Re: Rally Obedience 2004

2003-06-17 Thread Sharon Montville
> From: Marjie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hopefully, Rally will be a titling venue by the time
> of the 2004 Specialty.  It was recommended by the
> AKC Obedience Advisory Committee.  The best guesses
> so far is April of 2004 when it will officially
> happen.  The current thinking is that it will be a
> whole separate venue from Obedience.  Of course, all
> of this might change.
> It was the biggest obedience event for the 2003
> Specialty and was financially quite successful.

Hi Marjie,

Were you not aware that there are too many of those
annoying performance events at the National Specialty?
Shame on those members who want to show their
versatile dogs, or those members who want to compete
and have fun with their dogs who are not as gifted in
the conformation department - all you do, is create
work and headaches for the specialty committee.  Get a
life, and make sure it is in the conformation ring.

Tongue in cheek,
Sharon Montville - Firstrax - Colorado

P.S.  I have heard it suggested that there should be 2
national specialties - one for conformation, and one
for performance.  What a lovely plan for encouraging 
the development of separate performance and
conformation lines within our breed.  NOT.

Do you Yahoo!?
SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!


2003-06-17 Thread Alan & Susan Kowitz
Where are they?  None of my links are working.

Susan Kowitz


2003-06-17 Thread Tschuggen

Please check the JULY issue of CONSUMER REPORTS for an objective review of Pet 
Insurance.After being undecided about this for a few years, I find CR's information in 
line with my decision to save funds in a separate account for Berner emergencies. If I 
need it, it's there. If I don't, the money is still in MY account and not the 
insurance company's.Every owner must decide for themselves but I was grateful to see 
the industry evaluated by an organization I trust.

Linda Seaver & 
Belline in Bedford, NY

Re: Tilly Update

2003-06-17 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 03-06-17 10:51:25 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<<  Yet she is not losing blood anywhere so where is it all going? The spleen 
is very enlarged. Clear weight loss (boney on face, hips, back). 
 Could it be that the cancer is in the spleen and liver hence the RBC and 
protein. Or is it not cancer and the spleen is enlarged from trying to produce 
RBCs? >>

First, let me say I am so sorry you and Tilly are going through this.  The 
enlarged spleen is probably what is destroying the RBC's.  The spleen's job is 
to remove old or damaged red blood cells from the circulation.  This is 
probably where they are going following the transfusions.  Has an MRI been done of 
the abdominal organs to rule out any growths?  If her blood counts show many 
immature RBC's compared to mature ones, no matter what the total count is, her 
marrow is trying to replace them but can't keep up with the need.  The marrow is 
the primary source of new blood cells.  I know this doesn't help much, but it 
is something of which to be aware.

Anne C., Flash the Berner and Gypsy the Cavalier

Berner Movie Sighting

2003-06-17 Thread KahlanRule
We just got home from the movies and there was a preview for a movie called - Good 
Boy.  There is a handsome Berner in the movie!!!  You can visit the official site of 
the movie and see the Berner along with the other cast members all doggies!
The site is at

I will just have to see this one!
Pittsburgh, PA
Just home from Hawaii (We will never live therecan't have a Berner Baby there... 
wayy t hot!!!)
Cooper - Thank goodness you didn't take me mom - there is no way I could have handled 
the weather!

Michael Johnson Pics Update!

2003-06-17 Thread Jean Cheesman
Oh dear,

First url did not work, sorry a typo, had added in an extra slash!

However is working on correct url from the recent updates on my Longlease
Site, url below, and part of Signature so this bit is always spelt right!

All Love,

Jean, Sunny, Sim, Barney and the Longlease Gang

oozing cyst?

2003-06-17 Thread stmaybe
hi all,

yesterday i noticed baka's lump (on her hip/butt) had grown (& changed 
shape somewhat). when i touched it lightly to feel its size, baka 
growled to let me know i was hurting her. so i called our vet today to 
make an appointment to get it checked out again.

today we noticed that baka's fur was wet around the bump & she no longer 
minded if we touched that spot (& its back to its original shape). so, 
i'm guessing it was a cyst like the vet suggested & its in the process 
of bursting. our appointment with the vet is friday. in the meantime, 
does anyone have any home treatment suggestions - anything i should do 
to take care of it, prevent it from getting infected, etc? or should i 
just let it alone till friday? i didn't find anything in my doggie 
health book & haven't gone internet searching yet.

laura & baka (ow that hurt!)
chapel hill, nc

Longlease Updates and Michael's new pics!

2003-06-17 Thread Jean Cheesman
Stay with me here! Taking so long to get my mail in through my anti-spam
Mailwasher and just installed Firewall to work alongside my Virus Check!
Barely time at the end of an evening to reply! My 'puter remains very clean!
Squeaky clean and am tempted to allow a few extra safe IP's to access me, my
Friends List on anti-spam mailwash is growing! Hoping will soon be back to
normal after last week near system crash, being better too safe than sorry
at the moment despite the inconvenience!

Further to recent mails have just uploaded those wonderful new pics from
Michael Johnson of the Berner Pups. Have made Michael a new page with his
latest pics and link to his site, find on the Longlease recent updates.


He is a wonderfully talented artist, a Downs Syndrome sufferer, and was my
inspiration on creating my Bernese Art Page. How that section of the site
has grown!

Also have just made a new page. Totally off topic but if any of you were
wondering why Joye went off to China? Beautiful collages from Laura on this
page of those happy pics, culminating in a very happy Father's Day! New
non-Berner additions to the Neff Gang and a very happy family! Biggest
Berner hugs, so pleased you are all safely home and together!

All here at Longlease, doing well! Have just retrieved a goat on the loose,
Elli, was well into the blackcurrent bushes having broken loose from her
tether. She and sister, Abbi,  now in the shed, a load of nettles, thistles,
weeding to munch on tonight!

Sunny is back to normal despite the Spondylosis! Trying to stop her
wriggling still but she is doing good walks now and is happy lady! Downing
her supplements moshed in with a bit of sardine, what a trooper!

Biggest Berner Hugs you all!

More Updates to Come!

All Love,

Jean, Sunny, Sim, Barney and the Longlease Gang

Re: old dogs and a new trick

2003-06-17 Thread John Engstrom

the question is did you hold the can and feed them the whipped cream or did 
Norma figure out how to bend the nozzle and get the whipped cream out all by 

John Engstrom
Plano, TX

Subject: old dogs and a new trick
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2003 16:52:12 -0500
Today my dogs learned to eat whipped cream from the can. I am happy to
say that the spray sound did not deter them from the sweet treat and all
got their fair share. - I really need to get a life :)
Susan Ablon
Gweebarra BMD
Balch Springs, Tx
Tired of spam? Get advanced junk mail protection with MSN 8.

old dogs and a new trick

2003-06-17 Thread gwebara
Today my dogs learned to eat whipped cream from the can. I am happy to
say that the spray sound did not deter them from the sweet treat and all
got their fair share. - I really need to get a life :)

Susan Ablon
Gweebarra BMD
Balch Springs, Tx

Re: Rally Obedience 2004

2003-06-17 Thread Marjie
Hopefully, Rally will be a titling venue by the time of the 2004 Specialty.  It
was recommended by the AKC Obedience Advisory Committee.  The best guesses so
far is April of 2004 when it will officially happen.  The current thinking is
that it will be a whole separate venue from Obedience.  Of course, all of this
might change.

It was the biggest obedience event for the 2003 Specialty and was financially
quite successful.

Marjie (AKC Obedience Judge for non-regular classes.  Huge Rally fan!)

Re: Rally Obedience 2004

2003-06-17 Thread Pat Tackett

While I argued for Rally Obedience I've been told that no it is not going
to be offered :-(

Pat T.

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RE: a laugh for the list

2003-06-17 Thread Pat Long & Paul Dangel
A cute one posted for Pamela:

 A man takes his Bernese Mountain Dog to the vet and says, "My dog's
cross-eyed, is there anything you can do for him?"

"Well," says the vet, "let's have a look at him" So he picks the dog up
and examines his eyes, then checks his teeth. Finally, he says "I'm
going to have to put him down."

"What? Because he's cross-eyed?

No, because he's really heavy"
Pamela and Dick 
with Allegra and Monty (can we sleep outside tonight again)

Tilly Flash

2003-06-17 Thread Pam Pearson
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Re: Happy 13th Birthday

2003-06-17 Thread Jeff & Mary Chapdelaine - SnoBear berners
Happy Birthday to you Nitro!!!
Wow!!! 13 years!!!  :  )
Mom has been doing the right things!
Enjoy your treats!

Big hugs,

Mary, Jeff & The SnoBears

Jeff & Mary Chapdelaine
SnoBear Berners
N. California, USA

Re: Lymphoma?

2003-06-17 Thread Jean Cheesman
Hi Pam,

So sorry to read the bad news about Tilly and praying that you receive a
better result from the biopsy.

However, do not despair! Lymphoma (Lymphosarcoma) can be one of the more
treatable types of cancer.

My Bernese, Samson, had the worst possible type, Malignant T-cell 3. He went
for an additional six months of precious time where you would not have known
he was so sick. Sadly, he died, not from the cancer but from a heart attack
after a change of his chemo protocol. (Doxirubicin is considered the gold
standard of chemo treatments for lymphoma but does carry a risk of damage to
the heart).

B-cell lymphoma is very treatable, some of the dogs and cats on the
EndlessLove Group I moderate for owners of pets with cancer have obtained
very long remissions of two to three years.

You will find Samson's story on my Longlease Site (url below) and at the end
of the page, some very useful links to other cancer sites.

Hoping  that the biopsy and blood transfusion went well today.

All Love,

Jean, Sunny, Simmy, Barney and the Longlease Gang
and Mr Rainbow Sam

pet tracking device/hiking

2003-06-17 Thread Linda Wallace
Here's a link to a story that just came out on CNN's web page.
It's a global positioning device (GPS) for dogs. I can't tell if there are 
plans to release it in the US or just Japan. But it would be great if we 
got something similar in the States. I take my dogs hiking several times a 
week and they love to go exploring.  A few times they've been out of my 
sight for longer than I would like so something like this would be a huge 
comfort if it really worked.

Has anyone else found a way to ease your mind about losing a dog when 
hiking?  My dogs are pretty good about "checking-in" with me on hikes and 
coming when called.  And a lot of time they will just walk with me on the 
path.   But I do worry that they'll start chasing something without my 
knowledge and then they'll be out of earshot and won't hear me call for 
them to come.  This has happened a few times before, but they are familiar 
with the path we usually go on, so they usually re-appear in 5-10 minutes. 
But sometimes those 10 minutes can seem like 10 hours. Any suggestions for 
keeping them from getting lost?  Especially if we try new paths.  How much 
can they rely on their sense of smell to find me?

Linda & Mocha & Latte
Blacksburg VA

Re: Tilly Update

2003-06-17 Thread Molly Bass

Here's where I need some thoughts. Since we don't have the biopsy results 
yet, the Vet isn't sure if it is cancer or Hemolytic Anemia. The confusion 
is that Tilly's RBC is very low and not staying up with the transfusions. 
But she also has a very low protein count. Yet she is not losing blood 
anywhere so where is it all going? The spleen is very enlarged. Clear 
weight loss (boney on face, hips, back).

Could it be that the cancer is in the spleen and liver hence the RBC and 
protein. Or is it not cancer and the spleen is enlarged from trying to 
produce RBCs?

This is very similar to what happened with my Bianca in January - if 
possible - you need to get a bone marrow biopsy done asap! The fact she is 
not holding on to the RBC, and apparently not making them, her marrow is a 
prime suspect. Has your vet done any blood smear slides and looked at the 
shape of her cells and the percentages of various cells?  Bianca was around 
20% when we first counted her hematocrit but no organs were affected at 
that time. She dropped to 18% then we did a bone marrow biopsy for the 
diagnosis. Her marrow is definitely affected here as she is not making RBC. 
Can your vet or is there one nearby able to do a biopsy? Depending on what 
her platelets are, she may need a specialist to do the procedure. The 
cancer may be anywhere, including the bone marrow, and the spleen and liver 
are being affected because of what they do to process the dying RBC - 
without new ones being made, they are being taxed. They seem to be the 
primary organs affected when the blood becomes so poor.

With Bianca the diagnosis was not good - her marrow was primarily 
histiocytes and she was not producing any normal cells. Her blood smears 
showed star shaped RBC and these "mottled" areas which later were 
identified as histiocyte cells in the blood. The critical care center who 
did the biopsy gave her the diagnosis of malignant histiocytosis. I took 
her home, gave her prednisone, drew blood for the cancer study at the Fred 
Hutchinson Research Center in Seattle, and helped her to Rainbow Bridge 4 
days later. Her system completely shut down and there was nothing I could 
do for her. She was fine Dec. 15 when I returned home from 4 months 
treating my own cancer in Seattle, slowly stopped eating between Christmas 
and New Years, was sickly looking by 1/8/03, we did the biopsy 1/10/03, and 
she passed 1/14/03. It happened very fast.

I hope this is not the case with Tilly but I do encourage you to seek a 
bone marrow biopsy if possible as soon as possible. I have had 10 of my own 
and although uncomfortable, they are not overly painful.

Good luck.
Molly and the gang
Charlottesville, VA

Re: Lymphoma?

2003-06-17 Thread Gail Miller
Hi Pam:  My prayers are with you and your wonderful Tilly.  My information
will not be pleasant, for which I am so sorry.  I lost a male Berner, Alec,
to lymphoma in October 2002 at age 8.  He initially started with a positive
test for Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever [RMSF] (I truly think this was a
'false positive' as Alec was my second dog who died of cancer that symptoms
began with a positive titer to RMSF).  The antibiotic for RMSF is very hard
on the dogs and I thought a lot of his symptoms (similar to the ones you
describe) were from the antibiotic, which I stopped.  I gave him homeopathic
remedies for the RMSF (Ledum 1 M, I think) but his downward spiral
continued.  We removed his spleen, it was three times its normal size,
completely necrotic with cancer and the vet thought we were clear as it seem
to only be in his spleen.  Alec continued to not eat, was home on IV for 3
days before I realized he could not beat this, blood work confirmed
lymphoma.  I am so sorry to not have better news.  Hug and love on Tilly, I
know that you know her well and will understand when she can no longer
fight.Alec's picture is framed in my office, with the following

If Ever I Grow Frail And Weak,
And Pain Should Wake Me From My Sleep.
Then You Must Do What Must Be Done,
For This Last Battle Can't Be Won.

You Will Be Sad, I Understand,
Don't Let Your Grief Then Stay Your Hand.
For This Day More Than All The Rest,
Your Love And Friendship Stand The Test.

We've Had So Many Happy Years,
Always Together, Always Near.
You Will Not Want Me To Suffer So.
When The Time Does Come, Please Let Me Go

I Know In Time You Too Will See
It's Kindness That You Do To Me.
Although My Tail It Last Has Waved,
>From Pain And Suffering I've Been Saved.

So, Please Don't Grieve That It Must Be You,
Who Has To Decide, This Thing To Do.
We've Been So Close For So Many Years,
Hold 'Me' In Your Heart, Instead Of Tears.

I'll continue to pray that Tilly has a better outcome than Alec and I did!!

Gail Miller
Cynosure Bernese in Arkansas

Original message purposefully left:

- Original Message - 
From: "Pam Pearson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2003 4:53 PM
Subject: Lymphoma?

> Saturday I brought my beloved Berner Tilly (8 years) into the vet because
she seemed not to be feeling well. Today I am faced with a blood transfusion
and an aspiration for a biopsy. What happened!
> She has an enlarged spleen, weight loss, lethargy, and severe anemia,
which all seemed to come on SO quick. They are suspecting lymphoma. I looked
at the archives to see what I could find, but didn't seem to find what I am
looking for.
> Can anyone offer advise? Support? Thoughts?
> I am severly distressed to think that she might only have a few weeks or
even a few short days with me based on the Vet's preliminary findings. I
can't imagine what it would be like without my buddy. (Not to mention her
companion Sasha -- who seems lost without her too.)
> Please say a prayer and hope for the best.
> Pam Pearson, Massachusetts
> "I'm lost without my buddy Tilly"
> -
> Do you Yahoo!?
> SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!

Sherman's Way

2003-06-17 Thread Websherman
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Tilly Update

2003-06-17 Thread Pam Pearson
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re: skunked recipe

2003-06-17 Thread Bruce and Marilyn Lister
I have used the recipe but found that the hydrogen peroxide gave my Berner's
coat red highlights! It also didn't work as well as the tomato juice
treatment. The tomato juice has to be left on the coat until it dries. Have
also been told that toothpaste works too but have never tried it.
Marilyn Lister, Chelsea, Quebec

Pet Insurance

2003-06-17 Thread Dazyr
I have done some extensive research on this issue, and found "Petshealth care 
to be the best for us. Their website is easy to get around, and the 3 levels 
of plans
are very easy to understand. 
The most important part, to me, is that they consider Cancer a normal 
illness, not a
heredity disease. As with all things, it's important to call and talk with 
Just my two cents!
Daaisy, Chance and Oliver
  (with Caymus and Mx always in my heart)

Pet Insurance- Consumer Report

2003-06-17 Thread Linda Lankester
I just thought I would mention that Consumer Reports, July issue has an
article on "pets & vets".  They also compared pet insurance vs. no
insurance and basically conclude that for the most part pet insurance
isn't really worth it.  It was interesting to read the article, so I
thought anyone considering pet insurance might like to read it as well.
It also gives pointers on ways of saving money on your vet bills.  

Chat Soon,

FW: How accurate is this?

2003-06-17 Thread Rose Tierney

Hi Anne,
I tried this method a couple of times but as no-one else was offering
similar contracts I stopped and went the way of the majority. I have always
liked this idea, in principle it would be fairer to the bitch owner,
however I see no reason for a cap on the limit.

Rose T.

-Original Message-
Sent: June 16, 2003 10:22 AM
Subject: How accurate is this?

This message was posted on another breed's list and I was wondering how
accurate the information is?  Do most stud owners actually do this?  Is the
practice seen more in one area than another?  In all my years of breeding
and owning
stud dogs, I had never heard of the practice of basing a stud fee on number
pups; interesting concept.

Anne Copeland (Flash CGC, TDI, 8 11/12 yrs. old Berner; Gypsy CGC, TDI, 2
old Cavalier)
Northern Illinois   Annes4, Corr. Sec. BMDCA

RE: Puppy Weight Gain Question

2003-06-17 Thread Rose Tierney
Hi Eve,
Some young Berners are light in weight and this is better than weighing too
much:-) So long as he has been treated for worms and his activity levels
are good then I wouldn't worry. Some lines mature quicker than others but
if you know the parents were slow to mature then you must be patient, I
currently have one of my stud dogs visiting who was quite geeky as a
youngster so much so that a neighbour advised me not to show him. Well when
he was two years old he finished his championship very quickly over some
very nice dogs and while still more leaner than some at that time he has
now blossomed into 106lbs at four years old with his ribs easily felt.

I currently have a young male who will be two years old next month weighing
in at only 80lbs. He still looks like a gawky teenager but his parents are
solid dogs and his father's side was slow to mature and his mother as a
young bitch weighed 75lbs now as a six year old she weighs 93lbs and no
blubber on her. This breed should mature slowly and reach their best after
four years, I have a fit when I read of young dogs weighing their adult
weight three years before they typically should. I also watch the weight of
the oldies, one has to balance out activity with diet and not load aging
joints with unnecessary fat.

Enjoy your young lad,

Rose T.

RE: Frosty Paws recipe

2003-06-17 Thread Rose Tierney
Hi Val,
My favorite is frozen hamburger, supposedly left to thaw for hamburger
sauce but I did find three pounds in one go a bit much and had to bring it
back up for another try!!

Wilma Tierney aka Fondue Mudpuppy


2003-06-17 Thread Dr. William B. Neff
June 17, 2003 - Part 17
With a name like "OUTREACH TEES" you have to buy one of these shirts!!!

BMDCA PRC (Public Relations Committee)
Contact:Sherri Venditti
These terrific white T-Shirts have a lovely puppy done art screened on them 
by artist Cathie Helf.   They sold out of the long sleeve T-Shirts and 
night shirts at the specialty and now only have short sleeves in sizes L, 
XL, and XXL.   The L and XL are $17 and the XXL is $20.Add $4 for 
postage.  You can e-mail orders to Sherri Venditti at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
All proceeds from the sale of the "Outreach Tees" help fund the BMDCA 
presence in media which is typically used by commercial puppy sellers.   We 
NEED to have our ads in these places so that people looking for Berner 
puppies can get good, honest information about buying a Berner.  You can 
help their efforts by ordering a beautiful T-Shirt.  Hurry - the supply is 

Happy Shopping!
Joye Neff and Nick (and Ben)
Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, PA

Re: Brewers yeast

2003-06-17 Thread gwebara

On Mon, 16 Jun 2003 23:12:46 -0700 "Raymond Burnett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> If one is feeding a top quality food, be it Kibble or a raw diet one 
> should
> not need to add items just for a good coat.

Yikes, that's a pretty subjective statement Ray. I think different dogs
have different needs and that a good food can still leave a dog in need
of one or two supplements to balance out their diet. A common problem
I've seen is flaky skin or itchy skin on many dogs. I like to add 3V caps
to relieve this problem. It also helps promote a pretty shiny coat. (of
course be careful what you try to achieve because sooner or later all
that hair has to come out). It's the only supplement I use with my kibble
diet and gives my dogs that little extra something that they don't get in
their food. 

Susan Ablon
Gweebarra BMD
Balch Springs, Tx

A shower-curtain......would you believe....

2003-06-17 Thread Stenhouse433
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2003-06-17 Thread Betsy Brainard
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