Re: Stop

2003-08-25 Thread _Adam Conn
Never said there was anything illegal. Just working on
pressuring. You can't knock all puppy millers off at
once... but getting them one at a time and cutting of
venues as much as possible WILL have an effect.


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I have been out of town and am just responding to
> this post. First there
> is nothing illegal regarding the Online Pet Auction.
> There is no
> appealling to the owners of the site as they are in
> the brokering
> business and this is just another aspect of that
> business. This is not
> the  only e-pets auctions site out there either and
> to date is not the
> most active. Just thought I'ld let you all know that
> On Thu, 21 Aug 2003 10:55:10 -0700 (PDT) _Adam Conn
> writes:
> > If you want to help stop this site, cut 'em off at
> the
> > pass. Request that no longer
> provide
> > DNS service to the site.
> > 
> >
> anyEmail
> > 
> > You provide DNS service for
> This
> > auction site has been started allowing people to
> > auction off pets to the highest bidder. This
> > encouragement of puppymillers and backyard
> breeders
> > will result in more suffering, unhealthy animals,
> and
> > will contribute to the overpopulation problem.
> > 
> > Please discontinue any service you provide to this
> domain.
> > 
> > __
> > Do you Yahoo!?
> > Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site
> design software
> >
> > 
> > 
> > 

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2003-08-21 Thread _Adam Conn
If you want to help stop this site, cut 'em off at the
pass. Request that no longer provide
DNS service to the site.

You provide DNS service for This
auction site has been started allowing people to
auction off pets to the highest bidder. This
encouragement of puppymillers and backyard breeders
will result in more suffering, unhealthy animals, and
will contribute to the overpopulation problem.

Please discontinue any service you provide to this domain.

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Seven years old already?

2003-08-14 Thread _Adam Conn
Sunday, August 10, Nor-Ham's Q litter (of 9) turns 7.
It's been amazing to watch Panda (aka Nor-Ham's
Quellen Panda Conn) mature from a grumpy old man (at
the age of 12 weeks) to a sweet mellow fellow. 

Two of his sister's are conformation champions (and at
least one has had litters of her own). Panda
attempting to add a CD to his litter's
accomplishments. Today, he would have had a 171 for
his second leg, but broke the sit stay. It would have
been nice to have a shot at finishing on his seventh
birthday, but I think he's trying to prolong the
training as long as possible (more treats!)

His biggest accomplishment, beyond that first leg (at
188 1/2!), has been the amount of work he's done on (aka the Internet Bernese
Mountain Dog Consortium's PandaSite). 

So happy seventh birthday to all the Qs! (and if you
are out there with a Q or an offspring of a Q, contact

And if Panda does finish his CD this fall and I take
Bison to the National, I'll take him for the Parade of
Veterans and Titleholders! (And who knows, I just
might enter him in Veterans so folks can see what an
amazing mover he is!)

Adam Conn (and Amy Conn)
Nor-Ham's Quellen Panda Conn 
Capezza's Pick Your Pockets (leading the ASCA
National's Parade of Rescues in September!)
Southwind TME Purple Majesty (attempting to be the
wettest showberner ever in his kiddie pool!)

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Blowing Coat

2003-07-24 Thread _Adam Conn
Pat Long writes:

>We forgot to mention the one sure-fire way to cause a
Berner to blow a coat.

>Dog shows.

Ah yes. That would be Bison, who has decided to make a
VERY leisurely attempt at blowing his coat, so much so
that he looked like he had a Mohawk at Duluth. Now, he
looks like some has dented one side of him.

We knew we were going to be cursed with berner #2
because Panda was a relatively easy puppy -- quick
coat blow, great manners, easy going. Bison... mr
polar opposite.

Adam Conn
Plymouth, MN

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Diamond Valley Bernese - Kathy Smith

2003-07-22 Thread _Adam Conn
Does anyone know anything about Diamond Valley Bernese
or Kathy Smith? Please email me privately.

Thank you.

Adam Conn
Plymouth MN

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Re: BERNER-L digest 4496

2003-07-13 Thread _Adam Conn
Our rescued Aussie was also heartworm positive (among
800 other health issues) when rescued at 10 1/2, with
a life expectancy of probably six months to two years
(emphasis on the six months). She was put on
Inteceptor since "collie breeds tend to have a bad
reaction to Heartgard". She, of course, heard that and
threw up everytime she was given Inteceptor. Put on
the Heartgard tablets, she never threw up (and loved
the cheese it was wrapped in). Last week, we received
the news she had beaten the heartworm. She'll be 13
next month, and enjoyed watching Group Judging and
Best In Show at the Duluth Kennel Clob this weekend
while her Berner brothers snoozed at the hotel. And
she's been invited to the ASCA National Specialty
Parade of Rescues in September! And I don't dare
mention Bison's shiny new point (nor the one withheld)
lest I be subjected to owing a lavish bestowal.

Adam Conn
Panda (Wait, Heel Free doesn't mean watch you from the
center of the ring?), Pockets (free treats cuz I'm a
rescue!), and Bison (STOP FLUFFING ME!)

From:   "Susan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:Re: Heartguard and Benadryl

I have used Heartguard for years on both a Berner and
a non-Berner because
heartworm is a real threat where I live.  I had a
Newfie mix, same size as
a Berner, who had heartworm when I rescued him.  The
treatment was very
hard on him and me, as well.  My opinion is that a
reaction from the
Heartguard could not be as awful as the heartworm
treatment.  I have had
no adverse reaction in either dog from the Heartguard.

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Re: Tornadoes

2003-07-06 Thread _Adam Conn
<< . One should NOT, I am told,  close the doors and
windows in the case of a tornado. This creates a
pressure that can contribute to lifting the roof off
the house. >>


Yes, after so many years, they finally discovered that
living in a trailer park significantly contributes to
having your house swept away in a tornado. :) I think
two of my greatest pleasures in life have been the
debunking of both the southwest corner bit and the
swimming cramps due to eating. [And the reason trailer
parks get hit is they are usually on the outskirts of
towns and unprotected by tall buildings. Downtowns
rarely get hit because there are too many big objects
in the way and the heat differential is enough to
change weather patterns.]

Adam Conn

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Canine Coolers

2003-07-03 Thread _Adam Conn
A while ago, I asked folks for their feedback on the
Canine Coolers. I got a variety of responses from dogs
loving it, ignoring it, and the older models ripping
easily (but that the manufacturer had changed
suppliers and that problem has lessened). In addition,
there were a lot of high marks about the company
replacing torn Coolers.

After a couple weeks of letting it sit in the box, I
set it up last night. Pretty easy instructions -- and
obviously written by  someone with dogs (kept in mind
the distrust of new objects, etc.) After letting it
sit overnight, I threw the dogs out of the house for a
couple minutes while I hauled it out. Upon reentry,
Panda discovered it first and thought "nice" but moved
along. Pockets, the rescue Aussie, thought "squishy"
and moved along VERY quickly. 

Bison, also known as "pants any time it's above 65
degrees", walked across it to get a toy. He played
with the toy and then walked back to the Canine Cooler
and laid down. That was over a half hour ago. He
hasn't moved from it since. Too bad it's bath night
for him...  show this weekend. At least he'll get the
Cooler in the car!

I got mine via eBay for $55 plus $9 shipping from
ampco20. Well worth it so far.

Panda, Pockets and Bison (*zz*)

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Internet Bernese Mountain Dog Consortium's PandaSite

2003-06-30 Thread _Adam Conn
Well, after almost seven years online, the Internet
Bernese Mountain Dog Consortium's PandaSite finally
has its own domain space. It was starting to become a
question of what would come first -- getting the
domain space, winning the lottery, or Panda earning
his CD. [Panda earned the first leg of his CD in his
first try(!) and just missed the second leg.]

So I'm proud to announce, on behalf of Panda and
everyone who has helped build the Internet Bernese
Mountain Dog Consortium's PandaSite over the years,
the new location.

It is now

Please update your bookmarks (and site links!)


Adam Conn
Panda, Pockets, and Bison
Plymouth, MN

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The St Bernard mistaken identity...

2003-06-05 Thread _Adam Conn
I was at Petco and had a cashier say "I haven't seen a
St. Bernard in years." My reply? "You still haven't."

Plymouth, MN
Panda, Pockets (honorary BMD), Bison

>>>Thanks for letting me do that. Just had my dog
called a St. Bernard for the umpteenth time this

>>>Andie Reid
Wilmington, NC

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Happy Birthday to Bison

2003-04-12 Thread _Adam Conn
For Sunday, happy birthday to Bison! He (and his four
littermates) turn 1! Hopefully, he'll celebrate by
getting some points at the Minnesota River Kennel Club

Adam Conn
Plymouth, MN
Panda, Pockets, and Bison (hey, at least I won the
puppy class today!)

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Bernese Mountain Dog of the Greater Twin Cities Meeting April 6

2003-04-02 Thread _Adam Conn
Noone else has sent it out, so I will ;)

The next meeting for the club is Sunday April 6 at 1
pm. Remember that the clocks go FORWARD Sunday

Details for the meeting are at:


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Re: At what age...?

2003-03-31 Thread _Adam Conn
Panda is now 6 1/2, and finally lifts his leg every
now and then. Mostly, however, he "flamingos" (squats,
but lifts the leg straight up).

Bison's a winger now we are waiting for his aim to

Panda, Pockets, and Bison
Plymouth, MN

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Laying down to eat

2003-03-24 Thread _Adam Conn
I've been meaning to ask this for months. Bison, since
day one, has always eaten his meals laying down. Every
now and then, he'll start from the standing position,
but will always finish flat on the floor. He shows no
sign of changing this behavior.

Any one else have a "roman eater"?


>> Bacchus used to just give up and lay down to eat.
>Many dogs--wild and domestic--lie down to eat. I've
not yet seen wild canines, or dogs left to their own
devices, put something on a raised platform to eat it
(although there is of course some dog somewhere that
does this . . . but it sure isn't the norm for wild
and domestic canines).

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Power outage...

2003-03-20 Thread _Adam Conn
This morning, my wife awoke at 5 am and asked "can you
move the clock so I can see it." After a few seconds,
I realized the power was out. She got up to look for
the kitchen timer so she'd be able to get up
officially at 6, and grabbed the flashlight on the

Bison, all of 11 months old, grabbed HIS stuffed
flashlight and followed her around. How freaking
precious is that!

By the way, Minnesota folk should know that the next
meeting for the Bernese Mountain Dog Club of the
Greater Twin Cities is Sunday, April 6, from 1 pm to 4
pm. It's an open meeting -- prospective members and
those interested in the breed are VERY welcome! See for more information!

Adam Conn
Panda, Pockets, and Bison (*Dad, my batteries are dead*)

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RE: Head fill-out

2003-02-06 Thread _Adam Conn
>>Sure it varies considerably, but can anyone give me
an estimate of when a male Berner's head fully fills

Generally, the brains arrive by UPS around two years
old. Until then, that head can be pretty cavernous. In
the interim, the head generally grows large enough to
support the brains that are on back order, as well as
enough to stuff the packing material the brains are
shipped in.

Usually around 14-20 months, the head takes final
shape, but the first spurt usually starts around 9-10

However, we are still waiting for Panda's brains and
head to fill out. At 6 1/2 years, his head is still
incredibly feminine, so much so that 20 year vets in
the breed think he's a girl!

Plymouth, MN
Panda, Pockets, and Bison (BMDC of the Greater Twin
Cities) (IBMDC PandaSite)

Officially funniest thing I've ever seen a Berner do

2003-02-03 Thread _Adam Conn
Bison, our 9 1/2 month old BMD, has an odd habit when
chasing his tail. Unlike most dogs, he catches his
tail first, then holds it and circles.

Pretty cute, yes. 

But tonight, he added a new dimension to this game.

He stood between my wife's legs, caught his tail, and
proceeding to circle repeatedly with tail still
clamped on to. At no time did he release the tail, nor
was the space under my wife's legs voided. If we could
train THAT as a trick, I think he'd be beyond the
Letterman scope of stupid dog tricks.

He kept it up for at least a minute and at least 10
complete circles. 

After my wife lost her balance, he continued the chase
until completely dizzy. (The dog, not my wife...)

Panda, Pockets, and a rather dizzy puppy Bison

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RE: Prospective Puppy Owner Test

2003-01-11 Thread _Adam Conn
> PPO will take a large breed to the vets after being

Neutering the PPO is a bit extreme...

Oh. Darn ambigiuous antecedents. You can take the
teacher out the classroom...

Panda, Pockets, and Bison

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Re: information sheets

2002-12-28 Thread _Adam Conn
I've also created this on the IBMDC PandaSite
( and the
soon-to-be officially launched The Bernese Mountain
Dog Club of the Greater Twin Cities Website at

The more this content is out there, the more people
will know!

Panda, Pockets, and Bison
From: "Andrea Brin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 27 Dec 2002 18:22:38 -0500

if you are in need of information on the costs of a
berner and the responsibilities inherent in owning one
you might find the posters that have been added to useful. they are pdf files that you can 
download and use at local events or with ppo's. thanks
to pat long for the great material. now everyone has
access to it.
andrea, woofit and chi

shavertown, pa

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Chasing tails... and more

2002-12-07 Thread _Adam Conn
Beth Schmoyer writes:

How many of your berners out there chase their tails?
Misha is crazy about hers.  She chases it round &


Bison chased his tail the first day he came home and
caught it. Dissatisfied with the ease at which he
caught his unsuspecting prey, he turned for a bigger

He chases his EARS. And believe it or not, he's caught
THEM too. He'll go after his tail from time to time to
show it who's boss, but the ears are my favorite chase

My fear is he'll want to chase his ears in the ring.

Panda, Pockets, and Bison

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Horses and dogs...

2002-11-26 Thread _Adam Conn
Just to throw a different "me too" in, my family raced
standardbreds in the midwest during the 80s. We
usually raced claimers, and raced mostly at the Quad
City Downs (now closed), but did stints at Balmoral,
Sportsmans, Canturbury (ironically), Sports Creek, and
Fairmont (or whatever the track in Collinsville, IL
is) as well as the fair circuit.

This summer, I got to see the figurines of several
folks I know (and a cousin through marriage!) who are
inducted in the Harness Racing Hall of Fame.

Adam Conn
Plymouth MN by way of a much different circuit!
Panda, Pockets, and Bison (first show on Sat!)

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Re: Dog Food

2002-11-23 Thread _Adam Conn
In Digest 4138, "nbmws6" wrote (and didn't sign):

It is also stated on that site that euthanized pets
from the shelters are also being used for pet food,
thus getting the drug into the food, anyone see the
old movie Soilent Green? Disgusting.


If you read more carefully, euthanized dogs and cats
were specifically NOT found in the food. Your
misreading of the facts is how unfounded rumors get
started. Here is the salient paragraph:

"Because pentobarbital is used to euthanize dogs and
cats at animal shelters, finding pentobarbital in
rendered feed ingredients could suggest that the pets
were rendered and used in pet food. CVM scientists, as
part of their investigation, developed a test to
detect dog and cat DNA in the protein of the dog food.
 All samples from the most recent dog food survey
(2000) that tested positive for pentobarbital, as well
as a subset of samples that tested negative, were
examined for the presence of remains derived from dogs
or cats.  The results demonstrated a complete absence
of material that would have been derived from
euthanized dogs or cats"

Adam Conn

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I'm back!

2002-11-07 Thread _Adam Conn
Hey folks, 
After a long long absence due to moving, I'm ready to
resume being on the Berner-L. As you know, Panda,
Pockets and Bison have decided to relocate to
Minnesota just in time for winter. (It snowed the day
after we closed on the house last month).

The "purebred horde" made the 1450 mile trip without
negative incident. Three dogs in a station wagon is a
heck of a lot of coordination for one person to
handle, but they were incredibly well-behaved, even
using one another for pillows at time.

Pockets looked a little rough once we made it up here,
but bounced back in a day or two. Panda thinks we
moved to the park (since we have a half acre lot).
Bison is FASCINATED by leaves. He runs from leaf pile
to leaf pile JUMPING into the middle and burying

Anyway, if anyone in Minneapolis wants to play, these
guys are FULLY ready!

Adam Conn
Plymouth, MN
Nor-Ham's Quellen Panda Conn CGC WDX
Southwind TME Purple Majesty
"Capezza's Pick Your Pockets" (rescue Aussie)

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