sqlplus output directly to a hash?

2002-06-06 Thread Jeff

Hi all,

Is it possible to read the output of SQLPLUS (Oracle) directly into a hash array?  I
don't have DBI installed so this is not an option.  Currently, I am dumping the data
to a spool file, then reading the file into the hash.  I'd like to skip the file I/O
step if possible.

#--- beginning of script

#!/usr/bin/perl -w 
use strict;
my $f1 = "";
my $f2 = "";
my $oraId = "mylogid";
my $oraPw = "mypasswd";
my $spoolFile = "$0.tmp";
my $queryFile = "myscript.sql";
my $sql = "select fieldA, fieldB from mytable;\n";

open  QUERY, ">$queryFile" or die "Cannot create SQL script: $!\n";
print QUERY $sql;
close QUERY;

open  ORA, "| sqlplus -s $oraId/$oraPw \@myscript > $spoolFile" or die "Cannot pipe
to sqlplus: $!\n";
close ORA;

open SPOOL, "<$spoolFile" or die "Cannot open spool file: $!\n";

while (chomp(my $line = ) ) {
   last if (eof(SPOOL));
   $f1 = $f2 = "";
   next if ((!defined $line) || $line eq "" );
   ($f1, $f2) = split /\s*/, $line;
   # I expect $f1 to be any single alpha character, $f2 a number
   next unless ($f1 =~ /^[A-Z]$/ && $f2 =~ /\d/);
   $myarray{"$f1"} = $f2;
close SPOOL;
#--- end of script

Thanks in advance, 


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What am I doing wrong?

2002-06-06 Thread Octavian Rasnita

Hi all,

I've made a script that loads a file and announce me by mail about this.
The problem is with the mailing.

I've tried to make the script to work with an SMTP server if the script is
ran under Windows and with sendmail
also if it runs under Unix.

The important code with problem is:

if ($^O =~ /MSWin/i) {
print "The OS is: $^O";
#This line is not printed because the OS is Linux but the following line has
use Net::SMTP;

The problem is that the script runs under Linux and there is no Net::SMTP
module installed. The server is not mine, so ...

I thought this prevent giving me an error because I've tested not to be

Even though the OS is Linux, it complains that there is no Net::SMTP module
installed and the script breaks.

If I comment that part (what is under if(..) { and } the script works fine

How can I avoid Linux complaining that there is no Net::SMTP module
installed even though I've tested not  to be necessary?

Thank you very much.
I hope it is possible.


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What database would your recommend?

2002-06-06 Thread Octavian Rasnita

Hi all,

I want to start learning a database that works with Perl but I would like to
learn a database that works under Windows and Unix also.

Is there such a thing?
Of course, I would like to  learn something as simple as possible because I
am a beginner in Perl.

Thank you.


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How to send an email without Net::SMTP

2002-06-06 Thread Octavian Rasnita

Hi all,

Is it complicated to send email with an SMTP mail server if the Net::SMTP
module is not installed?

Thank you.


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Is it a bug in Perl?

2002-06-06 Thread Octavian Rasnita

Hi all,

I've run a script  by a command line with:

perl -d -T script.pl

This launched the debugger but I've seen the following error:
Use of uninitialized value in split at c:/Perl/lib/perl5db.pl line 508.

This is a file in the Perl directory, and the line with errors is:

if (($stop,$action) = split(/\0/,$dbline{$line})) {

Then I've seen one more error in that file:
Argument "\n" isn't numeric in numeric eq (==) at c:/Perl/lib/perl5db.pl
line 572

That line is:
 for ($i = $line + 1; $i <= $max && $dbline[$i] == 0; ++$i) { #{ vi

Is there any bug, or what could be the problem?
I am using Windows 2000.

If I run the script normally, the script runs without errors or warnings.


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2002-06-06 Thread Janek Schleicher

Bob Showalter wrote at Wed, 05 Jun 2002 15:30:29 +0200:

> 3. Don't use the &foo or &foo(args) calling styles.

Allthough I would miss it a little bit.
I find the &foo style useful when implementing a little polymorphic subroutine.


sub foo {
  /NUMERIC/&&   &_foo_numeric
  or  /WORD/   &&   &_foo_word
  or  "otherwise"  &&   &_foo_crazy;

sub _foo_numeric {
  print "Numbers: @_\n";

sub _foo_word {
  print "Words: @_\n";

sub _foo_crazy {
  print "Crazy: @_\n";

foo(NUMERIC => (4,5,6));
foo(WORD=> ("x","y","z"));
foo(BIGJ  => ("the greatest"));

It's more practical than writing
_foo_numeric( @_ )
_foo_word   ( @_ )
_foo_crazy  ( @_ )
in the switch case. (In addition I reduce the redundances).

Allthough, there are better (and slower :-( ) 
ways to implement polymorphic in a real OO-style,
I often use the upper behaviour in CGI scripts.


PS: I hope that won't become a religious dibute of using &foo - style vs foo() style.
All I wanted was to declare that there are some really useful reasons for the &foo 
I want to underline Bob in saying: Don't use the &foo style without special reason.
Especially don't use it mixed with the foo() style.

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Re: references and dereferencing

2002-06-06 Thread drieux

On Thursday, June 6, 2002, at 08:35 , Nikola Janceski wrote:
> # $FUNC is a ref to a hash
> ## in a subroutine
> foreach my $function (keys %{$FUNC}){
>   my @called_funcs;
>   # populate @called_funcs;
>   push @{$FUNC->{$function}}, @called_funcs;
> }
> ## later in code in another subroutine
> foreach my $pkg_func (keys %{$FUNC}){
>   print join "\n", @$FUNC{ $pkg_func };

@{$FUNC{ $pkg_func }}


>   print "\n";
> }
> __END__

I think those are what you want...



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RE: website keywords

2002-06-06 Thread Camilo Gonzalez


This a HTML question, not a CGI one but here goes:

Keywords are usually stored in the  tags at the top of a page. They
follow the form 

-Original Message-
From: Hytham Shehab [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2002 6:05 AM
Subject: website keywords

hi guys,
how can i access the keyword section of any web page?


Hytham Shehab

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2002-06-06 Thread drieux

Begin forwarded message:

> From: drieux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thu Jun 06, 2002  07:38:29  US/Pacific
> To: begin begin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: notBob clarifies the Bob was Re: subroutine or &subroutine
> On Thursday, June 6, 2002, at 06:31 , Camilo Gonzalez wrote:
> [..]
>> Since this is a list for newbies, can you please be a bit more specific 
>> why
>> you are opposed to those things you list. I'm quite fond of using the 
>> &foo
>> or &foo(args) calling styles. Is this just a personal preference?
> [..]
> Bob Said:
>> Here are my recommendations for new code (others may want to debate 
>> these)
>> :
>> 1. Always "use strict;"
>> 2. Don't use prototypes.
>> 3. Don't use the &foo or &foo(args) calling styles.
>> 4. To call a sub with no arguments, use an empty set of
>>parens: foo() (Exception: method calls can leave
>>off the parens, e.g: $sth->execute; since there is
>>no ambiguity with a method call).
> notBob says:
>   1) the 'use strict' pragma helps pop out things
>   like wacko ref cases as well as making sure
>   that you do not have any wacko sub situations
>   and will WHINE at you at compile time This
>   while ANNOYING at compile time helps impose good habits,
>   probably faster than making you stand at the chaulk board
>   writing
>   I will not write bad code x 1_000_000_000
>   to impress upon the impressionable that good form is elegant.
>   2) the 'prototype' approach gets harry and messy when you
>   start certain types of software development - it was an
>   interesting idea - but as you will note in the 3rd edition
>   of programming perl it is not recommended.
>   { Nikola probably has sanity issues that he is resolving
>   with prototyping - but then again, most of us are all
>   sublimating one or more issues in perl... }
>   May I recommend Miss Happy's House of Dominitrix Delights
>   if you have unresolved bondage needs as a simpler and more
>   direct solution to prototyping perl functions.
>   { I think 'use subs qw//;' is not as cool as it was either. }
>   /* do not let me prevent you from learning the hard way. */
>   3) the &foo and &foo(@arglist) models are 'old perl' - and it
>   was so much nicer once we were allowed to go with
>   foo();
>   so that the 'oldGuys' felt more at home that this was
>   a 'function' that was called with no args... Nothing like
>   that annoying typo HELL of
>   if ( $wombat && foo(@arglist) )
>   which you had intended to have been the &foo() bitwise
>   added with $wombat - but got the logical anded. OYE!
>   You find that one at Oh-Dark-Squat without a Whole Lot of
>   Mountain Dew and.
> { hey crayon heads - did your colour coded perl IDE help in this case? }
> In short these are recommendations based upon life experience,
> our life, our experience - you are free to go with the flow or
> not - but if you see me 'weaving down the road' while walking,
> just accept the fact that I do that to make it harder on the
> amatuer snipers. If you see me running, all you need to
> do is be in front of me.



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Re: System test.

2002-06-06 Thread David T-G

Timothy --

...and then Timothy Brier said...
% My system was rejecting e-mails from the list because of  header information.  Just 
making sure I'm still on the list.

Thank you so much for letting us all know.  I think the more efficient
way to test is to send mail to


and see what the list server tells you, but we're each entitled to our
own opinion.


David T-G  * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
http://www.justpickone.org/davidtg/Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

Description: PGP signature

AW: AW: parsing xml files for variables

2002-06-06 Thread Theuerkorn Johannes

> Bullshit, mixed the regexes together: OK, complete part looks like this now:
if ( // .. /<\/testsystem>/){   #lock for tag 
paragraf testsystem
my $line =$_;
unless ($line =~ /^<\/?testsystem>/ ) {# remove tags 
used if clause before
$testsystem = $_;
print "Testsystem: $testsystem";
}# End of unless
}#End of if ( // .. /<\/testsystem>/){  

I just took unless ($line =~ /^<\/?testsystem>/ ) instaed of if ($line =~ 
/^<\/?testsystem>/ )

Ok, so long johannes 

 # Testsystem
 if ( // .. /<\/testsystem>/){#look for the beginning and 
end part
my $line =$_;

finalresultshould be something like "ignore the RegExp"
$testsystem = $_;
print "Testsystem: $testsystem";

Now I get all but the part i want to get. Remember i have 


and want to get the testsystem1 part into a variable...

So now i got the inverted part. 

Is there a possibility to say: ifnot ($line !=~ /^<\/?testsystem>/ 
){$testsystem=$_} ???

Greetings Johannes

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AW: AW: parsing xml files for variables

2002-06-06 Thread Theuerkorn Johannes

Got it, used unless ( // .. /<\/testsystem>/) instead of if ( 
// .. /<\/testsystem>/) and it works!!!


  > so I would be working all of the sneek and peek
> that I recommend in
> http://www.wetware.com/drieux/pbl/RegEx/paraHablarRegular.txt
> all inside of the
>   while() {
 >  }

[Theuerkorn Johannes]  Ok, played around with the paraHablar. pice and I 
got it down to the following snipplet::

 # Testsystem
 if ( // .. /<\/testsystem>/){#look for the beginning and 
end part
my $line =$_;

finalresultshould be something like "ignore the RegExp"
$testsystem = $_;
print "Testsystem: $testsystem";

Now I get all but the part i want to get. Remember i have 


and want to get the testsystem1 part into a variable...

So now i got the inverted part. 

Is there a possibility to say: ifnot ($line !=~ /^<\/?testsystem>/ 
){$testsystem=$_} ???

Greetings Johannes

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AW: AW: parsing xml files for variables

2002-06-06 Thread Theuerkorn Johannes

  > so I would be working all of the sneek and peek
> that I recommend in
> http://www.wetware.com/drieux/pbl/RegEx/paraHablarRegular.txt
> all inside of the
>   while() {
 >  }

[Theuerkorn Johannes]  Ok, played around with the paraHablar. pice and I 
got it down to the following snipplet::

 # Testsystem
 if ( // .. /<\/testsystem>/){#look for the beginning and 
end part
my $line =$_;

if ($line !=~ /^<\/?testsystem>/ ) {#should be something like 
"ignore the RegExp"
$testsystem = $_;
print "Testsystem: $testsystem";

Now I get all but the part i want to get. Remember i have 


and want to get the testsystem1 part into a variable...

So now i got the inverted part. 

Is there a possibility to say: ifnot ($line !=~ /^<\/?testsystem>/ 
){$testsystem=$_} ???

Greetings Johannes

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System test.

2002-06-06 Thread Timothy Brier

My system was rejecting e-mails from the list because of  header information.  Just 
making sure I'm still on the list.


2002-06-06 Thread Joel Hughes

No, the subroutinue body can occur before or after the invokation point with
or without the &.


-Original Message-
From: Camilo Gonzalez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 06 June 2002 14:24
To: 'Janek Schleicher'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: subroutine or &subroutine


Wouldn't it print:
&foo:A B C

Also, I believe that you must declare the subroutine before you are allowed
to reference it without the &. Am I right about that?

-Original Message-
From: Janek Schleicher [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2002 5:10 AM
Subject: Re: subroutine or &subroutine

Kevin Christopher wrote at Wed, 05 Jun 2002 04:58:38 +0200:

> Yes, you can call subroutines either way, with or without the "&". The
only case when the
> subroutine must be prefixed with an ampersand is, I believe, when you're
assigning a reference
> variable, eg:
> $reference_x = \&subroutine_y;
> But that's another story.

Oh, I'm afraid that's not the truth :-)

&subroutine without any arguments calls the subroutine with the implicit @_
while subroutine only calls subroutine() without any argument.

Look at this snippet:
@_ = qw(A B C);

print 'foo:'; foo; print "\n";
print '&foo:'; &foo; print "\n";

sub foo {
   print @_;

It prints:


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2002-06-06 Thread Camilo Gonzalez


Since this is a list for newbies, can you please be a bit more specific why
you are opposed to those things you list. I'm quite fond of using the &foo
or &foo(args) calling styles. Is this just a personal preference?

-Original Message-
From: Bob Showalter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2002 8:30 AM
To: 'Octavian Rasnita'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: subroutine or &subroutine

> -Original Message-
> From: Octavian Rasnita [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2002 2:06 PM
> Subject: subroutine or &subroutine
> Hi all,
> I've seen some subroutines are ran without the & sign in front of the
> subroutine name, like:
> subroutine_name;
> instead of
> &subroutine_name;
> Is it the same thing or there is a difference?

Janek gave you the difference, and it's fully documented in perldoc perlsub.

Note that the first is not allowed under "use strict" unless the sub has
been declared or defined above the usage, or imported.

Here are my recommendations for new code (others may want to debate these):

1. Always "use strict;"

2. Don't use prototypes.

3. Don't use the &foo or &foo(args) calling styles.

4. To call a sub with no arguments, use an empty set of
   parens: foo() (Exception: method calls can leave
   off the parens, e.g: $sth->execute; since there is
   no ambiguity with a method call).

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Re: First and second rate programmers

2002-06-06 Thread drieux

On Thursday, June 6, 2002, at 01:33 , Joel Hughes wrote:

> the dark side? would that be Python or C++?
> joel

Speaking of which - why would I want to do my CGI
in perl - rather than go with tomcat servlets in
all java - or write the apache module in 'c'



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2002-06-06 Thread Camilo Gonzalez


Wouldn't it print:
&foo:A B C

Also, I believe that you must declare the subroutine before you are allowed
to reference it without the &. Am I right about that?

-Original Message-
From: Janek Schleicher [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2002 5:10 AM
Subject: Re: subroutine or &subroutine

Kevin Christopher wrote at Wed, 05 Jun 2002 04:58:38 +0200:

> Yes, you can call subroutines either way, with or without the "&". The
only case when the
> subroutine must be prefixed with an ampersand is, I believe, when you're
assigning a reference
> variable, eg:
> $reference_x = \&subroutine_y;
> But that's another story.

Oh, I'm afraid that's not the truth :-)

&subroutine without any arguments calls the subroutine with the implicit @_
while subroutine only calls subroutine() without any argument.

Look at this snippet:
@_ = qw(A B C);

print 'foo:'; foo; print "\n";
print '&foo:'; &foo; print "\n";

sub foo {
   print @_;

It prints:


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Re: mysql query statement

2002-06-06 Thread fliptop

Hytham Shehab wrote:

>  hi all of u,
>  all whatta i want is see the exact executed query b4 its execution, i
>  mean not like this "select blah from blah when x=? but not ? order by ?", i
>  want to see as if u write it in the console of mysql, something like that
>  "select blah from blah where x=10 order by 'big' group by 'zip'".
>  is it possible?

set DBI->trace(2) before the statement, then set DBI->trace(0) after it. 
it should write everything to the error log.

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Re: Perl/CGI mysql book

2002-06-06 Thread Brent Michalski

First off, I need to apologize for this email apps *stupid* quoting
features, I am using Lotus NOTes...

Charles, I think that in this case, your personal opinion may be a bit off.

Yes, it is quite easy to develop code that manipulates files in Perl.  And,
yes, databases are just a collection of data in files (many times)...


- A MySQL solutions is not nearly as cumbersome as writing your own!

- If you write a "one-off" for each program you create, then you get hit by
a bus, I pity anyone that would need to come in and maintain the code.

- How do you handle multiple accesses?  What if > 1 user hits the database
for writing at the same time?  If you say "Locking", then how do you handle
the race-conditions that arise from normal file locking?

- The DBI interface is *super* easy to use, very well tested and very fast.
I unless you are talking about some other Perl database interfaces, I have
no idea where you get the opintion that "It still amazes me how all of
these cumbersome packages evry make
it to the marketplace".  I don't think DBI could be much easier.

- As far as a learning tool, sure, learning how to manipulate files is a
great idea, but you would not want to do it for a project that will
actually be put to some use!  What if it becomes popular?  Flat-files can
handle quite a bit of data, but are MUCH slower and the possibility of
data-corruption is GREATLY increased as more people use the application


- If you are just doing a learning exercise in how to manipulate files,

- If you want to learn about databases and database interaction, Do Not
Pass Go, Do Not Collect $200!  Go DIRECTLY to the DBI and use it!  You may
not think it at this very moment, but once you learn programming a little
better, you will reap the benefits!

Good luck!




  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]To:   Maureen E Fischer 
  et>  cc:   (bcc: Brent 
   Subject:  Re: Perl/CGI mysql book   

  06/05/02 04:25 PM

  Please respond to




My personal opinion is that cutom databases are very easy to create in a
perl script and usually run faster and more efficient than cumbersome
packages. there are many perl freebies out there to start you in the right
direction and will also serve as a better learning tool. basically a
database is simply a function that takes input, formats it, opens a disk
file, and write the data to a disk file. In perl this can be done quite
easily. It still amazes me how all of these cumbersome packages evry make
it to the marketplace.

If you tell me what you are trying to do I can send you sections of code
that will make it easy.


Maureen E Fischer wrote:

> I am writing my first CGI application and after analysis of the data
> structure that is required I determined that a DBM file would not be
> sufficient.  Mysql was suggested to me.  Unfortunately I could not find
> A book that seemed based on Perl and sql.  Everything I found connected
> Mysql to PHP -- which I know nothing about.  Since I am new to almost
> Everyting except some ancient languages and systems I didn't want to
> Bite off yet another learning experience just yet.  I did find and
> purchase "Writing CGI Applications with Perl", which did have a chapter
> on sql, but since I am having trouble with my first connect I think I
> will need more
> Help then the brief chapter can give me.  Any suggestion would
> Be very welcome.
> --
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website keywords

2002-06-06 Thread Hytham Shehab

hi guys,
how can i access the keyword section of any web page?


Hytham Shehab

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mysql query statement

2002-06-06 Thread Hytham Shehab

 hi all of u,
 all whatta i want is see the exact executed query b4 its execution, i
 mean not like this "select blah from blah when x=? but not ? order by ?", i
 want to see as if u write it in the console of mysql, something like that
 "select blah from blah where x=10 order by 'big' group by 'zip'".
 is it possible?


 Hytham Shehab

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RE: First and second rate programmers

2002-06-06 Thread Joel Hughes

the dark side? would that be Python or C++?


-Original Message-
From: matt stewart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 06 June 2002 09:24
To: 'drieux'; cgi cgi-list
Subject: RE: First and second rate programmers

So much bitterness, i FEEL your pain - let it all out.
Strike down your enemies, and the path to the dark side will be

-Original Message-
From: drieux [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 05 June 2002 18:32
To: cgi cgi-list
Subject: Re: First and second rate programmers

On Wednesday, June 5, 2002, at 08:40 , Ovid wrote:
> First-rate mathematicians want to hang around first-rate
> mathematicians.  Second-rate mathematicians want to hang
> around third-rate mathematicians.
> The reason for that is left as an exercise for the reader :)
> Cheers,
> Curtis "Ovid" Poe

First let us address the logic fault in your opening premise.

The reason that many Perl Module Writers do not impose 'use strict'
and/or 'use warning' - is precisely because of their obligation to
'backward compatibility' - and is done with a clear understanding
that a core tenant of Perl Orthodoxy is that while we do not wish
folks to rummage around in one's living room - we are not planning
to put up trip mines to keep them out.

Hence whining at any of the 'canonical' perl module writers for
following Orthodoxy over 'good advice' - would be less than useful.

Let us now move onto the problem of resolving 'ranking of programmers'
as a concept in itself - and specifically SILLY in the perl environment
to begin with Perchance the pinnacle of FOLLY in the cgi/mod_perl
space - since this is a place where we have to deal with the fact that
the 'standards committee' was functionally clueless to begin with
when they ginned up the HTTP/HTML "standards" from the gitGo - and have
compounded that folly by openly admitting their total cluelessness
with XHTML - the 'we have no hope of formalization at all'!

How exactly were we planning to rank programmer's who are great
kernel hackers - but write, well, lame perl code? My old sense
who is now in the bowels of VxWork based solutions for 802.11
work - had that coffee break moment that he had to actually 'work it'
to understand some of the new perl tricks i use is he better than
me or worse than me

Or put the other way around - if the requirements are for this OS
and to hit these performance numbers for the OLTP system - is it 'better'
to dodge the whole 'portability' game - and get those XS's tied tightly
to this OS's implementation of their unique wonders - for the speed...
knowing that were we to change platforms we have some serious porting
issues to address down the road??? But at least we have the basic perl
inteface into the OLTP exposed in a reasonable way???

I can appreciate for the devotee's of the academic world - there is the
clear moral imperative to having 'ranking and orders' - since without
them how would one know if one had to write the valedictorian speach,
or be the person working the 'back up strategy' incase the valedictorian
takes a bullet But what about out here in the real world???

You know, where code gets generated by folks who are not worrying about
the inter-departmental politics of how their pious posturing will be
perceived one way or the other??? The 'dumb grunts' who merely have to
get it to work.

But clearly - if i felt that Perl were a specific field of mathematics,
then I would of course find your argument so compelling - If I were
worried at all about how I 'ranked' in the academic world to begin with.

But what if 12 years in the industry helped me better understand how
frighteningly silly that Degree in Computer Science really was to begin 

What if the process is really about seeing how others solve problems?
Or finding interesting problems to solve for real people with real
concerns about how to really do FOO

What if the best thing to happen to the Shaolin Monasteries was that
they were sacked and burned - and allowed them to find the same level
of 'friar' { that old english phrase for 'free monk' } that helped
them get in touch with their 'ronin' ways???

What if wandering the lanes with nothing more than a rice bowl
was a great way to see the world and actually do good?

Or would this be the wrong place to propose that if only Larry Wall
had been a team player and been willing to do what needed to be done
to make things in sed/awk more ellegant - and be a 'real first water'
programmer rather than someone out to impress the 3rd tier wankers...

But the same would also apply to the fact that those CERN wankers
really should have been content with telnet and ftp - since clearly
this whole skank with the lame, lame, lame HTTP protocol was merely
there because those were so clearly lame types who were never going
to be 'real programmers'

But barring that, we so clearly agree that providing best practices
and something like a standard is probabl

RE: First and second rate programmers

2002-06-06 Thread matt stewart

So much bitterness, i FEEL your pain - let it all out.
Strike down your enemies, and the path to the dark side will be

-Original Message-
From: drieux [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 05 June 2002 18:32
To: cgi cgi-list
Subject: Re: First and second rate programmers

On Wednesday, June 5, 2002, at 08:40 , Ovid wrote:
> First-rate mathematicians want to hang around first-rate
> mathematicians.  Second-rate mathematicians want to hang
> around third-rate mathematicians.
> The reason for that is left as an exercise for the reader :)
> Cheers,
> Curtis "Ovid" Poe

First let us address the logic fault in your opening premise.

The reason that many Perl Module Writers do not impose 'use strict'
and/or 'use warning' - is precisely because of their obligation to
'backward compatibility' - and is done with a clear understanding
that a core tenant of Perl Orthodoxy is that while we do not wish
folks to rummage around in one's living room - we are not planning
to put up trip mines to keep them out.

Hence whining at any of the 'canonical' perl module writers for
following Orthodoxy over 'good advice' - would be less than useful.

Let us now move onto the problem of resolving 'ranking of programmers'
as a concept in itself - and specifically SILLY in the perl environment
to begin with Perchance the pinnacle of FOLLY in the cgi/mod_perl
space - since this is a place where we have to deal with the fact that
the 'standards committee' was functionally clueless to begin with
when they ginned up the HTTP/HTML "standards" from the gitGo - and have
compounded that folly by openly admitting their total cluelessness
with XHTML - the 'we have no hope of formalization at all'!

How exactly were we planning to rank programmer's who are great
kernel hackers - but write, well, lame perl code? My old sense
who is now in the bowels of VxWork based solutions for 802.11
work - had that coffee break moment that he had to actually 'work it'
to understand some of the new perl tricks i use is he better than
me or worse than me

Or put the other way around - if the requirements are for this OS
and to hit these performance numbers for the OLTP system - is it 'better'
to dodge the whole 'portability' game - and get those XS's tied tightly
to this OS's implementation of their unique wonders - for the speed...
knowing that were we to change platforms we have some serious porting
issues to address down the road??? But at least we have the basic perl
inteface into the OLTP exposed in a reasonable way???

I can appreciate for the devotee's of the academic world - there is the
clear moral imperative to having 'ranking and orders' - since without
them how would one know if one had to write the valedictorian speach,
or be the person working the 'back up strategy' incase the valedictorian
takes a bullet But what about out here in the real world???

You know, where code gets generated by folks who are not worrying about
the inter-departmental politics of how their pious posturing will be
perceived one way or the other??? The 'dumb grunts' who merely have to
get it to work.

But clearly - if i felt that Perl were a specific field of mathematics,
then I would of course find your argument so compelling - If I were
worried at all about how I 'ranked' in the academic world to begin with.

But what if 12 years in the industry helped me better understand how
frighteningly silly that Degree in Computer Science really was to begin 

What if the process is really about seeing how others solve problems?
Or finding interesting problems to solve for real people with real
concerns about how to really do FOO

What if the best thing to happen to the Shaolin Monasteries was that
they were sacked and burned - and allowed them to find the same level
of 'friar' { that old english phrase for 'free monk' } that helped
them get in touch with their 'ronin' ways???

What if wandering the lanes with nothing more than a rice bowl
was a great way to see the world and actually do good?

Or would this be the wrong place to propose that if only Larry Wall
had been a team player and been willing to do what needed to be done
to make things in sed/awk more ellegant - and be a 'real first water'
programmer rather than someone out to impress the 3rd tier wankers...

But the same would also apply to the fact that those CERN wankers
really should have been content with telnet and ftp - since clearly
this whole skank with the lame, lame, lame HTTP protocol was merely
there because those were so clearly lame types who were never going
to be 'real programmers'

But barring that, we so clearly agree that providing best practices
and something like a standard is probably the best that we will be
able to do - since most RealProgrammers[tm] will wind up doing things
in ways we might not have expected - just like RealEndUsers[tm] tend
to do with the code we wrote things we hadn't thought about

mysql query statement

2002-06-06 Thread Hytham Shehab

hi all of u,
all whatta i want is see the exact executed query b4 its execution, i
mean not like this "select blah from blah when x=? but not ? order by ?", i
want to see as if u write it in the console of mysql, something like that
"select blah from blah where x=10 order by 'big' group by 'zip'".
is it possible?


Hytham Shehab

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