RE: multiples http wget in parrallel

2002-03-20 Thread SERRA Yannick - SOP ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )

LWP::Parallel is a good starting place.

ok I will have a look at that that module

thank you mr Schwartz !

yannick serra

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Installing my own modules

2002-03-20 Thread Motherofperls

I want to use Image::Size on my site but my Server doesn't have it installed. 
 I've been waiting for them to install it. 
 But the reply I recieved from them was :
Could you please explain in detail regarding the module Image::Size, I am 
little bit confused about the problem.

I only asked them to install it.

It would be nicer if I knew how to put Image::Size or any other module I want 
in my own cgi-bin.
How do I make perl find the modules I upload?


Send attachment (but no MIME)?is it possible

2002-03-20 Thread anthony


is it possible to have a perl script sending e-mail with attachment without
using MIME::Lite since most host don't have MIME::Lite.?


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Installing modules on website

2002-03-20 Thread Motherofperls

I was reading and came across this code:
I put the contents of Image-Size-2.98 under the Image directory.

use lib qw(/home/yrkylady/www/cgi-bin/perl/Image);
eval("use Image::Size 2.98;");
(print("Error: $@"), exit(-1)) if $@;

And when I try to open my file I get this error:

Error: Can't locate Image/ in @INC (@INC contains: 
/home/yrkylady/www/cgi-bin/perl/Image /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.0/i686-linux 
/usr/lib/perl5/5.6.0 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/i686-linux 
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl .) at (eval 5) line 
1. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at (eval 5) line 1. 

Did I use the right syntax?
Any suggestions?


RE:Installing my own modules

2002-03-20 Thread James Campbell


>>I want to use Image::Size on my site but my Server doesn't have it

Place the module wherever you like (and have permission) eg,


You can then tell perl to look for modules in that localtion with the

use lib "/home/your/cgi-bin/modules";
use Image::Size;
.. . .

page 120 of 'CGI Programming with perl' 2nd Edition explains this much
better than I can (being a relative newbie an all!)

I don't know what sort of Installation Image:Size requires. I don't have a
lot of experience with that but it may be as simple as unpacking the files
to that directory or you may need to use a Makefile and the make program...
or worse... I think if it's that much of a hassle, the admin people will
have to do it anyway.

Good luck

James Campbell
Research Bioinformatician

Proteome Sciences
Institute of Psychiatry
South Wing Lab
16 De Crespigny Park
London SE5 8AF

Web 1: (Corporate site)
Web 2: (Satellite site - Proteomics facility)

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Re: Installing my own modules

2002-03-20 Thread Jenda Krynicky


> I want to use Image::Size on my site but my Server doesn't have it
> installed. 
>  I've been waiting for them to install it. 
> ##
>  But the reply I recieved from them was :
> Could you please explain in detail regarding the module Image::Size, I
> am little bit confused about the problem.
> ###
> I only asked them to install it.
> It would be nicer if I knew how to put Image::Size or any other module
> I want in my own cgi-bin. How do I make perl find the modules I
> upload?

Do not put it in cgi-bin, put it in a directory that is not accessible 
via web. And add

use lib '/home/Motherofperls/perl-lib';

on top of your scripts.


There is a reason for living. There must be. I've seen it somewhere.
It's just that in the mess on my table ... and in my brain.
I can't find it.
--- me

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2002-03-20 Thread Larsson Mikael (MLAH)

> Hi,
> Does anyone know any what to connect to an Microsoft Exchange server via
> perl ? 
> I have tried some modules "Net::IMAP::Simple"  and "Mail::IMAPClient"
> but they doesn´t work for me. 
> Regards 
> Mikael Larsson

Re: Installing modules on website

2002-03-20 Thread Jenda Krynicky


> I was reading and came across this code:
> I put the contents of Image-Size-2.98 under the Image directory.
> use lib qw(/home/yrkylady/www/cgi-bin/perl/Image);
> eval("use Image::Size 2.98;");
> (print("Error: $@"), exit(-1)) if $@;
> And when I try to open my file I get this error:
> Error: Can't locate Image/ in @INC (@INC contains: 

If the is in /home/yrkylady/www/cgi-bin/perl/Image/ 
directory then the use lib statement should look like this:

use lib qw(/home/yrkylady/www/cgi-bin/perl);

Notice that the "Image" is NOT included in the path.


There is a reason for living. There must be. I've seen it somewhere.
It's just that in the mess on my table ... and in my brain.
I can't find it.
--- me

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Re: Send attachment (but no MIME)?is it possible

2002-03-20 Thread zentara

On Wed, 20 Mar 2002 13:07:56 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Anthony) wrote:

>is it possible to have a perl script sending e-mail with attachment without
>using MIME::Lite since most host don't have MIME::Lite.?

You could try this  script
use warnings;
use strict;
use MIME::Base64;

my $SENDFILE = 'myfile';
my $FROMUSER = 'username';
my $TOUSER = 'myrecipient';

open(F_MAIL,"|/usr/sbin/sendmail -t");

my $boundary = "--90125";
print F_MAIL <
MIME-Version: 1.0
Subject: File attachment test
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain;

Here is the body of the message.  A file attachment is also provided below.

Content-Type: application/octet-stream;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: Base64
Content-Disposition: attachment;


#open(F_SEND,$SENDFILE) || &Error("Cannot open sendfile for MIME encoding");
open(F_SEND,$SENDFILE) || die ("Cannot open sendfile for MIME encoding");
while (read(F_SEND,my $buf, 60 * 57 ) ) {
print F_MAIL encode_base64($buf);

print F_MAIL <

Re: Send attachment (but no MIME)?is it possible

2002-03-20 Thread zentara

On Wed, 20 Mar 2002 08:55:11 -0500, zentara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On Wed, 20 Mar 2002 13:07:56 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Anthony) wrote:
>>is it possible to have a perl script sending e-mail with attachment without
>>using MIME::Lite since most host don't have MIME::Lite.?
>You could try this  script
Oops, the script runs , but I messed up the sendfile name.
You can probably see the mistake, or just change
my $SENDFILE = 'myfile'   to
my $SENDFILE = 'z'

Sorry, it's a sleepy rainy day here.

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Re: Bit reversal of MAC Address bytes...

2002-03-20 Thread Tom VanCourt

At 09:50 AM 3/19/2002 -0500, Tim Musson wrote:
>Thanks to all who sent pointers!
>Here is my code before I put it up as a web page tool (and clean it up
>and comment it ).
>comments/suggestions anyone?
>#!perl -w
>use strict;
>use diagnostics;
>my $debug = "yes";
>my (@mac);
>my $mac = "0123 6789 cdef";
>$mac =~ s/\s//g;
>my $i = 0;
>while($mac =~ /(.{2})/g){
> $mac[$i++] = $1;
> my $str = unpack("B8", pack("H2", $1));
> print $1 . " - " . "$str\n" if $debug;
> my $revstring = reverse($str);
> my $hex2 = unpack("H2", pack("B8", $revstring));
> print " $revstring - $hex2\n\n" if $debug;

I found a slightly more concise phrase. The first transformation swaps the 
two hex digits within each byte, keeping the bytes in original order. The 
second transformation is a lookup table for the function that reverses any 
one hex digit.

 my $Debug = 1;
 my $InputStr = '7BB57DF7';

 (my $NibbleSwapped = $InputStr . ' ') =~ s/(.)(.)/$2$1/g;
 (my $Reverse = $NibbleSwapped) =~ tr/0-9A-F/084C2A6E195D3B7F/;

 print $InputStr . "- " .
 $NibbleSwapped . "-" .
 $Reverse . "\n" if $Debug;

Obviously, this doesn't strips spaces etc - that's easy enough. I just 
started the camel book a few days ago, so I hope the cognoscenti can point 
out improvements.

-- tvc

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perl DBI to Mysql , what happens when field I query is blank ?

2002-03-20 Thread FLAHERTY, JIM-CONT

Hello I have redhat 7.1 and mysql  , I am trying to query DB of People
if there is no record for this person , I want to add them . My problem
seams to be what is in query results with it comes back blank
here is the code 

$dbh1 =DBI ->connect($data_source, $username, $password) or die "cant
connect to
 $data_source : my $dbh-> errstr\n";
my $sth1 = $dbh1 -> prepare("select owner from users where owner =
$sth1 -> execute or die " unable to execute query ";
# $sth1 -> finish;
# $dbh1->disconnect;
my $array_ref = $sth1 -> fetchall_arrayref();
  foreach $row(@$array_ref){

my($owner) = @$row;
  if($owner eq NULL){ 

$dbh4 =DBI ->connect($data_source, $username, $password) or die "cant
connect to
 $data_source : my $dbh-> errstr\n";
my $sth2 = $dbh4 -> prepare("insert into users(owner)values('$user_n')");
$sth2 -> execute or die " unable to execute query ";


$sth -> finish;
#  look up results ??
thanks in advance


Re: DBI really quick question

2002-03-20 Thread Johnathan Kupferer

Hanson, Robert wrote:

>"How do I CREATE a database from within perl with MySQL?"
>I don't think you can... but you can run the mysql interface from the
>script.  Actually I think that you can pipe a list of commands to mysql. 
If you can get a connection with proper permissions, all you need to do 
is use:

$dbh->do("CREATE DATABASE foo");

I noticed that you don't have to issue a new connect to switch to the 
new database.

$dbh->do("use foo");

I also discovered that you don't need to specify a database when connecting.

my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbh:mysql:','root','xxx');

Here's a quick example:

use strict;
use DBI;

my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:mysql:','root','xx');
$dbh->do("CREATE DATABASE foo");
$dbh->do("use foo");

   value VARCHAR(23) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Kallisti'
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT value FROM bar");
while( my($val) = $sth->fetchrow_array() ){
print "$val\n";
$dbh->do("DROP DATABASE foo");

Happy hacking,

- Johnathan

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RE: perl DBI to Mysql , what happens when field I query is blank ?

2002-03-20 Thread Michael Gargiullo

I may be off on this, but this sounds like a sql issue.  The record count
being returned is 0 so check on the record count, not if client eq null.

-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 10:55 AM
To: Beginners (E-mail)
Subject: perl DBI to Mysql , what happens when field I query is blank ?

Hello I have redhat 7.1 and mysql  , I am trying to query DB of People
if there is no record for this person , I want to add them . My problem
seams to be what is in query results with it comes back blank

here is the code

$dbh1 =DBI ->connect($data_source, $username, $password) or die "cant
connect to
 $data_source : my $dbh-> errstr\n";
my $sth1 = $dbh1 -> prepare("select owner from users where owner =
$sth1 -> execute or die " unable to execute query ";

# $sth1 -> finish;
# $dbh1->disconnect;

my $array_ref = $sth1 -> fetchall_arrayref();

  foreach $row(@$array_ref){

my($owner) = @$row;

  if($owner eq

$dbh4 =DBI ->connect($data_source, $username, $password) or die "cant
connect to
 $data_source : my $dbh-> errstr\n";
my $sth2 = $dbh4 -> prepare("insert into users(owner)values('$user_n')");
$sth2 -> execute or die " unable to execute query ";


$sth -> finish;
#  look up results ??
thanks in advance


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Votrax text-to-speech synthesizer

2002-03-20 Thread John

I have an old Votrax "Type ‘N Talk" text-to-speech synthesizer, circa 1982.
It connects to a serial port and will accept text strings changing them to
speech. I want to experiment with the unit by connecting it to a serial port
on my Linux server and send text strings to it via a web page fronting for a
Perl-CGI program.

Before I go out and re-invent the wheel, has anyone had fun doing this
already, and would they share their experience and any pointers? Code
samples would be great!



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2002-03-20 Thread Schelstraete Bart


Can perl check if a port is up, and if that port immediately exists if 
you try to connect to it?

For example:
I have a program running on port 8000. If you telnet to the port (8000), 
  you'll see 'connected to'.and telnet will exist immediately...
if that happens then perl should say : 'ok'...

Do somewhone know how I need to implement this?



Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

MIME::Lite Query

2002-03-20 Thread Mace, Richard

Hello there,
I'm using MIME::Lite to send E-mails out that are generated from a Perl
I seem to be having problems with the date field. When I hard code a
date into
the message e.g.

$msg = new MIME::Lite
From=>  $from,
To  =>  $to,
Date=>  'Wednesday 20th March 2002 17:30',

it works fine & the resulting E-mail includes the time the mail was

If I try to pass $date from Perl using localtime it does not work.

$date = strftime "%a %d/%m/20%y %H:%M", localtime; (I know I get a valid
date here)

$msg = new MIME::Lite
From=>  $from,
To  =>  $to,
Date=>  $date,

Does anybody know the rules regarding the date field and what it
I cannot find the key info I require on CPAN.

Any info greatly received


Richard Mace
Fradley Telephone Unit
Lorien PLC

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Re: MIME::Lite Query

2002-03-20 Thread bob ackerman

perhaps you need to single quote the $msg value to prevent interpolation?
there are slashes in there, for instance.
you might test without the slashes in $msg.

On Wednesday, March 20, 2002, at 09:26  AM, Mace, Richard wrote:

> Hello there,
> I'm using MIME::Lite to send E-mails out that are generated from a Perl
> script.
> I seem to be having problems with the date field. When I hard code a
> date into
> the message e.g.
> $msg = new MIME::Lite
>   From=>  $from,
>   To  =>  $to,
>   Date=>  'Wednesday 20th March 2002 17:30',
>   etc
> it works fine & the resulting E-mail includes the time the mail was
> sent.
> If I try to pass $date from Perl using localtime it does not work.
> e.g.
> $date = strftime "%a %d/%m/20%y %H:%M", localtime; (I know I get a valid
> date here)
> $msg = new MIME::Lite
>   From=>  $from,
>   To  =>  $to,
>   Date=>  $date,
>   etc
> Does anybody know the rules regarding the date field and what it
> expects.
> I cannot find the key info I require on CPAN.
> Any info greatly received
> Richard.
> Richard Mace
> Fradley Telephone Unit
> Lorien PLC
> --
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Since when is $_ a read-only variable?

2002-03-20 Thread KEVIN ZEMBOWER

I'm trying to process a list like so:
 foreach ("photoshare", "mmc", "popline", "popline/www", "popline/db",
"netlinks") {
  $aoutpath = "/usr/local/httpd/htdocs/webstats/$_/$$MM";
 mkdir("$aoutpath") unless (-e "$aoutpath");
 print "Can't write $aoutpath.\n" unless (-w $aoutpath);
 print "\$_ is <" . $_ . ">\n"; #for troubleshooting only
 s#/#.#g;   #Substitute "." for "/" in the magic variable,
to match analog.cfg filenam
  system("$apath/analog -m +g${acfgpath}/${_}.analog.cfg
+F$YY${MM}01 +T$YY${MM}31 +O${aout
  } #end for each subject area

In the fourth iteration, the directory to be generated should be
"/usr/local/httpd/htdocs/webstats/popline/www/200203", but the +g option
to the command "analog" should be "popline.www.analog.cfg". In other
words, I want to substitute "." for "/" in the magic variable $_ in each
foreach loop.

When I try to run this, I get "Modification of a read-only value
attempted at ./ line 81." The print statement in line
80, just above the substitution statement, shows the contents of $_ to
be "photoshare" like I expected.

I'm really puzzled, why it seems to be indicating that $_ is a
read-only variable. Can anyone enlighten me?

Thanks for your help.

-Kevin Zembower

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Re: Installing modules on website

2002-03-20 Thread Motherofperls

That did the trick thankyou!

Making my own error.logs

2002-03-20 Thread Motherofperls

My new web hosting service at doesn't have error logs 
for each site. What do I do?

Is there a way for me to create my own logs for my perl files?

Re: Making my own error.logs

2002-03-20 Thread Michael Kelly

On 3/20/02 11:05 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> My new web hosting service at doesn't have error logs
> for each site. What do I do?
> Is there a way for me to create my own logs for my perl files?

You could redirect STDERR like this...


Then all your error messages would go to err.txt, I think. Of course, you'd
have to put that in all your scripts, and it wouldn't help you with
compile-time errors.

There certainly might be a better way I'm not familiar with, though.


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Re: Making my own error.logs

2002-03-20 Thread Jenda Krynicky

From: Michael Kelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > My new web hosting service at doesn't have
> > error logs for each site. What do I do?
> > 
> > Is there a way for me to create my own logs for my perl files?
> You could redirect STDERR like this...
> open(STDERR,">>err.txt");
> Then all your error messages would go to err.txt, I think. Of course,
> you'd have to put that in all your scripts, and it wouldn't help you
> with compile-time errors.

Put a BEGIN{} block around it and you will ... to some extent.


There is a reason for living. There must be. I've seen it somewhere.
It's just that in the mess on my table ... and in my brain
I can't find it.
--- me

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Re: Since when is $_ a read-only variable?

2002-03-20 Thread Jenda Krynicky


> I'm trying to process a list like so:
>  foreach ("photoshare", "mmc", "popline", "popline/www", "popline/db",
> "netlinks") {

The loop control variable (the variable through whichyou access the 
values in the array you loop over) is actualy an ALIAS to the 
list/array value, not a copy. This means that if you change the 
content of the variable you are changing the contents of the array.

But of course this time the items of the array (well, actually list. It's 
better to distinguish the two ) are constants. Thus you cannot 
change them. Thus you canot assign to $_. you have to copy the 
value to a different variable first.


There is a reason for living. There must be. I've seen it somewhere.
It's just that in the mess on my table ... and in my brain
I can't find it.
--- me

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RE: Since when is $_ a read-only variable?

2002-03-20 Thread David Gray

> I'm trying to process a list like so:
>  foreach ("photoshare", "mmc", "popline", "popline/www", "popline/db",
> "netlinks") {
>  ...
>  s#/#.#g;
>  system("$apath/analog -m +g${acfgpath}/${_}.analog.cfg
> +F$YY${MM}01 +T$YY${MM}31 +O${aout
> path}/index.html"); 
>   } #end for each subject area
> In other words, I want to 
> substitute "." for "/" in the magic variable $_ in each foreach loop.
> When I try to run this, I get "Modification of a read-only 
> value attempted at ./ line 81." The print 
> statement in line 80, just above the substitution statement, 
> shows the contents of $_ to be "photoshare" like I expected.

It's because you're looping over a temporary anonymous list. I would
guess it's stored as constant to make it more efficient. You're gonna
have to save a copy to play with, like:

foreach('photoshare','mmc') {
  ... # stuff
  my $tmp = $_;
  $tmp =~ s#/#.#g;

Hope that makes some sense,


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Re: MIME::Lite Query

2002-03-20 Thread Jenda Krynicky

From:  "Mace, Richard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I'm using MIME::Lite to send E-mails out that are generated from a
> Perl script. I seem to be having problems with the date field. When I
> hard code a date into the message e.g.
> $msg = new MIME::Lite
>  From =>  $from,
>  To   =>  $to,
>  Date =>  'Wednesday 20th March 2002 17:30',
>  etc
> it works fine & the resulting E-mail includes the time the mail was
> sent.
> If I try to pass $date from Perl using localtime it does not work.
> e.g.
> $date = strftime "%a %d/%m/20%y %H:%M", localtime; 
> #(I know I get a valid date here)

Arr. Ever heard about the Y2K bu? 

DO NOT USE "20%y". EVER !!!
(Yes it'll be more than 97 years before this code will go wrong, but 
suppose you were printing some dates in the future.)

Use "%Y" instead !!!

Besides you have the format of the date wrong. Try

$date = strftime "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M", localtime;

plus you should include your difference against GMT.
(Which happens to be  "-" in your case.)


There is a reason for living. There must be. I've seen it somewhere.
It's just that in the mess on my table ... and in my brain
I can't find it.
--- me

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Re: Installing my own modules

2002-03-20 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

*>It would be nicer if I knew how to put Image::Size or any other module I want 
*>in my own cgi-bin.
*>How do I make perl find the modules I upload?


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GD getBounds problem

2002-03-20 Thread Agustin Rivera

I have a problem.  The code below creates the error below.  I can't see what
is wrong with it.  I could of swore this code used to work.
Any ideas?

use GD;
use LWP::Simple;
use strict;
<.. bunch of code that gets an image off the web and writes it to disk
successfully ..>

open(OUT, ">image.jpg") or die $!;
print OUT $content;
my $image=GD::Image->newFromJpeg("image.jpg");
my ($width,$height)=$image->getBounds();

Can't call method "getBounds" on an undefined value at ./ line 32.

Agustin Rivera

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RE: Since when is $_ a read-only variable?

2002-03-20 Thread KEVIN ZEMBOWER

Thank you, David, Jenda and Kate for explaining this so clearly. I would
have had trouble understanding this on my own. Your explanations were
very easy to grasp.

I think I found what you're talking about on page 118-119 of
Programming Perl 3, although this point seems very subtle. Is there
another explanation on another page or anywhere in other documents that
I could read more on this? If you can think of one off the top of your
head, thanks. If not, don't spend time looking one up.

Thanks so much, again.


>>> "David Gray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 03/20/02 02:40PM >>>
> I'm trying to process a list like so:
>  foreach ("photoshare", "mmc", "popline", "popline/www",
> "netlinks") {
>  ...
>  s#/#.#g;
>  system("$apath/analog -m +g${acfgpath}/${_}.analog.cfg
> +F$YY${MM}01 +T$YY${MM}31 +O${aout
> path}/index.html"); 
>   } #end for each subject area
> In other words, I want to 
> substitute "." for "/" in the magic variable $_ in each foreach
> When I try to run this, I get "Modification of a read-only 
> value attempted at ./ line 81." The print 
> statement in line 80, just above the substitution statement, 
> shows the contents of $_ to be "photoshare" like I expected.

It's because you're looping over a temporary anonymous list. I would
guess it's stored as constant to make it more efficient. You're gonna
have to save a copy to play with, like:

foreach('photoshare','mmc') {
  ... # stuff
  my $tmp = $_;
  $tmp =~ s#/#.#g;

Hope that makes some sense,


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checking username

2002-03-20 Thread Matthew Harrison

i have a cgi page that allows users to signup for my webmail service, but 
submitin info to a form that writes to a textfile. I need to get the 
username after it is submitted, and check it against existing system 
usernames (/etc/passwd) and sendmail virtual usernames. is this possible? 
if so, how?

also, how can i make a cron job that parses the textfile and creates a new 
user from the results? the textfile is in the format of:


the syntax for my adduser program is:

adduser -g 'gid' -d 'homedir' -s 'shell' -p 'password' 'username'

Matthew Harrison
Internet/Network Services Administrator
Peanut-Butter Cheesecake Hosting Services

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open(FILE, " ") question

2002-03-20 Thread Eric Preece


I am very new to perl. I am writing a script that is supposed to open an html file and 
do some various tasks then later on it should print out the html file. I am having 
problems with one portion of it. I distilled it down to this code snippet

# test
use strict;

my $file;
my $HTML;

sub testOpen {
local (*FILE);  # filehandle
$file = $_[0] || die ("No file specified\n");
open(FILE, "$file") || die("File could not be opened - $file\n");
while () {
$HTML .= $_;
$HTML =~ s/\$(\w+)/${$1}/g; 
return $HTML;   

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print &testOpen("test.htm");# Prints the contents of this file

My problem is this works great from the command prompt. But will not open the file if 
hit the script from a browser. I am not sure why it behaves differently in a browser - 
I suspect permissions but I have the directory set to write, execute.

I am using a win2k IIS box with the lastest version of ActivePerl.

Thanks in advance,


Re: open(FILE, " ") question

2002-03-20 Thread Agustin Rivera

It's probably because the of the file path.  Try specifying the whole path
to see if it works.

Agustin Rivera

- Original Message -
From: "Eric Preece" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 1:52 PM
Subject: open(FILE, " ") question


I am very new to perl. I am writing a script that is supposed to open an
html file and do some various tasks then later on it should print out the
html file. I am having problems with one portion of it. I distilled it down
to this code snippet

# test
use strict;

my $file;
my $HTML;

sub testOpen {
local (*FILE); # filehandle
$file = $_[0] || die ("No file specified\n");
open(FILE, "$file") || die("File could not be opened - $file\n");
while () {
$HTML .= $_;
$HTML =~ s/\$(\w+)/${$1}/g;
return $HTML;

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print &testOpen("test.htm"); # Prints the contents of this file

My problem is this works great from the command prompt. But will not open
the file if hit the script from a browser. I am not sure why it behaves
differently in a browser - I suspect permissions but I have the directory
set to write, execute.

I am using a win2k IIS box with the lastest version of ActivePerl.

Thanks in advance,


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Re: open(FILE, " ") question

2002-03-20 Thread Jenda Krynicky

From:  "Eric Preece" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I am very new to perl. I am writing a script that is supposed to open
> an html file and do some various tasks then later on it should print
> out the html file. I am having problems with one portion of it. I
> distilled it down to this code snippet
> ==
> # test
> use strict;
> my $file;
> my $HTML;
> sub testOpen {
>  local (*FILE);   # filehandle
>  $file = $_[0] || die ("No file specified\n");

The "my $file " should be INSIDE the subroutine, not outside, 
change the line above to

my $file = $_[0] || die ("No file specified\n");
my $file = $_[0] or die ("No file specified\n");

>  open(FILE, "$file") || die("File could not be opened - $file\n");

No NEVER enclose variables in doublequotes by themselves. If 
you need to insert the contents of a variable inside some text, the 
you have to, but 
is nonsense. (Yes, it seems to do the right thing. Now.)

>   while () {
>$HTML .= $_;
>   }
>  close(FILE);
>  $HTML =~ s/\$(\w+)/${$1}/g;  
>  return $HTML;
> }
> print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
> print &testOpen("test.htm");  # Prints the contents of this file

The & in front of subroutine calls is deprecated (should not be 
> My problem is this works great from the command prompt. But will not
> open the file if hit the script from a browser. I am not sure why it
> behaves differently in a browser - I suspect permissions but I have
> the directory set to write, execute.
> I am using a win2k IIS box with the lastest version of ActivePerl.

Use full path. The current working directory is most probably NOT 
what you might think it is.


There is a reason for living. There must be. I've seen it somewhere.
It's just that in the mess on my table ... and in my brain
I can't find it.
--- me

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Re: Making my own error.logs

2002-03-20 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

*>My new web hosting service at doesn't have error logs 
*>for each site. What do I do?
*>Is there a way for me to create my own logs for my perl files?

You probably would benefit from buying 


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RE: directory creation help

2002-03-20 Thread John Marion

Finally worked this one out.  There was a version problem.  We were tasked
to use the version of PERL in NTReskit (  It does not work with any
variation that we came up with or with the ones that this group suggested
(thanks!)  We have decided to install the stable release and then run the


-Original Message-
From: John Marion [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 8:50 PM
Subject: directory creation help

Well I changed the make up of lines 137 and 138.  This is where the problem
lies.  I cannot make a drecotry that is part of the list that I use (ie:
...\apps\dll ) and then copy all the associated dll files into it.

Anything would be greatly appreciated.


#use File::Copy;
#does C:\ntapps\common\C exist?
#add user notification using Win32::Console

$startdir = "\\ntapps\\common\\c";

@filespec = ('exe', 'dll');

#@filedelete = glob ("\\junk\\save\\*.*");

@filedelete = system ("del "."$savedir"."*.* /Q");

#@cmd = ('dir');

$savedir  = 'C:\junk\save';

#sub searchDirectory;
#sub builddirectory;

if (-e "\\ntapps\\common\\c"){
#Find all EXE's and DLL's
open (OUTFILE, '>\ntapps\log\mv_common_c.lst');


#removing files from junk\save
#unlink @filedelete;
#rename files using the system
system ("rename" ,'C:\junk\save\*.*', '*.old');

close (OUTFILE);


print "missing \n";

sub searchDirectory {
# $startdir is a path name, @filespec is a list of file extensions only(ie:
exe, dll, ...)
local($basedir,$startdir,@filespec) = @_;

#print "got to search directory\n";
if(opendir (DIR,$basedir.$startdir))
  @lines = readdir (DIR);
  closedir (DIR);
  $lvl_counter = 2;
  $list_length = ( scalar @lines );
while ($lvl_counter < $list_length)
  $subdir = $startdir."\\".$lines[$lvl_counter];
}else {
return 0;
return 1;


sub processnames {
# Give the value passed to this sub a sensible name.
my ($filename,@filespec) = @_;

$match = join '|', @filespec;
if ($filename =~ /($match)$/i) {
print (OUTFILE "$filename\n");


sub movefiles {
local ($name, $path, $filename, $topath);
#This is moving the files on the list we created to junk\save
#open input file
print "inputlist\n";
open (INPUTLIST, '<\ntapps\log\mv_common_c.lst');
foreach $file () {
($path,$name) = split (/\|/, $file);
if (!-e  $savedir.$path."\\" && !$path == "" ) {
$topath = $savedir.$path;
print "path:$path\n";
print "making directory: $topath\n";
#mkdir ($topath, 0777) || die "cannot mkdir $topath: $!";
#`C:\\john\\ldapps\\perl\\ $savedir, $path`;
##closedir dumb;
if (!-d $basedir ) {print "ouch\n" }
$command = 'copy '.$startdir.$path."\\".$name.' C:\junk\save'.$path;
print "$command\n";
print "path:$topath, name:$filename\n";
system ($command);

close (INPUTLIST);

#this assumes that basedir exists
sub builddirectory {
local ($basedir, @path) = @_;
local ($directory);
@sublist =  ($path <1) ? (split(/\\/, $path[0])) : (@path) ;
print "$#path, $#sublist, @path, @sublist\n";
foreach $directory (@sublist) {
  if ($directory =~ /\s/) { next; }
  if (!-e $basedir.'\\' .$directory) {system (start, md 'C:\junk\save'.
'\\' .$directory);}
  $basedir .= '\\'.$directory;
  #if (!-e $basedir.'\\' .$directory) { mkdir($basedir. '\\' .$directory,
0777); }
  #$basedir .= '\\'.$directory;
  print "$basedir\n";



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perl infant stage..

2002-03-20 Thread Perl CosmicVoid


Im a New User to Perl.
Ive got Equipped with me a book called Begining Perl
by Simon Cozens, its honeslty an Quite an Good Buy!

However, after installing Perl from ActiveState,
(for Windows) and creating myFirst Hello World
Program, im COMPLETELY unable to run it!
However, when tried on UNIX i was able to get Hello
World.. its quite queer.. 

Im not a UNIX user i just explored the system as i
found a dead end with Windows. 
However, if you could revies the Attachment fir my
Windows ERROR and tell me where i went wrong i would
deeply appreciate it!


Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Movies - coverage of the 74th Academy Awards®

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RE: perl infant stage..

2002-03-20 Thread Timothy Johnson

I don't see an attachment.  Howefver I can give you a few tips to make sure
your ActiveState is installed correctly and to launch your script.

1)  The #!/usr/bin/perl(or something) line won't do anything in Windows.  
Make sure that your scripts have a .pl extension, otherwise Windows
won't know what to do with it.

2)  When you open Explorer, do your .pl files have a yellow pearl icon?
If not, hold down SHIFT, right-click, and select Open With... from the
context menu.
In the dialog that opens, make sure "Always use this program for this
type of file" is checked.
Click on Browse... and find perl.exe (c:\perl\bin\perl.exe by default).

Hope that helps.

-Original Message-
From: Perl CosmicVoid [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 7:52 PM
Subject: perl infant stage..


Im a New User to Perl.
Ive got Equipped with me a book called Begining Perl
by Simon Cozens, its honeslty an Quite an Good Buy!

However, after installing Perl from ActiveState,
(for Windows) and creating myFirst Hello World
Program, im COMPLETELY unable to run it!
However, when tried on UNIX i was able to get Hello
World.. its quite queer.. 

Im not a UNIX user i just explored the system as i
found a dead end with Windows. 
However, if you could revies the Attachment fir my
Windows ERROR and tell me where i went wrong i would
deeply appreciate it!


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Finding the date of last sunday

2002-03-20 Thread rory oconnor

Can anyone think of a good way for me to find out what the date of last
sunday is with perl?  I'm writing a script that will need to do some
basic reporting starting from the previous sunday.

I'm usign the date format -MM-DD

Any help appreciated!



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RE: perl infant stage..

2002-03-20 Thread Perl CosmicVoid

Hi Tim!

ThankQ for the Quick reply!
i was unable to send the Attachment due to its Size

However, i would like to Confirm yes it has that 
i)YES it has a Yellow Perl icon!

my file is called hello1.plx is that ok.. even if i
have placed the default..?!

or should i go to explorer and
View>>FolderOptions>>FileTypes and change teh
extension to pl instead of PLX.. ?!

thanks Once Again!
--- Timothy Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't see an attachment.  Howefver I can give you
> a few tips to make sure
> your ActiveState is installed correctly and to
> launch your script.
> 1)  The #!/usr/bin/perl(or something) line won't do
> anything in Windows.  
> Make sure that your scripts have a .pl
> extension, otherwise Windows
> won't know what to do with it.
> 2)  When you open Explorer, do your .pl files have a
> yellow pearl icon?
> If not, hold down SHIFT, right-click, and select
> Open With... from the
> context menu.
> In the dialog that opens, make sure "Always use
> this program for this
> type of file" is checked.
> Click on Browse... and find perl.exe
> (c:\perl\bin\perl.exe by default).
> Hope that helps.
> -Original Message-
> From: Perl CosmicVoid [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 7:52 PM
> Subject: perl infant stage..
> Hi!
> Im a New User to Perl.
> Ive got Equipped with me a book called Begining Perl
> by Simon Cozens, its honeslty an Quite an Good Buy!
> However, after installing Perl from ActiveState,
> (for Windows) and creating myFirst Hello World
> Program, im COMPLETELY unable to run it!
> However, when tried on UNIX i was able to get Hello
> World.. its quite queer.. 
> Im not a UNIX user i just explored the system as i
> found a dead end with Windows. 
> However, if you could revies the Attachment fir my
> Windows ERROR and tell me where i went wrong i would
> deeply appreciate it!
> ThankQ!
> MaLs..
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Movies - coverage of the 74th Academy Awards.
> -- 
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
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> This email may contain confidential and privileged 
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> If you are not the intended recipient, please
> contact 
> the sender and delete all copies.

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Re: Finding the date of last sunday

2002-03-20 Thread Jeff 'japhy' Pinyan

On Mar 20, rory oconnor said:

>Can anyone think of a good way for me to find out what the date of last
>sunday is with perl?  I'm writing a script that will need to do some
>basic reporting starting from the previous sunday.
>I'm usign the date format -MM-DD

I suggest the standard Time::Local module.  It's timelocal() function,
along with the builtin localtime() function, allow you do to virtually

  use Time::Local;
  use constant SECONDS_PER_DAY => 86400;

  my ($year, $mon, $day) = (2002, 3, 20);  # today's date
  my $today_at_noon = timelocal(0,0,12, $day, $mon-1, $year-1900);
  my $days_since_sunday = (localtime $today_at_noon)[6] || 7;
  my $sunday = $today_at_noon - $days_since_sunday * 86400;

Now we have $sunday, the number of seconds that represents last Sunday; in
the event that this program is run ON a Sunday, we reach back to last
week's Sunday.

With this value, you can then do:

  my ($d, $m, $y) = (localtime $sunday)[3,4,5];

and concoct a date in the form of -MM-DD like so:

  sprintf "%4d-%02d-%02d", $y+1900, $m+1, $d;

Jeff "japhy" Pinyan  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
RPI Acacia brother #734
** Look for "Regular Expressions in Perl" published by Manning, in 2002 **
 what does y/// stand for?   why, yansliterate of course.
[  I'm looking for programming work.  If you like my work, let me know.  ]

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RE: perl infant stage..

2002-03-20 Thread Perl CosmicVoid


Ive got two different Perl icons now.
One Big Perl and another a small perl against a paper

the MSDOS program does run, However its a split second
thing its zips in front of the eye and disappears..

Please Advise.

--- Michael Gargiullo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I believe they need to just be .pl... I'm a Linux
> user... I don't have a
> windows box to even check with, but The Perl
> Interpreter I think needs the
> files to end with .pl
> Hope this helps
> -Original Message-
> From: Perl CosmicVoid [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 11:20 PM
> To: Timothy Johnson
> Subject: RE: perl infant stage..
> Hi Tim!
> ThankQ for the Quick reply!
> i was unable to send the Attachment due to its Size
> However, i would like to Confirm yes it has that
> i)YES it has a Yellow Perl icon!
> my file is called hello1.plx is that ok.. even if i
> have placed the default..?!
> or should i go to explorer and
> View>>FolderOptions>>FileTypes and change teh
> extension to pl instead of PLX.. ?!
> thanks Once Again!
> MaLs..
> --- Timothy Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > I don't see an attachment.  Howefver I can give
> you
> > a few tips to make sure
> > your ActiveState is installed correctly and to
> > launch your script.
> >
> > 1)  The #!/usr/bin/perl(or something) line won't
> do
> > anything in Windows.
> > Make sure that your scripts have a .pl
> > extension, otherwise Windows
> > won't know what to do with it.
> >
> > 2)  When you open Explorer, do your .pl files have
> a
> > yellow pearl icon?
> > If not, hold down SHIFT, right-click, and
> select
> > Open With... from the
> > context menu.
> > In the dialog that opens, make sure "Always
> use
> > this program for this
> > type of file" is checked.
> > Click on Browse... and find perl.exe
> > (c:\perl\bin\perl.exe by default).
> >
> > Hope that helps.
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Perl CosmicVoid
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 7:52 PM
> > Subject: perl infant stage..
> >
> >
> > Hi!
> >
> > Im a New User to Perl.
> > Ive got Equipped with me a book called Begining
> Perl
> > by Simon Cozens, its honeslty an Quite an Good
> Buy!
> >
> > However, after installing Perl from ActiveState,
> > (for Windows) and creating myFirst Hello World
> > Program, im COMPLETELY unable to run it!
> > However, when tried on UNIX i was able to get
> Hello
> > World.. its quite queer..
> >
> > Im not a UNIX user i just explored the system as i
> > found a dead end with Windows.
> > However, if you could revies the Attachment fir my
> > Windows ERROR and tell me where i went wrong i
> would
> > deeply appreciate it!
> >
> > ThankQ!
> > MaLs..
> >
> >
> >
> > __
> > Do You Yahoo!?
> > Yahoo! Movies - coverage of the 74th Academy
> Awards.
> >
> >
> > --
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> > For additional commands, e-mail:
> >
> >
> >

> > This email may contain confidential and privileged
> > material for the sole use of the intended
> recipient.
> >
> > If you are not the intended recipient, please
> > contact
> > the sender and delete all copies.
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Movies - coverage of the 74th Academy Awards®
> --
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

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Yahoo! Movies - coverage of the 74th Academy Awards®

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Re: Finding the date of last sunday

2002-03-20 Thread Matt C.

The Date::Manip module can do almost anything you can think of with dates:

Have fun,

--- rory oconnor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can anyone think of a good way for me to find out what the date of last
> sunday is with perl?  I'm writing a script that will need to do some
> basic reporting starting from the previous sunday.
> I'm usign the date format -MM-DD
> Any help appreciated!
> Thanks,
> rory
> -- 
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> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: perl infant stage..

2002-03-20 Thread Timothy Johnson

If you want to see the output, then you should run your script from a
command prompt window.  If you double-click on it, it will probably go by
too quick to read.  And yes, I would recommend sticking to .pl extension.  I
can't remember exactly what .plx is for.

-Original Message-
From: Perl CosmicVoid
To: Michael Gargiullo
Sent: 3/20/02 8:52 PM
Subject: RE: perl infant stage..


Ive got two different Perl icons now.
One Big Perl and another a small perl against a paper

the MSDOS program does run, However its a split second
thing its zips in front of the eye and disappears..

Please Advise.

--- Michael Gargiullo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I believe they need to just be .pl... I'm a Linux
> user... I don't have a
> windows box to even check with, but The Perl
> Interpreter I think needs the
> files to end with .pl
> Hope this helps
> -Original Message-
> From: Perl CosmicVoid [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 11:20 PM
> To: Timothy Johnson
> Subject: RE: perl infant stage..
> Hi Tim!
> ThankQ for the Quick reply!
> i was unable to send the Attachment due to its Size
> However, i would like to Confirm yes it has that
> i)YES it has a Yellow Perl icon!
> my file is called hello1.plx is that ok.. even if i
> have placed the default..?!
> or should i go to explorer and
> View>>FolderOptions>>FileTypes and change teh
> extension to pl instead of PLX.. ?!
> thanks Once Again!
> MaLs..
> --- Timothy Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > I don't see an attachment.  Howefver I can give
> you
> > a few tips to make sure
> > your ActiveState is installed correctly and to
> > launch your script.
> >
> > 1)  The #!/usr/bin/perl(or something) line won't
> do
> > anything in Windows.
> > Make sure that your scripts have a .pl
> > extension, otherwise Windows
> > won't know what to do with it.
> >
> > 2)  When you open Explorer, do your .pl files have
> a
> > yellow pearl icon?
> > If not, hold down SHIFT, right-click, and
> select
> > Open With... from the
> > context menu.
> > In the dialog that opens, make sure "Always
> use
> > this program for this
> > type of file" is checked.
> > Click on Browse... and find perl.exe
> > (c:\perl\bin\perl.exe by default).
> >
> > Hope that helps.
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Perl CosmicVoid
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 7:52 PM
> > Subject: perl infant stage..
> >
> >
> > Hi!
> >
> > Im a New User to Perl.
> > Ive got Equipped with me a book called Begining
> Perl
> > by Simon Cozens, its honeslty an Quite an Good
> Buy!
> >
> > However, after installing Perl from ActiveState,
> > (for Windows) and creating myFirst Hello World
> > Program, im COMPLETELY unable to run it!
> > However, when tried on UNIX i was able to get
> Hello
> > World.. its quite queer..
> >
> > Im not a UNIX user i just explored the system as i
> > found a dead end with Windows.
> > However, if you could revies the Attachment fir my
> > Windows ERROR and tell me where i went wrong i
> would
> > deeply appreciate it!
> >
> > ThankQ!
> > MaLs..
> >
> >
> >
> > __
> > Do You Yahoo!?
> > Yahoo! Movies - coverage of the 74th Academy
> Awards.
> >
> >
> > --
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> > For additional commands, e-mail:
> >
> >
> >

> > This email may contain confidential and privileged
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> recipient.
> >
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> > contact
> > the sender and delete all copies.
> __
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Re: perl infant stage..

2002-03-20 Thread Connie Chan

Do you try your script at Browser or at DOS prompt ?

If you are dealing with browser, check if the #!C:/Perl/bin/perl.exe ( or
parameter is set correctly, and if print "Content-type:text/html \n\n"
Of cause, your server setting should also account to your config

If you are dealing with dosprmpt, try to type the full parameter to run your
file with warn.
eg. C:\Perl\bin\perl -w C:\yourPath\yourFile.plx

Have a nice day =)

- Original Message -
From: "Perl CosmicVoid" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Timothy Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2002 12:19 PM
Subject: RE: perl infant stage..

> Hi Tim!
> ThankQ for the Quick reply!
> i was unable to send the Attachment due to its Size
> However, i would like to Confirm yes it has that
> i)YES it has a Yellow Perl icon!
> my file is called hello1.plx is that ok.. even if i
> have placed the default..?!
> or should i go to explorer and
> View>>FolderOptions>>FileTypes and change teh
> extension to pl instead of PLX.. ?!
> thanks Once Again!
> MaLs..
> --- Timothy Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > I don't see an attachment.  Howefver I can give you
> > a few tips to make sure
> > your ActiveState is installed correctly and to
> > launch your script.
> >
> > 1)  The #!/usr/bin/perl(or something) line won't do
> > anything in Windows.
> > Make sure that your scripts have a .pl
> > extension, otherwise Windows
> > won't know what to do with it.
> >
> > 2)  When you open Explorer, do your .pl files have a
> > yellow pearl icon?
> > If not, hold down SHIFT, right-click, and select
> > Open With... from the
> > context menu.
> > In the dialog that opens, make sure "Always use
> > this program for this
> > type of file" is checked.
> > Click on Browse... and find perl.exe
> > (c:\perl\bin\perl.exe by default).
> >
> > Hope that helps.
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Perl CosmicVoid [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 7:52 PM
> > Subject: perl infant stage..
> >
> >
> > Hi!
> >
> > Im a New User to Perl.
> > Ive got Equipped with me a book called Begining Perl
> > by Simon Cozens, its honeslty an Quite an Good Buy!
> >
> > However, after installing Perl from ActiveState,
> > (for Windows) and creating myFirst Hello World
> > Program, im COMPLETELY unable to run it!
> > However, when tried on UNIX i was able to get Hello
> > World.. its quite queer..
> >
> > Im not a UNIX user i just explored the system as i
> > found a dead end with Windows.
> > However, if you could revies the Attachment fir my
> > Windows ERROR and tell me where i went wrong i would
> > deeply appreciate it!
> >
> > ThankQ!
> > MaLs..
> >
> >
> >
> > __
> > Do You Yahoo!?
> > Yahoo! Movies - coverage of the 74th Academy Awards.
> >
> >
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> >
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> > material for the sole use of the intended recipient.
> >
> > If you are not the intended recipient, please
> > contact
> > the sender and delete all copies.
> __
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> Yahoo! Movies - coverage of the 74th Academy Awards®
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Re: Finding the date of last sunday

2002-03-20 Thread rory oconnor


One quick question...since I want to run this every week, will that part
here you hard-coded today's date need to be changed to be dynamic?



On Wed, 2002-03-20 at 22:30, Jeff 'japhy' Pinyan wrote:
> On Mar 20, rory oconnor said:
> >Can anyone think of a good way for me to find out what the date of last
> >sunday is with perl?  I'm writing a script that will need to do some
> >basic reporting starting from the previous sunday.
> >
> >I'm usign the date format -MM-DD
> I suggest the standard Time::Local module.  It's timelocal() function,
> along with the builtin localtime() function, allow you do to virtually
> anything.
>   use Time::Local;
>   use constant SECONDS_PER_DAY => 86400;
>   my ($year, $mon, $day) = (2002, 3, 20);  # today's date
>   my $today_at_noon = timelocal(0,0,12, $day, $mon-1, $year-1900);
>   my $days_since_sunday = (localtime $today_at_noon)[6] || 7;
>   my $sunday = $today_at_noon - $days_since_sunday * 86400;
> Now we have $sunday, the number of seconds that represents last Sunday; in
> the event that this program is run ON a Sunday, we reach back to last
> week's Sunday.
> With this value, you can then do:
>   my ($d, $m, $y) = (localtime $sunday)[3,4,5];
> and concoct a date in the form of -MM-DD like so:
>   sprintf "%4d-%02d-%02d", $y+1900, $m+1, $d;
> -- 
> Jeff "japhy" Pinyan  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> RPI Acacia brother #734
> ** Look for "Regular Expressions in Perl" published by Manning, in 2002 **
>  what does y/// stand for?   why, yansliterate of course.
> [  I'm looking for programming work.  If you like my work, let me know.  ]

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Help Required - Search and Replace

2002-03-20 Thread Rajanikanth Dandamudi


I have a one big text file and also I have some set of strings to be
replaced by another set of strings. Currently, I am reading each line of
the file, and replacing one set of strings by another set of strings,
one after another. Is there any efficient way of doing this? The data is
so huge that this job takes around 7Hrs of total time on Sun Ultra 10.
Is there any way of efficiently doing this? Thanks in advance.

Thanks and Regards,

Re: Finding the date of last sunday

2002-03-20 Thread Jeff 'japhy' Pinyan

On Mar 20, rory oconnor said:

>On Wed, 2002-03-20 at 22:30, Jeff 'japhy' Pinyan wrote:
>> On Mar 20, rory oconnor said:
>> >Can anyone think of a good way for me to find out what the date of last
>> >sunday is with perl?  I'm writing a script that will need to do some
>> >basic reporting starting from the previous sunday.
>> >
>> >I'm usign the date format -MM-DD
>> I suggest the standard Time::Local module.  It's timelocal() function,
>> along with the builtin localtime() function, allow you do to virtually
>> anything.
>>   use Time::Local;
>>   use constant SECONDS_PER_DAY => 86400;
>>   my ($year, $mon, $day) = (2002, 3, 20);  # today's date
>>   my $today_at_noon = timelocal(0,0,12, $day, $mon-1, $year-1900);
>One quick question...since I want to run this every week, will that part
>here you hard-coded today's date need to be changed to be dynamic?

Of course.  And you can bypass that step by make those TWO lines into ONE:

  my $today_at_noon = timelocal(0,0,12, (localtime)[3,4,5]);

Jeff "japhy" Pinyan  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
RPI Acacia brother #734
** Look for "Regular Expressions in Perl" published by Manning, in 2002 **
 what does y/// stand for?   why, yansliterate of course.
[  I'm looking for programming work.  If you like my work, let me know.  ]

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creating file name from array

2002-03-20 Thread GREGOR

hi guys,

I'm very new to perl. 

Ok, let's assume that I have a file named *user.txt* contained with my user 
name : 


I want to make a file for each of them. The file name and the content should 
contained with their names, eg. .qmail-donna, .qmail-maria and 

so far, here's my code : (which isn't working) 


open FILE,$file;
close FILE; 

foreach $lines (@user){
system "echo |/usr/local/blah ./$lines/maildir/filter > .qmail-$lines";

please help me to make the right code. thank you. 



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Re: creating file name from array

2002-03-20 Thread listperl

Hey Gregor,

I use something similar on my box (I use qmail too). This should do what you
want it to.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

my @users = qw/ donna maria karina /;
foreach my $line (@user){
open OUT, ">/path/to/dir/.qmail-$line" or die "$!";
print OUT "|/usr/local/blah ./$line/maildir/filter";
close OUT or die "$!";

Luke Davison

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 9:55 PM
Subject: creating file name from array

> hi guys,
> I'm very new to perl.
> Ok, let's assume that I have a file named *user.txt* contained with my
> name :
> donna
> maria
> karina
> ..
> ..
> ..
> etc
> I want to make a file for each of them. The file name and the content
> contained with their names, eg. .qmail-donna, .qmail-maria and
> ..qmail-karina.
> so far, here's my code : (which isn't working)
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> $file="user.txt";
> open FILE,$file;
> @user=;
> close FILE;
> foreach $lines (@user){
> system "echo |/usr/local/blah ./$lines/maildir/filter >
> }
> please help me to make the right code. thank you.
> regards,
> Gregor
> or
> --
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> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: Finding the date of last sunday

2002-03-20 Thread Wagner-David

You can use probably a number of different modules, but just some simple Perl 
processing can do the work for you:

use Time::Local;
# Put date here, need to subtract one from Month for use in timelocal
# Can leave year at 4 digits or take down to 3 digits(ie, 1900 from 4 digit)
my $DD = 20;
my $MM = 2; # subtract 1 from month
my $ = 2002;
my @MyDay = qw(dum Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat);

my $MyDate = timelocal(0,0,12,$DD,$MM,$); # gives you epoch seconds using noon
my @TimeInfo = localtime($MyDate);
my $MySunday = $MyDate - ($TimeInfo[6] * 86400); # [6] holds day of week(Sun:0 thru 

my $MyCurrDay = $MyDay[$TimeInfo[6]];
@TimeInfo = localtime($MySunday);

printf "%-3s:%4d-%02d-%02d\n", $MyCurrDay, $, ($MM+1), $DD;
printf "Sun:%4d-%02d-%02d\n", ($TimeInfo[5]+1900), $TimeInfo[4], $TimeInfo[3];


Wags ;) 
-Original Message-
From: rory oconnor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 20:12
To: perl
Subject: Finding the date of last sunday

Can anyone think of a good way for me to find out what the date of last
sunday is with perl?  I'm writing a script that will need to do some
basic reporting starting from the previous sunday.

I'm usign the date format -MM-DD

Any help appreciated!



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Re: Finding the date of last sunday

2002-03-20 Thread Peter Scott

At 10:11 PM 3/20/02 -0600, rory oconnor wrote:
>Can anyone think of a good way for me to find out what the date of last
>sunday is with perl?  I'm writing a script that will need to do some
>basic reporting starting from the previous sunday.
>I'm usign the date format -MM-DD

$ perl -MDate::Manip -le 'print UnixDate("last Sunday","%Y-%m-%d")'

Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies

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Re: creating file name from array

2002-03-20 Thread GREGOR

Thank you a lot Luke, it worked.

Now there's something else, how do I tell perl to open a file where the 
/path/to/dir contained with $line? 

such as :

open OUT, ">/path/to/$line/dir/.qmail-$line" or die "$!";


listperl writes: 

> Hey Gregor, 
> I use something similar on my box (I use qmail too). This should do what you
> want it to. 
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> use strict; 
> my @users = qw/ donna maria karina /;
> foreach my $line (@user){
> open OUT, ">/path/to/dir/.qmail-$line" or die "$!";
> print OUT "|/usr/local/blah ./$line/maildir/filter";
> close OUT or die "$!";
> } 
> Regards,
> Luke Davison 
> - Original Message -
> Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 9:55 PM
> Subject: creating file name from array 
>> hi guys, 
>> I'm very new to perl. 
>> Ok, let's assume that I have a file named *user.txt* contained with my
> user
>> name : 
>> donna
>> maria
>> karina
>> ..
>> ..
>> ..
>> etc 
>> I want to make a file for each of them. The file name and the content
> should
>> contained with their names, eg. .qmail-donna, .qmail-maria and
>> ..qmail-karina. 
>> so far, here's my code : (which isn't working) 
>> #!/usr/bin/perl 
>> $file="user.txt";
>> open FILE,$file;
>> @user=;
>> close FILE; 
>> foreach $lines (@user){
>> system "echo |/usr/local/blah ./$lines/maildir/filter >
> ..qmail-$lines";
>> } 
>> please help me to make the right code. thank you. 
>> regards,
>> Gregor 


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