[BlueOnyx:24551] APF Firewall deletes Whitelist entry

2020-12-03 Thread Meaulnes Legler @ MailList


this happened already a couple of times: the router IP of a customer got 
blacklisted from the APF Firewall for an unknown reason, no new iPhone 
configuration nor new mailer setup, the users just using standard Internet 
activities like chat, e-mail or browsing.

after a routing reset, the new IP got again blacklisted after a while. I 
deleted that IP from the Deny Host Rules and added it to the whitelist Allow 
Host Rules, the users could surf again.

not a week went by and the same IP got _again_ blacklisted — the weird thing is 
that the IP entry disappeared from the whitelist, meaning somehow: «you may NOT 
allow this IP, it's just too evil» :-)

• how comes an entry in Allow Host Rules isn't permanent and can get ignored?

• how can I find out which device behind this router using that offending IP is 
abusing the output flow rating? E-mail clients usually list in their outgoing 
mails the app name and the platform, can I read such data in some APF log?

thank you and best regards

で⊃ Meaulnes Legler
Zurich, Switzerland
+41¦0 44 260-1660

Blueonyx mailing list

[BlueOnyx:24549] Re: Roundcube contacts lost

2020-12-03 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick

Michael Stauber wrote on 12/3/2020 11:15 AM:

Hi Robert,

After I migrated using CMUExport and CMUImport, Roundcube gave me an
error. I renamed the folder in the vsite web directory to
roundcube-5106, then added the Roundcube v1.4.3 Web Application from the
WHAM Module installed.

It appears that all preferences were lost somehow last night.

There are a couple of things at play there. When you migrate via CMU,
the GUI doesn't know what WebApps (if any) a Vsite has. Easy-Migrate
retains that information.

RoundCube is configured to auto-deploy to new Vsites.

So if you CMU-migrate a Vsite that already has RoundCube, then
eventually the auto-deploy mechanism of RoundCube/WebApp-Installer will
kick in and will overwrite the migrated RoundCube with a fresh install
of RoundCube. Which then replaces both the directory as well as the
MySQL database of that instance entirely. In that case the contacts will
be lost, as they're only stored in SQL.

You said you manually deployed RoundCube via the WebApp-installer after
the migration. That also counts as a "first time install" (and not an
upgrade), because as far as the WebApp installer was concerned: There
was no previous RoundCube installed that it knew of.

That would also replace the SQL database of that install with a fresh
one that didn't have the previous contact data.

Thanks Michael. So I'm not sure why that happened last night. I migrated 
on Sunday, renamed the old directory and did WebApp install. Monday I 
set Preferences and imported contacts for several users. All was fine 
through yesterday, this morning all preferences and contacts gone.

Blueonyx mailing list

[BlueOnyx:24547] Re: Roundcube contacts lost

2020-12-03 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick

Robert Fitzpatrick wrote on 12/3/2020 8:44 AM:
I migrated a site from a 5106R to 5209R server last week. The users use 
Roundcube. I exported the contacts for several users and imported into 
the new Roundcube 1.4.3 on the new server, all went well.

All of sudden this morning, the users contacts that were imported are 
all gone. Any idea what could cause this and how I can restore from our 
nightly backup?

Another note. After I migrated using CMUExport and CMUImport, Roundcube 
gave me an error. I renamed the folder in the vsite web directory to 
roundcube-5106, then added the Roundcube v1.4.3 Web Application from the 
WHAM Module installed. This is a listing of the directory now:

[root@www5 domainuser]# cd /home/sites/mail.domain.com/web
[root@www5 web]# ls -lah
total 28K
drwxrwsr-x  6 nobody site41 4.0K Nov 21 10:02 .
drwxrwsr-x  9 nobody site41 4.0K Nov 22 05:49 ..
drwxr-sr-x  2 admin  site41 4.0K Nov 21 08:43 awstats
drwxrwsr-x  2 nobody site41 4.0K Nov 21 08:43 error
-rw-r--r--  1 root   site41  249 Nov 21 10:02 index.html
drwxr-sr-x 12 apache site41 4.0K Dec  2 20:02 roundcube
drwxr-sr-x 12 apache site41 4.0K Nov 21 08:43 roundcube-5106

It appears that all preferences were lost somehow last night. This 
morning, all the users I had imported Contacts for and set their 
Identities are reverted to defaults with no contacts.

Blueonyx mailing list

[BlueOnyx:24546] Roundcube contacts lost

2020-12-03 Thread Robert Fitzpatrick
I migrated a site from a 5106R to 5209R server last week. The users use 
Roundcube. I exported the contacts for several users and imported into 
the new Roundcube 1.4.3 on the new server, all went well.

All of sudden this morning, the users contacts that were imported are 
all gone. Any idea what could cause this and how I can restore from our 
nightly backup?


Blueonyx mailing list

[BlueOnyx:24550] Re: Roundcube contacts lost

2020-12-03 Thread Ernie
Are the contacts really lost?

Do a mysqldump of the roundcube database and see if the contacts are in

Then check the following variables in config.inc.php to see what host and
domain name they are set to on the old server vs the new server.

$config['default_host'] = '';
$config['mail_domain'] = '';

Of the default host is empty or has changed, then roundcube will start a
fresh set of contacts in the database which will be empty.

- Ernie.

> I migrated a site from a 5106R to 5209R server last week. The users use 
> Roundcube. I exported the contacts for several users and imported into 
> the new Roundcube 1.4.3 on the new server, all went well.
> All of sudden this morning, the users contacts that were imported are 
> all gone. Any idea what could cause this and how I can restore from our 
> nightly backup?
> -- 
> Robert
> ___
> Blueonyx mailing list
> Blueonyx@mail.blueonyx.it
> http://mail.blueonyx.it/mailman/listinfo/blueonyx
Blueonyx mailing list

[BlueOnyx:24548] Re: Roundcube contacts lost

2020-12-03 Thread Michael Stauber
Hi Robert,

> After I migrated using CMUExport and CMUImport, Roundcube gave me an
> error. I renamed the folder in the vsite web directory to
> roundcube-5106, then added the Roundcube v1.4.3 Web Application from the
> WHAM Module installed.
> It appears that all preferences were lost somehow last night.

There are a couple of things at play there. When you migrate via CMU,
the GUI doesn't know what WebApps (if any) a Vsite has. Easy-Migrate
retains that information.

RoundCube is configured to auto-deploy to new Vsites.

So if you CMU-migrate a Vsite that already has RoundCube, then
eventually the auto-deploy mechanism of RoundCube/WebApp-Installer will
kick in and will overwrite the migrated RoundCube with a fresh install
of RoundCube. Which then replaces both the directory as well as the
MySQL database of that instance entirely. In that case the contacts will
be lost, as they're only stored in SQL.

You said you manually deployed RoundCube via the WebApp-installer after
the migration. That also counts as a "first time install" (and not an
upgrade), because as far as the WebApp installer was concerned: There
was no previous RoundCube installed that it knew of.

That would also replace the SQL database of that install with a fresh
one that didn't have the previous contact data.

With best regards

Michael Stauber
Blueonyx mailing list

[BlueOnyx:24545] 5209R/5210R: PHP-8.0.0

2020-12-03 Thread Michael Stauber
Hi all,

A few days ago PHP-8.0.0 has been officially released. I just rolled up
PHP-8.0.0 PKGs for 5209R and 5210R and they are now available on NewLinQ.

Please note:

Before you install these PKGs, make sure to run "yum clean all" and "yum
update" to make sure your BlueOnyx is fully updated. Otherwise you won't
be able to use the PHP-8.0.0 PKG.

Until yesterday neither 5209R nor 5210R had provisions for a PHP with
that kind of version number. These posers were apparently in a hurry to
jump straight from 7.4 straight to 8.0. ;-)

As usual with any brand new "zero-series" of PHP: There are plenty of
changes to PHP itself, so don't expect that any old code will work out
of the box on PHP-8.0.0. As of now you should only use it for testing
purpose or if some new code explicitly requires PHP-8.

Likewise: Some gimmicks that are usually included in our PHP builds are
still absent, as the third party providers of these tools haven't
released PHP-8.0 compatible versions of their add-ons yet.

What's missing for now:

- IonCube Loader
- ImageMagick (doesn't compile yet)
- PDFlib
- Mcrypt

In future versions I'll try to add support for these again based on
availability of working add-ons.

With best regards

Michael Stauber
Blueonyx mailing list