Re: decor updates in cvs

2002-07-24 Thread Mr . X

On Wed, 24 Jul 2002 08:15:13 -0700 (PDT)
"Sean 'Shaleh' Perry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think I found it, committing now.  Let me know.
> For reference this also happen(s|ed) with mozilla's url window.
> Part of the problem is that there is no memory associated with the
> decor setting.  So if you have a window with minimal decor already and
> you toggle it off, then on bbkeys sends:
> decor none
> decor normal # but what if I was tool or tiny and not normal?
> The current code tries to be smart and not give a maximize button to a
> window that can not be maximized and what not but I think this is a
> losing battle.
> In the mozilla case it sets no iconify button via mwm hints.  However
> it does not also disable iconify in general.  So it is available from
> the window menu. When you toggle the decor off and then odd the code
> reads the abilities of a window and sees that it can be iconified and
> adds the iconify button.  There is no way to check for whether or not
> the window had one before decor was toggled.
> Yeah I could add an old_decor variable but that seems like a waste.

Ok, the Sylpheed problem is indeed fixed in CVS.  I see the Mozilla one
happening, but I guess it isn't exactly a devastating bug.  I almost
never use toggle decor anyway, and I'm sure nobody'll care too much if
an iconify button appears when they (for some odd reason) toggle the
decor off then on again on a Mozilla dialog.  Heh, the only reason I
was lucky enough to find the Sylpheed bug was that it was the most
random thing I could think of to toggle the decor on.

Re: decor updates in cvs

2002-07-24 Thread Mr . X

I found something fairly interesting, thought I'd check here to see if
anybody else can reproduce it before I submit.  Using Sylpheed (0.8.0),
if you hit the "Get" button a dialog pops up and shows the download
status of the mail.  If you toggle the decor of this dialog off, then
back on again it doesn't gain a maximize button, but it DOES gain a
window handle.  To reproduce this you have to either have a lot of mail,
a really slow connection, or cat-like reflexes, but it is happening.
Every other dialog I've tried works fine, Sylpheed is the only one doing
this.  Oh yeah, I almost forgot, I'm using CVS as of...well, might as
well be a few seconds ago.

Re: Patch for bbkeys to support mouse emulation

2002-07-15 Thread Mr . X

Am I the only one having problems with this because of a bunch of
endlines stuck in places where they shouldn't be?  Could you possibly
send this as an attachment instead?

On Mon, 15 Jul 2002 11:51:18 -0400
Roy Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As mentioned in a previous posting to the blackbox mailing list, I
> offer up a patch for bbkeys to support keyboard-mouse support.  My
> patch is the code only at this point.  If it is acceptable, then some
> other stuff needs to be tweaked (man pages, Perl config script,
> bbconf, etc.).
> The basic idea is as described before:
> >I added the following actions to bbkeys:
> >
> > MouseUp - move cursor up
> > MouseDown - move cursor down
> > MouseLeft - move cursor left
> > MouseRight - move cursor right
> >
> > MouseButton1 - send button 1 click to front window
> > MouseButton2 - send button 2 click to front window
> > MouseButton3 - send button 3 click to front window
> >
> > RootMouseButton1 - send button 1 click to root window
> > RootMouseButton2 - send button 1 click to root window
> > RootMouseButton3 - send button 1 click to root window
> Adding these things to the .bbkeysrc is easy.  For example:
>  KeyToGrab(KP_0), WithModifier(None), WithAction(RootMouseButton3)
>  KeyToGrab(KP_Equal), WithModifier(None), WithAction(MouseButton1)
>  KeyToGrab(KP_Divide), WithModifier(None),
>  WithAction(MouseButton2) KeyToGrab(KP_Multiply),
>  WithModifier(None), WithAction(MouseButton3)
> The only tricky ones are the mouse motion actions, since they allow
> you to specify a movement distance:
>  KeyToGrab(KP_8), WithModifier(None), WithAction(MouseUp),
>  Delta(10) KeyToGrab(KP_2), WithModifier(None),
>  WithAction(MouseDown) KeyToGrab(KP_6), WithModifier(None),
>  WithAction(MouseRight), 
> Delta(30)
>  KeyToGrab(KP_4), WithModifier(None), WithAction(MouseLeft)
> As mentioned before, the "Delta" value is crude at present, allowing
> you to only specify vertical and horizontal movement deltas that apply
> to all Mouse* actions.  It is not possible (at the moment) to specify
> something like alt+KP_8 moves up 10 pixels while control+KP_8 moves 20
> pixels.  It is possible to have different horizontal and vertical
> motion amounts though.
> And the patches to grab_defs.hh, bbkeys.hh, and are as
> follows. 
>  (This is small, so please excuse the inclusion here.)
> Oh-- be sure to make clean before changing grab_defs.hh.  The bbkeys 
> Makefile doesn't seem to track that file.

Re: grouping windows

2002-07-14 Thread Mr . X

On Sun, 14 Jul 2002 13:17:26 -0700 (PDT)
"Sean 'Shaleh' Perry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I believe fluxbox implements such a feature by using tags (similar
> > to browser pages tags) to group windows together. However, I also
> > believe that only one window in the group is visible at any given
> > time. It may or it may not be what Roman wanted.
> > 
> yeah, you group windows of the same type together, only one is
> visible.  Just like web pages in a browser.
> > Sean, what are your thoughts on this tag-grouping feature? Would it
> > be hard or awkward to implement? I think it could prove useful in
> > certain occasions.
> > 
> The window tabs feature.  Brad and I really dislike it (-:

Good, and I thought I was the only one.  Please, I implore you, don't
put tabs into Blackbox!  For the good of the users.  I really do
believe that's the worst feature of Fluxbox.  Doesn't Enlightenment
have some sort of window grouping procedure?  I don't remember how it
works, but I know that it does.

Re: alt and ctrl hotkeys

2002-07-13 Thread Mr . X

On Sat, 13 Jul 2002 20:49:00 -0700 (PDT)
"Sean 'Shaleh' Perry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 14-Jul-2002 neuron wrote:
> > Posted this thread on a messageboard not related to bb, and got in
> > reply that I may wanna try this mailing list, so I am :)
> > 
> > running Maya on linux is SWEET, but .. I can't seem to get it
> > working well in my favorite window managers.
> > 
> not the first time this has come up.  It is a little annoying
> currently and is actually the oldest bug in the Tracker on
> blackbox.
> Before I took over maintenance of blackbox it had a "feature" where if
> num, scroll, or caps lock was on the blackbox key bindings would not
> work.  People complained about this because they liked num or caps
> lock.  I am considering adding this back in as an option in the config
> menu.
> Comments?

I think this would be good with perhaps JUST scroll lock.  I keep
Numlock on all the time, and use Caps Lock occasionally, but I don't
even know what Scroll Lock does, if anything.

Re: bbmenu? [Was: Re: new NETWM key grabber]

2002-07-13 Thread Mr . X

On Sat, 13 Jul 2002 11:43:20 -0700 (PDT)
"Sean 'Shaleh' Perry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Personally, I believe a wm should be usable without 3rd party
> additions.  Not 100% how we'd like, but usable.

Really.  I think removing the menus would be a bit much.

Re: patches - WAS two slits possible?

2002-07-10 Thread Mr . X

On Wed, 10 Jul 2002 22:21:47 -0400
"D. Olson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am just wondering about that mouse wheel patch... Is there any
> reason why it wouldn't be incorporated into the next Blackbox release?
> I mean, it should be stable enough, and I don't think that it really
> slows down the interface any. In fact, I really loved it when I had it
> in beta1... I don't know about beta2 yet. I find that the mouse wheel
> patch makes it much faster to switch between my desktops, and I prefer
> that to the pager, which I use mainly for moving apps between
> desktops.

Cripes, definitely.  Mouse wheel is a very good thing.  And the way it's
used for shading windows in the patch (which I never even thought of) is
goddam ingenious.  I used to make a new patch for myself every release,
but at one point those alpha releases seemed to be coming out like every
6 hours so I help off for a bit :).  I've just been adding it in by
hand, it's just 
a couple more else statements every release.  It's TOTALLY worth it.

Re: Disappearing toolbar

2002-07-08 Thread Mr . X

On Sun, 07 Jul 2002 20:54:14 -0700 (PDT)
"Sean 'Shaleh' Perry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 07-Jul-2002 Mr.X wrote:
> > I'm currently using 0.65 beta1, and I've been noticing the toolbar
> > disappearing every once in a while.  The only way to get it to
> > re-appear is to either use the "reconfigure" menu selection, or just
> > plain restart Blackbox.  So far I haven't been able to recreate
> > whatever it is that's causing it, but I thought I'd mention it on
> > here to see if anybody else has seen it.  One thing worth mentioning
> > is that the only time I've had it happen so far is when I've got
> > toolbar autohide turned on.  I'll keep a closer eye on it from now
> > on, and post it on if you'd like.
> The only way I ever caused this was via bbkeys.  If nothing else had
> focus it would try to move the toolbar.

Well, I believe that solves the mystery :).  I just tried using my
window moving keys on the toolbar and sho' 'nuff it disappeared.  That's
gotta be it.

Disappearing toolbar

2002-07-07 Thread Mr . X

I'm currently using 0.65 beta1, and I've been noticing the toolbar
disappearing every once in a while.  The only way to get it to re-appear
is to either use the "reconfigure" menu selection, or just plain restart
Blackbox.  So far I haven't been able to recreate whatever it is that's
causing it, but I thought I'd mention it on here to see if anybody else
has seen it.  One thing worth mentioning is that the only time I've had
it happen so far is when I've got toolbar autohide turned on.  I'll keep
a closer eye on it from now on, and post it on if you'd like.

Re: xine bug, need your help

2002-07-07 Thread Mr . X

On Sun, 07 Jul 2002 10:02:57 -0700 (PDT)
"Sean 'Shaleh' Perry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I can not reproduce the xine bug 567967.  Can anyone else comment on
> whether this is actually fixed, only relevant to certain versions of
> xine or whatever?
> Thanks.

I had this problem also with xine 0.9.9 (or maybe 0.9.10?).  In any case
with 0.9.11 and .12 this issue totally cleared up, at least for me.

Workman won't focus

2002-06-22 Thread Mr . X

I'm currently using alpha9, and the (really cool) CD player Workman just
won't be focused.  It still receives input and everything, but it stays
the "unfocused" colors.  I have no idea what could possibly be causing
this issue, so I'm not even gonna guess :)  Just thought I'd bring it

Re: fluxbox!?

2002-06-08 Thread Mr . X

On Fri, 07 Jun 2002 07:24:13 -0700
Mike Douglas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Tried it, used it for a day, uninstalled it and returned to Blackbox. 
> Tried it again after awhile, used it for a day, uninstalled it and 
> returned to Blackbox. I finally came to the conclusion that all I
> really wanted from Fluxbox was the taskbar-icon doodad and the rest of
> its "features" were useless window dressing.
> -- 
> Mike Douglas
> registered Linux user 185263

I'd have to agree with this.  I tried it for a while, but I realized all
I was doing was turning off all the options to make it more like
blackbox, so I just came back to blackbox.

Re: wheel-mouse scrolling through workspaces in alpha8

2002-06-06 Thread Mr . X

On Thu, 6 Jun 2002 09:08:51 -0500
xOr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 06, 2002 at 09:49:46AM -0400, Matthew Weier O'Phinney
> wrote:
> > I decided, after all the fun discussion on the list lately, to try
> > out alpha8. After compiling and going into X, I realized I hadn't
> > applied the wheelmouse patch I'd been using on 0.62.1 (which allows
> > you to scroll through your workspaces using the mouse wheel)... 
> > 
> > However, when I went to look at the patch and possibly recompile, I
> > realized that it appears to be specific to 0.62.1. Is this true? or
> > can I apply that patch to the alpha8 code without a problem? I use
> > this functionality quite a bit, so I'd like to try it out...
> Try this one out. It applies to last night's cvs (so it will today
> too:)
> patch -p0 < mouse_wheel.diff

By the way, thanks a lot for this patch xOr.  Now I see how/where to do
this, so I can do it myself every release.  Now I don't have to bug the
poor bb developers about adding this feature, or you OTHER folks about
making patches that do it :)

Re: A somewhat new BBtool -- bbweb

2002-06-06 Thread Mr . X

On 06 Jun 2002 12:00:55 -0400
Matthew Weier O'Phinney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 2002-06-06 at 11:19, Scott Furt wrote:
> > Good morning everyone:
> > 
> > I couldnt get any sleep last night so i decided to hack up
> > bbrun and modify it to bbweb.
> > 
> > Now, instead of typing in a binary to run, you can type
> > in a URL, and it'll load the browser of your choice with
> > the URL.
> > 
> > Put the path to your fav. browser in ~/.bbtools/bbweb.browser
> > it stores a history of past URLs in ~/.bbtools/bbweb.history
> > 
> > Whoopee :)
> > 
> > To get it:
> >
> >
> I just downloaded it and compiled it on my Debian Woody installation
> -- when I tried to run it, it gave me a segmentation fault...
> (I've had a functionality like this for some time, actually, by piping
> the input from an xask dialog to my browser... just another way to go,
> if you don't hack C or C++... :-)  )

This is cool.  Works fine for me, by the way.

Re: wheel-mouse scrolling through workspaces in alpha8

2002-06-06 Thread Mr . X

On 06 Jun 2002 12:11:16 -0400
Matthew Weier O'Phinney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ooops!!! Spoke too soon. Actually, it works fine -- but the direction
> is off: The wheel scrolls through the workspaces in the opposite
> direction from what it used to do. (For example -- what would be
> scrolling up actually moves down a workspace, and vice-versa.)
> Not really a problem (I've already adapted) -- just a difference in
> functionality I thought I should point out.

I'm used to the other way too.  All you have to do is edit the patch and
make all the 4's into 5's and visa versa before you apply.

Re: Icons-Newbie

2002-06-01 Thread Mr . X

On Sat, 1 Jun 2002 23:22:48 -0700
Marc Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 01, 2002 at 11:08:35PM -0300, Saruman wrote:
> > Can I put icons on Desktop, like gnome or kde???
> > if possible, how?
> Nope!  Isn't it WONDERFUL?
> Now... a question.  Why does everyone try and turn blackbox into
> something else?  If you want "like Gnome or KDE", then why don't you
> RUN Gnome or KDE?
> Myself, I don't want those, hence I run blackbox.

And how!  My hatred of desktop icons goes all the way back to my Windows
95 days.  I tried as hard as I could to get rid of all of them, but My
Computer always stayed.  Eventually I ended up naming it " " and giving
it a blank icon.  Kinda off the subject, but the point is you'll learn
to love NOT having a bunch of bullshit all over.  I mean, what's the
point when there's a perfectly good root menu?

Re: core dump in alpha7

2002-06-01 Thread Mr . X

On Fri, 31 May 2002 00:03:59 -0700 (PDT)
"Sean 'Shaleh' Perry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > This has been happening to me for a while also.  I usually only have
> > aterms and xmms open.  Although, I might have had sylpheed open now
> > that I think about it.  When I switch workspaces, BAM, it crashes.
> welp, please add the patch, set the ulimit to create cores and let
> keep us informed.

Okay, it happened again.  I'm using CVS as of yesterday, I believe.  I
wasn't able to apply that patch, but the version I'm using DOES seem to
have the debugging messages in it (as in, whenever something gains
focus, something gets printed to stderr).  Here are the results of a
"gdb blackbox core":

(gdb) where
#0  0x401c29f1 in __kill () from /lib/
#1  0x401c26d4 in raise (sig=6) at ../sysdeps/posix/raise.c:27
#2  0x401c3e31 in abort () at ../sysdeps/generic/abort.c:88
#3  0x804c454 in signalhandler (sig=11) at
#5  BScreen::changeWorkspaceID (this=0x80c2b58, id=1) at
#/std/bastring.h:154 6  0x808bce1 in Blackbox::process_event
#(this=0xb73c, e=0xb68c) at 7  0x804ce43 in
#BaseDisplay::eventLoop (this=0xb73c) at 8 
#0x80903bf in main (argc=1, argv=0xb924) at 9 
#0x401b32eb in __libc_start_main (main=0x8090088 , argc=1,
#ubp_av=0xb924, init=0x804b4fc <_init>, fini=0x809f744 <_fini>,
#rtld_fini=0x4000c130 <_dl_fini>, stack_end=0xb91c)
at ../sysdeps/generic/libc-start.c:129

I dunno if that helps any, I don't really know how gdb works.  Tell me
if you need anything else.

Re: OpenOffice 1.0 crashes Blackbox on startup

2002-05-31 Thread Mr . X

On Fri, 31 May 2002 19:41:51 +0100
Martin Rowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Friday 31 May 2002 6:27 pm, Jamin W.Collins wrote:
> > On Fri, 31 May 2002 18:07:33 +0100
> >
> > "Martin Rowe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Which version of OpenOffice.org1.0? - the 'unofficial' debs of 1.0
> > > or from the website tarball?
> >
> > I'm using the 'unofficial' debs (1.0.0-3).
> 1.0.0-2 here. No crashes with that or the tarball download on alpha7 
> original or a cvs update an hour ago.

I've had this happen ONCE.  I've been unable to reproduce it thus far. 
I'm using the tarballs off the site, and latest CVS Blackbox (on Slack
8, if it matters).

Re: Mouse-wheel change workspace

2002-05-28 Thread Mr . X

On Tue, 28 May 2002 22:51:51 -0700 (PDT)
"Sean 'Shaleh' Perry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The problem is so few people know X, real X not GTK or KDE.  Most of
> the bugs we get are "I opened this thing and it acted weird".  Brad
> was commenting a few days ago about how he was hoping two years later
> the bugs might get better. This is *NOT* meant to condescend.  X is
> hard and telling why something happened is often a bit of wisdom and
> magic.  We don't expect people to say"yeah your titlebar looks weird
> and here is the 8 line patch to fix it".  It's nice when it happens
> though (-:
> Yeah it is a bit of a control issue.  But more because it is the time
> Brad and I have to give so we have to allocate our time.
> Yeah, I think it is frivilous.  Brad doesn't even use a mouse.  So
> neither of us are good judges.
> I told someone once I never really make up my mind when they asked me
> for something in Blackbox.  Might have been xOr.  Adding a new feature
> can't happen right now due to the feature freeze.  When the code opens
> up again maybe we can look at the issue again.

That's cool.  It's you guys' desicion in the end after all.  I just
thought I'd throw it out there, see what people thought.

Mouse-wheel change workspace

2002-05-28 Thread Mr . X

I'm not sure if this has already been discussed or not (maybe I missed
it), but a feature that I've always loved from WindowMaker/Enlightenment
is the ability to scroll the mouse-wheel over the root window (or even
the toolbar maybe?) and change workspaces.  It really grows on you. 
This doesn't seem like any kind of bloat, and I assume it would be
fairly easy to implement, that's why I ask.  Are there any plans for
something like this?

Re: Man page link & site

2002-05-28 Thread Mr . X

On Tue, 28 May 2002 18:38:04 -0400
Kyle Donaldson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "These show off many of the common styles (what Blackbox calls it's
> themes)"...

Hmm, speaking as a layman, this would confuse the hell out of me.  Why? 
"What Blackbox calls it's themes".  Why is there an apostrophe between
that "it" and that "s"??  A! ::commits suicide::  So you see,
perhaps replacing that with "(what Blackbox calls its themes)"
might be a better solution.  Just a thought :P

Actually, now that I think about it, that part has always confused me. 
Not the phrasing itself, but the fact that it exists.  I dunno, it just
always seemed like stating the obvious to me.  I think the whole
"(Blackbox calls themes styles)" thing should just be dropped.  I think
most people could figure it out without too many brain farts, and
there's really no clear way to put that phrase.

Re: New bbtool

2002-05-27 Thread Mr . X

On Mon, 27 May 2002 07:15:26 +0100
Martin Rowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 0.2 works better - I can now see the minutes changing, rather than
> stuck at 24. Cheers.
> Regards, Martin

Yeah, I can't believe I did that.  It's okay, I have a long history of
making retarded mistakes :)

Re: New bbtool

2002-05-26 Thread Mr . X

Well, it's official, I'm a dumbass.  I already found a bug in that
bastard of a bbtool.  You'll notice it (or at least EYE noticed it),
when your days > 1, but your hours == 0.  I just release version 0.2 and
it fixes the problem.  Heh, just like me, I change like 5 lines of code
and there's still a goddam bug.  Oh well, no more!

Re: New bbtool

2002-05-26 Thread Mr . X

On Sun, 26 May 2002 23:24:17 +0100
Martin Rowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> OT, but is that an application launcher in the middle of the Slit, to
> the left of the bbkeys graphic? If so, which one?

That would be wmbutton, a Window Maker dockapp.  I just call it with
geometry set to 64x24 (or something like that) so it fits in the slit
and only shows the top 3 buttons.  It's quite handy.

> I like it, though I'd prefer to see the stats from my Freesco router
> than the desktop I'm actually running it on ;) 17 days doesn't exactly
> look very impressive, though it was better before a recent kernel
> upgrade.

Heh, thanks.  It's not exactly the most full featured bbtool in the
world, but (as far as I know) it does what I wanted it to do.  I just
realized though, I never tested it with 3 or four digit days.  I'm gonna
go check that out.  In fact, I've never tested it with ANY days, I
wrote it right after a reboot.  You say it works on yours with 17 days? 
That's a good sign...

New bbtool

2002-05-26 Thread Mr . X

Well, I wanted a bbtool that showed my uptime, so I made a few changes
to bbdate and got...(drumroll): BBUPTIME!  It's not much, I dunno if
anybody else would even want it, but I figured I might as well give it a
bit of advertising.  If you wanna know what the hell I'm talking about,
check out the screenshot at this URL:

If you actually want to download it (gasp!), then go to this URL:

Re: alpha7 released

2002-05-24 Thread Mr . X

On Fri, 24 May 2002 09:38:08 -0700 (PDT)
"Sean 'Shaleh' Perry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The "every waking moment for Matt" release
> alpha7 has lots of small fixes for lots of things.
> Dock apps work better (even wmswallow)
> little pixel offset issues solved, no more overlaps
> some optimizations added and excessive redraws cleaned up
> better window group support
> better dock app support
> possible fix for Nautilus not wanting focus
> other small stuff
> As before, please help us test it is time for a beta series!

It's great to have the bbtools back!  Boy, these alpha releases are
really comin' along, this one seems pretty damn solid.  Are we to expect
the next release to be of the beta persuasion?

Re: No title bar, minimal border

2002-05-24 Thread Mr . X

On Fri, 2002-05-24 at 13:15, John L. Clark wrote:
> Ok, I was browsing through the blackbox screenshots when I stumbled
> across the ones posted by Derek Cunningham
>>.  It prompted me to
> give aterm a shot, and lo-and-behold, it's a pretty terminal.  I think
> I just might go with it.  However, I'm also interested in duplicating
> the no titlebars and minimal borders on terminal windows look that he
> has going on.  I don't know how it's done.  Could anyone point me in
> the right direction?  It looks extremely cool.  I wonder what windows
> would look like when shaded.  :)
> Take care,
> John

Also something cool that can be done is to use bbappconf (or whatever
the alternative is) to start up just a big, transparent, borderless,
sticky aterm.  I dunno about you, but I'm always popping up a term to do
this or that, and it gets kind of annoying just having one laying open. 
If you do it that way, you've always got an aterm handy, but it's not
really so..."noticable".  You just see a little prompt in the top left
of your screen (or where ever).  The way I do it is in my ~/.xinitrc I
start up bbappconf (iconified), start up my aterm so all the attributes
get set, then killall bbappconf so it doesn't lie around looking stupid.

Re: BBTools seem broken

2002-05-21 Thread Mr . X

On Tue, 21 May 2002 12:59:21 -0700 (PDT)
"Sean 'Shaleh' Perry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have bbkeys and bbpal in the slit on my machine.  I have heard
> reports of other bbtools misbehaving and comment on this in the alpha5
> release notes. bbppp, bbsload, bbmail all have issues currently.
> We are looking into it.  Basically it is a race condition that
> appeared when we removed the locking code from blackbox.  Because it
> is a race tracking it will be fun (-:

Well, okay, at least I'm not crazy.  BBKeys and BBPager work perfectly,
by the way, withdrawn or otherwise.

BBTools seem broken

2002-05-21 Thread Mr . X

Do the bbtools seems screwed up to anybody else?  I'm using the latest
CVS, and when I start up bbtools with the "-w" option they all overlap
and just overall do screwy things they shouldn't.  I tried it out in
Fluxbox and they seemed to work normally.  By the way, WM dockapps work

Re: Struts

2002-05-20 Thread Mr . X

On Mon, 20 May 2002 18:29:18 -0700 (PDT)
"Sean 'Shaleh' Perry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Let's clarify for a moment.
> What I was referring to is his comment that windows were still not
> snapping to the edge rather they were slightly covering.  I have tried
> numerous styles and apps and do not see this behaviour.
> Now, what misbehaviour are you seeing with the clients which use
> resize increments?

Oh, I'm sorry, I think I misread what was happening.  I was talking
about when maximizing windows it doesn't fit to the edges correctly with
those kinds of apps (which actually makes sense).  Maybe I replied to
the wrong post or something, I wouldn't put it past me :)  No, I'm
getting no problems with apps snapping correctly (including xmms) with
latest CVS.

Re: Struts

2002-05-20 Thread Mr . X

On 21 May 2002 08:34:12 +1200
Matt Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I updated, rebuilt, restarted, and tested everything again right
> before I emailed all that stuff. So, yes, *current* cvs. I'm updating
> daily anyhow.
> I got college all morning (ie now), but I'll have a look at that stuff
> when I get home, later on.
> Matt.

I'm getting this same behavior (with latest CVS), but only with terms
(aterm, Eterm, etc), and editors that measure their size in character
increments instead of pixel increments.  Like how aterm or gvim or nedit
will say 80x25 and REALLY mean 80x25 characters, not 80x25 pixels.

Re: need help debugging

2002-05-18 Thread Mr . X

On Sat, 18 May 2002 14:22:18 +0200
Mads Martin Jørgensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> And you of course reported it, so they know?
> -- 
> Mads Martin Jørgensen,
> "Why make things difficult, when it is possible to make them cryptic
>  and totally illogic, with just a little bit more effort?"
> -- A. P. J.

Yeah, they know.  It's been on their "known issues" list for a long time
now (forever?).

GVim issue

2002-05-17 Thread Mr . X

I'm almost certain this is a Blackbox not a GVim issue, but I thought
before I submitted it as a bug I'd see if a few others can duplicate it.
 The problem occurs when maximizing GVim, instead of maximizing to the
size of the screen, or the screen minus the slit and toolbar, it goes
much bigger.  I thought it was a GVim issue, but I tested it in a couple
of other WM's (Fluxbox, E) and it didn't happen.  Also it just started
happening recently so I'd guess it popped up in alpha 3 or 4 somewhere. 
It might happen with other apps as well, but I haven't found any.

Re: need help debugging

2002-05-16 Thread Mr . X

On Thu, 16 May 2002 11:37:54 +0100
"Robert Marshall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm not sure that's a BB problem at all. AFAICS it's mozilla waiting
> > for a resource that's not free. I've seen it in the past as
> > well. Just kill the program occupying the resource, and mozilla
> > continues.
> > 
> > Does this happen with mozilla-1.0-rc2 as well?
> Is this the problem with the flash plugin in mozilla? - it seems to be
> very similar symptoms - recent releases of mozilla appear to no longer
> have this problem
> R
> -- 
> Robert Marshall

Yeah, it IS a Mozilla problem, it DOES still happen with rc2, and it CAN
happen on Flash pages...if they use sound.  It's one of the few really
annoying bugs Mozilla has.  I hope they get it fixed soon.

Re: need help debugging

2002-05-15 Thread Mr . X

On Wed, 15 May 2002 13:43:23 -0700 (PDT)
"Sean 'Shaleh' Perry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hmm, scary, mozilla is an mp3 player too? eek.
> I wonder if this is part of the issue.

No, I didn't mean playing mp3s WITH Mozilla, I meant with XMMS, or
Freeamp, or anything for that matter.  That makes Mozilla freeze at
sites with sound (including the example site).

Re: need help debugging

2002-05-15 Thread Mr . X

On Wed, 15 May 2002 09:23:56 -0700 (PDT)
"Sean 'Shaleh' Perry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> #554003 on the tracker is causing us problems.  I can not
> #recreate it
> here and the first guess seems to be wrong.
> Anyone out there mind giving this one a look and seeing if you can a)
> recreate it and b) give some insight into the problem.

Well, if you're running any app that has sound and visit that site with
Mozilla (or Galeon or any other Gecko-using browser) it'll freeze up
Mozilla because of a sound bug.  A really annoying sound bug I might
add.  Like visit it while playing some mp3s with Mozilla and watch
everything freeze up, then hit the stop button and notice how it
magically appears.  Of course that's a Mozilla problem, not a Blackbox

Re: 0.65.0alpha4 released

2002-05-15 Thread Mr . X

On Wed, 15 May 2002 00:56:50 -0400

> On Tue, 14 May 2002 22:39:32 -0600
> dan radom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > errr i meant bsetbg, not bsetroot
> > 
> > * dan radom ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > > it seems it still reports ...
> > >   lunar:~$ blackbox -version
> > >   Blackbox   1997 - 2000 Brad Hughes
> > >   0.65.0alpha3 : (c) 2001 - 2002 Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
> > > 
> > > and bsetroot no longer sets a root image in such a way that it
> > > works with Eterm transparancies.  That's worked in all the
> > > 0.65alpha's
> > > 
> > > dan
> bsetbg is just a wrapper.  You tell it which root setting app to use
> with a ~/.bsetbgrc file.  Do "bsetbg -generate > ~/.bsetbgrc", then
> edit that file to your liking (ie use Esetroot or wmsetbg for Eterm).

Oh, I see it WAS broken.  Heh, now I sound stupid.  Sorry 'bout that...

Re: 0.65.0alpha4 released

2002-05-15 Thread Mr . X

On Tue, 14 May 2002 22:39:32 -0600
dan radom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> errr i meant bsetbg, not bsetroot
> * dan radom ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > it seems it still reports ...
> >   lunar:~$ blackbox -version
> >   Blackbox   1997 - 2000 Brad Hughes
> >   0.65.0alpha3 : (c) 2001 - 2002 Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
> > 
> > and bsetroot no longer sets a root image in such a way that it works
> > with Eterm transparancies.  That's worked in all the 0.65alpha's
> > 
> > dan

bsetbg is just a wrapper.  You tell it which root setting app to use
with a ~/.bsetbgrc file.  Do "bsetbg -generate > ~/.bsetbgrc", then
edit that file to your liking (ie use Esetroot or wmsetbg for Eterm).

Re: [a bit OT]: Clicking URLs in Evolution under Blackbox

2002-05-14 Thread Mr . X

On Tue, 14 May 2002 18:38:17 -0400
Scott Furt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Paul Mackinney wrote:
> > 
> > That's the only reason it's on my box. I run Debian, so I just
> > install with
> > 
> > apt-get install gnome-terminal
> > 
> Can anyone suggest a good Debian resource where i could
> see the differences between Deb and Redhat?  I've been
> a redhat user for a few years now and am beginning to think
> that Redhat is bloated and not very well integrated.
> Debian and the BSD's have such a simple install/upgrade
> mechanism, it brings a tear to my eye when i think about
> how hard it is to upgrade my redhat machine using RPM's.

Check out Slackware as well.  It's package system is simple and easy,
and if you REALLY can't live without apt-get, there are plenty working
"slack-get" type things.  I was a Redhat user also, and I tried both
Debian and Slackware, but ended up going with Slackware.

I think is a good site to see distro comparisons, by
the way (off the top of my head, may be

Re: [nop] menu item seems broken

2002-05-14 Thread Mr . X

On Tue, 14 May 2002 01:02:52 -0700 (PDT)
"Sean 'Shaleh' Perry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is my fault.  I broke the code involved when I moved blackbox
> from char[] to std::string.  Just committed a fix in cvs.
> My problem was the old code did this:
> case nop:
>   menu->insert(label);
> but label may have been all zeros unless one was defined.  So [nop] ()
> would crash blackbox because std::string expects a null terminated
> string.  To fix this I changed it to:
> menu->insert("");
> which made the assumption all no ops were merely spacers.  So this
> time i fixed the real problem which was invalid strings:
> if (! *label)
>   label[0] = '\0';
> menu->insert(label);
> Thanks for mentioning this.
> P.S. an alpha4 should be out by weeks end.  Lots of new pretty code.

Yeah, the CVS works great, thanks.  Can't wait til' alpha4!

[nop] menu item seems broken

2002-05-13 Thread Mr . X

I'm using Blackbox version 0.65alpha3, and the [nop]
menu item seems to have stopped working. It still puts
up a non-operational menu selection, but it'll no
longer let me give it a label. Maybe I'm doing it
wrong, but I'm just using the same menu as before. I
use it like this:

[nop] ()

That's for a separator. But the output I get looks
like I just called [nop] with no (-). For now
I just replaced it with a bum [exec].