Re: [] academic use of Perl

2005-03-01 Thread Jerrad Pierce
>To be effective at growing the pool of Perl programmers I think Perl
>needs to be used in a general course that isn't specifically about Perl
>or some specialty that is already well entrenched with Perl.
Exactly. The wolf book would make an excellent text-book for a beginner's
guide to algorythms (for non-CS majors?).
MOTD on Setting Orange, the 60th of Chaos, in the YOLD 3171:
Quoth the raven, "Nevermore!"
Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] Certification

2005-03-01 Thread James Freeman
Here, here...
The perl community already has a "certification" that matters and would 
convince any PHB that the person they were hiring was a good candidate.  
The Perl Advocacy question is a separate one for reasons I will show 
below.  In short our current certification goes like this, hypothetically...

"My name is Tim Bunce and I wrote the DBI module, see:, and the book Programming the Perl DBI.  DBI is 
used on the following Fortune 2000 companies websites.  This 
framework is the standard for database access in the Perl community."  I 
could go on but this is my point.

In the interview process what have I learned about Tim Bunce even if I 
don't know anything about Perl.

1) He is capable of creating world class software that has been 
voluntarily adopted by his community and used in real world business 
2) His communications skills are proved by the book and the book's 
utility can be shown by its sales.
3) He saw a hole in the market and wrote software to fill that hole and 
wrote it in such a way that it can be used by others and adopted as a 
standard in the community.
4) I have never met him but from all reports he has good personality and 
would probably be a pleasure to work with: see:
5) He did this entirely of his own initiative.

So am I confident that with a person like this on a project, regardless 
of the language choice, would be a great addition to any development 
team, and even better if it was Perl.  Perl given its low barriers to 
entry becomes a natural meritocracy and Tim Bunce has reached the top of 
the heap.  There are other examples in the community of course.  This is 
a "certification" that really matters.  This is the great thing about 
Open Source game in general good information about the best "players" 
move the best to the top naturally.  Even if there was a certification 
process who would you rather hire a random certified Perl hacker or Tim 
Bunce all other things being equal?  Would your precious time be better 
spent getting a certification or putting a fantastic module on that handles a real world problem and extends the 
language into new areas?

Perl Advocacy:
Certification would not help Perl advocacy alone.  Marketing Perl 
Requires Marketing.  Java is marketed by Sun and C# is marketed by 
Microsoft, millions of dollars are spent making the decision makers that 
hire the technical staff think that language X (and its supporting 
software) is the future and all other languages are bad investments.  
>From the business point of view people are making the switch from Java 
to C# because (regardless of the technical facts which I am not arguing 
here) because they think Microsoft could buy Sun with the spare change 
on Bill's nightstand and Microsoft doesn't because they don't think Sun 
is a good investment.

In some decision making processes, the technical aspects of the decision 
is secondary to the cost of having an expensive future transition on 
Microsoft's schedule or having to defend your IT investments to the 
other business people who judge the value of the technical solution by 
the value of the business that represents that solution.   On the 
technical end, given the right staff, all technical problems (based on 
language given that the language is kept up to date) are equal.   The 
likely staff needed for the given language and the likelihood that the 
language will be kept up to date becomes the problem for the hiring manager.

Certification can give an inexperienced hiring manager the belief that 
he can treat the development staff he hires like interchangeable parts.  
Experienced hiring managers understand that the qualities that set Tim 
Bunce apart cannot be demonstrated by a simple certification.  The 
bigger problem is does the hiring manger know that is a 
good place to find Perl developers?  An ad like: "7000 experienced Perl 
developers read every week." in front of the hiring 
manager would be better use of the communities resources than a 
certification process.

The only benefit of the certification is to get your resume past the 
non-technical HR person's keyword based sorting of resumes.  The nice 
thing about Perl without certifications is that the keyword is Perl not 
Perl Cert Version X.  Starting down the certification path in a language 
means that you _must_ get the certification to get past the HR filters.  
This is to the benefit of the certification business, it adds to the 
expense in time and money to the individual developer, and once the 
certification becomes popular it can't be used to get your resume to the 
top of the pile.  If you are planning to set up a Perl certification 
business I can't argue with your business model, but for the individual 
developer, not a good idea unless you have to.  Your time is better 
spent finding a hole in the Perl offering and creating and publish

Re: [] (also) Perl

2005-03-01 Thread John Saylor

( 05.02.28 21:07 -0500 ) James Linden Rose, III:
> However Mr. Shwartz's model of the problem does not reflect majority
> opinion with respect to the breadth of the issue, (especially as it
> seems to be peppered with idealism and anti-capitalism).

whoa- idealism and anti-capitalism
smells like free spirit

> Eh, let us return to my earlier point... a prominent and vocal MINORITY.

i don't think this is an issue that's resolved solely by democratic
means- what about the merits of the arguments? what about the process of
trading opinions? 'because a lot of other people want it' is not a very
compelling reason to people who make up their own minds.

instead of trying to 'win' the argument on the list, you might
be better off just trying to set up a certification program. [then the
real work will begin]

> Industry would welcome a more qualified system which addresses specific 
> skills as well.

especially the certification industry ...

\js oblique strategy: do something boring
Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] (also) Perl [socialism]

2005-03-01 Thread John Saylor

( 05.02.28 20:03 -0500 ) John Redford:
> To put it extremely bluntly: certifications are socialist.  People who
> believe in certifications have the same naïf mentality as people who
> believe in socialism.

some socialists [more or less]:
emma goldman
che guevara
leon trotsky
eugene debs

i don't think any of them were naïf. to put it as gently as i can,
perhaps your understanding of political history could be more developed.

\js oblique strategy: once the search has begun, something will be found
Boston-pm mailing list

Politics [OT] RE: [] (also) Perl [socialism]

2005-03-01 Thread Ricker, William
> > To put it extremely bluntly: certifications are socialist.  

> perhaps your understanding of political history could be more developed.

Hmm, that's harsh. 

I would not have chosen "socialist" as the pejorative adjective.  

I suspect he was referring to the naïve utopianist socialists, not the 
committed guerillas. Perhaps he should have said certification is a naïf 
utopian dream, and thus avoided dragging OT politics into this.  

I could argue that certifications are the opposite of the socialist creed, 
"from each according to his ability", but there are others who see "all workers 
are equal" as the ultimate in either socialism (garbage men and professors of 
equal value) or capitalism (laborers disposable).

Not all socialists are utopian, not all utopians are socialist, but that's the 
way to bet.  Milquetoast socialists -- as found in comfortable 
upper-middle-class homes -- who don't expect to have to suffer the reality of 
their theories are the naïve ones he refers to.  Utopianists of all political 
stripes are naïf, in that they think if we could all just agree, or if we were 
all nice people, then we'd all be nice people and we'd all agree.  (Except the 
most-hard-line of the randites, who think if we are all self-interested it also 
works out nice enough. That's closer to reality, except most people aren't 
smart enough to think far enough ahead.)

Trotsky may have understood /real politik/, and thus as you suggest not have 
been naïve, but Stalin did moreso. As a result the state they founded was not a 
Trotskyite socialist worker's paradise; it was a Stalinist "communist" 
totalitarian crypto-oligarchic/facist state, socialist only in that the 
oligarchs had no personal title to the state owned means of production they 
controlled for their own benefit. Trotsky ended up dead. Does that make Trotsky 
naïve? No. But his predictions of a socialist workers' paradise *sound* so in 

We in the larger world typically call the ineffective utopian parlor socialists 
"socialists" and the effective revolutionary socialists "revolutionaries".  In 
between, you have working politicians.

This is particularly appropriate as the effective ones are of necessity less 
naïve and thus less pure in their politics.

If the use of "socialist" offends you, please read the prior poster's statement 
as "Certificates are utopian."


Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] (also) Perl

2005-03-01 Thread James Linden Rose, III
On Monday, February 28, 2005, at 10:54 PM, Ben Tilly wrote:
In an interview what you just said would make me worried.  You're
using a technique that you don't understand.
Interesting that you've imagined yourself in a position to be 
interviewing me.  Not a very likely scenario though.

 However Mr. Shwartz's model of the problem does not
reflect majority opinion with respect to the breadth of the issue,
When you misspelled "Schwartzian transform", I thought it was
possibly a typo.  But you've made the same mistake again.
His name is Schwartz.  With a silent c in it.  Agree or disagree
with him, it is polite to get his name correct.
It must really suck not to have anything relevant to certification to 
say, and yet wanting to say so much so badly.  Back handed personal 
attacks seldom further your point of view.

Future advice, people who start and run their own businesses are
seldom anti-capitalistic.  If you think that they are being so, then
you're probably missing something important about how they
perceive their own economic interests.
A lecture about what people who start and run their own business are 
like?  PLEASE TELL ME MORE!  Randal speaks a little on his interest in 
money on the page you suggested, and I don't think this would be 
characterized as naked capitalist greed:   "I've worked too hard over 
the past decade to help this community in as many free ways as I can, 
and get paid for the things that I have to get paid for so that I can 
put food on the table and pay for my net access."

In a straw poll of the 3 programmers sitting closest to me,
one was slightly against, one slightly for, and one didn't
care.  I think that that's probably representative.
Well, gee, I had no idea that the guy next to you agrees...
MIT is also the school which introduced Scheme as a way
of introducing programming.
Point being?

 I doubt that Carnegie-Mellon
teaches a course whose purpose is to specifically help you
pass the MCSE.
Point being?
(If it does, I guarantee that I can find people
in the department who're not very happy about it.)
I think you misunderstand why the great technical schools are so great. 
 Rule 1:  They seldom get caught up in the mental masturbation of the 
impractical.  Having sold MIT to industry for 7 years in a past life I 
can safely say that its close ties to the practical concerns of 
industry are its greatest strength, and why an MIT education prepares 
students to be relevant to the real world.  Hire somebody from a school 
more caught up in ivory tower snobbery, and you have to wait at least a 
year before they come up to speed.

Furthermore even in professional schools (medicine, law,
etc), while the school may provide practical training, the
faculty are still expected to participate in (and are likely to be
primarily judged on) research.  That's certainly true of both
schools that you mention.
You use every misdirection debating technique in existence.  
Engineering research is hardly "academia".  At least at MIT and to a 
lesser extent CMU, it  is almost always looking toward a practical 
application.  Net result:  4,000 MIT related companies.  12 Nobel prize 
winners on staff.  The deepest industrial ties of any school in the 

I stand by my comment that, charter's notwithstanding,
universities are not supposed to be in the business of
vocational training.  (Although they are often pushed in
that direction, particularly by students and parents of
students who go there to help job prospects.)
Sigh.  Yes.  They are not votech schools teaching welding and oil 
filter replacement.

This might work out, or might not.  I'm inclined towards
pessimism, but have no real evidence supporting that.
It would make life easier for companies that need to hire Perl 
programmers for basic routine programming jobs.  Its not a guru netting 
tool, but gurus are not what many companies need.  I would love to have 
somebody to take over many of the mundane Perl tasks I have at my 
company one day.  I don't need to hire a Randal or a Larry nearly as 
much as I need somebody basically trained.  Somebody I can trust to do 
basic level tasks so I can focus on growth and marketing.

Boston-pm mailing list

[] [ADMIN] Request from the list administrator

2005-03-01 Thread Ronald J Kimball
If people have more to add to the discussion on certification, please stay
on topic and cease the personal attacks.

Boston-pm mailing list

RE: [] Certification

2005-03-01 Thread John Redford
First, I would like to compliment and express broad general agreement with
everything James Freeman said in his response to the following message.  

Second, I would like to express specific agreement with Adam Turoff's
expression of the crux of the problem.

Expressing agreement takes much less typing than expressing an opinion.

Now, to address Greg's message below...

> From: Greg London
> Sent: Monday, February 28, 2005 11:10 PM
> Subject: [] Certification
> I think I just figured out why this conversation is going nowhere.
> The pro-certification folks think that certification would help
> convince a non-technical manager to use perl for a project.
> The programmers would determine that perl is the right language
> for the job on a technical basis. The manager would use a oijia
> board and certification to determine that perl is the best language
> to use for the job. And everyone would be happy.
> It's a very specific condition.
> Programmers determine perl is the best technical language for job.
> Manager needs some non-technical convincing.
> Certification convinces manager.
> Everyone is happy.
> Rather than address this rather specific situation, however,
> the anti-certification folks, denounce certification as
> communist (red scare anyone?), spread fears of total bifurcation
> of the entire Perl community, and warn of the zombie army of
> braindead programmers with Perl Certificates taking over the
> job market.
> It's Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt at it's finest.
> You guys got Bill Gates and his Linux FUD beat hands down.
> How exactly did logic get thrown out the window with this?

A. I must point out that logic is irrelevant. Briefly:
 + People are not logical.
 + Gödel.

If logic were the answer _here_, then the answer to a manager consider using
Perl would be a logical argument based on the application, not waving a
certification in his face.  The manager is not logical, and neither is
anyone else.  The goal is for people and their arguments to be rational, not

B. My contention that certifications are socialist is only FUD if you are
afraid of socialism, uncertain as to what it is, or in doubt of the same.
Your own cry of "red scare" seems to be less of a "logical" argument against
my assertion than an attempt to make people think of Joe McCarthy.  Perhaps
you are not aware that there were communists spies working in the US.  You
further seem to be conflating Soviet communism with socialism.  But this is
hardly the place for a history or social sciences lecture.

C. You say that the anti-certification people fail to address the specific
case you present.  This is somewhat of a cheat, as you are only now
presenting your specific case, so obviously no one could have addressed it
beforehand.  But I'll gladly address it.

C.1. If you are a programmer who thinks Perl is the right answer, and your
manager thinks Perl is the wrong answer, and few or none of your coworkers
think you are right, then you are wrong.  Why?  Because it does not matter
what the technical merits of a language are if no one understands the
language and can manage the risks associated with that language.  If your
coworkers don’t know Perl, then you being certified will not help them know
Perl.  If your manager does not understand the risks associated with picking
a given Perl version or set of Perl features to use, then you being
certified will not help him know that.

C.2. If you are a spiffy junior programmer who knows all about how great
Perl is and thinks your coworkers are silly for using Java, C#, C++, and so
forth, then you need more experience with things other than Perl.  Perl
certification will just signal your narrow-mindedness.

C.3. If you are an experienced programmer, with coworkers who know Perl
quite well, and you are validly correct that Perl would be better than the
choice your manager wants to make, and your manager does not care what you
say, then you have a social problem with your manager and you should
consider employment elsewhere.  Perl certification will not prevent you from
having poor social skills or working for a jerk.

> How'd we get from Perl-Certification-Manager-Accepts-Perl
> to the four horsemen of the friggen apocolypse???

It happened in your mind when you built your straw-man.
> Just a refresher to those who were busy doing assembly programming
> during their logic courses: The person making the assertion is
> shouldered with the burden of evidence.

Perhaps you were in the wrong class.  You seem to be thinking of the debate
> The only assertion I've made in favor of certification is that
> a manager who doesn't use the technical aspects of the languages
> to choose which language to use might be persuaded in favor of
> perl if perl certification were available. This seems to be true.
> It certainly seems safe to say that perl certification won't cause
> a manager to NOT choose perl. Therefore certification is at WORST,
> no worse than i

Re: Politics [OT] RE: [] (also) Perl [socialism]

2005-03-01 Thread James Linden Rose, III
On Tuesday, March 1, 2005, at 10:32 AM, Ricker, William wrote:
I could argue that certifications are the opposite of the socialist 
creed, "from each according to his ability", but there are others who 
see "all workers are equal" as the ultimate in either socialism 
(garbage men and professors of equal value) or capitalism (laborers 
Capitalism was a term coined by Marx, intentionally loaded with a 
pejorative connotation.  Equating capitalism with "Laborers Disposable" 
is inherently ideological.  Free enterprise calls for rational actors, 
not stereotypical villains, and treating your workers poorly is often 

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] GUI builders, support tools

2005-03-01 Thread Dan Boger
On Mon, Feb 28, 2005 at 08:35:11PM -0500, Mike Burns wrote:
> --- Sean Quinlan mumbled on 2005-02-28 18.12.00 -0500 ---
> > Function jumping (or
> > whatever it's called). I'd _LOVE_ to be able to click (or highlight and
> > meta-somthing, whatever) on a function or method call and have the
> > editor skip directly to it's definition - even if it is from another
> > module and had to go find it!
> In vim this is gd or gD .

I was amazed (and pleased!) the first time it detected multiple
definitons (in various branches of the same project), and asked me which
one I wanted to go to.  vim's the only IDE I ever want :) 

Dan Boger
Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] GUI builders, support tools

2005-03-01 Thread Ted Zlatanov
On Mon, 28 Feb 2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Sean, old boy, I'm astounded.  Are you not aware that I've been doing
> exactly this using emacs?  Daily?  For more than 20 years now?  It's
> called find-tag . . .

For the less Emacs-savvy, the speedbar package may be ideal.  It shows
the functions in a side window ("speedbar") and you can jump to them
with the mouse.  Comes with Emacs.  Very handy together with

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] GUI builders, support tools

2005-03-01 Thread Duane Bronson
Dan Boger wrote:
On Mon, Feb 28, 2005 at 08:35:11PM -0500, Mike Burns wrote:

--- Sean Quinlan mumbled on 2005-02-28 18.12.00 -0500 ---

Function jumping (or
whatever it's called). I'd _LOVE_ to be able to click (or highlight and
meta-somthing, whatever) on a function or method call and have the
editor skip directly to it's definition - even if it is from another
module and had to go find it!

In vim this is gd or gD .

I was amazed (and pleased!) the first time it detected multiple
definitons (in various branches of the same project), and asked me which
one I wanted to go to.  vim's the only IDE I ever want :) 


And don't forget that comes with vim .  
And for even more relevance to this mailing list, vim can be built with 
an embedded perl interpreter 
 and there some perl 
 for vim.  Go Vim!

For those of you not aware of the power of tags in vi, it's a simple 
matter of building a tags file with the command ctags (or pltags or 
shtags or tcltags or jtags ) like so:
ctags *.h *.c
(lots of options available)
and then when you double-click (or ctrl-]) on a function or variable, 
vim will take you to the definition.  Ctrl-t will take you back one 
level.  I don't think Eclipse lets you jump back, so Vim (and emacs) 
still have some advantages over Eclipse and other IDEs.  What the world 
really needs is a Vim plugin to Eclipse so we can have the best of both 

 , , , |  Duane Bronson
/|/|/| ,   |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
( ( ( |/|   |
\( |   |  453 Washington St. #4A, Boston, MA 02111
 |/|  (617) 515-2909
Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] certification

2005-03-01 Thread David Cantrell
On Mon, Feb 28, 2005 at 03:39:17PM -0500, Tom Metro wrote:
> Adam Turoff wrote:
> >You do not entertain the possibility that certification could
> >possibly be bad and do damage to the community...
> It hasn't hurt Linux.
> Now there's an open source project that has had extreme success in 
> moving into the enterprise, while still retaining the hacker community. 
> The two can co-exist.

In that case can I very politely suggest that those who care about
certification and who want certification get out there are CREATE
certification?  Yakking about it on a mailing list won't magically
create the certification you want.  And judging from the zillion other
times that this has been argued about with no conclusion, it won't win
you any friends either.

David Cantrell | Hero of the Information Age

cry('havoc') && let_slip(@{$war{dogs}});
Boston-pm mailing list

RE: [] Bottom Up

2005-03-01 Thread John Redford

> From Bogart Salzberg
> Sent: Monday, February 28, 2005 9:13 PM
> Subject: [] Bottom Up
> The popularity of PHP, for example, was built from scratch on bottom-up
> buzz. It had so little hope of ever being widely used that its creator
> named it "Personal Home Pages". But it caught fire for two reasons: 1)
> it's friendly to newbies, and 2) it's web-centric. (And hosting

PHP was new and was "single purpose".  If you offer people doing integer
math a choice between "any+", the operator that can add any two numbers, and
"int+", the operator that only works on integers, they will choose "int+"
every time, because "It's optimized for what they do".  Even if it isn't.
And "It isn't cluttered with unnecessary functionality".  Even if it is.

PHP didn't have a history, so people had not heard about how "unreadable" it
is or how "weird" it's advocates are.  Not that it is or that they are.  But
reputations matter.

> How can Perl get buzz? Get newbies. This won't help Perl in the short

So, you are saying Perl would be more popular if more people used it...
It's a radical theory, but I am sure it will catch on if more people accept

> 1. Make Perl easier to find. The Unix core of Mac OS X is a HUGE

Is Perl actually harder to find than other languages?  Would Apple be happy
if more Mac users "discover" Perl and call up Apple to complain that it does
not permit them to play MP3s in an even more radical way?  Would Apple react
by removing Perl?  By hiding it?

> 2. Make Perl easier to learn. In terms of utility and usability,

Yes.  Make Perl into Visual Basic.  And remove all that confusing regular
expression stuff.

> 3. Make Perl CGI easier to use. The aid of "CGI::Carp

Perl CGIs are, in a design sense, awful.  For all the same reasons people
like PHP, they should be using Mason (or something like it).  Make CGI easy
to avoid.

> 4. Make Perl fun. Celebrate the elements of sport and humor latent in
> Perl (or Perl hackers, anyway). Perl puzzles. Perl duels. The
> Obfuscated Perl Contest is a great example.

Yes, nothing quite spreads the reputation of Perl as "easy to learn" and
"maintainable" like having it being well known for treating line noise as
valid programs.

> 5. Clean up CPAN. The egalitarian nature of CPAN is commendable.
> However, quality and activity vary widely and redundancy is rampant. A

Perhaps we should require people to hold certifications before they
contribute code.

You are right about CPAN.  CPAN's hugeness and uneven quality is
intimidating -- "I can't learn Perl!  Look at all the modules I have to know
how to use!" -- and impenetrable -- "How can I know if Bob's brand new
version 0.03 module is better than Joe's 3-year old version 9.72 module?"  I
see this problem as insoluble, but it'd be great if someone solved it

> 6. Add features. PHP is certainly obese, but Perl never pretended to be

I suggest that we simplify CPAN at the same time by moving every module into
the core.  These new features will help with making Perl easier to learn


Can someone remind me why Perl needs to be more popular?  What actual
problem will be solved?  Are we running low on module developers?  Running
low on core developers?  Is the existing code-base evaporating?  Are there
not enough t-shirt and book sales?  How will we know when Perl is popular
enough?  Wouldn't it be easier to just trash the reputations of other
languages?  Should we have existing Perl users use Perl more often?

John Redford
Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] perl6/pugs (ook!)

2005-03-01 Thread Ian Langworth
I like bananas and have been using the Ook programming language
and Ook# .Net framework for a large number of corporate
projects. For example, since the phone conversations of many
younger teenagers probably consists of apeish grunts, it is
entirely logical to write cell phone applications in a language
designed to be written by orangutans.

On 28.Feb.2005 11:12AM -0800, Ben Tilly wrote:

> Ruby is easier for Perl people to get into than Haskell.  By
> the same token, learning Ruby will expand your horizons less
> than Haskell.

Ian Langworth
Project Guerrilla
Northeastern University
College of Computer and Information Science
Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] perl6/pugs (ook!)

2005-03-01 Thread Ian Langworth
I like bananas and have been using the Ook programming language
and Ook# .Net framework for a large number of corporate
projects. For example, since the phone conversations of many
younger teenagers probably consists of apeish grunts, it is
entirely logical to write cell phone applications in a language
designed to be written by orangutans.

On 28.Feb.2005 11:12AM -0800, Ben Tilly wrote:

> Ruby is easier for Perl people to get into than Haskell.  By
> the same token, learning Ruby will expand your horizons less
> than Haskell.

Ian Langworth
Project Guerrilla
Northeastern University
College of Computer and Information Science
Boston-pm mailing list

RE: [] Bottom Up

2005-03-01 Thread John Tsangaris

>Can someone remind me why Perl needs to be more popular?  What actual
>problem will be solved?  Are we running low on module developers?  Running
>low on core developers?  Is the existing code-base evaporating?  Are there
>not enough t-shirt and book sales?  How will we know when Perl is popular
>enough?  Wouldn't it be easier to just trash the reputations of other
>languages?  Should we have existing Perl users use Perl more often?

I think your target audience is a little skewed from the original threads 
purpose.  I don't recall anyone claiming 
that their are not enough programmers.  I believe the problem was not enough 
unknowledgable, perl-accepting decision 

It doesn't need to be more popular though.  Nor does it need to be accepted by 
non-technical decision makers.  These 
are not necessities.  I just really liked programming in Perl for all those 
years, but since having a job means more 
to me than being able to choose which language I use in my job, I am now a C# 
programmer.  This because perl was not 
popular enough to be supported by my non-technical and technical managers.  I'm 
not complaining about learning a new 
language, I just really liked perl.  It's almost like being laid off from a 
corporation because not enough customers 
wanted to purchase their product.  So it is that I am no longer a "perl" 
programmer (defined by the language I use 50 
hours a week as opposed to the language I use 5 hours a week on side projects). 
 I am confident that, had perl more 
acceptance by those not in the know, the decision would have been made 
differently.  And it's like they had to choose 
between the two languages as all of our legacy code is written in perl.  Almost 
everything in-house is.  It still did 
not prevent them from deciding that Perl was not supported enough to continue 
using it.

>How will we know when Perl is popular enough?

Oooh.. this ones easy.  When my boss comes to me and says "use Perl for this 
next project".  I wouldn't ask for more 
perl popularity than that.

I hope I made the problem at hand more clear.


Boston-pm mailing list

RE: [] Bottom Up

2005-03-01 Thread Greg London

What if O'Reilley (or someone) set up a website that
did free (or low cost) online certification?

Before a single nay-sayer jumps in and kills the idea,
remember the question is not "HOW?" the question is

If the "what if?" gives a satisfactory result,
the "how?" will simply follow.

"What if?" is not a technical question like
"How do I get all the keys in a hash?"

"What if?" is a question asked without an answer.
The idea is that the answer comes out of brainstorming,
kicking the idea around, throwing it into the Bazzaar,
and seeing what comes out.

That sort of conversation has thus far been impossible
on this list. No one has been able to kick around the
idea of certification without getting pulled down into
socialism, a complete shattering of the perl community,
cat/dog sexual relationships, the end of teh world
as we know it.

So I know a lot of technical types have a hard time
being in a space with no answer, but that is exactly
what is required. "What if certification were made
available that had no negative costs to the programmer
but was respected enough in the business world that
top-down decisions from managers would pick perl as
the language of choice?"

What if? Put your mind in that frame. Give up your
attachments to the outcome and take on "what if?"
What if it were this way? Once you get to that point,
then answer "what if?". Post it on the list as
part of a group inquiry.

It is out of that conversation that the "How?"
will eventually emerge.

If you simply focus on "It can't be done"
then you'll kill the "What if?" and you'll
never get to "How?"

What if some company like O'Reilley took on
perl certification that was free for perl programmers,
but was of a caliber that it was respected in the
business world?

We can have a website like CPAN which has how many
megabytes of free stuff to download, what if someone
had a website that had free certification testing?
What if it was meant to serve the community rather
than to make money as trainers/certifiers? what if
it promoted perl in the business world?

What if it were really that good?
All the benefits and none of the negatives?

It's no more crazy than to suggest that someone
put together a complete operating system that
is freely available to everyone on the world.

What it requires is a community spirit,
and a little bit of generousity from its
members to grant it the possibility of being.

What if?

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] (also) Perl

2005-03-01 Thread Alex Brelsfoard
I think we're still getting ahead of ourselves here.  YES, we are all Perl
programmers and love Perl.  That doesn't mean we have to see eye-to-eye on
ANYTHING else.  It'd be nice.  But who are we kidding.  We're all
different.  I bring this up to help wash over some of these extraneous

> Another "worst case for certification" is that the community bifurcates
> from those who are rabidly anti-certification, and they take their
> efforts and talents elsewhere.  And their patches.  And stop maintaining
> their modules.

A good programmer is a good programmer.  A good person is a good person. 
If someone is going to stop programming in Perl simply because it becomes
popular (and therfore flooded with lesser programmers), then that person
is REALLY immature and (I hate to say it) an idiot.  There are good
reasons to do a lot of things.  But stopping from doing something good
that you love simply because other people are doing it too just sounds a
little too a-la-13-year-old for me to really put much care into.  Good
riddens I say.

> - there is no demonstrable evidence that there is a mass of
>   programmers ready to use Perl, if only there were a
>   certification they could get

We're talking need based.  If a certification program were created, then
managers would want more Perl programmers, then the need for new Perl
programmers would increase, and people would respond.  That IS
demonstrated.  It's economics 101.  This is incredibly well documented.

> - there is no demonstrable evidence that there is a pool of
>   employers that do not use Perl simply because there are no
>   certified applicants

We've listed several instances where the manager/boss simply doesn't know
enough to know that Perl is a good thing.  This whole discussion is in an
attempt to find ways to make managers see that Perl is real and
respectable.  we believe that certification would HELP in this manner.

>   - Many Perl trainers are vehemently anti-certification.  A
> certification without a supporting training curriculum is dead in
> the water.

Again, if people want to be stupid, they can be.  If you're a talented
Perl programmer who can train other people, then you're in good standing
to make more money and teach MORE people how to program Perl better than
if they learned elsewhere or on their own.  If you want to flee because it
gets popular... again you're immature and an idiot.  Sorry.
Plus there are, as you said plenty of other Perl Gurus (some on this list)
who are definitely capable, and probably willing.
Again we're trying to better the Perl communittee.  If trainers are going
to run away now, then they don't have the Perl comunittee in their list of

>   - Lots of programmers have a whole litany of excuses as to why they
> avoid using Perl.  Ugly code is one.  Excessive use of punctuation
> is another.  Impenetrable regular expressions a third.  "Odd" OOP
> practices a fourth.  And so on.  Lack of certification options is
> almost never a reason for programmers to not use Perl.

Again, you're talking about programmers here.  Better programming
practices can be solved in a number of different ways and times.  Right
now, we're trying to convince the bosses.  The bosses are not going to
know or understand any of the above.  Perl is NOT the solution to all
problems.  But it IS the solution to far more problems than managers are

>   - Another reason why Perl is a minority language is that it's not
> used in academic curricula.  Certification will not solve that
> problem, either.  We'll still have a glut of VB, Java and C#
> programmers after a certification is done.

Actually WPI, and other education institutions are starting to ban the use
of PHP and other languages due to bugginess and insecurities.  WPI does
most of its programming in Perl; by the end of the summer we shoudl be
entirely PHP-free.  And proud of it!

>   - One reason why many shops avoid Perl is the lack of vendor
> support.  Certification does nothing to address this.

Verndors avoid Perl, because you don't NEED anything to program perl.  So
they can't make any money off it.  This is actually a selling point ot
managers.  Perl is WAY cheaper than most other languages that you can
compare it to.  You don't need any expensive software or hardware to use

>   - Even with a certification program, the underlying problems with
> Perl still need to be addressed: mod_perl is too hard to manage in
> many situations, applications like RT take entirely too much work
> to install, and so on.  [1]

Again, back on the programming side of things.  Certificaiton might
actually help with this.  It might open up more opportunities for further
education and training in Perl.  Once Java certification came about a lot
of people wanted to learn more.  So more train


2005-03-01 Thread Chris Devers
But then, you can't invoke Godwin deliberately, can you?

Wasn't mentioning [implicitly, national] socialism close enough?



Chris Devers, fascinated just how many thousands of words this thread 
has produced, and yet managed to clarify exactly nothing while doing so
Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] advocacy

2005-03-01 Thread Alex Brelsfoard
See, now we're talking

> Alex Brelsfoard wrote:
>> What about a website advertising scheme?  Make a really
>> neat/interesting/technological website based out of Perl and then see if
>> we could get some companies to advertsie it (such as O'Reilly, Apache,
>> and
>> Google)?
> Why make something that already exists?
> If Amazon, Yahoo, Ticketmaster, etc. are already using Perl in a big
> way, then why not put effort into making that more visible?

Well it's just one of many possible idea.  I was hoping for more ideas
based off it.  Such as your email ;)

Tom Metro wrote:
> One way is through a silly button campaign. "Built with Perl", "Powered
> by Perl", whatever. We've all seen them around for other products. I've
> even seen them for Perl, though I don't recall there being any standard
> or effort to encourage them.

I like it.  I like it a lot.

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] advocacy

2005-03-01 Thread Alex Brelsfoard

> When it comes to large companies, that real estate becomes
> valuable territory and they're not going to donate it for free.
> The technology you use is an internal decision.  It has no
> relevance to the customer.  What is the business case for
> putting it out there?  If you're going to ruin your branding by
> advertising something, any healthy business is going to
> advertise something that makes them money.

But if we already KNOW that they use Perl, and all we're asking for is a
little stamp somewhere saying "Made with Perl" or whatever that's not
really giving anything away.  I understand if developing companies don't
want to divulge such information.  But what is Amazon really worried

Boston-pm mailing list


2005-03-01 Thread Tolkin, Steve
Right.  The horse is dead.  Please stop beating it.

Dear Ronald, as our fearless leader 
will you please ask everyone to stop all these threads
on certification and advocacy.

Now I know why there are literally millions of matches in Google.
This topic draws in people like flies to 

Hopefully helpfully yours,
Steve TolkinSteve . Tolkin at FMR dot COM   617-563-0516 
Fidelity Investments   82 Devonshire St. V4D Boston MA 02109
There is nothing so practical as a good theory.  Comments are by me, 
not Fidelity Investments, its subsidiaries or affiliates.

-Original Message-
From: Chris Devers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 01, 2005 2:50 PM
To: Boston Perl Mongers

But then, you can't invoke Godwin deliberately, can you?

Wasn't mentioning [implicitly, national] socialism close enough?



Chris Devers, fascinated just how many thousands of words this thread 
has produced, and yet managed to clarify exactly nothing while doing so
Boston-pm mailing list

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] academic use of Perl

2005-03-01 Thread Alex Brelsfoard
> Adam Turoff wrote:
>>  - Another reason why Perl is a minority language is that it's not
>>used in academic curricula.
> An interesting point.
> Sean Quinlan writes:
>> I agree. I'd love to hear suggestions how to work on that. We teach some
>> Perl at BU, both under the bioinformatics program and in some short
>> tutorials, and I'm hoping to expand on that. I seem to recall Harvard
>> having some courses.
> To be effective at growing the pool of Perl programmers I think Perl
> needs to be used in a general course that isn't specifically about Perl
> or some specialty that is already well entrenched with Perl.

I wish to clerify a comment about WPI's policy on Perl.  My previous
statment was from the NON-academic side of WPI.  So the school's servers
do no accept PHP.  But the courses at WPI accept just about all languages.
 Courses are taught non-language specific.  but seeing as how PHP is no
longer supported on our servers, students can no longer run tests on our
servers unless they use an acceptable programming language.  Perl is
becoming more common among our students for this very reason.

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] Bottom Up

2005-03-01 Thread Duane Bronson

5. Clean up CPAN. The egalitarian nature of CPAN is commendable.
However, quality and activity vary widely and redundancy is rampant. A

Perhaps we should require people to hold certifications before they
contribute code.
You are right about CPAN.  CPAN's hugeness and uneven quality is
intimidating -- "I can't learn Perl!  Look at all the modules I have to know
how to use!" -- and impenetrable -- "How can I know if Bob's brand new
version 0.03 module is better than Joe's 3-year old version 9.72 module?"  I
see this problem as insoluble, but it'd be great if someone solved it

My beef with CPAN is the fact that there is some administrative work 
involved with writing a perl program that uses a CPAN module.  After I 
write it, I can't email it to a perl neophyte and say "here, run this".  
Instead, I have to say "first you need to get an admin to install a 
bunch of modules".  Once I get to the word "admin", I get laughed at.

Is there a CPAN "distribution" just as there are Linux "distribution"s?  
In other words, a collection of CPAN modules that one can install as a 
bundle rather than having to use the perl -MCPAN install 
"module_that_wont_compile"?  ActiveState provides PPM which take a lot 
of pain out of CPAN since so much stuff just doesn't compile on Windows, 
but modules that don't compile are simply excluded from the PPM 
database.  Also, some Linux distributions have packages that bundle a 
bunch of perl modules together, unfortunately, they only work with that 
Linux distro.  I would prefer a standard distribution of modules for all 
platforms beyond the limited stuff that comes with the perl install.

 , , , |  Duane Bronson
/|/|/| ,   |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
( ( ( |/|   |
\( |   |  453 Washington St. #4A, Boston, MA 02111
 |/|  (617) 515-2909
Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] advocacy

2005-03-01 Thread Alex Brelsfoard
> Strictly speaking I don't think advertisement did much for Java. Sure,
> you see lots of ads for Java related products now, which maintains a
> high visibility for Java, but they exist because the Java market exists.
Sure it did.  Again, we're talking more about managers and boss types. 
When a boss decides a companmy is a competitor do you really think that
they are not going to find out how their prodecuts are made?  And if they
go to their competitor's site and see that it was "Made with Java", do you
really think that this will not peak their interest?  If they didn't know
anything about Java before then, after then they know that Java was being
used by someone they respected.  Ads may not be THE answer for Perl, but I
can has to help.

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] (also) Perl

2005-03-01 Thread Ben Tilly
On Tue, 1 Mar 2005 10:37:43 -0500, James Linden Rose, III <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> On Monday, February 28, 2005, at 10:54 PM, Ben Tilly wrote:
> Interesting that you've imagined yourself in a position to be
> interviewing me.  Not a very likely scenario though.

I have no idea how likely it is.  However where I've worked,
I've usually been asked to vet any programmers that they are
considering hiring.  So I'm familiar with interviewing people
and trying to judge their competence as Perl programmers.

> > His name is Schwartz.  With a silent c in it.  Agree or disagree
> > with him, it is polite to get his name correct.
> It must really suck not to have anything relevant to certification to
> say, and yet wanting to say so much so badly.  Back handed personal
> attacks seldom further your point of view.

That was not intended as a personal attack.  It was intended to
help you avoid continuing to make a mistake.  Feel free to

> > Future advice, people who start and run their own businesses are
> > seldom anti-capitalistic.  If you think that they are being so, then
> > you're probably missing something important about how they
> > perceive their own economic interests.
> A lecture about what people who start and run their own business are
> like?  PLEASE TELL ME MORE!  Randal speaks a little on his interest in
> money on the page you suggested, and I don't think this would be
> characterized as naked capitalist greed:   "I've worked too hard over
> the past decade to help this community in as many free ways as I can,
> and get paid for the things that I have to get paid for so that I can
> put food on the table and pay for my net access."

I've also talked with Randal, and my impression is that he believes
that there is a lot of free stuff that he needs to do in order to get the
paying work that he wants.  There is more that he needs to do in
order to attract the employees that he wants.  There is, of course, a
virtuous feedback cycle between having the employees that he
wants and getting the results that he wants which helps him get
repeat business at the fees that he wants.

He is generous, but he does have economic rationalizations for his
actions.  (I'm not saying that he's right or wrong about them, merely
that he's a capitalist.)

> > In a straw poll of the 3 programmers sitting closest to me,
> > one was slightly against, one slightly for, and one didn't
> > care.  I think that that's probably representative.
> Well, gee, I had no idea that the guy next to you agrees...

Read more closely, please.  _None_ of them agree with my
position on certification.  (Possibly because none of them have
really thought about it, because none of them really care.)

The only confirmation there is that that matches my impression
of the broader community.  However said impression is
partly based on the people that I interact with, so there is some
circularity there.

And the point?  The point is that saying that people who
actively oppose certifications are a MINORITY (your
emphasis) doesn't make people who actively support them
into a majority.

> > MIT is also the school which introduced Scheme as a way
> > of introducing programming.
> Point being?

Your original claim was that schools were picking Java
because that's what their teachers are certified in.  That MIT
would pick Scheme suggests that this claim is questionable.

> >  I doubt that Carnegie-Mellon
> > teaches a course whose purpose is to specifically help you
> > pass the MCSE.
> Point being?

Again I'm addressing the question of whether academia
pays undue amounts of attention to industry certifications in
making their choices.

> > (If it does, I guarantee that I can find people
> > in the department who're not very happy about it.)
> I think you misunderstand why the great technical schools are so great.
>   Rule 1:  They seldom get caught up in the mental masturbation of the
> impractical.  Having sold MIT to industry for 7 years in a past life I
> can safely say that its close ties to the practical concerns of
> industry are its greatest strength, and why an MIT education prepares
> students to be relevant to the real world.  Hire somebody from a school
> more caught up in ivory tower snobbery, and you have to wait at least a
> year before they come up to speed.

You think that I misunderstand.  That's fair, everyone is
entitled to their own opinions.  However I don't think that I'm
misunderstanding anything here, and I haven't seen you
provide any evidence that I do.

> > Furthermore even in professional schools (medicine, law,
> > etc), while the school may provide practical training, the
> > faculty are still expected to participate in (and are likely to be
> > primarily judged on) research.  That's certainly true of both
> > schools that you mention.
> You use every misdirection debating technique in existence.
> Engineering research is hardly "academia".  At least at MIT and to a
> lesser exten

Re: [] GUI builders, support tools

2005-03-01 Thread Alex Brelsfoard

> After learning Quanta for web development I'm much more interested in
> looking at improved coding tool for Perl. I've played with Eclipse a
> little, and intend to get back to it when I have a a couple tuits. I'm
> not interested in WYSIWYG editors. But here's something you basic text
> editor doesn't give you that I think Eclipse does. Function jumping (or
> whatever it's called). I'd _LOVE_ to be able to click (or highlight and
> meta-somthing, whatever) on a function or method call and have the
> editor skip directly to it's definition - even if it is from another
> module and had to go find it!

You should look into UltraEdit.  I use it all the time for pretty much all
my programming.  Really, it's just a beefed up text editor.  But the beef
is really nice (including method jumps).

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] Bottom Up

2005-03-01 Thread John Saylor

( 05.03.01 14:21 -0500 ) Greg London:
> What if O'Reilley (or someone) set up a website that
> did free (or low cost) online certification?

what if you did that.

> What it requires is a community spirit,
> and a little bit of generousity from its
> members to grant it the possibility of being.

i don't think so.

what it requires is for somebody to *do the work*. as you've found out,
this [and other] topics can generate a lot of postings to an email list.
but you won't get any closer to your holy grail of perl certification
without somebody actually doing something besides posting to an email

\js oblique strategy: openly resist change
Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] advocacy

2005-03-01 Thread Ben Tilly
On Tue, 1 Mar 2005 14:05:21 -0600 (CST), Alex Brelsfoard
> > When it comes to large companies, that real estate becomes
> > valuable territory and they're not going to donate it for free.
> > The technology you use is an internal decision.  It has no
> > relevance to the customer.  What is the business case for
> > putting it out there?  If you're going to ruin your branding by
> > advertising something, any healthy business is going to
> > advertise something that makes them money.
> But if we already KNOW that they use Perl, and all we're asking for is a
> little stamp somewhere saying "Made with Perl" or whatever that's not
> really giving anything away.  I understand if developing companies don't
> want to divulge such information.  But what is Amazon really worried
> about?

I talked about small and large companies differently because
their concerns are different.  Amazon isn't worried about
people finding out their platform, that information is fairly
public.  But Amazon is convinced that there is real value in
the screen space on their website.  Millions of people will
see any messenging that is there, and Amazon has lots
that it wants to tell them.

If you want a dollar value for what it's worth, ask Amazon
how much you'll have to pay to get a banner ad the size of
your little stamp with the placement of your stamp.  I'd be
shocked if they'd ask for less than tens of millions per year.
They might ask for a lot more.

So when you ask for the button, you're asking them to do
something for free that they value at that much money.
You won't succeed unless you have a pretty good case
for why they should be generous.  I don't see the case.
(And, "It would be really good for us!" is going to go over
like a lead balloon.  Of course it would be good for you,
it would be good if Amazon donated the money directly.)

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] (also) Perl

2005-03-01 Thread Alex Brelsfoard
> My impression is that the language which is making the most
> inroads on traditional Perl areas is PHP.  Is that because of the
> wonderful certifications that PHP has which Perl doesn't?  Or is
> it because PHP is seen as easier to get started with than Perl?
> Also PHP has the huge advantage that hosting environments
> allow it to be used in a shared hosting environment, while
> mod_perl requires dedicated servers.  (That is because PHP is
> less capable, so it is hard for one site to cause problems for
> other sites running in the same Apache process.)

Are you telling me that this DOESN'T keep you up at nights?  I know I'm
exaggerating, but this is partly what gets me riled up: that simply
because something is easier to get started with it's better.  Hell the PHP
documentation itself explains why it's easier to get started with: it
gives su-root permissions on install.  So you don't need to configure
anything.  Just sit down and play; no worries about not being able to do
anything, because you basically have root.  I'm sorry, but I'm not willing
to take on that huge a security hole just to make the setup process
easier.  To me this just gives me more reason to fight harder to tell
managers that Perl is the way to go.

> Suppose that we try this and it doesn't work.  Does the argument
> then become that we need to get our certification backed by
> someone prominent because a certification that nobody has
> heard of is proving to be useless?

We're just trying to find ways to communicate to managers that know
nothing about Perl.  This is just one idea.  And I think well worht

> Also I have a different theory.  My theory is that the non-savvy
> manager is going to ask someone he trusts for an opinion, who
> is either going to be someone whose competence has been
> proven (less likely), or is going to be someone else of about
> the same position and abilities (more likely).  In neither case
> does the existence of a certification enter into the process.

Well if he is "about the same position and abilities" then the
certification program will be advertising to him/her as well.

> So now I need to take an endless stream of training from an
> approved source?

Well, as was explained before.  Certification is only PART of the hiring
process.  If you get one certificate and then spend years working with
perl you obviously don't need another certificate.  Your experience will
trump your certificate at that point.

> And remember to give the "correct" answer
> on a test even when I think it is wrong?  (Quick: is "our" a good
> thing?  Read
> before answering.  Yet as cool feature of the day I'm sure that a
> certification would have required me to talk up how great it was.)

Well, chalk that up to the proper design of the certification program.  At
this point we're past deciding whether or not to DO the certification. 
We're at the point of deciding how best to do the certification.

> A certification that has very prominent and vocal opponents
> within the community is likely to have an uphill battle to
> acceptance.  A certification that didn't have enough support
> for people to learn what they need to pass it is going to find
> that the hill is looking more like a cliff.

I thought we were discussing this because we were already looking up said
hill.  And my understanding of a certification program includes the
educational system required for people to pass the exam.  Like most Java
certification programs these days: you go for 5 days of training and then
take an exam.  Again, at this point we are talking about the design of the
certification, not whether or not to HAVE one.
Plus, there'll ALWAYS be ney-sayers.  That doesn't really need to MEAN
anything other that proof of our diversity.

> Trust me, when people go and complain about Perl's
> shortcomings, they're not likely to complain about ther
> training (or lack thereof) or certifications.  They complain about
> everything that they dislike about Perl.  The only time that I
> see people talking about the importance of lacking a
> certification is when they're arguing that Perl needs to have
> certifications.

You can complain about anything you feel like complaining about.  This is
part of our nature.  People will always find things to complain about. 
People LOVE knocking UNcool things.  Part of the idea of a certification
program is to make Perl a little more "In" than it is now.  Java is not a
perfect language but you don't hear too many people complaining about it. 
It's too popular.  Just think "highschool".

> Perl is used for a lot of different things.  Perl tends to be good
> glue.  Which means that you need to understand the things that
> you're trying to glue together.
> It will be difficult to impossible to provide a single curriculum that
> addresses all of the different needs to be useful everywhere from
> mod_perl to database processing to bioinformatics to system

> No simple certi

Re: [] Bottom Up

2005-03-01 Thread Greg London

John Saylor said:
> hi
> ( 05.03.01 14:21 -0500 ) Greg London:
>> What if O'Reilley (or someone) set up a website that
>> did free (or low cost) online certification?
> what if you did that.

brilliant. Rather than focus on the goal,
shift focus on how impossible it appears
to get there. never mind that the Bazaar model
might actually produce an answer that you
never thought of. Just kill the conversation.
Obstruct it. confound it. get it off the list.
Turn it into a cathedral model. require that
the person asking the question also provide
the answer. don't allow discussion. Demand
the individual do the work themselves. don't allow
the bazaar to produce a result you can't control.

> strategy: openly resist change

yeah, I get that about you.

Did I mention I'm done trying to move the unmovable?
Lead, follow, or get out of the way.
Cause all you're doing right now is obstructing.

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] perl6/pugs

2005-03-01 Thread Adam Turoff
On Mon, Feb 28, 2005 at 03:39:30PM -0500, Gyepi SAM wrote:
> It must be: I am using LISP, after a long hiatus, and really liking it. I
> simply did not appreciate its power upon introduction six years ago.

Yep.  I never fully understood closures until I used them in Perl.
After that, Lisp and Scheme were no big deal.  [Except for the 
Y-Combinator, and ((call/cc call/cc) (call/cc call/cc)); those still
make my brain hurt].

/me wonders how different the world would be if EvilLarry didn't let map
and filter^Wgrep slip into Perl...


Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] Bottom Up

2005-03-01 Thread John Saylor

> > ( 05.03.01 14:21 -0500 ) Greg London:
> >> What if O'Reilley (or someone) set up a website that
> >> did free (or low cost) online certification?

> John Saylor said:
> > what if you did that.

( 05.03.01 15:59 -0500 ) Greg London:
> brilliant. Rather than focus on the goal,
> shift focus on how impossible it appears
> to get there.

i'm sorry but you appear to be of your mind. i thought that *was* the
goal [for you], certification. i'm not saying anything's impossible, i'm
just tired of hearing you gripe about the fact that not everyone sees
things the same way you do.

i think we can both agree that perl certification won't get done on the mailing list. all i'm saying is stop complaining and *do*
something about it beside try to convince people on this list that you
are 'correct'.

and i think you've completely misread the cathedral and the bazaar. have
you ever heard, 'release early and often'? well, i was saying release

> > strategy: openly resist change

> yeah, I get that about you.

btw- they are OBLIQUE strategies, from brian eno. 

> Cause all you're doing right now is obstructing.

all you're doing is whining. and all we're doing is calling each other
names on a public mailing list. see, we have something in common after
all ...

\js oblique strategy: adding on
Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] Bottom Up

2005-03-01 Thread Sean Quinlan
Not discussing advocacy here. Really! Just some comments on CPAN.

On Tue, 2005-03-01 at 15:16 -0500, Duane Bronson wrote:
> My beef with CPAN is the fact that there is some administrative work 
> involved with writing a perl program that uses a CPAN module.  After I 
> write it, I can't email it to a perl neophyte and say "here, run this".  
> Instead, I have to say "first you need to get an admin to install a 
> bunch of modules".  Once I get to the word "admin", I get laughed at.

On Linux, I have frequently recommended people to install CPAN to a lib
directory in their own home. The environment variable PERL5LIB is your
friend. Also great for testing.

> Is there a CPAN "distribution" just as there are Linux "distribution"s?  
> In other words, a collection of CPAN modules that one can install as a 
> bundle rather than having to use the perl -MCPAN install 
> "module_that_wont_compile"?  ActiveState provides PPM which take a lot 
> of pain out of CPAN since so much stuff just doesn't compile on Windows, 
> but modules that don't compile are simply excluded from the PPM 
> database.  Also, some Linux distributions have packages that bundle a 
> bunch of perl modules together, unfortunately, they only work with that 
> Linux distro.  I would prefer a standard distribution of modules for all 
> platforms beyond the limited stuff that comes with the perl install.

There's two ways to go about this, off the top of my head. The first is
to generate CPAN 'bundles'. Here's something I REALLY wish people who
write modules with a stack of odd non-core prerequisites would do -
bundle everything non-core that's required so I can CPAN or download the
whole she-bang in one go.

And for those modules/bundles that have components that need to be
compiled ... make an RPM out of them. Maybe if I do end up starting a
Perl-centric site (or area on my own site) that will be one of my
contributions. Generate RPMs for some sets of non-core modules I find I
frequently want. I have access to a few Linux flavors I could quickly do
this for. It's not as hard as I thought. I only have instructions handy
for the whole process on BU Linux, but here's someplace to start:


Sean Quinlan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] (also) Perl

2005-03-01 Thread Alex Brelsfoard
> The crux of the problem, is that these questions aren't getting answered:
>   - Can we create a certification that will deliver benefits X, Y and Z?

Yes.  No one said it would be easy or happen tomorrow.

>   - Is certification a necessary precondition for X, Y and Z?
>   - Aren't problems X', Y' and Z' really caused by something else,
> not the lack of certification?
Certification is not Necessary for anything.  It's just something trying
to help out a situation.  It's not THE solution.  It's part of the

>   - Are X, Y and Z important?  Desirable?  Achievable?
Importatn enough for us to argue over it.  I know that doesn't really mean
much.  But the lack of respect that Perl gets has caused a lot of pain,
problems, and waste (of time, money, and effort).

>   - Shouldn't we really be focusing on A, B and C instead?

We should keep our minds and attention available to a lot of things.  As I
said, this is not THE solution; it is merely a part of it.  Other things
need to be considered as well.

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] Bottom Up

2005-03-01 Thread Greg London
John Saylor wrote:
> > > ( 05.03.01 14:21 -0500 ) Greg London:
> > >> What if O'Reilley (or someone) set up a website that
> > >> did free (or low cost) online certification?
> > John Saylor said:
> > > what if you did that.
> ( 05.03.01 15:59 -0500 ) Greg London:
> > brilliant. Rather than focus on the goal,
> > shift focus on how impossible it appears
> > to get there.
> i'm sorry but you appear to be of your mind. i thought that *was* the
> goal [for you], certification. i'm not saying anything's impossible, i'm
> just tired of hearing you gripe about the fact that not everyone sees
> things the same way you do.

certification is the goal.
I don't know how to get there.
I thought maybe some folks on
the list might be able to come
up with an answer if we put
our heads together and brainstorm.

My only gripe is that  
it never gets to that point
of an actual brainstorm.

Instead, some people feel the need to
bring up socialists and fractured 
communities, and now your demand
that I do it myself (dont ask,
just do it), before an actual
brainstorming bazaar can occur.

My question is "what if someone 
provided certification that was
free to programmers but caused
the corporate world to adopt perl?"

I never claimed to have the answer.
I was asking the list an open
ended question. Must you stand in
the way of some people even having
a simple conversation about it?

This list is boiling down to the
lowest common denominator.
Unless everyone agrees to allow 
the conversation, a single person
can obstruct the whole thing.
Boston-pm mailing list

[] Anyone know of an alternative to

2005-03-01 Thread Grant M.
Does anyone know of an alternative to the package listing for perl 
versions that used to be on has been 
unreachable for a couple of weeks now. I used it quite a bit to 
determine what modules I needed for specific versions of perl for 
software distributions, and it's a real pain having to find unmolested 
machines to test for packages.
Grant M.

Grant M.
NeonEdge...Web Pages by Design

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] Anyone know of an alternative to

2005-03-01 Thread Jesse Vincent

On Thu, Mar 03, 2005 at 12:22:47AM -0500, Grant M. wrote:
> Does anyone know of an alternative to the package listing for perl 
> versions that used to be on has been 
> unreachable for a couple of weeks now. I used it quite a bit to 
> determine what modules I needed for specific versions of perl for 
> software distributions, and it's a real pain having to find unmolested 
> machines to test for packages.

you mean something like Module::CoreList?

> Thanks,
> Grant M.
> -- 
> Grant M.
> NeonEdge...Web Pages by Design
> ___
> Boston-pm mailing list

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] Anyone know of an alternative to

2005-03-01 Thread Grant M.
Jesse Vincent wrote:
you mean something like Module::CoreList?
Yes, I mean Module::CoreList ;-).
Thanks, that'll do it.
Grant M.

Grant M.
NeonEdge...Web Pages by Design
Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] GUI builders, support tools

2005-03-01 Thread andrew burke
> Most long time Perl programmers will scoff at IDEs, but the lack of
> tools is part of the problem of Perl not being accepted by the corporate
> IT community. Of course it is also a catch-22. Without a critical mass
> of users, there isn't a financial incentive for companies to develop
> such tools. Whether open source plug-ins for Eclipse can bridge the gap,
> who knows. (Thanks to Duane Bronson for mentioning that there is a Perl
> plug-in for Eclipse. I had been wondering, and asked a few people, but
> wasn't aware that it existed.)

Eclipse with the EPIC perl plugin is a real joy to write perl in.

I was never one for IDEs, doing most of my coding in emacs and vi, but I
would highly recommend checking Eclipse/EPIC out if you haven't already. 
One of the biggest issues for me with regard to IDEs was the lack of a
cross-platform solution.  I didn't want to have to switch my editor
between home (linux) and work (win32).  Eclipse is nice in that it's
identical on both.

Eclipse is also really, really nice for developing in java.  Better than
it is at perl.

It also has nice revision control integration (at least with perforce, I
haven't gotten the subversion integration working at home).

Even if you've not been a fan of IDEs, I would encourage people to give
Eclipse a week.


Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] (also) Perl --appologizing

2005-03-01 Thread Alex Brelsfoard
I'm sorry everyone.

When I first brought up the question of certification I was really just
looking for a way to communicate to people who don't know anything about
I love Perl.  I think it can and does do some wonderful things.  When I
heard the sad story of someone arguing with his manager about Perl it just
sparked a feeling in me, reminding me of each time I had to explain why
Perl is so good to someone who really should have already know about it.
I figured if I emailed my buddies on the list we'd get somewhere.
It pains me to see good things get hidden away.  You all have always been
so friendly, helpful, and full of love for Perl that I figured we might be
able to do something.
I'm sorry this ended up being such a sensitive subject.

I'm still interested in helping to communicate Perl to the world, but I
think all these discussions should move off the list, at least for now.

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] Bottom Up

2005-03-01 Thread Sean Quinlan
So the very thought of certification causes many people to break out
their industrial strength flame throwers. I wont pretend to get that,
but it is obviously a fact. Given the wide, and strong, feelings about
certification (and that my suggestion for reading prior art and
discussing this at the next meeting had no apparent impact ;), maybe we
need to start by throwing away the idea of certification. At least in
the Java/MCSE sense.

Let's talk about Perl training for a second. There are a few
professional Perl training companies and individuals. But they seem to
be almost entirely engaged doing training for companies. I assume that's
fairly normal. It's also expensive. One of the key parts of
certification is the training that must be available. But no one objects
to training. ... So it's the paper that offends?

OK. Please bear with me as I think while I type (brainstorm). How many
under-employed Perl Mongers do we have in the Boston area who would be
willing to semi-volunteer? Would people object to some of us starting
regular training courses in the area, targeted at being very low cost
for general introductory and intermediate courses? Discounts for
students and the unemployed (how to prove?). Special courses targeted at
'sexier' topics (LAMP?). We could pool from the under-employed in our
own ranks for trainers working off provided curriculum, paying them for
their time (though likely not a lot).

It's not a certification program. But the attendants could put the
experience on their resumes if they so wished. Is this OK? Advertising
the courses could be done creatively to try to increase Perl awareness
as much as increasing participants. Should it be non-profit? Could
profits go towards funding work on specific projects that might benefit
the community (prepackaged RPM's (other release tools) for major Linux
distros)? Could we aim forward and offer Perl 6 training?

I'd be happy to ask around BU to see how we might work with BU for
training space as a place to start. I'm thinking more like 6 3 hour
sessions (+ labs?) than the all-day training that most of the big Perl
training companies seem to specialize in.

Suggestions? Would anyone be interested in participating in this?

On Tue, 2005-03-01 at 16:39 -0500, Greg London wrote:
> My only gripe is that  
> it never gets to that point
> of an actual brainstorm.

Sean Quinlan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] (also) Perl --appologizing

2005-03-01 Thread Greg London

Alex Brelsfoard said:
> I'm sorry everyone.

Alex, you of all people have done nothing to apologize for.

You wanted to find a way to make Perl more widely accepted.
Had the conversation been allowed to takes its natural
course, it might have petered out quickly or it might
have come up with a novel idea. But instead, you got
sucked into defending yourself. Had the conversation
stayed on topic and not gone into political science,
world history, and end-of-the-perl-world scenarios,
the whole discussion would have been no big deal.

I jumped in mainly because no one would let you even
think about having a conversation about certification.
And I eventually blew my stack on the list, and I
apologize for the cursing and name calling that I put on
the list.

But you shouldn't apologize for a legitimate question
just because of how people reacted to it.

> I'm still interested in helping to communicate Perl to the world, but I
> think all these discussions should move off the list, at least for now.

Yeah, I think it's been beaten to the point
where anyone who may have wanted to brainstorm
is too exhausted to care right now. I know I am.

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] perl6/pugs

2005-03-01 Thread Ben Tilly
On Tue, 1 Mar 2005 16:02:08 -0500, Adam Turoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 28, 2005 at 03:39:30PM -0500, Gyepi SAM wrote:
> > It must be: I am using LISP, after a long hiatus, and really liking it. I
> > simply did not appreciate its power upon introduction six years ago.
> Yep.  I never fully understood closures until I used them in Perl.
> After that, Lisp and Scheme were no big deal.  [Except for the
> Y-Combinator, and ((call/cc call/cc) (call/cc call/cc)); those still
> make my brain hurt].

The Y-Combinator made my brain hurt until I figured it out.
Heavy use of continuations still make my brain hurt, and I'm
favourable to the opinion that a continuation is like a goto,
only worse.

Here's an explanation of the Y-Combinator.  It won't work in
Perl because Perl doesn't do lexical binding of input
parameters.  JavaScript does and most should know that, so
I'll do it in JavaScript.

Our goal is to be able to write a recursive function of 1
variable using only functions of 1 variables and no
assignments, defining things by name, etc.  (Why this is our
goal is another question, let's just take this as the
challenge that we're given.)  Seems impossible, huh?  As
an example, let's implement factorial.

Well step 1 is to say that we could do this easily if we
cheated a little.  Using functions of 2 variables and
assignment we can at least avoid having to use
assignment to set up the recursion.

  // Here's the function that we want to recurse.
  X = function (recurse, n) {
if (0 == n)
  return 1;
  return n * recurse(recurse, n - 1);

  // This will get X to recurse.
  Y = function (builder, n) {
return builder(builder, n);

  // Here it is in action.

Now let's see if we can cheat less.  Well firstly we're using
assignment, but we don't need to.  We can just write X and
Y inline.

  // No assignment this time.
  function (builder, n) {
return builder(builder, n);
function (recurse, n) {
  if (0 == n)
return 1;
return n * recurse(recurse, n - 1);

But we're using functiions of 2 variables to get a function of 1
variable.  Can we fix that?  Well a smart guy by the name of
Haskell Curry has a neat trick, if you have good higher order
functions then you only need functions of 1 variable.  The
proof is that you can get from functions of 2 (or more in the
general case) variables to 1 variable with a purely
mechanical text transformation like this:

  // Original
  F = function (i, j) {

  // Transformed
  F = function (i) { return function (j) {

where ... remains exactly the same.  (This trick is called
"currying" after its inventor.  The language Haskell is also
named for Haskell Curry.  File that under useless trivial.)
Now just apply this transformation everywhere and we get
our final version.

  // The dreaded Y-combinator in action!
  function (builder) { return function (n) {
return builder(builder)(n);
function (recurse) { return function (n) {
  if (0 == n)
return 1;
return n * recurse(recurse)(n - 1);

Feel free to try it.  alert() that return, tie it to a button, whatever.
That code calculates factorials, recursively, without using
assignment, declarations, or functions of 2 variables.  (But
trying to trace how it works is likely to make your head spin.
And handing it, without the derivation, just slightly reformatted
will result in code that is sure to baffle and confuse.)

You can replace the 4 lines that recursively define factorial with
any other recursive function that you want.

> /me wonders how different the world would be if EvilLarry didn't let map
> and filter^Wgrep slip into Perl...

I'm rather more thankful for closures.  After all, being list-oriented,
I can define map/grep quite easily.  But closures I need to be in
the language...

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] RPM building (was: Bottom Up)

2005-03-01 Thread Gyepi SAM
On Tue, Mar 01, 2005 at 03:16:06PM -0500, Duane Bronson wrote:
> Is there a CPAN "distribution" just as there are Linux "distribution"s?  
> In other words, a collection of CPAN modules that one can install as a 
> bundle rather than having to use the perl -MCPAN install 
> "module_that_wont_compile"?  ActiveState provides PPM which take a lot 
> of pain out of CPAN since so much stuff just doesn't compile on Windows, 
> but modules that don't compile are simply excluded from the PPM 
> database.  Also, some Linux distributions have packages that bundle a 
> bunch of perl modules together, unfortunately, they only work with that 
> Linux distro.  I would prefer a standard distribution of modules for all 
> platforms beyond the limited stuff that comes with the perl install.

I don't know of any CPAN distributions. However, if you are on an RPM based
system, you might try my ovid program

which recursively converts CPAN modules into rpms by following dependencies.
It makes a normally painful and tedious task very easy.
It's rpm specific because that's what I usually use, but that needn't be.


Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] perl6/pugs

2005-03-01 Thread Mike Burns
--- Ben Tilly mumbled on 2005-03-01 14.56.51 -0800 ---
> Here's an explanation of the Y-Combinator.  It won't work in
> Perl because Perl doesn't do lexical binding of input
> parameters.  JavaScript does and most should know that, so
> I'll do it in JavaScript.

Also see The Little JavaScripter:

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] Bottom Up

2005-03-01 Thread Greg London

Sean Quinlan said:
> OK. Please bear with me as I think while I type (brainstorm). How many
> under-employed Perl Mongers do we have in the Boston area who would be
> willing to semi-volunteer?

> Suggestions? Would anyone be interested in participating in this?

I did three in-house training courses at my current job.
It was basic perl for non-perl programmers.
They were two-hour sesssions, once a week for 7 weeks.
about 20 students per class.

After that, I wrote "Impatient Perl" as an attempt to
create a teach-yourself-perl-in-N-days book.
It's about 130 pages long. Still an intro to perl,
but takes the student/reader all teh way to
object oriented programming and advanced regular

It's licensed GNU-FDL, with the idea that while it
might not be perfect, it should be a good place to start.

I never broke the book into "training sessions", so I'm
not sure how long a course would be, but I wrote it
as a text book of sorts, so it should break into a course
fairly well.

I could teach a course if it were in the evening or something.
Not sure how I could work it into the 9-5 routine since
I'm working full time.

That's what I've got.


Hungry for a good read? Crave science fiction?
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Boston-pm mailing list

Bundles, RPMs, Debs RE: [] RPM building (was: Bottom Up)

2005-03-01 Thread Ricker, William
> Is there a CPAN "distribution" just as there are Linux
> In other words, a collection of CPAN modules that one can install as a

> bundle rather than 

] I don't know of any CPAN distributions. 

CPAN the library has a few "bundles" that are Bundles. 

CPANPLUS the Module will do the APT/RPM-like thing and install the
pre-requisites for you.

(There's a toolkit to produce Debian .Debs too, I mentioned it a week or
two ago.)


Boston-pm mailing list

RE: [] Anyone know of an alternative to

2005-03-01 Thread Ricker, William
To answer the surface question which 12 other people will want the
answer to (since everyone else has answered the original poster's real
question) ...

> has been 
> unreachable for a couple of weeks now. 

Someone recently pointed me to
Which is a horrible domain name but it works well.


Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] OT: O'Reilly

2005-03-01 Thread Federico Lucifredi
Hello Uri,

>   >> I have a bookish request: does anybody have an editorial contact at
>   >> O'Reilly I can exchange a few ideas with? I am cooking a proposal
>   >> for them and I need a few tips here and there.
>   BT> I'd start with

been there, done that. What I need is someone to talk to *before* I send them 
the proposal, hence my hope someone might have an editor's email.
> and contact as well. they are open to proposals too. if you
> can't find the contact i should have some info still.

I will keep that in mind, but right now I think this is such a fit for ORA that 
I have a hard time thinking of going to another publisher.


> uri
> -- 
> Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> --Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
> Search or Offer Perl Jobs
> ___
> Boston-pm mailing list

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] OT: O'Reilly

2005-03-01 Thread Uri Guttman
> "FL" == Federico Lucifredi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  BT> I'd start with

  FL> been there, done that. What I need is someone to talk to *before*
  FL> I send them the proposal, hence my hope someone might have an
  FL> editor's email.
  >> and contact as well. they are open to proposals too. if you
  >> can't find the contact i should have some info still.

  FL> I will keep that in mind, but right now I think this is such a fit
  FL> for ORA that I have a hard time thinking of going to another
  FL> publisher.

i think they don't like unsolicited book ideas as much these days. they
probably get hundreds of them and most are useless. send it to me and i
can give my take if it is worthy or not. and i can forward it to a some
editors i know there.


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs
Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] OT: O'Reilly

2005-03-01 Thread Andy Lester
On Tue, Mar 01, 2005 at 06:42:27PM -0500, Uri Guttman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> i think they don't like unsolicited book ideas as much these days. they

It can't hurt to have Uri push it, but neither can it hurt to throw it
over the transom to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Andy Lester => [EMAIL PROTECTED] => => AIM:petdance
Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] RPM building (was: Bottom Up)

2005-03-01 Thread Ben Tilly
On Tue, 1 Mar 2005 18:01:13 -0500, Gyepi SAM <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 01, 2005 at 03:16:06PM -0500, Duane Bronson wrote:
> I don't know of any CPAN distributions. However, if you are on an RPM based
> system, you might try my ovid program
> which recursively converts CPAN modules into rpms by following dependencies.
> It makes a normally painful and tedious task very easy.
> It's rpm specific because that's what I usually use, but that needn't be.

The Debian equivalent is dh-make-perl.

I haven't used it extensively, so I don't know how well it works.

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] OT: O'Reilly

2005-03-01 Thread Ben Tilly
On Tue, 01 Mar 2005 23:35:40 +, Federico Lucifredi
> Hello Uri,
> >   >> I have a bookish request: does anybody have an editorial contact at
> >   >> O'Reilly I can exchange a few ideas with? I am cooking a proposal
> >   >> for them and I need a few tips here and there.
> >
> >   BT> I'd start with
> been there, done that. What I need is someone to talk to *before* I send them 
> the proposal, hence my hope someone might have an editor's email.

How do you feel when you have a nice process in place through
which people are supposed to contact you, and customers keep on
persisting in trying to get direct numbers to inside contacts?  I tend
to get irritated by that, but YMMV.  Maybe a random editor will be
like me, maybe not.

You could lurk on and figure out that it looks like
chromatic and gnat work at O'Reilly.  Then contact them and see
if they're interested in helping you.  You might irritate them, you
might get good advice.  I don't know.

I'm going to guess that they'll tell you to start with  When your
proposal gets there, it doesn't have to be perfect.  If they think
that it has promise, they'll work with you on it.

Note that when I say, "it has promise", I mean that it fits into their
idea of what they want their catalog to look like.  A great idea
for something that they have something pretty close to will lose
to an average proposal for something that they feel is a hole in
their offerings.

> > and contact as well. they are open to proposals too. if you
> > can't find the contact i should have some info still.
> I will keep that in mind, but right now I think this is such a fit for ORA 
> that I have a hard time thinking of going to another publisher.

ORA may or may not agree.  As I noted, the quality of the idea
is not the only factor in their decision.

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] (also) Perl

2005-03-01 Thread Ben Tilly
On Tue, 1 Mar 2005 14:55:58 -0600 (CST), Alex Brelsfoard
> > My impression is that the language which is making the most
> > inroads on traditional Perl areas is PHP.  Is that because of the
> > wonderful certifications that PHP has which Perl doesn't?  Or is
> > it because PHP is seen as easier to get started with than Perl?
> > Also PHP has the huge advantage that hosting environments
> > allow it to be used in a shared hosting environment, while
> > mod_perl requires dedicated servers.  (That is because PHP is
> > less capable, so it is hard for one site to cause problems for
> > other sites running in the same Apache process.)
> Are you telling me that this DOESN'T keep you up at nights?  I know I'm
> exaggerating, but this is partly what gets me riled up: that simply
> because something is easier to get started with it's better.  Hell the PHP
> documentation itself explains why it's easier to get started with: it
> gives su-root permissions on install.  So you don't need to configure
> anything.  Just sit down and play; no worries about not being able to do
> anything, because you basically have root.  I'm sorry, but I'm not willing
> to take on that huge a security hole just to make the setup process
> easier.  To me this just gives me more reason to fight harder to tell
> managers that Perl is the way to go.

If everything that depressed me kept me up at nights, I'd never get
any sleep.  It sounds to me like you should read the classic essay,
"Worse is Better":

No matter how much I may wish it otherwise, the world will be as it
is regardless of what I can do.  So I'll try to educate my corner and
then survive as best I can.

> > Suppose that we try this and it doesn't work.  Does the argument
> > then become that we need to get our certification backed by
> > someone prominent because a certification that nobody has
> > heard of is proving to be useless?
> We're just trying to find ways to communicate to managers that know
> nothing about Perl.  This is just one idea.  And I think well worht

If certification had no potential downsides, then I'd cheer you.
But it has potential downsides that concern me, so I won't.
Fortunately, unlike worse is better, what I'd like to have
happen will happen naturally without any effort on my part.

> > Also I have a different theory.  My theory is that the non-savvy
> > manager is going to ask someone he trusts for an opinion, who
> > is either going to be someone whose competence has been
> > proven (less likely), or is going to be someone else of about
> > the same position and abilities (more likely).  In neither case
> > does the existence of a certification enter into the process.
> Well if he is "about the same position and abilities" then the
> certification program will be advertising to him/her as well.

Here are some questions to ask yourself about this.

 - How much money do you wish to spend on advertising?
 - Where do you expect that money to come from?
 - Would that be a cost-effective use of that money?
 - Will the people whose money you're expecting to use agree?

> > So now I need to take an endless stream of training from an
> > approved source?
> Well, as was explained before.  Certification is only PART of the hiring
> process.  If you get one certificate and then spend years working with
> perl you obviously don't need another certificate.  Your experience will
> trump your certificate at that point.

I'm trying to see how this certificate does more than being able to
put on your resume, "I've taken these courses from trainer X."  I've
seen people say that on their resumes, and I paid attention.  I did
not necessarily recommend the hire, but you don't need a
recognizable certificate to realize value from training.

> > And remember to give the "correct" answer
> > on a test even when I think it is wrong?  (Quick: is "our" a good
> > thing?  Read
> > before answering.  Yet as cool feature of the day I'm sure that a
> > certification would have required me to talk up how great it was.)
> Well, chalk that up to the proper design of the certification program.  At
> this point we're past deciding whether or not to DO the certification.
> We're at the point of deciding how best to do the certification.

If you're going to dream of a certification, why not dream of a
perfectly adminstered one?  My point is that existing certifications
are notorious for having specific shortcomings.  Unless you give
me a good reason to believe that this would be different, I'm going
to believe that your certification would be as bad as the rest.

> > A certification that has very prominent and vocal opponents
> > within the community is likely to have an uphill battle to
> > acceptance.  A certification that didn't have enough support
> > for people to learn what they need to pass it is going to find
> > that the hill is looking more like a

Re: [] Bottom Up

2005-03-01 Thread Greg London

Greg London said:
> After that, I wrote "Impatient Perl" as an attempt to
> create a teach-yourself-perl-in-N-days book.
> It's about 130 pages long. Still an intro to perl,
> but takes the student/reader all teh way to
> object oriented programming and advanced regular
> expressions.
> It's licensed GNU-FDL, with the idea that while it
> might not be perfect, it should be a good place to start.

I've been thinking that maybe this would be better served
if I put it on a wiki or something that allowed people to
add corrections and improvements.  But I have no idea how a
wiki works or how I would convert one large Open Office
document into a wiki, and then how to convert it back
to Open Office again. The point of that being to be able to
upload the changes to Lulu and offer a book version of the

Can a wiki keep track of changes, and undo some and keep

Anyway, it was intended to be a one-stop-shopping for
someone who wanted to learn perl from zero.
i.e. this would get you up and running to the point that
you understood all the basic concepts of perl.
It doesn't go into web programming or anything like that,
it's all generic perl that pretty much anyone could use.

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