New A/C 4 day cluster in August - Kansas City

2003-06-30 Thread gabig
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Re: Berner wallpaper border idea

2003-07-01 Thread gabig
I have borders with Berners on them that I made.  Here's how I did it.

I bought a wallpaper border that had a design that would work when I added a
paper berner cutout over it in certain places. The border I found looks like
a shelf with dog books & trophies on it.  It also has some Blue ribbons and
a framed photo of a spaniel.  I then found a photo of some of my own dogs in
approx the same pose, had color photo copies made the correct size to cover
the spaniel.  I then cut the Berner out and pasted them over the spaniel.
Works GREAT.  Can't tell the difference at all.

You could do the same thing with Paint to make a fake border and then use
wallpaper paste to add cutout of your own Berners.

I've also made fake wallpaper with paw prints by cutting a paw print into a
sponge and using it with several different colors.  I used this method in
the family room of my old house and everyone loved it.  I have also used
this on my whelping box.  On the walls, I ragged them first and then put the
paw prints lightly over the top, then sealed it all.  You don't notice the
paw prints at first but they are there and look great in a dog room.

You can also use graphics such as my graphics below to cut out and past onto
wallpaper borders.

Have fun with it.  There are NO rules.

Dawn Gabig, Classique Berners, Kansas City USA
Our Website:
FREE Graphics:
Heartland Club Website:

2 yr old male Berner needs home (Iowa)

2003-07-01 Thread gabig
Ole is a 2 1/2 year old neutered male Berner of German breeding & registry.
He needs to be placed due to family changes. He is overall healthy & up to
on preventive care. He appears to have mild unilateral hip dysplasia & clear
elbows based on Dr. Kathy Berge's evaluation of his Xrays. He is VERY shy
strangers, VERY loving with people he knows & good with other dogs & cats.
became acclimated to his foster facility within 48 hours. Once he bonds with
you, he does not forget you, but he is shy & suspicious of anyone new. He
would do best in a quiet, dog-savvy household. He does not appear to have
phobias aside that to new people. Numerous uncontrolled people coming &
going (for
example a family with teenagers) would not be appropriate. His people phobia
can probably be improved with correct leadership. Please call 515-262-8535
(days) & ask about Ole.

This email was sent on behalf of Kathy Berge DVM, Foster Home

Dawn Gabig, Classique Berners, Kansas City USA
Our Website:
FREE Graphics:
Heartland Club Website:

Use of Sherpa Bags????

2003-07-10 Thread gabig
I'm about to send a puppy to it's new home in a Sherpa bag.  The pup was 20
lbs yesterday and we still have 5 days to go before the new owner arrives.
Have any of you had problems getting a pup of this size to fit in a Sherpa?
They are using Delta which doesn't seem to have a weight restriction but I'm
starting to worry about the size of the pup.  The Sherpa bag is 11" x 11
3/4" x 20 inches.  I don't have it here so can't try test him in it
physically.  It's only a 90 minute direct flight so am hoping it will work.

PS  I'll share your comments and experiences with my buyer but take your
names off the emails.

Thanks for any help you can give us.  I'm worried that they won't be able to
get the pup home after flying out to me.

Dawn Gabig, Classique Berners, Kansas City USA
Our Website:
FREE Graphics:
Heartland Club Website:

Berner male needs home!!!

2003-07-18 Thread gabig
This is the Berner (or Berner mix) that we've all been talking about.  Now
it's time to do something if we can.

He was found in a shelter in Burlington Iowa and taken to Quincy Illinois
for fostering.  Quincy in on the Illinois/Missouri Border half way between
the quad cities of Davenport and St. Louis.  The Foster home cannot keep him
very long and is willing to drive a few hours in any direction to a new
foster home or permanent home.  The link below has photos, contact
information, and information details about the dog himself.

His current foster home is Anne Heckle
Home: 217/222-1322
Work: 217/223-0225 Ext. 205

I'm sure she would appreciate all the help she can get.

Dawn Gabig, Classique Berners, Kansas City USA
Our Website:
FREE Graphics:
Heartland Club Website:

IL Berner rescue has found a home

2003-07-21 Thread gabig
Per the email below, the rescue from Iowa taken to Illinois is now placed in
a great home.  Thanks to everyone who helped.

Dawn Gabig, Classique Berners, Kansas City USA
President of HBMDC
Heartland Club Website:

- Original Message - 
From: "Anne Heckle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I just wanted to let you know that Ben went to a perfect home yesterday
> in Chicago.  Their 4 kids loved him and he loved them right back.  They
> have a lake house in WI so I am sure he will be in heaven.
> Thanks for ALL your help.
> Anne

Internet works in finding homes for rescues

2003-07-21 Thread gabig
I put together this webpage for our latest Berner rescue and 3 days later,
there are nearly 300 hits on that page.  I would encourage other clubs to
use this method.  It has worked very well for all our rescues, they find
homes quickly when people are able to see many photo.  The better the photo,
the more it works.  If your club does not have the ability to do this, I'll
volunteer to do this for any Berner rescue.  All you have to do is send me
the photos, contact information, information about the dog, location, etc.
See this page and use it as a guideline of what I'd need.

Dawn Gabig, Classique Berners, Kansas City USA
Our Website:
FREE Graphics:
Heartland Club Website:

Timing on Second breedings

2003-07-29 Thread gabig
> In the late 70's a lady, who had a vision for improving the orthopedics
> of our breed, was promoting the idea of evaluating the progeny at age 2
> yr. before considering breeding either the sire or dam again.

There is a mathematical problem with this scenario:

Since the loss of GDC in the US, we need to wait for OFA for hip & elbow
evaluations.  So, our breeding dogs/bitches need to be two to even start the
evaluation process.   IF we x-ray them that same day and then mail it to
OFA, we'll get the results in about a month at best.  That will make them 25
months.  Most often more time will pass in this process for one reason or
another.  If we want all littermates of this potential dog/bitch to be bred
to be x-rayed too, we may have to wait several months and often up to a year
to get all the results.

Next step for the bitches, we need to wait until they come in season which
could be an additional 6 more months (or more).  We need to hope that this
timing will be a good time for us to breed and have a litter (we may have to
wait another cycle for numerous reasons).  All this will make the bitches
closer to three than two for their first breeding.  Now we need to add two
months for gestation of her first litter and the same time for the progeny
to get evaluated.  Most breeders know that getting the entire litter x-rayed
and evaluated correctly takes time, often up to a year.  So our original
bitch is now 6 or 7 when we are ready to breed her again (5 at best).
Fertility vets will tell you that with each cycle that the bitch does not
get pregnant, the progesterone will reek havoc with the lining of the uterus
making it harder to get and hold a pregnancy (yes, there are exceptions).

For males, this would make them around 5-6 before they have a second litter
which isn't as big a concern.  However, ask any semen collection/storage
service and they will tell you that Bernese Sperm decreases in fertility for
a number of reasons fast.

I agree that evaluating the first progeny before more breedings take place
is the best way to do it in a perfect world when we are trying to eliminate
health concerns; but , in most cases, it's just not practical.

Dawn Gabig, Classique Berners, Kansas City USA
Our Website:
FREE Graphics:
Heartland Club Website:

Re: Timing on Second breedings

2003-07-29 Thread gabig
On the subject of using PennHip to shorten the time frame for evaluating

Personally, I will not use Penn Hip as I have had dogs injured by it as have
others.  When I sell a puppy, it is against my sales contract to use PennHip
before the age of 12 months.  This is my opinion and I'm not trying to
debate Penn Hip here as I will not change my mind.

However, this is a mute point as Penn Hip doesn't give you elbows anyway
which puts you right back to the same time frame used by OFA.  I feel that
currently elbows are a worse problem in this breed than hips.

I'd be more inclined to use OVC (Canadian Registry that certifiies at 18
months) than Penn Hip.  I can tell you for a fact that many reputable and
honorable BMDCA breeders are now using OFA prelims since we have lost GDC.

Personally, I see no problem with this as all the registries are one tool in
a very large picture.  I like to see the x-rays myself in the presense of a
skilled radiologist/vet and make my decision based on that along with the
results of a registry.  I don't use any registry as a Bible on which dog to

Flames happily deleted,

Dawn Gabig, Classique Berners, Kansas City USA
Our Website:
FREE Graphics:
Heartland Club Website:

FREE Berner Xmas Gift Tags 2002

2002-12-14 Thread Dawn or Tim Gabig
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60 Berners at auction?

2003-02-04 Thread Dawn or Tim Gabig
I just got this email from a Newf friend:

"I imagine you know that there are 60 Berners scheduled to be sold at
auction this weekend at Wheaton MO."

Does anyone know if this is true?  So sad.

Dawn Gabig, Classique Berners, Kansas City USA
Our Website:
FREE Graphics:
Heartland Club Website:

Draft Test & Berner Clinics in Iowa May 24 & 25

2003-02-04 Thread Dawn or Tim Gabig
Heartland Bernese Mountain Dog Club invites you to:

Saturday, May 24th - CLINICS & ACTIVITY DAY
Private Training Lessons of any kind with M Shirley Chong
CGC Test with M. Shirley Chong
Veterinary Chiropractor, Dawn Bromley DVM
Canine Massage Therapists, Jessica Briggle & Megan Hood
Microchip Clinic - Home Again
Pot Luck Dinner

Sunday, May 25th - Draft Test
Judges: Patti Morgan & Linda Thomas
Secretary & Premium Lists: Kathy Berge, 11872 Highway 349, Indianola IA
50125, (515) 961-0654 or (515) 262-8535, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Chair for both Days: Shannon Cihlar, (320) 283-5378 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Training Lessons & CGC Test: Anita Schrodt, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (641)

Location:  Well Mannered Dog Center, 700 Maple St., Grinnell Iowa (50 Miles
East of Des Moines)
Camping Available & Motels nearby

Note: More details in later email ads

Hope to see you all there,
Dawn Gabig, President HBMDC

Re: Stud Dog Contracts

2003-02-22 Thread Dawn or Tim Gabig
>>I was wondering if some of you would be willing to share a sample of your
stud dog service contracts with me.  Specifically a sample that includes a
pick of a puppy in place of an actual stud fee. I'm trying to get a feel for
what should or shouldn't be included in contracts.

My Response:
There is no such thing as "should or shouldn't" in a contract.  As long as
it's agreed upon by two competent parties of proper age for the state in
which it's written, it's legal.  A contract can be written anyway the stud
dog owner wants it. It's up to the bitch owner to decide if he/she want to
sign it.

The stud back term has several issues which should all be covered in writing
before the breeding takes place in order not to cause hard feelings
afterwards.  I had an experience where my good friend and I had a verbally
discussed a breeding for over a year.  Our ultimate agreement (which she
required in writing) was as such:  She was going to use my stud dog for an
extrememly reduced price ($100 service fee and $65 a puppy) and I was going
to be able to purchase second pick for "NO MORE THAN $1200".  She took the
cheap stud fee quickly and easily and when it came time for me to purchase
my puppy, she wanted to add a "free puppy back" and a sales contract with
other restrictions which we had never discussed in over a year of talking
about this.  We had never signed that original written agreement that she
required I mail to her because we were hurried and I trusted her.  A
mulitple year long friendship was gone forever.  Don't let it happen to you.

Here are some of the issues that should be addressed fully if a stud puppy
is taken in lieu of the stud fee.

Is there a minimum size of the litter to allow a stud puppy to be taken?
One?  Two?  Three?  More?

Does the service fee get refunded?

Who names the puppy?  What kennel names can and cannot be used?

Will there be any restrictions or sales contract placed on the puppy by the

Is the Stud puppy to be first pick? Second pick? Etc.?

If the breeder does not keep first pick, can the stud dog owner take it as
their stud puppy?

If first pick is kept by the breeder not making it available as a stud puppy
and then sold later, does the stud owner get first right of purchase?  At
what price?  How much later? This term is extremely important as that is how
breeders get around the first pick becoming available as a stud puppy.  They
say they are going to keep it, pay the stud fee or give second pick to the
stud owner and then sell it or co-owne it with someone else.

Can the breeder keep first pick on a co-ownership with someone else or do
they have to own it outright in their own home/kennel before it becomes
available to the stud owner?

At what age does the breeder have to decide on their first pick?  8 weeks?
10 weeks?

At what age can the stud owner take the puppy?  How long does the breeder
have to hold the puppies awaiting the stud dog owner's decision?

Can the stud puppy be bred if it's dysplastic or not show quality for any
other reason?

If it's sold, does the breeder have the first right to purchase it back?

Can the stud puppy be sold to anyone?  Pet store?  Auction house?  Someone
the stud owner doesn't like?

As you can see, it can get tricky.  The bottom line is that as many of these
terms (and a few others) should be discussed and put in writing before the
contract is signed.

Dawn Gabig, Classique Berners, Kansas City USA
Our Website:
FREE Graphics:
Heartland Club Website:

Fred Thomas - a Story of Survival

2003-03-21 Thread Dawn or Tim Gabig
As many of you may know, Fred Thomas, a Berner owner/handler in Washington,
has been fighting Necrotizing Fasciitis and Descending Necrotizing
Mediastinitis and Sepsis (flesh eating bacteria) in the throat.  Against all
odds, he has survived the initial outbreak and is currently starting the
long road to recovery and reconstructive surgeries.

His friends have put together a raffle to aid him and his family in this
very difficult time.

There are some great items on this raffle, don't miss it:

The administrators of this raffle have the following update:

We have a number of tickets that have been donated to Fred's raffle so we
want to make this offer:

To the next 3 people that send in 100 dollars, you will get 50 free tickets.

To the next 3 people that send in 50 dollars, you will get 25 free tickets.

Just in case you are one of the lucky winners of extra raffle tickets, be
sure to drop a note on where you would like these tickets applied. Hurry
nowraffle ends March 29th.

Administrator of this Raffle: TERRY ZIMMERMAN  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you for your support,

Dawn Gabig, Classique Berners, Kansas City USA
Our Website:
FREE Graphics:
Heartland Club Website:

Looking for Dog Walker at the National

2003-03-31 Thread Dawn or Tim Gabig
We have a group going to see some of the So Calif sights early in the week
and were wondering if there are any responsible teens or anyone else that
would like to pick up some extra change by dog walking for us

Dawn Gabig, Classique Berners, Kansas City USA
Our Website:
FREE Graphics:
Heartland Club Website:

Re: Lancaster County National - I'm attending & here's why

2003-06-07 Thread Dawn or Tim Gabig
There ARE puppymills inside the BMDCA.  Should we boycott that organization?
I'll wager to bet real money that BMDCA puppymills (& BYBs) produce more
Berner pups than Lancaster county.

There are many nice people who are against puppymills in the State of
Missouri.  It's doubtful that boycotting dog shows in that state will ever
be known by the state legistrators.  There are better ways to protest

To those of you who would support BARC and boycott Lancaster county:  How
much money has BARC put into the State of Missouri through their auctions
there?  Into that very industry that we are against?  More than a specialty
would put into any county?  (This is NOT an attack on BARC, only food for
thought about why you are planning a boycott.)

There are probably puppymills in every single state in this free country.
Does that means no more specialties at all?  No more dog shows?

I will attend the specialty wherever it goes. A huge thank you to the 2005
show committee.

Dawn Gabig, Classique Berners, Kansas City USA
Our Website:
FREE Graphics:
Heartland Club Website:

Re: Bad Breeders in BMDCA vs Lancaster County

2003-06-08 Thread Dawn or Tim Gabig
Esther Wilson wrote:
>Your statement noted above was plain bad information.

My response:  I disagree.

Esther Wilson wrote:
> And worse, I feel Berner-L is an inappropriate place for your post.

My response:
Again, I disagree.  I strongly believe that newbies need various viewpoints
of all subjects to learn properly.   How can they decide on a subject if
they only hear one viewpoint?  If you agree that there are puppymills and
bad breeders inside the BMDCA, shouldn't the newbies be warned?  Wouldn't
that help them be more careful where they buy?  Wouldn't that give them
incentive to ask questions of their breeders before they buy no matter who
the breeder is?  Isn't that what we are asking them to do - ask questions
and plenty of them?  I understand your concern about some of my comments as
they may not be easy to swallow but I believe them to be true.  You may not
and that is OK.

Thank you for your comments and suggestions.  I welcome friendly debates.
We will never all agree totally on most subject.  That is what makes the
world go round.

PS  I do not read all Berner-L posts and will probably not comment further
on my original email on this subject.


Dawn Gabig, Classique Berners, Kansas City USA
Our Website:
FREE Graphics:
Heartland Club Website:

Haircuts do NOT hurt dogs - my opinion

2003-06-19 Thread Dawn or Tim Gabig
I have owned a grooming shop and have clipped several of my old collies and
Berners.  They love it.  They do feel cooler.  It is easy to tell by their
behavior that they feel better.  Until you actually do it, I can understand
the arguments against it.  However, I've seen older dogs with heavy coats
that could barely walk in the hot summer.  They lie around miserable.  One
quick summer clip and they seem Years younger instantly.  It does not do
anything different to a dog than it does to a human and don't we feel cooler
in the summer when we cut our hair?  It will grow back.  My veteran, Ch
Dabrak Classique Dancer was fully clipped the summer before her appearance
at the Nationals in Rhode Island and did very well there. She was clipped at
the beginning every summer, in fact.  She carried a tremendously thick and
long coat.  Once clipped, she could go swimming all the time without the
worry of hot spots and loved it.  I currently have three that are clipped.
I use several lengths.  I like the 7F blade the best - it makes them look
like a Greater Swiss.  If you want it longer, you can use a comb attachment
over the clipper blade or have your groomer scissor the coat instead of
using a clippers.  A good groomer can do just about anything you like but do
use a "good and experienced" groomer as I've seen many dogs abused at bad
grooming shops.

For those of you that use the argument that the coat is natural for Berners,
I respectfully disagree and don't believe it is.  If this breed were left to
breed in the wild, the coat would lighten in color and density very quickly.
This coat is man made for cold weather, not produced by nature.

If anyone would like a photo of one of my dogs that I recently clipped, just
email me and I'll email one back to you.

Flames happily deleted,

Dawn Gabig, Classique Berners, Kansas City USA
Our Website:
FREE Graphics:
Heartland Club Website:

Free 4th of July Berner clipart

2003-06-26 Thread Dawn or Tim Gabig
It's the last set on this page.   One of my better sets, if I do say so
myself.  Enjoy,

Dawn Gabig, Classique Berners, Kansas City USA
Our Website:
FREE Graphics:
Heartland Club Website:

FREE Berner Graphics

2002-11-15 Thread Dawn or Tim Gabig
We just finished a major reorganization and expansion of our Graphics
WebPages.  There are lots of new wallpapers, clipart & border sets.

They are all FREE for personal or non-profit use.  Enjoy!

Dawn Gabig, Classique Berners
Suburbs of Kansas City, USA
BMDs/CHs: Cassie, Partner, Heather, Blossom & Scarlett
Our Website Homepage:
FREE Graphics:

PPO in Korea needs help

2002-11-20 Thread Dawn or Tim Gabig
Anyone know how to contact the breed club in Korea?  I'd like to forward it
to a PPO there.

Dawn Gabig, Classique Berners
Suburbs of Kansas City, USA
Our Website:
FREE Graphics:
Heartland Club Website: