 ) { # Is  ok for a null entry?

You need to use eq '', not = ''.  If you use =, you will SET $CreditCard
to the empty string.  You need to COMPARE it with the empty string.

Jeff japhy Pinyan  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
RPI Acacia brother #734
** Look for Regular Expressions in Perl published by Manning, in 2002 **
stu what does y/// stand for?  tenderpuss why, yansliterate of course.

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Re: simple question

2002-02-07 Thread Jeff 'japhy' Pinyan

On Feb 8, Stuart Clark said:

$Charge = 55;
$CreditCard = 423452345654532;
$VisaCard = /^4\d{15}/;
$BankCard = /^(6565\d{12})|(555[10]00\d{10})/;

You can't store regexes that way.  You need to use the qr// operator.

  $VisaCard = qr/^4\d{15}$/;
  # likewise for $BankCard

if ($Charge  0  (($VisaCard|$BankCard),$CreditCard) ) { # This bit
doesn't work?

  if ($Charge  0 and ($CreditCard =~ $VisaCard or $CreditCard =~ $BankCard)) {
# it's ok

Jeff japhy Pinyan  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
RPI Acacia brother #734
** Look for Regular Expressions in Perl published by Manning, in 2002 **
stu what does y/// stand for?  tenderpuss why, yansliterate of course.

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HELP! : To write a script that reads numbers from STDIN andprint on STDOUT.

2002-02-07 Thread Bruce Ambraal


Could  any one write some coding for the following problem.

In perl against Linx could someone help.
I want to write a script that reads in four numbers from STDIN and add the first two 
together, and than adds the second 2 together.
The input format is a number on a line.(press enter after every number)
I also want to ompare the resulting two numbers with  or  and print the largest on 

I have a second part to the previous problem.

I now want to modify the script to read a name, and then the number
(again each on its own line)
To read four name/number pairs
To read two names from STDIN and add the associated numbers together.
Repeat this step.
Then to compare the resulting two numbers with
 or  and print the largest on STDOUT.

Thanks in advance


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Re: TCl/Expect Question

2002-02-07 Thread William.Ampeh

This will do it:

#!/usr/local/bin/expect -f
#exp_internal 1   #---  you
could uncomment this to turn debug mod on

set timeout 2
set prompt (%|#|\\$) $;# default prompt
log_user 1
catch {set prompt $env(EXPECT_PROMPT)}

eval spawn less foo.txt # make sure
this points to your file

set my_i 0
set my_prompt Press /, g, q, or t to proceed - 

interact {
   / {send /REPT\r}
   g {send g\r; expect; send_user $my_prompt }
   q {send_user \nDone\n\n; exit}
   t {
  set my_i 0
  while 1 {
 if { $my_i  3 } {
incr my_i
exp_send f
send_user panakj $my_i   # modify
this message
sleep 2;
expect   #--- this was your problem.
Without some form of interaction, expect waits, in your case panakj prints
3 times
 } else {
break#after 3 attempts, exit the loop
  send_user $my_prompt #--- just something fun
   eof { send_user End of the File!\n; exit }

I did not wast time on the second block, if you want me to, let me know.


William Ampeh (x3939)
Federal Reserve Board

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RE: HELP! : To write a script that reads numbers from STDIN and print on STDOUT.

2002-02-07 Thread John Edwards

Yeah. I can write code to do that. Thanks for asking.

This has the hallmarks of a homework assignment...


-Original Message-
From: Bruce Ambraal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 07 February 2002 16:31
Subject: HELP! : To write a script that reads numbers from STDIN and
print on STDOUT.


Could  any one write some coding for the following problem.

In perl against Linx could someone help.

I want to write a script that reads in four numbers from STDIN and add the
first two together, and than adds the second 2 together.
The input format is a number on a line.(press enter after every number)
I also want to ompare the resulting two numbers with  or  and print the
largest on STDOUT.

I have a second part to the previous problem.

I now want to modify the script to read a name, and then the number
(again each on its own line)
To read four name/number pairs
To read two names from STDIN and add the associated numbers together.
Repeat this step.
Then to compare the resulting two numbers with
 or  and print the largest on STDOUT.

Thanks in advance


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Re: HELP! : To write a script that reads numbers from STDIN andprint on STDOUT.

2002-02-07 Thread Tanton Gibbs

If you could show us what you have already done, maybe we could help show
you what you are doing wrong...we normally don't do homework for other
people :)
- Original Message -
From: Bruce Ambraal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 11:31 AM
Subject: HELP! : To write a script that reads numbers from STDIN andprint on


 Could  any one write some coding for the following problem.

 In perl against Linx could someone help.
 I want to write a script that reads in four numbers from STDIN and add the
first two together, and than adds the second 2 together.
 The input format is a number on a line.(press enter after every number)
 I also want to ompare the resulting two numbers with  or  and print the
largest on STDOUT.

 I have a second part to the previous problem.

 I now want to modify the script to read a name, and then the number
 (again each on its own line)
 To read four name/number pairs
 To read two names from STDIN and add the associated numbers together.
 Repeat this step.
 Then to compare the resulting two numbers with
  or  and print the largest on STDOUT.

 Thanks in advance


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Insert delimiter between number and alpha

2002-02-07 Thread Frank Newland


My input looks like this
I want to put a delimiter (#) between the rightmost number and the left most
Resulting in 


Any suggestions for a regex that will do this?


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RE: Insert delimiter between number and alpha

2002-02-07 Thread Nikola Janceski


that's not a very good way to store women's phone numbers.
I like to us a little black book.

-Original Message-
From: Frank Newland [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 12:28 PM
Subject: Insert delimiter between number and alpha


My input looks like this
I want to put a delimiter (#) between the rightmost number and the left most
Resulting in 


Any suggestions for a regex that will do this?


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Re: Insert delimiter between number and alpha

2002-02-07 Thread Frank

On Thu, Feb 07, 2002 at 11:27:53AM -0600, Frank wrote:
 My input looks like this
 I want to put a delimiter (#) between the rightmost number and the left most
 Resulting in 
 Any suggestions for a regex that will do this?
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---end quoted text---

while (IN){
s/(?=\d)\W(?=[a-z]/#/i; # look-aheads/behinds
print OUT;

this could be a one liner if you used perl -pi ;)

 Frank Booth - Consultant
Parasol Solutions Limited.

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Re: Insert delimiter between number and alpha

2002-02-07 Thread Jeff 'japhy' Pinyan

On Feb 7, Frank Newland said:

I want to put a delimiter (#) between the rightmost number and the left most


You can't just say (\d)(\w), because \w INCLUDES \d.  You could write
something like (\d)(?!\d)(\w), which requires that the \w character after
the \d NOT be a \d.  However, you can use character class tomfoolery to
get it done.  [^\W\d] means any character that is NOT:  a non-word char
or a digit.  If we take the opposite of that, we get:  any character
that IS a word char and NOT a digit.  (Study deMorgan's laws if you don't
understand the opposition.)

Of course, if I got off my lazy ass, Perl 5.6.2 would support


which means \w minus \d.

Jeff japhy Pinyan  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
RPI Acacia brother #734
** Look for Regular Expressions in Perl published by Manning, in 2002 **
stu what does y/// stand for?  tenderpuss why, yansliterate of course.

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Re: Using =~ with a list

2002-02-07 Thread Randal L. Schwartz

 Lysander == Lysander  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Lysander This doesn't seem to work... My webhost is running PERL 5.004_04

That's your problem.  For older Perls, you can use

for (@body) { s/foo/bar/ }

 This works:
 s/foo/bar/ for @body;
 presuming you have a reasonably modern Perl.

See... I said reasonably modern. :)

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
See for onsite and open-enrollment Perl training!

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how big can I make it?

2002-02-07 Thread Nikola Janceski

I want to store a really really big integer... like:
in a varible and do a -- on it.

how can I store such a number? and what's the limit? (this is on a Solaris
2.6 machine).

Nikola Janceski
Summit Systems, Inc.

If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts.
-- Albert Einstein (1879-1955) 

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Re: how big can I make it?

2002-02-07 Thread Tanton Gibbs

You can use the Math::BigInt module.

perldoc Math::BigInt
- Original Message -
From: Nikola Janceski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 12:54 PM
Subject: how big can I make it?

 I want to store a really really big integer... like:
 in a varible and do a -- on it.

 how can I store such a number? and what's the limit? (this is on a Solaris
 2.6 machine).

 Nikola Janceski
 Summit Systems, Inc.

 If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts.
 -- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

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ignoring some fields in a comparision of hashes

2002-02-07 Thread Chas Owens

I have two hashes (%a and %b) that contain data for one person from two
different systems and I want to compare these hashes to see if the
systems are out of sync.  The catch is I know that some of the fields
will always be different and I want to ignore those fields.  Below is my
solution, does anyone have a better way of doing this? BTW: there are a
lot of fields currently with more being added as time goes on and the
number of fields I want to ignore will stay pretty much the same).

my @ignore = (key1, key2);

KEYS: foreach my $key (keys %a) {
foreach my $ignore (@ignore) {
next KEYS if $key eq $ignore;
if ($a{$key} ne $b{$key}) {
print $key is different ($a{$key}, $b{$key})\n;

Today is Pungenday the 38th day of Chaos in the YOLD 3168
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how can i do it? (RE: how big can I make it?)

2002-02-07 Thread Nikola Janceski

Let me be a little more specific.

I want to take a BIG hex number and subtract 1 from it and print it out
ie: FFF - FE

-Original Message-
From: Tanton Gibbs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 12:57 PM
To: Nikola Janceski; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: how big can I make it?

You can use the Math::BigInt module.

perldoc Math::BigInt
- Original Message -
From: Nikola Janceski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 12:54 PM
Subject: how big can I make it?

 I want to store a really really big integer... like:
 in a varible and do a -- on it.

 how can I store such a number? and what's the limit? (this is on a Solaris
 2.6 machine).

 Nikola Janceski
 Summit Systems, Inc.

 If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts.
 -- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

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Re: ignoring some fields in a comparision of hashes

2002-02-07 Thread Jeff 'japhy' Pinyan

On Feb 7, Chas Owens said:

I have two hashes (%a and %b) that contain data for one person from two
different systems and I want to compare these hashes to see if the
systems are out of sync.  The catch is I know that some of the fields
will always be different and I want to ignore those fields.  Below is my
solution, does anyone have a better way of doing this? BTW: there are a
lot of fields currently with more being added as time goes on and the
number of fields I want to ignore will stay pretty much the same).

You're already using hashes!  The better solution to your problem is to
make a hash of keys to ignore.

my @ignore = (key1, key2);

  my %ignore;
  @ignore{ key1, key2 } = ();

KEYS: foreach my $key (keys %a) {

  foreach my $ignore (@ignore) {
next KEYS if $key eq $ignore;

next KEYS if exists $ignore{$key};

   if ($a{$key} ne $b{$key}) {
   print $key is different ($a{$key}, $b{$key})\n;

Jeff japhy Pinyan  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
RPI Acacia brother #734
** Look for Regular Expressions in Perl published by Manning, in 2002 **
stu what does y/// stand for?  tenderpuss why, yansliterate of course.

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RE: how can i do it? (RE: how big can I make it?)

2002-02-07 Thread Nikola Janceski

The onlym thing I can think of is to split the string into an array and
write a subroutine to properly add one to correct elements.

I am hoping there is something easier.

-Original Message-
From: Nikola Janceski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 1:17 PM
To: 'Tanton Gibbs'; Nikola Janceski; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: how can i do it? (RE: how big can I make it?)

Let me be a little more specific.

I want to take a BIG hex number and subtract 1 from it and print it out
ie: FFF - FE

-Original Message-
From: Tanton Gibbs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 12:57 PM
To: Nikola Janceski; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: how big can I make it?

You can use the Math::BigInt module.

perldoc Math::BigInt
- Original Message -
From: Nikola Janceski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 12:54 PM
Subject: how big can I make it?

 I want to store a really really big integer... like:
 in a varible and do a -- on it.

 how can I store such a number? and what's the limit? (this is on a Solaris
 2.6 machine).

 Nikola Janceski
 Summit Systems, Inc.

 If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts.
 -- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

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Re: ignoring some fields in a comparision of hashes

2002-02-07 Thread Chas Owens

On Thu, 2002-02-07 at 13:21, Jeff 'japhy' Pinyan wrote:
 On Feb 7, Chas Owens said:
 I have two hashes (%a and %b) that contain data for one person from two
 different systems and I want to compare these hashes to see if the
 systems are out of sync.  The catch is I know that some of the fields
 will always be different and I want to ignore those fields.  Below is my
 solution, does anyone have a better way of doing this? BTW: there are a
 lot of fields currently with more being added as time goes on and the
 number of fields I want to ignore will stay pretty much the same).
 You're already using hashes!  The better solution to your problem is to
 make a hash of keys to ignore.
 my @ignore = (key1, key2);
   my %ignore;
   @ignore{ key1, key2 } = ();
 KEYS: foreach my $key (keys %a) {
   foreach my $ignore (@ignore) {
 next KEYS if $key eq $ignore;
 next KEYS if exists $ignore{$key};
  if ($a{$key} ne $b{$key}) {
  print $key is different ($a{$key}, $b{$key})\n;
 Jeff japhy Pinyan  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 RPI Acacia brother #734
 ** Look for Regular Expressions in Perl published by Manning, in 2002 **
 stu what does y/// stand for?  tenderpuss why, yansliterate of course.

Doh! Now I feel like an idiot.  I knew what I was doing was too
Today is Pungenday the 38th day of Chaos in the YOLD 3168
Grudnuk demand sustenance!

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is deprecated?

2002-02-07 Thread Christopher Solomon

Whenever I've had to execute system or shell commands, I use the
backtick operator, the system command, or filehandle half-pipes (or
whatever they are called :).  And I've always seen these recommended
whenever someone asks how to do that.

But recently, I saw the use of the module:

use Shell qw(who);

my @who = who();

and I wondered what the (dis)advantages of using it are, and why no
one uses it anymore?


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Re: help with scalar references

2002-02-07 Thread Jeff 'japhy' Pinyan

On Jan 16, Karthik Gurumurthy said:

($a,$b,$c) = (\1,\2,\3);

%hash = ($a=hello,$b=Perl);

You cannot use references as the keys to a hash, because hash keys must be

If you're REALLY desperate, you can use Tie::RefHash, but I don't think
you should be so desperate.

Jeff japhy Pinyan  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
RPI Acacia brother #734
** Look for Regular Expressions in Perl published by Manning, in 2002 **
stu what does y/// stand for?  tenderpuss why, yansliterate of course.

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multiple quotes

2002-02-07 Thread Mike Smith

How do I get this to work? (too many quotes)

print pimg border=0 src=BD08906_.gif width=190 height=156\n;

Mike Smith

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RE: multiple quotes

2002-02-07 Thread Hanson, Robert

Two different ways.  Use the qq operator or escape the quotes.

print qq[pimg border=0 src=BD08906_.gif width=190 height=156\n];
print pimg border=\0\ src=\BD08906_.gif\ width=\190\


-Original Message-
From: Mike Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 2:02 PM
Subject: multiple quotes

How do I get this to work? (too many quotes)

print pimg border=0 src=BD08906_.gif width=190 height=156\n;

Mike Smith

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Re: multiple quotes

2002-02-07 Thread Jeff 'japhy' Pinyan

On Feb 7, Mike Smith said:

How do I get this to work? (too many quotes)

print pimg border=0 src=BD08906_.gif width=190 height=156\n;

You can either escape the  with a backslash...

  print like \this\...;

but that gets to look REALLY ugly, REALLY fast.  So use a different
quoting operator instead:

  print a href=''xyz/a;
  print 'a href=;xyz/a';# no variables here
  print qq{a href=;xyz/a};  # qq is double quotes
  print q{a href=;xyz/a};   # q is single quotes

perldoc perlop, look for Quote and Quote-like Operators.

Jeff japhy Pinyan  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
RPI Acacia brother #734
** Look for Regular Expressions in Perl published by Manning, in 2002 **
stu what does y/// stand for?  tenderpuss why, yansliterate of course.

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Re: multiple quotes

2002-02-07 Thread Chas Owens

On Thu, 2002-02-07 at 14:01, Mike Smith wrote:
 How do I get this to work? (too many quotes)
 print pimg border=0 src=BD08906_.gif width=190 height=156\n;
 Mike Smith

try qq (see perldoc perlop)

print qq(pimg border=0 src=BD08906_.gif width=190

Today is Pungenday the 38th day of Chaos in the YOLD 3168

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Re: multiple quotes

2002-02-07 Thread Brett W. McCoy

On Thu, 7 Feb 2002, Mike Smith wrote:

 How do I get this to work? (too many quotes)

 print pimg border=0 src=BD08906_.gif width=190 height=156\n;

print qq(pimg border=0 src=BD08906_.gif width=190 height=156\n);

qq() is the generic form of .  You can also use qq{}, qq##, etc.

See the perlop page for more details.

-- Brett

There's one fool at least in every married couple.

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RE: multiple quotes

2002-02-07 Thread Murphy, Land

 Use single quote marks inside your print statement.  for instance

print pimg border='0' src='BD08906_.gif' width='190' height=156\n;

Better yet, use CGI instead.  


-Original Message-
From: Mike Smith
Sent: 2/7/2002 1:01 PM
Subject: multiple quotes

How do I get this to work? (too many quotes)

print pimg border=0 src=BD08906_.gif width=190 height=156\n;

Mike Smith

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Re: ignoring some fields in a comparision of hashes

2002-02-07 Thread Christopher Solomon

%ignore = map { $_ = 1 } @ignore;

@diff = map { $a{$_} ne $b{$_} }
grep { !$ignore{$_} } keys %a;

@diff will end up with a list of key/value pairs of %a that are
different from %b, excluding those of %ignore.

note: this is untested.


On 7 Feb 2002, Chas Owens wrote:

 I have two hashes (%a and %b) that contain data for one person from two
 different systems and I want to compare these hashes to see if the
 systems are out of sync.  The catch is I know that some of the fields
 will always be different and I want to ignore those fields.  Below is my
 solution, does anyone have a better way of doing this? BTW: there are a
 lot of fields currently with more being added as time goes on and the
 number of fields I want to ignore will stay pretty much the same).

 my @ignore = (key1, key2);

 KEYS: foreach my $key (keys %a) {
   foreach my $ignore (@ignore) {
   next KEYS if $key eq $ignore;
   if ($a{$key} ne $b{$key}) {
   print $key is different ($a{$key}, $b{$key})\n;

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What is the URL for the perlop page?

2002-02-07 Thread Mike Smith

What is the URL for the perlop page?

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Re: What is the URL for the perlop page?

2002-02-07 Thread Brett W. McCoy

On Thu, 7 Feb 2002, Mike Smith wrote:

 What is the URL for the perlop page?

At the command line (Unix or Windows) type 'perldoc perlop'.  It's bundled
with your Perl installation.

-- Brett

A little suffering is good for the soul.
-- Kirk, The Corbomite Maneuver, stardate 1514.0

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Re: What is the URL for the perlop page?

2002-02-07 Thread Chas Owens

On Thu, 2002-02-07 at 14:23, Mike Smith wrote:
 What is the URL for the perlop page?
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perlop is a section of the perl manual.


man perlop


perldoc perlop

or if you must have a web page

You should really use the docs on your own system since you know those
apply to the version of Perl you are using.

Today is Pungenday the 38th day of Chaos in the YOLD 3168
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RE: Hash Question

2002-02-07 Thread Balint, Jess

After hours of pondering and sitting in wonder of simple it is, I have come
up with something. I do believe that this:

for my $i (0..$#keys) {

Quite possibly should be

foreach ( @keys ) {

Otherwise, why would you have

my @keys = (0, 1, 2, 3);

Instead of just $keys = 3 and then 0..$keys. If there is any wrong in this
thinking, please lemme know. Thank you.


-Original Message-

Okay, I came up with two solutions.  The first is to use eval to build
the hash and recursive functions to deal with it.  The second takes up
more space, but is easier to deal with: cat the keys together.  The
first is better when you have many things that are going to be the same
and the key size is large.

this is a test
this is a test
this is a test
that was a test
oh my a test
oh my a test
oh my a test
I happen five times
I happen five times
I happen five times
I happen five times
I happen five times
I happen six times
I happen six times
I happen six times
I happen six times
I happen six times
I happen six times

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use Data::Dumper;

my %eval_hash;
my %cat_hash;

my @keys = (0, 1, 2, 3);

#eval method, ugly
while () {
my @fields = split;

#eval method
my $eval_str = '$eval_hash';

for my $i (0..$#keys) {
$eval_str .= {$fields[$i]};

$eval_str .= ++;

eval $eval_str;

#cat method
my $key;

for my $i (0..$#keys) {
$key .= $fields[$i]-;
chop $key; #get rid of last '-'


print %eval_hash:\n, Dumper(\%eval_hash);
print_eval_hash(, \%eval_hash);

print \n\n%key_hash:\n, Dumper(\%cat_hash);;
print $_ = $cat_hash{$_}\n foreach (sort keys %cat_hash);

sub print_eval_hash {
my ($key, $ref) = @_;

if (ref $ref eq 'HASH') {
foreach (sort keys %{$ref}) {
print_eval_hash($key-$_, $ref-{$_});
} else {
$key =~ s/-//; #get rid of first -
print $key = $ref\n;

output from=./
$VAR1 = {
  'this' = {
  'is' = {
'a' = {
 'test' = '3'
  'I' = {
   'happen' = {
 'five' = {
 'times' = '5'
 'six' = {
'times' = '6'
  'that' = {
  'was' = {
 'a' = {
  'test' = '1'
  'oh' = {
'my' = {
  'a' = {
   'test' = '3'
I-happen-five-times = 5
I-happen-six-times = 6
oh-my-a-test = 3
that-was-a-test = 1
this-is-a-test = 3

$VAR1 = {
  'I-happen-six-times' = '6',
  'oh-my-a-test' = '3',
  'this-is-a-test' = '3',
  'I-happen-five-times' = '5',
  'that-was-a-test' = '1'
I-happen-five-times = 5
I-happen-six-times = 6
oh-my-a-test = 3
that-was-a-test = 1
this-is-a-test = 3

On Fri, 2002-02-01 at 15:58, Balint, Jess wrote:
 The way I have the argument parsing set up is for ( 0..$#ARGV ) { . . .
 When a -f n is presented on the command line, n will be the field number
 the first hash.
 So if I use -f 1 -f 2 -f 3, there will be three levels of hashes. The top
 level will contain all unique values in the first field of the file. The
 second level will contain all unique values unique to the top level, and
 third level will be unique to the first and second level. The value of the
 third level key will be a count of the occurance of all the values
 in the same line.
 -Original Message-
 On Fri, 2002-02-01 at 15:23, Balint, Jess wrote:
  A scalar value based on the number of command line arguments put into an
  if( $ARGV[$_] =~ /^-f/ ) {
  if( $table ) {
  $table =  $ARGV[$_];
  $table =~ s/-f//;
  $table =  $ARGV[$_+1] if( length( $table ) == 0
  $tables[$tblcnt] = $table;
  } else {
  $table =  $ARGV[$_];

Re: is deprecated?

2002-02-07 Thread Jenda Krynicky

From:   Christopher Solomon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Whenever I've had to execute system or shell commands, I use the
 backtick operator, the system command, or filehandle half-pipes (or
 whatever they are called :).  And I've always seen these recommended
 whenever someone asks how to do that.
 But recently, I saw the use of the module:
 use Shell qw(who);
 my @who = who();
 and I wondered what the (dis)advantages of using it are, and why no
 one uses it anymore?

I guess there are two reasons.

1) Noone knows about it.

2) With the current version it's not possible to specify a path to the 
program to run.

But IMHO if enhanced a bit, this could be the easies way to run an 
external command.


There is a reason for living. There must be. I've seen it somewhere.
It's just that in the mess on my table ... and in my brain.
I can't find it.
--- me

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Re: is deprecated?

2002-02-07 Thread Brett W. McCoy

On Thu, 7 Feb 2002, Jenda Krynicky wrote:

 I guess there are two reasons.

 1) Noone knows about it.

 2) With the current version it's not possible to specify a path to the
 program to run.

 But IMHO if enhanced a bit, this could be the easies way to run an
 external command.

Jenda --

I noticed you are one of the coders on this module!

-- Brett

Charm is a way of getting the answer Yes -- without having asked any
clear question.

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append local file to remote file

2002-02-07 Thread Alex Harris

Apologies for the loosely interpreted perl issue below.

I have rsh on my system and nothing else is available that I know of.  I 
need to send a local file to a remote system and APPEND the local file to 
the remote file.  All I can find in the man pages however is how to do just 
the reverse.  I realize that I can rcp it over then do the remote file 
append to remote file, but I'd like to do the whole process in ONE step not 
two.  Any ideas?  Anything in Perl?

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Re: multiple quotes

2002-02-07 Thread McDonald Patrick

you need to escape your inner quotes with a backslash like so.

print pimg border=\0\ src=\BD08906_.gif\ width=\190\

- Original Message -
From: Mike Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 2:01 PM
Subject: multiple quotes

 How do I get this to work? (too many quotes)

 print pimg border=0 src=BD08906_.gif width=190 height=156\n;

 Mike Smith

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Changing the default output channel

2002-02-07 Thread Balint, Jess

Hello all. Might one be able to tell me how to change the default output
channel so that instead of:

print FILE, text;

I might use

print text;

? Thank you.


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retrieving info from function

2002-02-07 Thread Jesse Ahrens

The gethostbyname() function returns 5 variables, the last on addrs is an 
array. How do I specify the function to only return that array rather than 
the 4 strings and 1 array?

It's a menage a trois you and me and Heineken...

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RE: Changing the default output channel

2002-02-07 Thread Balint, Jess

Whoops! I know that comma is not supposed to be in the first code snippet.

-Original Message-

Hello all. Might one be able to tell me how to change the default output
channel so that instead of:

print FILE, text;

I might use

print text;

? Thank you.


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Re: retrieving info from function

2002-02-07 Thread Brett W. McCoy

On Thu, 7 Feb 2002, Jesse Ahrens wrote:

 The gethostbyname() function returns 5 variables, the last on addrs is an
 array. How do I specify the function to only return that array rather than
 the 4 strings and 1 array?

gethostbyname() returns a list.  You can coerce that list to become an
array and then just grab that last element:

my @addresses = (gethostbyname($hostname))[4];

foreach (@addresses) {
print join('.', unpack('C4',$_)), \n;

-- Brett

Why are you doing this to me?
Because knowledge is torture, and there must be awareness before
there is change.
-- Jim Starlin, Captain Marvel, #29

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RE: is deprecated?

2002-02-07 Thread Dean Theophilou

So, Jenda, what's the eta on the enhancement? :)

Dean Theophilou

P.S. Don't forget to update the docs too (preferably in Word or html format).

-Original Message-
From: Brett W. McCoy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 12:13 PM
To: Jenda Krynicky
Subject: Re: is deprecated?

On Thu, 7 Feb 2002, Jenda Krynicky wrote:

 I guess there are two reasons.

 1) Noone knows about it.

 2) With the current version it's not possible to specify a path to the
 program to run.

 But IMHO if enhanced a bit, this could be the easies way to run an
 external command.

Jenda --

I noticed you are one of the coders on this module!

-- Brett

Charm is a way of getting the answer Yes -- without having asked any
clear question.

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memory issues reading large files

2002-02-07 Thread Brian Hayes

Hello all.  I need to read through a large (150 MB) text file line by
line.  Does anyone know how to do this without my process swelling to
300 megs?
I have not been following the list, so sorry if this question has
recently come up.  I did not find it answered in the archives.

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