To Aunty Pat from Simbo

2003-09-09 Thread Jean Cheesman
Dear Auntie Pat,

I just want you to know that I don't hold any grudges with you 'cause my
belated 4th Birthday Barbacue got cancelled again!! Not because of the
weather this time but because Jean has been so busy on the 'puter with all
these people who are moving over to this new home. Well, we three Berners
were a bit worried at first until Jean explained that all the dogs were
coming too! Wow! That is some mighty Big Crowd!

Now it seems very confusing to me because it seems like some people are in
two places at the same time at the moment!! And some people are still in the
old place and at the same time almost here. And some people still don't seem
to realise that they have to move by the end of the next two weeks or they
might get left behind and then the old home will be gone and they'll have
nowhere to go. And it's all a bit crowded at the moment with everyone trying
to get inside at the same time but Jean says no-one has to worry. You have
to be patient and you won't miss what's going on 'cause you can still see in
the Windows! (What's that about a Cob Web, Sunny?)

Jean says she will explain it all again but that Aunty Pat will know what I

Now I hope everything is settling down by October 2nd because that's my
Sister Sunny's 9th Birthday! and we are gonna be very upset if our joint
party gets cancelled!!

So, my fellow Berners out there get leaning on your humans and tell them to
get packing!!

Oh, by the way, if you have already moved or are looking in the Windows
waiting to come in properly that's me and Sunny and Barney's picture on the
wall this week! (What Sunny? Oh, I got that wrong we're on the TV Screen!
Heh! That makes up for missing the Barby!)

Oh, and, Auntie Pat! You said last week that you were coming to Scotland
this week, and it's this week now. When are you coming and are you going to
be in three places at the same time??

Oh, and the new address is:

Yours Bernerly,

Sunny, Sim, Barney and the Longlease Gang
Hereford, UK

Yahoo Web Digest

2003-09-09 Thread Jean Cheesman
Quick note to those of you new to Yahoo and may not yet be getting the
Digests and Mails from the new Group and struggling to cope with viewing
individual mails and clicking on past the ads. Doesn't have to be like that!
You can still get in Digest Form from the Home Page.

Click on Messages on the left scroll bar of the Home Page

Down at the bottom of that page, click on Enlarge Messages, this opens them
up in Digest Form. I promise you you'll like it! You can view previous
messages or even start from the very beginning!

Better looking out through the Windows says Simbo, To see what's going on
than waiting for the Mail to arrive!

All Love,

Jean, Sunny, Sim, Barney and the Longlease Gang

Re: Yippee!! (and Maine goodies)

2003-09-09 Thread C.Hoffman
Good morning!
Wooo!   I am excited!
I thought I had no chance, I knew that Maine Goodie Tote would be a popular
Aren't these raffles fun?  And it is such a good cause!
Thank you so much!
  3 year old Hobbes (also known as Sir Rumble Belly ~ as he is alsways
hungry :o)
What??! I'm getting toys? and treats!?  Way cool!!!

- Original Message - 
From: Martha Hoverson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 08, 2003 8:20 PM
Subject: Yippee!! (and Maine goodies)

 Like Pat T., I am shocked to have won something!  I am a notorious contest
 loser.  And the mom and pup stuffed Berners are so cute, reminding us all
 Molly and Sam and the way they strive to become one dog...

 I have the Maine goodie tote right here at home.  If the winner, Crystal
 Hoffman, will e-mail her address, I will get it out in the mail ASAP.

 Hurray for Joye!!!

 Martha Hoverson, Molly and Sam
 Portland, Maine

 Try MSN Messenger 6.0 with integrated webcam functionality!

WTC Survivor Hoax!!!!!

2003-09-09 Thread Jean Cheesman
Another one!! Groan!!!


McAfee AVERT Labs would like to inform you of a new email HOAX.

We are advising users who receive the email to delete it and DO NOT pass it
on as this is how an email HOAX propagates.

Below is the actual text from the message that may be received via email.

I received this from a reliable family friend this morning. 10/28/01  BIG
TROUBLE  DO NOT OPEN WTC Survivor It is a virus that will erase your
whole C drive. It will come to you in the form of an E-Mail from a
familiar person. I repeat a friend sent it to me, but called and warned me
before I opened it. He was not so lucky and now he can't even start his
computer! Forward this to everyone in your address book. I would rather
receive this 25 times than not not all.

If you receive an email called WTC Survivor do not open it. Delete it
right away! This virus removes all dynamic link libraries (.dll files) from
your computer.  This is a serious one.

Delete the mail

All Love,

Jean, Sunny, Sim, Barney and the Longlease Gang

Re: Rescue Help in PA

2003-09-09 Thread Brandewein5261
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Fundraiser question

2003-09-09 Thread Kelly . Sorochinski
Many thanks to everyone's hard work and donations for the fundraiser, it is
very much appreciated, a job well done!  I'm looking forward to the next

I love that Berner ornament Angels are just Berners with wings I want to
purchase one if possible, does anyone know where to get one or how to
contact Dot Duvel since she donated it?  It is a must have for me.  Any help
in finding one would be appreciated.

Kelly Sorochinski and Harley!
Glen Gardner, NJ

Re: Ari....Inside the Front Door

2003-09-09 Thread Peggy Ford-Smith
We worried with you during Ari's stay in the hospital.

We hoped with you for Ari's recovery.

We rejoiced with you at Ari's release from the hospital.

We cry with you at Ari's passing.

I am so sorry for your loss.  What a gift she gave you by coming home to her
favorite place.

Peggy Ford-Smith with Maddy, Niska and Moon (and remembering Miller)
Petaluma CA

Bacchus' diagnosis confirmed

2003-09-09 Thread bernerlover
The referral vet has confirmed Bacchus' diagnosis of osteosarcoma. 



2003-09-09 Thread bernerlover
I have used the word overwhelmed so many times this past week that it has
almost lost it's meaning. But I am once again, overwhelmed. First, by all
the wonderfully supportive prayers and support, then by the joy everyone
shared with me, then by all the financial support by phone and mail, then by
lovely notes of condolence, then by those who picture Ari as I do.

I sat here yesterday at the computer. And as a kind of therapy, I just read
all the incoming thoughts of Ari. It was so helpful to me, I want you all to
know. I have sent an e-mail, upon the passing of a beloved berner, and often
thought what are my words going to mean or what can a few words do? I
assure you that those individual words, when joined with hundreds of others,
create a tidal wave of love.

And something else I've noted. The people who write I don't know what to
say or  words cannot express must have to look very deeply into their
hearts to continue. Because what they say next is so often the most moving
thing I've ever read.

Bacchus is not a good candidate for amputation. He has a bad left elbow and
had partially torn his right rear cruciate ligament a few years back. Not
bad enough for surgery, but I can already see it is taking a strain on him.
I talked about many, many options with the vet today, even limb sparing
surgery. I know what I have to do. And I welcome all help as I support him
with diet and love and pain med when we need it.  I hope you all don't think
I am giving up on Bacchus. It's just that we all know where this leads

Cathi with Bacchus

Re: BERNER-L digest 4565

2003-09-09 Thread Mpetringa
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Re: [NaturalBerners] Overwhelmed

2003-09-09 Thread Jennifer Lennon
Cathi only you know what to do with Bacchus. I must admit, I'd be inclined
to do as you are doing. But one never knows until the decision is ours.

God bless you in this period of your life. We all are with you and feel your

Remember this too shall pass. You are going through [probably] one of the
toughest times in your life and through this remember you will end up on the
other side of this a better person and indeed something good will come of
all of this trauma.

What doesn't kill us makes us stronger. I know it's a tough thing to hang on
to right now as you struggle through all that life is dishing out to you.
But keep on to the hope that you will make it through this and you will be
strong for Bacchus.

Jennifer Lennon
Healthy Paws Bones  Raw Food Diet
Toronto, Ontario

- Original Message -
 Bacchus is not a good candidate for amputation. ... I welcome all help as
I support him
 with diet and love and pain med when we need it.  I hope you all don't
 I am giving up on Bacchus. It's just that we all know where this leads

Re: BEHAF?--here we are!

2003-09-09 Thread Brnrmom
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3rd Annual BRBMDC Picnic and Mountain Hike THIS Saturday 9-13

2003-09-09 Thread mzebley

The Third Annual Blue Ridge BMD Club's Picnic and Mountain 
Hike will be THIS Saturday, September 13 (sorry for the late 
notice), from ~ 11am until ???.  Come as early or stay as late as 
you like.  Assuming we don't get rained on like in previous years, 
we should be there until at least 3pm. Forecast is for partly cloudy 
with only 10% chance of rain and a high of 75 - so should be 
wonderful weather for us.   
The picnic will be on the Parkway near Blowing Rock and 
Boone, NC - at the Price Park Picnic area at mile marker 296.4.  
It's a beautiful area.  We plan to try to get the same spot we've 
used in the past, which has a large open field (anyone want to 
bring some carts?), several picnic tables, a stream with beach, and 
is the starting point for a nice hiking trail.  The stream separates us 
from the rest of the picnic area - you'll have to cross a little wooden 
bridge to get to the area. Since it's first come, we may not be able 
to get that spot, but if not, there's several other areas that are 
nearly as nice.  We'll be heading up early Saturday morning to 
stake our claim.  
Non- club-members are welcome, as are the dogs (even non-
berners).  Please bring your own lunch and drinks, and remember 
water for the dogs, though there are restrooms where water can be 
obtained.  Per Parkway regulations, all dogs must be on a 6 foot 
leash or under physical restraint at all times (though that doesn't 
seem to be enforced on the trails), and pet owners are responsible 
for cleaning up after their pets, so bring baggies. 
For further information, contact me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Also, if you are thinking about coming and email me ahead of time, 
I can give you a phone number where you can reach us at the 
picnic grounds, in case you are having difficulties finding us.  We 
look forward to seeing everyone!!  


So, now for directions: 
If coming from the east, take I-40 to US-421 and go north.  
Stay on 421 (heading west) until you reach the Blue Ridge 
Parkway - a little over 70 miles from I-40.  This entrance onto the 
Parkway may be closed by construction - if so, stay on 421 until it 
merges with 221, then follow that to the Parkway.  In either case, 
take the Parkway south until you get to the picnic area - it'll be on 
the right hand side. 
If coming from the west, take I-40 east to US-70 east.  Follow 
this to US-221 north.  221 first crosses the Parkway at Linville 
Falls.  You can get on the Parkway north there, or continue on 221 
to join the Parkway near Grandfather Mountain.  Take the Parkway 
north to the picnic area, which will be on the left from this direction. 
If coming from the south, take US-321 north (can be reached 
from I-85 in Gastonia) through Hickory and up past Blowing Rock.  
Just north of Blowing Rock, 321 crosses the Parkway.  Get on the 
Parkway and head south until you come to the picnic area on the 
If coming from the north, take I-77 to US-421, and follow the 
directions from the east.  

Here we go again...

2003-09-09 Thread Rob Sherry Hartung
Well Eddie has healed up really nicely and his face looks so handsome
with no draining holes.  Then he somehow scratched the cornea in one eye
and scratched the other eye but not the cornea we have a lot of sand on
our property and I think that was the culprit.  His eyes were really red. 

antibiotics and drops later and he's seems to be on the mend.

Hannah on the other hand is going back in Wednesday for more surgery... 
same spot on her left back foot between the toes, same Mast Cell cancer.  
We're not sure if it's a reoccurrence or some cells left over from July's
We are doing this surgery and then see what happens.  It's been a very
decision and right about now I feel like I'm hanging a death sentence over 
Hannah's head, but we have decided not to do any radiation.  The protocol
that has been described to us very thoroughly is not something we want to
subject a very happy bouncy Hannah through.  Or we could take off the two
toes.  However, she's getting stressed enough out over surgery and we just 
cannot put her through that.  We're trying to keep positive that this time the
surgery gets everything.  Time will tell.

After all this, and losing 5 Berners over the past 20 years, and having our 
hearts ripped out over what Cathi is going through, and other recent losses, 
I don't think my heart can take much more.  I'm not sure I can ever have 
another Bernese. 

Sherry  Rob Hartung
Kitchener Ontario Canada

Stubborn Ear problem

2003-09-09 Thread NurseDR
My 2 year old male berner has struggled with chronic yeast infections in his right ear 
forever!  We have been working with out vet, trying all the standard treatments.  
Nothing works for long.  Does anyone have suggestions?