Re: One link to 2 frames

2005-09-21 Thread Jimmy George
Hello MNibble

As a couple of other writers have said. Why are you using 'HTML FRAMES'
and JavaScript to load them?

Get a book on CSS and read it carefully. Then try a few things. Use
XHTML preferably and it is all done on 'the user side'. That one CSS
file can describe every page you want to have displayed - including
links. And you can have multiple css files on your site.

All you need to do is write that CSS file and then have each (X)HTML
page refer to one or the other of your CSS files. The one you need for

CGI should be kept for the server side manipulations of user data. Which
is secure.

The manipulation of FRAMES from CGI is a waste of time. And where I live
with a standard link speed of 1.2Kb/sec speed means a lot to me.

YES - No Broadband.

cheers from James

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Re: Trying to block out BGCOLOR

2003-03-21 Thread Jimmy George
Hello World

Li Ngok Lam's approach looks good to me. Using the $line=~s// approach
appears to be only removing the bgcolor word correctly but could be
stuck on the different types of colour descriptor used. Is it RGB, hex
or a word?

Putting a background color descriptor in though allows you to change the
image to a white or transparent gif file quite simply. You can still use
the default background where needed.


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uninitialised variable error

2003-01-23 Thread Jimmy George
Hello Everyone

The following code :-

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# emails comments from the site to my address
use strict;
use CGI;
my $q = new CGI;
my $name = $q-param( name );
my $email = $q-param( email );
my $comments = $q-param( comments );
my $info = ($name\n$email\n$comments\n);

gives me an 'initialized variable' error for line 13 (the bottom line
here). There are more but probably of no interest to anyone.

Using each parameter alone does not fail. It looks as though adding a
parameter name immediately after a \n does not work. I thought it did!

tia for the simple answer

Jimmy George

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2002-11-16 Thread Jimmy George
Hello All

This is not really CGI talk but I am interested in the statement that
XHTML is a subset od XML and a parser should be available in the CGI library.

To my mind XHTML is a cleaner version of HTML in that any opening tag
has to have a closing tag. e.g. a p tag has to have a /p tag to
close that particular block. BUT when we have something like a hr
where no closing tag was required in HTML we now have to put a '/' in
there. That is the hr now becomes hr / - not compulsory right now
but it will be soon.

So we can still search for an opening tag in XHTML as we did in HTML.
They are still used. Then if you want to you can look for another text
string starting with  and see if it contains a /. That makes it a
closing tag or a single tag entity. The clue here is the gap before the /

It sounds easy I suppose but there will be some work involved because of
all the single entity tags that never before had closing ones.


Jimmy George
@CUDAL Australia

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my $q = shift and another

2002-10-28 Thread Jimmy George
Hello World

Can anyone explain what that line 

my $q = shift;

does in a cgi script? I cannot find the explanation in the cgi
programming book I have.

And how come my use of -wT in the opening line results in a

'Too late for Taint mode now' message?

Again the cgi programming book uses it every where except for the
security chapter but my Mac debugger will not accept it at all!

thank you all in advance


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Re: How to get the last_modified date?

2002-09-22 Thread Jimmy George

Put the ssi !--# echo var=LAST_MODIFIED-- in if you are reading the
file from a server. I haven't tried it though.


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2002-09-20 Thread Jimmy George

Hello World

I thought 'encryption' was supposed to make the data transmitted from
user to server into an unreadable block of garbage. Able to be decoded
by the server of course - but of no use to any one else who tapped into
the transmission or the file stored on the server.

So what's the go? How does SSL make such things as credit card details
secure?? The spiel I have just read talks about a 'digest' but all that
is doing is verifying that the information you sent to the user is
coming back unaltered.

Why send data to a user for them to send back to you? How do I mangle a
credit card number and decode at my end???

thanks in advance


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why oh why?

2002-09-18 Thread Jimmy George

Hello again World

I am trying - half heartily right now - to get a DDMM or similar date
back from a users server to write to a file when they fill in an order
form. My first attempt of :-

!--#config timefmt=%d%b%y--
input type=hidden name=submit_date value=lt;--#echo
var=quot;LOCAL_TIMEquot; --gt;

inside the forms shtml page gives an error from the server I check it
on. The rest of the form is OK with this cut out.

This shtml page calls a cgi script that simply writes the form content
to a secure file on the users website and sends a thank you message. I
have not yet been able to get the server I am hosted from to give me a date!!

It did take me a week to realise that despite what some books say you DO
have to have shtml on some machines when SSI is being used. I need some
sites to look at for more information I think - or some stupidly simple
piece of cgi that writes today's date to a file when it closes.

GOOD beginners work.



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Re: output pushing

2002-09-09 Thread Jimmy George

Hello Hytham and world

That is a good question. But 'pushing' means you have to be able to
FORCE html code into a clients machine - not just allow them to be able
to look for it themselves. Exit browsing. Logon and become lost.



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Re: Getting the web page language

2002-09-09 Thread Jimmy George

OOps folks

That reply from me was completely wrong! SORRY. I was thinking of the
character set as being part of the language it is being used in. Or at
least I thought I was thinking.


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SSI calls

2002-08-30 Thread Jimmy George

Hello World

Is the line

print DATAFILE (The file was recorded at !--#config timefmt=%d%b%y at %r--);

a valid cgi line? All I want to do is record the time a cgi script is
called that writes other form data to a file but the server objects to
this line. The rest of the form goes into DATAFILE OK.

Is it because of the use of double quotes twice by any chance???



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2002-08-30 Thread Jimmy George

Hello Steve

I have lousy success with the $q cgi system as well. I will watch the
replies for all the good ideas.

Good luck mate


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real beginners stuff

2002-08-13 Thread Jimmy George

Hello World

If I logon to the web via (say) server_a and then start this script in server_b
which has the code in its cgi-bin folder

#! /usr/bin/perl -w
use CGI qw(:standard);
#use strict;
print END_of_file;
Content-type: text/html

headtitleServer Environment/title/head
h2This server is:/h2brbr

should I get to see the %ENV details of server_a?

I am getting a 500 error. Permissions are set to 711 for the script and
701 for the folder.


Jimmy George

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new lines and stupidity

2002-08-13 Thread Jimmy George

Hello World

David pointed out that the \n is not applicable in the context I was in
and that the html br was. Of course! Only silly tired people like me
do dumb things like that after having been using them in text
definitions for the previous hour or more.

Sorry about that.


Jimmy George

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server_a and server_b description

2002-08-13 Thread Jimmy George

Thank you all

and here is a better description.

When I logon to the web I am going through an ISP that (obviously)
allows logons. So I enter the web with a user name through that ISP. My
home site - the cabonnecreations - is on another server that does not
have login capability.

So my work within my home site is being done as a user of server_a - the
one I logged onto the web as - but now inside server_b the one that has
my home site.

The protections I am being told about do not sound right to me for a
cgi-bin folder. They should be readable by the owner but such
protections as 755 or worse will give everyone access to all the cgi
scripts that are inside it. That is they can read the things on their
home system.

An earlier email of mine did say that this cgi-bin folder in my home
site is a 711 protection and does contain a file test1.cgi also at 711
protection that does work.

So that 500 error MAY be because I am running the script as a world
member and trying to access local data that possibly only the user can
permit access to? Yes/NO? Using a submit from a form loaded from the
site does not change the situation though.


Jimmy George

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Re: server_a and server_b permission update

2002-08-13 Thread Jimmy George

Hello Wiggins and World

As a check I did put the cgi-bin folder onto 755. That allowed me to
read the contents of the folder and did allow me to run the errant
environ1.cgi file. the error log is available and errors can look like
this = - - [07/Aug/2002:18:21:08 +1000] POST
/cgi-bin/writefile.cgi HTTP/1.0 500 711; Mozilla/4.5
(Macintosh; I; PPC) - - [07/Aug/2002:18:21:09 +1000] GET
/.cobalt/images/computer_warning HTTP/1.0 302 250; Mozilla/4.5
(Macintosh; I; PPC)

where the second entry is the image being called that tells me the
system has encountered and internal error or misconfiguration. The tests
I did a few minutes ago will not be available until tomorrow. They are
cron'd to my file at 0400hrs local time.

I cannot check on my login ISP as we do not have a user folder to put
any files in. I will try another site I used to use and still have an
account in though and see what happens.


Jimmy George

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Any Mac users out there?

2002-08-04 Thread Jimmy George

Hello World

Can any astute Mac user advise me on how to check a cgi code that writes
to a file to do that with the command-r function on my home machine with
MacPerl? Off line of course as this is the pre-alpha stage.

And as a point of interest, the 'Camel book' on perl did refer to Macs
but the version 2 of 'CGI under Perl' - the mouse book - does not refer
to us at all!!


Jimmy George
@CUDAL in Australia

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