Artistic License Essay

2001-07-28 Thread Adam Theo

Hello, all.

I have put together a very rough draft of what I hope to be a very good
introduction and description of Perl's Original Artistic License. I've
just put it together using a variety of readily findable sources, and
has not been refined at all at this point.

I would like anyone here that is familiar with the license (not only
pros and cons, but also history and concepts behind it) to please take a
look at what I have done at this point, and provide feedback. I would
appreciate and eagerly welcome as detailed as possible. This will be
it's first round of critiquing, so I am very open to even radical
changes to it (such as layout, content, focus, etc.). Please, tell me
what you know and what you think.

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-d other file tests

2001-07-05 Thread Adam Theo

Hello, Adam Theo here;

i was wondering if there is something i must declare to use file tests 
such as -d and -e? i have code which i am working on, and i need to 
check to see if a file is a directory. if it is, i run a subroutine.

i recall having used file tests before, and successfully. i don't recall 
having to declare anything special to use them, such as 'use File::Test' 
or something like that. i just used it in the code, like any other core 
perl function/operator.

here is the bit of code relevant to the file tests. through 'print' and 
data::dumper, i have isolated the root of my problem. it is that the 
file tests are not being done. the perl interpreter doesn't seem to know 
to check if the file is a directory, and just skips over it, going on to 
the final 'else' loop, even though it knows of the file, and can do 
other stuff with it, just not file tests.

sub check_source {
 my($source_dir, $source_file) = @_;
 print(Checking $source_dir/$source_file.\n);
 if ($source_file =~ /^\./) {
   print(Can't open file '$source_dir/$source_file':
 System file.\n);
 elsif (-d $source_file) {
   print($source_dir/$source_file is a directory.\n);
   $source_dir = $source_dir/$source_file;
 elsif ($source_file =~ /(\.xml)$/) {
   print($source_dir/$source_file is a source file.\n);
   parse_source($source_dir, $source_file);
 else {
   print(No match!\n);

thanks in advance!
   /\   Theoretic Solutions (
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Artistic License 2.0

2001-06-30 Thread Adam Theo

Hello, Adam Theo here;

i was wondering if the artistic license version 2.0 that i think is 
going to be used for Perl6 is finished? can it be effectively used as a 
standalone license, or should it be used in conjunction with the GPL again?

if someone could point me to a webpage or email it to me: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], i'd be much obliged, thank you. also feel free 
to comment on it.
   /\   Theoretic Solutions (
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-General: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   -ICQ: 3617307
-Personal: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -Phone: (850)8936047

Tk::After Error

2001-06-30 Thread Adam Theo

Hello, Adam Theo here;

i have built a Tk program to act as a alarm clock. it was a while ago 
that i created it, and was pretty sure it was working, but now that i go 
back to it, it is giving this error when i press the button to stop the 

Tk::Error: Can't locate object method IsWidget via package Tk::After 
(perhaps you forgot to load Tk::After?) at 
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/i586-linux/ line 173.
  Tk callback for .frame4.button
  Tk::__ANON__ at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/i586-linux/ 
line 228
  Tk::Button::butUp at 
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/i586-linux/Tk/ line 111
  (command bound to event)

here is the relevant code from the program. this is certainly not all 
the code, though:

### set off the beep alarm
# recieve the alarm number to work with.
# start the Tk alarm.
# set the number's status as 'down' in the hash.
# save hash,
# sending '-1' to save only what is in hash now.
sub beep_alarm {
 my($number) = @_;
 print(Starting alarm $number.\n);
 $beep_repeat = $main_w-repeat($interval, sub {$f2-bell});
 print(Bringing alarm $number status down.\n);
 $config-{alarm}-[$number]-{status}-[0] = 'Down';

 ### stop alarm
 -text = 'Stop',
 -command = \beep_stop
 )-pack(-expand = '1', -fill = 'x');

### stop the beep alarm
# stop the universal beep alarm,
# but only if it is running.
sub beep_stop {
 $beep_repeat-cancel() if Tk::Exists($beep_repeat);

any ideas pop out to anyone? thanks in advance.
   /\   Theoretic Solutions (
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-General: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   -ICQ: 3617307
-Personal: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -Phone: (850)8936047


2001-06-28 Thread Adam Theo

Hello, Adam Theo here;

does anyone know of a script to 're-mail' emails? i have a bunch of 
'saved' and 'archived' emails (in both Mozilla Inbox and RMAIL formats) 
stored on my local computer. i am looking for a script that will read 
these files, then re-send them to email accounts i specify, preserving 
sender, subject, and especially date intact.

if no-one knows of such a script, could they direct me to any modules 
they think will help? and also, does anyone know anything about the 
RMAIL format? such as how i could get perl to read that, or just as 
good, some other program that will convery it into a format that can be 
managed by an existing perl module/script for this sort of thing.

   /\   Theoretic Solutions (
  //\\'Activism, Software, and Internet Services'
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   ][ 'Personal history, analysis, and favorites'
   ][   Birthright Online (
  'Keeping the best role-playing game alive'
Email  Jabber:   Other:
-Professional: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -AIM: AdamTheo2000
-General: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   -ICQ: 3617307
-Personal: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -Phone: (850)8936047


2001-06-27 Thread Adam Theo

Hello, Adam Theo here;

i am looking for a way my perl program can automatically get the home 
directory of the user. i have come accross the ENV module, and think it 
will work, but wish to know if it is a standard module with all perl 
distributions? linux, windows, mac, etc? also, what does ENV do for 
windows and mac users, since those are not typically milti-user OSes? 
and finally, while i have found the ENV, does anyone know of a better 
way to do this?  thank you for your time.
   /\   Theoretic Solutions (
  //\\'Activism, Software, and Internet Services'
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   ][ 'Personal history, analysis, and favorites'
   ][   Birthright Online (
  'Keeping the best role-playing game alive'
Email  Jabber:   Other:
-Professional: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -AIM: AdamTheo2000
-General: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   -ICQ: 3617307
-Personal: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -Phone: (850)8936047

Re: Licensing (warning: plug included)

2001-06-03 Thread Adam Theo

Hello, all, Adam Theo here;

i didn't catch the first half of this thread, just the posts from the
last digest.

on the matter of compiling perl: this is something i have also been
wanting to look into, for the reason of speeding up my programs, and
being able to distribute my programs to people who don't have perl
(probably because they are newbies to computers, and just want a
program that works instead of having to install Perl5 and all required
modules...). i plan to educate myself about this extensively.

when i have educated myself, i plan to write it all up for my
website. if anyone would like to be notified of it when it goes up, or
contribute to it, just send to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and i'll notify you
and include full credits for contributions.

on the matter of GPL. that is a very good issue you bring up,
mr. ghuloum. i have had questions about the GPL, and what happens if a
person links (in various ways) his code to code covered by the GPL.

now, to warn, plug follows, for a mailing list i am proud to host
at my website. for newbies to open source, to help educate
people on what open source and all it's parts are all about.

# begin shameless plug:

well, to start off, i am the proud host of two mailing lists, both
started from ideas on the free-software-business list on

the first, is a list for newbies to open source. it is to help
educate people on open source, it's philosophy, it's licenses, and all
other issues. it is for people who are not familiar with the open
source world and want to learn more about it. the purpose is much like
this list, except it deals with open source in general, and not a
programming language.

an issue i want to bring up soon on it is to talk about the GPL and
how projects using code (in various ways) covered by it can be

Robin Lavallee: if you are interested in mr Gholoum's GPL issue, i
encourage you to consider subscribing.

Abdulaziz Ghuloum: the list can use a good expert (really just
someone who knows more than the newbies, and can put in a few
cents). i'd be obliged if you would consider participating.

the list is called The Bazaar List, named after Eric S Raymond's
essay 'the cathedral and the bazaar', and it's website is at:

to subscribe: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

thank you all.

# end shameless plug
# exhale, breath, sigh.   :)

   /\--- Adam Theo ---
  //\\   Theoretic Solutions (
 /\ Software, Politics, and Advocacy
/--||--\ email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   AIM: Adam Theo 2000
   ||jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ICQ: 3617306
   ||  Did you ever get the feeling the world was a tuxedo,
   || and you were a pair of brown shoes?

Best Music Modules?

2001-05-31 Thread Adam Theo

hello, all. i am working on an alarm clock program, and am now looking
into adding music playing ability for the alarms into it. I am wanting
people's opinions on what module(s) to use to play music from my perl

it is a perl/tk program, just in case that makes a difference, and
hope to make it as cross-platform as possible, although if i have to,
will constrict it to linux/unix.

i am looking to play mp3's mostly, using a playlist, but also want
module for playing audio CD's from the tray (or any other gadgets). i
am open to other music formats, especially if there are any modules
for playing net radio stations or such.

i am really only looking for stable modules at this time, but would
look into newly-released ones.

   /\--- Adam Theo ---
  //\\   Theoretic Solutions (
 /\ Software, Politics, and Advocacy
/--||--\ email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   AIM: Adam Theo 2000
   ||jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ICQ: 3617306
   ||  Did you ever get the feeling the world was a tuxedo,
   || and you were a pair of brown shoes?

Alarm clock program published, website up, and open source mailing lists.

2001-05-26 Thread Adam Theo

Hello, Adam Theo here;

Just to note, this is cross-posted to the Perl-XML and Beginners
mailing lists, since i share the same message to both of them. sorry
if this inconveniences anyone.

I'd again like to thank everyone on these lists, especially:

Mr McLean for his huge help in my understanding of XML::Simple and
turning me into a die-hard fan of his module (a link to which is on
every page of my new website,

Mr Irving, Mr McCoy, Mr Cope, and Mr Bach, for all helping me on
 return(), 'use strict', and refrences. thank you!

Without these lists, my alarm clock program would still be in the stone

But yes, I have the _alarm clock program_ published. it is a perl/tk
program that uses a simple xml configuration file, and allows for an
unlimited number of alarms, each with a sleep button function and many
more features in the TODO list. it can be found at:

I also have a _stopwatch timer program_ that can count up or down from
specified amounts, that is still in the stone ages (version 1.xx), but
i am about to upgrade to use xml like the alarm program, taking it to
version 2.xx as well. it can be found at:

And this means that yes, my website that has been in my sig since i
first started participating in this list is finally up and
running. the main parts of it are fine, but a few 'fringe sections'
(like the weather forecasting part) are still under construction. all
of that, though, will be fixed by this time next week. If anyone
happens to visit the site, i'd much appreciate it if you sent me any
problems you had or typos/mistakes you found. i'll be fixing
everything i know about over the next week. thanks!
Email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

and finally, as part of this site, but not directly related to perl,
are two mailing lists i've set up. both of them are a result of
discussions from the free-software-business mailing list, hosted at (it is a popular list that discusses free software as it
relates to business and the economy).

the first i'm calling _The Bazaar List_, named after Eric S. Raymond's
famous essay The Cathedral and the Bazaar, which compares the
proprietary software development world to the open source software
development worlds, and can be found at There was
interest on the FSB list to set up an open source newbies list, for
people who wanted to learn more about the open source/free software
development models. kind of like's beginners mailing list,
but for open sourec in general, not just perl programming. the bazaar
list is not just for programmers, but also end users, businessmen,
project managers, and programmers alike. if you are curious about open
source and how it can benefit you, or want to help educate those new
to open source, this is the list. to find out more:
Email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

the second i'm calling _The Cauldron List_, also named after an essay
of ESR's, this one The Magic Cauldron, where he explores and
compares different models for developers to make money off of
releasing their works under open source licenses. this essay can also
be found at the above location. This list is a result of a series of
related threads recently on the FSB, which i collectively call
Blankley's Challenge, named after the person on the list that
started it. he wanted to find viable ways that i and other individual
and small-scale developers could profit off of creating open source
software, instead of feeling proprietary models were the only way to
earn a living. The topic was deemed Off-Topic enough, so i have moved
the concept behind Blankley's Challenge to my website, and given it
it's own list.
Email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

both of these lists already have a few subscribers from the FSB list,
even though i just set both of them up yesterday morning, and i plan
to get the official ball rolling on both of them on monday
afternoon. but feel free to subscribe and post a 'hello' message,
telling the others who you are and such.

thanks all.
   /\--- Adam Theo ---
  //\\   Theoretic Solutions (
 /\ Software, Politics, and Advocacy
/--||--\ email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   AIM: Adam Theo 2000
   ||jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ICQ: 3617306
   ||  Did you ever get the feeling the world was a tuxedo,
   || and you were a pair of brown shoes?

connecting to other perl programs

2001-05-15 Thread Adam Theo

hello, all. I have been a user of a particular web-board discussion forum script for a 
while now (Darryl C Burgdorf's WebBBS, and am 
wanting to develop a perl script that will pass information directly to it, for the 
web-board script to make posts and replies to the board without having to go through 
the web browser interface of the CGI script.

the reason i want to do this is to make an email-to-WebBBS gateway, so people can send 
emailo to an adress on my server, the gateway script can retrieve it, translate it, 
and send it along to the WebBBS script with appropriate information, so the webbbs 
script will automatically add the post without the user having to do it through the 

i have been told that webbbs does not directly implement anything like this, although 
it is possible with general perl programming, and understand it is one of the things 
perl is best at.

both the webbs script and my script are perl/cgi.

i am just wondering where can i begin looking for how to do this? i have browsed 
through,, and a few general searches on the net, but nothing 
has turned up.

was hoping someone here could help direct me. thanks.

   /\--- Adam Theo ---
  //\\   Theoretic Solutions (
 /\ Software, Politics, and Advocacy
/--||--\ email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   AIM: Adam Theo 2000
   ||jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ICQ: 3617306
   ||  Did you ever get the feeling the world was a tuxedo,
   || and you were a pair of brown shoes?

Re: getting values from a called subroutine

2001-05-09 Thread Adam Theo

to mr meltzer, mr cline, and mr mccoy of the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list:

Thank You!!! that was it! i remember looking at return function
before, briefly, but for some reason had thought it was only for
working within control loops... please, don't ask me why, it seems
stupid to me, too, now...

but yep, that was it. in fact, that was the final piece of the
puzzle... thanks to you you guys, my program is now running with all
the basic functions i wanted in it (more will come in later releases,
i'm sure), and without any errors. it isn't pretty. in fact, it could
be called down right ugly (both the interface and the code), but after
a couple of months pulling my hair out over a problem, solving it,
then only to come accross another, it can wait a little while...

woo-hoo! break out the champaigne, slice up the tallcake, and watch the
female dancers pop out of it (maybe not in that order, though).

   /\--- Adam Theo ---
  //\\   Theoretic Solutions (
 /\ Software, Politics, and Advocacy
/--||--\ email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   AIM: Adam Theo 2000
   ||jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ICQ: 3617306
   ||  Did you ever get the feeling the world was a tuxedo,
   || and you were a pair of brown shoes?

getting values from a called subroutine

2001-05-08 Thread Adam Theo

hello, all. i just signed onto this list, and i have to say *wow, it's active!*. just 
got my first digest version, and it has over 1,400 lines in it!

well, anyway, while i hope to be able to help out and give advice and answers to many 
people on this list, i have a question of my own right now.

i am making a perl program (using Tk for a GUI), and it makes frequent use of my() and 
many subroutines. up till now, i've just been having the program work by passing 
scalarref's from one my'ed sub to the next using this_sub(\$ref1, \$ref2);, etc.

but, now that i'm near the end of completing this program, i have found a spot where i 
will basically need to do the opposite. i will need to have one subroutine that 
generates the values formerly passed along as arguments to the many other subs, and 
now have these many other subs be bale to calkl this new subroutine, and get *back* 
info, instead of just sending it.

so, in short, any way i can get a subroutine to send *back* arguments to the piece of 
code that called it? all of this will be within the same program, i just am hoping 
there is a way to do this.

thanks all.

   /\--- Adam Theo ---
  //\\   Theoretic Solutions (
 /\ Software, Politics, and Advocacy
/--||--\ email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   AIM: Adam Theo 2000
   ||jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ICQ: 3617306
   ||  Did you ever get the feeling the world was a tuxedo,
   || and you were a pair of brown shoes?