Re: add newline

2010-08-04 Thread Philip Potter
On 4 August 2010 01:59, Rob Dixon wrote:

 Speed of execution is the last goal of all.

 First of all make your program functional and intelligible.

 Only after that, if you have problems with resources (including time, disk
 space, or processor) tune it to be more efficient.

This, a thousand times. It's easier to make a correct and readble
program fast than it is to make a fast program correct and readable.

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Re: has and non unique keys

2010-08-02 Thread Philip Potter
On 2 August 2010 12:11, Sharan Basappa wrote:
 I am not trying to be critical of perl or anything (if that is what you felt).

I didn't think you were; it didn't come across as criticism.

 I am only trying to see if a certain feature exists or not.
 The current problem I am working on has duplicate key values and hence
 the question.

 The STL multipmap library explanation is below:

An equivalent perl construct to an STL multimap is a hash of array references:
my %hash = (
keyA = [valueA valueC valueF],
keyB = [valueB valueH],

For much more detail, please see the following perldoc pages: perldata
perllol perldsc perlref.


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Re: Need simple perl script

2010-06-06 Thread Philip Potter
On 5 June 2010 17:47, Mephistopheles wrote:
 1. Run sdiff on file1 and file2--supress identical lines
 2. OUtput column1 to outputfile1 and column2 to outputfile2

What have you tried so far? We can't correct your code if you don't
give us any code to correct.

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Re: Use of uninitialized value in print at...

2010-06-06 Thread Philip Potter
On 6 June 2010 14:37, Shawn H Corey wrote:
 On 10-06-06 09:06 AM, Chas. Owens wrote:

 But that is not the problem; autovivification will create the references:

 perl -MData::Dumper -le '$c-[0]{a}; print Dumper $c'

 But that is the problem.  Autovivification should not happen for r-values,
 only l-values.

I take it you mean it should only happen when you write to a location
($c-[3] = 'foo') not when you read from a location (print $c-[3]) ?
I would think that $c-[0]{a} is an lvalue by most definitions - it's
a value which can be written to. It's an lvalue even when on the right
side of an assignment.


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Re: Undefined subroutine main::

2010-05-24 Thread Philip Potter
On 24 May 2010 11:49, Weizhong Dai wrote:
 Hi guys, I met a problem.
 When I tried this script below:

 sub print_instruction {
  my ($disk, $start, $end) = @_;
  print Move disk #$disk from $start to $end.\n;

 sub hanoi {
  my ($n, $start, $end, $extra, $m) = @_;
  if ($n == 1) {
    $m-(1, $start, $end);
  } else {
    hanoi($n-1, $start, $extra, $end);
    $m-($n, $start, $end);
    hanoi($n-1, $extra, $end, $start);

 hanoi(3, 'A', 'C', 'B', \print_instruction);

 I got a error : Undefined subroutine main:: called at 
 this is an example in High Order Perl, so it should not be wrong, I
 just don't known what is the problem.
 Plz help me.

You didn't use strict. If you turn on use strict, the problem
becomes much clearer:

   Can't use string () as a subroutine ref while strict refs in
use at line 10.

Line 10, in my copypasted script, is this:

   $m-(1, $start, $end);

$m is being used as a sub ref but it's complaining that $m is a
string. As Rob Coops accurately pointed out, this is because you
aren't passing enough arguments in the recursive call:

   hanoi($n-1, $start, $extra, $end);

So I have two questions for you:
1) Do you know about use strict and use warnings? do you aspire to
*always* use them?
2) Is this *really* the exact code from HOP? Does HOP make the same
mistake? If so, is it documented at the HOP errata page? If not, where
did you go wrong in copying from the book?

Incidentally, the original error message:

   Undefined subroutine main:: called at 

is caused by the same error. Without use strict 'refs', a string can
be used as a subref, so for example you can say:

   my $ref = 'foo';
   $ref-();  # same as foo();

$m is uninitialized, and its value is converted to the empty string
, and then the subroutine in package main with name  is called,
i.e. the subroutine main::. This subroutine doesn't exist, which
causes the error message seen.

If you use warnings as well, you also get the warning

   Use of uninitialized value in subroutine entry at 

which warns you that $m is uninitialised.


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Re: how to arrange a default action in a dispatch table

2010-05-08 Thread Philip Potter
On 8 May 2010 13:09, Harry Putnam wrote:
 Uri Guttman writes:

 yes, i disable syntax coloring since it makes it HARDER for me to


 I'm terrible about leaving out one of  '' () {} [] etc..

I always enter them in pairs. eg I first type

if (condition) {}

then put the cursor between the curlies and separate them:

if (condition) {


then start the block:

if (condition) {
my $foo;
my $bar = baz();

by always entering delimiters in pairs, I never leave one out.

the same approach works for (), [], , '', .

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Re: how to arrange a default action in a dispatch table

2010-05-08 Thread Philip Potter
On 8 May 2010 13:35, Harry Putnam wrote:
 I'm curious about one thing I see there:

  `/\A\d+\z/ ' as opposed to `/^\d+$/'

 in this snippet:

        if ( $chosen =~ /\A\d+\z/  $chosen = 1  $chosen = @h ) {
            print Taking some action on $h[$chosen - 1]\n;

 Is the second formulation (`/^\d+$/' - the one I used) likely to miss under
 certain conditions?

It's all in perldoc perlre.


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Re: how to arrange a default action in a dispatch table

2010-05-08 Thread Philip Potter
On 8 May 2010 14:47, Harry Putnam wrote:
 Philip Potter writes:
 On 8 May 2010 13:35, Harry Putnam wrote:
 I'm curious about one thing I see there:

  `/\A\d+\z/ ' as opposed to `/^\d+$/'

 in this snippet:

        if ( $chosen =~ /\A\d+\z/  $chosen = 1  $chosen = @h ) {
            print Taking some action on $h[$chosen - 1]\n;

 Is the second formulation (`/^\d+$/' - the one I used) likely to miss under
 certain conditions?

 It's all in perldoc perlre.

 If you mean this (from perlre):

       A word boundary (\b) is a spot between two characters that has a \w
       on one side of it and a \W on the other side of it (in either order),
       counting the imaginary characters off the beginning and end of the
       string as matching a \W.  (Within character classes \b represents
       backspace rather than a word boundary, just as it normally does in any
       double-quoted string.)  The \A and \Z are just like ^ and $,
       except that they won't match multiple times when the /m modifier is
       used, while ^ and $ will match at every internal line boundary.  To
       match the actual end of the string and not ignore an optional trailing
       newline, use \z.

 But there are no trailing new lines.. guaranteed by:

      chomp(my $chosen = STDIN);

You are quite correct - there is no practical difference in this situation.

[nitpick: actually, if $/ has been set to something other than \n,
$chosen may have a trailing \n character.]

 Or do you mean its just better practice in general to use \A and \z,
 just in case.

Perl Best Practices, among others, considers \A and \z to be better
style than ^ and $ because you are almost always matching on string
boundaries rather than line boundaries and you should say what you
mean. ^$ can match in midstring under /m and this behaviour is
surprising to those who think that ^$ only ever match at string
boundaries, rather than line boundaries. As a result, the argument
goes, you should always use \A and \z to match on string boundary.

Using \z rather than \Z is just about being explicit with what you do
to your data. You can't accidentally ignore a trailing \n if you use

I'm not 100% convinced by these arguments, but I'm not against them
either. It's good to know about \A, \Z and \z just for those
situations when you come across code that uses it. But you can always
look it up in perlre if you forget.


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Re: how to arrange a default action in a dispatch table

2010-05-08 Thread Philip Potter
On 8 May 2010 15:43, Harry Putnam wrote:
 Philip Potter writes:

 You are quite correct - there is no practical difference in this situation.

 [nitpick: actually, if $/ has been set to something other than \n,
 $chosen may have a trailing \n character.]

 I was asking, not suggesting one over the other.  And was not offering
 an opinion on it don't now enough.

You've trimmed the context I was referring to. But you said:

 But there are no trailing new lines.. guaranteed by: [example snipped]

which looks like a statement and not a question to me. And it is a
statement which is correct (subject to above nitpick). You should have
more confidence in yourself to read and understand the docs!


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Re: about dispatch tables

2010-05-05 Thread Philip Potter
On 5 May 2010 14:36, Harry Putnam wrote:
 Uri Guttman writes:

   HP The output from the script below:
   HP Shows 6 elements arrive in dispt($g, @ar) as @_.  But when sub N(@_)
   HP is called, no variables arrive there. @_ is empty. When it seems like
   HP 5 elements should have arrived there

 well, it helps if you actually pass in arguments. @_ is NOT a global.FF

   HP     my $code = $dispt{$selection} || $dispt{'error'} ;
   HP     $code-();

 you aren't passing anything in to $code. you need to put something in
 the () which then is set in the @_ of the called sub.

 As usual, I'm a little confused here.  First, what is a `global.FF'?

I don't see FF in uri's original post, your reader may have mangled
it. He said @_ is NOT a global.

 And why would it matter that `...@_' is not global when its content was
 placed into a sub function?

 Inside dispt {...the sub function @_...} `...@_' is alive and well

  (I'm changing the name of the hash `%dispt' (inside sub dispt {...})to
  %hash, it was probably a poor choice of names)

 ---        -       ---=---       -      

  ## out here in global country �...@_' is unknown


  sub dispt { ...
   ## @_ is alive here containing $var,@ar.

   %hash = (  print N(@_ # `...@_' is dead here at the N(@_) call)


 which is also inside sub dispt {the sub function}.  Where does global
 come in?

The problem is in these lines:

sub dispt {
# snip
my %dispt = (
  N = sub { print  N(@_). \n; }, # THIS @_ HERE is the problem
# snip
# snip
   my $code = $dispt{$selection} || $dispt{'error'} ;
   $code-(); # no arguments passed to $code

The problem is that you have two nested subs. You have sub dispt {}
but you also have the anonymous sub { print N(@_).\n; }. @_ is the
argument list to the *innermost* sub. So @_ within that anonymous sub
is not the argument list to dispt (which is ($var, @ar) ) but the
argument list to the call to the anonymous sub, which happens in the
line $code-();. There is nothing between the parens, so you pass
nothing to the anonymous sub. Therefore, within that anonymous sub, @_
is an empty array.

Example with nested subs and arglists:

sub foo {
   print @_; # prints hello
   sub bar {
  print @_; # prints howdy. @_ is bar's arglist, not foo's
   my $subref = sub {
  print @_; # prints awooga. @_ is the anonymous sub's arglist, not foo's


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Re: about dispatch tables

2010-05-05 Thread Philip Potter
On 5 May 2010 15:26, Thomas Bätzler wrote:
 Harry Putnam asked:
 which is also inside sub dispt {the sub function}.  Where does global
 come in?

 Hint: $code-(@_);

Or indeed $code; if you want to be cryptic :)


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Re: about dispatch tables

2010-05-05 Thread Philip Potter
On 5 May 2010 17:29, Harry Putnam wrote:
 Anyway, I understood he was saying NOT global.

 What I asked is why that would matter.  That is, the values or
 elements in @_ arrive inside the `sub dispt {...}', so should be
 available to anything inside `sub dispt {...}'  right?

 And `%hash = (...)' is inside `sub dispt {. %hash = (...)..}'

 I do get confused often about how scope works.

Did you read the second part of my message where I addressed this very
issue? You haven't quoted it or answered it so I have nothing to say
other than to ask you to read it again and tell me what you still find


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Re: Still pondering working with hashs

2010-05-04 Thread Philip Potter
On 3 May 2010 22:06, Harry Putnam wrote:
 Philip Potter writes:


 Both you and Uri are right to a degree.  I have to respect Uris'
 experience, but in fact I have presented goals at every step in this
 thread.  Uri just doesn't want to recognize them.

 1) how to find what files are in one tree but not the other
   I've received a few good techniqes to do that... goal accomplished.

 2) ditto but reverse  Samething applies.

 3) how to find all the matches again, reponses supplied some good code
   that could be edited to my purposes.

 4) How to setup a dispatch table... involved in other threads more than
   here but still the same project  (Again, good solid posts, more
   than one by Uri himself as I recall - goal accomplished)

 5) How to use Data::Dumper for this kind of stuff - goal accomplished

Ok yes, that's pretty reasonable; i agree no message has gone wasted.

But I'm not sure how much closer you are to solving your problem. If
you're trying to identify duplicate files in a filesystem, I would
think there's a better way of doing it than what you've got. At first
you were only trying to find duplicate filenames, but now you say you
care about whether they are actually the same file. But you still
haven't explained *why* you are doing this comparison in this thread.
[You might have done elsewhere, but I don't read every thread.]

It comes down to this: are you happy learning Perl haphazard and
piecemeal? Or do you want to learn Perl by actually getting things
done in Perl?

If you want to actually get something done, you should state what it
is. Then we can help you with the design as well as the

 I have to support what Uri says here. You shouldn't start writing
 *any* code at all until you know what you want it to do. If you don't
 know what you want to do, you're groping in the dark. If you ask for
 help, people can't give you the help you need because they don't know
 what you want to do either.

 I have done that at every step... and people have been thoroughly
 capable of giving sound help.  Uri is talking through  his hat.

I still don't know what your overarching goal is here. You're looking
to find files with the same name but you also care that they are the
same file.. but why? What is the overall purpose?

 Every software engineering method incorporates this principle, usually
 as a step called requirements analysis. It's a fancy way of saying
 what do I want to do?

 That is the kind of `always true' thing one might say.  I forgot what
 the term is but it means its fairly meaningless and mainly sounds
 good. But none the less true.

A tautology? No, it's not. I'm saying you can either do requirements
analysis or you can skip it, but if you skip it you haven't got a
criterion for success. You won't know what you're trying to do or when
you've done it. If you do requirements analysis, you define what you
want to do up front. You know what you're trying to do it and you'll
know when you've done it.

 About driving around not knowing where I'm going.  I'd wager a full
 pension check that everyone here has done that and maybe not so
 long ago.

I have done it recently. I didn't enjoy it. I prefer to get things done.

[In particular, I'm working with MooseX::Method::Signatures, which is
great when it works, but its cryptic error messages can leave you
struggling to find the one-liner which fixes your code. I'd rather
just find it and fix it than grope around for 10 minutes per bug.]

[If you're meaning literal driving, then no, because I haven't got my
license yet :P ]


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Re: Still pondering working with hashs

2010-05-04 Thread Philip Potter
On 4 May 2010 13:45, Bob McConnell wrote:
 From: Uri Guttman

 HP == Harry Putnam writes:

   HP Uri Guttman writes:
    nope. been doing this for 35 years and it is solid advice. you
 can't do
    a proper program unless you have a proper goal which is what the
    specification is.

   HP Some of it looks suspiciously like hair splitting and karping of
   HP first order.

 what you think is hair splitting, we think of as moving mountains.
 is what experience in developing projects (big and small) tells us.
 came here to learn perl. there is much more to programming than
 a particular language. in fact most programming skills and knowledge
 language independent and that is also important to know.

 This is sounding more and more like an argument between waterfall and
 agile managers about the best methodology for developing applications.
 In waterfall you always started with a locked down requirements
 document, but in agile we never do. The best we can get is the product
 manager's interpretation of what she heard the client describe. That
 usually changes as soon as she sees the first prototype.

 Harry has said he is just beginning to learn the language. As a result,
 I would expect his short range goals to be adjusted as he learns what is
 possible and what it takes to accomplish it. That does require some
 'driving around' to get an idea of the lay of the land and the paths
 available to get from here to there. It is also called experimenting
 with the tool set, or working through the exercises at the end of the
 chapter. As long as he is learning, what difference does it make what
 his final destination is. Do any of us know what that will be when we
 start playing in a new sand box?

You have to start with *some* goal. Even in agile, you start with
stories to work out in what direction you are headed. You formalise
your requirements into tests and then you start coding. Yes, you
revise your stories, requirements and tests as you learn more about
the design and the technology, but you still need to start from

Agile is a more nuanced approach to having everything planned out
before you begin coding but it's still the same underlying model of
[requirements] - [design] - [code], just repeated daily ad nauseum.

I do agree that there is a contiuum here, with totally uninformed
undirected exploring and experimentation on one end, and totally
preplanned careful single-minded coding on the other. Waterfall is
totally preplanned, agile is somewhere in the middle. I don't think
anyone advocates having *no plan* at all and guessing everywhere.


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Re: Still pondering working with hashs

2010-05-04 Thread Philip Potter
On 4 May 2010 15:19, Harry Putnam wrote:
 Philip Potter writes:
 haven't explained *why* you are doing this comparison in this thread.
 [You might have done elsewhere, but I don't read every thread.]
 Uri actually did (most of) it for me at one point in a recent post on
 this thread.  Message-ID: on

 This is probably overly verbose... as I am not very good at explain
 the full project simply.

  Project: Merge two directory structures that contain:

 Many files in one and not the other
 But different thing have to happen in each structures case.

   A larger structure has many files not contained in a smaller
   structure. Those files need to disappear.

  The smaller structure has many files not present in the larger
  structure. Those files need to remain.

 NOTE: Those two chores are in hand... due to excellent examples
      supplied here.

 3) Of the remaining files:
   Many of them have the same final (end name) but different
   paths... besides the obvious difference of root path.

   b1/some/path/file  (from larger hierarch)
   b2/path/file       (from smaller hierarch)

   But also there are many cases where the end name is the same but
   the files themselves are different.  (Those are handled through a
   dispatch table of functions.  One being to check the files size
   and another supplies command line to diff the files.).  In fact
   usually the size is enough to make a choice.

   So, if they are the same file then the file from the larger
   structure will be moved to new base and over the path of the
   smaller structure.. That sounds too confusing but illustration will
   show is not really:


   b1 file will be moved to

   Overwriting the file from b2.

 The final confusion is that all this is not really being done, but is
 generating a list of cmds that will do the complete job.

 What will happen in the end is all of b2 will be left and all
 identical files from b1 will overwrite there twin by being move to
 the twins address.  Whatever is in b1 that isn't in b2 at all will be

Thank you harry for writing this. Can I ask some questions?

You have path P1 and path P2. P1 has more files than P2, but P2 may
contain files that P1 doesn't.

You want to create P3, which is a merge of P1 and P2. But if a file is
in P1 and not P2, that file gets ignored. Doesn't this mean P3 is
identical to P2?

If two files are identical, you want to copy the P1 version over the
P2 version. If the files are identical, what effect will this copy

 In step 1.  rm (b1) [ files not in b2]

remove from b1 those files which are in b1 but not in b2. ok.

   step 2)  add (b2) [ files not in b1 ]

add to b2 those files which are in b2 but not in b1.
 -- Aren't they already in b2?

   step 3)  mv matching b1 over there twin in b2

move identical files from b1 over their twins in b2.
 -- If they are identical, why bother moving them?

 The equivalent cmds will be carried out inside a Distributed
 Versioning System called `git'.

 I'm not familiar yet with git.  At least not much, but can generate a
 list of cmds to be carrried out by that program.

git merge probably does what you want in one command.


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Re: testing if divisible by?

2010-05-03 Thread Philip Potter
2010/5/3 Jay Savage
 On Sat, May 1, 2010 at 7:45 AM, Philip Potter 
 On 1 May 2010 12:15, Paul wrote:
 Hello all.  How can I test to see if a number is divisible by say, 40?

 Use the modulo operator %. Given integers $x and $y, the expression $x

 And there's the rub: number ne integer.

 % is fine if you're only interested in integers, but if you want to
 compare other numbers use fmod() from

    perl -MPOSIX -wle 'print POSIX::fmod(35, 17.5)'

fmod is a fine replacement for % in general for testing remainders of
floating-point valued quotients, but using it as a divisibility test
requires caution and serious consideration of a different approach. It
has the same issues as a floating-point equality test: that is,
because floating-point is an inexact representation, the results can
depend on whether a value was rounded up or down:

D:\perl -MPOSIX -wle print POSIX::fmod(0.2, 0.1)

D:\perl -MPOSIX -wle print POSIX::fmod(0.3, 0.1)

D:\perl -MPOSIX -wle print POSIX::fmod(0.4, 0.1)

D:\perl -MPOSIX -wle print POSIX::fmod(0.5, 0.1)

These examples have strange results because 0.1 is not exactly
representable in binary floating-point.


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Re: Still pondering working with hashs

2010-05-03 Thread Philip Potter
On 3 May 2010 20:56, Uri Guttman wrote:
 HP == Harry Putnam writes:
  HP Uri Guttman writes:
   this is what has been bothering me here. you haven't yet spit out a
   proper problem specification. as i kept saying comparing dir trees is
   tricky and you kept showing incomplete examples which now all seem to be
   wrong as you just made a major change in the 'spec'. now duplicate
   filenames could actually be different files vs just copies in different
   places. this is a whole other mess of fish.

  HP None of what I've shown contradicts the full program... quit karping
  HP about it.  Sloppy... yes, I have been.  I wonder if that might be
  HP because I don't really have a good idea of what I'm doing or how to do
  HP it.   What a surprise... that's why its called perl.beginners.


 you could easily have written up a short goal document.

 i have some directory trees which may have duplicate filenames and those
 files could be the same or actual different files. i want to scan the
 two trees, compare them and locate common filenames in both. then i want
 users to be able to choose from menu what to do with the files when dups
 are found.

 that is close to what you are doing. was that too hard to write?

 you are really closing your eyes here and just driving around. sure you
 have learned some coding skills but you aren't seeing the bigger
 picture. this will keep biting you until you discover it yourself with
 more experience. that deep experience is what i am offering here and you
 are refusing it. note that others aren't refuting what i am saying, they
 all work with goal documents at some time or other.

I have to support what Uri says here. You shouldn't start writing
*any* code at all until you know what you want it to do. If you don't
know what you want to do, you're groping in the dark. If you ask for
help, people can't give you the help you need because they don't know
what you want to do either.

Every software engineering method incorporates this principle, usually
as a step called requirements analysis. It's a fancy way of saying
what do I want to do?


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Re: Redirecting the Output and Error of Perl script

2010-05-01 Thread Philip Potter
On 30 April 2010 18:45, Parag Kalra wrote:
 Hey All,

 I am trying to execute a Perl via shell script. I want to redirect output of
 Perl script to one file and error occured (if any) to other file.

 This is the snippet from my shell script:

 perl 1 Report.log 2Error.log

What you have written works for me. I think your error is somewhere else.

$ cat

print stdout\n;
print STDERR stderr\n;

$ perl 1 out 2 err
$ cat out
$ cat err

Note that  appends to the end of a file, while  replaces the file.


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Re: testing if divisible by?

2010-05-01 Thread Philip Potter
On 1 May 2010 12:15, Paul wrote:
 Hello all.  How can I test to see if a number is divisible by say, 40?

Use the modulo operator %. Given integers $x and $y, the expression $x
% $y gives the remainder when $x is divided by $y. As a result, if
(and only if) $x is exactly divisible by $y, $x % $y is equal to 0.

use 5.010; # for 'say'

say 5 % 2;
say 6 % 2;
say 7 % 2;

say 79 % 40;
say 80 % 40;
say 81 % 40;

For more information, see


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Re: ExtUtils::MakeMaker, execute Perl code during make test

2010-04-16 Thread Philip Potter
On 16 April 2010 02:05, Steve Bertrand wrote:
 On 2010.04.15 18:50, Steve Bertrand wrote:
 Hi all,

 In one of my projects, I've written a test file t/22-upgrade.t.


 However, when I run make test, the Perl code for print does not execute.

 Replying my own post, this project is currently only used by us internally.

 What I've done to 'rectify' the issue so that it is clear that the
 config files differ, is rename the test to the highest test number
 (999-upgrade.t) so it will run last, and we will run make test with
 the TEST_VERBOSE=1 flag.

 So instead of this:

 acct-dev: ISP % sudo make test

no need for sudo here. You only need it for make install (and not
even then if you're using local::lib).

  I'm still reading through the docs, but if someone has any quick
 advice on how to make this more granular so I don't have to be extremely
 verbose on all tests, that'd be great.

I'm not entirely sure what you're asking, but if you *only* want to
run your new test and you want to get verbose output from it, try:

perl Makefile.PL
prove -bv t/22-upgrade.t

prove is a utility which comes with Test::Harness, which makes
running tests under harness from the command line relatively simple.
-b adds blib/lib/ to @INC so the tests can find the module you're
testing (you can use -l instead to use lib/)
-v produces verbose output


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Re: how to create a hash on the fly

2010-04-16 Thread Philip Potter
On 16 April 2010 03:17, Steve Bertrand wrote:
 On 2010.04.15 03:37, raphael() wrote:
 But as a beginning Perl programmer I find references extremely complicated.
 Although I have to learn them sometime.

 Although I Am Not A Programmer, if you do actually desire spending time
 on writing Perl code, my strong advice would be to ingrain references
 into your head as soon and as fast as possible.


Great post, Steve. Does perl-beginners have a website where this could
be archived for later reference?


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Re: ExtUtils::MakeMaker, execute Perl code during make test

2010-04-16 Thread Philip Potter
On 16 April 2010 13:20, Steve Bertrand wrote:
 I use prove often, usually when I want to quickly and non-verbosely (-Q)
 work with a single test file that I'm currently adding new tests to, or
 to ensure existing tests still pass if making changes to a function.

 What I want to be able to do, essentially, is allow Perl code to run
 within small sections of tests while under make test. In essence, some
 pseudo code that I'd put into 999-update.t:

 perl on
 print result to STDOUT
 perl off # back to no printing

Tests already *are* perl code, from start to finish. 'print'
statements work fine in tests under prove -v. What are you *actually*
trying to do? What are you testing and why does this test require you
to print output to the user under make test?


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Re: ExtUtils::MakeMaker, execute Perl code during make test

2010-04-16 Thread Philip Potter
On 16 April 2010 14:38, Steve Bertrand wrote:
 On 2010.04.16 09:15, Philip Potter wrote:
 What are you *actually*
 trying to do? What are you testing and why does this test require you
 to print output to the user under make test?

 This particular test:

 - checks to see if an existing installation of the project exists
 - if yes, it reads both the currently installed config file, and the
 default config file in the source tree
 - it compares version numbers
 - it collects all sections and directives from both files
 - if versions differ, it informs the user that this is an upgrade
 - if directives have changed, it informs the user which ones have been
 added, and which ones have been removed

 I don't want to merge the configuration files, I just want the user to
 be informed of what exactly they need to change.

 'make test' does not provide the ability to print out individual
 statements like prove does (from what I can tell). As I said, I think my
 approach is wrong, and I need to move this code out of the test.

'make test' is for running a suite of tests in an automated fashion,
so it's not designed to be easy to produce interactive output.

It sounds like your test isn't a test, it's a setup tool. Tests in
projdir/t are there to test if the stuff in projdir/lib or
projdir/blib works, and shouldn't be dependent on what's already on
your system other than ordinary module dependencies.

I'm afraid this is beyond my skill level, but I'm sure it's possible
to get EU::MM to report to the user when they try to install a new
module over an old one. Sorry I can't be more help :(


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Re: the range of an array

2010-04-13 Thread Philip Potter
2010/4/13 Xubo

 the learning perl say an array can have any number of elements,but when i 
 run such codes:
 print @abc;
 it shows range iterator outside integer range at 123 line 2.

(You should ask your question explicitly. Is your question why
doesn't this work??)

This is nothing to do with how many elements an array can have, it has
to do with what arguments the range operator can take. The range
iterator is expecting a fixed-width integer, which means that it
probably will only work with numbers up to around 2**31-1. But you
probably shouldn't be using ranges that big anyway.


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Re: the range of an array

2010-04-13 Thread Philip Potter
2010/4/13 Xubo

 thank you for responding to me,but supposing i want to use an array which
 should includes plenty of elements,what should i do?

Do you really need an array with  2,000,000,000 elements? If you use
such large arrays, you're probably not using Perl in the best way that
you can. You can always write a program to avoid such large arrays.


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Re: the range of an array

2010-04-13 Thread Philip Potter
2010/4/13 WashingtonGeorge
 Sorry,my expressions had something wrong a moment ago.i wanted to say in
 case i must to use a number bigger than 2**31-1,what should i do?

Please quote the message you are replying to.

If you have a dataset with more than 2**31-1 elements, you probably
shouldn't be storing it in an array. You might want to use a database
and only deal with part of the dataset in memory at any one time. To
do this you could use MySQL and DBIx::Class as an Object-Relational
Mapping (ORM) around the database.

But dealing with such huge datasets is *not* a beginner topic. It is
difficult and requires knowledge of many different topics.


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Re: free memory

2010-04-13 Thread Philip Potter
On 13 April 2010 16:25, Patrick Dupre wrote:

 I have the a hash of hash of ... of array
 (see below hwo I can list it) whose i wish to free the memory at one
 point. Right now the desallocation is not clean, ie that evert time that
 I reallocate the hash, the programme requires more and mor space and
 finally swap the memory !
 How can I free the mempry right. I already tried several trivial
 thing without success:

 Thank for your help.

 foreach my $sig (sort keys %$trans) {
  foreach my $vt_u (sort keys %{$$trans {$sig}}) {
    foreach my $Nu (sort keys %{$$trans {$sig}{$vt_u}}) {
      foreach my $ku (sort keys %{$$trans {$sig}{$vt_u}{$Nu}}) {
        foreach my $vt_l (sort keys %{$$trans {$sig}{$vt_u}{$Nu}{$ku}}) {
          foreach my $Nl (sort keys %{$$trans
 {$sig}{$vt_u}{$Nu}{$ku}{$vt_l}}) {
            foreach my $kl (sort keys %{$$trans
 {$sig}{$vt_u}{$Nu}{$ku}{$vt_l}{$Nl}}) {
              print $sig, $vt_u, $Nu, $ku, $vt_l, $Nl, $kl: , $$trans
 {$sig}{$vt_u}{$Nu}{$ku}{$vt_l}{$Nl}{$kl} [0],  , $$trans
 {$sig}{$vt_u}{$Nu}{$ku}{$vt_l}{$Nl}{$kl} [1], \n ;

There is no good solution other than not allocating so much memory in
the first place. See perldoc -q free an array.


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Re: Subroutine doesn't write to file

2010-04-12 Thread Philip Potter
On 12 April 2010 04:31, Uri Guttman wrote:
 AM == Abimael Martinez writes:

  AM   print {$tmp} $div_start;

 no need for the {} around a single scalar handle.

But it *does* comply with Perl Best Practices #136.

* It makes the filehandle obviously different from the other arguments
* It makes you less likely to accidentally put a wrong comma in:
print {$tmp}, $div_start;
* If you forget a comma on a print statement where you just meant to
print to STDOUT, it stands out as being wrong:
print $arg1 $arg2; # should have been print $arg1, $arg2; or print
{$arg1} $arg2
* IOW, it forces you to be more explicit about when you are printing
to a fh and when you are printing to STDOUT.

So there's at least 2 other people out there (Damian and me) who think
the OP's version is reasonable.


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Re: Subroutine doesn't write to file

2010-04-12 Thread Philip Potter
On 12 April 2010 07:55, Uri Guttman wrote:
 PP == Philip Potter writes:

  PP On 12 April 2010 04:31, Uri Guttman wrote:
   AM == Abimael Martinez writes:
    AM   print {$tmp} $div_start;
   no need for the {} around a single scalar handle.

  PP But it *does* comply with Perl Best Practices #136.

  PP * It makes the filehandle obviously different from the other arguments
  PP * It makes you less likely to accidentally put a wrong comma in:
  PP     print {$tmp}, $div_start;
  PP * If you forget a comma on a print statement where you just meant to
  PP print to STDOUT, it stands out as being wrong:
  PP     print $arg1 $arg2; # should have been print $arg1, $arg2; or print
  PP {$arg1} $arg2
  PP * IOW, it forces you to be more explicit about when you are printing
  PP to a fh and when you are printing to STDOUT.

  PP So there's at least 2 other people out there (Damian and me) who think
  PP the OP's version is reasonable.

 and did you see my much shorter answer with no file handles at all??

How is that relevant to my point?

 and PBP isn't always right. it is meant as a list of interesting
 suggestions to pick and choose from. read the intro to get that. also
 note that i was one of the tech editors of that book. i know it
 well. and i disagree with some of it too. damian is fine with that. :)

Where did I say PBP was always right? I just didn't want to let your
style argument be the only one in this thread, since there are clearly
people who disagree with you, too. TIMTOWTDI.


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Re: Subroutine doesn't write to file

2010-04-12 Thread Philip Potter
On 12 April 2010 11:34, Shlomi Fish wrote:
 Hi Uri and Philip (and Abimael),
 On Monday 12 Apr 2010 10:32:36 Uri Guttman wrote:
   PP Where did I say PBP was always right? I just didn't want to let your
   PP style argument be the only one in this thread, since there are
 clearly PP people who disagree with you, too. TIMTOWTDI.

 i disagree with myself most of the time! i am my own stupid boss and
 stupid worker. try that on for size! :)

 Can we please have a civil discussion without insulting the other party? For

I thought Uri and I were criticising each other's ideas, not throwing
insults. I certainly don't feel insulted by Uri. Can you identify any
insults so that we can be sure not to say them again?


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Re: Subroutine doesn't write to file

2010-04-12 Thread Philip Potter
On 12 April 2010 16:39, Uri Guttman wrote:
 PP == Philip Potter writes:

  PP On 12 April 2010 11:34, Shlomi Fish wrote:
   Hi Uri and Philip (and Abimael),
   On Monday 12 Apr 2010 10:32:36 Uri Guttman wrote:
     PP Where did I say PBP was always right? I just didn't want to let 
     PP style argument be the only one in this thread, since there are
   clearly PP people who disagree with you, too. TIMTOWTDI.
   i disagree with myself most of the time! i am my own stupid boss and
   stupid worker. try that on for size! :)
   Can we please have a civil discussion without insulting the other party? 

  PP I thought Uri and I were criticising each other's ideas, not throwing
  PP insults. I certainly don't feel insulted by Uri. Can you identify any
  PP insults so that we can be sure not to say them again?

 i agree. at least i never aimed anything directly at philip. we were
 disagreeing about file handle stuff and how to use PBP and such.

Actually, I don't disagree at all on how to use PBP. It's a guide;
it's a template for starting a coding standard; it's not a cast-iron
set of rules. Nobody should follow everything in PBP, even
(especially?) Damian doesn't do that, and nobody should follow
anything in PBP without understanding *why* those best practices are
considered so.

print {$fh} $output;

is considered by some to be good style. I brought up PBP to show that
Damian Conway thinks that it's good style (or at least he did when he
wrote PBP), and to state some of the reasons he holds this view. I
don't think this is a controversial claim.

Given that Uri dislikes print {$fh} and Damian likes print {$fh} it's
clear this is a bikeshed argument. The OP should feel free to make his
own decision (or should conform to whichever style is imposed by his
team's policy).


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Re: Looping in Test::Harness

2010-04-09 Thread Philip Potter
On 9 April 2010 18:04, Bob McConnell wrote:
 After a great deal of reading and speculation, it looks like YAML is the
 way to go. I will have to move the loop inside each test script, and
 iterate thorough the records read. The biggest problem is that the plan
 is no longer fixed, so I do lose some auditability, but I don't see a
 cleaner way to do this.

Assuming that you're using Test::More, you don't have to know your
plan when you 'use Test::More'; you can create your plan from
calculated values later on, provided it's before you start testing:

  use Test::More;

  # Read config file and count testcases...

  plan tests = tests_per_testcase * $num_tests;

  # Start tests here


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Re: Decimal representation of binary file (unpack)

2010-04-08 Thread Philip Potter
On 8 April 2010 06:30, Raymond Wan wrote:

 Hi all,

 I would like to read in a binary file and extract the 4-byte ints from it.
  Under Linux, something like od -t uI.  I got it working as follows:

 my $buffer = STDIN;
 my @buffer = split //, $buffer;
 for (my $i = 0; $i  length ($buffer); $i += 4) {
  print unpack ('I', $buffer[$i].$buffer[$i + 1].$buffer[$i + 2].$buffer[$i +
 3]), \n;

Are you sure you want to read using the  line input operator?
Consider the file (as a hexdump):

There are 8 bytes, corresponding to 2 4-byte ints. The two 4-byte ints
have values 0 and 10*256*256 = 655360 (assuming big endian). But if 0a
happens to be the value of a newline char (as it is under ascii and
utf-8) and you read line-by-line you get two lines:


which your program will interpret as three ints of values (0,0,0), and
not 2 ints with values (0,655360).

Use 'read' instead (perldoc -f read) to read binary data.


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Re: AW: about the various styles of `open'

2010-04-06 Thread Philip Potter
On 6 April 2010 16:48, Harry Putnam wrote:
 Thanks for the effort, but I'm still a bit confused. Just need to
 think it over some more maybe.  Is it fair to say that the `magic'
 open is far and away the most common working case? And that the 3 arg
 open is for unusual circumstances?

No, generally you should always use 3 arg open. Perl Best Practices
item #128 discusses this issue if you can beg borrow or steal a copy.

 Shawn H Corey writes:

 Harry Putnam wrote:
   open my $fh, $file or die could not open $file: $!\n;

 What if the user gave this as $file?

   rm -fr ~

 Not to be argumentative here... but maybe I can't see as quickly as
 some what this would do.

 I can't really visualize what would happen there... wouldn't the open
 just fail?  Further do we need to prepare for a vastly ridiculous file

perhaps spelling things out more explicitly would help. If you write

open my $fh, $file or die could not open $file: $!;

and $file is a user-supplied option, then the user can effectively
make arbitrary magic open calls such as:

open my $fh, 'rm -rf ~ |' or die could not open rm -rf ~ |: $!;

The | character at the end means that this no longer opens a file, it
runs a command. One which will delete your home directory on unixlike
systems. And the user could specify any command they like -- perhaps
one which emails your personal files to

The three argument form:

open my $fh, '', 'rm -rf ~ |' or die could not open rm -rf ~ |: $!;

doesn't have this problem. It will try to open a file with quite a
funny name, but because the mode is chosen my the second argument and
not by a user-supplied string, the user can't execute arbitrary code.


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Re: Looping in Test::Harness

2010-04-06 Thread Philip Potter
On 6 April 2010 16:52, Bob McConnell wrote:
 I have a test harness set up with a series of Selenium test scripts.
 Each script tests a specific scenario on my web site. But I have some
 scenarios that I want to test multiple times with different data entered
 each time. Currently I am using environment parameters to pass the test
 data into each script. But that doesn't work for multiple passes, since
 I have no way to save the base data and restore it after modifying it.


 Is there a cleaner way to pass those variables into each test script?

 How can I make this loop through some tests multiple times with
 different sets of data each time?

Hi Bob,

I suppose you could group your variables by testcase and put them into
a configuration file (say testcases.yml) and get each test to read in
the configuration using Config::Any. With Config::Any you can use most
config file formats: XML, YAML, JSON, .ini, etc.

Also you can use prove.exe to run tests under harness rather than
using your perl one-liner. for
details though I normally just do prove -bv t/*.t.


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Re: about beginner perl site and developing skill

2010-04-06 Thread Philip Potter
On 6 April 2010 17:21, Rob Coops wrote:
 On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 5:56 PM, Harry Putnam wrote:
 This doesn't actually have to be a paying job... I'm retired and do
 have an income.  But it would need to be a situation where I was
 expected to produce something on a continuing basis.  (Of course the
 prospect of pay, somewhere along the line would be a further benefit).

 I'm thinking some kind of open source project that could make use of
 someone with only light weight skills starting out.

 And when I say light weight... I really mean it.  I didn't graduate
 high school, and never went beyond that in formal education.  Anything
 to do with programming is strictly self taught and therefore has
 gaping holes in it.

 On the other hand, I am capable of writing semi complex programs and
 have written dozens, probably over 100 by now, of scripts for my own

 So, cutting to the chase, where does someone look for that kind of

 I would say have a poke around on Sourceforge (
 or on Google code ( and see what you can find there.
 There are hundreds of projects out there that require anything from a very
 skilled programmer to someone that is able  to do basic coding and have some
 knowledge of perl.

 The most important thing at least for me is to pick a project that you would
 use your self something that really makes you feel like your contributions
 are worth while. If you can use it and see the benefit form using it then it
 is not unlikely someone else will enjoy your work as well.
 I my self have learned PHP in that way, by simply getting my hands dirty and
 starting to resolve tickets and feature requests for an open source project.
 In the end it even ended up getting me some money when people where asking
 me to do custom development for them. And the best thing of all I used most
 of the code I wrote my self as well on my own site so most of my
 effort benefited not just others but myself as well.

I would add that an important thing to getting involved in an open
source project is to communicate with the people who work on it. Find
out where they hang out - mailing lists, IRC, forums - and talk to
them. Tell them your skill level and ask how you can help (although
don't feel you have to accept their answer -- dive into the source and
fiddle with whatever takes your fancy).

You will need to learn about VCS if you haven't already. The two big
ones are git and svn but generally you'll want to learn the one that
your chosen project uses. In order to contribute to the project, you
need to be working on the latest version so get the code from the VCS
repository rather than downloading a tarball or from CPAN.

If they have a bug tracker (which they should) have a look through it
and try finding out if you can find and fix the bugs. Alternatively,
you can start by identifying bugs and filing them in the tracker -
this is valuable programming work, even if you're not writing code.

It helps if it's a project for a tool which you will use yourself
fairly regularly. I am pretty new to open source projects myself, but
I've started doing a tiny bit of work on Padre, the Perl IDE. Because
I use Padre to write Perl, when I see something that doesn't work, I'm
motivated to fix it.


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Re: free memory

2010-04-01 Thread Philip Potter
On 1 April 2010 16:13, Patrick Dupre wrote:

 I cannot subscribe to perl-xs so, I am still posting here.

I don't understand the problem.

Firstly, I just emailed and got a response
from the mailing list software.

Secondly, how come you were posting on perl-xs yesterday but can't
subscribe today?


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Re: good books for novice perl beginners

2010-03-25 Thread Philip Potter
On 24 March 2010 18:16, NAKO wrote:
 Hello All,

 Can you please recommend some good books for novice beginners? Thanks is a good start. The rest of the website is worth a look too, which is why it's
linked in the footers of this mailing list.


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Re: Getting garbage fast

2010-03-24 Thread Philip Potter
On 24 March 2010 00:56, Eric Veith1 wrote:
 Sam wrote on 03/23/2010 11:18:11 PM:
 Could you use a file of random data? You can create one of those really
 easy: dd if=/dev/urandom of=ranfile bs=

 Theoretically, yes, of course I could just try to create an arbitrary
 sized file from /dev/urandom via dd. I hoped there would be an equally
 both fast and elegant solution possible as with the C approach (malloc
 without init). Bob's idea of just reading and piping files from /bin or
 /usr/bin was also a good idea.

 Well, if there's no... more elegant solution, I'll happily go with what
 has been offered. (Note the  around more elegant!)

I would say both of the offered solutions are more elegant than using
uninitialised malloc()ed memory. You can't rely on malloc to offer you
known data, but you *also* can't rely on it to give you sufficiently
random data. The /bin option also has the advantage (or disadvantage,
depending on application) of being deterministic.

I note that a quick search on CPAN for urandom turns up
String::Urandom as a more Perlish way to access /dev/urandom. I'm not
sure how much it gains you: given that you still depend on
/dev/urandom being present, you might as well make it explicit.


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Re: quick question

2010-03-19 Thread Philip Potter
On 19 March 2010 11:45, wrote:
 On 19/03/10 13:19 +0200, Chris Knipe wrote:

 my ($foo, $bar) = 1

 I am getting more and more occurances where when I use the later as above,
 $bar would not have a defined value...  I'm not quite sure I understand

 my ($foo,$bar) = 1 x 2;
 do what you want?

Probably not:
$ perl

$ cat
my ($foo,$bar) = 1 x 2;
print $foo\n;
print $bar\n;

You've concatenated two strings containing '1' into a single scalar
'11' and assigned it to $foo.

You probably meant (1) x 2, and even that is not terribly readable or


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Re: Any Good SCM tool to manage Perl Code locally

2010-03-16 Thread Philip Potter
On 16 March 2010 06:44, Parag Kalra wrote:
 Yes  I have started using Git and I am very happy with it so far.

 Just couple of questions - How can I make my code readonly using Git such
 that it can be edited only when it is checked out.

I don't understand the question. If you have source files, they are
necessarily part of the working copy and therefore they are checked
out. In git your working copy and your copy of the repository do have
a cosy relationship and live very near each other; but they are still
different things. The source files are part of the working copy. The
repository is not stored as individual source files -- it is stored in
hidden directories called .git/ and contains the database of all

Since source files are always checked out, they could never be
readonly by your criteria.

 Also if I want to take entire code base to particular revision, I guess I
 need to use - 'git checkout commit_name'. So is commit name something like
 - '11666c32ad1008a88a603d7ebc5cea144495789e'

Yes that's right, but for convenience you can use a minimal unique
prefix rather than the whole checksum, so 11666c32 would probably work
in this instance. Normally however you would create a branch so you
can refer to it by name -- and catch further updates to that branch
pulled in from elsewhere -- rather than referring to a particular
commit. Then you just do 'git checkout branchname'.

I suggest further questions are taken to the git mailing list:
or to #git on


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Angle bracket operator with list

2010-03-12 Thread Philip Potter
I found this code example on Stack Overflow to prettyprint a hash:

use strict;
use warnings;

my %hash = (2009 = 9, 2010 = 10);

print join ( = , each %hash), \n while keys %hash;

My question is: what is the angle bracket operator doing? I know its
use as FILE, $file, and *.glob, but I've never seen it used like
this, and I can't see anything in perlop#I/O Operators which would
help. This code works on perl 5.8.8 so it's been a feature for some
time, so it would surprise me if it's not documented anywhere, but I
just can't find it.


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Re: Angle bracket operator with list

2010-03-12 Thread Philip Potter
On 12 March 2010 09:17, Uri Guttman wrote:
 PP == Philip Potter writes:

  PP I found this code example on Stack Overflow to prettyprint a hash:
  PP (link:
  PP )

 you shouldn't be learning perl from that site!

I respectfully disagree.

  PP my %hash = (2009 = 9, 2010 = 10);

 see what happens when you have 3 or more pairs in that hash!

  PP print join ( = , each %hash), \n while keys %hash;

 try doing a perl one liner with -MO=Deparse and see what perl parses
 that as.

Great idea, although I don't see the need to do it as a one liner:

 perl -MO=Deparse
use warnings;
use strict 'refs';
my(%hash) = (2009, 9, 2010, 10);
use File::Glob ();
print join(' = ', each %hash), \n while defined($_ = glob('keys %hash')); syntax OK

 perl -E 'say while keys %hash'

So keys %hash is being treated as a string, not an expression, the
keys function never gets called, and the loop executes twice, once
with $_ = 'keys' and once with $_ = '%hash'. Truly horrible!


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Re: Mass value assigment

2010-03-09 Thread Philip Potter
On 9 March 2010 11:49, Shlomi Fish wrote:
 Otherwise you can assign several variables the same initial value using the x

 my ($x, $y, $z) = ((test) x 3);

 Note that both pairs of parentheses on the right are required.

Are the outer pair really required? I would have thought that
assigning to a list puts the RHS in list context anyway without
requiring parenthesis to force it, and testing seems to confirm this.


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Re: Perl Hiding Username/Password

2010-02-11 Thread Philip Potter
On 10 February 2010 23:04, newbie01 perl wrote:

 Hi all,

 Can anyone please advise how I can change the following codes to work where
 the username and correct_pass are not exposed?
 Script is ran via crontab and can also be run manually, at the moment am
 reading these values from some sort of delimited file.

 The worry is someone getting access to the script and then putting in some
 print commands to expose the username and password information.
 Just thinking in advance before it happen. The original script is a UNIX
 script but I thought there may be a Perl module that will masked
 the password where there is none of the same thing for UNIX scripts.


 use DBI;


 $dbh = DBI-connect('dbi:Oracle:host=localhost;sid=test;port=1521',
 'username', 'correct_pass');
 my $sth = $dbh-prepare(alter session set nls_date_format = 'DD-MON-
 my $sth = $dbh-prepare(select 'Today is ' || sysdate from dual);
 while (my ($sysdate) = $sth-fetchrow_array()) {
    print $sysdate, \n;

 exit 0;

 Any feedback will be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance

What is your threat model? ie what kind of attacker are you trying to
protect yourself from?

You can prevent casual attacks by following some of the suggestions in
perldoc -q hide the source.

There is no way to do what you ask in such a way that a determined
attacker will not be able to get your password. If this is a problem,
you need to redesign your system.

If you want to make sure the only way a user can access the database
is through your perl script, you'll need to do something to enforce
that, such as storing the script on a different server and giving it a
web interface, and making the database invisible to everything but the
server the script is hosted on. [This might work but it's not
necessarily a good idea.]


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Re: Clone an object

2009-12-28 Thread Philip Potter
2009/12/28 Christoph Friedrich
 I have searched the internet but didn't found a good answer.
 How do I clone a Perl Object?

 For example like this:

 $a = My::Object-new();
 $b = $a-clone();

 Where $b is an exact copy of $a but in its own memory.

You call the function that the object provides for this purpose, if any.

The ability to clone an object is not special in Perl; it is treated
just like any other method. Perl doesn't provide a clone method for
you automatically; if you want one in your own objects, you have to
write it yourself. If you want to clone an object from a library
provided by someone else, you have to read its documentation and find
a clone object.

Not all functions provide a clone function; it may not be possible or
desirable to clone a given object. Consider for example an object
which owns a network socket: if you were able to clone the object, you
could create two different objects which own the same socket; this is
a Bad Thing.


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Re: Clone an object

2009-12-28 Thread Philip Potter
2009/12/28 Philip Potter
 If you want to clone an object from a library
 provided by someone else, you have to read its documentation and find
 a clone object.

This should be a clone method, of course.

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Re: regex question

2009-12-22 Thread Philip Potter
2009/12/22 Parag Kalra
 You can try following:

 $_ =~ s/^\.(\s)+//g;

This isn't quite right.

There are two ways in which you might use this substitution: either $_
will contain a single line, or it will contain multiple lines. The
single line case might look something like this:

while () {

In this case, however, the /g modifier is redundant and confusing,
since you only want the regex to match once at the start of each line.
Take the /g modifier off.

The multiple line case might look like this:

$_ = do {local $/; ;}; # but better to use File::Slurp

This code is broken. The problem is that ^ matches start-of-string,
not start-of-line. Therefore, even with the /g modifier the regex can
only match at the beginning of the string, and so will only match

To change ^ to match start-of-line, you need the /m modifier:


Perl Best Practices makes the interesting recommendation that all
regexes should use the /m modifier, because having ^$ match line
boundaries seems to be what most programmers expect and seems to be
useful much more often. If you still need to match start and end of
string you can use \A and \z.


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Re: Git Talk by Randal

2009-12-19 Thread Philip Potter
2009/12/19 Parag Kalra
 Hello All,

 I know most of the big guns on this mailing list may already know this but
 still felt like sharing this with you all specially for the beginers like
 me. :)

  A nice, very informative and well presented talk on Git given by our own
 old gold Randal :)

The one by Linus is also pretty good:

Linus's talk is more of a why, while Randal's is more of a how.


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Re: Git Talk by Randal

2009-12-19 Thread Philip Potter
2009/12/19 Erez Schatz
 One problem I have with Merlyn, is when he starts talking about
 something, you're willing to throw everything away and go where he
 points. He's such a passionate, compelling speaker.
 My other problem is that he's mostly right.

Who are you talking about? Is Merlyn some nickname I'm not aware of?

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Re: capture error - the better way?

2009-12-18 Thread Philip Potter
2009/12/18 Peter Scott
 On Wed, 16 Dec 2009 10:09:38 +, Philip Potter wrote:
 Yes, it can't fold the constant. That's no excuse for changing the
 behaviour of the program. What it should do is what I wrote in my
 previous email -- replace it with code that raises a runtime exception
 when executed -- ie a die Illegal division by zero.

 This is Perl.  The distinction between the compilation and run time phases
 is almost totally academic.  (For instance, use strict throws some
 exceptions at compile time and others at run time.)  Since there's no
 compiled executable produced, the only difference in behavior is that your
 program dies sooner than it would have.  Of course, conceivably it would
 not have died at all if the constant folding occurred in conditionally
 unexecuted code.

 So think of this as compile-time validation made possible by the use of
 constants: if your program *were* to execute that code, it would die.
 Better to know about that in advance than 49 hours into a 50 hour duty

I don't disagree with most of what you said. Yes, runtime and compile
time are not as clear as in a language like C. Yes, it's best to know
as soon as possible that a program has a potential problem. But my
issue is that here, no such problem exists, and yet perl is still
complaining about it.

Recall that the example here was a runtime error causing an exception
to be thrown _from within an eval {} block_. If the program were to
execute that code, it would not die, as you claim. It would instead
throw an exception which would be caught by the eval {} block,
recover, and continue. But by moving the runtime error to compile
time, and outside of the systems that you've set up to deal with the
error, perl is saying I think this code is broken when in fact it
isn't. perl has changed the behaviour of the problem.

I wouldn't mind if perl just issued a warning. Having a constant
expression 1/0 in code is probably a Bad Thing which the programmer
should be warned of. But since it's still valid code with a
predictable outcome, it should do what it's told, not try to second
guess what you wanted in some sort of DWIMery.

Thankfully, the people who wrote perl 5.10 seem to agree with me.


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Re: capture error - the better way?

2009-12-16 Thread Philip Potter
2009/12/16 Shlomi Fish
 On Tuesday 15 Dec 2009 17:14:25 Philip Potter wrote:
 If evaluating a constant expression results in a runtime exception,
 that runtime exception must happen at runtime, and not at compile
 time. In general, it is the duty of an optimizer never to change
 program behaviour, only performance.

 But this is a case where the compiler evaluates a constant expression and it
 results in an exception. So it cannot store it as a folded constant on the
 side for the run-time place. As a result, it throws a compile-time error.

Yes, it can't fold the constant. That's no excuse for changing the
behaviour of the program. What it should do is what I wrote in my
previous email -- replace it with code that raises a runtime exception
when executed -- ie a die Illegal division by zero.

 Therefore an optimizer which tries to fold a constant expression at
 compile time only to find a divide by zero exception should write code
 which raises a divide by zero exception at runtime. Raising a divide
 by zero exception at compile time is not what the original program
 did, and so it's not what the optimizer should do either.


Uhm, because it changes the behaviour of the program? I don't see what
else I can say. If the optimizer changes program behaviour then you
have no guarantee that what you wrote is what will happen.

 If this error had happened at
 runtime, the program would have caught it and functioned entirely
 correctly; but by moving the exception to compile time -- and out of
 the eval block which was supposed to catch any exceptions -- the
 program won't even compile.

 Well, Perl's optimizer is not that smart. It does not inline such functions
 because it doesn't know how many places they will get called. So you're spared
 in this case.

I don't think you understand my point. The point is: even if it could,
it shouldn't. Once you allow optimizers to change program behaviour,
you have no guarantee that what you write is what will happen. That is
why optimizers must *never* change program behaviour.

 If I am supposed to defend against such an overzealous optimizer, how
 would I write code that uses any block eval to catch exceptions? A
 sufficiently advanced optimizer could always use some method like that
 described above to precalculate the results of the eval, triggering an
 exception at compile time instead of runtime. Therefore block eval
 could never be guaranteed to catch runtime exceptions!

 Well, a program can always have user-input (from files, STDIN, @ARGV, etc.)
 which no compiler or optimiser can predict. Sometimes this input will trigger
 certain exceptions which cannot be folded.

Sometimes the optimizer will be unable to break my code? That is no reassurance.


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Re: parsing template

2009-12-16 Thread Philip Potter
2009/12/16 Avani
 Hi all,

 I am very new to perl. I have to parse template in perl.

 do anybody have any reference code to do it?

 currently I am using regular expression. Right now, i m only able to
 replace variables. HOw to do it for for loop and if conditions ?

You may have to give more details, because I'm not entirely sure what
you want. What does parse template mean? What is your input? What is
your output? Can you give real examples of what you would like your
program to do?

If you have a file with a regular structure which you would like to
parse according to some kind of template, take a look at
Template::Extract in CPAN.


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Re: being smart about script structure

2009-12-16 Thread Philip Potter
2009/12/16 Bryan R Harris
 What's the difference between pointers and references?  Where can I read
 about that difference?

The key difference in my mind is this: Perl references are defined in
terms of perl datatypes. C pointers are defined (more or less) in
terms of memory locations.

If you think about Perl references in terms of *what they do* and not
*how they work*, it becomes much clearer. There is nothing you can do
to a perl reference to get its memory address, so that doesn't fit
within the conceptual framework of Perl references. Perl references
are simply scalar values which provide an indirect form of access to
other perl objects (including scalars, hashes, OO types...). You can
create a reference from a named or anonymous variable, and you can
dereference that reference to get the original object. You can think
of them as labels or tags or handles; all of these ideas fit the
paradigm created by the interface of the reference.

C pointers, however, let you do so much more, most of it unsafe. They
let you add arbitrary integers to pointers; this may well end up with
an invalid pointer value. They let you subtract one pointer from
another to find out the distance in memory locations between object A
and object B. The interface suggests that a pointer is a memory
location value, much more than a label on a variable.

Note that this thinking in terms of what it does applies to other
datatypes. For example: the CGI module is a module which helps write
CGI scripts. It emits HTTP headers and lets you write HTML in a
Perl-like way. As a user of this module, you don't start with
implementation details such as The CGI module stores state about the
HTTP connection to determine which MIME types the client can read. To
parse this Content-Accept: header, it uses the following regexes...
Instead, you talk about what it does:
$q = CGI-new;# create new CGI object
print $q-header,# create the HTTP header
$q-start_html('hello world'), # start the HTML
$q-h1('hello world'), # level 1 header
$q-end_html;  # end the HTML

The same thinking applies to references: forget about what they are
under the hood. Think only in terms of what they do.

 If the data structures being referenced (?) by those references are created
 within the subroutine with my, are they still alive and accessible outside
 the subroutine?  Or do they go away after you return?

They're still alive. Perl objects are not harvested by the GC until
there are no more references to them. So this is perfectly safe:

sub anon_scalar { my $x; return \$x}

my $ref = anon_scalar;
$$ref = 3;


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Re: capture error - the better way?

2009-12-15 Thread Philip Potter
2009/12/15 Xiao Lan (小兰)
 On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 6:34 PM, Shlomi Fish wrote:
 You can use block eval {} instead of string eval :
 I did have tried that, but this will get a runtime error.

 # perl -e '
 eval { $x = 12/0 };
 if ($@) { print 0 div error }'

 Illegal division by zero at -e line 2.

[OT: Are you running this as root? You should avoid being root
whenever you can.]

That's odd. It works on my machine:

$ perl -le '
eval { $x = 12/0 };
if ($@) { print 0 div error }'
0 div error
$ perl -v

This is perl, v5.10.0 built for x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi

I can only guess that perl5.8.8 is not catching exceptions in
constants caused by evaluating compile time constants. String eval
delays evaluation to runtime which would stop this bug manifesting;
but this feature is exactly the reason why string eval is /bad/. Does
this work for you?

$ perl -le 'eval {
  die died;
if ($@) { print Caught exception; }'

I would expect this to print Caught exception and not died, which
indeed is what happens on my machine.


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Re: capture error - the better way?

2009-12-15 Thread Philip Potter
2009/12/15 Shlomi Fish
 On Tuesday 15 Dec 2009 14:25:28 Xiao Lan (小兰) wrote:
 On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 7:50 PM, Xiao Lan (小兰)
  I did have tried that, but this will get a runtime error.

 Sorry this is exactly a compile-time error.

 # cat

 eval { $x=12/0 };
 print 0 div error if $@;

 # perl -c
 Illegal division by zero at line 2.

 So, can't we capture it at runtime when meeting such error?

 No, you cannot capture compile-time errors at runtime. You'll need to make
 sure your code compiles before you run it. Note that you can capture such
 errors if you do perldoc -f require, perldoc -f do (for a filename), string
 eval , etc. at run-time, in which case perl 5 invokes its compiler to
 compile some code at run-time.

How can Illegal division by zero be a compile-time error? It seems
clear to me that it's a run-time error, which the optimizer has
(wrongly) decided to raise at compile-time.


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Re: capture error - the better way?

2009-12-15 Thread Philip Potter
2009/12/15 Shlomi Fish
 On Tuesday 15 Dec 2009 15:53:28 Philip Potter wrote:
 How can Illegal division by zero be a compile-time error? It seems
 clear to me that it's a run-time error, which the optimizer has
 (wrongly) decided to raise at compile-time.

 Well, the Perl compiler tends to collapse constants. So if it sees something

 ... ( CONSTANT_EXPR() / 0 ) ...

 it will try to find the value of CONSTANT_EXPR() / 0 so it can optimise it
 as a constant for the interpreter, and then get a fault there. It's a standard
 optimisation technique that also exists in other compilers such as gcc that
 are collapsing such constant expressions. So it does get evaluated at compile-
 time and as such should be avoided.

I'm well aware of constant folding, and yes it is a standard
technique. But your description of it is incorrect.

If evaluating a constant expression results in a runtime exception,
that runtime exception must happen at runtime, and not at compile
time. In general, it is the duty of an optimizer never to change
program behaviour, only performance.

Therefore an optimizer which tries to fold a constant expression at
compile time only to find a divide by zero exception should write code
which raises a divide by zero exception at runtime. Raising a divide
by zero exception at compile time is not what the original program
did, and so it's not what the optimizer should do either.

If an optimizer *were* allowed to move runtime errors to compile time,
it wouldn't just prevent use of 1/0. The following reasonable (if
unrealistic) example would not be guaranteed to compile:

# Check if a division will emit any sort of exception (divide by zero,
overflow, underflow, NaN, whatever)
sub check_division {
my ($n, $d) = @_;
eval { $n/$d};
return Invalid division if $@;
return Valid division;

# and elsewhere...


Why? Because if a sufficiently clever optimizer saw that somewhere in
your code you call check_division(1,0), it could decide to inline the
function there. And once it's done that, it can propagate the
constants 1 and 0 into the local versions of the variables $n and $d,
producing the constant expression 1/0 within the eval block. Now it
merrily decides to calculate this expression's value at compile time,
only to emit a compile-time error. If this error had happened at
runtime, the program would have caught it and functioned entirely
correctly; but by moving the exception to compile time -- and out of
the eval block which was supposed to catch any exceptions -- the
program won't even compile.

If I am supposed to defend against such an overzealous optimizer, how
would I write code that uses any block eval to catch exceptions? A
sufficiently advanced optimizer could always use some method like that
described above to precalculate the results of the eval, triggering an
exception at compile time instead of runtime. Therefore block eval
could never be guaranteed to catch runtime exceptions!


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Comparing aggregates for equality when order doesn't matter

2009-12-15 Thread Philip Potter
Hi all,

I have a method which returns two arrayrefs: one is an array of
hashes, and the other an array of arrays. I'm writing a test harness
for this method, so I put together some testcases and expected
results. I don't care what order the arrays are in; I only care that
the arrayrefs returned by the function contains exactly the same set
of values as the expected results.

Something like this:

# embeddings is an array of hashes, $anchors is an array of arrays
my ($embeddings, $anchors) = $embedder-embed($subgraph);
my $expected = {
embeddings = [
a = '1',
b = '2',
a = '1',
b = '3',
a = '2',
b = '3',
anchors = [

use Test::More tests = 2;
is_deeply($embeddings, $expected-{embeddings},
 embeddings match);
 anchors match);

...except that I don't care if the actual and expected array referents
are in a different order, only that they contain the same items.

My first thought is to sort the arrays according to some arbitrary
convention and use is_deeply() as above; but I'm stuck as to how to
write a sort ordering well. I'm thinking I should sort the array of
hashes by lexicographical ordering of hash values, with
lexicographical significance determined by sorted key order, and sort
the array of arrays by simple lexicographical order. I have something
like this:

use List::MoreUtils qw(pairwise);

# lexicographical comparison function for lists of hashes
sub lexhash {
my @seq_a = map {$a-{$_}} sort keys %$a;
my @seq_b = map {$b-{$_}} sort keys %$b;
for my $pair (pairwise {[$a,$b]} @seq_a, @seq_b) {
return $pair-[0] cmp $pair-[1] if $pair-[0] cmp $pair-[1];
return 0;

# lexicographical comparison function for lists of arrays
sub lexarray {
for my $pair (pairwise {[$a,$b]} @$a, @$b) {
return $pair-[0] cmp $pair-[1] if $pair-[0] cmp $pair-[1];
return 0;

is_deeply([sort lexhash @$embeddings], [sort lexhash
 embeddings match);
is_deeply([sort lexarray @$anchors],   [sort lexarray @{$expected-{anchors}}],
 anchors match);

This works and does what I want, but it feels hacky and I'm not
entirely happy about it. I have these questions:

1. Is there a set type which holds aggregate data and doesn't care
about order, which I could use to compare these results for equality?
2. If not, is my solution to the problem a reasonable design? If not,
what better way could I do it?
3. If it's a reasonable design, is there any way my implementation of
it could be improved? In particular, could it be made more readable?
I'm not convinced that I could work out what this code does next week,
let alone in six months time.


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Re: Comparing aggregates for equality when order doesn't matter

2009-12-15 Thread Philip Potter
2009/12/15 Shawn H Corey
 Philip Potter wrote:
 1. Is there a set type which holds aggregate data and doesn't care
 about order, which I could use to compare these results for equality?

 You can use a hash as a set or a bag.

Yeah I thought about this -- while I can see how it works with simple
scalars, I can't see how to make it work with references:

$ cat

use strict;
use warnings;

use Data::Dumper;

# Make Data::Dumper pretty
$Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
$Data::Dumper::Indent   = 1;

# Set maximum depth for Data::Dumper, zero means unlimited
$Data::Dumper::Maxdepth = 0;

my @a = ([1],[2],[3]);
my @b = ([1],[2],[3]);

my %set_a = map { $_ = 1 } @a;
print '%set_a : ', Dumper \%set_a;

my %set_b = map { $_ = 1 } @b;
print '%set_b : ', Dumper \%set_b;

use Test::More tests = 1;

is_deeply(\%set_a, \%set_b, 'Test that references as hash keys works');


$ perl
%set_a : $VAR1 = {
  'ARRAY(0x1b66c40)' = 1,
  'ARRAY(0x1b66df0)' = 1,
  'ARRAY(0x1d50550)' = 1
%set_b : $VAR1 = {
  'ARRAY(0x1ba7010)' = 1,
  'ARRAY(0x1d1b3a8)' = 1,
  'ARRAY(0x1d84698)' = 1
not ok 1 - Test that references as hash keys works
#   Failed test 'Test that references as hash keys works'
#   at line 26.
# Structures begin differing at:
#  $got-{ARRAY(0x1d1b3a8)} = Does not exist
# $expected-{ARRAY(0x1d1b3a8)} = '1'
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

Perhaps a way of collapsing references to unique strings would work? ie:

my %set_a = map { stringify($_) = 1 } @a;

where stringify() is a function which maps references to unique
strings identifying their referent?


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Re: being smart about script structure

2009-12-12 Thread Philip Potter
2009/12/11 Bryan R Harris
 Seems like a waste to do step 2 in a subroutine since we only do it once,
 but it does fill the main body of the script with code-noise that makes it
 harder to debug overall logic problems...  Not much logic here, but
 certainly in more complex scripts.

 A waste of what exactly? You don't have a limited budget of sub keywords.

 I guess I figured you had to build in structure (variables?) to be able to
 pass things back and forth from subroutines that normally you wouldn't have
 to set up.

 For example, if I'm populating a complex variable @d with lots of pointers,
 hashes, arrays, etc. within, if I populate that within a subroutine, how do
 I get it back out conveniently without it making a whole nother copy of it
 outside?  If it's 500 MB, isn't that horribly inefficient?  Plus, I have to
 keep track of it.

Perl doesn't have pointers; it has references. They are similar but
not the same. Anyway populate_x looks like this:

sub populate_x {
  return [
# Big complex data structure
# ...
# ...
# ...
# ...

There is no large scale copying; the [] construct creates a new array
and returns a reference to it. You just return a single scalar value
from the function to the calling context. Kind of like C

int *populate_x (void) {
int *foo = malloc(X_SIZE * sizeof *foo);
if (!foo) return NULL;
/* Do something to populate *foo */
return foo;

but in C this is dangerous and hairy because you're mucking around
with pointers and raw blocks of memory while in Perl you're dealing
just with builtin datatypes.

If you want to populate an array instead:

my @z = populate_z();

# ...and later...

sub populate_z {
  return ( # note parens, not square brackets
# Big complex data structure
# ...
# ...
# ...
# ...

then this will theoretically copy the entire list; but if the list
contains references it will only copy the references, and not the
things referred to. So it's still not a deep copy, but it's deeper
than the reference-based populate_x.

 Subroutines are not just about code reuse. Which is more readable:

 my $x = [
   # Big complex data structure
   # ...
   # ...
   # ...
   # ...


 my $x = populate_x();


 I guess my only struggle there is that any perl person can read the perl
 code.  At first glance, I have no clue what populate_x() does because you
 gave it a name that's not in the camel book.

You can't write any meaningful program with just builtins; sooner or
later you have to use a subroutine. And a reader won't know exactly
what a function does just by looking at a call to it; but the reader
*shouldn't have to*. If the subroutine is hiding information the
reader needs, perhaps it was a poor choice of code to put in a
subroutine. But consider this:

use CGI;
my $cgi = CGI-new();

I don't know exactly what this function call did. I know that it
create a CGI object and populated it with initial data. I don't know
what that object is -- it could be a blessed hash, and blessed array,
even a blessed scalar ref. I don't know what initial data I got. But I
*don't have to care*, because all I care about is that I have an
object which will let me do things like this:

print $cgi-header,
 $cgi-start_html('hello world'),
 $cgi-h1('hello world'),

And as long as these subroutines understand the low-level details of
what the $cgi object contains, I don't have to; because I'm dealing
only at the higher level, and the subroutines take care of all the
messy details for me. [At a deeper level, because I am isolated from
these details, the designer of CGI is free to totally change the
detailed implementation; and because he controls the only subroutines
which ever deal with a CGI object's implementation, he knows that
nobody's code will break.]

I know what these subroutines do through two means: the name and the
documentation. The name is very important; it needs to speak the
caller's language and be a short, clear summary of what the subroutine
does. The documentation is even more important: it is the subroutine
author's guarantee to you of what it does.

As a result, it might well be a mistake to write this:

my $x = populate_x();

for (@$x) {
# Big
# Complex
# Operation
# On
# $_

because in this case, you've hidden how $x was initialized, and then
you've gone and written code which the reader can't understand without
knowing the details of what $x contains. But if the reader sees this:

my $x = create_x();

for my $p (@$x) { # The fact that x is an arrayref is noted in
create_x's documentation
   # but we don't have to care about the exact structure of the contents
   # of the array; they might be further arrayrefs or hashrefs or simple
   # scalar values; but we know that we can call process_p on them:

then the reader doesn't know what $x contains exactly, but they *don't
have to*. We make 

Re: Windoze Woez

2009-12-12 Thread Philip Potter
2009/12/12 Parag Kalra
 Hello All,

 This works on Linux -
 perl -e 'foreach (Sugar,Sex,Simplicity,Sleep,Success,Smoking) { print I am
 only addicted to - 'Shekels' \n if ($_ =~ /^s.*/i) }'

 This works on Windoze -
 perl -e foreach (Sugar,Sex,Simplicity,Sleep,Success,Smoking) { print
'I am only addicted to - Shekels' if ($_ =~ /^s.*/i) }

 How can I have 1 code that will run both on Nix  Windoze.

The easy way: use cygwin!

The meta way: why do you care? It's a one-liner, and by its very
nature a one-off, throwaway program.

The cheating way: you can force the windows version to work under *NIX
like this:

p...@tui:~/tmp$ echo \$_
p...@tui:~/tmp$ perl -e foreach
(Sugar,Sex,Simplicity,Sleep,Success,Smoking) { print 'I am only
addicted to - Shekels' if ($_ =~ /^s.*/i) }
I am only addicted to - ShekelsI am only addicted to - ShekelsI am
only addicted to - ShekelsI am only addicted to - ShekelsI am only
addicted to - ShekelsI am only addicted to - Shekels

this is because in bash, $_ means The last argument of the previous
command executed. The echo \$_ command forces $_ to interpolate to
a literal $_, allowing the perl script to see it unmolested.

The real way:

Consider that you must use  to surround the program, because cmd.exe
won't understand ''. Now, the reason that the existing windows version
doesn't work under *NIX is that the shell is trying to interpolate $_
into the string as mentioned above, so we must try to prevent that. We
can do this by escaping the $:

p...@tui:~/tmp$ perl -e foreach
(Sugar,Sex,Simplicity,Sleep,Success,Smoking) { print 'I am only
addicted to - Shekels' if (\$_ =~ /^s.*/i) }
I am only addicted to - ShekelsI am only addicted to - ShekelsI am
only addicted to - ShekelsI am only addicted to - ShekelsI am only
addicted to - ShekelsI am only addicted to - Shekels

D:\perl -e foreach (Sugar,Sex,Simplicity,Sleep,Success,Smoking) { print 'I am
only addicted to - Shekels' if (\$_ =~ /^s.*/i) }
I am only addicted to - ShekelsI am only addicted to - ShekelsI am only addicted
 to - ShekelsI am only addicted to - ShekelsI am only addicted to - ShekelsI am
only addicted to - Shekels

In the end though, I fail to see the utility of writing one-liners
which execute on both linux and windows.


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Re: Windoze Woez

2009-12-12 Thread Philip Potter
2009/12/12 Parag Kalra
 How is it going to new line without a new line character - '\n'. If I am not
 wrong - 'q/ /' signifies quoted context thus - a replacement for double
 quotes but still you should need a new line character to go to next line.

q// is single quotes, qq// is double quotes.


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Re: Windoze Woez

2009-12-12 Thread Philip Potter
2009/12/12 Shawn H Corey
 Alan Haggai Alavi wrote:

 Windows requires you to use double quotes in place of single quotes. Saving 
 a file and executing it is the only way that is cross-platform, I suppose.

 Doesn't Windows respond to here redirects?

 perl EOD
 print Hello world\n;

D:\perl -e EOD
 was unexpected at this time.


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Re: assign operator

2009-12-11 Thread Philip Potter
2009/12/11 Steve Bertrand
 Rafa? Pocztarski wrote:
 There is no := operator in Perl 5. In Perl 6 := is a run-time binding 

 $x = 1;
 $y := $x;
 $y = 2;

 Now both $x ==2 and $y == 2
 In Perl 5 you use typeglob assignment to achieve the same thing:

 $x = 1;
 *y = \$x;
 $y = 2;

 Does this mean no strict 'refs' will no longer be needed in cases
 where the symbol table must be manipulated manually?

It isn't needed right now!

p...@tui:~/tmp$ cat
use strict;
use warnings;

our ($x, $y) = (0,1);

*y = \$x;

$y = 3;
print \$x = $x and \$y = $y\n;
p...@tui:~/tmp$ perl
$x = 3 and $y = 3

strict 'refs' only prevents messing around with symbolic references.
These are hard references.


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Re: being smart about script structure

2009-12-11 Thread Philip Potter
2009/12/11 Bryan R Harris
 I'm not even sure how to ask this question, but here goes:

 I struggle knowing how to structure my code, what things belong as their own
 subroutines and what things can stay in the main script.  How do the smart
 guys make these decisions?

 For example, let's say I need to:

 1.  Read a complex file
 2.  Populate a complex dataset
 3.  Accept user input
 4.  Based on user input, either modify or add to dataset, or quit
 5.  Update files on disk
 6.  Go to step #3

 Which steps should be their own subroutines vs. just writing them into the
 main part of the script?  And how did you make that decision?

If you like, put everything in its own subroutine, call the main one
main, and reduce the main part of your script to just this:


If you want a more OO-style script, you might have:

my $x = Myprogram-new();

 Seems like a waste to do step 2 in a subroutine since we only do it once,
 but it does fill the main body of the script with code-noise that makes it
 harder to debug overall logic problems...  Not much logic here, but
 certainly in more complex scripts.

A waste of what exactly? You don't have a limited budget of sub keywords.

Subroutines are not just about code reuse. Which is more readable:

my $x = [
  # Big complex data structure
  # ...
  # ...
  # ...
  # ...

my $y = [
  # Big complex data structure
  # ...
  # ...
  # ...
  # ...

for my $p ($x) {
  for my $q ($y) {
# complex
# multi-statement
# manipulation
# of
# $p
# and
# $q

Or this:

my $x = populate_x();
my $y = populate_y();
for my $p (@$x) {
   for my $q (@$y) {
  process_pq($p, $q);

Or even:
my $x = populate_x();
my $y = populate_y();
process_xy($x, $y); # xy_process now contains the for loops

The point is that in the first version, you are constantly bouncing
from the big-picture ideas to the low-level messy details. By
abstracting code out into subroutines populate_x(), populate_y() and
process_xy(), you have the main script which deals in big ideas, and
three subroutines which deal with messy details. A subroutine should
do one thing, and do it well.

 Any suggestions?  Where can I read more on this stuff?  What questions
 should I be asking that I'm not smart enough to ask?

The best that I can suggest is to read other people's code and ask
other people to read your code. Think of a specific example and come
up with a plan of how you would code it, and ask for criticism.


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Re: matching an element from one array to another

2009-12-10 Thread Philip Potter
2009/12/10 John W. Krahn
 Noah wrote:

 Hi there,


 I am hoping to figure out the best Way to write something.  I have two
 arrays @previous_hostnames and @hostnames.

 I want to figure out if there is at least one matching element in
 @previous_hostnames that is found in @hostnames.

 my $found = map { my $x = $_; grep $x eq $_, @previous_hostnames }

Slightly more efficient is List::Util::first

use List::Util qw(first);
my $found = first { my $x = $_; grep {$x eq $_} @previous_hostnames }

because this will stop as soon as the first element satisfying the
condition is found.


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Re: Problem with break

2009-12-10 Thread Philip Potter
2009/12/9 Anush
 Hi all, i have a problem with the break statement, in my program the
 break is not working, that is the control would not breaks from the
 loop. Please help me.

Can you give an example of your problem? What is your code? What did
it do? What did you expect it to do?

Perhaps break doesn't do what you think it does. Have you looked at
perldoc -f break?

Maybe last is what you meant instead? Type perldoc -f last to get
its description, or google perldoc last.


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Re: passing Hash to subroutine help please

2009-12-09 Thread Philip Potter
2009/12/9 John W. Krahn
 Jeff Pang wrote:


 sub exiting {
    my ($hostname, %login) = @_;

 Passing arguments like this has no such problem.
 But you'd better pass the hash as a reference to the subroutine.

 exitint($hostname, \%login);

 sub exiting {
    my $hostname = shift;
    my %login = %{+shift};

 What is the point of passing a reference if you are just going to copy the
 whole hash anyway (which is what the OP was doing)?

One possible reason is that if you later want to add a new, optional
parameter to the subroutine, you can do this without modifying the
existing interface (and therefore modifying all code which calls

sub exiting {
   my $hostname = shift;
   my %login = %{+shift};
   my $optional = shift // $default_value; # use || before 5.10 and be careful
   # ...

This isn't possible if you are passing the hash as a list:

sub exiting {
  my ($hostname, %login) = @_;
  my $optional = ??? # whoops, we've used all arguments already

I'd therefore argue that passing a hashref is more maintainable.


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Re: Email does not send attachment ...

2009-12-09 Thread Philip Potter
2009/12/9 Sneed, Sean P
 Try the paths like this C:\\my_file.log

Is there a reason that you suggested this? Perl under Windows, just
like C and C++ under Windows, accepts / as a directory separator just
fine. And if you stick to using / as your directory separator, porting
to unix-based systems becomes that much easier.

Perlmonks has a far more full discussion of the implications of using
/ or \\ as your directory separator under Windows:

and indeed there are some good reasons given for using \\ in
filenames under windows, such as when you are passing a filename to a
system() call. But there are also good reasons for avoiding \\, such
as consistency and portability. I doubt that MIME::Lite will be
affected by being passed a / delimited filename but I guess it's
worth a go. Without much more information to go on, though, it's hard
to diagose the original problem.


 -Original Message-
 From: Robert H []
 Sent: Tuesday, December 08, 2009 6:58 PM
 Subject: Re: Email does not send attachment ...

 On 12/8/09 3:56 PM, Tony Esposito wrote:

 I am using Perl 5.8 on WindowsXP and Windows Server 2003.  I can not get the 
 following attachment to arrive/attach even though I get the email with no 
 issues.  Any ideas?

    use MIME::Lite;
   use Net::SMTP;

   unless (-e 'C:/my_file.log'  -s 'C:/my_file.log' ) { print file
 not found\n; }

    my $msg = MIME::Lite-new (
      From =  '',
      To =  '',
      Subject =  'Testing error email',
      Type ='multipart/mixed'
    ) or die Error creating multipart container: $!\n;

   $msg-attach (
      Type =  'TEXT',
      Data =  'Error in the module that caused this email',
    ) or die Error adding the body text to email message: $!\n;

     $msg-attach (
       Type =  'TEXT',
       Path =  'C:/my_file.log',
       Filename =  'my_file.log',
       Disposition =  'attachment'
       ) or die Error adding file attachment: $!\n;

    MIME::Lite-send('smtp', '', Timeout=60);

 I see why you do that now. Sorry.


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Re: Can I design a website using Perl

2009-12-06 Thread Philip Potter
2009/12/6 Erez Schatz
 This being said, anything you can do in PHP is available in Perl, PHP
 being the less talented brother of Perl and all. For instance, for
 embedding code tags in your HTML page, look no further than some
 awsome and powerful Perl modules such as Template::Toolkit
 ( which gives you EXACTLY that. You might
 also want to look at Catalyst, ( which is a
 powerful, flexible and very excellent web-framework that gives you all
 of what you can pull off with PHP and then some.

I support the recommendation of TT [Template::Toolkit], but Catalyst
is massive overkill as a recommendation here. Given that the OP said

 I have very basic requirements. I want to use Perl mainly to fetch results
 from MySQL db inside HTML, just the same thing which we do inside the
 PHP tags ? ?

it is clear that Catalyst is far to big, bloated, and full-featured to
be an appropriate tool for the OP's goal. If all he wants to do is a
couple of DB lookups, he doesn't need a full blown MVC framework like

Question to the OP: Why have you decided to try things out in Perl? If
it is because you've heard something like Perl is better than PHP
then stop and try to find out *why* and *in what situations* is Perl
better than PHP. In the situation of a simple webpage with a simple DB
lookup halfway down, I think PHP is probably simpler and easier to use
than Perl. Perl becomes better than PHP in more complex situations,
with larger websites, more complex databases and so on. Situations in
which web development frameworks such as Catalyst become appropriate.

If you are doing this as a way to learn Perl, be aware that you have
not picked a situation in which Perl outshines PHP; and you may wonder
afterwards why people rave about Perl. The answer is that the best
language depends on the task you are trying to achieve.

If this is a pure learning exercise then I do recommend you learn
about MVC and read Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial -- it can show you a
totally different paradigm for web design than vanilla PHP offers.


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Re: Can I design a website using Perl

2009-12-06 Thread Philip Potter
2009/12/6 Parag Kalra
 Question to the OP: Why have you decided to try things out in Perl? If
 it is because you've heard something like Perl is better than PHP
 then stop and try to find out *why* and *in what situations* is Perl
 better than PHP. In the situation of a simple webpage with a simple DB
 lookup halfway down, I think PHP is probably simpler and easier to use
 than Perl. Perl becomes better than PHP in more complex situations,
 with larger websites, more complex databases and so on. Situations in
 which web development frameworks such as Catalyst become appropriate.

 I have picked Perl recently and have started enjoying it. So thought of
 using it instead of PHP just for educational purpose.

 But any-ways thanks to all for sharing and making me aware with all the
 available frameworks.

 Hey BTW what does OP stand for ? :). My name is Parag... :)

Original Poster -- in this case, you! :)


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Re: I want to know the reason

2009-12-05 Thread Philip Potter
2009/12/5 Parag Kalra
 But this code is not working:

 my @column_names=(A..ZZ);
 for(my $i=0; $i26; $i=$i+1) {
     my $tmp_file = $column_names[$i]..out;
     open $column_names[$i], column_names/$tmp_file or die Could not
 create the file - $tmp_file \n;
     print $column_names[$i] This is not working\n;

Put the indirect filehandle in curlies:
print {$column_names[$i]} This is not working\n;

A simple variable can be used raw as an indirect filehandle but more
complex expressions must be disambiguated with curlies.


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Re: Need to process a XML file through Perl.

2009-12-02 Thread Philip Potter
2009/12/2 Parag Kalra
 Currently I am planning to process the above requirement using simple Perl
 regex. But I feel it can be made simpler using any of the available modules.

 So I have following questions:
 1.       Which are the best available XML modules for Perl?
 2.       Out of the best available modules, which one would suite my
 requirement in the best way?
 3.       Any pointers to specific methods of the XML modules to suffice my
 needs would be helpful.

In general, regexes are to be avoided for context-free or more complex
languages, in which category XML, HTML and SGML fall.

perlbot on #perl on freenode gives this stock response: Don't parse
XML with regex! Use a real parser. Avoid XML::Simple (see the
xml::simple factoid). Choices are ::Easy, ::Smart, ::Twig for simple
stuff. LibXML for big stuff. See also XML::All.;

That's a good list of XML modules and a good page for much more
comprehensive information.

I would add, however, that it really depends what you intend to do.
Regexes are useful in a very limited set of conditions:
* If the XML is simple, regular, and predictable, and it has no danger
of getting more complex as time progresses
* If you only want to extract or modify one highly localised feature
from the file, and if what you want to access will not change or grow
more complex

And of course if these conditions are satisfied then the question Why
are you using XML? is raised. A valid answer might be The
information I need is in XML produced by someone else. In Hack #23 of
Spidering Hacks, David Landgren gives a case study where he had some
printers which reported their status (ink and paper remaining) in an
XML file served from a web server. It was such a small and
simply-structured amount of data, being generated by a machine which
was predictable and which wouldn't change the structure, that regexes
were the simplest way to extract the information from them.

However, there are many counterindications which show that regexes
will become more complex and harder to maintain than the equivalent
parser-based implementation. While regexes are (IMHO) acceptable for
extracting information from fixed- or restricted-structure, regular,
machine generated XML, they will be the Wrong Thing entirely if the
XML has arbitrary text in attributes tag attrib=/tag, arbitrary
tag nesting structure, or if the XML format is evolving or extensible,
or if you may want to retarget your parser at a different XML format
in the future. In general, if unsure, use a real parser.


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Re: CGI programming

2009-11-30 Thread Philip Potter
2009/11/30 Anant Gupta
 I am not allowed to write to /var/www/cgi-bin/

 I am not the root user of my machine
 Is their any way i can try out my perl cgi programs on this machine( Red Hat

Ask the root user of your machine. As an example of how these things
work, at my university I can put things on my website my putting files
in ~/public_html. Perl scripts may be used, but they will only be
executed if I give them a particular name. On other systems, perl
scripts will only be executed if they are put into a particular

The rules are arbitrary and were decided by my system administrators.
The only way you can find out is to ask the person who runs your
machine. If they run an IT support website, have a look on there.


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Re: Assignment Operator

2009-11-26 Thread Philip Potter
2009/11/26 Marco Pacini
 Hi All,

 I'm studying Perl since one week on Learning Perl written by L. Wall and in 
 the paragraph Assignment Operators i don't understand why this:

        ($temp = $global) += $constant;

 is equivalent of:

        $tmp = $global + $constant;

 Instead,  before i read it, i thought it was equivalent of:

        $temp = $global;
        $temp = $temp + $constant;

Let's relabel the first value of $temp as a new variable, $temp2:

my $temp2 = $global;
$temp = $temp2 + $constant;

Notice that $temp2 has just been given the value of $global, so this
second statement is the same as:

$temp = $global + $constant;

In other words, you're both right, because your version is equivalent
to $temp = $global + $constant.


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Re: Code issue with perl5.10

2009-11-25 Thread Philip Potter
2009/11/25 Steve Bertrand
 Steve Bertrand wrote:
 Hi all,

 I just upgraded from perl 5.8 to perl 5.10.1. Everything went well,
 except for a single module that I need.

 The offending code is this:

 $param, $value );

 As I understand it, $# has been deprecated in 5.10. Can someone please
 help me understand the above line of code? What does $# represent in
 this context?

 Well, I finally trudged through it. In order to make it work:

 my $elem = �...@{ $self-{__PB_TEMPLATE_LIST} };
 ${$self-{__PB_TEMPLATE_LIST}}[$elem]-param( $param, $value );

 Not the most elegant solution, but it works for now!

Wouldn't this work?
}]-param( $param, $value );

Originally you had $...@{$foo}} which doesn't make sense to me. If $foo
is an arrayref then to get the index of the last element of the array
referent you use $#{$foo}.


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Re: Regex to get last 3 digits of a number.

2009-11-24 Thread Philip Potter
2009/11/23 Alan Haggai Alavi
 my $number = '0111';
 my ($index) = ( $number =~ /\d+(\d{3})/ );

 $index would contain the last three digits: '111'.

\d+ should be \d* above, otherwise you fail to match on 3 digit numbers:

p...@tui:~/tmp$ perl -E '
my $number = q{111};
my ($index) = ( $number =~ /\d+(\d{3})/ );
say $index'



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Re: Documentation practices

2009-11-24 Thread Philip Potter
2009/11/24 Steve Bertrand
 I've noticed that the POD for several modules do not include method
 usage for the functions/methods that are designed as 'internal-only'.

 I've reached a stage where not having POD for ALL of my methods is
 becoming overwhelmingly cumbersome, as I have to read the code to
 remember usage.

 Is there a common practice for this? If POD doesn't display internal sub
 usage, where would one document it?

This documentation is clearly necessary, but not for the users of your
module. What you do is document it in such a way that the users never
see it, only the maintainers.

There are several ways to do it. The most common is just a series of #
comments. There are ways to do it in pod but without making it visible
to the users:

=for Rationale:
This function uses Smith's algorithm instead of Jones's. Jones's is
faster in the general case but Smith's performed better when
benchmarked with our test dataset.


This pod block will not be visible to the users, because it uses the
=for pod directive which means only for the named pod translator.
There is no translator called Rationale: and so no translator will
read it.

The =begin and =end pod directives can serve a similar purpose.


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Re: how to write a debug-print sub with one argument?

2009-11-23 Thread Philip Potter
2009/11/23 Mark_Galeck
 Hello,  I want to write a simple debug-print subroutine, which you
 could call like this:

 $foobar = foobar;
 dbgPrint foobar;

One problem with your interface is it breaks under use strict;. You
should always use strict and use warnings in any program not part of a
perl -e command line. Barewords and symbolic references are both ugly
and the source of hard-to-find bugs. Here is a rant about symbolic
references and why they are bad:

 and it would print the variable name and value.  I came up with the

I would recommend the Smart::Comments module from CPAN. It's used as follows:

p...@tui:~/tmp$ cat
use strict;
use warnings;

my $x = hello;

use Smart::Comments;

### $x
p...@tui:~/tmp$ perl

### $x: 'hello'

The line containing a comment beginning ### is treated as special.
Smart::Comments detects it contains a variable name and prints both
the name and its value. It works with lexical variables, too.

There are many advantages to Smart::Comments, one of which is that
when you want to disable debug printing from your program, you just
remove the use Smart::Comments; line and all smart comments become
normal comments again.

Unfortunately I can't tell you how to solve your original question;
but I hope this fixes the underlying issue.


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Re: 答复: the question of one program

2009-11-20 Thread Philip Potter
2009/11/20 gaochong
 Thanks .
 But the code is from ,and is crappy ,where I will go ?

CPAN has no quality control. There is no guarantee that anything you
get from CPAN will not be, as you say, crappy.

As a result, be selective with what you download from CPAN. Ask
questions, go by reputation, check that the module is maintained (if
it hasn't been updated since 2003, the owner clearly doesn't care
about it much any more), check the pod: good, comprehensive
documentation is an indicator that the underlying code is also good
(although some good code is badly documented, one rarely sees bad code
well documented).


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Re: redirecting to a file in perl

2009-11-13 Thread Philip Potter
2009/11/13 Dermot
 2009/11/13 Subhashini
 i did try it but didn't work..

 Did try what? Can you please show us what you've tried. Post the
 updated version. And can you please reply to the mailing list. There
 will be others how might find the answer to their problem by searching
 the archives and seeing your mail.


In case you don't know, you should click Reply All or Reply to all
rather than plain Reply. Make sure that is in the
Cc: or To: field. If you don't, we can't see your messages, only the
person you reply to (in this case Dermot) can see them. I have only
seen one message from you in this thread, so even if I wanted to and
were able to help I can't, because I don't know what you're asking or
having trouble with.


PS To the list in general: is there a reason the list doesn't just set
Reply-To: A few other mailing lists I'm on do this
and it means that you can't accidentally take something offlist
(something I myself did, to my shame, a few days ago).

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Re: Explicit return and anonymous hashes

2009-11-12 Thread Philip Potter
2009/11/11 Shawn H Corey
 Philip Potter wrote:
 my @aoh = pairwise { { %{$a}, %{$b} } } @aoh_a, @aoh_b;

 no warnings 'once';
 my @aoh = pairwise { +{ %{$a}, %{$b} } } @aoh_a, @aoh_b;

Thanks for your response. What are the grammar rules here? Why must I
use an explicit return or unary + operator? Why is it not being
interpreted as an anonymous array?


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Re: Explicit return and anonymous hashes

2009-11-12 Thread Philip Potter
2009/11/12 Peter Scott
 On Thu, 12 Nov 2009 09:55:39 +, Philip Potter wrote:
 2009/11/11 Shawn H Corey
 no warnings 'once';
 my @aoh = pairwise { +{ %{$a}, %{$b} } } @aoh_a, @aoh_b;

 Thanks for your response. What are the grammar rules here? Why must I
 use an explicit return or unary + operator? Why is it not being
 interpreted as an anonymous array?

 Because otherwise it's interpreted as a naked block.

My question runs deeper than this. What are the criteria? When are
curlies a bare block and when are they an anonymous hash? What are the
grammar rules? How could I have known a priori to put a return or
+ in?

The camel book page 247 says you may occasionally have to
disambiguate braces at the beginning of a statement by putting a + or
return in front but doesn't go on to explain *when* those occasions

This contrasts with the plans for Perl 6, where it's very easy to
define what's a block and what's a hashref:
C{...} is always a block.  However, if it is completely empty or
consists of a single list, the first element of which is either a hash
or a pair, it is executed immediately to compose a CHash object.

What is the equivalent rule for Perl 5? Is it If it can be
interpreted as a block, it is?


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hash keys and readable code

2009-11-11 Thread Philip Potter
Hi all,

I have a subroutine which uses a hashref to accept optional parameters:

sub do_test {
my ($testfilename, $flags) = @_;
## etc...

Here $flags is given an hashref containing optional arguments such as
{ thorough = 1, limit = 3, retries = 2}.

One (but not all) of the flags is, if present, passed on to a
downstream subroutine. So I've got code something like this:

sub do_test {
my ($testfilename, $flags) = @_;

my @results = exists $flags-{limit}
? readfsgs($testfilename, {limit = $flags-{limit} })
: readfsgs($testfilename, { } );

where readfsgs needs the 'limit' entry but not the others from $flags.
I was wondering if maybe its better to build the optional argument
hashref first to simplify the call:

sub do_test {
my ($testfilename, $flags) = @_;

my %readfsgs_flags;
$readfsgs_flags{limit} = $flags-{limit} if exists $flags-{limit};
my @results = readfsgs($testfilename, \%readfsgs_flags);

but the extra exists test seems a bit ugly and it won't scale up well
if I have a few flags to transfer to the child subroutine. The first
version will not scale up either.

To make it more scalable, I thought about doing it using hash slices:

sub do_test {
my ($testfilename, $flags) = @_;

my %readfsgs_flags;
my @flags_to_copy = qw(limit); # can scale up by adding more hash keys here
@readfsgs_fla...@flags_to_copy} = @{$flag...@flags_to_copy};
my @results = readfsgs($testfilename, \%readfsgs_flags);

but this has a bug: if $flags doesn't contain limit, %readfsgs_flags
will contain (limit = undef); ie $readfsgs_flags will exist but be
undefined. It shouldn't exist.

What way of doing this would be most maintainable and readable? What
is the Perlish way of doing things here?

Thanks in advance,


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Re: hash keys and readable code

2009-11-11 Thread Philip Potter
2009/11/11 Uri Guttman
 PP == Philip Potter writes:

  PP     my %readfsgs_flags;
  PP     my @flags_to_copy = qw(limit); # can scale up by adding more hash 
 keys here
  PP     @readfsgs_fla...@flags_to_copy} = @{$flag...@flags_to_copy};
  PP     my @results = readfsgs($testfilename, \%readfsgs_flags);
  PP }

  PP but this has a bug: if $flags doesn't contain limit, %readfsgs_flags
  PP will contain (limit = undef); ie $readfsgs_flags will exist but be
  PP undefined. It shouldn't exist.

 easy fix. just grep through all the keys you want and test for exists.

 my @flags_to_copy = grep { exists( $flags-{$_} } qw(limit);

 then the slice works as you have it and you only get flags you are
 interested in and also that exists coming in.

That fixes the major problem, thanks!

 you can also simplify the copy a little with a hash ref:

 my $readfsgs_flags = { map { $_ = $flags-{$_} } @flags_to_copy } ;

Is this really simpler than my version?
  PP @readfsgs_fla...@flags_to_copy} = @{$flag...@flags_to_copy};

It took me a while to parse the map call, and the extra curlies from
the anonymous hash get confused with the code block curlies. Is this
map call a common technique for constructing subhashes (analogous to

Also, is the hash ref necessary? Would this also work?
my %readfsgs_flags = map { $_ = $flags-{$_} } @flags_to_copy;

 and if you feel like really combining lines (not so great in this case):

 my $readfsgs_flags = { map { $_ = $flags-{$_} }
        grep { exists( $flags-{$_} } qw(limit) ;

 or another cleaner way would be to put the exists inside the map:

 my $readfsgs_flags = {
        map { ( exists( $flags-{$_} ) ? $_ = $flags-{$_} : () } qw(limit) ;

I see what you've done there. I think you're right that it's probably
best in two statements -- after all, it's going to be two lines
whether it's two statements or one.


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Explicit return and anonymous hashes

2009-11-11 Thread Philip Potter
I am playing with List::MoreUtils::pairwise and noticed some funny
behaviour. I'm trying to merge two lists of hashes into one list of

p...@tui:~/tmp$ cat
use strict;
use warnings;

use List::MoreUtils qw(pairwise);
use Data::Dumper;

my @aoh_a = ( { foo = 1, bar = 2 }, {foo = 3, bar = 4} );
my @aoh_b = ( { fred = 5, jim = 23}, {fred = 1089, jim = 1729} );

my @aoh = pairwise { return { %{$a}, %{$b} } } @aoh_a, @aoh_b;

print Dumper(\...@aoh);
p...@tui:~/tmp$ perl
Name main::b used only once: possible typo at line 10.
Name main::a used only once: possible typo at line 10.
$VAR1 = [
'bar' = 2,
'jim' = 23,
'foo' = 1,
'fred' = 5
'bar' = 4,
'jim' = 1729,
'foo' = 3,
'fred' = 1089

This works fine. But I noticed that if I remove the explicit return
in the pairwise block, I get different results:

p...@tui:~/tmp$ cat
use strict;
use warnings;

use List::MoreUtils qw(pairwise);
use Data::Dumper;

my @aoh_a = ( { foo = 1, bar = 2 }, {foo = 3, bar = 4} );
my @aoh_b = ( { fred = 5, jim = 23}, {fred = 1089, jim = 1729} );

my @aoh = pairwise { { %{$a}, %{$b} } } @aoh_a, @aoh_b;

print Dumper(\...@aoh);
p...@tui:~/tmp$ perl
Name main::b used only once: possible typo at line 10.
Name main::a used only once: possible typo at line 10.
$VAR1 = [

Is this because the curlies are being interpreted as a block rather
than an anonymous hash constructor? If so, when are they anonymous
hash constructors and when are they blocks? How might I avoid this
issue in future? And secondary question: how can I avoid the warnings
about $main::a and $main::b?


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Re: the classic which is the fastest way to sort question

2009-11-09 Thread Philip Potter
2009/11/9 Michael Alipio

 i'm planning to sort an input file (which was File::Slurp'ed, most likely 
 megabyte-sized file) in various ways. I did some readings and learned several 
 that people have come up with in recent years. So to summarize, the default 
 sort is fast (uses quick sort),

If default sort is quicksort, I can't find the docs that say so. They
seem to imply (but don't state explicitly) that default sort is
whatever was measured to be fastest on that platform, be it quicksort
or mergesort. See perldoc -f sort (function) and perldoc sort

explicit (using sub) is a bit slower,

What does this mean? You can write anything, including any sorting
algorithm, in a sub.

 other method
 that uses caching is faster. Then there's Schwartzian Transform and a packed 
 version by Guttman.

ST is not a sorting algorithm. It's a technique to improve the
efficiency of another sorting algorithm by reducing the cost of the
comparison function.

 Seems like everything is clear. Guttman is the fastest,
 until I went to cpan. Found Sort::Key, which claims to be the fastest, even 
 faster that ST, GRT. Now, before someone says, why not try each one and
 see for yourself (which doing such could be another subject for me to learn), 
 my question is this: if such faster sorting algorithms exist, why don't they 
 just replace the default sort function in Perl?

The default sort function is based on the classical sorting paradigm
of having a comparison function and trying to do as few comparisons as
possible. Any replacement for it must be a drop-in replacement in
order to not break existing code. In fact as perldoc -f sort shows,
there have been changes to the default sort over the years: perl 5.6
sort is quicksort, perl 5.7 sort is mergesort, and perl 5.8 and later
has a sort which doesn't seem specified but which can be controlled by
the 'use sort' pragma. The perl team are perfectly capable of
improving efficiency and functionality if they see a need to.

ST works on comparison-based sorting algorithms to make the comparison
function cheaper by precaching as much of the work as possible.
Whether this is more efficient or not depends on how expensive the
comparison is and how much work can be extracted into an ST. If you
need an ST, it's not because perl's sort() is inefficient; it is
because the comparison function you gave it is inefficient. There is
no improvement that the perl authors can ever make to sort() which
will make an ST unnecessary.

Sort::Key has a different interface: instead of a comparison function,
you give it a key-generating function. As a result, it is able to do
the precaching work itself, so no ST would be necessary. This means,
however, that it is not a drop-in replacement for sort(); to use
Sort::Key you have to rewrite code. Perl will always need a sort()
function to maintain backward compatibility and because every sort can
be expressed in terms of comparison functions.

As for whether or why Sort::Key is faster, I can't say because its
perldoc doesn't seem to give away its algorithm. One possible
algorithm it uses is radix sort, which is O(n) provided the calculated
keys are of bounded size -- which works for natural integers, but
fails for bignums.

 And for the classical question, given my situation (in combination with 
 File::Slurp), which is fastest sort method? (I hope somebody includes this in 
 perlfaq in the future).

I'm sorry to say, but this really will depend on your system. I don't
know how Sort::Key works, but regarding all the other sorts, you'd
have to measure it depending on your data and your system.

Do you need the fastest possible sort?


PS your email client has a very long line length, causing my quoting
above to go somewhat haywire. I'd recommend setting it to something
like 74.

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Re: the classic which is the fastest way to sort question

2009-11-09 Thread Philip Potter
2009/11/9 Michael Alipio

  Do you need the fastest possible sort?

 I'm not even sure if I really need to worry about all these
 sorting techniques. My program just reads a text file
 (wordlist). It might be megabyte-sized or probably few
 gigabytes (i might also add size checking on this to be
 safe with File::Slurp). Then I will give the user an option
 of sorting it in various ways, like length, alphabetical,
 numerical, frequency of letters, etc.

 I see, so it all boils down to how expensive the
 comparison you're going to implement to fully benefit
 from these techniques.

Having a cheap comparison is important, but it's just one part of a
very large story. Donald Knuth, one of the masters of computer
science, wrote an entire textbook on searching and sorting:

This is a huge subject and we've barely scratched the surface. There
is no it all boils down to.

 Now comes another question
 for me to find the answer to, how expensive the
 comparisons in my sorting function would be... I
 guess there's no other way for me to find this out
 than to try it out  myself.

Actually, there is a certain amount of reasoning possible with respect
to comparison functions: for example, a Schwartzian Transform will be
a win if the key calculation is more expensive than the comparison of

 What's worse is that
 there's also a depends on the system factor to
 consider as well. Sometimes I wish perl's motto
 is there's only one best way to do it so everyone
 would just agree on one way of doing something,
 so everyone would have the same beautiful
 and efficient code.

There is no programming language which will automatically optimise the
best possible sort for you. Not Perl, not Python, not Java, not C++.
If you want the best, you will have to learn the theory. A compsci
course or a thorough read of Knuth will go far.

 For now, I will probably just stick
 to using the built-in sort (just for sorting length,
 numbers, and letters), until I have gained enough
 knowledge about why it's necessary to use the
 other techniques, or how to do the benchmark

Oh, it's not too hard to do benchmarking, use cmpthese from Benchmark:


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Re: print flips to scientific notation when integer exceeds 15 decimal digits

2009-11-04 Thread Philip Potter
2009/11/4 David Lee
 Many thanks for the reply.

 Following the initial surprise, my main concern was that attempts to unearth
 a description or explanation (i.e. documentation) for the observed behaviour
 was so tricky.  For instance, there was nothing obvious in the relevant
 parts of Programming Perl.

I have a feeling this is somewhat deliberate. Scalars just do the
Right Thing, mostly. You don't have to care about whether it's
actually stored as an integer or a float *most of the time*. You only
have to start caring when you need numbers with extreme values --
particularly anything = 2^31. Therefore perl documentation doesn't
spend much time telling you about it.

If you know or suspect that your number needs are somewhat more
specialist, as they are here, then you shouldn't be using normal
scalars but a specific type suitable for your needs. If you are
unsure, it's better to just use such a datatype rather than check what
the exact limits are in the documentation.

I wouldn't mind a specific discussion of the issues somewhere in
perldoc, but I wouldn't want it polluting perldoc perldata. But one
problem with this is that it will always relate to system specific
issues. For example, here's exactly the same perl program run on two
different machines I have access to:

H:\perl -e use integer; my $i = 997; print $i, q[ ], $i+4,qq[\n];

997 3

p...@tui:~$ perl -e 'use integer; my $i = 997; print $i, q[
], $i+4,qq[\n];'
997 1001

If you start writing code which depends on 64-bit native integers,
like the above code does, you'll write non-portable Perl code. Better
is to use bignums (or bigfloats) whenever you're in any doubt.

 So I'm happy to categorise it as self bug, although I'd like to include an
 element of documentation weakness in there and I'd be happy to assist
 someone in trying to improve the latter.

 Anyway, your explanation was useful and gives us sufficient to decide how to
 address our local use of these numbers.  (In our case, they are
 human-oriented accumulated byte-counts, for which we don't actually need
 that significance/precision.)

Really? If it's an accumulator, you can get into trouble:

p...@tui:~$ perl -e 'my $i = 1e16; for (1..10) { printf %.17g\n,++$i;  }'

remember even if you don't care about printing the right value, you
have to ask if you need to store the right value. Better hope you're
always adding large powers of two to that accumulator. And it's so
easy to use a datatype which does the Right Thing, why not use it?


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Re: Is Larry Wall member of this mailing list

2009-11-04 Thread Philip Potter
2009/11/4 Parag Kalra
 Are you this Larry Wall -

Yes I am and so's my wife.

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Re: How do I pick one random element from an array?

2009-11-03 Thread Philip Potter
2009/11/3 John W. Krahn
 Majian wrote:
 my @array = ('uriel', 'daniel', 'joel', 'samuel');

 Now what I want is create a process so every time I print the array it
 prints  one element from the array .

 I wrote it like this :

 #!/usr/bin/perl -w

 use strict;

 use List::Util 'shuffle';

 my @array = ('uriel', 'daniel', 'joel', 'samuel');
 print Array before random: @array\n\n;

 print Array of random: $array[rand @array]\n;

 @array = shuffle @array;

 print Array of random: @array\n\n;

That doesn't pick one random element from the array. That shuffles the
whole array.

I feel it's probably worth saying here that shuffling an array is an
easy thing to get wrong -- ie if you try to roll your own subroutine
its easy to accidentally make some permutations more likely than
others. One example of how it can look right but not be right:

sub badshuffle {
my @array = @_
for my $i (0..$#array) {
# For each element, randomly swap it with another element
my $rand = rand @array;
($array[$i], $array[$rand]) = ($array[$rand], $array[$i]);
This routine is not balanced. Some outcomes are more common than
others, though I leave proof as an exercise to the reader.

If you are interested in learning about doing shuffling yourself from
an academic point of view, see:
and pay particular attention to:

But if you just want to get it done or are writing production code,
use List::Util::shuffle as John W Krahn says above. Don't roll your
own in production code.


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Re: Increment Operator (++) question in Perl

2009-11-03 Thread Philip Potter
2009/11/3 Majian
 Hi ,all:

  When I test the increment operator in Perl and  find   a question :

 The question is :
 use warnings;

 my $i = 1;
 print  ++$i  + ++$i, \n;

 The above code prints  out  the answer 6 .
 But in the other language  the anser is 5 ,

 So  I don't understand the reason why it is

 Would someone give me some  options ?

From perldoc perlop:

Note that just as in C, Perl doesn't define when the variable is
incremented or decremented. You just know it will be done sometime
before or after the value is returned. This also means that modifying
a variable twice in the same statement will lead to undefined
behaviour. Avoid statements like:

   1. $i = $i ++;
   2. print ++ $i + $i ++;

Perl will not guarantee what the result of the above statements is.

The problem is that you are trying to modify the same variable twice
in the same statement. The solution is: don't do that then!

Write it separately, to explicitly state what you mean:

my $i = 1;
print $i + $i, \n; # prints 6

or alternatively

my $i = 1;
my $j = ++$i;
print ++$i + $j, \n; # prints 5


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Re: print flips to scientific notation when integer exceeds 15 decimal digits

2009-11-03 Thread Philip Potter
2009/11/3 David Lee
 Although I've used perl for many years, I've just been surprised (in the
 unpleasant sense) by a recent event.  Given a variable, say $int, which is
 a growing integer, I would expect print $int to print it as a simple
 integer; indeed it usually does so.  But when its size takes it from 15
 decimal digits to 16 decimal digits, that print flips the output into
 scientific notation:

 Ouch.  The surprise is especially nasty when this output data is then used
 as input data for another program that expects an integer.

 This is consistent across a variety of OSes (although all perl 5.8.8).

 I eventually managed to track down a way to achieve the desired result with
 a non-obvious printf format.  (I leave that, and its clear user-oriented
 explanation, as an exercise for the reader!)

 I'm not aware of any documentation about this surprise. Is this a program
 bug or a documentation bug?  (Or a self bug?)

I would guess that these numbers are being stored in floats, and that
these floats are 64-bit double precision, with 53 bits of mantissa.
That means that there are just under 16 decimal digits of precision in
these numbers. print and friends seem to automatically print no more
than 15 digits of precision:

H:\perl -e my $i = 997; print $i, ' ',$i+4,qq[\n];
997 1e+015

The first number is 15 digits long so it is printed normally. The
second is 16 digits long, so the first 15 digits are printed in
scientific notation.

You probably want to use bignums instead. If you are dealing with
large integers, where precision down to the units place is important,
you definitely want bignums and not floats.

H:\perl -e use bignum; my $i = 997; print $i, ' ',$i+4,qq[\n];
997 1001

the bignum pragma makes $i into a Math::BigInt object rather than a
floating-point value.

Your solution (a non-obvious printf format) is a bad one because while
it solves the problem of output, it doesn't solve the problem of
representation. As soon as you try to store an integer bigger than
2^53 (approximately 9e15) you will lose significance:

Here $i is a 15-digit number:
H:\perl -e my $i = 997; printf qq[%.16g %.16g\n],$i, $i+4;
997 1001

So we've successfully printed 16 digits here, but when we try to go
further and make $i a 16-digit number the maths starts to fail:

H:\perl -e my $i = 9992; printf qq[%.16g %.16g\n],$i, $i+5;
9992 9996

2 + 5 = 6 according to this computer, because we've gone beyond the
exactly representable range of the 64-bit floats on this machine.

In answer to your question, the behaviour of print is probably the
correct behaviour, since there's no point printing more precision than
you store. So it's a self bug.


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Re: foreach loop

2009-11-02 Thread Philip Potter
2009/11/2 Thomas Bätzler
 while( my $line = $file ){

Won't this loop terminate early if there is a blank line or a line
containing only '0'? If I do a readline loop I always do:
while (defined ($line = $file))

Is there something magical happening here I don't know about? I know
about the magical:

while ($file)

which is equivalent to:

while (defined($_ = $file))

but I don't know of any magic in the while loop at the top.


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Re: Emulating Sort through Perl

2009-10-30 Thread Philip Potter
2009/10/30 Jim Gibson
 Approach 1. is called a stable sort. As you can see, Perl's sort gives you
 a stable sort, as the last two lines are in the order they appear in the
 original file. The Unix sort is not stable, so the lines with equal keys get
 reversed in the output. Whether or not you consider this a bug depends
 upon your application. You can generate a stable sort with the -s option to
 Unix sort (may depend upon your version).

Note also that unix sort(1) provides this behaviour through the -s
switch. So you have already emulated sort -s through perl!


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Re: compact my wordlist generator

2009-10-26 Thread Philip Potter
2009/10/26 Michael Alipio
 Then as suggested (see far below), a recursive function will do what I want.. 
 After some googling I found this:


 sub permutate($$){

  my ($cur,$max) = @_;

  if ($cur=$max){
     print $result\n;


 Can anyone tell me how the code above works?

Yes, not very well:
Undefined subroutine main::perm called at line 14.

ie you defined 'sub permutate' but you called 'perm()'. Please,
please, post *working* code if you want us to help you. I know what's
wrong and I can fix it myself, but you do yourself no favours by
making those who would help you work harder.

 My original program must deal with arbitrary length and generate all the 
 possible combinations (even repeating) of a particular set. What could take 
 me gazillions of for loops for that, somebody just came up with less than ten 
 I can just copy and paste the code I found above but I want to learn how it 
 works. How could someone write this code so easily but when I tried even 
 writing just a pseudocode for it, my head almost exploded.

 I want to be a good programmer, but at this rate, I don't think I can be one 
 if I will just keep copying and pasting someone else's code or downloading 
 modules from CPAN.

 Can anyone teach me how my own code (the one with gazillion for loops), can 
 be converted into a pseudocode then eventually into a working sub procedure?

The code you found will teach you bad habits. Among other things:

* it uses the package variable $result to communicate between
recursive calls, rather than (in my version posted to the list a few
days ago) in an extra argument. This is a Bad Thing.
* it uses prototypes. Don't use prototypes; long story ; short story: prototypes are not like C
prototypes. They don't give you type safety. They don't force you to
use a scalar where it expects a scalar argument - you can still
provide an array or hash. And when you do, it will give you confusing,
hard-to-track-down bugs.

I would recommend you look instead at the code I posted to the list,
and I'll be happy to explain it to you.

As for how to think in recursion, I find the best way to think is this way:

* How would I do it for a trivial case?
* Given I can do it for a case of size N-1, how would I do it for a
case of size N?
* How do I express this in perl?

As an example, the factorial function, the three steps become:

* How do I calculate 0!?
  Answer: it is 1 by definition.
* Given that I can calculate (N-1)!, how do I calculate N!  ?
  Answer: I can calculate it thus: N * (N-1)!
* How do I express this in perl?

sub fact {
   my ($n) = @_;
   die Can't calculate factorial of a negative or fractional number if $n0;
   if ($n == 0) { # Base case
  return 1;
   # Solve fact($n) given we can already do fact($n-1)
   return $n * fact ($n-1);

If you know your maths, this process is very similar to proof by induction.


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Re: compact my wordlist generator

2009-10-25 Thread Philip Potter
2009/10/25 Michael Alipio
  I'm trying to write a word list generator which can
  generate all possible combinations of n characters, within n
  set of characters.

Have you looked into the magical autoincrement operator?

   1. print ++($foo = '99'); # prints '100'
   2. print ++($foo = 'a0'); # prints 'a1'
   3. print ++($foo = 'Az'); # prints 'Ba'
   4. print ++($foo = 'zz'); # prints 'aaa'

my $x;
my $len = 4;

for ($x = 'a' x $len; $x ne 'a' x ($len+1); $x++) {
 print $x\n;

Or you could specify it as a range:

my $len=4;

for ('a'x$len..'z'x$len) {
print $_\n;

These won't help with arbitrary character sets, unfortunately.

Gabor wrote:
 nd the loops could be replaced by a recursive function
 call. Something
 like this:


 sub do_something_for_char {
   my ($k) = @_;
   return if $k = $n;

I would write it differently:

sub print_all_strings_of_length {
my ($len, $prefix) = @_;
$prefix = defined($prefix) ? $prefix : q{}; # or $prefix //= q{};
under recent perls
$len  0 and die qq{print_all_strings_of_length($len) can't be done};
if ($len == 0) {
print $prefix\n;
for ('a'..'z') { # or for (@set) for an arbitrary set of characters
print_all_strings_of_length($len-1, $prefix.$_);


For me, the idea of recursion is expressing an idea in terms of a
slightly simpler idea. Here, I express how to print all strings of
length N in terms of an operation which will print all strings of
length N-1 prefixed with $prefix. So I use that operation to print all
strings starting with 'a' followed by N-1 characters, then all strings
starting 'b' followed by N-1 characters, and so on.


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Re: newbie question : about the perl sprintf

2009-10-25 Thread Philip Potter
2009/10/25 Majian
 I found these :
 perl -e'print 01.234 + 01.234', \n'

print (01).(234+01).234, \n;

this evaluates to '1'.'235'.'234'

 perl -e'print 01.234 + 011.234' \n'

I didn't get 1235234, I got 1243234.
print (01).(234+011).(234),\n
evaluates to
print '1'.(234+9).'234',\n;
evaluates to
print '1'.'243'.'234',\n;

 perl -e'print 01.234.12 + 01.234', \n'

I'll let you work this one out as an exercise. The key point is that
you can't have decimal octal numbers, so the . operator is interpreted
as the string concatenation operator.


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Re: Convert Site Name to Dotted IP Address

2009-10-22 Thread Philip Potter
2009/10/22 Anant Gupta
 I wrote

 use Socket;
 use constant ADDR = '';
 my $name=shift || ADDR;
 print DOtted Address is $packed;

 but it is showing an error
 Bad argument length for Socket length in inet_ntoa ???

When I run your code, I don't get any such error. Are you sure that
this is the code that produced the error?


did you mean
  $dotted = inet_ntoa($packed);
(you used a - minus sign instead of a = assignment operator)

 print DOtted Address is $packed;

did you mean
  print Dotted Address is $dotted\n;
you were printing the wrong variable.

With these changes, I get a dotted ip address which matches the output
of host


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Re: Convert Site Name to Dotted IP Address

2009-10-22 Thread Philip Potter
2009/10/22 Anant Gupta
 It is the same

 The '-' minus sign was my mistake.

 I am using this on Red Hat Linux, but I am not the root user.
 Will not being the root user make any difference?

No, it won't make any difference.

This is probably quite frustrating for you, but I'm not sure what I
can do if the code works on my machine. I suggest you try the

* use warnings and use strict
* make the code simpler and simpler while still exhibiting the error
* post the *simplest* *complete* program which demonstrates your problem
* also post, verbatim, your command-line session demonstrating you
running the program on your system.

For example, here is a command-line session from my machine, where I
first show a complete program (using 'cat') and then run the
program, listing all errors.

p...@teach:~/tmp$ cat
use strict;
use warnings;

$foo = 34;
print $foo\n;
p...@teach:~/tmp$ perl
Global symbol $foo requires explicit package name at line 4.
Global symbol $foo requires explicit package name at line 5.
Execution of aborted due to compilation errors.

Doing it this way means we know:
* EXACTLY what you are running, because you have shown us a complete
program and not a snippet from the middle
--- Note that if you post a snippet rather than a complete program,
you run the risk that the error is not contained within the snippet.
* What perl itself thinks of your program, because you have used
strict and warnings
* The EXACT wording of the error message on your system
* What your program does on our systems, because we can copy and paste
it onto our own machine

If you do this, we will have a much better chance of helping you.
Unfortunately, there are still no guarantees :(



 On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 4:33 PM, Philip Potter

 2009/10/22 Anant Gupta
  I wrote
  use Socket;
  use constant ADDR = '';
  my $name=shift || ADDR;
  print DOtted Address is $packed;
  but it is showing an error
  Bad argument length for Socket length in inet_ntoa ???

 When I run your code, I don't get any such error. Are you sure that
 this is the code that produced the error?


 did you mean
  $dotted = inet_ntoa($packed);
 (you used a - minus sign instead of a = assignment operator)

  print DOtted Address is $packed;

 did you mean
  print Dotted Address is $dotted\n;
 you were printing the wrong variable.

 With these changes, I get a dotted ip address which matches the output
 of host


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