Thanks! re: debating lepto. Also: Hannibal!

2003-07-17 Thread J Evans
Thanks to all who have responded with comments regarding giving
the lepto vaccine.  I am still researching - and from the information
I have found, could be for some time!  There are numerous sites devoted
to vaccinations/leptospirosis and auto immune related diseases, as well
as the berner-l archives, and plenty of wonderful vets who are willing to
discuss this.  This list is so great - thanks everyone!
I subscribe to the alien theory as to how the tongue made it into the tree.
Because aliens may have been responsible for the chair, too, you might
want to report that possibility to authorities, considering all of the 
strange happenings in your area.

Thanks for sharing that story - good chuckle.

Jill with Indie and Gabby

re: dog cars

2003-07-17 Thread J Evans

I replaced my Subaru wagon with a jeep cherokee.  The subaru was
a great car and carried three dogs, but didn't leave much room for
equipment.  The jeep worked well with one dog and equipment, but the
inside mounted spare tire took up too much space and then I had a wreck.
When I replaced the jeep, I tried mini vans, but really wanted 4wd, even
though Rod has an Explorer.  I bought and love a Toyota Highlander.
It is suitable for 2 dogs, (1 med. sized dog in crate) and  stuff for
road trips.  Have not tried a lrg crate, but think it would fit -be sure to 
If I also needed a grooming table, I would swap vehicles with Rod and use 
his Explorer.  It would hold 3 berners, folded crates, etc.

The only little hitches with the Highlander:  1) back door lifts, but window
doesn't open.  I didn't even test that - and wish I had, since I carried one
kayak in the back of my jeep, with the window open.  I also could open
the window at trials, but with the door still locked,  no one could open a
crate and let dogs out. 2) the folded back seat doesn't fit snug against the
front seats and since Indie isn't crated, the gap was a problem.
We fashioned a board with supports to fill the gap.  It also allows for 
storage underneath - where I can keep things secure from dogs.

If we didn't have the Explorer, that would be my first choice, for space
and other conveniences, but I wanted something smaller, and the Highlander
fits the bill.  It handles very much like the Subaru wagon I had: very
Have fun looking for your dogmobile.

Jill and gang

Re: Dog cars- need help

2003-07-17 Thread Nancy
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Re: Dog cars- Suburban is ultimate Bernermobile

2003-07-17 Thread berner1
Forwarded for Vilma in Plain Text:

I really liked my 1998 Ford Expedition - got so much extra room for not that much 
extra $ and the 4 wheel drive and high clearance was great in the snow. Could get 3 
wire crates in (2 of  about the 700 Varikennel size and a 400.) 

But I am totally in LOVE w/ my 2001 Suburban. I will never be w/out a 
Suburban now. Rear air, liftgate window, can put all 4 windows all the way down for 
ventilation in the summer (unlike most minivans.) I can get 2  700's and 2  500's in 
it and you can fit a male Berner and a Corgi in one 700 w/ ease or even a small female 
Lab in w/ the male Berner if they get along. This car is great in the Ohio winters 
totally saved my life in an accident w/ a drunk driver this year (I was going 65 mph 
and he was about 45 in a pickup truck and we both walked away.) And Suburbans last 
forever, can rarely even find used ones b/c people keep them forever. 

Vilma Briggs (Kistner)
Mt. Gilead, OH
U-UD Mocha Java Slurp, UDX, HIC, TT
Ch. Brighteye Expresso Bean, UD, NDD, TT
U-CDX Our Little Buddy, UD, NA, TT
Thirdtym's A Charm, CD
Hob Nob Clouds In My Coffee (puppy Perc)
foster Bernerboy: Brew/Bruin
and as yet to be named foster Berner mix: One Very Lucky Boy

Check any e-mail over the Web for free at MailBreeze (

A great line

2003-07-17 Thread Molly Bass
This was sent to me today and I thought it was worth sharing.

...Saving just one pet won't change the world
...but, surely, the world will change for that one pet...

Charlottesville, VA

Protocol for Vaccinations

2003-07-17 Thread HenochNJ
Since the topic of when/whether to vaccinate has come up again, I was wondering if 
someone has a link for info. on the newest veterinary literature regarding updated 
vaccination protocols.
I have 2 dogs and 2 cats and have been wondering when/if to start titering rather than 
continuing with annual vaccinations. All my animals at this point are 3 years old or 
younger and have been fully vaccinated according to traditional standards up to this 
Can someone point me toward a Web site that sets forth the new 
protocol/recommendations re: vaccinating/titering?
Cranford, NJ
with Titan and Maddie and the two feline friends

Re: Protocol for Vaccinations

2003-07-17 Thread berner1

You'll find more information than you may want to wade through if you do a google 
search on canine vaccine protocol

Pat Long ( Luther)
Berwyn PA

- Original Message -

I was wondering if someone has a link for info. on the newest veterinary literature 
regarding updated vaccination protocols.

Check any e-mail over the Web for free at MailBreeze (

Natural food supplements

2003-07-17 Thread Carol
Hi All,
 I have received a catalog from a company called Springtime, Inc. They sell
premium dog supplements, (their words) .The one I am interested in is called
Fresh Factors. Claims to help itchy skin, eye watering and redness. Holli
(my almost 6yr old) suffers from allergies. She is allergic to every thing
except humans and cats. I was wondering if anyone had used any of these
supplements and if they had good results.
Thanks for any input.
Carol, Holli and the wild child Annie
Fair Oaks, Ca

All Well at Longlease!

2003-07-17 Thread Jean Cheesman
Well, after all the build up of the horrific storms coming our way and
battening down the hatches!! They passed us by!!

Not a rumble of thunder, not a flash of lightning! Though we did have some
very fierce winds and torrential rain!!!

Great thing was waking up this morning and it was so fresh and clear! We had
wonderful walk in the woods this morning, all three dogs being very silly
and chasing around nonstop after a week of very Hot and Humid and seeking
out the cool spots.

Got a couple of pics which I will Upload next of Sim and Barney having a
tussle with a branch that came down, and Sunny mopping up the cherries that
were on the ground! They had a fun morning.

More good news here is that all three Berners were at the Vet earlier this
evening for routine shots and check-ups! Ros is particularly pleased with
Sunny after the recent scares with her back injury and the Spondylosis. Had
me run her up and down the riverbank a few times (hmmm, with the boys of
course!) She is running freely, heart and lungs OK!!! All three have a clean
bill of health!

So on a good note I am off to add two fun pics of my cool dogs today!
Getting hotter again tonight, we are back to Heatwave tomorrow!

All Love,

Jean, Sunny, Sim, Barney and the Longlease Gang

Gelli Reverse Brag

2003-07-17 Thread P. Buickerood
Well friends, Gelli's 17th week of life has not been an
outstanding success from his family's point of view.  After four
puppy kindergarten classes he seems to have completely forgotten
SIT, Stand, Stay, come. When given his commands he looks at me
as if I were from the moon (and NOT made of cheese). Even with
treat in hand it takes some firm encouragement to get a
response. He just looks at me with a blank stare. Training
sessions have to be very short because his attention span seems
to have suddenly halved. Yesterday, Gelli successfully leaped
onto the bed and has determined that atop the bed is the best
place to be. Not good because getting off the bed also requires
a leap and we do not want to subject his shoulders to that kind
of stress. (Not to mention the challenges of sleeping with a BMD
puppy in the bed.) We are running out of puppy gates.
Today, Gelli decided to sample the other edge of the antique
killim he'd successfully remodelled a few weeks ago. This
afternoon he chewed off 6 inches of fringe in a scant 15
minutes. And he has chewed the squeakers out of two toys in two
days. Those new teeth are very effective - He's teething - lost
three teeth in the past six days. Maybe thats it. Or maybe now
that he has grown in size he is once again testing the
boundaries. Whatever the reasons we seem to be going through
some terrible two's. 

Add to his purchase price, the vet bills, training classes,
crate, two beds, leashes, bowls, toys, dry cleaning bills,
x-pen(that did not work at all), ruined carpet, three antique
rugs, ... This dog's debt is mounting up. Gelli says, MA! You
are embarrassing me again! Think of all the good things I do!
After all, I go into that blasted crate w/o a fuss, and I
enthusiastically greet all sorts of strangers, I play with
strange puppies and dogs, and any new adventure you decide I
should have is okay by me. I put up with ear cleaning, toe nail
clipping, tooth brushing and any other indignity you might wish
to subject me to. I shower you with kisses and when I see you I
wag my tail so hard I fall down. And everybody thinks I'm so
cute. What's a few rugs here and there?!  ARRRGH! (He's right
-- he is cute.)

Patricia Buickerood

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Protein % for puppy's diet

2003-07-17 Thread Tracy Lawrence
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Good News!

2003-07-17 Thread Karen W.
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Good News!

2003-07-17 Thread Karen W.
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