Here we go again...

2003-09-09 Thread Rob & Sherry Hartung
Well Eddie has healed up really nicely and his face looks so handsome
with no draining holes.  Then he somehow scratched the cornea in one eye
and scratched the other eye but not the cornea we have a lot of sand on
our property and I think that was the culprit.  His eyes were really red. 

antibiotics and drops later and he's seems to be on the mend.

Hannah on the other hand is going back in Wednesday for more surgery... 
same spot on her left back foot between the toes, same Mast Cell cancer.  
We're not sure if it's a reoccurrence or some cells left over from July's
We are doing this surgery and then see what happens.  It's been a very
decision and right about now I feel like I'm hanging a death sentence over 
Hannah's head, but we have decided not to do any radiation.  The protocol
that has been described to us very thoroughly is not something we want to
subject a very happy bouncy Hannah through.  Or we could take off the two
toes.  However, she's getting stressed enough out over surgery and we just 
cannot put her through that.  We're trying to keep positive that this time the
surgery gets everything.  Time will tell.

After all this, and losing 5 Berners over the past 20 years, and having our 
hearts ripped out over what Cathi is going through, and other recent losses, 
I don't think my heart can take much more.  I'm not sure I can ever have 
another Bernese. 

Sherry & Rob Hartung
Kitchener Ontario Canada

New Update on Eddie & Hannah

2003-08-02 Thread Rob & Sherry Hartung
Here's the latest on Eddie and Hannah...

Eddie has finally rebounded.  After talking to the vet, we
figured he was in pain so we put him on some Metacam for
a few days and he started to eat.  Thursday he started running
around the yard like a new born colt.  Friday we had him in to
the vet for a checkup of his face.  The holes in his mouth where
his teeth were pulled are healing nicely.  His face is healing up
really nicely too.  There was some oozing initially but that has 
stopped and dried up.  The incision is healing up really well.  He 
gets the stitches out on August 11th.

Hannah is running around like nothing ever happened to her.  She
sure is her Mother's (Zoe) daughter!  She's happy, alert and eating,
though nothing comes between her and her food.   She's being
such a good girl getting her "bootie" on whenever she goes outside.

Now for the bad news... Hannah's biopsy results have been returned
and it's Grade 2 Mast Cell.  The pathologist was very surprised to see
it between the toes as this is a very rare spot.  It's also a spot where
it's difficult to get the 3 cm margins that they like to see without
amputating the entire foot.  They (as in Guelph OVC) are suggesting
needle biopsy into the lymph gland and radiation.  After a LOT of
research, many long hours discussing with the vet, looking at age 
and history of the line, soul searching, sleepless nights, and Hannah's
happiness, we have decided not to pursue radiation.  Our focus is to 
keep Hannah as happy as she currently is for as long as possible 
without putting a lot of stress on her.  We are doing some supplements, 
immune boosters and are looking at homeopathic treatments.  Hannah 
is one who absolutely hates to be brushed or feet touched (hence why
she goes to the groomer).  I sat her down the other night and told her 
she was going to have to cooperate with full body examinations on a 
very regular basis so we can monitor any lumps and bumps.  I hope
she understood!!!

Sherry & Rob Hartung
Kitchener Ontario Canada

Update on Eddie and Hannah

2003-07-27 Thread Rob & Sherry Hartung
First, let me thank everyone for their kind emails.  It's wonderful
to have an extended family out there to count on when you're 
going through something that makes you feel like you're in it all by
yourself!  You're really not!  Thank you

Eddie and Hannah both underwent surgery on Friday.  Here's
how things went...

First, Eddie... When the vet was in there she found that the tooth
root bed on the other side of his face was also affected and starting
to abcess, so he ended up getting both big upper molars pulled one
on each side.  She did a beautiful job stitching the holes on his face
back together.  She said the holes were right down to bone, so she
had to pull muscle and tendons back across.  He's got 3 layers of
stiches.  He's not bothering with the stitches at all, but we're having
a very hard time getting him to eat.  I've tried soaking his food, canned
dog food and everything and he's just not interested in eating.  He is
also having some problems with his back end and walking, so we got
him to the chiropractor on Saturday.  He's just all bunched up from the
surgery and being turned over and over to be worked on.  A few more
adjustments and he should be fine.

Of course, all day yesterday, I was wondering if we did the right thing 
by putting him through this as he does not seem to be bouncing back
and is really depressed.  It also doesn't help to know that 2 years ago
our previous vet put Eddie under to remove THAT tooth, but decided
not too because they could not find any indication that there was a 
problem, so we wasted a lot of money at that time for nothing.  They 
did not even do x-rays!  Had THAT tooth been pulled 2 years ago like
they were supposed to we're sure his face would have healed up on
it's own long ago.  However, Rob reminded me that it's been 2 years
this way (and trying to get vets to do SOMETHING) so he may take a
bit more time to bounce back.  Let's hope so.

On Thursday night at 11:20 p.m. we got a call from our new wonderful
vet.. she had just gotten the results from the radiologist.  He feels that
it is a swollen lymph gland and that we should definitely pursue surgery.
She wanted to make sure we knew right away as she is fully aware of
the MH in this line and wanted to set our minds at rest as quickly as
possible.  Now that's a dedicated vet and one that I want on our side.
We had been looking for a new vet for the last 2 years after ours retired.
I'm glad we found her!

So Hannah did undergo surgery to have the growth removed from
between her toes.  It has been sent off for biopsy but we won't know 
until about Wednesday what we're looking at.  The vet did laser surgery
and she said everything went very well.  Hannah has to keep a bandage
on her foot (looks like a golf club!) for one week so the pressure from 
standing on her foot does not pull the stitches apart.  She's being very
good at getting it covered before going outside.  The vet gave us IV 
bags to go over the bandage.Those are the greatest thing... really thing 
and much better than grocery bags.  Hannah is running around like 
nothing even happened to her foot.  She's not even limping.  She's
bounced back really well.  Now it's just a matter of waiting for the biopsy 
results.  I'll let you know what we find out... everyone keep their fingers
crossed that it's benign.

Sherry & Rob Hartung
Kitchener Ontario Canada

Need Your Thoughts to Pull Us Through With Eddie & Hannah

2003-07-24 Thread Rob & Sherry Hartung
I haven't been able to be on for awhile, but I needed some shoulders 
and I know the Berner-L'ers are always there to listen.  When you have
3 littermates of 6 years old everything all seems to happen at once.  
They just turned 6 last week.  A couple of months ago, people with 
one of our puppies from this litter lost their pride and joy to AIHA.  
Now we've got 2 of our guys going through some serious stuff.

Some of you may have remembered how Eddie was bitten by a 
spider over two years ago.  We went to a homeopathic vet and she
got the spot open and draining.  However, it stayed open and draining.
We tried everything but could not get it to close up.  It was constantly
oozing.  We went to a third vet (upon recommendation by Griz's
chiropractor) and she found that the poison from the spider bite went
into his tooth root bed, caused an abcess and ate away at the roots.
It had no where to drain, so it went out his face.  So, tomorrow Eddie 
goes in to have his tooth pulled and some facial reconstruction work.

Not to be out done by her brother, Hannah has a growth between her
toes (found last Saturday).  Upon examination by our new wonderful 
vet, it appears that it could be a malignant tumor, a benign tumor 
(hoping), or something that has resulted from an internal tumor which 
has formed the external growth.  We did an chest x-ray since we lost 
her mom, Zoe, to MH and Hannah's half sister, Emma, to SH and 
found a mass.  It does look similar to Zoe's and Emma's, but there is
big growth off of it.  The x-ray was sent to OVC in Guelph to a 
radiologist for another opinion.  We're trying to be optomistic, but it's 
so hard when you lose 2 related Berners 2 years apart to histiocytosis.
It's 2 years since losing Emma.  

Hannah is tentatively going in to have the growth removed tomorrow 
along with Eddie's surgery.  We're going to need to get 2nd and 3rd jobs
to pay for these guys!  We will have results from the radiologist before 
she is operated on.  If the mass inside is cancer, then we have to 
determine whether we operate or not.  If it's MH we know there is not
much time left (we lost Emma 4 days from diagnosis).  Our new vet is 
well versed with Berners and doesn't want us to waste our money if 
we're going to lose Hannah soon anyway.  Hannah has always been
the healthy one of the family so this was such a surprise.  She's had
absolutely no typical symptoms of MH (she eats like a horse), so it's
really difficult to try to determine how much time she has.  The only
thing we've noticed is the last week or so she's been very calm... we
just chalked it up to FINALLY maturing.

So, keep us in your thoughts tomorrow we may have 2 dogs going
through surgery.  I'm sure I'm not going to get much done at work
waiting for results.  Important lesson... never keep littermates...
all the bad stuff happens at the same time.

Sherry & Rob Hartung
Kitchener Ontario Canada