Fwd: Breaking News

2005-09-11 Thread Ronn!Blankenship

President Bush Sells Louisiana Back to the French

President Bush and a giddy Jacques Chirac shake hands on the deal.

BATON ROUGE, LA. — The White House announced 
today that President Bush has successfully sold 
the state of Louisiana back to the French at more 
than double its original selling price of $11,250,000.

This is a bold step forward for America, said 
Bush. And America will be stronger and better as 
a result. I stand here today in unity with French 
Prime Minister Jack Sharaq, who was so kind to 
accept my offer of Louisiana in exchange for 25 million dollars cash.

The state, ravaged by Hurricane Katrina, will 
cost hundreds of billions of dollars to rebuild.

Jack understands full well that this one's a 
'fixer upper,' said Bush. He and the French 
people are quite prepared to pump out all that 
water, and make Louisiana a decent place to live 
again. And they've got a lot of work to do. But 
Jack's assured me, if it's not right, they're going to fix it.

The move has been met with incredulity from the 
beleaguered residents of Louisiana.

Shuba-pie! said New Orleans resident Willis 
Babineaux. Frafer-perly yum kom drabby sham!

However, President Bush?s decision has been widely lauded by Republicans.

This is an unexpected but brilliant move by the 
President, said Senate Majority Leader Bill 
Frist. Instead of spending billions and 
billions, and billions of dollars rebuilding the 
state of Louisiana, we've just made 25 million dollars in pure profit.

This is indeed a smart move, commented Fox News 
analyst Brit Hume. Not only have we stopped the 
flooding in our own budget, we've made money on 
the deal. Plus, when the god-awful French are 
done fixing it up, we can easily invade and take it back again.

The money gained from 'The Louisiana Refund' is 
expected to be immediately pumped into the rebuilding of Iraq.


Two Moons Passing in the Night

2005-09-11 Thread Robert G. Seeberger

Taking advantage of extra solar energy collected during the day, 
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit settled in for an evening of 
stargazing, photographing the two moons of Mars as they crossed the 
night sky. It is incredibly cool to be running an observatory on 
another planet, said planetary scientist Jim Bell of Cornell 
University, Ithaca, N.Y., lead scientist for the panoramic cameras on 
Spirit and Opportunity. In this animation, both martian moons, Deimos 
on the left and Phobos on the right, travel across the night sky in 
front of the constellation Sagittarius. Part of Sagittarius resembles 
an upside-down teapot. Phobos is the brighter object on the right; 
Deimos is on the left.

Extraterrestrial Observatory Maru


Re: This is to type on?

2005-09-11 Thread Max Battcher

Julia Thompson wrote:
My impression is that keyboards didn't always come with dedicated keys 
for moving the cursor, and it was on one of those that didn't that Dan 
first learned to use a keyboard properly

I once got used to using a keyboard that had both the full NUM PAD and a 
full arrow pad with diagonals and a center space key.  That was pretty 
useful, and every now and then for a game I'll miss it, then remember I 
can use the NUM PAD if I turn NUM LOCK off and use it.  Games are the 
rare exception where I might turn off the NUM LOCK.  Otherwise there are 
just so many long numbers that are much easier/quicker to type on the 
num pad.

--Max Battcher--
I have no idea what I'm doing.


2005-09-11 Thread Nick Arnett
Many people today are remembering what happened four years ago on September 
11th in New York. Our family is, but we are also remembering this as the 
day, one year ago, when Chayla saw Wes for the last time at Camp Lejeune, 
just before he headed back for Iraq for his second tour. She almost missed 
the departure -- she'd gone off to get something for the waiting wives, as I 
recall, and suddenly the buses came... she just made it back in time to say 
goodbye to him.

One month later was Wes and Chayla's first wedding anniversary.

A month minus a day later Wes was gone.

A year ago on this day, I thought many times of Wes on that plane. This 
time, I thought, he knows what he is headed into.

May we all be infected with the spirit of self-sacrifice that led him there.


Nick Arnett
Messages: 408-904-7198