Malabsorption problem

2003-07-22 Thread tami winner
About a month ago I had blood work done on my nine year old. The Total 
Protein and Albumin were very low, which should have indicated renal/liver 
failure, but Tulie didn't show any signs of that. Two weeks ago we redid the 
blood work, and the levels were good now.

On Sat., Tulies front feet looked swollen. I took her by the Vet yesterday, 
he agreed and said he could feel a little pitting edema. Tulie did have 
diarrhea over the weekend. I have not been able to figure out the pattern to 
her diarrhea, as it has happened for a day or two every couple weeks.

This morning I started her on Prozyme in her food. She is eating the same 
food that I have always fed her, Sensible Choice Adult Chicken. My Vet said 
that I should probably not make a change in her food right now. The Vet also 
said that if the swelling persists, I should take her in to have the Protein 
and Albumin checked again.

Does anyone know what can be done to help with edema? I am getting her up 
and walking her around every two hours, even though it's 107 degrees out. 
Today I took her to the local dog wash and had her stand in cold water for 
10 minutes. Tulie is acting normal in every other way, still has a great 
appitite, barks, and wants to chase cats.

Please give me any suggestions that might help.

Tami Winner
Merced, CA
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HELP-Blood test results

2003-06-22 Thread tami winner
I just had a blood panel run on my nine year old girl, and the protein and 
albumin are very low.

Tulie is currently being treated for hemangiosarcoma, but the Vet does not 
feel that the blood results are caused from the cancer. My Vet is kinda 
stumped, because Tulie is not showing any signs of what these levels would 

I had a blood panel and urinalysis run in Feb. These were the results then 
and now.

Albumin  2.2 
Total protein4.9 
Globulin  2.7

There was no protein in the urine, so it is not being lost there. At this 
time, we do not know where the protein is being lost.

Can anyone give me any info on what I can do? Everything I have looked up so 
far points to renal/liver failure.

I have taken Tulie off all supplements, and was just starting to switch her 
food. What type of food should I look at now?

Tami Winner
Merced, CA
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RE: Yuck

2003-06-12 Thread tami winner
Yes, the hair from an animal does act as a natural wormer.

While living in Alaska, I would get a road kill carcas of a moose. We would 
let the dogs eat the entire leg, hair, hoof and all. I know, it sounds 

I think I would be concerned with why the chipmunk died, was it diseased?

Tami Winner
Merced, CA
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Fwd: what I wrote on the BMDCA list

2003-06-09 Thread tami winner
This is being forwarded to the berner-l for Tari Hafner,  2005 National 
Specialty Chairperson

From: Tari Hafner [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: what I wrote on the BMDCA list
Date: Sun, 08 Jun 2003 08:29:17 -0400
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---End Message---

RE: forwarded message

2003-06-09 Thread tami winner
Sorry for the confusion of my last post not going through. I am still trying 
to figure it out, but I am using a friends PC. I may have better luck from 
my MAC at home.

Tami Winner

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RE: Containment issues

2003-06-06 Thread tami winner
I have been reading about all of the ways that people are confining their 
berners while they are not at home.

I guess I must be one of the lucky ones. I have never confined Tulie while 
she was home alone. Tulie is now nine, and although she goes most places 
with me, there are times that I do leave her home alone. She has NEVER 
gotten into anything. I do nothing special to prepare the house before 
leaving either.

I have left Tulie at several friends places, alone and with their dogs, and 
still no problems. Even at my parents place where there are numerous things 
she could probably get into, have not been a problem. In fact, it has 
suprised me at times when some people question me about leaving Tulie. It's 
just never been an issue with her.

I do understand and think it's great that owners know their own dogs well 
enough to do what is best. I appreciate every day I have with Tulie, and 
know that I may not be as lucky with others dogs in the future.

Tami Winner
Merced, CA
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Protection dog or not?

2003-03-04 Thread tami winner
I had a terrible scare last night. I thought there was a burglar in my house 
at 2:30 this morning. I started hearing noises downstairs, so I thought I 
would send Tulie down to check it out, while I was behind her.

Well, Tulie was snoozing comfortably on my bed, so I had to wake her up. I 
started telling her there was a kitty down stairs and making the Psst noise. 
That always gets her going. We went to the end of the hall and I told her to 
go get the kitty. She went down to the first landing and stood there and 
looked up at me. I kept telling her to go while I was walking down. Of 
course by now if there had been an intruder, I think they would have heard 

At the bottom of the stairs I have a quilt nailed over the doorway to help 
keep the downstairs warm in the winter. Tulie always walks through that, but 
not last night. So, I stood on the stairs and held open the quilt for Tulie 
to go into the living room. Tulie walked straight into the kitchen and stood 
looking at her cookies. I guess she thought thats why we got up in the 
middle of the night is for me to give her a treat.

So I guess the answer to a burglar would be for me to throw food on them, 
then Tulie would go after them.

Everything ended up fine and we had a good nights sleep after that.

Tami Winner
Merced, CA

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Bloody urine results

2003-02-15 Thread tami winner
I would like to thank everyone who has responded to my recent crisis. Tulie 
is doing really good today, working hard at holding the floor down.

The Vet called and said it looks like it is a bladder/urinary tract 
infection. I was sent home yesterday with some Clavamox antibiotics, so it 
is almost 24 hours since Tulie has been on them now. They said to expect 
blood today, but should start to clear up.

Tulie's RBC and WBC were fine, which is good news for the hemangiosarcoma I 
hope.The Liver and Kidney enzymes were fine. The urine test showed moderate 
amounts of bacteria and inflammatory cells. Her PH is 7.5, so that needs to 
come down a little.

Thank you to all of you knowledgeable people on the list. I have not had any 
experience with this in human or canine. If it were just the blood, I 
wouldn't had been so worried, but the blood clots really paniced me. As long 
as all of this ends with the antibiotics, we will be fine.

Tami Winner
Merced, CA

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Blood in urine

2003-02-14 Thread tami winner
I was wondering if anyone has any experience with bladder infections or 
urinary tract infections?

My girl Tulie, started peeing blood today, then there was blood clots in the 
urine. She had to go very frequently, feeling the urge, but not going much. 
I got her right into the vet.

The vet is doing a urinalisis, and a complete blood panel, the results will 
not be in until tomorrow, but I am a nervous wreck and worried mom now.

Tulie was diagnosed with Hemangiosarcoma last July. She is currently doing 
fine. Her temp. was normal today, and heart sounded great. The Vet palpated 
her abdomen and didn't feel anything. Tulie has not gotten into anything 
like poison. She ate a normal meal at breakfast and dinner, barks when 
someone comes to the door, and is very alert and normal in every other 

I am hoping for the normal, but fearing the worst. Any advice would be 

Tami Winner
Merced, CA

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Excellent XMAS card

2002-12-18 Thread tami winner
I wish that I could send everyone this great xmas card that a friend 
recieved online, but my computer is to slow to even view it, so I am sending 
all of you the web site to go preview this card.

Click on the xmas cards then preview SNOWDOGS.

This is the BEST card I have ever seen. It is a huge graphic site, and I 
can't even get there from my computer. It is well worth the wait to see 
this. It will make you smile. I am still amazed at how someone can develope 
something like this online.

Have a great holiday, and hug your pups.

Tami Winner
Merced, CA

Tired of spam? Get advanced junk mail protection with MSN 8.

info needed

2002-12-06 Thread tami winner
This is not berner related, but I was just contacted by a friend that their 
dog had died very suddenly this week. They are trying to look for some 

All weekend the dog was fine, Sunday night about 10:00pm dog started to 
vomit. Did this off and on during the night. They took her first thing 
Monday morning to their Vet, and the dog died before noon Tuesday.

The Vet seems to think that it could have been Pancreatitis or Kidney 
failure. The owners were very careful in what they fed her, because she did 
have a sensitive stomach. They rescued this dog from the pound last July, so 
they do not have a long history with her, but she was only a couple years 
old, had all her shots, and in good health. They walked a couple miles each 

I guess the Vet said it could have been Antifreeze too. I have been these 
people's house many times, and there is no way that I have ever seen that 
she could have gotten into that. I will be going over to visit this week, as 
they have asked me to try to help explain, and find answers possibly.

Has anyone experienced any of these things? Can it happen this quickly?

Thank you,
Tami Winner
Merced, CA

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