Re: Miami Herald, Free to good home

2003-03-16 Thread Eileen Morgan

- Original Message -
> Today for some reason I read the classified pet section of the Miami
> My eyes went right to the words "Bernese Mountain Dog free to good home".
> What? I thought I was seeing things.
Any dog breed can be thrown away.

> I called the number a few times leaving messages each time. No call back
> Who would give up their beloved berner and who would advertise it?

Well, sometimes it is for no good reason--the person bought a dog and isn't
allowed to have it on their apartment lease, for instance. Or they were not
ready for shedding, drooling, walking needs, etc. Or they got the dog on
impulse and it does not fit their lifestyle. Maybe they are a crummy trainer
and the dog has behavior issues because of that.

Or the dog might be fearful, aggressive, destructive, or have serious
separation anxiety.

The person might be in the reserves and just been called up and not have
friends or family who can take the dog. The person may have suffered health
or financial crisis and not be able to care for the dog.

I try hard to be open minded about people trying to find a new home for
their dogs. Sometimes these people are throw away jerks and sometimes they
are good people who have come to a difficult decision because life just
isn't always fair.  I'd like to think "that will never be me" but if I lost
my home, I would be pretty darn hard pressed to keep four large dogs, ya

Eileen Morgan
March 30th Clinic Information:
The Mare's Nest

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Miami Herald, Free to good home

2003-03-16 Thread Bradct007
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NEW Novice Draft Dog

2003-03-16 Thread Patricia Tackett
I just have to brag so much on my boy Tex -- we went to Georgia for Chattahoochee 
Valley BMDC draft test and came home with a NDD.   Tex just turned 2 the end of 
January and is a very green dog but he held it together and did me proud.  He listened 
when he needed to -- BACKED when asked,  it was still heart in mouth wondering if he 
was going to but finally he took enough steps to do the 12" required, held his stays 
for load and unload without being a bouncy boy.  He stayed for a gate to be opened, 
pulled through and then stayed while I shut the gate after some more manuevering we 
approached the Narrows it took a second circle around to be lined up to go through 
them and then we were through them which was the  end of the maneuvering course.   
Wills Park had a horse show going on along with an All-breed Agility trial so lots of 
distractions on the freight haul.

CVBMDC does a great job on their test and it is well worth the 13 hour drive for me to 
have a chance to earn a Drafting title -- THANK YOU  Chattahoochee Valley for 
supporting the drafting community!

Pat Tackett & Wagontale's Gone to Texas NDD CGC TT

p.s.  Pat L. I'll be sending in a brag check ASAP :-)

need cart plans

2003-03-16 Thread Ruth Reynolds
I would appreciate someone contacting me who might be able to help a person
interested in constructing a cart for his grandchildren's Berner to pull.
If you have cart plans and an  inclination to share info with a nice fellow,
please contact me and I'll connect the two of you.


Ruth Reynolds
public education co-chair, BMDCA

Re: My Gang - Springtime 2003

2003-03-16 Thread Sue German

don't hold us in suspense!

Sue G. and Sherman's sister, Star

---Original Message---
Date: Sunday, March 16, 2003 5:47:07 PM
Subject: Re: My Gang - Springtime 2003
In a message dated 3/16/2003 8:56:42 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
> I'm hoping that Donna Coffin will share her experiences at the Potomac
> Valley regional specialty last weekend. She competed in obedience with
> her Sherman - who always does it just his own special way. I'm always
> excited when I get the opportunity to watch the two of them, I know that
> Sherman loves to give us all a special treat - and he never fails! The
> hardest part is for the spectators to keep from laughing. We all knew,
> of course, that if we laughed - Donna would have an even bigger clown on
> her hands. 
> Sherman is just about the best! And I'm ever so glad that Donna
> continues to give us the opportunity to appreciate his special skills!
> Auntie Donna, please tell us a story???
I am working on it. Just remember that you have a ringside seat for 
Sherman's performance and I am in the ring with him so I amy not see 
everything that you see. I have to admit though that he is a real piece of 
work and thoroughly enjoys every minute of his time in the spotlight (oops 
make that ring)
Donna in south Jersey
and Sherman, too

Scared while on walks, help!

2003-03-16 Thread Amy Scott
My husband and I are having trouble walking our 8
month old male Berner. When we walk him he is s
scared of people, cars, other dogs, etc.! We got him
when he was 7 weeks old and right off the bat he was a
little "skittish".  Even when we walked him as a small
puppy he was always scared of cars.  We were hoping he
would grow out of this but he still hasn't.  My
husband just got back from walking him and there were
a lot of people out and when he saw another dog he
started bucking on his hind legs like he was trying to
get away because he was so scared.  When he sees other
cars his tail goes in between his legs and then he
sits down and doesn't want to leave our drive away. 
We feel so bad for him that he is this scared.  I was
just wondering if anyone can give us any tips on what
to do?? Our last Berner (who died of cancer) was never
like this.  We want to be able to walk him and him not
be scared...any tips???

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Re: My Gang - Springtime 2003

2003-03-16 Thread Websherman
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Fw: Article Follow Up (Imported Dogs)

2003-03-16 Thread Sharon Montville
From:   "Jannel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Date:  Sun Mar 16, 2003  4:36 pm
Subject:  Article Follow up

This is a follow up to the New York City Magazine
article. Permission was granted to cross-post.

The New York Magazine staff writer Ethan Brown who
wrote the short piece on Russian Frenchies called. For
those who don't already know the story, he had a
Russian import Frenchie bitch that was the love of his
life that died suddenly of heart failure at just a
year and a half. He subsequently contacted FBRN for a
rescue dog, and I had spoken to him on several
occasions about our experience with imports. 

Within hours of the publication of the piece in this
Monday's New York Magazine, Inside Edition got wind of
the story - they contacted me for the names of French
Bulldog knowledgeable vets on both coasts, which I
gave them, and they contacted Ethan to set up
interviews in NYC. 

They've done the interviews - these people move with
unbelievable speed! - interviewing at least three
Russian import owners in NYC: Ethan, the lady he
mentioned in his article with the import Wilbur (whose
hips are SO bad he wobbles when he walks), and a third
person with both an import and a well bred American
dog. They are zeroing in directly on the Russian
imports. They are going to let Ethan know when the
show airs, and he said he would let us know. 

Maybe it will even give prospective buyers pause
before they rush out to buy import Frenchies - or any
Frenchies for that matter. Ethan told me that he has
received a flood of emails in response to his column
from the unhappy owners of import dogs with a
horrifying litany of health and temperament problems. 

It may only be a drop in the bucket in dealing with
the import problem, but at least it's a drop!

Charlotte Creeley

Teton BMD

forwarded by:
Sharon Montville - Firstrax - Colorado 

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Fw: Imported Dogs

2003-03-16 Thread Sharon Montville
From:   "Jannel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Date:  Fri Mar 14, 2003  9:34 pm
Subject:  Imported Dogs

This was in The New York City Magazine on 3-10-2003.
We are not the only breed
having problems with imports.

>From Russia With Trouble
Frenchies may be Steve Martin’s new best friends—but
when these “It” dogs hail from Moscow, watch out!

By Ethan Brown

What Men in Black did for pugs and 101 Dalmatians did
for the black-and-whites of the dog world, Steve
Martin and Queen Latifah are about to do for French
bulldogs, via the just-opened Bringing Down the House.
But anyone who saw Martin mugging with a Frenchie on
“Page 6” last week and is inspired to rush out and buy
one should know that many of the current “It” dogs
sold in pet stores and on the Internet come from
Russia. And that can mean trouble.

I should know: My seemingly healthy, one-year-old
Russian French bulldog suddenly collapsed and died
while playing with our pug not long ago. I later
found out that I’m not alone: A growing number of New
Yorkers who, like us, purchased a Frenchie shipped
from Russia are experiencing dramatic health problems.

The dogs are sold for up to $3,000, but that doesn’t
compare with the money owners are shelling out for
veterinary bills. “I spent $1,500 for surgery for a
throat infection,” says Audra Allen of her Russian
Frenchie, Wilbur. “And now I’m saving up for a $5,000
hip-replacement surgery.” Allen, who runs a doggy
day-care service, bought Wilbur from a broker who put
an ad in the Daily News.

Russian Frenchies from disreputable dealers “are a
major problem,” says Charlotte Creeley, founder of the
French Bulldog Rescue Network, who knows of two other
deaths and countless maladies. “A good deal of the
dogs from Russia have no veterinary records. They’re
often taken from their mother at four to five weeks,
well before the eight to twelve weeks required for
small dogs. This can lead to enormous health

Creeley adds that some Russian dogs exhibit unusually
aggressive behavior. “People expect a docile Frenchie,
and they end up with a dog that’s more like a bull
terrier.” That was certainly the case with our dog,
whose run-ins with our pug reached the kind of violent
denouements one would expect from a pit-bull fight.

While there are U.S. laws regarding the health of
imported animals, Creeley suspects that some Russian
Frenchies are smuggled in. “The reputable Russian
breeders,” she says, “are as eager to stop this as we

Teton BMD

Saw this and noticed that it was ok to cross-post; see
the next message on this topic.  

Sharon Montville - Firstrax - Colorado

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2003-03-16 Thread Maria Crifasi
I have used Timberwolf until it got too expensive. I've used Innova and am
using Canidae and Wellness Fish and Sweet Potato.  I try to alternate foods
rather than feed one type exclusively.  I should add that I fed my Bichon
Science Diet for 16 years and he was never sick until his 15th year.  I've
fed my cat Science Diet for 10 years and she has never been sick a day in
her life.  Hm.
Hope this helps.
Maria Crifasi
Catoctin Mountains, Maryland

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, March 16, 2003 5:07 PM
Subject: Re: BERNER-L digest 4325

> Anyone out there feeding their pup Canidae dogfood. Looking for results.
> Diane Van Pelt


2003-03-16 Thread Annes4
Announcing a Spring Tracking test hosted by the BMDCSEW in Eagle, WI on May 
18, 2003.  We have 6 TD spaces and 2 TDX spaces.  This test will be opened to 
other breeds after all Bernese Entries have been assigned a place.  Entry 
Fees are $45 for the TD and $80 for the TDX.  Judges are Ed Presnall and Ann 
Campbell for the TD and Ann Campbell and Ev Campbell for the TDX.  Entries 
close May 7, 2003.

For a premium list, contact:
Anne Copeland  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
1034 E. Tulip Way
Palatine, IL 60074

Feel free to cross post.

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 1/2 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,2 yrs.)
BMDCSEW Tracking Test Chair/Sec.
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Berners and children!

2003-03-16 Thread jean cheesman
Any of you out there, and this topic has cropped up a few times on the list!

Worried about Berners and children?

I have just uploaded some new pics for Oscar, sadly on the Histio Roll Call
Site, but the most beautiful pic of Reid's young daughter walking Oscar on
the leash!

All love,

Jean, Sunny, Simmy, Barney and the Gang

Re: BERNER-L digest 4325

2003-03-16 Thread Vanpelthesco
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Proposed AKC fee increase

2003-03-16 Thread Annes4

Thought this was interesting.

>From Chris Chin, Wrangler Collies, with permission to cross post:

> I'd like to encourage everyone to take a moment and contact the AKC
> regarding this matter.
> It seems that they will be putting into place a plan to increased the
> recording fee on entries from $0.50 to $3.00
> Apparently their plan of increasing litter registration fees rather
> producing increased revenue has actually produced less revenue. So now
> it seems they plan to try the same system on dog exhibitors. With gas
> prices headed for $3.00 a gallon by the end of the summer -- can we as
> exhibitors also manage to shoulder the cost of an increase in entry
> fees. There is no way the host club will be able to absorb this
> increase. As it is very few clubs are making profits on hosting shows.
> Entries have been down and as a result many clubs have even stopped
> offering discounts for puppy classes and BBE.  Spaces for holding a dog
> show are becoming more and more limited and costs are sky rocketing to
> lease them.
> It seems to me that just like the litter registration increase, this
> won't result in increased revenue but rather decreased revenue,
> decreased entries, and potentially the ultimate ripple effect resulting
> in the demise of host clubs.
> I hope that you will contact the AKC and share your concern.

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 1/2 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,2 yrs.)
BMDCSEW Tracking Test Chair/Sec.
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

What do you feed your Berner?

2003-03-16 Thread Annelise Wagner-Klein
Hi friends,

It is Annelise again with Kyla, 5 months, and I'm ready to switch Kyla to a 
more natural kind of kibbles (not ready yet for the raw diet, even though 
Kyla gets her daily bone) and was wondering if you could share your 
"secrets". The breeder gave her sensible choice and it is what we fed her 
till now.
I was also wondering if they would be more Berners her age living in the 
area (Sammamish, WA) so "we" could have fun together!
Thank you!

From: Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: BERNER-L digest 4325
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2003 00:01:09 CST
			BERNER-L Digest 4325

Topics covered in this issue include:

  1) Juvenile Cataract Question
by "Pat Long & Paul Dangel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  2) mast cells survivor
by "Binay Curtis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: "Pat Long & Paul Dangel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Juvenile Cataract Question
Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2003 21:49:01 -0500
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Posted in plain text for Jackie, please respond directly to her:

Can anyone give me information on juvenile cataracts? (I'm asking for a
friend who has a 13 mo old Saint) I've checked the internet and also
called my vet but wanted info from owners who have experienced this.
Can it be corrected?  Will the dog evantually go blind?  What are the
chances of it popping up in the other eye?
Any thought/comments please...

From: "Binay Curtis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Berner Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: mast cells survivor
Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2003 19:12:53 -0800
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Bandit survived 3 mast cell tumor surgeries - approximately 9 removed
alltogether- all grade 1. Large margins, a great vet and a lot of love
from us - and this list.

Hang in there.


Binay Curtis

Galaxy Six Strategies

Phone: (415) 346-6661

Fax: (415) 674-3672

Cell: (415) 596-6678



End of BERNER-L Digest 4325

STOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*

Re: BERNER-L digest 4321

2003-03-16 Thread CnJKonar
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Re: Eating Grass

2003-03-16 Thread Timothy Forman

Because they like grass.
Tim & Christl, with Gandalf, Holly & Choupette

Original Message Follows 
From: Pat Bishop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Eating Grass 
Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2003 09:05:45 -0800 

Why do dogs eat grass? I have heard several reasons, but wanted to ask. 

Pat Bishop 
Berners Elmo, Vanna & Rusty (Golden) 
STOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*

Eating Grass

2003-03-16 Thread Pat Bishop
Why do dogs eat grass?  I have heard several reasons, but wanted to ask.

Pat Bishop
Berners Elmo, Vanna & Rusty (Golden)

Your password

2003-03-16 Thread mzebley
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Re: Deuce

2003-03-16 Thread Molly Bass

I just spoke with the specialist, results did come back today and we did 
get a definitive diagnosis.  Malignant Histiocytosis.  I hope I will have 
until Monday morning with him.  We will definitely be submitting a blood 
sample to the Fred Hutchinson study.

Christy Varhaug and for now, Deuce

I am so sorry to hear about Deuce. Your local hospital lab will have the 
tubes you need to draw the blood if you or someone else can draw it. I had 
to do this with Bianca because I was afraid she would not live through the 
night and the kit had not arrived. You need to fill 2 yellow tops - they 
should have a solution in them called ACD solution A. This will be marked 
on the label. This is important as it preserves the blood and DNA for Heidi 
and her colleagues to extract without having to be kept cold. A very dear 
friend came to my house at 11pm and drew the blood for me. Bianca died the 
next day. Although her histio was in her bone marrow and blood, we did get 
enough for Heidi to use in the study. If you have a friend who is a nurse 
or a doctor and is willing to do this for you, or even see if your ER vet 
would be nice enough to do so without charging an arm and a leg - get it 
done ASAP to ensure you have the sample. I know how hard this is for you - 
I was there 2 months ago with Bianca.

Thank you for making sure the study has a sample although I am terribly 
sorry the reason why.

Molly and the gang + 3 squirts
Charlottesville, VA

Happy Birthday Klarsson!!!

2003-03-16 Thread chellotchr
Today, Klarsson (Kasablanca's Making Thyme) is two years old!  Happy
birthday to him and the other members of the his letter (all his sisters, he
is the only boy).

Although he has only been with me a short time (since August 4, 2002), I am
thrilled to be owned by a Berner and have enjoyed all my new Berner mom and
dad friends.

Klarsson's plans for today include:  sleeping, riding in the car, shopping
for a new toy at Care-A-Lot Pet Warehouse, sleeping, visiting Grandma and
Grandpa for a little birthday party and sleeping.

If you are a sister to Klarsson, please email us and let us know.  So far,
we only know two of them and there are five more of you out there!!!

Wendy Keene, Klarsson (I'm not a puppy anymore says my Grandma), and Lilah
(the right-colored Sheltie)
Hampton, VA

Re: My Gang - Springtime 2003

2003-03-16 Thread L. Montoya
I have also seen Sherman in action , and am usually rolling on the floor
Even though I TRY not too ! Sherman is hysterical , much to the chagrin of
"mother" , LOL ! I'm wondering if maybe those of us that have had the
of watching his antics shouldn't start contributing to an entry fee fund for
poor Donna !   Give him a hug , Donna , he's priceless 
Laurie Montoya

Pat Long wrote:
> I'm hoping that Donna Coffin will share her experiences at the Potomac
> Valley regional specialty last weekend. She competed in obedience with
> her Sherman - who always does it just his own special way. I'm always
> excited when I get the opportunity to watch the two of them, I know that
> Sherman loves to give us all a special treat - and he never fails! The
> hardest part is for the spectators to keep from laughing. We all knew,
> of course, that if we laughed - Donna would have an even bigger clown on
> her hands. >
> Sherman is just about the best! And I'm ever so glad that Donna
> continues to give us the opportunity to appreciate his special skills!
> > Auntie Donna, please tell us a story???

Re: Introducing Choupette

2003-03-16 Thread jane heggen
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RE: My Gang - Springtime 2003

2003-03-16 Thread Pat Long & Paul Dangel

I'm hoping that Donna Coffin will share her experiences at the Potomac
Valley regional specialty last weekend. She competed in obedience with
her Sherman - who always does it just his own special way. I'm always
excited when I get the opportunity to watch the two of them, I know that
Sherman loves to give us all a special treat - and he never fails! The
hardest part is for the spectators to keep from laughing. We all knew,
of course, that if we laughed - Donna would have an even bigger clown on
her hands. 

Sherman is just about the best! And I'm ever so glad that Donna
continues to give us the opportunity to appreciate his special skills!

Auntie Donna, please tell us a story???

Pat Long (& Luther)
Berwyn PA

Re: Ticks and other nasties was Your Breeder - Your Friend

2003-03-16 Thread Deb Tripp
Hi Marion:

I'm from Canada :-)...not the US.  I'm really lucky that we don't have a
lot of nasty bugs in our country and I think it may be largely due to
the cold, cold winters - helps keep those things under control. So,
because I don't have a very big problem where I live, I don't have to
use any type of flea/tick control.  We do get the occasional tick, but I
simply pull them off, and they are not the ones that carry any disease
(fortunately). As for fleas - again, we simply don't have the problem. I
may find an occasional flea that the cat has brought home. I sometimes
treat the cats with a topical flea treatment if they have more than a
few fleas - but it's rare.

There is this great magazine called the  Whole Dog Journal.  It's
subscription run instead of advertising run and they do exposes on
flea/tick controls, dog foods, etc without having to cater to
advertisers dollars - therefore, they can expose lots of nasty things
without fear of advertisers taking away their accounts.  You can
subscribe online at and once subscribed you
can read the back issues. They have a great article on flea/ticks and
alternative methods.


Hunka Hunka Berner Love - Kimberlite Reg'd.
Debbie Tripp - Saskatchewan Canada - Berners since 1986

Ticks and other nasties was Your Breeder - Your Friend

2003-03-16 Thread Marion Brown
Dear Deb

Just to pick up on something you say about not giving toxic chemicals. This
is the route I go as well but last weekend one of my girls, Emily, was
obviously not well and when I checked her I found a large "wound" in her
side. I suspected a bont tick (don't know whether you would recognise that
name in the US) which is a tick that gets under the skin and then necrophies
(right word?) the tissue leaving a large gaping wound.

The vet has treated this with antibiotics and a liquid to pour onto the

My question is, what do you give the dogs to prevent ticks? We live in a
country area and in many years of having dogs as companions I have only ever
seen this kind of tick bite once before when we lived in a different place.
The vet said that a bont tick carries Ehrlichia.

In the meantime Emily now sports a "natural" tick collar.

Any advice is welcome.


Marion Brown
Teversal Bernese Mountain Dogs
South Africa
Dogs Never Lie About Love (Jeffrey Masson)

Re: Eating wood

2003-03-16 Thread BERNERINFO
Hi Guys, 

We use logs and waste wood to fuel our woodburner, and most of our dogs rush 
to select the "choicest" logs or branch cuts for their own use.  I 
laboriously bring the wood in and stack it next to the fire - they root 
around, dismantle the pile and take some of it out again!

I really don't believe dogs chew wood as a symptom of insufficient diet - I 
think some dogs just enjoy chewing wood - it is a satisfying pastime/habit 
for them.

Back in November, the East Anglia region of the UK was hit by massive storms 
which created a lot of damage to buildings and trees. Whilst out walking with 
some dogs we came across a large fallen tree and the dogs raced ahead to  
investigate.  Having chosen a length of branch, Cliff was very proudly 
trotting around trying to keep his prize away from the little 'thieves' 
around him when he suddenly stopped and pawed his face.  I thought he may 
have a piece of stick stuck in the roof of his mouth or between his teeth and 
called him over. His left canine was sticking out at right angles to his jaw, 
and it could not be pushed back into place.  It was obviously very 
uncomfortable for him so I gave it a quick pull and it slid out so easily I 
was very surprised, and Cliff trotted off as if nothing had happened.  When I 
washed and examined my "trophy" I was quite surprised at how large the whole 
thing was - so I scanned it and posted it into one of my weekly breednotes to 
make a grisly exhibit for the readers!   In fact - he lost a lower incisor 
too. Despite his unfortunate experience - Cliff still takes every opportunity 
to search for the ultimate specimen to add to his wood collection.

Jude Simonds
Coliburn Bernese UK 

Updated webpage

2003-03-16 Thread Liz Rilstone
Hi All,

I have spent some time this afternoon updating my webpage - or parts of it
anyway. I have changed the news page mainly to include the photos of the
paintings done for me by my friend Willem Wijnberg and added the link to the
Histio raffle site and Jean Cheesman's website. If you are interested in
seeing some of Willem's work, please feel free to take a look.

Take care,
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