re: Courtney Cox's Berner

2003-08-14 Thread KendyBo
I didn't see the magazine myself, but my friend did.  She said it was either in People 
magazine (I think the one with Angelina Jolie and her son on the cover) or US Weekly 
from that same week.  AND I heard there were pictures with two Berners- a new puppy 
and her older one, Ella.

Also, there was an article about her over the summer in Glamour, I think.  One of the 
pictures showed her and David Arquette walking down the beach with their big Berner.  
Apparently the photo editors didn't notice the bag she was carrying was a POOP 
BAG!  So funny!!

Kendra, Jackson, and Sallie

peeyuw farts!!

2003-08-07 Thread KendyBo
Hi all,

I have a lovely question to ask.   My girl farts like you wouldn't believe- mostly at 
night and mostly when she's going up stairs (exertion farts!).  My boy doesn't fart at 
all- hmmm.
Does anyone have a great insight into the gastrointestinal system of my lovely and 
stinky little bitch?

Thank you,
Kendra, Jackson, and stay over there Sallie!!!

more BARF questions

2003-08-05 Thread KendyBo
Hi again,

I'm starting to think about trying BARF again, and have a few questions.

1.  Is there a simple book I can get, with information, and most of  all, recipes?

2.  Is there an easy way to make the BARF diet?  Does it have to consist of tons of 
ingredients, and does it have to involve grinding?  (Vegetarian mommy- yikes!)  *I 
remember when I was a little girl we lived in France and my mom made our dogs food- 
chicken, rice, and vegetables- they didn't have packaged kibble then.

3.  Is it less expensive, more expensive, or cost the same to do totally homemade BARF 
than kibble and supplements?

Thanks for going over this again with me!


Mars coat king

2003-07-18 Thread KendyBo
Hi all,

I am planning to purchase a Mars Coat king for my two guys, but I'm not sure what size 
I should get.  I think I should get two- one for the ears and one for the rest of 
their big hairy bodies.
I would like some advice on which size I should purchase for these guys.

Kendra, Jackson, and Saliie
Carmel, NY

ingrown hairs

2003-06-15 Thread KendyBo
Hi all,

My girl has an ingrown hair, right where her back leg meets her belly and they rub 
together.  She's not really wild about me touching it, but it's not very inflamed at 
this point.

I'm looking for some advice on clearing it up, or pulling that hair out.
Any experience out there?

Kendra, Jackson, and Sallie
Carmel, NY

Frosty Paws recipe

2003-06-15 Thread KendyBo
I know this has been posted a zillion times, but would someone please email my the 
Frosty Paws recipe?

Thank you,
Kendra, Jackson, and Sallie
Carmel, NY

Fun Survey

2003-03-29 Thread KendyBo
OK, I give in- here's my survey answers!
1 --- Do you live in
 a) city
 b) suburbs
 c) country
 d) on Planet Berner
(b) on (d) Bernerville, in Carmel, NY

2 --- Where does your dog spend the night?
They both sleep in our room with us- Sallie stretched across the middle of the room, 
Jackson at the foot of the bed on my side- protecting me, or on my Husband's side on a 
pillow (not a dog bed, an actual pillow :)

3 --- What is your dog's favorite toy?
They both LOVE their Booda hedgehog dollies- they each have a large size one they 
suckle on, they get repaired, washed and replaced regularly due to over-suckling (I 
have a few new ones in reserve!)and they have a baby Hedgie  in the family room for 
regular play.

4 --- Your dog's most remarkable feature is 
Jackson:his big brown eyes- very soulful and loving, and his monkeytalk he is rarely 
Sallie:  Her insanity

5 --- You bought a new car for your dog(s)
Yup!  I got a Subaru Outback.

6 --- Your dog participates in (feel free to list any
titles your dog
has won)
Backyard training, playdates, hikes and walks, goofiness, slipper stealing

7 --- The naughtiest thing that your dog has done
Jackson: ripped up sofa cushion, ate the moulding and doors inside the house, ruined 
my favorite shoes- Is now the world's most perfect dog!
Sallie: currently eating the outside of the house- one shingle at a time (I guess they 
think the outside should match the inside!), ruined daddie's slippers,steals food out 
of your hands, takes everything that's inside outside

Kendra, Jackson, and Sallie

eating shingles

2003-03-22 Thread KendyBo
Hi all,

I need some help here.  My crazy Sallie has developed a bad habit of ripping the 
shingles off our house and then ripping them to shreds.  Our back yard is fenced in, 
so she and Jackson can go out there without supervision and with out tying up.  I've 
tried spraying Bitter Apple, but she's just started on a new area.  I suppose I could 
fence off the side of the house, but the yard runs the entire length of our house- 
that would be some work.  Does anyone have any other ideas?  I've heard of a hot sauce 
spray- I could spray that everywhere...
Any and all advice is appreciated!


Re: What's so special?

2003-03-08 Thread KendyBo
Well, to begin, I could go on and on and on, but I won't.  What's so special about 
Berners is the connection they are able to make with their people, and the effort they 
put into that relationship.  I have two- Jackson who is 2, and Sallie who is 1.  They 
are very different dogs, and Jackson is definitely mine.  We sort of cling to each 
other- I'm pretty much his Mommie and his is surely my sweet first-born son.
I suppose this type of relationship is possible with any dog, so again, What's So 
Special?  Jackson has the ability to sense my feelings and knows how to act 
accordingly (more so than my husband!).  When I am happy, he is thrilled and playful 
and starts games.  When I am upset or frustrated, he stays patiently by my side 
letting me know I am not alone. (But not too close!)  When I am sad and going through 
overwhelming times, my Jackson lays on the couch with me, his head in my lap and has a 
way of letting me know he loves me always.  This year I lost my son, late in my 
pregnancy. Jackson was there for me every minute.  He was so obviously sad for me. But 
I swear there were times I caught him looking just so sad, and I knew he was sad for 
himself too.
These guys are simply amazing. There may be health problems, but noone comes with a 
guarantee of long life.  It is so worth it to have what may be a few short incredible 
years with a Berner.
Good luck with your decision,
Kendra, Jackson, and Sallie

hyperextended knees

2003-03-08 Thread KendyBo
Hi all,

I'm hoping for some advice.  You may remember Sallie's story, but here's a long story 

We got her from a family that was feeling overwhelmed by her at 6 months old.  She 
came to us with undiagnosed Chronic Lyme's, two rear leg injuries, poor nutrition, no 
obedience.  We cleared up the Lyme's greatly improved the diet, including Glycoflex 
for her knees, and taught her to be a polite citizen.  She has had badly bowed back 
legs since we got her.  They had been very loose, but they are not anymore.  Recently, 
I've noticed that her back legs are also hyperextending at the knees.  Instead of 
bending forward as they had and should, they are now vitually straight.  She does not 
have any pain, and this doesn't effect her gait or any movement.

i am wondering how worried I should be and if there is anything I can do toimprove her 
condition.  The vet had no suggestions.  As I said, she is getting joint support 
supplements and plenty of exercise.

Thank you,
Kendra, Jackson, and Sallie
Carmel, NY

breakaway collars

2003-03-08 Thread KendyBo
Just thought I'd let you all know, I just got my break away collars.  They are very 
well made and came really quickly.  I've realized in the past couple of days just how 
lucky we were with Sallie and Pecan's accident.  It could very easily have gone the 
other way and we would be mourning the loss of my sweet little girl.
I highly recommend these collars to all.  One less thing to worry about!

kendra, Jackson, and Sallie


2003-03-06 Thread KendyBo
I noticed that one title was left off the list-
AGB:  Ace Garbage Bandit

Jackson Maine's Greatest Gift CPX (Couch Potato Excellent), and Sallie Bev's Sallie 
LPX (Lap Dog Excellent) AGB

door bells

2003-02-26 Thread KendyBo
Does anyone know where I can get bells to hang from my door knobs?  My girl Sallie has 
a bad habit of scratching the door to go out or come in.  I can't seem to train her to 
bark, like her brother Jackson, but I think she'd easily learn to ring the bell!  A 
catalog or online site would be best.

Thank you,
Kendra, Jackson, and Sallie

Winter Walk aka Going crazy?

2003-01-22 Thread KendyBo

Winter Walk aka Going Crazy?

2003-01-22 Thread KendyBo
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2003-01-22 Thread KendyBo
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inappropriate peeing

2003-01-16 Thread KendyBo
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suckling pup

2003-01-14 Thread KendyBo
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Re: skijorning

2002-12-22 Thread KendyBo
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look at us!!

2002-12-12 Thread KendyBo
Hey if anyone is ever interested in who Jackson the sweetie pie and the crazy 
Sallie are, you can see a picture of them and their best friend Ursa on the 
Berner web site.  Oh, and their parents are there too.  Go to the second page 
of photos from the Ridgefield Berner Walk, and we are the picture in the top 
left corner.  From left to right we are:
Maura and her therapy dog Ursa, Me aka mommy and Sallie (she's the one we 
got from the family that didn't want her- they're the crazy ones!), Jamie aka 
daddy and Jackson, and Jamie's son Evan.  Aren't my pups so cute?

Kendra, jackson and Sallie

Re: My Berner Babbles!

2002-12-11 Thread KendyBo
My boy jackson talks constantly!!  Actually when we first got him, I was so 
worried that something was the matter, he was really unhappy or sick or 
something, because he just made noise all the time.  His breeder reassured us 
that he just had a lot to say, and he's been that way ever since!   We call 
him Chewbaca because he talks like that- woo woo woo.  He even seems to have 
learned to say hello.  When I come home, I swear that's what he's saying.  
And when we go to play- yikes! He never shuts up!  I've been wondering how 
many other Berners like to chat.  BTW, my other Berner, Sallie, doesn't talk 
much at all- she's too busy being naughty!

Kendra, Jackson, and Sallie

why be a breeder?

2002-12-09 Thread KendyBo
OK, so I got a very nice email the other day from my sweet boy's breeder.  
And something she said started me thinking...
I was wondering why people had decided to become a breeder.  What started you 
on that road?  
Anyone whanna share their story?

Curious Berner lover,
Kendra, Jackson (a curious Berner), and Sallie (a very curious Berner)-- they 
keep getting curiouser and curiouser!!!

Fire/emergency stickers

2002-12-08 Thread KendyBo
I just wanted to share with everyone a great thing I just found.  There is a 
woman who makes fire/emergency rescue stickers for dogs, cats, and birds.  
She offers stickers for over 150 different breeds of dogs, and most 
importantly, she has a Berner one!  The Berner on the sticker is GORGEOUS!!!  
You can get a singular or plural version, or can have one custom made.  She 
even made one for my friend with both a Berner and a Black Lab.  The stickers 
are cling film, so you can easily remove them later.  They are full color, 
She can also make stickers for you car with sayings like:
My Bernese Mountain Dog is smarter than your Honor Student or Berners are 
like Potato Chips- You can't only have one.  She is very nice and 
accomodating, and I ended up buying 9 stickers from her g.  
She is also willing to produce them in bulk for fund raisers, if clubs/rescue 
sre interested.
You can find these in two places:  ebay, and (her website).

I hope it's OK that I posted this- I'm not connected to her in any way, other 
than being her best customer today!  And I thought that this is an additional 
to make sure our pets are OK while we're away.

Kendra, Jackson, and Sallie

fire/emergency stickers

2002-12-08 Thread KendyBo
I made a mistake on the website address!  


Sorry about that!


neutering poll

2002-12-07 Thread KendyBo
I have two Berners:

Jackson, is 2 years old and was neutered when he was 6 months old.  We had 
him neutered for two reasons:
1. We signed a contract that said we would, and he was sold on limited 
2.  We didn't want to deal with the behavioral issues that come with an 
intact male.  He was our first dog and we were worried we wouldn't be able to 
handle the dominance and the desire to chase down every bitch on the street!
Oh and,
3. We had wanted a girl, but there was only one in the litter, so we figured 
a neuterd male was as close as we'd get. VBG

We also have Sallie, who is 1 year old.  We had her spayed just this past 
September, and we really just missed her first heat.  She was so much later 
than we hoped because we got her with severe chronic Lymes. (Not from her 
breeder, from her previous owners.)  We had her spayed for the following 
1. There was no way I was going to deal with a heat.  No way!!
2. She could use some mellowing and the least amount of hormones in her body, 
the better.
3. Seriously, we were not in a position to deal with puppies, she has leg 
problems and shouldn't produce them, and I don't want to be respoinsible for 
finding good homes and worrying about puppies.  I could never be a breeder.

Kendra, Jackson, and Sallie

Berner Parade on MS TV?

2002-11-22 Thread KendyBo
Sorry about the wrong info about the Ridgefield Berner Parade. I thought we 
were told it would be aired today, but it wasn't.

Does anyone know when it will be on?


seems ironic (thinking too much)

2002-11-18 Thread KendyBo
I'm sure I'll make lots of people annoyed with this, but...
Ive been thinking about the whole dog breeding thing lately, and find it 
ironic that in this world, where the media, TV, movies, and magazines obsess 
about looks and weight, but real people disagree with that obsession, we do 
the same thing with dogs.  I mean, I think we would all agree that the 
obsession with looks is not only unhealthy, but wrong as well.  I think we 
would all agree that we should (and try to) judge people not on their looks, 
but on who they are, what they stand for, andby their deeds.
However, in dog breeding, one of the only areas we really control over, dogs 
are bred seemly only for looks.  (Keep in mind this comes from a nonbreeder, 
and someone who things her less than perfect dogs are more than perfect)  
I think breeders do look very seriously for health, soundness, temperament, 
etc, but don't markings kind of mean the most?  If a breeder had the choice 
between a bitch with good hips and perfect markings or a bitch with excellent 
hips and good markings- which would they choose?  How about with temperament, 
or smartness/willingness to learn?

I'm not trying to start a fight, I'm just trying to understand the difference 
between what we do with dogs and what we try to tell our children, especially 
our daughters in a world that seems to value perfection over a good heart?

Uh,oh,  what did I start?

Scared Kendra, mismarked but wonderful Jackson, and crazy court jester Sallie

Berner in Kohl's commercial?

2002-10-13 Thread KendyBo

Has anyone noticed the dog in the fall Kohl's commercial?  It's the ad with 
the Donovan song Blue is the color of .  and there are lots of shots of 
people playing outside in the leaves.  For a split second you can see a big, 
furry black dog, but not a good view of his face.  I'd swear it's a Berner, 
though.  Anyone know who it is?
Anyone else watch as much TV as me?  (I have a good excuse- early pregnancy 

Kendra, Jackson and Sallie