[boost] Re: Has www.boost.org been hacked?

2003-09-03 Thread Carl Daniel
Raoul Gough wrote:

 Note that I only see the extra HTML when I download the page from
 Internet Explorer (version is 6.0.2600.IS). Opera shows a clean
 version of the page. I guess this suggests my IE has a virus, unless
 of course the web server only sends the Trojan to particular
 browsers. I don't see the trojan on other web pages. Sorry for the
 off-topic posting, but I thought this was important enough to warrant
 it. Maybe just a local problem after all.

Your browser has a cached copy of the infected page.  Clear your Temporary
Internet Files and you should see a clean page.


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[boost] Re: Boost spirit and embedded visual c++ 4.0

2003-07-31 Thread Carl Daniel
James Curran wrote:
 Kai Strempel wrote:
 Is it possible to use the boost spirit library with the micrsoft
 embedded visual c++ 4.0 compiler? I haven't try it now. But perhaps
 anybody knows something about that compiler together with boost

 I have no first-hand knowledge, but I believe eVC4 is based on
 VC6, which has much trouble with Spirit.  Further, as I recall, eVC4
 doesn't implement exceptions, which are used throughout Boost.

I believe you're correct.  Those wanting to use boost in WinCE applications
will have to wait for Whidbey, which will re-unite the core Windows
compiler and the WinCE compiler (See


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[boost] Re: Formal Review: Command Line Config library

2003-05-22 Thread Carl Daniel
Vladimir Prus wrote:
 Holger Grund wrote:
 It expands to 13103077 (RTM).

 Thanks! BTW, what's RTM?

Release To Manufacturing.


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[boost] Re: [filesystem] new functions proposals

2003-04-17 Thread Carl Daniel
James Curran wrote:
 Vladimir Prus wrote:
 The intent is to get/change the part of leaf name after the first

 um.. After the FIRST dot or the LAST dot.

 In Win32, james.m.curran.txt the extention is txt, not

Note too that on Windows/NTFS, names like 'c:/foo/bar.baz.blip:blat' are
legal.  The 'extension' is '.blip', not '.baz.blip' and not

The very existence of such special cases probably means that such a function
would be a good addition to the filesystem library.


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[boost] Re: boost/limits.hpp Itanium2 RC_1_30_0

2003-03-10 Thread Carl Daniel
Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve wrote:
 If evaluating the output of the code below counts as a
 quick-and-easy-and-conclusive test the result is that the Itanium2
 must be BOOST_LITTLE_ENDIAN like the i386 and Alpha lines. I.e. my
 patch needs to be revised (see below).

Remember that Itanium(2) can use either Endianality - it's up to the
OS/platform code to determine which Endianality is in use.  It's entirely
possible that there might be Itanium2 platforms with GCC that are big endian
in addition to those that are little endian.  Hopefully things don't work
out that way...


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[boost] Re: 1.30.0 branch-for-release complete

2003-03-04 Thread Carl Daniel
Beman Dawes wrote:
 At 04:01 PM 3/3/2003, Mark Rodgers wrote:
  How many extra people would be encourage to test the beta?

 Good question. Are there others interested in a beta?

I'd love to see beta releases (ZIP'd  packaged like a full release).


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[boost] Re: Re: Regression progress; Win32

2003-02-17 Thread Carl Daniel
Beman Dawes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 Curiosity got the better of me, and I did an experimental run on build

 Looks pretty good. A vast improvement over prior releases. Problems

* Missing overloads for long long.
* boost/type_traits/is_convertible.hpp line 153 giving it fits.
* A few other scattered failures on code working for other

 I'm not going to post the results; no point in worrying about
 until we see what the actual shipped version does.

I have the RC1 version, build 2346.  Unfortunately, I'm not in a
position to run the regression tests on any regular basis.  Hopefully
someone else with build 2292 or 2346 can run them at least now  then.

From what I recall from earlier testing, most of the problems with this
compiler stem from workarounds put in for earlier VC versions that
aren't disabled for _MSC_VER = 0x1310.


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[boost] Re: Regression progress; Win32

2003-02-15 Thread Carl Daniel
Beman Dawes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 This morning's Win32 regression tests have been posted. Looking at the
 diff, http://boost.sourceforge.net/regression-logs/cs-win32-diff.html,
 there are still some worries:

An aside -

Since 1.30.0 will likely be the Boost version when MSVC 7.1 (Everett)
ships, it would be nice to have VC7.1 regression results.   I can
understand perhaps not posting 7.1 results until the RTM version is
available, but is anyone even running the regression tests on the final
beta (build 2292) or RC1 (build 2346) versions regularly?


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[boost] Re: is_convertible and vc7.1 final beta

2003-01-11 Thread Carl Daniel
David Abrahams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 Apparently, vc7.1 final beta fails to handle is_convertible properly
 under some circumstances.  I tried searching a little bit for
 workarounds and came up empty.  If anyone else would like to try,
 comment out the line which says

 #  define BOOST_NO_IS_CONVERTIBLE // is_convertible doesn't work

 in $BOOST_SANDBOX/boost/iterator/iterator_adaptors.hpp, go to
 $BOOST_SANDBOX/boost/libs/iterator/test, and do:

bjam -sBOOST=path-to-boost-root indirect_iterator_test

Was this tested with the RC1 release (build 2346)?  If not, I'll give it a
whirl tomorrow - it may be something that was broken only in build 2292.

Does this require a current boost snapshot from CVS, or will a 1.29
installation suffice?  (Seeing sandbox in the above, I'm assuming the


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[boost] Re: Re: is_convertible and vc7.1 final beta

2003-01-11 Thread Carl Daniel
David Abrahams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 How come I don't have build 2346?  I've been on the Microsoft alpha

Just lucky, I guess ;-)  Apparently they only sent 2346 to people who'd
submitted more than 'X' bug reports via BetaPlace.

  Does this require a current boost snapshot from CVS, or will a 1.29
  installation suffice?  (Seeing sandbox in the above, I'm assuming the

 I don't know whether it works with 1.29; I was working with the
 latest.  I can send you a zipped file which reproduces the problem all
 by itself.

That would be cool.  If it's a regression from 2292 (and especially if it's
a regression from VC7) they might just consider fixing it before RTM.


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[boost] Re: Call for Volunteers [license review]

2002-12-12 Thread Carl Daniel
David Abrahams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 This is a formal call for volunteers to fill out a few of the
 open-source license evaluations at


OCLC Research Public License done - fails.  Incorporates a potentially
useful technique for dealing with source code versus binary
distributions.  Rather than using those terms, this license speaks in terms
of distributions which and end-user can modify (source code) or cannot
modify (object code).

The one blatent failure is that this license requires an attribution in or
with binary distributions.

Open Software License done - fails.  This license requires that all
derivative works must also use this license.


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[boost] Re: implicit_cast inventor

2002-12-01 Thread Carl Daniel
Beman Dawes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I'm all for bending over backwards to protect Booster's intellectual
 property rights, but I having a lot of trouble applying IP concepts to
 a posting.  Am I off-base here?

I think you're spot-on, and the Brittish would say.  Isn't posting something
to usenet considered to put that posting into the public domain?  While
boost is a mailing list, it's also being mirrored onto an NNTP server, and
onto more than one web-based searchable archive which require no
authentication/membership/agreement/etc whatsoever.


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