Courtney Coxs' Berner

2003-08-14 Thread dvick . willbeck
Last night on Entertainment Tonight I caught a glimpse of a picture of 
Courtney Cox-Arquette (from friends) with her berner and Cavaliers. 
They said she was on the cover of a magazine and inside was an article 
with this picture.  I did not however catch the name of the magazine. 
Does anyone know which magazine I'm talking about?

Prayers Needed

2003-08-14 Thread dvick . willbeck
Dear Listers,
On Monday a lesion was surgically removed from Bueford side.  The vet 
suspects histiocytoma and we are awaiting lab results.  Keep your paws 
crossed and say a little prayer for us.  
-Denise &
Bueford Justice Pusser (age 2)

Re: Prayers Needed

2003-08-14 Thread dvick . willbeck
Hello Everyone,
I just got the lab results back on the lesion Bueford had removed last 
week.  The lab confirmed what we had suspected.  It is Histiocytoma. 
Thank goodness!  And, thank you everyone who added us to your prayer 
list!  I can let out a big sigh of relief now, and life can move forward.  

Buef has been playing up the part of a pathetic, poor me I'm sick, (feed 
me), berner.  He is really fine and will have his stitches removed next 
Big crocodile tears now - of joy.

He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog.  You are his 
life, his love, his leader.  He will be yours, faithful and true, to the 
last beat of this heart.  You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.  


Dear Listers,
On Monday a lesion was surgically removed from Bueford side.  The vet 
suspects histiocytoma and we are awaiting lab results.  Keep your 
paws crossed and say a little prayer for us.  -Denise &
Bueford Justice Pusser (age 2) 


2003-07-30 Thread dvick . willbeck
Hi All,
Has anyone used the Trade Winds over-the-counter tape worm tabs for the 
treatment of Tape worms?
I have used Droncit in the past and was wondering if Trade Winds otc has 
the same "'outcome".

Fear Factor

2003-06-09 Thread dvick . willbeck
Bueford has a behavioral problem that we seem unable to concur.  Perhaps 
someone out there can help us.  
Buef has accompanied me to my office since birth, he is now two.  Since 
he began toddling around the office on his own he's been exceptionally 
well mannered (except for food stealing) and has made this his second 
home.  He loves everyone, is the official greeter at the reception desk 
and simply loves to have his back scratched by all willing.  His problem 
is that he is terrified of an associates brief case.  He will not go 
near the brief case nor will he go into the room where case is.  If he 
sees the case he runs and hides.  We all carry brief cases here and all 
the cases look much the same, leather, soft sided with handles.   The 
case has never done anything bad to him, neither has the owner of the 
case.  We can only figure that it must be the smell of the case.  We 
have tried putting good smelling stuff like beef jerky inside the case - 
this didn't make any difference to Buef.  Thinking it might be the human 
not the case, I swapped cases with my associate for a couple days.  This 
also did not work.  When he reacts, we ignore his behavior and when and 
if he gets close to the case we treat, treat, treat.  Nothing we have 
tried has worked.   He remains terrified of the case.  We are trying to 
understand Buef, but this has become so frustrating.  My associate has 
offered to pitch the case and buy a new one but I won't agree to that.  
I suppose I could leave Buef home, but I really feel we should concur 
this fear.  Any advise would be greatly appreciated.  

-Denise (Buefs mom) and the staff at W&B.


Birthday Boy

2003-05-31 Thread dvick . willbeck
Happy '2nd' Birthday to my very own berner boy, WalkingTalls Bueford 
Justice Pusser.
You've grown into the berner I always thought you could be.

(Denise Vickers)
I've been waiting a long, long time for this day.
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog.  You are his 
life, his love, his leader.  He will be yours, faithful and true, to the 
last beat of this heart.  You owe it to him to be worthy of such 

i am a proud mom!

2003-01-22 Thread dvick . willbeck
Hello to you and Hudson.  I hope all is going well with both of you.
I was unable to view the photoshow of hudson.  The site gave me the 
following message:
"This PhotoShow is no longer available.  Please remind the show's 
creator to resend it to you".  Is there a new lick you can send me and 
the "L" list.  I'm a little behind on my berner L reading so excuse me 
if you have already sent out a new link.
Best Wishes.
-Denise Vickers with
Bueford, Drachmboui, The Black Cat, The Gray Cat
and our newest edition; The Hampster.
Freezing in Michigan

Soft Treats

2003-01-13 Thread dvick . willbeck

I have used this dog cookie recipe exclusively for 10 years. I have yet 
to meet a dog that refuses these tasty cookies. After the treats are 
baked they remain soft and chewy, do NOT crumble in your pocket, are NOT 
slimly and don't smell (to me anyway) like liver - more like garlic. I 
bake several dozen, place small quantities in zip lock bags and freeze 
them. They can be thawed out in the fridge or in your pocket.

1 pound raw beef liver
1 cup corn meal
1 cup flour
1 clove garlic

Preheat oven to 375 and grease two baking sheets.  In a food processor 
puree the liver and garlic. If you don't have a food processor, have 
your butcher grind the liver for you.  Place the processed liver/garlic 
mixture in a bowl and mix in remaining ingredients.  Dough will be 
slightly stiff and sticky. Spread the dough onto greased baking sheets 
1/4 inch thin.  Don't spread too thick or they won't cook through.  Open 
a few windows if you can't stand the smell of cooking liver. Bake for 
20-30 minutes or until firm, don't over bake. The dough tends to rise so 
when it does this just prick the surface several times with a fork. 
Also, fully baked cookies will NOT be golden brown. Remove from oven and 
immediately cut into 1"x1" squares then remove from pan to a cooling 
rack.  After the cookies have cooled, pack and freeze or refrigerate.


-Denise Vickers
Michigan USA

What kind of Dog is that?

2002-12-10 Thread dvick . willbeck

Sorry this is so long, but I had berner on the brain thismorning . . .

Last summer Buef and I marched in a parade - he was just one yr old.  At 
the end of the parade route was a park where a huge picnic was set up 
for the participants of the parade.  Well, not all participants.  No 
dogs were allowed near the picnic tents so Buef and I had to stay away. 
We sat near the parking lot against a tree while we waited for our ride 
to pick us up.  I have never been so bombed with questions as I was on 
that day!  Some lady even took a picture of Buef with her daughter.  Our 
ride was so late - we waited by that tree for an hour and a half!  I was 
ready to  put a bag over Buef!

One great thing about having the worlds cutest dog:  When Buef was a pup 
(carrable size) I could take him in any  public building.  I would just 
walk in the bank or grocery with this bundle in my arms and the entire 
staff would melt!  Here in the US dogs are not allowed in pubic 
buildings unless they are service dogs.  The only public buildings we 
are allowed to go into are the vet and the pet store.  I usually ask 
store owners if I can bring my dog into their shop for a quick walk 
about and some pets.  My local hardware store allows me to do this.  It 
makes it very hard to socialize a dog when no one allows you to 
socialize your dog.  

Both dogs go to work with me - which I am very fortunate.  We have a 
daycare service next door and the entire group of four year olds will 
line up and stretch Buef from the tip of his tail to the tip of his 
nose!  He will then turn about to have them stretch the others side and 
in doing so knock the whole line of kids over!  It is so cute!

My dogs (mostly golden retrievers) and I have always participated in 
theropy work.  Visiting local hospitals and nursing homes.  It was not 
until I became owned by a Berner that I really truely realized the 
impact these dogs can have on a person.  Everyone thinks pups are cute 
and it does not surprise me when they google over them.  But, as you 
know, folks continue to google over these beautiful dogs throughout 
their lives.  What took me aback was the response strangers got back in 
return.  Unknowing strangers who commented, 'what a beautiful dog, can I 
pet him', never had a clue what was in store for them.   Upon the touch 
of a hand Buef melts, taking the historical position on your foot.  His 
way with strangers is truly loving and when I first saw this magic I 
realized I needed to share Buef with others.  

Now, our time outside the house is spent delivering smiles!  We are a 
delta dog in training with high hopes for the future.   We still meet 
and greet strangers on the street, but the important time is the time we 
spend with those who are unable to walk down the streets.:-)

-Denise Vickers
Michigan USA

Berners & Horses

2002-11-25 Thread dvick . willbeck
Quarter Horses, once had 35 in one stable.  I'm not going to name them all.  Ride and teach both english and western pleasure. Since then have moved, sold the motor home and have no horses at home (too much work).  These days I perfer an abundance of dogs to horses but still teach on accasion and attend a few shows!  All dogs have tagged along to horse shows and Bueford even got to attend Congress in 2001!  
Wish I hadn't sold the motor home. . . 


> As I was drooling over Ray and Pat's puppies I began to wonder how many


Berner folks were also horse people?  How about a new poll? Name your horse
and riding style-

> *We have a morgan/standardbred cross for English pleasure
> who loves 16 month old berner boy Augustus



-Denise Vickers
Williams & Beck, Inc.
Consulting Engineers

Wake Up Call

2002-11-22 Thread dvick . willbeck
Michigan, 6:30am Friday morning, four inches of freshly fallen snow. 
I'm tired yet awake enough to let the dogs - who can hardly contain 
themselves - outside.  I put them out and head for the kitchen and some 
breakfast.  As I munch on my toast I gaze out the kitchen window across 
the countryside at the freshly fallen snow.  The darkness of the early 
morning is eliminated by the snow covered fields and the trees sparkle.  
I must admit to myself, that as much as I despise the winter months, I 
can't help but admire the beauty outside my window.

Then, suddenly, WHAM!  There's a extremely muddy Berner plastered 
against the kitchen window smearing mud everywhere!  My tea and toast go 
flying, my heart skipped several beats and I check to see if I wet 
myself!   I scream "OFF" at the top of my lungs, run to the door where 
I'm greeted by an extremely wet, muddy, angelic Bueford.  Oh no, no, no, 
not another crater.  I slip my coat on over my bathrobe and head outside 
to survey the area for damage; down spouts are pulled off the house, 
nothing new there; water bucket upside-down and empty, normal.   I walk 
further along the side of the house to the drive and am stopped dead in 
my tracks by what I see before me.   There in the gravel drive is my 
husbands parked car covered with four inches of snow and it looks as if  
something has been trying to dig it up!   I look down at Bueford 
standing beside me,  panting hard and covered with the evidence.  Oh, 
he's proud of this one.   I scream, "NAUGHTY" pointing at the trench 
around the car,  "what were you thinking", "have you totally lost it". 
All dogs are now in the down position, hanging their heads in shame, as 
I stand in the driveway ranting and raving.  Suddenly, I hear a noise 
coming from under the car.  Oh, for crap sake, The Black Cat is under 
the car!!  I stare back in horror at my beloved Berner boy Bueford - who 
actually thought he could dig the cat out from under the car!!  

What's a mother to do. . .

- Denise

puppies and stairs

2002-11-19 Thread dvick . willbeck

Congradulations on your new little one!  

1. In the literature I received from the breeder, it's recommended to not let my berner up and down stairs until he's a year old.  Should I be sure to carry him up and down those until I can't pick him up anymore? 
Mark my word . . you will not be able to carry a 10 month old berner up and down stairs.  And an eight week old pup will not be able to manage most steps, so you'll have to carry the pup.  If you carry Henley up and down stairs throughout his life how will he ever learn to manipulate stairs by himself. 

2. I would like to teach him how to retrieve.  Any suggestions?  
Bernese are not natural retreives but they are eager to please and a quick study.  Start young - find, bring, give - are all great commands to help with retreiving.  Make it fun and start with a great toy. 

3. An acronym question - PPO.Potential Puppy Owner.


Escape artist

2002-11-11 Thread dvick . willbeck

Oh, I know exactly what you are going through.  If he wants, my Bueford 
can open any door from either side.  It began by him opening our bedroom 
door (mom & dad asleep in bed) on Saturday mornings and then opening the 
exterior doors when he wanted to go outside.  No, I did not teach him to 
do this, nor did I encourage him to chew on my door knobs.  Though he 
has never 'ran away from home' I have installed chains on all the 
exterior doors - just in case.  I tried dead bolts, but one day while I 
was gardening outside and the dogs were playing inside Buef locked ME 
out of the house!  

He also gets excited when he can't find our BooBoo dog.  He will run 
from room to room opening all the doors looking for the Boo Boo dog - 
who, of course, is hiding.  I have on occasion come home to find Buef 
has locked himself in the bathroom and he does leave the door open when 
he lets himself in from outside.  Sometimes he does it just for kicks; 
the other night while I was watching TV he frantically ran into the 
room opened the closet, went into the closet and shut the door behind 
him.  Five minutes later he let himself out.  His version of hide-and-seek?

- Denise
Still a proud mama