[L3]Re: Scouted: Orson Scott Card on The Campaign of Hate and Fear

2003-12-20 Thread Deborah Harrell
--- Ronn!Blankenship [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  From the Wall Street Journal editorial page:

 The Campaign of Hate and Fear
 Some of my fellow Democrats are unpatriotic.
much snippage on my part throughout 

 But then I watch the steady campaign of the national
 news media to try to 
 win this for the Democrats, and I wonder. Could this
 self-destructive, extremist-dominated party actually
 win the presidency? It 
 might--because the media are trying as hard as they
 can to pound home the 
 message that the Bush presidency is a failure--even
 though by every rational measure it is not.

I wasn't aware that public health is not among the
rational measures of an administration's success.
Since I have posted  cited re: most of these
particular issues, I will only list a few here:

air pollution - heart disease, lung disease 
increased mortality

AIDS - preventive information withheld, funding of
prevention cut drastically (particularly for the
developing world)

arsenic in drinking water - increase in acceptable
limits reversed after government research showed that
it is even more deleterious than previously thought

blood lead levels in children - one Bush appointee on
environmental health at the CDC, Dr. William Banner,
questions whether low blood levels really do affect
children, although he allows that levels of ~50-70 are
harmful -- several very good studies show that levels
as low as 3 (IIRC the units are ug/dL, although they
might be ppm?) cause intellectual and/or behavioural

women's health - Dr. W. David Hager, appointed last
year to the FDA's Reproductive Health Drugs Advisory
Committee, co-wrote a book on women's health in which
he recommends specific Scripture readings and prayers
for such ailments as headaches and premenstrual
syndrome, and refuses to write Rxs for birth control
to unmarried women.  Now I think he can do whatever he
bloody well pleases in his own private practice
(although *I'd* certainly not put up with such a
misogynist OB-GYN!), but to give him any power over
all women in America is both ludicrous and dangerous.

I will merely mention several other rational
measures in which the Bush administration has also
performed poorly: constitutionality, the environment,
foreign relations (the economy I will have to leave to
those better qualified to judge, but bankruptcies and
job loss in CO are significant still - I can get
numbers if anybody wants a cite).  Then there's the
peculiar public stance of chastising a democratically
elected government for acting 'in their own interests'
against a Communist one...with which we happen to have
a huge trade deficit.  Maybe that was supposed to make
up for the public saber-rattling at China early in his

 ...Reuters recently ran a feature that trumpeted the
 fact that U.S. 
 casualties in Iraq have now surpassed U.S.
 casualties in the first three 
 years of the Vietnam War. Never mind that this is a
 specious distortion of 
 the facts, which depends on the ignorance of
 American readers. 

This is of course as sneakily misleading as Mr. Card
states; I cannot help but note that the same is true
of threatening the American people with visions of
mushroom clouds over our cities.
 Vietnam was a quagmire only because we fought it
 that way. If we had closed 
 North Vietnam's ports and carried the war to the
 enemy, victory could have 
 been relatively quick. However, the risk of Chinese
 involvement was too great... 

True, AFAIK (meaning, I agree that the American goal
was not _victory_, but don't know the cites to back
that), although I think the majority of Vietcong were
much more dedicated (and vicious) fighters than most
Iraqis have proven to be thus far.  (Of course there
are extremist terrorists of severe and vicious
dedication - just not as prevalent in the Iraqi
population as I had thought, before this war began.)

 In other words, the Iraq campaign isn't over--and
 President Bush has 
 explicitly said so all along. So the continuation of
 combat and casualties 
 isn't a failure or a quagmire, it's a war. 

What was declared over in May?

 Our soldiers will lose heart, because they will know
 that their commander 
 in chief is a man who is not committed to winning
 the war they have risked 
 death in order to fight. When the commander in chief
 is willing to call 
 victory defeat in order to win an election, his
 soldiers can only assume 
 that their lives will be thrown away for nothing.
 That's when an army, 
 filled with despair, becomes beatable even by
 inferior forces...
While I disagreed vehemently with the reasons for
and the way this conflict was initiated and planned,
now that we are there, we cannot leave until Iraq is
secure and stable.  To abandon the country now is not
only to lose heart and face, but will provide
fertile ground for more international terrorism. 
Leaving prematurely would allow another Taliban-esque

Week 16 NFL Picks

2003-12-20 Thread John D. Giorgis
Thank goodness my horrible season of picking the NFL games is almost over.
  Here is one of my last gasp attempts to try and pick a perfect slate for
a single week in the year:

In Florida, I like TAMPA BAY to continue their domination of Atlanta. 

Up in Minnesota, everyone said that this would be a tough game for the
Chiefs even before they lost two games.   That hasn't changed, so I'll take

On Saturday Night, the Meadowlands will be arockin' in a
throw-out-the-records rivalry game.   The Patriots in my mind really aren't
nearly as good as their record shows, having won a ton of very close games
on some nice bounces of the football, and will be upset.   I'll take the JETS.

Ditto for the rivalry game when the Fish come to Buffalo.The Bills have
really put things together after a mid-season slump and Miami is in their
annual December swoon.   BUFFALO wins this one.

In Cleveland, Anthony Wright's road woes will continue for the Ravens as
Baltimore slides out of the AFC playoff picture and CLEVELAND wins.

In St. Louis, with Peter Warrick out, by rights the Bengals should
definitely lose this game, but I just have a gut feeling that something
unpredictable is up here.  I'll go with the BENGALS in an upset over a Rams
team that I think is a bit overrated.

Speaking of overrated teams, the Panthers haven't beat much of anybody this
year all that convincingly.   Still CAROLINA will beat Detroit on Sunday.

Meanwhile, in Jacksonville, the JAGUARS will end New Orleans' playoff hopes
behind a rush defense that has come out of nowhere to be nearly impenetrable.

In threerun for the bus games, the Redskins will look ugly in losing to

the Cardinals will be utterly crushed in SEATTLE,

, and the Giants will Just End The Season in DALLAS

  In the southern part of the State, TENNESSEE will take care of business
against Houston, no matter who the QB's are in that game.   

Lastly I see PHILADELPHIA taking care of business against San Francisco,

and in a who knows, who cares game in Pittsburgh, I will take my
sentimental favorite this season, the very exorably SAN DIEGO Chargers.
LaDainian Tomlinson, who only leads the League in yards from scrimmage
without getting a Pro Bowl nod will take out his frustrations on the

In the night cap, I see INDIANAPOLIS keeping pace in the AFC over Denver, 

and GREEN BAY nudging just past Oakland on Monday Night.


John D. Giorgis - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   The liberty we prize is not America's gift to the world, 
   it is God's gift to humanity. - George W. Bush 1/29/03

Thank Goodness

2003-12-20 Thread Doug Pensinger
In case you hadn't heard the good news...


Seized Citizen Is Ordered Released
Bush Overreached Powers, Court Says
NEW YORK, Dec. 18 -- A federal appeals court ruled Thursday that 
President Bush does not have the power to declare an American citizen 
seized on U.S. soil an enemy combatant and hold him indefinitely in 
military custody.
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit, in a 2 to 1 ruling, gave 
the administration 30 days to release Jose Padilla, who allegedly plotted 
to explode a radioactive dirty bomb. He has been confined to a South 
Carolina brig without access to an attorney for 19 months.

The President's inherent constitutional powers do not extend to the 
detention as an enemy combatant of American citizens without express 
congressional authorization, the court concluded in a decision signed by 
Judges Barrington D. Parker and Rosemary S. Pooler. Padilla will be 
entitled to the constitutional protections extended to other citizens.

Thursday's ruling constitutes one of the strongest judicial rebukes of the 
administration's tactics in the war on terrorism -- in this case, its 
policy of aggressively detaining suspects without formal charges and 
without access to lawyers or their families.

Also Thursday, a federal appeals court in California ruled that a detainee 
at the U.S. naval base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, should be granted a court 
hearing, and held open that possibility for all 660 alleged al Qaeda and 
Taliban fighters there. [See story, Page A19.] But the U.S. Supreme Court 
has already agreed to review the same question.


Re: Michael Crichton is Evil and Must be Destroyed (was: Scouted: Environmentalism is Evil and Must Be Destroyed)

2003-12-20 Thread Deborah Harrell
--- Michael Harney [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
snipped most 

 Regarding DDT:  Banning DDT was not a mistake, as a
 matter of fact, Mr.
 Crichton's** insistance that it was a mistake, and
 that DDT is safe, are mistakes on his part...  

 ...so an internet search of articles with many
 sources cited will have to do for now:


Here is the International Programme on Chemical Safety
(IPCS) site on DDT: (it is a joint venture of the
United Nations Environment Programme, the
International Labour Organisation, and the World
Health Organization) 
The  physicochemical properties of DDT and its 
metabolites enable these compounds to be taken up
readily by organisms.  High lipid solubility and low
water solubility  lead to the retention  of DDT and
its stable metabolites in fatty tissue.  The rates of
accumulation into organisms vary with the species,
with the duration and concentration of exposure, and
with environmental conditions.  The high retention of
DDT metabolites means that toxic effects can occur in
organisms remote in time and geographical area from
the point of exposure.
 These compounds are resistant to breakdown and are
readily adsorbed to sediments and soils that can act 
both as sinks and as long-term sources of exposure
(e.g., for soil organisms).
 Organisms can accumulate these chemicals from the 
surrounding medium and from food.  In aquatic
organisms, uptake from the water is generally more
important, whereas, in terrestrial fauna, food
the major source.
 In general, organisms at higher trophic levels tend
to contain more DDT-type compounds than those at lower
trophic levels.  [Raptors are particularly susceptible
to DDT's thinning of their eggshells, while ducks and
chickens are not.  This is detailed in the article.]
 Such compounds can be transported around the world
in the bodies of migrant animals and in ocean and air

This is a very detailed article with summaries of many
studies on microbes, fish, amphibians, and birds -
also affected were bats.

Our national bird, the bald eagle, was threatened with
extinction in the lower 48 states by hunting, habitat
destruction, and poisoning: The greatest threat to
the bald eagle's existence arose from the widespread
use of DDT and other pesticides after World War II. 
(Lead poisoning from hunters birdshot was also a
significant problem; its use was phased out by 1991.) 

...With these and other recovery methods, as well as
habitat improvement and the banning of DDT, the bald
eagle has made a remarkable comeback. From fewer than
450 nesting pairs in the early 1960s, there are now
more than 4,000 adult bald eagles nesting pairs and an
unknown number of young and subadults in the
conterminous United States. This represents a
substantial breeding population...

There are groups who deny the toxicity of DDT; here is
one site:

But women exposed prenatally to higher levels of DDT
have decreased probability of pregnancy:
The decreased fecundability associated with prenatal
p,p'-DDT remains unexplained.  [OTOH, DDE exposure
seemed to increase pregnancy rates  -- these chemicals
do have estrogenic +/or antiestrogenic activity; there
is speculation that some herbicides, also found to
have hormonal activity, may contribute to development
of breast cancer.]

In trout, DDT and its relatives/metabolites also have
both estrogenic and anti- activity:

And DDT is merely one of the chemical soup
contaminants found in the now-endangered Stellar sea
..SSL tissues show accumulation of butyltins,
mercury, PCBs, DDTs, chlordanes and hexachlorobenzene.
SSL habitats and prey are contaminated with additional
chemicals including mirex, endrin, dieldrin,
hexachlorocyclohexanes, tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin
(TCDD) and related compounds, cadmium and lead. In
addition, many SSL haulouts and rookeries are located
near other hazards including radioactivity, solvents,
ordnance and chemical weapon dumps...

Shrimp larvae exposed to DDT have DNA damage:

In vitro DDT exposure damages or induces apoptosis
(cell death) in neural clone cells:

Only The Ill, The Infantile, The 

Re: Scouted: Environmentalism is Evil and Must Be Destroyed

2003-12-20 Thread Deborah Harrell
--- Doug Pensinger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
snippage throughout  

 I'm not sure that even a majority of
 environmentalists believe in the idea 
 of a noble savage or that we need to save the planet
 (as if we could kill it).

Ah, but that weakens his argument of Environmentalism
as Religion.  snort  He also seems to think that
all environmentalists (as if there weren't as much
variety in them as in Democrats or Republicans or
Catholics etc.) don't understand that Nature is red
in tooth and claw frequently, and think all wild
animals are cute Disneyesque figures, and believe in a
Happy Golden Age When Man And Animal And Plant Lived
In Peace And Harmony Together.  How insulting.

 Maybe second-hand smoke isn't as dangerous as
 professed, but I am sure as 
 hell happy I don't have to breathe it anymore.

Anecdotaly, I got bronchitis *every time* I was
exposed to 2nd-hand tobacco smoke for more than 3
hours straight (as at a bar, or driving in a car with
a smoker -- I avoid such exposure religiously now). 
But here are a few recent studies that do seem to find
second-hand tobacco smoke a health problem, at least
for some people:

Children, blood lead levels, and second-hand smoke:
Second-hand smoke exposure and blood lead levels in
U.S. children  [N=5592]
...The adjusted linear regression model showed that
geometric mean blood lead levels were 38% higher (95%
confidence interval [CI] = 25-52%) in children with
high cotinine levels compared with children who had
low cotinine levels. The logistic regression models
showed that children with high cotinine levels were
more likely to have blood lead levels /=10 mug/dL
than were children with low cotinine levels (odds
ratio [OR] = 4.4; CI = 1.9-10.5)... [Cotinine is a
metabolite of nicotine used to document tobacco
exposure, as opposed to self-reported exposure.] 

This is a full article/statement from the AAoP, with
over 50 studies cited:
Results of epidemiologic studies provide strong
evidence that exposure of children to environmental
tobacco smoke is associated with increased rates of
lower respiratory illness and increased rates of
middle ear effusion, asthma, and sudden infant death
syndrome. Exposure during childhood may also be
associated with development of cancer during

Passive smoking impairs the elasticity of the aorta
in patients with coronary heart disease. We therefore
studied the effect of passive smoking on wave
reflection in the aorta, a marker of arterial
stiffness, in healthy subjects. ...Acute exposure to
passive smoking has a deleterious effect on the
arterial pressure waveform in healthy young males but
not in females, suggesting a possible protection of
female gender from functional changes in arteries.

OTOH, breast cancer seems to increase with smoke dose:

Nitric oxide (NO) is produced and detected in the
exhalate from the respiratory tract where it plays
important regulatory functions. Exhaled nitric oxide
(eNO) concentrations are reduced in active cigarette
smokers between cigarettes and in nonsmoking subjects
during short-term exposure to environmental tobacco
smoke...Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke
transiently--but consistently--decreased eNO
concentration in healthy, nonsmoking subjects,
suggesting that second-hand smoke can directly affect
NO in the airway environment.  [Nitric oxide is also
important as a vasodilator, and level reduction in
local microclimates, as in the coronary arteries,
contributes to coronary artery spasm - possible heart
attack in a diseased or compromised vessel.]

Second-hand tobacco smoke and heart disease:
To investigate the association between environmental
tobacco smoke (ETS) exposure (at least 30 minutes a
day) and the risk of developing acute coronary
syndromes (ACS)...This study supports the hypothesis
that exposure to ETS increases the risk of developing
ACS. The consistency of these findings with the
existing totality of evidence presented in the
literature supports the role of ETS in the aetiology
of ACS.  [N~1900; figures reported in this abstract]

The elderly and environmental tobacco smoke [that's
the in phrase now, instead of second-hand smoke,
as you can see from most of the titles cited]:
...There is convincing evidence that ETS causes lung
cancer and coronary heart disease, both of which are
diseases of the elderly. 

Re: Week 16 NFL Picks

2003-12-20 Thread Medievalbk
In a message dated 12/20/2003 12:34:52 AM US Mountain Standard Time, 

 Thank goodness my horrible season of picking the NFL games is almost over.

You did much better picking Christmas music. 

I can't get any of them--and I was raised Baptist.

William Taylor
(not yet)
(almost there)
I'm Walking Backwards for Christmas, Across the Irish Sea

Thank goodness

2003-12-20 Thread Kevin Tarr
A real court ruling that means something.



Court Win For Illegal Music Downloads

 A federal appeals court has sounded a sour note for the recording industry.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled Friday that 
the music industry could not compel Internet service providers to provide 
names of customers suspected of sharing and downloading copyrighted song 
files, dealing a significant blow to record companies' fight against piracy.

Kevin T. - VRWC
Music downloading doesn't kill anyone

Re: Week 16 NFL Picks

2003-12-20 Thread John D. Giorgis
At 06:08 AM 12/20/2003 EST [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
In a message dated 12/20/2003 12:34:52 AM US Mountain Standard Time, 

 Thank goodness my horrible season of picking the NFL games is almost over.

You did much better picking Christmas music. 

Apparently you're not the only one - as far as I've seen, there haven't
been any attempts yet.I know some of them were hard, but by far most of
them weren't *that* hard!  :)

Anyhow, this season has been very humbling, as I've been picking the
football games against my Dad each week since 1988, and I've won four of
the last five seasons.This year, I'm about 20+ games behind him.
THat's a performance so ignomious that he can hardly even razz me for it.  :-)

John D. Giorgis - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   The liberty we prize is not America's gift to the world, 
   it is God's gift to humanity. - George W. Bush 1/29/03

Re: Thank Goodness

2003-12-20 Thread John D. Giorgis
At 11:36 PM 12/19/2003 -0800 Doug Pensinger wrote:
In case you hadn't heard the good news...


Seized Citizen Is Ordered Released

It should be noted that this handle is one of the worst that the Washington
Post has ever written.

Further down in the article, the following paragraph more accurately
describes the situation:

 If the 2nd Circuit's decision is not stayed -- many expect it will not be
-- the Justice Department apparently would face three choices. It could
hold Padilla as a material witness, charge him with a crime or set him free. 

John D. Giorgis - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   The liberty we prize is not America's gift to the world, 
   it is God's gift to humanity. - George W. Bush 1/29/03

Is it Just Me? Re: Thank Goodness

2003-12-20 Thread John D. Giorgis
At 11:36 PM 12/19/2003 -0800 Doug Pensinger wrote:
In case you hadn't heard the good news...


O.k., is it just me, or am I the only person who read the subject line
Thank goodness and saw the words in case you haven't heard the good
news and instantly assumed that the link provided would be to this article:


I mean, a dangerous State deciding to give up chemical and biological
weapons, as well as a nuclear weapons program so as to join the rest of the
world in the international community.All of that is somehow not the
thank goodness - good news story of the day?

I just don't get it sometimes.

John D. Giorgis - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   The liberty we prize is not America's gift to the world, 
   it is God's gift to humanity. - George W. Bush 1/29/03

Re: Is it Just Me? Re: Thank Goodness

2003-12-20 Thread Erik Reuter
On Sat, Dec 20, 2003 at 09:09:09AM -0500, John D. Giorgis wrote:

 I just don't get it sometimes.

You can say that again!

Erik Reuter   http://www.erikreuter.net/

Re: Outlandish but exceedingly fun.

2003-12-20 Thread Alberto Monteiro
David Hobby asked:

 If we involve time travel and other near-infinite
 improbabilities, why not count the Heart of Gold?

   Not sure what book it's from.

The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. A must read

Alberto Monteiro


Re: RIDDLES: Yet another thread for fun.

2003-12-20 Thread Michael Harney

From: Travis Edmunds [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Lets play a little game. I'll start things off by throwing a riddle on the
 table. The first person to correctly answer the riddle has the privilege
 posting a riddle of their own.

 This guy went into the forest one day. Once there he got it, but he
 get it. So he left it there and brought it back home. What did he get?

This sounds like a patient zero situation.  A man goes into a forest, he
picks up a virus, but is immune to the virus, so he can only be a carrier.
So my answer is a virus that he is immune to.  Am I right?

Micahel Harney


Re: Seasonal Puzzle

2003-12-20 Thread Michael Harney

Since nobody else has taken a crack at it, I have filled in the ones I know,
maybe that will spark some memories on the others.

From: John D. Giorgis [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 I was also disappointed that one of my very favorite Carols wasn't
 included, especially since it isn't an easy one:

 33. BATJI

 Some other good ones:

 34. AIAM (Nothing to do with AOL.)

Away in a Manger

 35. OIRDC

 36. CIC

 37. HTHAS

 38. AWHHOH  (Ho, Ho Ho!)

 39. AFTRG

 40. TFN

 41. E (Very popular among Catholics thanks in large part to the iconic
 Glory and Praise Hymnal)

 42. GRYMG

 43. COTB

 44. WCIT

 45. ISTS

 46. CTIH

 47. DYHWIH (Probably the easiest one as many of you have probably even
 this abbreviation before. :)

Do You Hear What I Hear

 48. DNP


 50. THC (No, not a drug, and not by Handel either.)

 And finally, as a bonus, one of my very, very, favorite Carols:

 51. AMN (Hint: Non-English Carol)

 A double bonus, another song that isn't quite a Carol, but is certainly
 of the oldest Christmas songs:

 52. OMM

 Lastly, a triple bonus, a Christmas Carol that is most popular in a
 other than the culture of most Brin-L list members:

 53. SGBTJ (Nothing to do with Meyers-Briggs. :)

Ony two... I was raised Catholic, so maybe I would know the others if I
heard them, but, then again, maybe not.

Michael Harney


SCOUTED: Ghostly image at Britain's Hampton Court

2003-12-20 Thread Gary Nunn

This truly qualifies as a ghost post. (sorry, Nick, couldn't resist
using the quotes!)

Likely a hoax, but neat none the less because I have been there

Ghostly image at Britain's Hampton Court

The Associated Press
Updated: 2:03 p.m. ET Dec. 19, 2003LONDON - Are there ghostly goings-on
at Henry VIII's palace, or is that hazy image of a fellow in fancy robes
just a bit of Christmas cheer?

Closed-circuit security cameras at Hampton Court Palace, the huge Tudor
castle outside London, seem to have snagged an ethereal visitor. Could
it be a ghost?

We're baffled too - it's not a joke, we haven't manufactured it, said
Vikki Wood, a Hampton Court spokeswoman, when asked if the photo the
palace released was a Christmas hoax. We genuinely don't know who it is
or what it is.

Complete article...



Re: Thank Goodness

2003-12-20 Thread Doug Pensinger
On Sat, 20 Dec 2003 08:57:48 -0500, John D. Giorgis [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

At 11:36 PM 12/19/2003 -0800 Doug Pensinger wrote:
In case you hadn't heard the good news...


Seized Citizen Is Ordered Released
It should be noted that this handle is one of the worst that the 
Washington Post has ever written.
I agree.


Re: Is it Just Me? Re: Thank Goodness

2003-12-20 Thread Doug Pensinger
On Sat, 20 Dec 2003 09:09:09 -0500, John D. Giorgis [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

At 11:36 PM 12/19/2003 -0800 Doug Pensinger wrote:
In case you hadn't heard the good news...

O.k., is it just me, or am I the only person who read the subject line
Thank goodness and saw the words in case you haven't heard the good
news and instantly assumed that the link provided would be to this 


I mean, a dangerous State deciding to give up chemical and biological
weapons, as well as a nuclear weapons program so as to join the rest of 
world in the international community.All of that is somehow not the
thank goodness - good news story of the day?

I just don't get it sometimes.
Did I say that that was not good news?

Personally though, the integrety of the constitution is more important.

I must admit that it proves that the Bush administration is capable of 
solving problems diplomatically.

We could give credit to the Brits I suppose. 8^)

GSV That's a Joke, Son

Re: RIDDLES: Yet another thread for fun.

2003-12-20 Thread Medievalbk
In a message dated 12/20/2003 8:36:44 AM US Mountain Standard Time, 

  This guy went into the forest one day. Once there he got it, but he
   get it. So he left it there and brought it back home. What did he get?
  This sounds like a patient zero situation.  A man goes into a forest, he
  picks up a virus, but is immune to the virus, so he can only be a carrier.
  So my answer is a virus that he is immune to.  Am I right?
  Micahel Harney

But the virus was what made his feet stinky.

Travis may be in trouble. I think this list is capable of coming up with 
totally legitimate answers that are not the expected answer.

William Taylor


Non-PC Humor from other lands

2003-12-20 Thread Trent Shipley
This was retold by VS Naipaul:

In days of yore the Shah is reviewing the troops.

He holds a rifle before a private and asks, Soldier what is your name?

Private Ahmed, your highness!

He takes Ahmed's rifle and examines it.  What is this Private Ahmad?

It is my rifle Sir!

The Shah says No. it is your Honor, your Wife, your Sister, your Mother.  

He hands the rifle back.  Private Ahmed steps back in line.  The Shah walks 
down the line and examines a rifle from another private who happens to be a 
Turk (not a Persian) from d-e-e-p in the hill country.

The Shah asks Soldier what is this?

The Turk responds, with military precision, It is Private Ahmad's Honor, his 
Wife, ...


Re: Week 16 NFL Picks

2003-12-20 Thread Julia Thompson
John D. Giorgis wrote:
 Thank goodness my horrible season of picking the NFL games is almost over.
   Here is one of my last gasp attempts to try and pick a perfect slate for
 a single week in the year:
 In Florida, I like TAMPA BAY to continue their domination of Atlanta.

At the half, I think you're going to be at best 1-1 for this afternoon's

On the bright side, did you know that it can be a lot of fun doing
play-by-play for an infant?

1)  Hold infant in front of you, facing you.

2)  Peer over infant's shoulder to see the TV.

3)  As the play is made, describe it in a high-pitched voice with all
the enthusiasm you can muster.  Between plays, comment on the score, the
field, the coaches, etc. in the same enthusiastic, high-pitched voice.

4)  Enjoy her smiles in reaction to your talking to her like that.  :)


Tommy's asleep, Sammy isn't as interested, Dan is busy with something
else, so it was just us ladies watching the end of the half

Re: Outlandish but exceedingly fun.

2003-12-20 Thread Travis Edmunds

From: Alberto Monteiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Killer Bs Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Killer Bs Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Outlandish but exceedingly fun.
Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2003 19:43:13 +
 Just go on the capabilities of that ship within it's own Universe, and
 apply it to our simulation. Some ships would quite simply have no 
 against others. Star Trek Universe starships would take most anything we
 could throw at them based on what they can do within that Universe. If 
 tough it's tough.

The Star Trek ships can't even block attacks by other things from
the Star Trek Universe! They would be easily blasted by anything.

Alberto Monteiro
I'm not talking about Federation/Starfleet ships. I mean ships in general 
from that Universe. Think about the dinosaur ship from Voyager. Or the Edo 
Guardian, as I have already mentioned. Many, many ships...

MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE*  


Re: RIDDLES: Yet another thread for fun.

2003-12-20 Thread Travis Edmunds

From: Michael Harney [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Killer Bs Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Killer Bs Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: RIDDLES: Yet another thread for fun.
Date: Sat, 20 Dec 2003 08:41:48 -0700
From: Travis Edmunds [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Lets play a little game. I'll start things off by throwing a riddle on 
 table. The first person to correctly answer the riddle has the privilege
 posting a riddle of their own.

 This guy went into the forest one day. Once there he got it, but he
 get it. So he left it there and brought it back home. What did he get?

This sounds like a patient zero situation.  A man goes into a forest, he
picks up a virus, but is immune to the virus, so he can only be a carrier.
So my answer is a virus that he is immune to.  Am I right?
Micahel Harney
It is a probable answer to the riddle. However it's not THE answer. I mean 
if you had asked this particular riddle with a virus in mind as the answer, 
then a virus would be correct. It's a multi-answerable riddle I suppose. 
Just keep on guessing what it could be, until you guess correctly.


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RE: SCOUTED: Ghostly image at Britain's Hampton Court

2003-12-20 Thread Travis Edmunds

Reply-To: Killer Bs Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Brin Mail List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: SCOUTED: Ghostly image at Britain's Hampton Court
Date: Sat, 20 Dec 2003 11:15:56 -0500
This truly qualifies as a ghost post. (sorry, Nick, couldn't resist
using the quotes!)
Likely a hoax, but neat none the less because I have been there

Ghostly image at Britain's Hampton Court

The Associated Press
Updated: 2:03 p.m. ET Dec. 19, 2003LONDON - Are there ghostly goings-on
at Henry VIII's palace, or is that hazy image of a fellow in fancy robes
just a bit of Christmas cheer?
Closed-circuit security cameras at Hampton Court Palace, the huge Tudor
castle outside London, seem to have snagged an ethereal visitor. Could
it be a ghost?
We're baffled too - it's not a joke, we haven't manufactured it, said
Vikki Wood, a Hampton Court spokeswoman, when asked if the photo the
palace released was a Christmas hoax. We genuinely don't know who it is
or what it is.
Complete article...

It could be an entity with a phased cloak...then again it's probably a 

-Travis I love those Ghostbusters movies Edmunds

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Re: RIDDLES: Yet another thread for fun.

2003-12-20 Thread Travis Edmunds

Reply-To: Killer Bs Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: RIDDLES: Yet another thread for fun.
Date: Sat, 20 Dec 2003 14:24:08 EST
Travis may be in trouble. I think this list is capable of coming up with
totally legitimate answers that are not the expected answer.
William Taylor

lol Actually I just realized my predicament, but covered myself as best I 
could in my previous post.

-Travis keep on guessing Edmunds

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Re: RIDDLES: Yet another thread for fun.

2003-12-20 Thread Michael Harney

From: Travis Edmunds [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 From: Michael Harney [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Killer Bs Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Killer Bs Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: RIDDLES: Yet another thread for fun.
 Date: Sat, 20 Dec 2003 08:41:48 -0700
 From: Travis Edmunds [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Lets play a little game. I'll start things off by throwing a riddle on
   table. The first person to correctly answer the riddle has the
   posting a riddle of their own.
   This guy went into the forest one day. Once there he got it, but he
   get it. So he left it there and brought it back home. What did he get?
 This sounds like a patient zero situation.  A man goes into a forest, he
 picks up a virus, but is immune to the virus, so he can only be a
 So my answer is a virus that he is immune to.  Am I right?
 Micahel Harney

 It is a probable answer to the riddle. However it's not THE answer. I mean
 if you had asked this particular riddle with a virus in mind as the
 then a virus would be correct. It's a multi-answerable riddle I suppose.
 Just keep on guessing what it could be, until you guess correctly.


Ok, guess number two:  A view.  He took a picture to bring the view home
with him, but left the view there.

Michael Harney


Re: RIDDLES: Yet another thread for fun.

2003-12-20 Thread Travis Edmunds

From: Michael Harney [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Killer Bs Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Killer Bs Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: RIDDLES: Yet another thread for fun.
Date: Sat, 20 Dec 2003 16:56:37 -0700
Ok, guess number two:  A view.  He took a picture to bring the view home
with him, but left the view there.
Michael Harney
lol Nope. Yet another good guess though.


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