Last Call for Berner Day at Care-A-Lot

2003-08-01 Thread chellotchr
Hello List!

Berner Day at Care-A-Lot Pet Warehouse is drawing close!!!  The big day is
August 3, 2003.  I have been in contact with a few Berner friends locally
and we are planning to arrive around 11:00 a.m., when the store opens.  It
would be great to be able to mob Care-A-Lot with the most beautiful dogs in
the world!!!  If you are within easy driving distance of Norfolk/Virginia
Beach, Virginia and you don't have anything else to do on Sunday, come on
down!!!  I would love to me some fellow listers!!!  Besides that, if you
shop with your Berner, you get a 5% discount on your total purchase.  For
those of you not familiar with Care-A-Lot, they are a large pet supply
warehouse in Virginia Beach (I have no affiliation, I just love to shop
there!) and they carry dog, cat, fish, reptile, small animal, and bird
supplies.  Their prices are very competitive and they also do mail order
(  Since Klarsson has come to live with me, we go
there often for socialization and to buy food, treats, and toys.  Needless
to say, my dogs are spoiled (aren't all Berners?).  Please email me if you
plan to attend and/or if you need directions.  I'll be glad to help you!

Wendy Keene, Klarsson (Oh, boy, we get to go to CareALot and I get to see
some of my Berner friends!) and Lilah (ho-hum, what's the big deal, everyone
thinks I'm a miniature collie, anyway.  I haven't told them yet that I'm a
Hampton, VA

Berner Days at Care-a-Lot Pets & Klarsson's Anniversary

2003-07-25 Thread chellotchr
Dear List;

Just a reminder for those of you within easy driving distance of
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, Virginia, Berner Days at Care-a-Lot Pet warehouse is
Sunday, August 3, 2003.  I would love to have a big showing of Berners so
everyone that visits the warehouse that day can see the most beautiful dogs
in the world.  Also, if you come with your Berner and you purchase anything,
you will receive a 5% discount.  Please email me privately if you want to
join in, need directions, or any further information.

Plus, this is an extra-special weekend for Klarsson and me.  This is his
one-year anniversary of coming to live in my home (I brought him home on
August 4, 2002).  I would like to take this opportunity to thank Laura
Gilliam, again, for the opportunity to become a Berner mom.  For those of
your who don't know Klarsson, he was returned to Laura at the age of 14
months from his first family.  When I started looking for a dog, someone who
knew someone who knew that Laura had an adolescent male to place let me know
about him and gave me Laura's number.  We talked several times and I went to
visit and before I knew it, I had a BMD in my car!!!  It was a wonderful
day, definitely for me, and hopefully for Klarsson as well.  Klarsson has
adapted well to his new home and his new experiences, although, he's still
shy around people.  Anyone who met him last year and has seen him recently
has nothing to say but good things about his progress.  I'm really looking
for forward to being a Berner mom for the rest of my life!!!

Wendy Keene, Hampton, VA
Kasablanca's Making Thyme a.k.a. Klarsson (Mom, can we go to the Bark Park
Southern Puppibelle Lilah CGC (I'm the Sheltie and I'm the queen of the

Berner Days

2003-06-30 Thread chellotchr
If you are within reasonable driving distance of Norfolk/Virginia Beach,
Virginia, Care A Lot Pet Supply Warehouse (some of you are familiar with
their mail order services) has a retail outlet right on the border of
Norfolk/Virginia Beach.  Each weekend day, a different breed is featured.
August 3, 2003 is Bernese Mountain Dog Day.  Show up with your Bener and get
5% off your entire purchase.  I was wondering if anyone wanted to get
together at a specific time and show Care A Lot what a "bunch of Berners"
looks like.  Maybe afterwards, if anyone is interested, we could have a
little Berner picnic at a nearby park.  Please reply to me if you are
interested and I'll keep you posted on the developments.

I have no affiliation with Care A Lot other than I love the place, they have
the cheapest prices in town on all things pet (dog, cat, reptile) and have a
large, pet-friendly warehouse where leashed pets are welcome, all the time.
They have a website,, if you are interested in

It would be really great to meet some of you since I'm new to Berners but
have already decided I definitely need another one!!!

Wendy Keene, Klarsson (Big Berner Boy) and Lilah (the right colored Sheltie)
Hampton, VA

Leather Decorative Collars, Take 2

2003-06-28 Thread chellotchr
Dear List;

For all of you who emailed me privately, I'm sorry that I forgot to add the
website.  I think I was tired by then and copied it from my Leolist friend
but didn't paste it into the email.

So, here it is...  to

Jeanne Schoech, please disregard the last website I sent you.  It was the
wrong one.  Maybe I better give up email for the weekend!!!

Wendy Keene, Klarsson (it's TOO HOT outside) and Lilah (I just want to sleep
on the AC vent).
Hampton, VA

Leather Decorative Collars

2003-06-27 Thread chellotchr
Hello List!

A friend with Leonbergers forwarded me this website for a decorative
leather, hand-crafted collar with the Bern crest on it.  If you view the web
site, click on the Leonberger breed for a picture of the actual collar (of
course it would have the Bern crest instead).  Just thought I would throw
this out for those of you that are looking for unique items for your Berner

Wendy Keene, Klarsson (BMD) and Lilah (the right-colored Sheltie)
Hampton, VA

PS:  I have no affiliation with this man or his company.  Just thought I
would pass it along to the List as it seems that there are lots of people
looking for all things Berner!

Re: balls for dogs

2003-06-19 Thread chellotchr

I bought a basketball for my Rottweiler.  He also had a football and a
soccer ball.  Eventually then all ended up flat but he had great fun with
it.  Believe it or not, the flat soccer ball was his favorite toy.  The
basketball lasted the longest (I think it is the biggest) and if you buy a
decent one, they are pretty "thick skinned."  Good luck with the "killer."

Wendy Keene, Klarsson (who cares about balls?) and Lilah (I just want my
Hampton, VA

Dog in Distress - Update

2003-06-14 Thread chellotchr
Thank you to all who replied about Klarsson and his sudden onset of frantic
grazing.  He grazing, vomited, grazed some more, begged to come in and
everything seems okay.  He's been chewing on himself (could be those pesky
hotspots that the previous owners had problems with which caused them to
make the decision to shave him close to bald) and maybe he got a chunk of
hair caught sideways or something.  He doesn't seem to be having any more
problems.  However, someone suggested Gas-X for them and someone else
suggested Tums.  I have Tums for me but no Gas-X.  Guess I will be adding
that to the "pharmacy" here at the house.  It appears that all is well and
it was just a first-time Berner mom scare, I think

Wendy Keene, Klarsson (what's all the fuss about, I just wanted to graze)
and Lilah (geez, HIM again?)
Hampton, VA

Dog in Distress

2003-06-13 Thread chellotchr
Klarsson woke me up this morning with his jaws flapping together very
quickly.  I let him out and he went right to the tall grass and started
eating.  He's thrown up once and he's still grazing.  I checked around the
house and I don't see anything he could have gotten into overnight (he has
free roam though he spends most of the night on my bed).  He had been
chewing on himself (whole different problem).  Any ideas what might have
caused him to turn into a cow all of a sudden?  Is it possible that he's got
a hair plug clogged.  Help!!!

Wendy Keene, Klarsson (thanks for letting the grass grow tall) and Lilah
(it's all about HIM)
Hampton, VA

Re: venting

2003-06-04 Thread chellotchr

That's okay, at least they think yours is a purebred Saint.  I had someone
ask me once is Klarsson was a St. Bernard/Border Collie cross.  Can you
imagine.  I just hope the female was the Saint and not the BC.  Ouch!!!

Wendy Keene, Klarsson (proud to be full-blood BMD) and Lilah (the right
colored Sheltie)
Hampton, VA

Re: 2 dogs in a suburu

2003-05-31 Thread chellotchr

When I got Klarsson at age 16 months and about 29" tall and 110 pounds, I
owned a full size 2-door coupe.  2 weeks after Klarsson came home, I traded
in my 2001 Monte Carlo SS for a Ford Focus Station Wagon.  While it isn't as
tall as the Forester, I have comfortably fit Klarsson, his girlfriend Morgan
(a 2 year old female English Mastiff weighing in at about 160 pounds) and my
poor little Sheltie in the back of the car with, of course, the seat folded
down (permanently).  It works fine.  I've even traveled with both dogs and
their crates and their suitcase and my suitcase and cooler (crates were tied
to the roof rack) and was plenty confortable.  However, you end up with a
permanent 2 seater (which is fine for me as I'm a single dog-mom).  I looked
at several station wagons and SUVs and found that the Focus had the most
cargo room inside of the vehicles I was looking (including bigger than some
of the SUVs).  I look forward to getting my second Berner and I don't think
I'll have to upgrade my car to have her.

Good luck on finding something.

Wendy Keene, Klarsson (I like MY car, Mom) and Lilah (I wish he would quit
stepping on me)
Hampton, VA

Re: Berner on TV?

2003-04-12 Thread chellotchr

I just saw a Berner's back end in a Flonase 
commercial last night and have seen one in the Progresso Soup Commercial this 
past winter.  Also, I watched "There's Something About Mary" again not too 
long ago and Woogie's family had a Berner...  Anybody know who these 
dramatic dogs might be?

  - Original Message - 
  Jennifer Graves 
  Sent: Saturday, April 12, 2003 5:23 
  Subject: Berner on TV?
  In the April Alpenhorn, there is a page (ad?) 
  titled "Murphy goes to Hollywood" that says Murphy is in TV Ads and on a 
  sitcom.  Can anyone tell me what sitcom and which commercial Ch 
  Sunshine's Feuer Ball Murphy is in?  Are there currently other Berner's 
  in TV shows or commercials?
  Jennifer Graves
  GECO Incorporated1859 North Rosemont StreetMesa, AZ  
  Telephone:  (480) 981-7379Fax:  (480) 981-0088

Bleeding Ear

2003-04-06 Thread chellotchr
Hello L-er's:

My Klarsson (2 yo neutered male) finally got his come-uppance from his
10-year old Sheltie sister.  They were out in the yard at Grandma's house.
Lilah (the Sheltie) was trying to play Frisbee with Grandma but Klarsson was
much more interested in playing with her.  He barked at her a couple of
times to try and get her to play.  She didn't want any part of it, so, he
grabbed her by ear/neck.  She whipped around and snarled at him and
tooth-knocked the inside of his right ear flap. I now have a quad-colored
Berner (add red).  Anyway, the cut is long (about 2.5") but not all the way
through.  I managed to stem the bleeding (of course I'm covered in red as
well) and he does okay as long as he lays still.  However, here we are about
6 hours later and every time he shakes his head, the tip of the wound starts
to bleed again.  It looks like there has been a murder in my house (white
painted walls, splattering blood from tip of ear while shaking head).

Does anyone have any suggestions for closing/covering the wound so that he
doesn't bleed all over the house tomorrow or do you think it will be closed
by then?  How do I keep him from scratching at it with his foot once it
starts to heal and itch?  Help!!!

Thanks in response for anyone with experience with this!

Wendy Keene, Klarsson (ow!) and Lilah (I told him to leave me alone,
maybe now he will listen to me, uppity puppy!)
Hampton, VA

Klarsson is a Working Dog!!!

2003-03-23 Thread chellotchr
For those of you who know Klarsson, or met him at the recent PVBMDC regional
specialty, you know he isn't the bravest guy around.  However, I have found
that he will try to do things for me as long as nobody is watching him.

One of the activities that I would eventually like to participate in is
carting.  We have a harness and have practice wearing it and walking around
with someone else pulling the cart behind us for noise.  That doesn't seem
to bother him.  However, don't get that scary thing too close, Mom, or I'll
haul tail in the opposite direction.  So, we are up to hooking the traces to
leashes and dragging some small stuff around and I'm making him some PVC
practice shafts and then hopefully some training wheels (based on Andrea
Stefanac's design, thanks Andrea!!!).

S, we were over at his Grandma and Grandpa's house yesterday (my
parents) helping my mother do some yard work, cleaning out the rose bed and
transferring the pine needles from under the tree to the rose bed for mulch.
Mom has trimmed some of the branches off the pine trees so we don't hit our
heads on the riding mower (huge yard) as we go around the tree.  So, I
get the bright idea that if Klarsson can drag a milk carton, he can pull a
tree limb.  I dressed him in his harness, took an old leash and wrapped it
around the base of the limb (about 15' long but not really heaving) and
hooked his traces up to the leash.  Don't you know that with a little
coaxing, some bologna and the almost the end of finger (didn't let go of the
treat fast enough), he pull that limb all the way down the yard to the edge
of the woods for disposal.  I was so proud of him.  Mom couldn't believe.
Of course, no camera anywhere to be found to have photographic evidence of
the historic event.  Oh well, maybe next time!!!

So, there is hope for Klarsson to someday be a "normal" Berner, instead of
the shy, don't touch me, I don't want to do anything Berner that he has
been.  As an aside, for those of you who don't know Klarsson, he was rehomed
with me this past August at the age of 16 months.  Based on his behavior, I
don't think he had much training in the "social graces" when he was a puppy.
He doesn't like adults, especially men, tolerates children as long as they
aren't squealing or flailing, and loves all other dogs.

Wendy Keene, Klarsson (see, Mom, I can be useful!) and Lilah (the
right-colored Sheltie)
Hampton, VA

Happy Birthday Klarsson!!!

2003-03-16 Thread chellotchr
Today, Klarsson (Kasablanca's Making Thyme) is two years old!  Happy
birthday to him and the other members of the his letter (all his sisters, he
is the only boy).

Although he has only been with me a short time (since August 4, 2002), I am
thrilled to be owned by a Berner and have enjoyed all my new Berner mom and
dad friends.

Klarsson's plans for today include:  sleeping, riding in the car, shopping
for a new toy at Care-A-Lot Pet Warehouse, sleeping, visiting Grandma and
Grandpa for a little birthday party and sleeping.

If you are a sister to Klarsson, please email us and let us know.  So far,
we only know two of them and there are five more of you out there!!!

Wendy Keene, Klarsson (I'm not a puppy anymore says my Grandma), and Lilah
(the right-colored Sheltie)
Hampton, VA

Puppy Games

2003-03-12 Thread chellotchr
Hello All;

I need some help from you long-time trainers out there on the L.  I am
instructing my first Puppy Kindergarten class at our training club.
Klarsson gets to go along and be a "demo dog" and for a lot of the students,
it is the first "real" BMD that they have seen.

Anyway, we are trying to play at least one game each week and I am looking
for suggestions for easy games that puppies can play, in a group.  We did
relay race tonight and we will play puppy baseball the last night.  However,
I have 4 more weeks to get through before puppy baseball night and wondered
if anyone out there had a game other than relay race with the come command
that is fun for the puppies and their humans.

Thanks for your help!!!

Wendy Keene, Klarsson and Lilah (the right-colored Sheltie)
Hampton, VA

Re: Rescue BMD w/ "issues" needs help

2003-02-08 Thread chellotchr
I think in all breeds, unneutered
> males 1-3 yrs old is the highest demographic of owner surrenders.


I have a rehomed neutered male berner that was 16 months old when he adopted
me.  He is the sweetest, most wonderful dog, most of the time, but he did
have issues.  We won't talk about the week that I had to wear long sleeves
because I bruises from my wrists to past my elbows on both arms following a
"discussion" in my backyard about it being time to go inside.  I won and
have just tried really hard to be consistent with him.  He is a good dog and
I am thrilled to have him, even though he stills exhibits a fair amount of
shyness around other adults, especially men.  However, he's better now than
he was 6 months ago when I got him.  It's a patience and time commitment
thing.  I am happy to have him and wouldn't think about ever giving him back
to the breeder, even after that "discussion" in October.

I want to thank all of you for the ideas and information that I get from the
list every day.  It has helped me greatly, being a new Berner mom.  I used
to be a Rottweiler mom and boy, are they different!!!

Wendy Keene, Lilah (the right-colored Sheltie) and Klarsson (I'm s
spoiled, now)
Hampton, VA

Another Berner in the Snow

2002-12-04 Thread chellotchr
Yes, folks, it is SNOWING in southeastern Virginia.  I don't remember having
snow this early here for many years.  My 20.5 month old Berner went out and
stared at the sky, trying to figure out what this hard stuff was, pelting
him in the head!!!  As you may remember, Klarsson is a "rescue" that I
adopted in August.  He is adjusting well and I've been reading him the
emails from you folks up North about the snow and the Berners.  I have
noticed that on the mornings that it is really cold outside, I have a hard
time getting him to come back in the house.  He goes out, does his thing,
and then lays down on the cold concrete.  My Sheltie, on the other hand,
wants to run back into the warm house because she is shivering (she has
blown all her coat)...  Anyway, Klarsson's first family lived near
Greenville, SC so I don't know if he has ever really seen snow (read falling
ice) before.  He is pretty cute!!!

So, maybe it'll snow a lot (about an inch) here so things will shut down and
then I can take the dogs to my parents to romp (they have an acre and a half
of yard) so he can REALLY get the snow experience.

Wendy Keene, Klarsson (let it snow!!!) and Lilah (I'm freezing my Sheltie
behind off!)
Hampton, VA

Another Berner TV Star

2002-11-30 Thread chellotchr
While I was putting up the Christmas tree for my first Berner Christmas
ever, I had the TV to make noise in the house.  I had just sat down to look
at the tree from a different angle (read tired of standing up) and there was
a Progresso clam chowder commercial on.  I caught a glimpse of a large dog
at the beginning of the commercial and hollered at Klarsson, "I think I just
saw a Berner on TV!"  He came into the room and laid down (because he
doesn't really care about some Berner on TV, he's the only Berner in the
world, as far as he knows) and at the end of the commercial, the lovely
couple comes out of the house (after eating their soup, I assume) into a
snow covered yard with their (yep!) Berner running ahead of them.

Just wondered if anyone else saw that commercial or am I seeing things
(seeing how as I'm a new Berner mom and I don't recognize them very well
yet.  Yeah, right...)

Wendy Keene, Klarsson (Mom, I'm tired) and Lilah (Mom, I'm old and
Hampton, VA