Re: [] Damian's book OOP - OOP?

2003-10-09 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton
Rebecca Hunt [EMAIL PROTECTED] quoth:
*>>Or are they still part of the axis of aevil?

Not since I moved to the EU as they like to add 22% tax to any and all boxes :)

Someone must want the book though as junglescan shows an interesting

Also, people might have better luck searching for it when spelling his
name properly as it is DamiAn not DamiEn :)

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] Re: what the???

2003-04-01 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton
*>I talked to the people about the CPAN site
*>being an April Fools Joke. Everyone chuckled.
*>Perl's reputation appears safe, though some

Well, there's always next year :) 

*>still accuse me of "Operator Error" for my
*>work at the keyboard. Oh well...


Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] what the???

2003-04-01 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton
John Mahoney [EMAIL PROTECTED] quoth:
*>Never-the-less, it seems to me that if we want perl,
*>CPAN, and open source to be considered seriously in a
*>grown up world, anything representing these org's should
*>be predictable and, I suppose, more boring.

That's what ActiveState is for. 

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] what the???

2003-04-01 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton
John Mahoney [EMAIL PROTECTED] quoth:
*>It seems to me that this April Fool's joke is detrimental
*>to perl, CPAN, and open source in general.

You've got to be putting me on. Did you miss last year's CJAN? or what
about Parrot, the April Fool's joke that someone actually did. It's easy
advertising and everyone gets to have a little fun which, in these times,
can't be a bad thing. If some corporate type or freak open source
'advocate' type get's their panties in a wedge, well, I'm not sure anyone
should really care.  

It's early yet for you over there on the east coast...drink some coffee
and stop watching CNN...maybe your sense of humour will come back to you.

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] what the???

2003-03-31 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton
*>perhaps I would have investigated further at the time,
*>but I was attempting to demo to some people
*>the benefits of perl, one of which being CPAN.
*>I typed the URL in several times, got the bogus page,
*>did some hand waving, and said something to the effect of:
*>"Well, if it DID work, you'd see some stuff here,
*>and over here, and you'd be saying 'I gotta get me 
*>some of that'"

:) Sorry about that..ah well, run back and tell them it was all a cruel

*>Oh well, my life has become a Dilbert cartoon...

:) It comes to us all sooner or later

Don't feel badly...we're suckin' 'em in by the carload. Easy, cheap
"shock and awe" :)

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] what the???

2003-03-31 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton
Daniel R. Allen [EMAIL PROTECTED] quoth:
*>Looks like Jarkko is running on GMT+3 ?

We, as well as the main CPAN mirror, are in EET which is GMT+2...Helsinki,

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] Perl 6 has become too complex

2003-03-18 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton
Erik Price [EMAIL PROTECTED] quoth:
*>I'm not a linguistic scholar, but I read once that linguistic scholars 
*>have noticed that throughout human history, there has always been a 
*>trend of languages diverging, rather than converging (as one might 
*>expect).  As the amount of widespread-edness* of a language grows, the 
*>more likely that subgroups using the language are to evolve with their 
*>own dialects of that language, separating from the main "trunk" as it 
*>were.  I wonder sometimes about the grammars that people use to write 
*>software and how closely or not so closely it relates.

I'm merely an armchair linguist and enthusiast but my point was as far
from the technical as you can get without coming back round the backside. 

Imagine yourself arriving somewhere your native language and any other
language you may speak/read with any efficiency are mostly, if not
completely, useless. Convergence, divergence, liguistic highbrow are of
little use in this context as your goal is to communicate not to compare.
Finnish is radically different than the I-E family of languages so until
you know both of them comparison is simply not possible. Neither English
nor Finnish were consciously designed by one or more people looking for
the most efficient method of communicating meaning which can be seen as a
bug or a feature depending on your perspective. Yet in spite of their
complexity millions of people use and change the languages daily.

People spend far too much angst on comparing perl5 to what is emerging in
the perl6 apocalypses as it isn't very productive to find meaning in one
language by looking through another especially when the new language has
yet to be in use. Finnish has no gender, no future tense, no articles, and
a host of locative cases and postpositions which make translation a source
of frustration as communicating something in Finnish is quite a different
construct than its English equivalent. When you accept rather than compare
it becomes far easier to see the logic and get on with it. 

P6 is circumventing the slower method of natural change in language but,
look on the bright side, it's not going to be Finnish :) As far as human
and computer language grammars go you should read Larry's natural language
bits; and 

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] Perl 6 has become too complex

2003-03-17 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton
Joe Johnston [EMAIL PROTECTED] quoth:
*>Do you trust Larry and Damain? 

I wish they'd just stop circulating the Apocs so widely as every time
Larry emits one there is a rash of people who think the world has needed
to know or cares that it's not what they wanted or needed to use. It's the
typical egocentric universe that tends to plague us even now in the
dot.bomb. It's less about trust than of wanking.

400 hundred years ago Agricola codified Finnish yet today there are more
than 80 dialects not to mention the huge variation between the written and
spoken forms. The consonant gradation makes words look unrecognisable from
one case to the next and "K" is sublime which, if Finnish ever makes it to
redesign, I'm going to suggest the entire language be done using more "K"
and be renameed to "lang". 

I think of Larry often in my Finnish class as it tells me that noone could
have possibly designed this language intentionally but it gets a lot of
use, much more than English over here, and that tagmemics has a lot less
validity when you're sitting in a class trying to learn vocabulary and
grammar from a woman waving her arms around and saying a stream of sounds
which have utterly no meaning at all, not the slightest. 

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] Perl 6 has become too complex

2003-03-14 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton
Tolkin, Steve [EMAIL PROTECTED] quoth:
*>I think I am in the same camp as Chris Nandor and John Tobey.
*>They, and I, have just given up on Perl 6.
*>But there is a problem in staying with Perl 5.
*>Due to Perl 6 the Perl 5 community is deprived of the 
*>resources of several key people, e.g. Larry, and also "Good Damian".

My problem with perl6 is several more years of having to endure hearing
people grump about that which does not exist. I feel badly for those
several key people, as you call them, as it seems like freaks just can't
resist the urge to voice discontent. You are all like children who cry at
christmastime because santa brought something you didn't ask for. 

*>The original design of perl was simple.  
*>I learned Perl 4 from its man page -- yes there
*>was one long man page that completely described the entire language.  
*>Apocalyse 6 included almost 30 pages discussing the new ==>
*>and <== operators!  This is not a good sign.

I don't think perl5 is going anywhere Steve, so get your pants out of a
twist. I have it on very good authority that p6 was the best thing that
ever happened to p5p as it drew the whiners and the talkers all over to
the p6 lists leaving the doers to get down to business. P6 may never come
to fruition but for that one particular benefit I am particularly
grateful as it made Jarkko's job much much easier.

I will suggest you read "The Power of Babel" as it's an excellent story on
the development of language which you may or may not appreciate in this

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] Need help with CPAN module

2003-01-15 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton
Ron Newman [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*>I'm trying to use the CPAN shell to fetch and build a package,
*>but not having any luck.  What am I doing wrong, and how do
*>I reconfigure my system to do it right?

*>Please check, if the URLs I found in your configuration file () are 
*>The urllist can be edited. E.g. with 'o conf urllist push ftp://myurl/'

Follow the above as it would appear that isn't valid. I use You can also choose another from and has a 'grokcpan.pdf' that covers
some of the more esoteric configuration for

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] damian talk

2003-01-13 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton
*>Elaine -HFB- Ashton wrote:
*>> Well, but I'd bet you could recite word-for-word 
*>> the entire 1-3 seasons of Buffy by rote :) 
*>Nope, sorry. as a general rule, I don't watch TV,
*>except maybe to hang out with my wife,
*>or to watch the history/discovery channel. mistake as I had somehow mistaken you for the Greg who
would, in fact, be able to recite Buffy :) He lurks here still if I'm not

*>As far as recitation, I could do
*>"For Whom the Bell Tolls" by John Donne
*>or the first few opening stanzas of 
*>"The Raven" by Edgar Allen Poe,
*>or the opening line of "The old man and the Sea"
*>by Hemingway (pound for pound, my favorite)

If you like Hemingway's fiction I highly recommend his works of
non-fiction which are far better than even his best fiction I think.

*>If it's history you want, maybe we can talk
*>about Platos Republic sometime. Or, if the
*>monger meeting ever has a lightning talk,
*>I'll give a blow-by-blow account of the 
*>battle of Marathon of 492 BC. (its about 
*>10 minutes in monologue form.)

That might actually be a refreshing change for a lightning talk :)
Doing a condensed, semi-theatric version of 'the cave' would be even more
fun and apropos for a perl crowd :) Strange prisoners, indeed.

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] damian talk

2003-01-13 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton
*>> "Et tu, Brute".  It's vocative case, dammit!
*>> Geez, screwing up Latin AND Shakespeare in one short phrase.  Don't
*>> they teach you kids across the pond ANYTHING these days?  :)
*>Yeah, efficiency. two screw ups in just three words is pretty good.

Well, but I'd bet you could recite word-for-word the entire 1-3 seasons of
Buffy by rote :) I wonder if there would be any interest in "Pliny's
World" which would be 'reality TV' only done in historical context and
costume. Maybe throw in a few baccnalian orgies and a few chicks with big
boobs and it might have a chance to teach a little history and latin to
kids glued to the TV :) 

As a point of interest wrt 'et tu, Brute', there is some evidence to
suggest that Brutus was his son and he likely only said 'Et tu?' to Brutus
as he enjoyed his moment of patricide. 

*>Greg "You misunderestimate me" London

Never :) Semper ubi sub ubi!

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] damian talk

2003-01-13 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton
Chris Devers [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*>So it's unanimous then? Perligata it is?
*>Oh well, de gustibus non est disputandum.

Quod erat demonstrandum :)

Well, yankees have trouble enough speaking English so expecting those who
didn't have a nun beating Latin into them for 8-years to be enthusiastic
about Perligata is a bit optimistic. :)

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] OT: Favorite Mac OS X utilities

2003-01-03 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton
Adam Turoff [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*>Really?  I flipped through it in the bookstore and didn't find much
*>of value to a long-time UNIX user.  Specifically, I wanted to see much
*>more discussion about netinfo and other darwin/osx-isms that you don't
*>find on other *NIXes.  The coverage of netinfo was pretty much limited
*>to "there's a utility called nidump, and another called niutil", but no
*>coverage on how to add a new group, etc.

It was originally titled "Mac OS for Unix Developers" but Jarkko and I
both gave it a scathing review since it was nothing more than a bunch of
lists of commands and such for 95% of the book with a brief section on
packaging which was decent. However, none of the content, at least in the
first round of tech reviews, was worth the cover price vs. getting the
free ADC documentation on-line from Apple. From your description, I doubt
much has changed since they pushed back the production date, changed the
title and didn't include us in the second round of tech reviews. 

It might be handy for someone who hasn't ever touched Unix before but you
can get better docs on-line for free at

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] Christmas Lights Dec 14th (Off-Topic)

2002-12-10 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton
Daniel Rinehart [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*>  For anyone that was interested in the Somerville Christmas Lights
*>tour, information can be found online at:

As well as last years 'Merry Megawatt Massachusetts Christmas' which even
impressed people in Finland last year :) and


Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] Tech Meeting Tue, Dec 10

2002-12-05 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton
Sean Quinlan [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*>As always - here here! :)
*>How about the 18th or 19th of Dec.?

I'll be sunning in Cancun right about then. I was thinking since Ron
mentioned there was no agenda and that this is the 'holiday season' that
it might be nice to just chuck it and have a more social occasion
especially considering it will likely be our last chance to attend since
we'll be defecting to in January :)

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] Tech Meeting Tue, Dec 10

2002-12-05 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton
John Saylor [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*>Or caffiene and seasonal angst.
*>Whichever feels best.

In these times there is a holiday and a beverage to accompany it for
everyone :)

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] Re: [] Tech Meeting Tue, Dec 10

2002-12-04 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton
Ronald J Kimball [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*>On Wed, Dec 04, 2002 at 10:00:47PM -0500, Ronald J Kimball wrote:
*>>'s Tech Meeting for December will be held next Tuesday, October
*>> 23.  The meeting will take place at the offices of  The
*>> meeting will begin at 7:30.
*>That should, of course, have said Tuesday, December 10, as in the subject
*>header.  Apologies for the confusion.

How about an agenda of Beer and Holiday cheer? :)

Maybe the usual CBC or the Coyote Grill next door which makes some pretty
mean margs? :) 

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] cpan modules

2002-11-02 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton
Joel Gwynn [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*>I'm trying to install Mail::SpamAssasin at
*>At pair, they have instructions for using the cpan module:
*>It basically involves setting a LIB variable, like so:
*>   o conf makepl_arg LIB=DIRECTORY_NAME
*>It almost works, but when the module needs to install man pages, it errors

Is the system Solaris 8 and using the system perl? Sol8 had a little
feature when using the system perl that users, even when doing the right
thing, could not install their own modules. If that isn't the case then be
sure to also set your PREFIX variable. might be
helpful too.

Boston-pm mailing list

Re: [] local perl modules

2002-09-28 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Joel Gwynn [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*>Hello all.  If anyone else is squandering their Saturday evening coding,
*>maybe you could answer a quick question.  I want to install some modules in
*>my local account using the CPAN module.  How do I do this?

see the FAQ at :)

Boston-pm mailing list