remove a char

2002-03-28 Thread Michael Gargiullo

In an array say @randomWord

The second position could contain one of a thousand words, but the words all
end with a comma.  How can I strip that comma?

I've tried using:

$randomWord[1] = $_;

But this is not working, any sugestions?


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RE: Find Files Based on Age

2002-03-28 Thread Gary Hawkins

>From within perl using built-in functions:

$modification_time = (stat($file))[9]; # seconds since epoch
$time = time;  # now
$age = $time - $modification_time; # age in seconds


> -Original Message-
> From: Scott Burks [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 11:56 AM
> Subject: Find Files Based on Age
> This might be simple, but I haven't found a solution yet.  I have a
> script that I use on our Unix boxes that uses 'find' to get a list of
> files in a certain directory that are a certain number of days old and
> removes them from the system (find / -name * -mtime +45 -exec rm -rf {}
> \;).  I need to port this to a Windows 2000 Server (he shudders as he
> says this) and haven't been able to find a command or module that will
> do the same search based on the age of the file.  Can anyone clue me
> into some Windows magic please.
> Scott Burks
> Systems Administrator
> Trust Company of America

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RE: Find Files Based on Age

2002-03-28 Thread Gary Hawkins

>From within perl:

> -Original Message-
> From: Scott Burks [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 11:56 AM
> Subject: Find Files Based on Age
> This might be simple, but I haven't found a solution yet.  I have a
> script that I use on our Unix boxes that uses 'find' to get a list of
> files in a certain directory that are a certain number of days old and
> removes them from the system (find / -name * -mtime +45 -exec rm -rf {}
> \;).  I need to port this to a Windows 2000 Server (he shudders as he
> says this) and haven't been able to find a command or module that will
> do the same search based on the age of the file.  Can anyone clue me
> into some Windows magic please.
> Scott Burks
> Systems Administrator
> Trust Company of America

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Transfer a file via FTP

2002-03-28 Thread Ahmed Moustafa

When a file is transferred via FTP, when is the EOF character added to 
the file (only at the end of transmission or also during the transferring)?

Your help will be appreciated so much.
Ahmed Moustafa

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Re: code review? bibliographic software script

2002-03-28 Thread Jonathan E. Paton

> The script and associated files (a manual
> page in groff, postscript, and PDF; a
> manifest and a GPL license file; [snip]

Any reason for the GPL license, e.g. derived
work of a GPL'd program?  The freer Artistic
license is more common to the Perl community,
I guess because some clever cookie worked out
that Perl could be embedded and GPL was too
restrictive for them.

Not a critism, but I suspect my example
reason has something to do with this.

I don't have time to examine the entire file,
probably few of us do.  Examining just a is
usually a good indicator of code quality.

For those not interested in code review,
switch off here.

Okay, lets make my general feeling clear
and bold:

I think the code looks overly verbose,
probably following the original too closely.

In particular:

1. Some commenting is overly heavy, for

# strict type checking
use strict;

2. Perl constructs are generally better
than C provides... e.g:

# an array for each field: index 0 is fieldlabel, index 1 is prompt 
# (if any), index 2 is field type (0 is no input; 1 is input, noloop; 
# 2 is empty line terminated loop; 3 is backslash continued, any other 
# character or empty line terminated);  index >2 for field contents
my @numarr = ("%Z","",0); # this for all types (reference number)
my @typarr = ("%X","",0); # this for all types (reference type)
my @autarr = ("%A","Authors: ",2);  # this for all types

Can be turned into Perl like:

my %field = (
num => [ "%Z", "", 0 ],
typ => [ "%X", "", 0 ],
aut => [ "%A", "Authors: ", 2 ]

maybe there is a way around this too.

3. Don't do more work than you have to:

my @artrec = (  [ @numarr ], [ @typarr ], [ @autarr ], [ @titarr ], 
[ @jurarr ], [ @datarr ], [ @volarr ], [ @pagarr ],
[ @keyarr ], [ @otharr ] );

Is pretty much the same as:

my @artrec = (\@numarr, \@typarr, \@titarr, ..., ...);

provided you never alter @artrec or
the arrays it depends on.  If you end
up searching through @artrec to see if
something exists or not, then you are
doing the wrong thing:

my %artrec = (
numarr => \@numarr,
typarr => \@typarr,

gives you the same information, but if
you can identify what name you need,
then doing:

my @array = @{ $artrec{numarr} };

is much simplier.

4. Use standard modules, unless someone
gave you a naked perl binary and nothing

# two variants of the program name: basename, Basename
my $basnam = "$0"; $basnam =~ s#^.*/([^/]+)$#$1#;
my $ucbnam = ucfirst("$basnam");

can be better rewritten as:

use File::Basename;
my $basename = basename;
my $ucbname  = ucfirst($basename);

5. Use Getopt::Std.  Processing options
yourself is generally a bad idea, unless
the option syntax is really wierd.

6. rofftotext():

sub rofftotext {
my $outrec = shift(@_);
# first, all accents and special characters
$outrec =~ s/a\\\*\'/a\'/g;
$outrec =~ s/a\\\*\`/a\`/g;
$outrec =~ s/a\\\*\^/a\^/g;
$outrec =~ s/a\\\*\:/a\:/g;
$outrec =~ s/a\\\*\~/a\~/g;
$outrec =~ s/A\\\*\'/A\'/g;
$outrec =~ s/A\\\*\`/A\`/g;
$outrec =~ s/A\\\*\^/A\^/g;
$outrec =~ s/A\\\*\:/A\:/g;
$outrec =~ s/A\\\*\~/A\~/g;
# no tilda-e or E available in FM standard char set
$outrec =~ s/e\\\*\'/e\'/g;
$outrec =~ s/e\\\*\`/e\`/g;
$outrec =~ s/e\\\*\^/e\^/g;
$outrec =~ s/e\\\*\:/e\:/g;
$outrec =~ s/E\\\*\'/E\'/g;
$outrec =~ s/E\\\*\`/E\`/g;
$outrec =~ s/E\\\*\^/E\^/g;
$outrec =~ s/E\\\*\:/E\:/g;
# no tilda-i or I available in FM standard char set

Yuck!  This will easily take forever.
I don't know much about troff, but
having so many global substitues is
going to be painful.  Good place to
look for an alternative.

Style wise:

sub rofftotext {
my $outrec = shift; # Don't use @_ explicitly

for ($outrec) {

7. Don't use blocks of independent ifs
if ($fldid =~ /%F/) { 
for ($record) { /%A\s+([^\n\;]+)[\n\;]+/; $record = $1; }
if ($fldid =~ /%Z/) { 
for ($record) { /%Z\s+(\d+)/; $record = $1; }
if ($fldid =~ /%X/) { 
for ($record) { /%X\s+([ABIR])/; $record = $1; }

Can be rewritten as:

my $action = (
'%F' => \&pc_F,
'%Z' => \&pc_F,
'%X' => \&pc_X

sub pc_F {
if ($fldid =~ /%F/) { 
for ($record) { /%A\s+([^\n\;]+)[\n\;]+/; $record = $1; }

where those subs can be lexically scoped.  

8... THE END (for my review anyway)


Complexity = 7,  due to high use of long regexs and file IO
Length = 20, far too long - simplification possible
Speed  = 5,  guessed 

Re: code review? bibliographic software script

2002-03-28 Thread Peter Scott

At 02:52 PM 3/28/02 -0800, ERIC Lawson - x52010 wrote:

>I've made a perl script available for downloading, and would appreciate
>any code review from anyone so inclined.

Okay, here are a few comments.

>my $interspace = 1; # 0 or 1 line: space between references
>my $linespace = 1;  # 1 or 2: interlinear space
>my $fontsize = 9;   # 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12 points
[more of same]

You have a number of lines like that.  Consider keeping such configuration 
information in a hash; makes it easier to get the information from external 
sources if that's what you decide later.  Also makes it easier when poking 
around the namespace to see all this collected into a %config or whatever.

And hey, you then go on to get configuration information from an external 
file!  (I swear I hadn't read that bit yet)

> while () {
> if ( /^[ \t]*interspace[ \t]*=[ \t]*([01])[ \t]*$/ ) {
> $interspace = $1;
> }
[more of same]

All the following lines like that can be condensed *and* made extensible 
with the hash approach.

># an array for each field: index 0 is fieldlabel, index 1 is prompt
># (if any), index 2 is field type (0 is no input; 1 is input, noloop;
># 2 is empty line terminated loop; 3 is backslash continued, any other
># character or empty line terminated);  index >2 for field contents
>my @numarr = ("%Z","",0); # this for all types (reference number)
>my @typarr = ("%X","",0); # this for all types (reference type)
>my @autarr = ("%A","Authors: ",2);  # this for all types
[more of same]

This screams out for hash-of-arrays.

># variable for yes option in regexp
>my $yes = "[yY][eE]?[sS]?";
> print "\n$datfil does not yet exist.  Should I create it? (y/n): ";
> if ( =~ /^\s*${yes}\s*/) {

If you're going to be that picky about recognizing 'yes' (you also permit 
'ys' :-) then perhaps you ought at least to check for 'n' in case they 
answer 'oui' or something like that :-)  And consider taking a default answer.

>if (-e $poifil) {
> unless (-r $poifil && -f _ && -T _) {
> print "$poifil is not readable.  Exiting $basnam...\n"; exit;

That's a lot of trouble to go to and it may still not be readable.  Use 
open() to test for readability.  I'm not sure why you're attempting to test 
for text-ness.

>unless (-w $curdir) {
> $reaonld = 1;   # reset reaonld
> print "$curdir is not writable.\n";

Again, if someone runs this on an ACL-based system such as AFS, that check 
is not good enough.  Try and write a file.

You've got a huge run of code around here... break it up into subroutine 
calls.  This looks like it would benefit from an object-oriented analysis also.

> my @nsrdate = (localtime(time));
> my $nsrdate = $nsrdate[3];
> if ($nsrdate[4] == 0) { $nsrdate .= "jan"; }
> if ($nsrdate[4] == 1) { $nsrdate .= "feb"; }
[snip 10 lines of predictable code]

Ahem.  You might want to look up strftime in  Even if you don't 
use that, you can condense 12 lines to

 $nsrdate .= (qw(jan feb mar apr ...))[$nsrdate[4]];

Okay, I've run out of steam... I see some files opened read/write without 
locking... more scads of variables defined.

Summary: Don't Repeat Yourself.  You've got lots of places where you've 
typed virtually the same thing several times.  That's a Clue that there's a 
better way.

Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies

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RE: context of function calls

2002-03-28 Thread Peter Scott

At 03:39 PM 3/28/02 -0500, Nikola Janceski wrote:
>remember when calling a subroutine with & prepended, prototypes are never
>looked at.

And also on method calls.
Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies

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Re: code review? bibliographic software script

2002-03-28 Thread ERIC Lawson - x52010

On Thu, 28 Mar 2002, bob ackerman wrote:

> excuse my curiosity, but what was the purpose in re-implementing the
> program? you end up with something that runs slower and you need to
> distribute a runtime engine. unless you plan to extend
> functionality...

This is a good question, but one I cannot, perhaps, fully address.  First
off, I should've mentioned originally that the script was written with no
concern for any platform except linux.  The short story is:  the main user
of the C program is on the verge of retirement, and had no desire to learn
new tools; the C program broke when the last of our operational SunOS
4.1.4 systems was segregated from the rest of the network.  The problem
with the C program was, apparently, not easily fixed by the C programmers
here (it involved the pointer file byte counts, which differed
dramatically between the Sun/Solaris workstations and the PC's we now use
to run RedHat Linux), and the principal user went into heavy sweats when
the C program proved to be unusable by reason of cross-platform corruption
of the index/pointer file, and consequent corruption of the database.

In addition, being an inveterate meddler, I do intend to extend the
functionality of the legacy program even more than I already have.  My
extensions so far (for example, I extended the search mechanism to enable
selections based on the first author field) have been such as to not
disturb the principal user; my extensions to come will be similarly
nonintrusive, and involve, thus far, functions for generating more modern
(for example, XHTML) output.

I should also mention that, using glade-perl (D. Musgrove) and gtk-perl,
I've made a gui interface that implements one (of the dozen or so)
commands, the "add" command.  When and if I get sufficient liberty to
complete the interface, I will.  Glade-perl is wonderful for this purpose,
even if it is not yet as sophisticated as it will (I hope) become.

Eric Lawson


James Eric Lawson
Research Publications Editor
National Simulation Resource


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

They who strip not ideas from the marks men use for them, but confound
them with words, must have endless dispute. -- Locke.

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Re: confused about perl and jpg

2002-03-28 Thread Wytch

"Agustin Rivera" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> You're right.  I was thinking  when I deemed 
> valid tag.

lol.. I guessed that was the case and felt a bit guilty after pressing the
send button...

I don't like jumping on peoples obvious mistakes too I was
just bored and feeling helpful! =O)


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Re: Find Files Based on Age

2002-03-28 Thread John W. Krahn

Scott Burks wrote:
> This might be simple, but I haven't found a solution yet.  I have a
> script that I use on our Unix boxes that uses 'find' to get a list of
> files in a certain directory that are a certain number of days old and
> removes them from the system (find / -name * -mtime +45 -exec rm -rf {}
> \;).  I need to port this to a Windows 2000 Server (he shudders as he
> says this) and haven't been able to find a command or module that will
> do the same search based on the age of the file.  Can anyone clue me
> into some Windows magic please.

You should have a program called find2perl that ships with the standard

find2perl / -name "*" -mtime +45 -exec rm -rf {} \;

use Perl;

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Re: Question about writing to file

2002-03-28 Thread John W. Krahn

Richard Noel Fell wrote:
> Here is a subroutine that prints strings to a file. I want the routine
> to write strings to the file in the format
> Question1:factor(x^2+4*x+3)=(x+3)*(x+1).
> However, what is written to file is
> Question1:factor(x^2+4*x+3)
> =(x+3)*(x+1), that is,
> a newline before the = sign. Is there some way of inhibiting this
> behavior?
> sub write_questions_and_correct_answers_to_file{
> open In1, ">/home/rfell/tutoring/beaven/webproject/tmp/factor_answers"
> or die "Cannot open factor_answers: $!";
> my @qk; # temporary array to hold sorted questions keys
> my @ak; # temporary array to hold sorted answer keys
> my $qk; # temp variable to hold element of @qk
> my $ak; # temp variable to hold element of @ak
> @qk=sort(keys %Question_hash);
> @ak=sort(keys %Answer_hash);
> if ($#qk!=$#ak){
> print "lengths of question hash and answer hash are not equal.\n";
> exit();
> }
> else{
>   for (my $i=1; $i<=$#qk+1;$i++){
> print In1
> "Question"."$i".":factor$Question_hash{$qk[$i-1]}=$Answer_hash{$ak[$i-1]}\n";
> }
> }
> close In1;
> }

sub write_questions_and_correct_answers_to_file {
open IN1, ">/home/rfell/tutoring/beaven/webproject/tmp/factor_answers"
or die "Cannot open factor_answers: $!";

my @qk = sort keys %Question_hash;
my @ak = sort keys %Answer_hash;

die "lengths of question hash and answer hash are not equal.\n" if @qk != @ak;

chomp %Question_hash;
for my $i ( 0 .. $#qk ) {
print IN1 "Question$i:factor$Question_hash{$qk[$i]}=$Answer_hash{$ak[$i]}\n";
close IN1;

use Perl;

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re: unallowed chars

2002-03-28 Thread Teresa Raymond

Ok, and where are the recommended characters to disallow?  I have 
tested and I know which characters are going through but I would like 
to make sure I've included most of the recommended list.

>From: Teresa Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>  Where in the Camel or other resource is the list of characters that
>>  we don't want people to type in.  I'm still collecting all the
>>  resources I lost from my logic board dying.  Thanks in advance.
>When testing data you should ALWAYS test whether the string
>contains only the allowed characters or is in the allowed format,
>never whether it contains some forbidden characters or contains
>something that you do not like.
>You may forget something that happens to be special in your case
>and you would open a security hole while thinking you are safe.
>While in the life I prefer "what is not forbidden, is allowed"
>in programming it should be the oposite.
>=== [EMAIL PROTECTED] == ==
>There is a reason for living. There must be. I've seen it somewhere.
>It's just that in the mess on my table ... and in my brain
>I can't find it.
>   --- me
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-  Teresa Raymond -
-  Mariposa Net   -
- -

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Re: code review? bibliographic software script

2002-03-28 Thread bob ackerman

excuse my curiosity, but what was the purpose in re-implementing the 
you end up with something that runs slower and you need to distribute a 
runtime engine.
unless you plan to extend functionality...

On Thursday, March 28, 2002, at 02:52  PM, ERIC Lawson - x52010 wrote:

> I've made a perl script available for downloading, and would appreciate
> any code review from anyone so inclined.  The script emulates a legacy C
> program (1982, named biblio), and is a command-line driven personal
> bibliographic manager.  Perhaps needless to say, the functions are
> anacronistic, and the design goal was simple: make the perl script
> function as the C program did.  This involved satisfying existing users
> who have twenty years of experience with the legacy C program.  Thus far,
> there've been no complaints from the existing users, although some
> departures from exact replication of the C program's look-and-feel are
> conspicuous.  Notable among the departures, the boolean selection
> mechanism is much slower.  I would especially appreciate advice on how to
> speed up that mechanism.  Note, however, that system conditions here,
> where the script is in use, militate against my using any other than
> modules distributed with a standard, minimal perl distribution, and any
> suggestion that I should use such modules will be cheerfully ignored.
> Some commands that will be available through the pbib interface are not
> yet fully implemented.  I'm waiting to see what, if any, improvements
> might be generated by a code review before completing all commands, with
> the hope that the remainder of the scripting task will be simplified.
> The script is, however, functioning, and in as extensive use as the legacy
> C program ever was.  An accompanying manual page provides more information
> about how to use the script and what to expect from it in terms of
> behavior.
> The script and associated files (a manual page in groff, postscript, and
> pdf; a manifest and a GPL license file; a small sample database file for
> testing purposes) are available via http download, in the form of a
> tarred and compressed (gnu compress) file (named pbib-0.1.tgz), from
> under either "Contents" or "Projects in Progress".  In addition, the same
> file is available via anonymous ftp from, in the
> pub/DOC subdirectory.
> I'm sure the script is a mess.  I wrote it while in the process of
> relearning perl, which I had some vague acquaintance with in one of its
> earlier incarnations.  Any and all comments, including, especially,
> egregiously abusive ones, will be cheerfully received, although of course
> I reserve my right not to reply to what I consider egregious abuse unless
> I also find the abuse to have been useful.  In the latter case, supposing
> a reply from me is appropriate, I will reply as if I didn't notice the
> abuse, but instead noticed the usefulness of the comments.
> best,
> Eric Lawson
> --
> James Eric Lawson
> Research Publications Editor
> National Simulation Resource
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> Nothing can exceed the vanity of our existence but the folly of our
> pursuits. -- Oliver Goldsmith
> --
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code review? bibliographic software script

2002-03-28 Thread ERIC Lawson - x52010

I've made a perl script available for downloading, and would appreciate
any code review from anyone so inclined.  The script emulates a legacy C
program (1982, named biblio), and is a command-line driven personal
bibliographic manager.  Perhaps needless to say, the functions are
anacronistic, and the design goal was simple: make the perl script
function as the C program did.  This involved satisfying existing users
who have twenty years of experience with the legacy C program.  Thus far,
there've been no complaints from the existing users, although some
departures from exact replication of the C program's look-and-feel are
conspicuous.  Notable among the departures, the boolean selection
mechanism is much slower.  I would especially appreciate advice on how to
speed up that mechanism.  Note, however, that system conditions here,
where the script is in use, militate against my using any other than
modules distributed with a standard, minimal perl distribution, and any
suggestion that I should use such modules will be cheerfully ignored.

Some commands that will be available through the pbib interface are not
yet fully implemented.  I'm waiting to see what, if any, improvements
might be generated by a code review before completing all commands, with
the hope that the remainder of the scripting task will be simplified.  
The script is, however, functioning, and in as extensive use as the legacy
C program ever was.  An accompanying manual page provides more information
about how to use the script and what to expect from it in terms of

The script and associated files (a manual page in groff, postscript, and
pdf; a manifest and a GPL license file; a small sample database file for
testing purposes) are available via http download, in the form of a
tarred and compressed (gnu compress) file (named pbib-0.1.tgz), from

under either "Contents" or "Projects in Progress".  In addition, the same
file is available via anonymous ftp from, in the
pub/DOC subdirectory.

I'm sure the script is a mess.  I wrote it while in the process of
relearning perl, which I had some vague acquaintance with in one of its
earlier incarnations.  Any and all comments, including, especially,
egregiously abusive ones, will be cheerfully received, although of course
I reserve my right not to reply to what I consider egregious abuse unless
I also find the abuse to have been useful.  In the latter case, supposing
a reply from me is appropriate, I will reply as if I didn't notice the
abuse, but instead noticed the usefulness of the comments.

Eric Lawson


James Eric Lawson
Research Publications Editor
National Simulation Resource


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Nothing can exceed the vanity of our existence but the folly of our
pursuits. -- Oliver Goldsmith

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Re: confused about perl and jpg

2002-03-28 Thread Agustin Rivera

You're right.  I was thinking  when I deemed  a
valid tag.

"Agustin Rivera" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Your html tag is misformatted for starters.
> try
> print " ";
> or
> print " ";
> I have no idea if the image is actually there, however :)

Actually the align=left should be in the main tag or it won't have any

print "

if the picture is in the same directory it should show up [or at the very
least you should get a red cross...]


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Re: confused about perl and jpg

2002-03-28 Thread Wytch

"Agustin Rivera" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Your html tag is misformatted for starters.
> try
> print " ";
> or
> print " ";
> I have no idea if the image is actually there, however :)

Actually the align=left should be in the main tag or it won't have any

print "

if the picture is in the same directory it should show up [or at the very
least you should get a red cross...]


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RE: Connecting to DB

2002-03-28 Thread Michael Gargiullo

ok I declared the vars and now I'm getting a different type of error:

DBD::Sybase::db do failed: Server message number=170 severity=15 state=1
line=1 server=WHITETAIL text=Line 1: Incorrect syntax near 'new'. at
../ line 36.
Can't call method "execute" on an undefined value at ./ line 37.

Current code:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use LWP::Simple;
use DBI;
use strict;
my $db="zipcodes";  #
my $user="notshown";# Database  #
my $pass="notshown";# Variables #
my $tablename="zips";   #
my $insertToDB=1; #Change to zero if you don't want to write to DB
my $printToTerm=1; #Change to zero if you don't want results printed to the
my $content;
my @arr;
my @new;
my $line;
my $count=0;
my $dbh;
my $action;

;# Get Zipcode Data
@arr = /(.*?)<\/td>/g; # Stript Most HTML
shift(@arr); #Remove Unwanted
shift(@arr); #Data Returned
# Strip trailing  tag, remove fips code, and Store in array
foreach $line(@arr){
if($count != 6){
# Insert Data into Database MS SQL SERVER 2K
$dbh = DBI->connect('DBI:Sybase:server=', $user, $pass);
$dbh->do('INSERT into
$action->execute || die print "$! - DB Error";
# Print to Terminal
print "@new\n";

-Original Message-
From: Crook, Richard W [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 4:55 PM
To: 'Michael Gargiullo'; Beginners
Subject: RE: Connecting to DB

Looks like you need to declare my $dbh, my $action, my $passwd up where
you've declared the others or just turn off strict.
To debug your database statement try: die $action to see what the script is
sending to the database

-Original Message-
From: Michael Gargiullo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 1:31 PM
To: Beginners
Subject: FW: Connecting to DB

OK I have the following array

@new which has the following data in it
this town
this state
fips (I want discarded)
Area code

And want to insert these vars into my DB

I'm using this code:

Old Code

Re: confused about perl and jpg

2002-03-28 Thread Agustin Rivera

Your html tag is misformatted for starters.


print " ";
print " ";

I have no idea if the image is actually there, however :)

Agustin Rivera

- Original Message - 
From: "Jerry Preston" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "begginners" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 1:40 PM
Subject: confused about perl and jpg

> Hi!,
> I am trying to display an jpg image:
> print "";
> But it tells me that the file is not found?  What am I missing?
> Thanks,
> Jerry
> -- 
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Re: Global Variables: 'my' vs 'use vars'

2002-03-28 Thread Chas Owens

On Thu, 2002-03-28 at 14:55, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hello, All:
> I've never been very good at scoping so it it's no surprise that this 
> confuses me:
>   When declaring variables at the beginning of a script, what is the 
>   difference between 'my' and 'use vars'?
> -- 
> Eric P.
> Los Gatos, CA

The big difference is that 'use vars;' doesn't produce warnings when
used with Getopt::Std .  I think it boils down to the fact that
use vars is compiler directive (pragma) that prevents specific warnings
from being issued and my is a function that declares a local variable. 
Variables get declared when they are used by default in Perl (unlike
some languages like C).  This can be a good thing if you only need 10
lines of code and don't want to waste time typing; however, it is a very
bad thing in larger programs (ie you meant to type @commands but typed
@command instead and it simple gets created).  This is why they added
warnings to tell you about one use variables and various other
warnings.  But that was not enough; some programmers still had tons of
errors, so they added 'use strict;' which forces you to do some things
that just make sense for large projects.

Also note that use vars has been superseded by the our command in later
versions of perl (5.6 and up). 

NOTE: The functionality provided by this pragma has been
superseded by "our" declarations, available in Perl v5.6.0
or later.  See the our entry in the perlfunc manpage.

Today is Boomtime the 14th day of Discord in the YOLD 3168
This statement is false.

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RE: Connecting to DB

2002-03-28 Thread Crook, Richard W

Looks like you need to declare my $dbh, my $action, my $passwd up where
you've declared the others or just turn off strict. 
To debug your database statement try: die $action to see what the script is
sending to the database

-Original Message-
From: Michael Gargiullo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 1:31 PM
To: Beginners
Subject: FW: Connecting to DB

OK I have the following array

@new which has the following data in it
this town
this state
fips (I want discarded)
Area code

And want to insert these vars into my DB

I'm using this code:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use LWP::Simple;
use DBI;
use strict;
my $db="zipcodes";  #
my $user="notshown";# Database  #
my $pass="notshown";# Variables #
my $tablename="zips";   #
my $insertToDB=1; #Change to zero if you don't want to write to DB
my $printToTerm=1; #Change to zero if you don't want results printed to
the terminal
my $content;
my @arr;
my @new;
my $line;
my $count=0;

Get Zipcode Data
@arr = /(.*?)<\/td>/g; # Stript Most HTML
shift(@arr); #Remove Unwanted
shift(@arr); #Data Returned
# Strip trailing  tag, remove fips code, and Store in array
foreach $line(@arr){
if($count != 6){
# Insert Data into Database MS SQL SERVER 2K
$dbh = DBI->connect('DBI:Sybase:server=', $user,$passwd);
$dbh->do(INSERT into
# Print to Terminal
print "@new\n";

These are the errors I'm receiving:

Global symbol "$dbh" requires explicit package name at ./ line 32.
Global symbol "$passwd" requires explicit package name at ./ line
Global symbol "$dbh" requires explicit package name at ./ line 33.
Global symbol "$action" requires explicit package name at ./ line
Execution of ./ aborted due to compilation errors.
[mike@viper mike]$ ./
Global symbol "$dbh" requires explicit package name at ./ line 32.
Global symbol "$passwd" requires explicit package name at ./ line
Global symbol "$dbh" requires explicit package name at ./ line 33.
syntax error at ./ line 33, near "$tablename("
Bareword found where operator expected at ./ line 33, near ")VALUES"
(Missing operator before VALUES?)
Global symbol "$action" requires explicit package name at ./ line
Execution of ./ aborted due to compilation errors.

I know that I can connect to the DB.   I can connect using this script:


use DBI;
 $dbh = DBI->connect('DBI:Sybase:server=', $user, $passwd);
 $dbh->do("use Northwind");
 $action = $dbh->prepare("sp_help");
 $rows = $action->rows;
 print "rows is $rows\n";

 while(@first = $action->fetchrow_array){
foreach $field (@first){
print "$field\t";
print "\n";

Any light you can shed on this would be greatly appriciated.  Thank you


Composed with Pine 4.2.1

FACT: George Washington was actually the 8th President of the United
States, but the first under our current constitution.

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Re:client side authentication link

2002-03-28 Thread Tagore Smith

   Someone mailed me off list and pointed out that the url I posted had been wrapped. I
also noticed that I had given a url I had bookmarked which is a mirror of the document,
not the official site. There is some other related material there and postscript and 
versions in addition to the pdf. You can find it at:

  Sorry for posting twice, but I think this is worth reading if you are doing user
authentication, and it's pretty entertaining as well.

Tagore Smith

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confused about perl and jpg

2002-03-28 Thread Jerry Preston


I am trying to display an jpg image:

print "";

But it tells me that the file is not found?  What am I missing?



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FW: Connecting to DB

2002-03-28 Thread Michael Gargiullo

OK I have the following array

@new which has the following data in it
this town
this state
fips (I want discarded)
Area code

And want to insert these vars into my DB

I'm using this code:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use LWP::Simple;
use DBI;
use strict;
my $db="zipcodes";  #
my $user="notshown";# Database  #
my $pass="notshown";# Variables #
my $tablename="zips";   #
my $insertToDB=1; #Change to zero if you don't want to write to DB
my $printToTerm=1; #Change to zero if you don't want results printed to
the terminal
my $content;
my @arr;
my @new;
my $line;
my $count=0;

Get Zipcode Data
@arr = /(.*?)<\/td>/g; # Stript Most HTML
shift(@arr); #Remove Unwanted
shift(@arr); #Data Returned
# Strip trailing  tag, remove fips code, and Store in array
foreach $line(@arr){
if($count != 6){
# Insert Data into Database MS SQL SERVER 2K
$dbh = DBI->connect('DBI:Sybase:server=', $user,$passwd);
$dbh->do(INSERT into
# Print to Terminal
print "@new\n";

These are the errors I'm receiving:

Global symbol "$dbh" requires explicit package name at ./ line 32.
Global symbol "$passwd" requires explicit package name at ./ line
Global symbol "$dbh" requires explicit package name at ./ line 33.
Global symbol "$action" requires explicit package name at ./ line
Execution of ./ aborted due to compilation errors.
[mike@viper mike]$ ./
Global symbol "$dbh" requires explicit package name at ./ line 32.
Global symbol "$passwd" requires explicit package name at ./ line
Global symbol "$dbh" requires explicit package name at ./ line 33.
syntax error at ./ line 33, near "$tablename("
Bareword found where operator expected at ./ line 33, near ")VALUES"
(Missing operator before VALUES?)
Global symbol "$action" requires explicit package name at ./ line
Execution of ./ aborted due to compilation errors.

I know that I can connect to the DB.   I can connect using this script:


use DBI;
 $dbh = DBI->connect('DBI:Sybase:server=', $user, $passwd);
 $dbh->do("use Northwind");
 $action = $dbh->prepare("sp_help");
 $rows = $action->rows;
 print "rows is $rows\n";

 while(@first = $action->fetchrow_array){
foreach $field (@first){
print "$field\t";
print "\n";

Any light you can shed on this would be greatly appriciated.  Thank you


Composed with Pine 4.2.1

FACT: George Washington was actually the 8th President of the United
States, but the first under our current constitution.

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2002-03-28 Thread Pete Emerson

I'm using Mail::IMAPClient to write a mail filter via IMAP.
I'd like to connect to the server using SSL.
The instructions in the man page don't help me:

$imap=Mail::IMAPClient->new(User => $user, Password => $pass, Server =>
# blah blah blah (doc's blah blah blah, not mine!)

Can someone give me a pointer in the right direction? I assume I need to
also use an SSL module (IO-Socket-SSL?), but some pointers to fill in
that # blah blah blah would be terrific.

Also, if there's a better module than Mail::IMAPClient to do IMAP and
SSL, that would be great, too.


Those responsible for the signature have been sacked.

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Global Variables: 'my' vs 'use vars'

2002-03-28 Thread eric-perl

Hello, All:

I've never been very good at scoping so it it's no surprise that this 
confuses me:

  When declaring variables at the beginning of a script, what is the 
  difference between 'my' and 'use vars'?

Eric P.
Los Gatos, CA

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RE: context of function calls

2002-03-28 Thread Nikola Janceski

remember when calling a subroutine with & prepended, prototypes are never
looked at.

> -Original Message-
> From: Peter Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 3:32 PM
> To: Dave Storrs; Perl 6 Beginners list
> Subject: Re: context of function calls
> >Perl 6 Beginners list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   ^^^  ahem?
> At 11:13 AM 3/28/02 -0800, Dave Storrs wrote:
> >Executive summary:  It looks like, no matter what context 
> foo() is called
> >in, its arguments are always evaluated in list context.  Is 
> this correct?
> Unless a prototype overrides it, yes.  For instance, sprintf has an 
> implicit prototype that says it expects a scalar as its first 
> argument:
> % perl -le 'sub foo{ print wantarray ? "list" : "scalar" }; 
> sprintf(foo)'
> scalar
> >I had always understood that:
> > - a function's arguments were evaluated in the same 
> context as the
> >context of the function (hmm...actually, thinking about it, 
> this seems
> >like it can't be right.  Is it simply always LIST, or can it vary?)
> For builtins, look at the signature in perlfunc.  For your 
> own functions, 
> use a prototype to change it from LIST.  In general, you need 
> a good reason 
> to do this.
> --
> Peter Scott
> Pacific Systems Design Technologies
> -- 
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Re: context of function calls

2002-03-28 Thread Peter Scott

>Perl 6 Beginners list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  ^^^  ahem?

At 11:13 AM 3/28/02 -0800, Dave Storrs wrote:
>Executive summary:  It looks like, no matter what context foo() is called
>in, its arguments are always evaluated in list context.  Is this correct?

Unless a prototype overrides it, yes.  For instance, sprintf has an 
implicit prototype that says it expects a scalar as its first argument:

% perl -le 'sub foo{ print wantarray ? "list" : "scalar" }; sprintf(foo)'

>I had always understood that:
> - a function's arguments were evaluated in the same context as the
>context of the function (hmm...actually, thinking about it, this seems
>like it can't be right.  Is it simply always LIST, or can it vary?)

For builtins, look at the signature in perlfunc.  For your own functions, 
use a prototype to change it from LIST.  In general, you need a good reason 
to do this.
Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies

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RE: Testing for filehandles

2002-03-28 Thread eric-perl

On Thu, 28 Mar 2002, Bob Showalter wrote:
> > Thanks, Bob! After reading the IO::Handle man page, I decided 
> > to distill this approach a bit further:
> > 
> >   print F if fileno(F);
> Of course, that's even simpler! Just to be nitpicky, the test maybe 
> should be 
> Since 0 is a valid file number (STDIN).

So, technically, I should be testing for "definedness" instead of "truth". 
i.e., From `perldoc -f fileno`:

  Returns the file descriptor for a filehandle, or
  undefined if the filehandle is not open.

> If you're just going to do the test on the print statement, it's
> not accomplishing all that much, since the print() will silently
> fail if the file isn't open. But a test like this would be useful
> if you want to avoid doing a lengthy operation to generate the
> data to be printed.

Printing to a non-existant filehandle (while using the -w switch)
generates a warning message:

  Filehandle main::FOO never opened at...

Eric P.
Los Gatos, CA

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RE: using search backreferences in a variable

2002-03-28 Thread Jeff 'japhy' Pinyan

On Mar 28, Bryan R Harris said:

>- Why is the \1, \2, etc. syntax obsolete?  The one thing I love about
>regular expressions is that I can use them within text editors (nedit,
>textpad, bbedit), but none of these support the $1 notation in the replace
>string.  Why aren't re's consistent between perl and text editors?

\1 and \2 are to be used on the LEFT-HAND side of a regex; on the
RIGHT-HAND side, you should use $1 and $2 to remove any ambiguity, because
\1 can ALSO mean chr(1).

>- What does the "qr" tag do?

qr// makes a Regexp object that is a compiled regular expression.

Jeff "japhy" Pinyan  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
RPI Acacia brother #734
** Look for "Regular Expressions in Perl" published by Manning, in 2002 **
 what does y/// stand for?   why, yansliterate of course.
[  I'm looking for programming work.  If you like my work, let me know.  ]

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RE: using search backreferences in a variable

2002-03-28 Thread Bryan R Harris

Jeff, David, Nikola-I obviously haven't been doing this long, but I
already love perl.  Thanks for the tips.

A couple quick questions:

- Why is the \1, \2, etc. syntax obsolete?  The one thing I love about
regular expressions is that I can use them within text editors (nedit,
textpad, bbedit), but none of these support the $1 notation in the replace
string.  Why aren't re's consistent between perl and text editors?

- What does the "qr" tag do?

Thanks again.

- Bryan


\1 is obsolete.
try $1 and you  also have use the /ee
and fix your $replace for the /ee
read perldoc perlre

$match = qr/cat(\d+)/;
$replace = '$1. "dog"';
$_ = "cat15";
print $_, "\n";  # prints -->  15dog

> -Original Message-
> From: Bryan R Harris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 10:46 AM
> To: Beginners Perl Mailing List
> Subject: using search backreferences in a variable
> Why does this segment not work properly?
> $match = "cat(\d+)";
> $replace = "\1dog";
> $_ = "cat15";
> s/$match/$replace/g;
> print $_;  # prints -->  \1dog
> Any ideas?
> TIA.
> - B
> --
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Re: Creating a Unique Key

2002-03-28 Thread Tagore Smith

Nikola Janceski wrote:

> Uh... exactly what are you going to be using it for?
> You might want to check out the function call crypt() in the perlfunc
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Gregory Matthews [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 2:30 PM
> > Subject: Creating a Unique Key
> >
> >
> > What is the best way to create a unique, almost impossible to guess,
> > KEY, i.e., ftu880oli88UI8flpq, which can in turn be used as part of a
> > security string, i.e., username: ftu880oli88UI8flpq ?

Check out:

It details how the authors weakened or broke the authentication mechanisms
of a number of prominent e-commerce sites, and gives background information
on doing authentication well. One of the things it talks about is the
weakness of the authentication scheme at the Wall Street Journal's web page
caused by a misunderstanding of how crypt works.

They do propose a stronger authentication scheme.

Tagore Smith

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RE: Find Files Based on Age

2002-03-28 Thread Nikola Janceski

Write a really cool subroutine for File::Find
or I can give you an example to work from I recommend perl V5.6.1+ if
you are going to use File::Find

> -Original Message-
> From: Scott Burks [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 2:56 PM
> Subject: Find Files Based on Age
> This might be simple, but I haven't found a solution yet.  I have a
> script that I use on our Unix boxes that uses 'find' to get a list of
> files in a certain directory that are a certain number of days old and
> removes them from the system (find / -name * -mtime +45 -exec 
> rm -rf {}
> \;).  I need to port this to a Windows 2000 Server (he shudders as he
> says this) and haven't been able to find a command or module that will
> do the same search based on the age of the file.  Can anyone clue me
> into some Windows magic please.
> Scott Burks
> Systems Administrator
> Trust Company of America

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Find Files Based on Age

2002-03-28 Thread Scott Burks

This might be simple, but I haven't found a solution yet.  I have a
script that I use on our Unix boxes that uses 'find' to get a list of
files in a certain directory that are a certain number of days old and
removes them from the system (find / -name * -mtime +45 -exec rm -rf {}
\;).  I need to port this to a Windows 2000 Server (he shudders as he
says this) and haven't been able to find a command or module that will
do the same search based on the age of the file.  Can anyone clue me
into some Windows magic please.

Scott Burks
Systems Administrator
Trust Company of America

Re: Creating a Unique Key

2002-03-28 Thread Chas Owens

uuidgen can create a nearly 100% unique key, but if the attackers has
access to the machine it was generated on and knowledge of the
approximate time the key was generated then it is fairly easy to
guess/reverse engineer the key.  You may want to look into using a very
large prime number or some such.  Probably the best thing to do would be
to generate a key pair using ssh2-keygen.

On Thu, 2002-03-28 at 14:30, Gregory Matthews wrote:
> What is the best way to create a unique, almost impossible to guess,
> KEY, i.e., ftu880oli88UI8flpq, which can in turn be used as part of a
> security string, i.e., username: ftu880oli88UI8flpq ?
> Thanks in advance.
> Gregory
Today is Boomtime the 14th day of Discord in the YOLD 3168

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RE: Creating a Unique Key

2002-03-28 Thread Nikola Janceski

Uh... exactly what are you going to be using it for?
You might want to check out the function call crypt() in the perlfunc pages.

> -Original Message-
> From: Gregory Matthews [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 2:30 PM
> Subject: Creating a Unique Key
> What is the best way to create a unique, almost impossible to guess,
> KEY, i.e., ftu880oli88UI8flpq, which can in turn be used as part of a
> security string, i.e., username: ftu880oli88UI8flpq ?
> Thanks in advance.
> Gregory

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Creating a Unique Key

2002-03-28 Thread Gregory Matthews

What is the best way to create a unique, almost impossible to guess,
KEY, i.e., ftu880oli88UI8flpq, which can in turn be used as part of a
security string, i.e., username: ftu880oli88UI8flpq ?
Thanks in advance.

html to perl vars

2002-03-28 Thread Jerry Preston


How does one convert html:


to a Perl?

$value_1 = T1;



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Re: Question about writing to file

2002-03-28 Thread Hans Holtan

Try removing the newline at the end of your question with a call to chomp.

   for (my $i=1; $i<=$#qk+1;$i++){
chomp ($Question_hash{$qk[$i-1]});
print In1

>Here is a subroutine that prints strings to a file. I want the routine
>to write strings to the file in the format
>However, what is written to file is
>=(x+3)*(x+1), that is,
>a newline before the = sign. Is there some way of inhibiting this
>Dick Fell
>sub write_questions_and_correct_answers_to_file{
>open In1, ">/home/rfell/tutoring/beaven/webproject/tmp/factor_answers"
>or die "Cannot open factor_answers: $!";
>my @qk; # temporary array to hold sorted questions keys
>my @ak; # temporary array to hold sorted answer keys
>my $qk; # temp variable to hold element of @qk
>my $ak; # temp variable to hold element of @ak
>@qk=sort(keys %Question_hash);
>@ak=sort(keys %Answer_hash);
>if ($#qk!=$#ak){
>print "lengths of question hash and answer hash are not equal.\n";
>   for (my $i=1; $i<=$#qk+1;$i++){
>print In1
>close In1;
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Hans E. E. Holtan
Graduate Student
UC Berkeley-Department of Plant and Microbial Biology
Plant Gene Expression Center
800 Buchanan Street
Albany, California 94710
U. S. A.
Phone: (510) 559-5922
FAX: (510) 559-6089

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context of function calls

2002-03-28 Thread Dave Storrs

Hey folks,

Executive summary:  It looks like, no matter what context foo() is called
in, its arguments are always evaluated in list context.  Is this correct?
I had always understood that:
- a function's arguments were evaluated in the same context as the
context of the function (hmm...actually, thinking about it, this seems
like it can't be right.  Is it simply always LIST, or can it vary?)

- a function's context propogated downwards into any functions it

Full version:

I thought I had a pretty good handle on the whole concept of context, but
I've tripped over it several times recently, so I set up a test:

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

use strict;

$\ = "\n";

{print "\$x = bar()";  my $x =  bar();  foo($x);}
{print "\@x = bar()";  my @x =  bar();  foo(@x);}

{print "\$x = foo( bar() )";  my $x =  foo( bar() );}
{print "\@x = foo( bar() )";  my @x =  foo( bar() );}
{print "foo( bar() )"; foo( bar() );}

sub foo {
while (@_) {
my $parm = shift;
for ($parm) {
unless (defined) { $parm = 'VOID';  last; }
$parm = $parm ? 'LIST' : 'SCALAR';
print "\t$parm";

sub bar { return wantarray(); }
print "Done.";

This outputs what context bar() is called in.  I expected this to output
the following:

$x = bar()
@x = bar()
$x = foo( bar() )
@x = foo( bar() )
foo( bar() )

Instead, I get this:

$x = bar()
@x = bar()
$x = foo( bar() )
@x = foo( bar() )
foo( bar() )

Any comments, anyone?


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RE: Question about writing to file

2002-03-28 Thread Wagner-David

There must be something else going on. Tried just going to the screen and it 
worked like one would expect.

Can you show the list a snippet of your code? What system are you on? What 

Wags ;)

-Original Message-
From: richard noel fell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 11:26
Subject: Question about writing to file

Here is a subroutine that prints strings to a file. I want the routine
to write strings to the file in the format
However, what is written to file is
=(x+3)*(x+1), that is, 
a newline before the = sign. Is there some way of inhibiting this
Dick Fell

sub write_questions_and_correct_answers_to_file{
open In1, ">/home/rfell/tutoring/beaven/webproject/tmp/factor_answers"
or die "Cannot open factor_answers: $!";
my @qk; # temporary array to hold sorted questions keys
my @ak; # temporary array to hold sorted answer keys
my $qk; # temp variable to hold element of @qk
my $ak; # temp variable to hold element of @ak
@qk=sort(keys %Question_hash);
@ak=sort(keys %Answer_hash);
if ($#qk!=$#ak){
print "lengths of question hash and answer hash are not equal.\n";
  for (my $i=1; $i<=$#qk+1;$i++){
print In1
close In1;

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Question about writing to file

2002-03-28 Thread richard noel fell

Here is a subroutine that prints strings to a file. I want the routine
to write strings to the file in the format
However, what is written to file is
=(x+3)*(x+1), that is, 
a newline before the = sign. Is there some way of inhibiting this
Dick Fell

sub write_questions_and_correct_answers_to_file{
open In1, ">/home/rfell/tutoring/beaven/webproject/tmp/factor_answers"
or die "Cannot open factor_answers: $!";
my @qk; # temporary array to hold sorted questions keys
my @ak; # temporary array to hold sorted answer keys
my $qk; # temp variable to hold element of @qk
my $ak; # temp variable to hold element of @ak
@qk=sort(keys %Question_hash);
@ak=sort(keys %Answer_hash);
if ($#qk!=$#ak){
print "lengths of question hash and answer hash are not equal.\n";
  for (my $i=1; $i<=$#qk+1;$i++){
print In1
close In1;

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Re: thanks for the response yesterday , but I still dont get it ...T rying not to add dup names in DB

2002-03-28 Thread Chas Owens

On Thu, 2002-03-28 at 12:26, FLAHERTY, JIM-CONT wrote:
> I made the column testname unique . But I did quite understand how to change
> to query syntax.
> Stephen told me  to add where clause "Where IDENTIFIER NOT IN (  SELECT
> I dont get what he means .. I am new to perl .

First you need to create a separation in your head: SQL and Perl.  Perl
is a scripting language that happens to have a module called DBI that
lets you talk to databases in SQL (Structured Query Language).  Your
problem lies not within Perl, but within your understanding of SQL and
consequently relational databases.

> the table 
> show columns from phistory;
> +---+-+--+-+-++
> | Field | Type| Null | Key | Default | Extra  |
> +---+-+--+-+-++
> | num   | int(4)  |  | PRI | NULL| auto_increment |
> | testname  | varchar(60) | YES  | MUL | NULL||
> | numpeople | int(6)  | YES  | | NULL||
> | numtimes  | int(6)  | YES  | | NULL||
> | average   | float   | YES  | | NULL||
> +---+-+--+-+-++
> 5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

#the follow query first gets a list of all testnames in the phistory
#table and then finds all entries in testhistory that do not match 
#at least one of the testnames in the list gotten from phistory.
my $sth = $dbh->prepare(
#this is the identifier
#he talked about
#   ||
#   \/
"select distinct testname from testhistory where testname not in
(select distinct testname from phistory)"
) or die " unable to prepare query:" . $dbh->errstr;

$sth->execute or die " unable to execute query:" . $dbh->errstr;
foreach $row (@{$sth->fetchall_arrayref}) {
my($tname) = @$row;

#$dbh->quote knows how to quote character strings for 
#the database it is connected to
#NOTE: this declaration of $sth masks the earlier one
#this $sth only lives inside the foreach loop
my $sth = $dbh->prepare(
'insert into phistory (testname) values (' .
$dbh->quote($tname) . ')') 
or die " unable to prepare query:" . $dbh->errstr;

$sth->execute or die " unable to execute query:" . $dbh->errstr;
Today is Boomtime the 14th day of Discord in the YOLD 3168
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RE: random word from array

2002-03-28 Thread Timothy Johnson

While you're looking up "my", look up 'use strict'.  It'll be much easier on
you if you get used to using it now than if you have to go back over all of
your old scripts.  

-Original Message-
From: Wytch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 3:26 AM
Subject: Re: random word from array

"Randal L. Schwartz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> That's correct, but if you have a very very very old Perl, you'll need
> to add "srand;" at the beginning of your program.  Do it just once,
> though.

That was one of the first things I tried - but I think my Perl is pretty up
to date [I only downloaded it the day before yesterdaylol] anyhoo - it
didn't make any difference.

> The normal idiom is:
> my $one_of_many = $many[rand @many];

I keep seeing this "my $var" hmmm  I understand what it is but not
really when to use it and when not - *decides to go do some reading up on
*my* and experiment*


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Re: counter script and chmod 755

2002-03-28 Thread Jenda Krynicky

From:   Bill Bartok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I am putting a counter on a website for the first time. I undstand that
> because the server is Unix that I will need to se permission for the
> counter.
> I believe this can be done within the Perl script using the line:
> chmod (0755, "counter.cgi");
> right within the counter.cgi script itself.

No. It's too late. The permissions ahve to be set before you try to 
execute the script. How to do that depends on your access to the 
server. If you have a telnet access (or SSH or whatever, simply 
something where you can enter commands) you can use

chmod 0755 counter.cgi

on the prompt (command line).

Or you can have a script that does this for you. Or ...


There is a reason for living. There must be. I've seen it somewhere.
It's just that in the mess on my table ... and in my brain
I can't find it.
--- me

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RE: counter script and chmod 755

2002-03-28 Thread David Gray

> I am putting a counter on a website for the first time. I 
> undstand that because the server is Unix that I will need to 
> se permission for the counter.
> I believe this can be done within the Perl script using the line:
> chmod (0755, "counter.cgi");
> right within the counter.cgi script itself.
> Is this correct and where in the script should it be placed.

There is a much easier way to do that if you have shell access to the
server. You can type

chmod 755 counter.cgi

at the command prompt.

I'm not sure if you would be able to set the permissions from within the
script, I've never tried that. If you try all of your options and
nothing's working, please let us know what you've tried and what errors
you get.

Hope that helps,


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thanks for the response yesterday , but I still dont get it ... Trying not to add dup names in DB

2002-03-28 Thread FLAHERTY, JIM-CONT

I made the column testname unique . But I did quite understand how to change
to query syntax.
Stephen told me  to add where clause "Where IDENTIFIER NOT IN (  SELECT
I dont get what he means .. I am new to perl .
the table 
show columns from phistory;
| Field | Type| Null | Key | Default | Extra  |
| num   | int(4)  |  | PRI | NULL| auto_increment |
| testname  | varchar(60) | YES  | MUL | NULL||
| numpeople | int(6)  | YES  | | NULL||
| numtimes  | int(6)  | YES  | | NULL||
| average   | float   | YES  | | NULL||
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
my $sth1 = $dbh -> prepare("select distinct testname from testhistory");
$sth1 -> execute or die " unable to execute query ";
#$sth1 -> finish;
my $array_ref1 = $sth1->fetchall_arrayref();

  foreach $row(@$array_ref1) {
 my($tname) = @$row;

   my $sth2 = $dbh -> prepare("insert into
$sth2 -> execute or die " unable to execute query ";
#$sth1 -> finish;


Re: unallowed characters

2002-03-28 Thread Jenda Krynicky

From: Teresa Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Where in the Camel or other resource is the list of characters that 
> we don't want people to type in.  I'm still collecting all the 
> resources I lost from my logic board dying.  Thanks in advance.

When testing data you should ALWAYS test whether the string 
contains only the allowed characters or is in the allowed format, 
never whether it contains some forbidden characters or contains 
something that you do not like.

You may forget something that happens to be special in your case 
and you would open a security hole while thinking you are safe.

While in the life I prefer "what is not forbidden, is allowed"
in programming it should be the oposite.


There is a reason for living. There must be. I've seen it somewhere.
It's just that in the mess on my table ... and in my brain
I can't find it.
--- me

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Re: Array question...

2002-03-28 Thread Chas Owens

On Thu, 2002-03-28 at 08:54, Michael D. Risser wrote:
> OK here's the problem:
> I have an array that may or may not have been assigned to, if it has been 
> assigned to I need to do one thing, otherwise I need to do something else.
> I've tried many variations, but I'm having trouble determining if it has been 
> assigned to.
> if(undef @myArray) {
> # Do thing1
> } elsif(!undef @myArray) {
> # Do thing2
> }
> and
> if ($myArray[0] ne "") {
> # thing1
> } else {
> # thing2
> }
> as well as a few other variations. Printing out the array BEFORE the if block 
> shows nothing in the array, yet it does thing1.
> After trying many different methods, I am totally lost, please help me!

Since an array returns the number of elements it contains when 
it is evaluated in scalar context why don't you just say:

#0 is false, non-zero is true so if @myArray has data
#then we do something otherwise we do something else
if (@MyArray) {
local($") = ','; #make the interpolation of @MyArray use ','s
print "my \@MyArray = (@MyArray);\n";
} else {
print "my \@MyArray;\n";

Today is Boomtime the 14th day of Discord in the YOLD 3168
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Re: Array question...

2002-03-28 Thread Michael D. Risser

On Thursday 28 March 2002 08:54 am, you wrote:
> OK here's the problem:
> I have an array that may or may not have been assigned to, if it has been
> assigned to I need to do one thing, otherwise I need to do something else.
> I've tried many variations, but I'm having trouble determining if it has
> been assigned to.
> if(undef @myArray) {
> # Do thing1
> } elsif(!undef @myArray) {
> # Do thing2
> }
> and
> if ($myArray[0] ne "") {
> # thing1
> } else {
> # thing2
> }
> as well as a few other variations. Printing out the array BEFORE the if
> block shows nothing in the array, yet it does thing1.

OOPS I meant it does thing2 :-)

> After trying many different methods, I am totally lost, please help me!

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counter script and chmod 755

2002-03-28 Thread Bill Bartok

I am putting a counter on a website for the first time. I undstand that
because the server is Unix that I will need to se permission for the

I believe this can be done within the Perl script using the line:

chmod (0755, "counter.cgi");

right within the counter.cgi script itself.

Is this correct and where in the script should it be placed.

Thanks for any advice.

Bill Bartok

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RE: Array question...

2002-03-28 Thread John Edwards


if (defined @array) {
# do something
} else {
# It's not been created, do something else



-Original Message-
From: Michael D. Risser [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: 28 March 2002 13:55
Subject: Array question...

OK here's the problem:

I have an array that may or may not have been assigned to, if it has been 
assigned to I need to do one thing, otherwise I need to do something else.

I've tried many variations, but I'm having trouble determining if it has
assigned to.

if(undef @myArray) {
# Do thing1
} elsif(!undef @myArray) {
# Do thing2


if ($myArray[0] ne "") {
# thing1
} else {
# thing2

as well as a few other variations. Printing out the array BEFORE the if
shows nothing in the array, yet it does thing1.

After trying many different methods, I am totally lost, please help me!


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Array question...

2002-03-28 Thread Michael D. Risser

OK here's the problem:

I have an array that may or may not have been assigned to, if it has been 
assigned to I need to do one thing, otherwise I need to do something else.

I've tried many variations, but I'm having trouble determining if it has been 
assigned to.

if(undef @myArray) {
# Do thing1
} elsif(!undef @myArray) {
# Do thing2


if ($myArray[0] ne "") {
# thing1
} else {
# thing2

as well as a few other variations. Printing out the array BEFORE the if block 
shows nothing in the array, yet it does thing1.

After trying many different methods, I am totally lost, please help me!


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Re: Batch creation of thumbnails

2002-03-28 Thread Randal L. Schwartz

> "Gary" == Gary Stainburn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> my @names = @ARGV ? @ARGV : grep { -f and -B } <*>;

Gary> I read this to say, if filenames passed use them otherwise do the whole of 
Gary> the current directory.   I believe that the grep takes the list provided by 
Gary> <*> performs the -f and -B filters on the list and assigns the result to 
Gary> @names.  Am I correct, and what does the -f and -B do?

Yes.  It says "is the name both a file and a binary-content file?".

>> undef @$im;

Gary> This one confused me.  I'm assuming that it's resetting the variables used by 
Gary> the object $im, while keeping the object intact.  If this is correct, is this 
Gary> something specific to Image::Magick, or can a similar method work with most 
Gary> objects?

No, this is specific to I::M.  I wonder why it's necessary.  In fact,
I wonder why *most* things in the clunky interface of I::M are
necessary. :)

Gary> If $im->Read fails, it assigns an error value to $ret, which in turn returns 
Gary> true.  Only if the assignment is true, will the second half of the 'and' 
Gary> execute giving the warning and skipping


Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
Perl/Unix/security consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
See for onsite and open-enrollment Perl training!

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2002-03-28 Thread Nikola Janceski

good info.. but this doesn't look like a method call.

I prefer prototypes for modules that I write for internal use at my company,
especially when I don't feel like explaining to 60 people everytime why
thier code doesn't work, when they forget to pass an extra argument.

> -Original Message-
> From: Chas Owens [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 11:03 AM
> Subject: RE: &&
> On Thu, 2002-03-28 at 10:50, Nikola Janceski wrote:
> > There in lies your problem.. you are not passing to the subroutine
> > correctly.
> > 
> > try declaring your sub like so:
> > sub extract_data (\@\@\@){
> > but if you do this don't call extract_data with &
> > use 
> > extract_data(@datum, @seminare, @staedte); 
> > 
> > or pass the ref of the arrays:
> > extract_data(\@datum, \@seminare, \@staedte); 
> Passing as refs appears to be the preferred method.  Subroutine
> prototypes are flaky and don't work properly with OO based Perl
> (prototypes can only handle stuff at compile time, while OO 
> method calls
> happen at runtime). 
> > 
> > 
> > > -Original Message-
> > > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 10:39 AM
> > > To: Chas Owens
> > > Subject: Re: &&
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Hi Chas,
> > > 
> > >  
> > > thanks for your reply.
> > > The code was the simplified code of a subroutine (below). 
> The Data 
> > > originates from a Webformula and is passed on to the 
> Subroutine like
> > >  
> > > snippet
> > > &extract_data(@datum, @seminare, @staedte); 
> > > ..
> > > ..
> > > ..
> > > 
> > > sub extract_data {
> > > my $dates = shift;
> > > my $themes = shift;
> > > my $cities = shift;
> > > my @dates = split /\s+/, "$dates";
> > > my @themes = split /\s+/, "$themes";
> > > my @cities = split /\s+/, "$cities";
> > > if(@dates && !@themes && !@cities) {
> > > my $date_count = @dates;
> > > if($date_count > 1) {
> > > $sth_between = $dbh->prepare( qq{SELECT * 
> FROM termine 
> > > WHERE beginn BETWEEN ? and ?});
> > > $sth_between->execute($dates[0],$dates[1]);
> > > my $result = $sth_between->fetchrow_hashref();
> > > if($result){
> > > print $form->p("$result->{beginn}");
> > > #print out rest of fields
> > > }
> > > }
> > > else {
> > > $sth_exact = $dbh->prepare(qq {SELECT * FROM 
> > > termine WHERE 
> > > beginn < ? ORDER BY beginn ASC});
> > > $sth_exact->execute($dates[0]);
> > > my $result = $sth_exact->fetchrow_hashref();
> > > if($result){
> > > while($result){
> > > print $form->p("$result->{beginn}");
> > >   #print out rest of fields  
> > >   }
> > > }
> > > else{
> > > print $form->p("Tut mir leid nichts 
> gefunden");
> > > }
> > > }
> > > }
> > > #here should be all the other if else loop seven in total 
> > > each printing 
> > > #out search results depending on which array or which 
> combination of 
> > > #arrays contains data 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > }
> > > Marcus
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > -- 
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> > > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > 
> > 
> > 
> --
> --
> > 
> > The views and opinions expressed in this email message are 
> the sender's
> > own, and do not necessarily represent the views and 
> opinions of Summit
> > Systems Inc.
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
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> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 
> > 
> -- 
> Today is Boomtime the 14th day of Discord in the YOLD 3168
> Umlaut Zebra über alles!
> Missile Address: 33:48:3.521N  84:23:34.786W
> -- 
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RE: changing $0 on solaris?

2002-03-28 Thread behdad_forghani


I believe that changing $0 is a security breach on some systems. The only
UNIX virus/worm that I have seen, set the argv[0] to a null string and the
process would not show in the "ps" output list. UNIX ps displays the value
of argv[0], and if this string is changed the program can fake being a
different process.


> -Original Message-
> From: Ross Simpson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 6:04 PM
> To: Perl Beginners
> Subject: changing $0 on solaris?
> I'm trying to change the value of $0 in a perl script (so 
> that it shows as
> something I define in ps).
> Directly modifying $0 works in linux, but on solaris it has no effect.
> Is there another way to do this, or does solaris not allow it?
> thanks
> Ross
> -- 
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Re: using search backreferences in a variable

2002-03-28 Thread Jeff 'japhy' Pinyan

On Mar 28, Bryan R Harris said:

>Why does this segment not work properly?

You would know if you had warnings turned on.

  perl -we '$match = "cat(\d+)"'

yields the warning

  Unrecognized escape \d passed through at -e line 1.

>$match = "cat(\d+)";
>$replace = "\1dog";
>$_ = "cat15";
>print $_;  # prints -->  \1dog

Nope, that prints cat15.  Why?  Because "cat(\d+)" is the same as
"cat(d+)" because "\d" becomes "d".  If you had used single quotes, you
would have been ok.  And $replace the string "_dog", where that _
represents an unprintable character -- specifically, character 1 (SOH).

If you had done:

  $match = 'cat(\d+)';
  $replace = '\1dog';
  $_ = "cat15";

You would get CLOSER, but not entirely there.  $match would be correct,
but you would get \1dog instead of 15dog.

To fix that requires a bit of work.  Here are two solutions:

  $match = 'cat(\d+)';
  $replace = '$1dog';   # XXX: you should not use \1 on the right-hand
# side of a regex; you should use $1
  $_ = "cat15";
  s/$match/qq(qq($replace))/ee;  # qq() is just a fancy "..."

What does THAT do?  Well, first, each /e modifier means "execute the
right-hand side as code".  Since there are two /e's, we'll be executing it
TWICE.  The first time, qq(qq($replace)) returns the text qq($1dog).  When
we execute that, we get "15dog".

The other way might be easier to understand:

  $match = 'cat(\d+)';
  $replace = sub { "$1dog" };
  $_ = "cat15";

This uses a function reference stored in $replace.  What this does is
delay the evaluation of $1 until it's needed.

Jeff "japhy" Pinyan  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
RPI Acacia brother #734
** Look for "Regular Expressions in Perl" published by Manning, in 2002 **
 what does y/// stand for?   why, yansliterate of course.
[  I'm looking for programming work.  If you like my work, let me know.  ]

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2002-03-28 Thread Chas Owens

On Thu, 2002-03-28 at 10:50, Nikola Janceski wrote:
> There in lies your problem.. you are not passing to the subroutine
> correctly.
> try declaring your sub like so:
> sub extract_data (\@\@\@){
> but if you do this don't call extract_data with &
> use 
> extract_data(@datum, @seminare, @staedte); 
> or pass the ref of the arrays:
> extract_data(\@datum, \@seminare, \@staedte); 

Passing as refs appears to be the preferred method.  Subroutine
prototypes are flaky and don't work properly with OO based Perl
(prototypes can only handle stuff at compile time, while OO method calls
happen at runtime). 

> > -Original Message-
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 10:39 AM
> > To: Chas Owens
> > Subject: Re: &&
> > 
> > 
> > Hi Chas,
> > 
> >  
> > thanks for your reply.
> > The code was the simplified code of a subroutine (below). The Data 
> > originates from a Webformula and is passed on to the Subroutine like
> >  
> > snippet
> > &extract_data(@datum, @seminare, @staedte); 
> > ..
> > ..
> > ..
> > 
> > sub extract_data {
> > my $dates = shift;
> > my $themes = shift;
> > my $cities = shift;
> > my @dates = split /\s+/, "$dates";
> > my @themes = split /\s+/, "$themes";
> > my @cities = split /\s+/, "$cities";
> > if(@dates && !@themes && !@cities) {
> > my $date_count = @dates;
> > if($date_count > 1) {
> > $sth_between = $dbh->prepare( qq{SELECT * FROM termine 
> > WHERE beginn BETWEEN ? and ?});
> > $sth_between->execute($dates[0],$dates[1]);
> > my $result = $sth_between->fetchrow_hashref();
> > if($result){
> > print $form->p("$result->{beginn}");
> > #print out rest of fields
> > }
> > }
> > else {
> > $sth_exact = $dbh->prepare(qq {SELECT * FROM 
> > termine WHERE 
> > beginn < ? ORDER BY beginn ASC});
> > $sth_exact->execute($dates[0]);
> > my $result = $sth_exact->fetchrow_hashref();
> > if($result){
> > while($result){
> > print $form->p("$result->{beginn}");
> >   #print out rest of fields  
> >   }
> > }
> > else{
> > print $form->p("Tut mir leid nichts gefunden");
> > }
> > }
> > }
> > #here should be all the other if else loop seven in total 
> > each printing 
> > #out search results depending on which array or which combination of 
> > #arrays contains data 
> > 
> > 
> > }
> > Marcus
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 
> The views and opinions expressed in this email message are the sender's
> own, and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of Summit
> Systems Inc.
> -- 
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Today is Boomtime the 14th day of Discord in the YOLD 3168
Umlaut Zebra über alles!

Missile Address: 33:48:3.521N  84:23:34.786W

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Trailing nasty files and sockets closing

2002-03-28 Thread Bruno Figueira


I am working in a script I would call file2port. The idea is to trail (like
tail -f) a file and send it to a TCP port. For every TCP connection incoming
to my server, I would trail a file and print its new lines to the client
peer. However, I am having two problems I would like to present:

1. I can't tell exactly when the client disconnected. I expected to check
for any variable that could tell me the status of that connection but I
could not find it. So I am using a "Broken Pipe" signal to discover this,
but it is not quite elegant. Question: how can I tell the client has

2. I am trailing a file (e.g. myTime). The trailing would be ok if the file
is not periodically overwritten by another application. I mean, from time to
time, another program cleans the file (the size goes to zero bytes) and
starts writing on it again. It seems that perl looses the tracking of it and
it takes to much time (and to many lines lost) to re-synch with the file
again. Question: How do I improve the trailing so that I wont miss lines
when the file is rewritten?

I have copied the code in this e-mail, since it's quite small.


Bruno Figueira

--- CodeFollows ---
#!/opt/MagellanContrib/bin/perl -w
use Socket;
use IO::Socket;

$sock = new IO::Socket::INET (LocalHost => 'localhost',
  LocalPort => 1200,
  Proto => 'tcp',
 Listen => 5,
  Reuse => 1
die "Socket could not be created. Reason: $!" unless $sock;

while ($new_sock = $sock->accept()) {
$pid = fork();
die "Cannot fork: $!" unless defined($pid);

if ($pid == 0) {
   $thisHost = $new_sock->peerhost();
   $thisPort = $new_sock->peerport();
   print "New connection from ", $thisHost, ", port ", $thisPort,
   open(HORAS, "< myTime")
   or die "Couldn't open myTime for reading: $!\n";
   while () {  }
   for (;;) {
  seek(HORAS, 0, 1);
  $status = print $new_sock ;
  if ( !$status ) { last; }
  sleep 1;
   print "Connection Finished! ", "Host: ", $thisHost, ", port ",
$thisPort, "\n\n";
   close (HORAS);
   exit(0); # Child process exits when it is done.
} # else this is the parent process, which goes back to accept()

close ($sock);

 An easy way to create the myTime file -
while ( 1 == 1 )
echo `date` >> myTime
sleep 5

 reset it mannualy! -

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RE: using search backreferences in a variable

2002-03-28 Thread Nikola Janceski

\1 is obsolete.
try $1 and you  also have use the /ee
and fix your $replace for the /ee
read perldoc perlre

$match = qr/cat(\d+)/;
$replace = '$1. "dog"';
$_ = "cat15";
print $_, "\n";  # prints -->  15dog

> -Original Message-
> From: Bryan R Harris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 10:46 AM
> To: Beginners Perl Mailing List
> Subject: using search backreferences in a variable
> Why does this segment not work properly?
> $match = "cat(\d+)";
> $replace = "\1dog";
> $_ = "cat15";
> s/$match/$replace/g;
> print $_;  # prints -->  \1dog
> Any ideas?
> TIA.
> - B
> -- 
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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own, and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of Summit
Systems Inc.

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2002-03-28 Thread Chas Owens

Yes, prototypes _can_ be used here, but prototypes in general have
fallen out of favor amongst the more august members of the Perl
community because of the reasons I stated below.  

Merlin, if you are reading, can you give us your opinion of prototypes?

On Thu, 2002-03-28 at 11:11, Nikola Janceski wrote:
> good info.. but this doesn't look like a method call.
> I prefer prototypes for modules that I write for internal use at my company,
> especially when I don't feel like explaining to 60 people everytime why
> thier code doesn't work, when they forget to pass an extra argument.
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Chas Owens [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 11:03 AM
> > Subject: RE: &&
> > 
> > 
> > On Thu, 2002-03-28 at 10:50, Nikola Janceski wrote:
> > > There in lies your problem.. you are not passing to the subroutine
> > > correctly.
> > > 
> > > try declaring your sub like so:
> > > sub extract_data (\@\@\@){
> > > but if you do this don't call extract_data with &
> > > use 
> > > extract_data(@datum, @seminare, @staedte); 
> > > 
> > > or pass the ref of the arrays:
> > > extract_data(\@datum, \@seminare, \@staedte); 
> > 
> > Passing as refs appears to be the preferred method.  Subroutine
> > prototypes are flaky and don't work properly with OO based Perl
> > (prototypes can only handle stuff at compile time, while OO 
> > method calls
> > happen at runtime). 
> > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > > -Original Message-
> > > > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > > Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 10:39 AM
> > > > To: Chas Owens
> > > > Subject: Re: &&
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > Hi Chas,
> > > > 
> > > >  
> > > > thanks for your reply.
> > > > The code was the simplified code of a subroutine (below). 
> > The Data 
> > > > originates from a Webformula and is passed on to the 
> > Subroutine like
> > > >  
> > > > snippet
> > > > &extract_data(@datum, @seminare, @staedte); 
> > > > ..
> > > > ..
> > > > ..
> > > > 
> > > > sub extract_data {
> > > > my $dates = shift;
> > > > my $themes = shift;
> > > > my $cities = shift;
> > > > my @dates = split /\s+/, "$dates";
> > > > my @themes = split /\s+/, "$themes";
> > > > my @cities = split /\s+/, "$cities";
> > > > if(@dates && !@themes && !@cities) {
> > > > my $date_count = @dates;
> > > > if($date_count > 1) {
> > > > $sth_between = $dbh->prepare( qq{SELECT * 
> > FROM termine 
> > > > WHERE beginn BETWEEN ? and ?});
> > > > $sth_between->execute($dates[0],$dates[1]);
> > > > my $result = $sth_between->fetchrow_hashref();
> > > > if($result){
> > > > print $form->p("$result->{beginn}");
> > > > #print out rest of fields
> > > > }
> > > > }
> > > > else {
> > > > $sth_exact = $dbh->prepare(qq {SELECT * FROM 
> > > > termine WHERE 
> > > > beginn < ? ORDER BY beginn ASC});
> > > > $sth_exact->execute($dates[0]);
> > > > my $result = $sth_exact->fetchrow_hashref();
> > > > if($result){
> > > > while($result){
> > > > print $form->p("$result->{beginn}");
> > > >   #print out rest of fields  
> > > >   }
> > > > }
> > > > else{
> > > > print $form->p("Tut mir leid nichts 
> > gefunden");
> > > > }
> > > > }
> > > > }
> > > > #here should be all the other if else loop seven in total 
> > > > each printing 
> > > > #out search results depending on which array or which 
> > combination of 
> > > > #arrays contains data 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > }
> > > > Marcus
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > -- 
> > > > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > --
> > --
> > > 
> > > The views and opinions expressed in this email message are 
> > the sender's
> > > own, and do not necessarily represent the views and 
> > opinions of Summit
> > > Systems Inc.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > -- 
> > > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > 
> > > 
> > -- 
> > Today is Boomtime the 14th day of Discord in the YOLD 3168
> > Umlaut Zebra über alles!
> > 
> > Missile Address: 33:48:3.521N  84:23:34.786W
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 
> The views and opinions expressed in this email message are the sender's
> own, and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of Summit
> Systems Inc.
Today is B

RE: using search backreferences in a variable

2002-03-28 Thread David Gray

> Why does this segment not work properly?
> $match = "cat(\d+)";
> $replace = "\1dog";
> $_ = "cat15";
> s/$match/$replace/g;
> print $_;  # prints -->  \1dog
> Any ideas?

Try replacing the "\1dog" with '${1}dog' in the line where you define
$replace. That should solve your problem.


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2002-03-28 Thread Nikola Janceski

There in lies your problem.. you are not passing to the subroutine

try declaring your sub like so:
sub extract_data (\@\@\@){
but if you do this don't call extract_data with &
extract_data(@datum, @seminare, @staedte); 

or pass the ref of the arrays:
extract_data(\@datum, \@seminare, \@staedte); 

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 10:39 AM
> To: Chas Owens
> Subject: Re: &&
> Hi Chas,
> thanks for your reply.
> The code was the simplified code of a subroutine (below). The Data 
> originates from a Webformula and is passed on to the Subroutine like
> snippet
> &extract_data(@datum, @seminare, @staedte); 
> ..
> ..
> ..
> sub extract_data {
> my $dates = shift;
> my $themes = shift;
> my $cities = shift;
> my @dates = split /\s+/, "$dates";
> my @themes = split /\s+/, "$themes";
> my @cities = split /\s+/, "$cities";
> if(@dates && !@themes && !@cities) {
> my $date_count = @dates;
> if($date_count > 1) {
> $sth_between = $dbh->prepare( qq{SELECT * FROM termine 
> WHERE beginn BETWEEN ? and ?});
> $sth_between->execute($dates[0],$dates[1]);
> my $result = $sth_between->fetchrow_hashref();
> if($result){
> print $form->p("$result->{beginn}");
> #print out rest of fields
> }
> }
> else {
> $sth_exact = $dbh->prepare(qq {SELECT * FROM 
> termine WHERE 
> beginn < ? ORDER BY beginn ASC});
> $sth_exact->execute($dates[0]);
> my $result = $sth_exact->fetchrow_hashref();
> if($result){
> while($result){
> print $form->p("$result->{beginn}");
>   #print out rest of fields  
>   }
> }
> else{
> print $form->p("Tut mir leid nichts gefunden");
> }
> }
> }
> #here should be all the other if else loop seven in total 
> each printing 
> #out search results depending on which array or which combination of 
> #arrays contains data 
> }
> Marcus
> -- 
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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own, and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of Summit
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2002-03-28 Thread MarcusWillemsen

Hi Chas,

thanks for your reply.
The code was the simplified code of a subroutine (below). The Data 
originates from a Webformula and is passed on to the Subroutine like
&extract_data(@datum, @seminare, @staedte); 

sub extract_data {
my $dates = shift;
my $themes = shift;
my $cities = shift;
my @dates = split /\s+/, "$dates";
my @themes = split /\s+/, "$themes";
my @cities = split /\s+/, "$cities";
if(@dates && !@themes && !@cities) {
my $date_count = @dates;
if($date_count > 1) {
$sth_between = $dbh->prepare( qq{SELECT * FROM termine 
WHERE beginn BETWEEN ? and ?});
my $result = $sth_between->fetchrow_hashref();
print $form->p("$result->{beginn}");
#print out rest of fields
else {
$sth_exact = $dbh->prepare(qq {SELECT * FROM termine WHERE 
beginn < ? ORDER BY beginn ASC});
my $result = $sth_exact->fetchrow_hashref();
print $form->p("$result->{beginn}");
  #print out rest of fields  
print $form->p("Tut mir leid nichts gefunden");
#here should be all the other if else loop seven in total each printing 
#out search results depending on which array or which combination of 
#arrays contains data 


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Re: changing $0 on solaris?

2002-03-28 Thread William.Ampeh

I do not think your assertion is correct.  You see $0 is the name of the
parent program, and $1 ..$9 the name of the arguments to $0.  You can
modify the arguments ($1 .. $9) but not $0.  The only way you can modify $0
is to start a new program.  If you could include a copy of your program,
that will help.


William Ampeh (x3939)
Federal Reserve Board

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2002-03-28 Thread Chas Owens

On Thu, 2002-03-28 at 09:44, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have some arrays and like to trigger some events depending on which 
> array or combination of arrays contains data. What I tried was 
> something like:
> snippet
> if(@dates && !@themes && !@cities) {
> #do something with the data in @dates
> }
> elsif(!@dates && @themes && !@cities) {
> #do somthing with @themes
> }
> ...
> Alas! I doesn't work. Using "and" instead of "&&" doesn't help either.
> Or do I have to use "&" instead. Although it doesn't work either. 
> instead 
> Can someone help??
> Thanks
> Marcus Willemsen
> Online Redaktion
> Juve Verlag
> Agrippastr. 10
> 50676 Köln
> tel: ++49(0)221 91 38 80 16
> fax: ++49(0)221 91 38 80 18

What do you mean by "doesn't work"?  I wrote this sample code and got
the following output:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

my @dates = (1);
my @themes;
my @cities;

do_something(\@dates, \@themes, \@cities);

@themes = (shift @dates);

do_something(\@dates, \@themes, \@cities);

shift @themes;

do_something(\@dates, \@themes, \@cities);

sub do_something {
my @dates  = @{$_[0]};
my @themes = @{$_[1]};
my @cities = @{$_[2]};

if(@dates && !@themes && !@cities) {
#do something with the data in @dates
print "do something with the data in \@dates\n";
} elsif(!@dates && @themes && !@cities) {
print "do something with the data in \@themes\n";
} else {
print "do nothing\n";

do something with the data in @dates
do something with the data in @themes
do nothing

Which is exactly what I would expect.  Perhaps you could post the
original code you had problems with?
Today is Boomtime the 14th day of Discord in the YOLD 3168

Missile Address: 33:48:3.521N  84:23:34.786W

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2002-03-28 Thread Nikola Janceski

&& and 'and' have different precendence that's the only difference, but in
your case it doesn't matter.

what exactly are you trying to do? Your code reads

if @dates has data 
and the other two BOTH do not have data 
then do somthing with @dates

else if the above is false and 
@dates has no data and
@themes does have data AND
@cities doesn't have data
then do something with themes.

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 9:45 AM
> Subject: &&
> Hi all,
> I have some arrays and like to trigger some events depending on which 
> array or combination of arrays contains data. What I tried was 
> something like:
> snippet
> if(@dates && !@themes && !@cities) {
> #do something with the data in @dates
> }
> elsif(!@dates && @themes && !@cities) {
> #do somthing with @themes
> }
> ...
> Alas! I doesn't work. Using "and" instead of "&&" doesn't help either.
> Or do I have to use "&" instead. Although it doesn't work either. 
> instead 
> Can someone help??
> Thanks
> Marcus Willemsen
> Online Redaktion
> Juve Verlag
> Agrippastr. 10
> 50676 Köln
> tel: ++49(0)221 91 38 80 16
> fax: ++49(0)221 91 38 80 18
> -- 
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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own, and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of Summit
Systems Inc.

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2002-03-28 Thread MarcusWillemsen

Hi all,

I have some arrays and like to trigger some events depending on which 
array or combination of arrays contains data. What I tried was 
something like:

if(@dates && !@themes && !@cities) {

#do something with the data in @dates

elsif(!@dates && @themes && !@cities) {
#do somthing with @themes
Alas! I doesn't work. Using "and" instead of "&&" doesn't help either.
Or do I have to use "&" instead. Although it doesn't work either. 

Can someone help??

Marcus Willemsen
Online Redaktion
Juve Verlag
Agrippastr. 10
50676 Köln

tel: ++49(0)221 91 38 80 16
fax: ++49(0)221 91 38 80 18

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Re: Batch creation of thumbnails

2002-03-28 Thread Gary Stainburn

Thank you very much for this script. I dropped in straight onto my box and 
ran it beautifully.

However, I've got a couple of questions about the code.

On Wednesday 27 March 2002 6:46 pm, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use strict;
> use Image::Magick;
> my $im = Image::Magick->new;
> umask 0022;
> my @names = @ARGV ? @ARGV : grep { -f and -B } <*>;

I read this to say, if filenames passed use them otherwise do the whole of 
the current directory.   I believe that the grep takes the list provided by 
<*> performs the -f and -B filters on the list and assigns the result to 
@names.  Am I correct, and what does the -f and -B do?

> for (@names) {
>   if (/ /) {
> my $old = $_;
> tr, ,_,s;
> $_ .= ".jpg" unless /\.jpg$/;
> ! -e and rename $old, $_ or next;
> warn "renaming $old to $_\n";
>   }

I see the above renames any file containing spaces to include '_' instead

>   next if /\.thumb\.jpg$/;
>   my $thumb = "$_.thumb.jpg";
>   next if -e $thumb;

skip to next if this is a thumbnail, or if the thumbnail already exists

>   undef @$im;

This one confused me.  I'm assuming that it's resetting the variables used by 
the object $im, while keeping the object intact.  If this is correct, is this 
something specific to Image::Magick, or can a similar method work with most 

>   my $ret;
>   $ret = $im->Read($_)
> and warn($ret), next;
>   $ret = $im->Scale(geometry => '100x100')
> and warn($ret), next;
>   $ret = $im->Write($thumb)
> and warn($ret), next;

I can see what you're getting at here, but I want to make sure I understand 
the mechanic.

If $im->Read fails, it assigns an error value to $ret, which in turn returns 
true.  Only if the assignment is true, will the second half of the 'and' 
execute giving the warning and skipping

>   warn "thumbnail made for $_\n";
> }
> This creates a thumb that is proportional, but at most 100pxl in
> either dimension.  ImageMagick does all the math. :)

Once again, thanks for the help
Gary Stainburn
This email does not contain private or confidential material as it
may be snooped on by interested government parties for unknown
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RE: Testing for filehandles

2002-03-28 Thread Bob Showalter

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 6:16 PM
> To: Beginners Perl Mailing List
> Subject: RE: Testing for filehandles
> On Wed, 27 Mar 2002, Bob Showalter wrote:
> > You can pass a filehandle glob to IO::Handle::opened():
> Thanks, Bob! After reading the IO::Handle man page, I decided 
> to distill 
> this approach a bit further:
>   print F if fileno(F);

Of course, that's even simpler! Just to be nitpicky, the test maybe 
should be 


Since 0 is a valid file number (STDIN).

If you're just going to do the test on the print statement, it's
not accomplishing all that much, since the print() will silently
fail if the file isn't open. But a test like this would be useful
if you want to avoid doing a lengthy operation to generate the
data to be printed.

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unallowed characters

2002-03-28 Thread Teresa Raymond

Where in the Camel or other resource is the list of characters that 
we don't want people to type in.  I'm still collecting all the 
resources I lost from my logic board dying.  Thanks in advance.
-  Teresa Raymond -
-  Mariposa Net   -
- -

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Re: Quieting 'Name "main::foo" only used once..."

2002-03-28 Thread Chas Owens

On Wed, 2002-03-27 at 18:46, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hello, All:
> Is there a simple way to stop perl from complaining that a variable is 
> only used once (possible typo at...)? e.g.,
>   #! /usr/bin/perl -w
>   use Getopts::Std;
>   getopts('d');
>   print "foo" if ($opt_d);
> If I use 'my()' perl complains that the variable is used in a void 
> context. Since I'm testing for truth, I suppose that I could set $opt_d to 
> zero before calling getopts('d')...
> -- 
> Eric P.
> Los Gatos, CA

rewrite the code snippet as

#! /usr/bin/perl -w

use vars '$opt_d'; #tell -w not to be concerned by $opt_d
use Getopts::Std;


print "foo" if ($opt_d);

or better yet as

#! /usr/bin/perl -w

use vars '$opt_d'; #tell -w not to be concerned by $opt_d
use strict;#keep me from doing something stupid
use Getopts::Std;


print "foo" if ($opt_d);

Today is Boomtime the 14th day of Discord in the YOLD 3168
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Re: How to thread in Perl?

2002-03-28 Thread Chas Owens

On Wed, 2002-03-27 at 20:40, Ahmed Moustafa wrote:
> Chas Owens wrote:
> > I wrote some experimental code and it looks like you don't have to reap
> > the children (maybe this is just a C thing).
> So, is it OK to fork processes without using waitpid?
> In general, how are the servers (from the fork perspective - 
> multithreading handling -) implemented in Perl?

If you "fork" without ever waiting on your children, 
you will accumulate zombies.  On some systems, you 
can avoid this by setting "$SIG{CHLD}" to ""IGNORE"".
See also the perlipc manpage for more examples of forking 
and reaping moribund children.

Given the above statement I would first try and see 
if setting $SIG{CHLD} to 'IGNORE' keeps anything bad
from happening.  Barring that I would keep a list of 
all forked children and wait on them during idle time.

Another possible solution would be to use the POE
modules.  I have tried to use the once for a Gtk/Gnome
based application that I wanted to be multi-threaded, 
but ran into errors with the Gnome module (and subsequently
found a different way to get around the problem I wanted
multi-threading for).  I know there was someone on this 
list with much more experience with POE than I; maybe he
will speak up.

Today is Boomtime the 14th day of Discord in the YOLD 3168
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Re: random word from array

2002-03-28 Thread Wytch

"James Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hrm, try this:
> @tea = "Meba", "Shaun", "Mark", "Jason", "Rick", "Dan";
> srand (time ^ $$ ^ unpack "%L*", `ps axww | gzip`);
> print "$tea[rand(5)]\n";

Wow - I would love to say I understand this - but will have to do some
more learning

thanks anyway


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Re: random word from array

2002-03-28 Thread Wytch

"John W. Krahn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Wytch wrote:
> If you had warnings enabled Perl would have caught this for tou.

But I would have been none the wiser still! You have to understand that I
only started Perl two nights ago and have no previous programming experience
[apart from html which is not in the same league] - so most of this is greek
to me!

Though I will enable warnings so I can learn what they mean I will still
have to ask the silliest of questions until my brain catches up!

> my @tea = qw/Meba Shaun Mark Jason Rick Dan/;

tried the qw and it worked! =O)



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Re: random word from array

2002-03-28 Thread Wytch

"Randal L. Schwartz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> That's correct, but if you have a very very very old Perl, you'll need
> to add "srand;" at the beginning of your program.  Do it just once,
> though.

That was one of the first things I tried - but I think my Perl is pretty up
to date [I only downloaded it the day before yesterdaylol] anyhoo - it
didn't make any difference.

> The normal idiom is:
> my $one_of_many = $many[rand @many];

I keep seeing this "my $var" hmmm  I understand what it is but not
really when to use it and when not - *decides to go do some reading up on
*my* and experiment*


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Re: random word from array

2002-03-28 Thread Wytch

 > The problem is not the rand().  The problem was the user didn't put
> parentheses around the elements of the array assignment.
>   @array = ("This", "That", "Those");
>   print $array[rand @array];

Ah ha! those curly brackets have a lot to answer for lol! I can't believe it
was something so simple...



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Re: random word from array

2002-03-28 Thread Wytch

"Timothy Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> The return value of rand() is a random number between 0 and the optional
> argument (1 by default).
> In this case there are 6 elements in the array, so we want a number
> 0 and 5.  So try this variation on your code:
> @tea = ("Meba", "Shaun", "Mark", "Jason", "Rick", "Dan");
> $get = int(rand(6));

that worked - and does seem to be completely random. I worked this into my
existing script and it does the job. thankyou.

now I want to build upon it - give it some bells and whistles *muhaha* I am
becoming a


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Re: what does this syntax error mean?

2002-03-28 Thread Wytch

"Jeff 'Japhy' Pinyan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On Mar 27, Wytch said:
> >Transliteration replacement not terminated at line 18.
> >
> >What is a Transliteration replacement?
> First, you've shown us NO code, so we can't help correct your code.

Actually I didn't want help correcting my code since I already corrected it
and got it to work at that point - I had the error come up a few times in
totally different snippets of code [and I am sure you all don't want me
running to you with every little error lol]. I just wanted to know, in plain
english, what a transliteration replacement means rather than the specific
coding problem.

> Second, you should check the error documentation:
>   % perldoc perldiag
> and look for "Transliteration":
>  Transliteration replacement not terminated
>  (F) The lexer couldn't find the final delimiter of a
>  tr/// or tr[][] construct.
> So it sounds like you've used the tr/// operator and failed to close it
> properly.

Thankyou =O)


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Re: compare char

2002-03-28 Thread John W. Krahn

Steven Massey wrote:
> does anyone know how to compare text
> ie
> if ( d < e ) then do this

if ( 'd' lt 'e' )

> or
> if ( z > h ) do this

if ( 'z' gt 'h' )

See the perlop document for more information.

use Perl;

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Re: Updating multiple frames in one CGI processing cycle

2002-03-28 Thread Carl Franks


You could either send a new frameset page, which will load both new frames
you require, or you'll have to use a client side scripting language (i.e.

Here's a link that shows one way to do it:


>From: "Ted Markowitz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Updating multiple frames in one CGI processing cycle
>Date: Wed, Mar 27, 2002, 8:04 pm
>BlankAs I understand it, because of the single-request/single-response nature
>of the HTTP protocol and the way frames are treated as individual, separate
>pages, that there's no way to get results from a form in one frame, process it
>with a CGI script and the output a new page to both that frame AND another
>frame during the same processing cycle? Is that so? In other words, what I'd
>like to do is be able to change a navigation bar in one frame and also update
>the "main" frame with a new page at the same time.
>An example: when logging in, I'd like to show a simple navbar in the left frame
>with just "Login" and "Help". Then based on successfully authenticating in the
>main frame using a form for username and password, I'd like to display a new
>page in that same main frame AND update the navbar in the left frame to add new
>command buttons available only to a logged-in user.
>Any suggestions or pointers to examples would be much appreciated. I've started
>to look at doing this via tables without frames, but using frames seems like it
>would be much cleaner in principle.

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compare char

2002-03-28 Thread Steven_Massey

does anyone know how to compare text

if ( d < e ) then do this
if ( z > h ) do this


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