Re: Bind 9, dnssec, and .key .private files physical deletion after the key id becomes deleted from zone (the key becomes outdated)

2022-01-28 Thread egoitz--- via bind-users
Hi Mark! 

Very thankful again for your time. Sorry for answering so late, but I
was not at the office yesterday. I answer below in blue for instance...

El 2022-01-27 02:56, Mark Andrews escribió:

> DNSSEC involves lots of timing / co-ordination points and if any of them get 
> delayed for any reason the
> following ones also need to be delayed.  While dnssec-keygen will allow you 
> to set all of the timers for
> all of a keys life, it is bad practice to do that. 
> But as I have read in Michael Lucas book, it's recommended to refresh at 
> least ZSK keys from time to time. For that purpose... it's required to set 
> the needed date and times... isn't it?. 
> If you are going to set the timers like this there needs to be much more time 
> between the inactivation time
> and the deletion time.   
> I see, so first and required value of sig-validity-interval <= deletion time 
> - inactivation time then ?. 
> As I said earlier about 30 days with default values for 
> sig-validity-interval. 
> This is the reason by which I have deduced the formula written above... 
> Thanks again Mark
> Cheers 
> Mark
> On 25 Jan 2022, at 18:46, wrote:
> Hi!!
> Don't really know if it could help, but I generate the ZSK keys this way :
> /usr/local/sbin/dnssec-keygen -3 -a 8 -b 1024 -P now -A now -I +45d -D +47d 
> _
> Cheers!!
> El 2022-01-25 02:48, Mark Andrews escribió:
> On 25 Jan 2022, at 11:55, wrote:
> Hi Mark!!
> Thank you so much for your answer!! and your time!!.
> I have a couple of questions. I ask them between your lines and in blue for 
> instance... for emphasizing and being easier to see what I'm referring to. 
> I'm talking about ZSK keys in the questions I am asking in blue.
> El 2022-01-25 00:36, Mark Andrews escribió:
> How 'named' manages DNSSEC is very different to how 'dnssec-signzone' manages 
> DNSSEC.  When you tell named to
> inactivate a DNSKEY it stops re-signing the zone with it and it stops signing 
> new records added to the zone
> with it.  
> The fact is, I don't tell named nothing really. It maintains the zone 
> signatures (I'm using inline-signing yes; auto-dnssec maintain; per zone). I 
> just provide it keys and then I wait, until the ZSK key's delete time 
> arrives, then I remove it's files (.key and .private). I don't wait until the 
> inactive time. I wait until the delete time (not the inactive time). After 
> the delete time of the key, can still records (rrsigs) exist signed with that 
> key then?.


>> It DOES NOT immediately replace all RRSIGs generated using that key.  Those 
>> records will be replaced
>> over the sig-validity-interval as they fall due for re-signing.  Once all 
>> those RRSIG records have been
>> replaced and they have expired from caches, you can then delete the DNSKEY 
>> record.
>> With the default sig-validity-interval (30) that takes up to 22.5 days to 
>> which you have to add the record TTL.
>> Ok, but does sig-validity-interval affect too, after the key deletion date?. 
>> Or does it affect only from the inactivation date to the deletion date of a 
>> key?.

sig-validity-interval and re-signing is independent of inactive and
delete dates.

> Mark
> Best regards
> On 25 Jan 2022, at 05:21, egoitz--- via bind-users  
> wrote:
> Hi!!
> Thanks a lot for your answer!!
> I tried before the fact of renaming back and rndc sign... but does not 
> work just has removed the error from the log
> I have changed my key managing code, for not renaming to "-OLD"  the ZSK 
> (.key and .private) until have passed at least 2 days from the deletion 
> time... Let's see if this way works better
> Any more ideas mates?.
> Thank you so much for your time :)
> Best regards,
> El 2022-01-24 17:51, Tony Finch escribió:
> ATENCION!!! Este correo se ha enviado desde fuera de la organizacion. No 
> pinche en los enlaces ni abra los adjuntos a no ser que reconozca el 
> remitente y sepa que el contenido es seguro.
> egoitz--- via bind-users  wrote: 
> These are the contents of a cat of the private file I have renamed to
> samename.private-OLD :
> Created: 20211031230338
> Publish: 2020220241
> Activate: 2020220341
> Inactive: 20211215230338
> Delete: 20211217230338 
> Yes, it can be confusing when the state of the key files doesn't match the
> state of the zone.
> I think you said you have renamed all your key files back to their usual
> non-OLD names. Good; that is necessary if named is still looking for a key
> file even if it shouldn't need it any more.
> Then, try running `rndc sign `, to make named reload the keys. I
> think that should also get it to make whatever updates might be necessary.
> Then look at the logs to see if there are errors, and look at the DNSKEY
> RRset (with its RRSIGs) to make sure it matches what you expect.
> If that 

Re: Bind 9, dnssec, and .key .private files physical deletion after the key id becomes deleted from zone (the key becomes outdated)

2022-01-26 Thread Mark Andrews

DNSSEC involves lots of timing / co-ordination points and if any of them get 
delayed for any reason the
following ones also need to be delayed.  While dnssec-keygen will allow you to 
set all of the timers for
all of a keys life, it is bad practice to do that. 

If you are going to set the timers like this there needs to be much more time 
between the inactivation time
and the deletion time.  As I said earlier about 30 days with default values for 


> On 25 Jan 2022, at 18:46, wrote:
> Hi!!
> Don't really know if it could help, but I generate the ZSK keys this way :
> /usr/local/sbin/dnssec-keygen -3 -a 8 -b 1024 -P now -A now -I +45d -D +47d 
> _
> Cheers!!
> El 2022-01-25 02:48, Mark Andrews escribió:
>>> On 25 Jan 2022, at 11:55, wrote:
>>> Hi Mark!!
>>> Thank you so much for your answer!! and your time!!.
>>> I have a couple of questions. I ask them between your lines and in blue for 
>>> instance... for emphasizing and being easier to see what I'm referring to. 
>>> I'm talking about ZSK keys in the questions I am asking in blue.
>>> El 2022-01-25 00:36, Mark Andrews escribió:
 How 'named' manages DNSSEC is very different to how 'dnssec-signzone' 
 manages DNSSEC.  When you tell named to
 inactivate a DNSKEY it stops re-signing the zone with it and it stops 
 signing new records added to the zone
 with it.  
 The fact is, I don't tell named nothing really. It maintains the zone 
 signatures (I'm using inline-signing yes; auto-dnssec maintain; per zone). 
 I just provide it keys and then I wait, until the ZSK key's delete time 
 arrives, then I remove it's files (.key and .private). I don't wait until 
 the inactive time. I wait until the delete time (not the inactive time). 
 After the delete time of the key, can still records (rrsigs) exist signed 
 with that key then?.
>> Yes.  
 It DOES NOT immediately replace all RRSIGs generated using that key.  
 Those records will be replaced
 over the sig-validity-interval as they fall due for re-signing.  Once all 
 those RRSIG records have been
 replaced and they have expired from caches, you can then delete the DNSKEY 
 With the default sig-validity-interval (30) that takes up to 22.5 days to 
 which you have to add the record TTL.
 Ok, but does sig-validity-interval affect too, after the key deletion 
 date?. Or does it affect only from the inactivation date to the deletion 
 date of a key?.
>> sig-validity-interval and re-signing is independent of inactive and delete 
>> dates.
 Best regards
> On 25 Jan 2022, at 05:21, egoitz--- via bind-users 
>  wrote:
> Hi!!
> Thanks a lot for your answer!!
> I tried before the fact of renaming back and rndc sign... but does not 
> work just has removed the error from the log
> I have changed my key managing code, for not renaming to "-OLD"  the ZSK 
> (.key and .private) until have passed at least 2 days from the deletion 
> time... Let's see if this way works better
> Any more ideas mates?.
> Thank you so much for your time :)
> Best regards,
> El 2022-01-24 17:51, Tony Finch escribió:
>> ATENCION!!! Este correo se ha enviado desde fuera de la organizacion. No 
>> pinche en los enlaces ni abra los adjuntos a no ser que reconozca el 
>> remitente y sepa que el contenido es seguro.
>> egoitz--- via bind-users  wrote:
>>> These are the contents of a cat of the private file I have renamed to
>>> samename.private-OLD :
>>> Created: 20211031230338
>>> Publish: 2020220241
>>> Activate: 2020220341
>>> Inactive: 20211215230338
>>> Delete: 20211217230338
>> Yes, it can be confusing when the state of the key files doesn't match 
>> the
>> state of the zone.
>> I think you said you have renamed all your key files back to their usual
>> non-OLD names. Good; that is necessary if named is still looking for a 
>> key
>> file even if it shouldn't need it any more.
>> Then, try running `rndc sign `, to make named reload the keys. I
>> think that should also get it to make whatever updates might be 
>> necessary.
>> Then look at the logs to see if there are errors, and look at the DNSKEY
>> RRset (with its RRSIGs) to make sure it matches what you expect.
>> If that doesn't get things straightened out then, um, dunno :-)
>> I 

Re: Bind 9, dnssec, and .key .private files physical deletion after the key id becomes deleted from zone (the key becomes outdated)

2022-01-24 Thread egoitz--- via bind-users

Don't really know if it could help, but I generate the ZSK keys this way

/usr/local/sbin/dnssec-keygen -3 -a 8 -b 1024 -P now -A now -I +45d -D
+47d _ 


El 2022-01-25 02:48, Mark Andrews escribió:

> On 25 Jan 2022, at 11:55, wrote:
> Hi Mark!!
> Thank you so much for your answer!! and your time!!.
> I have a couple of questions. I ask them between your lines and in blue for 
> instance... for emphasizing and being easier to see what I'm referring to. 
> I'm talking about ZSK keys in the questions I am asking in blue.
> El 2022-01-25 00:36, Mark Andrews escribió:
> How 'named' manages DNSSEC is very different to how 'dnssec-signzone' manages 
> DNSSEC.  When you tell named to
> inactivate a DNSKEY it stops re-signing the zone with it and it stops signing 
> new records added to the zone
> with it.  
> The fact is, I don't tell named nothing really. It maintains the zone 
> signatures (I'm using inline-signing yes; auto-dnssec maintain; per zone). I 
> just provide it keys and then I wait, until the ZSK key's delete time 
> arrives, then I remove it's files (.key and .private). I don't wait until the 
> inactive time. I wait until the delete time (not the inactive time). After 
> the delete time of the key, can still records (rrsigs) exist signed with that 
> key then?.


>> It DOES NOT immediately replace all RRSIGs generated using that key.  Those 
>> records will be replaced
>> over the sig-validity-interval as they fall due for re-signing.  Once all 
>> those RRSIG records have been
>> replaced and they have expired from caches, you can then delete the DNSKEY 
>> record.
>> With the default sig-validity-interval (30) that takes up to 22.5 days to 
>> which you have to add the record TTL.
>> Ok, but does sig-validity-interval affect too, after the key deletion date?. 
>> Or does it affect only from the inactivation date to the deletion date of a 
>> key?.

sig-validity-interval and re-signing is independent of inactive and
delete dates.

> Mark
> Best regards
> On 25 Jan 2022, at 05:21, egoitz--- via bind-users  
> wrote:
> Hi!!
> Thanks a lot for your answer!!
> I tried before the fact of renaming back and rndc sign... but does not 
> work just has removed the error from the log
> I have changed my key managing code, for not renaming to "-OLD"  the ZSK 
> (.key and .private) until have passed at least 2 days from the deletion 
> time... Let's see if this way works better
> Any more ideas mates?.
> Thank you so much for your time :)
> Best regards,
> El 2022-01-24 17:51, Tony Finch escribió:
> ATENCION!!! Este correo se ha enviado desde fuera de la organizacion. No 
> pinche en los enlaces ni abra los adjuntos a no ser que reconozca el 
> remitente y sepa que el contenido es seguro.
> egoitz--- via bind-users  wrote: 
> These are the contents of a cat of the private file I have renamed to
> samename.private-OLD :
> Created: 20211031230338
> Publish: 2020220241
> Activate: 2020220341
> Inactive: 20211215230338
> Delete: 20211217230338 
> Yes, it can be confusing when the state of the key files doesn't match the
> state of the zone.
> I think you said you have renamed all your key files back to their usual
> non-OLD names. Good; that is necessary if named is still looking for a key
> file even if it shouldn't need it any more.
> Then, try running `rndc sign `, to make named reload the keys. I
> think that should also get it to make whatever updates might be necessary.
> Then look at the logs to see if there are errors, and look at the DNSKEY
> RRset (with its RRSIGs) to make sure it matches what you expect.
> If that doesn't get things straightened out then, um, dunno :-)
> I guess it is possible to get into a muddle if you try to move a key out
> of the way very soon after its delete time. By default, named does key
> maintenance infrequently, so I guess if you move the key after its
> deletion time but before the next key maintenance cycle, things will get
> out of sync. But I have not checked whether my guess is right or not.
> Tony.
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Please visit to unsubscribe 
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ISC funds the development of this software with paid support subscriptions. 
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bind-users mailing list

Re: Bind 9, dnssec, and .key .private files physical deletion after the key id becomes deleted from zone (the key becomes outdated)

2022-01-24 Thread egoitz--- via bind-users
Hi Mark!!! 

Thanks again!!!. Very very thankful really. Please allow me to answer
you something more as we found a guru here :) :) 

But then Mark, what does a key deletion time of a key mean?. I
understood that when the deletion time was overtaken in a ZSK, the key
dissapeared from the DNSKEY and so... it should not exist RRSIGs with
that ZSK (because that RRSIG could not become validated with a valid/in
effect ZSK) key because all should have been renewed between the key
inactive time and the delete time. I assume I am wrong then. I read the
ARM and understood that. What I'm missing or what I have misunderstood
if you are so kind as to clarify me?. 

By the way, when you say "sig-validity-interval and re-signing is
independent of inactive and delete dates" I understand but I assume,
then I don't have clear the concept of "key delete time", because I
thought that sig-validity-interval and the fact of re-signing, was just
applied to in effect keys. 

I would be very thankful if you could help me clarifying the delete time
of a key then... I'm going to try to do it by my own, reading the ARM
relevant parts again too... 

As said before, extremely thankful Mark :) 


El 2022-01-25 02:48, Mark Andrews escribió:

> On 25 Jan 2022, at 11:55, wrote:
> Hi Mark!!
> Thank you so much for your answer!! and your time!!.
> I have a couple of questions. I ask them between your lines and in blue for 
> instance... for emphasizing and being easier to see what I'm referring to. 
> I'm talking about ZSK keys in the questions I am asking in blue.
> El 2022-01-25 00:36, Mark Andrews escribió:
> How 'named' manages DNSSEC is very different to how 'dnssec-signzone' manages 
> DNSSEC.  When you tell named to
> inactivate a DNSKEY it stops re-signing the zone with it and it stops signing 
> new records added to the zone
> with it.  
> The fact is, I don't tell named nothing really. It maintains the zone 
> signatures (I'm using inline-signing yes; auto-dnssec maintain; per zone). I 
> just provide it keys and then I wait, until the ZSK key's delete time 
> arrives, then I remove it's files (.key and .private). I don't wait until the 
> inactive time. I wait until the delete time (not the inactive time). After 
> the delete time of the key, can still records (rrsigs) exist signed with that 
> key then?.


>> It DOES NOT immediately replace all RRSIGs generated using that key.  Those 
>> records will be replaced
>> over the sig-validity-interval as they fall due for re-signing.  Once all 
>> those RRSIG records have been
>> replaced and they have expired from caches, you can then delete the DNSKEY 
>> record.
>> With the default sig-validity-interval (30) that takes up to 22.5 days to 
>> which you have to add the record TTL.
>> Ok, but does sig-validity-interval affect too, after the key deletion date?. 
>> Or does it affect only from the inactivation date to the deletion date of a 
>> key?.

sig-validity-interval and re-signing is independent of inactive and
delete dates.

> Mark
> Best regards
> On 25 Jan 2022, at 05:21, egoitz--- via bind-users  
> wrote:
> Hi!!
> Thanks a lot for your answer!!
> I tried before the fact of renaming back and rndc sign... but does not 
> work just has removed the error from the log
> I have changed my key managing code, for not renaming to "-OLD"  the ZSK 
> (.key and .private) until have passed at least 2 days from the deletion 
> time... Let's see if this way works better
> Any more ideas mates?.
> Thank you so much for your time :)
> Best regards,
> El 2022-01-24 17:51, Tony Finch escribió:
> ATENCION!!! Este correo se ha enviado desde fuera de la organizacion. No 
> pinche en los enlaces ni abra los adjuntos a no ser que reconozca el 
> remitente y sepa que el contenido es seguro.
> egoitz--- via bind-users  wrote: 
> These are the contents of a cat of the private file I have renamed to
> samename.private-OLD :
> Created: 20211031230338
> Publish: 2020220241
> Activate: 2020220341
> Inactive: 20211215230338
> Delete: 20211217230338 
> Yes, it can be confusing when the state of the key files doesn't match the
> state of the zone.
> I think you said you have renamed all your key files back to their usual
> non-OLD names. Good; that is necessary if named is still looking for a key
> file even if it shouldn't need it any more.
> Then, try running `rndc sign `, to make named reload the keys. I
> think that should also get it to make whatever updates might be necessary.
> Then look at the logs to see if there are errors, and look at the DNSKEY
> RRset (with its RRSIGs) to make sure it matches what you expect.
> If that doesn't get things straightened out then, um, dunno :-)
> I guess it is possible to get into a muddle if you try to move a key out
> of the way very soon after its delete time. By default, named does key
> maintenance 

Re: Bind 9, dnssec, and .key .private files physical deletion after the key id becomes deleted from zone (the key becomes outdated)

2022-01-24 Thread Mark Andrews

> On 25 Jan 2022, at 11:55, wrote:
> Hi Mark!!
> Thank you so much for your answer!! and your time!!.
> I have a couple of questions. I ask them between your lines and in blue for 
> instance... for emphasizing and being easier to see what I'm referring to. 
> I'm talking about ZSK keys in the questions I am asking in blue.
> El 2022-01-25 00:36, Mark Andrews escribió:
>> How 'named' manages DNSSEC is very different to how 'dnssec-signzone' 
>> manages DNSSEC.  When you tell named to
>> inactivate a DNSKEY it stops re-signing the zone with it and it stops 
>> signing new records added to the zone
>> with it.  
>> The fact is, I don't tell named nothing really. It maintains the zone 
>> signatures (I'm using inline-signing yes; auto-dnssec maintain; per zone). I 
>> just provide it keys and then I wait, until the ZSK key's delete time 
>> arrives, then I remove it's files (.key and .private). I don't wait until 
>> the inactive time. I wait until the delete time (not the inactive time). 
>> After the delete time of the key, can still records (rrsigs) exist signed 
>> with that key then?.


>> It DOES NOT immediately replace all RRSIGs generated using that key.  Those 
>> records will be replaced
>> over the sig-validity-interval as they fall due for re-signing.  Once all 
>> those RRSIG records have been
>> replaced and they have expired from caches, you can then delete the DNSKEY 
>> record.
>> With the default sig-validity-interval (30) that takes up to 22.5 days to 
>> which you have to add the record TTL.
>> Ok, but does sig-validity-interval affect too, after the key deletion date?. 
>> Or does it affect only from the inactivation date to the deletion date of a 
>> key?.

sig-validity-interval and re-signing is independent of inactive and delete 

>> Mark
>> Best regards
>>> On 25 Jan 2022, at 05:21, egoitz--- via bind-users 
>>>  wrote:
>>> Hi!!
>>> Thanks a lot for your answer!!
>>> I tried before the fact of renaming back and rndc sign... but does not 
>>> work just has removed the error from the log
>>> I have changed my key managing code, for not renaming to "-OLD"  the ZSK 
>>> (.key and .private) until have passed at least 2 days from the deletion 
>>> time... Let's see if this way works better
>>> Any more ideas mates?.
>>> Thank you so much for your time :)
>>> Best regards,
>>> El 2022-01-24 17:51, Tony Finch escribió:
 ATENCION!!! Este correo se ha enviado desde fuera de la organizacion. No 
 pinche en los enlaces ni abra los adjuntos a no ser que reconozca el 
 remitente y sepa que el contenido es seguro.
 egoitz--- via bind-users  wrote:
> These are the contents of a cat of the private file I have renamed to
> samename.private-OLD :
> Created: 20211031230338
> Publish: 2020220241
> Activate: 2020220341
> Inactive: 20211215230338
> Delete: 20211217230338
 Yes, it can be confusing when the state of the key files doesn't match the
 state of the zone.
 I think you said you have renamed all your key files back to their usual
 non-OLD names. Good; that is necessary if named is still looking for a key
 file even if it shouldn't need it any more.
 Then, try running `rndc sign `, to make named reload the keys. I
 think that should also get it to make whatever updates might be necessary.
 Then look at the logs to see if there are errors, and look at the DNSKEY
 RRset (with its RRSIGs) to make sure it matches what you expect.
 If that doesn't get things straightened out then, um, dunno :-)
 I guess it is possible to get into a muddle if you try to move a key out
 of the way very soon after its delete time. By default, named does key
 maintenance infrequently, so I guess if you move the key after its
 deletion time but before the next key maintenance cycle, things will get
 out of sync. But I have not checked whether my guess is right or not.
>>> ___
>>> Please visit to 
>>> unsubscribe from this list
>>> ISC funds the development of this software with paid support subscriptions. 
>>> Contact us at for more information.
>>> bind-users mailing list

Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742  INTERNET:

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from this list

ISC funds the development 

Re: Bind 9, dnssec, and .key .private files physical deletion after the key id becomes deleted from zone (the key becomes outdated)

2022-01-24 Thread egoitz--- via bind-users
Hi Mark!! 

Thank you so much for your answer!! and your time!!. 

I have a couple of questions. I ask them between your lines and in blue
for instance... for emphasizing and being easier to see what I'm
referring to. I'm talking about ZSK keys in the questions I am asking in

El 2022-01-25 00:36, Mark Andrews escribió:

> How 'named' manages DNSSEC is very different to how 'dnssec-signzone' manages 
> DNSSEC.  When you tell named to
> inactivate a DNSKEY it stops re-signing the zone with it and it stops signing 
> new records added to the zone
> with it.   
> It DOES NOT immediately replace all RRSIGs generated using that key.  Those 
> records will be replaced
> over the sig-validity-interval as they fall due for re-signing.  Once all 
> those RRSIG records have been
> replaced and they have expired from caches, you can then delete the DNSKEY 
> record.
> With the default sig-validity-interval (30) that takes up to 22.5 days to 
> which you have to add the record TTL. 
> KEY?.
> Mark 
> On 25 Jan 2022, at 05:21, egoitz--- via bind-users  
> wrote:
> Hi!!
> Thanks a lot for your answer!!
> I tried before the fact of renaming back and rndc sign... but does not 
> work just has removed the error from the log
> I have changed my key managing code, for not renaming to "-OLD"  the ZSK 
> (.key and .private) until have passed at least 2 days from the deletion 
> time... Let's see if this way works better
> Any more ideas mates?.
> Thank you so much for your time :)
> Best regards,
> El 2022-01-24 17:51, Tony Finch escribió:
> ATENCION!!! Este correo se ha enviado desde fuera de la organizacion. No 
> pinche en los enlaces ni abra los adjuntos a no ser que reconozca el 
> remitente y sepa que el contenido es seguro.
> egoitz--- via bind-users  wrote: 
> These are the contents of a cat of the private file I have renamed to
> samename.private-OLD :
> Created: 20211031230338
> Publish: 2020220241
> Activate: 2020220341
> Inactive: 20211215230338
> Delete: 20211217230338 
> Yes, it can be confusing when the state of the key files doesn't match the
> state of the zone.
> I think you said you have renamed all your key files back to their usual
> non-OLD names. Good; that is necessary if named is still looking for a key
> file even if it shouldn't need it any more.
> Then, try running `rndc sign `, to make named reload the keys. I
> think that should also get it to make whatever updates might be necessary.
> Then look at the logs to see if there are errors, and look at the DNSKEY
> RRset (with its RRSIGs) to make sure it matches what you expect.
> If that doesn't get things straightened out then, um, dunno :-)
> I guess it is possible to get into a muddle if you try to move a key out
> of the way very soon after its delete time. By default, named does key
> maintenance infrequently, so I guess if you move the key after its
> deletion time but before the next key maintenance cycle, things will get
> out of sync. But I have not checked whether my guess is right or not.
> Tony.
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ISC funds the development of this software with paid support
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bind-users mailing list
Please visit to unsubscribe 
from this list

ISC funds the development of this software with paid support subscriptions. 
Contact us at for more information.

bind-users mailing list

Re: Bind 9, dnssec, and .key .private files physical deletion after the key id becomes deleted from zone (the key becomes outdated)

2022-01-24 Thread Mark Andrews

How ‘named’ manages DNSSEC is very different to how 'dnssec-signzone' manages 
DNSSEC.  When you tell named to
inactivate a DNSKEY it stops re-signing the zone with it and it stops signing 
new records added to the zone
with it.  It DOES NOT immediately replace all RRSIGs generated using that key.  
Those records will be replaced
over the sig-validity-interval as they fall due for re-signing.  Once all those 
RRSIG records have been
replaced and they have expired from caches, you can then delete the DNSKEY 

With the default sig-validity-interval (30) that takes up to 22.5 days to which 
you have to add the record TTL.


> On 25 Jan 2022, at 05:21, egoitz--- via bind-users  
> wrote:
> Hi!!
> Thanks a lot for your answer!!
> I tried before the fact of renaming back and rndc sign... but does not 
> work just has removed the error from the log
> I have changed my key managing code, for not renaming to "-OLD"  the ZSK 
> (.key and .private) until have passed at least 2 days from the deletion 
> time... Let's see if this way works better
> Any more ideas mates?.
> Thank you so much for your time :)
> Best regards,
> El 2022-01-24 17:51, Tony Finch escribió:
>> ATENCION!!! Este correo se ha enviado desde fuera de la organizacion. No 
>> pinche en los enlaces ni abra los adjuntos a no ser que reconozca el 
>> remitente y sepa que el contenido es seguro.
>> egoitz--- via bind-users  wrote:
>>> These are the contents of a cat of the private file I have renamed to
>>> samename.private-OLD :
>>> Created: 20211031230338
>>> Publish: 2020220241
>>> Activate: 2020220341
>>> Inactive: 20211215230338
>>> Delete: 20211217230338
>> Yes, it can be confusing when the state of the key files doesn't match the
>> state of the zone.
>> I think you said you have renamed all your key files back to their usual
>> non-OLD names. Good; that is necessary if named is still looking for a key
>> file even if it shouldn't need it any more.
>> Then, try running `rndc sign `, to make named reload the keys. I
>> think that should also get it to make whatever updates might be necessary.
>> Then look at the logs to see if there are errors, and look at the DNSKEY
>> RRset (with its RRSIGs) to make sure it matches what you expect.
>> If that doesn't get things straightened out then, um, dunno :-)
>> I guess it is possible to get into a muddle if you try to move a key out
>> of the way very soon after its delete time. By default, named does key
>> maintenance infrequently, so I guess if you move the key after its
>> deletion time but before the next key maintenance cycle, things will get
>> out of sync. But I have not checked whether my guess is right or not.
>> Tony.
> ___
> Please visit to unsubscribe 
> from this list
> ISC funds the development of this software with paid support subscriptions. 
> Contact us at for more information.
> bind-users mailing list

Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742  INTERNET:

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ISC funds the development of this software with paid support subscriptions. 
Contact us at for more information.

bind-users mailing list

Re: AW: Bind 9, dnssec, and .key .private files physical deletion after the key id becomes deleted from zone (the key becomes outdated)

2022-01-24 Thread egoitz--- via bind-users

Thanks a lot for your answer!! 

I tried before the fact of renaming back and rndc sign... but does not
work just has removed the error from the log 

I have changed my key managing code, for not renaming to "-OLD"  the ZSK
(.key and .private) until have passed at least 2 days from the deletion
time... Let's see if this way works better

Any more ideas mates?. 

Thank you so much for your time :) 

Best regards, 

El 2022-01-24 17:51, Tony Finch escribió:

> ATENCION!!! Este correo se ha enviado desde fuera de la organizacion. No 
> pinche en los enlaces ni abra los adjuntos a no ser que reconozca el 
> remitente y sepa que el contenido es seguro.
> egoitz--- via bind-users  wrote: 
>> These are the contents of a cat of the private file I have renamed to
>> samename.private-OLD :
>> Created: 20211031230338
>> Publish: 2020220241
>> Activate: 2020220341
>> Inactive: 20211215230338
>> Delete: 20211217230338
> Yes, it can be confusing when the state of the key files doesn't match the
> state of the zone.
> I think you said you have renamed all your key files back to their usual
> non-OLD names. Good; that is necessary if named is still looking for a key
> file even if it shouldn't need it any more.
> Then, try running `rndc sign `, to make named reload the keys. I
> think that should also get it to make whatever updates might be necessary.
> Then look at the logs to see if there are errors, and look at the DNSKEY
> RRset (with its RRSIGs) to make sure it matches what you expect.
> If that doesn't get things straightened out then, um, dunno :-)
> I guess it is possible to get into a muddle if you try to move a key out
> of the way very soon after its delete time. By default, named does key
> maintenance infrequently, so I guess if you move the key after its
> deletion time but before the next key maintenance cycle, things will get
> out of sync. But I have not checked whether my guess is right or not.
> Tony.___
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ISC funds the development of this software with paid support subscriptions. 
Contact us at for more information.

bind-users mailing list

Re: AW: Bind 9, dnssec, and .key .private files physical deletion after the key id becomes deleted from zone (the key becomes outdated)

2022-01-24 Thread Tony Finch
egoitz--- via bind-users  wrote:
> These are the contents of a cat of the private file I have renamed to
> samename.private-OLD :
> Created: 20211031230338
> Publish: 2020220241
> Activate: 2020220341
> Inactive: 20211215230338
> Delete: 20211217230338

Yes, it can be confusing when the state of the key files doesn't match the
state of the zone.

I think you said you have renamed all your key files back to their usual
non-OLD names. Good; that is necessary if named is still looking for a key
file even if it shouldn't need it any more.

Then, try running `rndc sign `, to make named reload the keys. I
think that should also get it to make whatever updates might be necessary.

Then look at the logs to see if there are errors, and look at the DNSKEY
RRset (with its RRSIGs) to make sure it matches what you expect.

If that doesn't get things straightened out then, um, dunno :-)

I guess it is possible to get into a muddle if you try to move a key out
of the way very soon after its delete time. By default, named does key
maintenance infrequently, so I guess if you move the key after its
deletion time but before the next key maintenance cycle, things will get
out of sync. But I have not checked whether my guess is right or not.

St Davids Head to Great Orme Head, including St Georges Channel:
Variable 2 to 4. Smooth or slight. Fair. Good.

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ISC funds the development of this software with paid support subscriptions. 
Contact us at for more information.

bind-users mailing list

Re: AW: Bind 9, dnssec, and .key .private files physical deletion after the key id becomes deleted from zone (the key becomes outdated)

2022-01-24 Thread egoitz--- via bind-users

In the "Bump in wire" dns machine, have finally ended up by fixing the
errors. For that purpose I have done a : 

In the directory of the zone file : 

- rename the own zonefile to zonefile-NO 

- rename the zonefile.jbk to zonefile.jbk-NO 

- rename the zonefile.jnl to zonefile.jnl-NO 

- rename the zonefile.signed to zonefile.signed-NO 

- rename the zonefile.signed.jnl to zonefile.signed.jnl-NO 

After that : 

- rndc retransfer thedomain.thetld 

- rndc sign thedomain.thetld 

- rndc signing -nsec3param 1 0 10 5F0F0D thedomain.thetld 

It seems now I have the zone signed (with the same keys) and without
errors. I suppose this is not valid for production really, because you
could have some records signed with an inactive (but in effect ZSK) and
I suppose that ZSK won't be entered in the DNSKEY?. Apart from that,
obviously I would needed to manage to increase SOA in order the zone to
be updated in our Internet facing nameservers, that it's another thing
to do. 

What could be the proper way of fixing this?. Is this normal?. Why could
it happened?. 

Best regards, 

El 2022-01-24 16:13, escribió:

> If you return the -OLD files to it's before name (without -OLD) and you make 
> changes to the zone or perform rndc loadkeys of the zone, error dissapear but 
> still the DNSKEY become outdated 
> Any ideas mates?
> El 2022-01-24 16:12, escribió: 
> I think the problem is that if you do a : 
> dig +multi @dnssecserver thedomain.thetld dnskey +dnssec | grep 44526 
> You then see still that key id exists in DNSKEY records (and an RRSIG of that 
> ZSK, the 44526, but outdated). 
> But I don't really understand why because you see the delete date of 44526 is 
> very old 
> Anyway that could explain the error : "dns_dnssec_keylistfromrdataset: error 
> reading .private: File not found", because it seems Bind source code, 
> checks the DNSKEY and later tries to load that keys. As the files for keyid 
> 44526 don't exist, that could (are renamed) that could explain the error. 
> But why has this happened??. Sometime ago, it happened to me that in this 
> machine (it's more than nothing a learning machine), the ZSK got outdated 
> because the script in charge of renewing the zsk was stopped. So the only 
> supposed valid key could have been in that moment the KSK (which does not get 
> expired). Could perhaps, those ZSK become everlasting or similar, although in 
> the file the date sais it's totally outdated 
> I can't understand what's happening there... 
> Regards,
> El 2022-01-24 15:04, escribió: 
> In fact... in a domain for whom I have seen these errors, it's arguing about 
> key id 44526 (it's private file) saying "File not found". But if I perform an 
> axfr request of the signed zone with pipe grep the key id, no matches 
> appear... so should not exist rrsigs for that key 
> These are the contents of a cat of the private file I have renamed to 
> samename.private-OLD : 
> Created: 20211031230338
> Publish: 2020220241
> Activate: 2020220341
> Inactive: 20211215230338
> Delete: 20211217230338 
> Not understandable 
> Cheers,
> El 2022-01-24 14:58, egoitz--- via bind-users escribió: Hi Klaus, 
> Thank you so much for your answer but when Bind deletes a key from a zone, if 
> I remember correctly, there should not be any rrsig still active, signed 
> previously by the deleted key. Isn't it?. So I assume in that case, I should 
> be doing it properly but still see these messages. 
> Am I wrong Klaus in some statement?. If a ZSK is deleted (I'm not renewing 
> KSK at the moment) no RRSIG with that key should exist... 
> Cheers!
> El 2022-01-24 13:08, Klaus Darilion escribió: 
> IIRC, Bind needs the key as long as there are signatures in the zone 
> generated by this key. After key deactivation I waited the RRSIG lifetime 
> before deleting them. 
> regards 
> Klaus 
> VON: bind-users  IM AUFTRAG VON egoitz--- 
> via bind-users
> GESENDET: Montag, 24. Jänner 2022 13:00
> AN:
> BETREFF: Bind 9, dnssec, and .key .private files physical deletion after the 
> key id becomes deleted from zone (the key becomes outdated) 
> Good morning, 
> I have a DNSSEC "bump in wire" server, which uses "inline-signing yes;"  and 
> "auto-dnssec maintain;" for that reason. 
> I do the task of ensuring always are valid keys in the zone with an script 
> that generates them whenever is needed. All fine until here and all working. 
> I have seen, that Bind logs in messages log file sometimes the following 
> error logs : 
> _dns_dnssec_keylistfromrdataset: error reading 
> /xxx/xxx/xxx/xx-domain/ file not found_ 
> That "file not found" is due to a rename of ".key" and ".private" files to 
> ".key-OLD" and ".private-OLD". 
> I did the rename, because I have seen that the ZSK 

Re: AW: Bind 9, dnssec, and .key .private files physical deletion after the key id becomes deleted from zone (the key becomes outdated)

2022-01-24 Thread egoitz--- via bind-users
If you return the -OLD files to it's before name (without -OLD) and you
make changes to the zone or perform rndc loadkeys of the zone, error
dissapear but still the DNSKEY become outdated 

Any ideas mates?

El 2022-01-24 16:12, escribió:

> I think the problem is that if you do a : 
> dig +multi @dnssecserver thedomain.thetld dnskey +dnssec | grep 44526 
> You then see still that key id exists in DNSKEY records (and an RRSIG of that 
> ZSK, the 44526, but outdated). 
> But I don't really understand why because you see the delete date of 44526 is 
> very old 
> Anyway that could explain the error : "dns_dnssec_keylistfromrdataset: error 
> reading .private: File not found", because it seems Bind source code, 
> checks the DNSKEY and later tries to load that keys. As the files for keyid 
> 44526 don't exist, that could (are renamed) that could explain the error. 
> But why has this happened??. Sometime ago, it happened to me that in this 
> machine (it's more than nothing a learning machine), the ZSK got outdated 
> because the script in charge of renewing the zsk was stopped. So the only 
> supposed valid key could have been in that moment the KSK (which does not get 
> expired). Could perhaps, those ZSK become everlasting or similar, although in 
> the file the date sais it's totally outdated 
> I can't understand what's happening there... 
> Regards,
> El 2022-01-24 15:04, escribió: 
> In fact... in a domain for whom I have seen these errors, it's arguing about 
> key id 44526 (it's private file) saying "File not found". But if I perform an 
> axfr request of the signed zone with pipe grep the key id, no matches 
> appear... so should not exist rrsigs for that key 
> These are the contents of a cat of the private file I have renamed to 
> samename.private-OLD : 
> Created: 20211031230338
> Publish: 2020220241
> Activate: 2020220341
> Inactive: 20211215230338
> Delete: 20211217230338 
> Not understandable 
> Cheers,
> El 2022-01-24 14:58, egoitz--- via bind-users escribió: Hi Klaus, 
> Thank you so much for your answer but when Bind deletes a key from a zone, if 
> I remember correctly, there should not be any rrsig still active, signed 
> previously by the deleted key. Isn't it?. So I assume in that case, I should 
> be doing it properly but still see these messages. 
> Am I wrong Klaus in some statement?. If a ZSK is deleted (I'm not renewing 
> KSK at the moment) no RRSIG with that key should exist... 
> Cheers!
> El 2022-01-24 13:08, Klaus Darilion escribió: 
> IIRC, Bind needs the key as long as there are signatures in the zone 
> generated by this key. After key deactivation I waited the RRSIG lifetime 
> before deleting them. 
> regards 
> Klaus 
> VON: bind-users  IM AUFTRAG VON egoitz--- 
> via bind-users
> GESENDET: Montag, 24. Jänner 2022 13:00
> AN:
> BETREFF: Bind 9, dnssec, and .key .private files physical deletion after the 
> key id becomes deleted from zone (the key becomes outdated) 
> Good morning, 
> I have a DNSSEC "bump in wire" server, which uses "inline-signing yes;"  and 
> "auto-dnssec maintain;" for that reason. 
> I do the task of ensuring always are valid keys in the zone with an script 
> that generates them whenever is needed. All fine until here and all working. 
> I have seen, that Bind logs in messages log file sometimes the following 
> error logs : 
> _dns_dnssec_keylistfromrdataset: error reading 
> /xxx/xxx/xxx/xx-domain/ file not found_ 
> That "file not found" is due to a rename of ".key" and ".private" files to 
> ".key-OLD" and ".private-OLD". 
> I did the rename, because I have seen that the ZSK key 41919 was set to be 
> deleted (and obviously always renamed after that deletion date) from the 
> zone, so I renamed the ".key" and ".private" files to ".key-OLD" and 
> ".private-OLD". 
> I do this rename, because this way my key checking script differentiates, any 
> needed (in effect) key with the "supposedly" (I say supposedly because I 
> would have said that Bind should not be using nowadays that non finding files 
> for nothing!) non needed keys, in order to check that each zone, has always 
> the needed keys for keeping properly signed by Bind (else it would generate 
> them). 
> As I previously commented, I check with a script the existence of all needed 
> keys for each domain. Obviuosly, it's not the same checking a couple of ZSK 
> or just one ZSK and a KSK (per domain), than them plus all outdated keys that 
> each month become outdated. 
> So, how many time should I wait in order to rename that files?. Should I 
> handle them with another dnssec-__ command instead of renaming?. All 
> seems to be working well but I see these errors and was wondering if I could 
> improve the way of handling outdated keys. 
> I 

Re: AW: Bind 9, dnssec, and .key .private files physical deletion after the key id becomes deleted from zone (the key becomes outdated)

2022-01-24 Thread egoitz--- via bind-users
I think the problem is that if you do a : 

dig +multi @dnssecserver thedomain.thetld dnskey +dnssec | grep 44526 

You then see still that key id exists in DNSKEY records (and an RRSIG of
that ZSK, the 44526, but outdated). 

But I don't really understand why because you see the delete date of
44526 is very old 

Anyway that could explain the error : "dns_dnssec_keylistfromrdataset:
error reading .private: File not found", because it seems Bind
source code, checks the DNSKEY and later tries to load that keys. As the
files for keyid 44526 don't exist, that could (are renamed) that could
explain the error. 

But why has this happened??. Sometime ago, it happened to me that in
this machine (it's more than nothing a learning machine), the ZSK got
outdated because the script in charge of renewing the zsk was stopped.
So the only supposed valid key could have been in that moment the KSK
(which does not get expired). Could perhaps, those ZSK become
everlasting or similar, although in the file the date sais it's totally

I can't understand what's happening there... 


El 2022-01-24 15:04, escribió:

> In fact... in a domain for whom I have seen these errors, it's arguing about 
> key id 44526 (it's private file) saying "File not found". But if I perform an 
> axfr request of the signed zone with pipe grep the key id, no matches 
> appear... so should not exist rrsigs for that key 
> These are the contents of a cat of the private file I have renamed to 
> samename.private-OLD : 
> Created: 20211031230338
> Publish: 2020220241
> Activate: 2020220341
> Inactive: 20211215230338
> Delete: 20211217230338 
> Not understandable 
> Cheers,
> El 2022-01-24 14:58, egoitz--- via bind-users escribió: Hi Klaus, 
> Thank you so much for your answer but when Bind deletes a key from a zone, if 
> I remember correctly, there should not be any rrsig still active, signed 
> previously by the deleted key. Isn't it?. So I assume in that case, I should 
> be doing it properly but still see these messages. 
> Am I wrong Klaus in some statement?. If a ZSK is deleted (I'm not renewing 
> KSK at the moment) no RRSIG with that key should exist... 
> Cheers!
> El 2022-01-24 13:08, Klaus Darilion escribió: 
> IIRC, Bind needs the key as long as there are signatures in the zone 
> generated by this key. After key deactivation I waited the RRSIG lifetime 
> before deleting them. 
> regards 
> Klaus 
> VON: bind-users  IM AUFTRAG VON egoitz--- 
> via bind-users
> GESENDET: Montag, 24. Jänner 2022 13:00
> AN:
> BETREFF: Bind 9, dnssec, and .key .private files physical deletion after the 
> key id becomes deleted from zone (the key becomes outdated) 
> Good morning, 
> I have a DNSSEC "bump in wire" server, which uses "inline-signing yes;"  and 
> "auto-dnssec maintain;" for that reason. 
> I do the task of ensuring always are valid keys in the zone with an script 
> that generates them whenever is needed. All fine until here and all working. 
> I have seen, that Bind logs in messages log file sometimes the following 
> error logs : 
> _dns_dnssec_keylistfromrdataset: error reading 
> /xxx/xxx/xxx/xx-domain/ file not found_ 
> That "file not found" is due to a rename of ".key" and ".private" files to 
> ".key-OLD" and ".private-OLD". 
> I did the rename, because I have seen that the ZSK key 41919 was set to be 
> deleted (and obviously always renamed after that deletion date) from the 
> zone, so I renamed the ".key" and ".private" files to ".key-OLD" and 
> ".private-OLD". 
> I do this rename, because this way my key checking script differentiates, any 
> needed (in effect) key with the "supposedly" (I say supposedly because I 
> would have said that Bind should not be using nowadays that non finding files 
> for nothing!) non needed keys, in order to check that each zone, has always 
> the needed keys for keeping properly signed by Bind (else it would generate 
> them). 
> As I previously commented, I check with a script the existence of all needed 
> keys for each domain. Obviuosly, it's not the same checking a couple of ZSK 
> or just one ZSK and a KSK (per domain), than them plus all outdated keys that 
> each month become outdated. 
> So, how many time should I wait in order to rename that files?. Should I 
> handle them with another dnssec-__ command instead of renaming?. All 
> seems to be working well but I see these errors and was wondering if I could 
> improve the way of handling outdated keys. 
> I have been taking a look at the source code of Bind (the tag of version I'm 
> using), and I have seen that Bind seems not remove any of that key files when 
> they become outdated. Or does it with some param?. I have not been able to 
> find it. I have been taking a look too the ARM, but still no luck on finding 
> the answers I 

Re: AW: Bind 9, dnssec, and .key .private files physical deletion after the key id becomes deleted from zone (the key becomes outdated)

2022-01-24 Thread egoitz--- via bind-users
In fact... in a domain for whom I have seen these errors, it's arguing
about key id 44526 (it's private file) saying "File not found". But if I
perform an axfr request of the signed zone with pipe grep the key id, no
matches appear... so should not exist rrsigs for that key 

These are the contents of a cat of the private file I have renamed to
samename.private-OLD : 

Created: 20211031230338
Publish: 2020220241
Activate: 2020220341
Inactive: 20211215230338
Delete: 20211217230338 

Not understandable 


El 2022-01-24 14:58, egoitz--- via bind-users escribió:

> Hi Klaus, 
> Thank you so much for your answer but when Bind deletes a key from a zone, if 
> I remember correctly, there should not be any rrsig still active, signed 
> previously by the deleted key. Isn't it?. So I assume in that case, I should 
> be doing it properly but still see these messages. 
> Am I wrong Klaus in some statement?. If a ZSK is deleted (I'm not renewing 
> KSK at the moment) no RRSIG with that key should exist... 
> Cheers!
> El 2022-01-24 13:08, Klaus Darilion escribió:
>> IIRC, Bind needs the key as long as there are signatures in the zone 
>> generated by this key. After key deactivation I waited the RRSIG lifetime 
>> before deleting them. 
>> regards 
>> Klaus 
>> VON: bind-users  IM AUFTRAG VON egoitz--- 
>> via bind-users
>> GESENDET: Montag, 24. Jänner 2022 13:00
>> AN:
>> BETREFF: Bind 9, dnssec, and .key .private files physical deletion after the 
>> key id becomes deleted from zone (the key becomes outdated) 
>> Good morning, 
>> I have a DNSSEC "bump in wire" server, which uses "inline-signing yes;"  and 
>> "auto-dnssec maintain;" for that reason. 
>> I do the task of ensuring always are valid keys in the zone with an script 
>> that generates them whenever is needed. All fine until here and all working. 
>> I have seen, that Bind logs in messages log file sometimes the following 
>> error logs : 
>> _dns_dnssec_keylistfromrdataset: error reading 
>> /xxx/xxx/xxx/xx-domain/ file not found_ 
>> That "file not found" is due to a rename of ".key" and ".private" files to 
>> ".key-OLD" and ".private-OLD". 
>> I did the rename, because I have seen that the ZSK key 41919 was set to be 
>> deleted (and obviously always renamed after that deletion date) from the 
>> zone, so I renamed the ".key" and ".private" files to ".key-OLD" and 
>> ".private-OLD". 
>> I do this rename, because this way my key checking script differentiates, 
>> any needed (in effect) key with the "supposedly" (I say supposedly because I 
>> would have said that Bind should not be using nowadays that non finding 
>> files for nothing!) non needed keys, in order to check that each zone, has 
>> always the needed keys for keeping properly signed by Bind (else it would 
>> generate them). 
>> As I previously commented, I check with a script the existence of all needed 
>> keys for each domain. Obviuosly, it's not the same checking a couple of ZSK 
>> or just one ZSK and a KSK (per domain), than them plus all outdated keys 
>> that each month become outdated. 
>> So, how many time should I wait in order to rename that files?. Should I 
>> handle them with another dnssec-__ command instead of renaming?. All 
>> seems to be working well but I see these errors and was wondering if I could 
>> improve the way of handling outdated keys. 
>> I have been taking a look at the source code of Bind (the tag of version I'm 
>> using), and I have seen that Bind seems not remove any of that key files 
>> when they become outdated. Or does it with some param?. I have not been able 
>> to find it. I have been taking a look too the ARM, but still no luck on 
>> finding the answers I was trying to. 
>> Any help very appreciated, 
>> Best regards,
> ATENCION!!! Este correo se ha enviado desde fuera de la organizacion. No 
> pinche en los enlaces ni abra los adjuntos a no ser que reconozca el 
> remitente y sepa que el contenido es seguro.
> ___
> Please visit to unsubscribe 
> from this list
> ISC funds the development of this software with paid support subscriptions. 
> Contact us at for more information.
> bind-users mailing list
> ATENCION: Este correo se ha enviado desde fuera de la organización. No pinche 
> en los enlaces ni abra los adjuntos a no ser que reconozca el remitente y 
> sepa que el contenido es seguro.___
Please visit to unsubscribe 
from this list

ISC funds the development of this software with paid support subscriptions. 
Contact us at 

Re: AW: Bind 9, dnssec, and .key .private files physical deletion after the key id becomes deleted from zone (the key becomes outdated)

2022-01-24 Thread egoitz--- via bind-users
Hi Klaus, 

Thank you so much for your answer but when Bind deletes a key from a
zone, if I remember correctly, there should not be any rrsig still
active, signed previously by the deleted key. Isn't it?. So I assume in
that case, I should be doing it properly but still see these messages. 

Am I wrong Klaus in some statement?. If a ZSK is deleted (I'm not
renewing KSK at the moment) no RRSIG with that key should exist... 


El 2022-01-24 13:08, Klaus Darilion escribió:

> IIRC, Bind needs the key as long as there are signatures in the zone 
> generated by this key. After key deactivation I waited the RRSIG lifetime 
> before deleting them. 
> regards 
> Klaus 
> VON: bind-users  IM AUFTRAG VON egoitz--- 
> via bind-users
> GESENDET: Montag, 24. Jänner 2022 13:00
> AN:
> BETREFF: Bind 9, dnssec, and .key .private files physical deletion after the 
> key id becomes deleted from zone (the key becomes outdated) 
> Good morning, 
> I have a DNSSEC "bump in wire" server, which uses "inline-signing yes;"  and 
> "auto-dnssec maintain;" for that reason. 
> I do the task of ensuring always are valid keys in the zone with an script 
> that generates them whenever is needed. All fine until here and all working. 
> I have seen, that Bind logs in messages log file sometimes the following 
> error logs : 
> _dns_dnssec_keylistfromrdataset: error reading 
> /xxx/xxx/xxx/xx-domain/ file not found_ 
> That "file not found" is due to a rename of ".key" and ".private" files to 
> ".key-OLD" and ".private-OLD". 
> I did the rename, because I have seen that the ZSK key 41919 was set to be 
> deleted (and obviously always renamed after that deletion date) from the 
> zone, so I renamed the ".key" and ".private" files to ".key-OLD" and 
> ".private-OLD". 
> I do this rename, because this way my key checking script differentiates, any 
> needed (in effect) key with the "supposedly" (I say supposedly because I 
> would have said that Bind should not be using nowadays that non finding files 
> for nothing!) non needed keys, in order to check that each zone, has always 
> the needed keys for keeping properly signed by Bind (else it would generate 
> them). 
> As I previously commented, I check with a script the existence of all needed 
> keys for each domain. Obviuosly, it's not the same checking a couple of ZSK 
> or just one ZSK and a KSK (per domain), than them plus all outdated keys that 
> each month become outdated. 
> So, how many time should I wait in order to rename that files?. Should I 
> handle them with another dnssec-__ command instead of renaming?. All 
> seems to be working well but I see these errors and was wondering if I could 
> improve the way of handling outdated keys. 
> I have been taking a look at the source code of Bind (the tag of version I'm 
> using), and I have seen that Bind seems not remove any of that key files when 
> they become outdated. Or does it with some param?. I have not been able to 
> find it. I have been taking a look too the ARM, but still no luck on finding 
> the answers I was trying to. 
> Any help very appreciated, 
> Best regards,___
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AW: Bind 9, dnssec, and .key .private files physical deletion after the key id becomes deleted from zone (the key becomes outdated)

2022-01-24 Thread Klaus Darilion via bind-users
IIRC, Bind needs the key as long as there are signatures in the zone generated 
by this key. After key deactivation I waited the RRSIG lifetime before deleting 


Von: bind-users  Im Auftrag von egoitz--- via 
Gesendet: Montag, 24. Jänner 2022 13:00
Betreff: Bind 9, dnssec, and .key .private files physical deletion after the 
key id becomes deleted from zone (the key becomes outdated)

Good morning,

I have a DNSSEC "bump in wire" server, which uses "inline-signing yes;"  and 
"auto-dnssec maintain;" for that reason.

I do the task of ensuring always are valid keys in the zone with an script that 
generates them whenever is needed. All fine until here and all working.

I have seen, that Bind logs in messages log file sometimes the following error 
logs :

dns_dnssec_keylistfromrdataset: error reading 
/xxx/xxx/xxx/xx-domain/ file not found

That "file not found" is due to a rename of ".key" and ".private" files to 
".key-OLD" and ".private-OLD".

I did the rename, because I have seen that the ZSK key 41919 was set to be 
deleted (and obviously always renamed after that deletion date) from the zone, 
so I renamed the ".key" and ".private" files to ".key-OLD" and ".private-OLD".

I do this rename, because this way my key checking script differentiates, any 
needed (in effect) key with the "supposedly" (I say supposedly because I would 
have said that Bind should not be using nowadays that non finding files for 
nothing!) non needed keys, in order to check that each zone, has always the 
needed keys for keeping properly signed by Bind (else it would generate them).

As I previously commented, I check with a script the existence of all needed 
keys for each domain. Obviuosly, it's not the same checking a couple of ZSK or 
just one ZSK and a KSK (per domain), than them plus all outdated keys that each 
month become outdated.

So, how many time should I wait in order to rename that files?. Should I handle 
them with another dnssec-__ command instead of renaming?. All seems to be 
working well but I see these errors and was wondering if I could improve the 
way of handling outdated keys.

I have been taking a look at the source code of Bind (the tag of version I'm 
using), and I have seen that Bind seems not remove any of that key files when 
they become outdated. Or does it with some param?. I have not been able to find 
it. I have been taking a look too the ARM, but still no luck on finding the 
answers I was trying to.

Any help very appreciated,

Best regards,
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ISC funds the development of this software with paid support subscriptions. 
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bind-users mailing list

Bind 9, dnssec, and .key .private files physical deletion after the key id becomes deleted from zone (the key becomes outdated)

2022-01-24 Thread egoitz--- via bind-users
Good morning, 

I have a DNSSEC "bump in wire" server, which uses "inline-signing yes;" 
and "auto-dnssec maintain;" for that reason. 

I do the task of ensuring always are valid keys in the zone with an
script that generates them whenever is needed. All fine until here and
all working. 

I have seen, that Bind logs in messages log file sometimes the following
error logs : 

_dns_dnssec_keylistfromrdataset: error reading
/xxx/xxx/xxx/xx-domain/ file not

That "file not found" is due to a rename of ".key" and ".private" files
to ".key-OLD" and ".private-OLD". 

I did the rename, because I have seen that the ZSK key 41919 was set to
be deleted (and obviously always renamed after that deletion date) from
the zone, so I renamed the ".key" and ".private" files to ".key-OLD" and

I do this rename, because this way my key checking script
differentiates, any needed (in effect) key with the "supposedly" (I say
supposedly because I would have said that Bind should not be using
nowadays that non finding files for nothing!) non needed keys, in order
to check that each zone, has always the needed keys for keeping properly
signed by Bind (else it would generate them). 

As I previously commented, I check with a script the existence of all
needed keys for each domain. Obviuosly, it's not the same checking a
couple of ZSK or just one ZSK and a KSK (per domain), than them plus all
outdated keys that each month become outdated. 

So, how many time should I wait in order to rename that files?. Should I
handle them with another dnssec-__ command instead of renaming?. All
seems to be working well but I see these errors and was wondering if I
could improve the way of handling outdated keys. 

I have been taking a look at the source code of Bind (the tag of version
I'm using), and I have seen that Bind seems not remove any of that key
files when they become outdated. Or does it with some param?. I have not
been able to find it. I have been taking a look too the ARM, but still
no luck on finding the answers I was trying to. 

Any help very appreciated, 

Best regards,___
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ISC funds the development of this software with paid support subscriptions. 
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