Is Supernatural Real?

2005-04-06 Thread Alan Ackley
 with the finest teachers, 
without having a clue whether ki was real or not.  No amount of explaining 
or theorizing was sufficient.  I had to go through many inner changes first, 
before some understanding began to dawn on me.  I read the gospels in the 
Bible many times, and each time my understanding had changed.  The book had 
not changed, but I had.  This is sacred literature, and it is not wisdom to 
assume your current understanding penetrates the book’s full meaning.  
Dismissing it as “myth” is trite, and pointless.  Wait awhile and read it 
again, and each time you will see more you had missed.

Now when I hear someone say  “supernatural events do not happen”, I find 
myself wondering;  Do you really know the limits of what is possible?  Is 
science complete and it’s evolution finished?  Have you really tested your 
mind’s ability to change your reality?  What is science for if not to 
explore the limits of what is possible?  Perhaps miracles really are 
possible.  Why write them off as if you know everything already?

Alan Ackley

Babble theory, and comments

2005-04-03 Thread Alan Ackley
From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Tower of Babel! Wonderful story. Did this 
author actually sell a >>book?
Yes, John Keel did sell books. “The Mothman Prophecies” being the most 
famous.  “The Eighth Tower” in which he suggests some device MIGHT be hidden 
in a black stone in Mecca, was fun reading, he did also say that it might be 
almost anywhere in the middle east.  He was the director of the Fortean 
Society, where they keep archives of oddball news items and unexplainables.  
He has also written a lot about bigfoot and other monster sightings.  As a 
used book dealer I always buy his books when I can, they are a lot of fun.
I have a lot of respect for a man who can actually make a living traveling 
around and interviewing people about fun stories like this.  He proved work 
can be fun.

On the Pope’s death; I have always wondered how, if he is the true successor 
to Christ, he does not end up being resurrected bodily, as the Bible says 
His followers will do greater works than He (Jesus), and “By their fruits ye 
shall know them”.  Seems to me that if he is not healed or raised from the 
dead, this Roman cult cannot really claim to be the true successors to 

From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> fundamentally wrong, verging on deliberate 
distortion and lying when
he preposterous Face on Mars, Arctic holes to habitable continents
inside our Earth and, recently, an unchallenged fringe nurse
decrying the use of vaccines and urging listeners to avoid them, not
even a tetanus shot after you step on a rusty object.
On vaccines: I ran across a statistic (bearing in mind the statistic that 
says that 83% of all quoted statistics are made up) that claimed that 
Christian Scientists, who avoid medical practitioners and vaccines, have the 
longest life expectancy of any religious group in the USA.  Having personal 
experience with the sheer toxicity of the yellow fever vaccine (31 days in 
the hospital) I have some small sympathy with those who choose to avoid such 

Alan Ackley

HAARP ufo's?

2005-04-01 Thread Alan Ackley
HAARP; High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program.
It seems Arco owned a bunch of natural gas rights in Alaska, where no one 
needed the gas.  They lobbied to get this weird thing built; a giant phased 
array antenna, fed by it’s own power plant.  The original idea seemed to be 
to modulate the electrojet (the stream of electrons and negative ions fed 
into the Earth by the solar wind, which is the source of the aurora)  Seems 
it may have had other uses as well.  Apparently a prime use is to heat a 
local patch of atmosphere, wherever the thing is aimed (by phase adjusting 
the array) and might be used as a weapon or just to make pretty lights and 
oddball radar reflections.

I think the HAARP could be used to duplicate some of the UFO phenomena;  A 
blob of light that moves as if without mass (because it is just a spot where 
the air is glowing and heated) and can make sudden impossible seeming turns 
and accelerations.  The temperature inversions around the heated area could 
reflect radar.  Certain classic UFO cases may have been tests of using this 
effect as a psychological warfare device (one in Spain and another in 
Florida).  I don't know, but I imagine the possibility of projecting a 
gigantic image into the clouds, of Jesus returning with angels and trumpets, 
or some such hoo haw.  Of course this sort of imaging would be far more 
difficult to program into the phased array antenna than a mere blob of 
light.  It might be possible to use the arrays in Puerto Rico, Hawaii and 
Australia in unison.

One of Jacques Vallee's more recent books points to evidence of this sort of 
fake UFO, and in Spain, a psychological operation.  I believe the book was 
called "Revelations", the third book in a trilogy ("Dimensions", and 
"Confrontations" being the other two in the trilogy).


glitched reality continues

2005-04-01 Thread Alan Ackley
Thanks to Nick Lidster for the elevating discussion of Plato’s cave.  I 
won’t claim I’ve made it into the light yet, but I believe I may have gotten 
beyond staring at the shadows…
Thanks also to Gary Denton for the apology.  But I doubt you brought anyone 
along unless they were trapped in the car with you when you arrived.

I agree that you probably won’t have any recordings of the previous universe 
once you’ve entered into the new universe.  Indeed this model seems to fit 
my experience.  I seem to have come here alone into a new universe populated 
with near duplicates of the people I knew there.

I had another slight glitch today.  I was searching out someone I had 
interviewed with (for an elevator repair job) five years ago.  He had since 
retired.  At that time I was told that the repair shop covered elevators in 
many cities (all being on state owned university campuses).  Today I was 
told that the local repair shop only covers this one campus and NEVER had 
responsibility for other campuses.  Apparently this is one more small 
difference from the universe I previously inhabited.

I did a backup visit to the construction company where the temp agency had 
seemingly been a month earlier.  The construction company has been there 
five years.  The secretary appreciated my tale and hummed a nice rendition 
of a bar from the “Outer Limits” theme.
They’ve built a wall where I talked to the guy last month.  I mean it!  The 
floor layout is different!  I don’t believe I dreamed this, although once I 
dreamed a Wednesday, then woke up and it took half the day for me to realize 
it really wasn’t Thursday yet.  I had to do Wednesday over again.

There was an interesting study done of the memories of Titanic survivors.  
Over the years people seemed to modify their memories to make their own 
roles seem more heroic or justified.  This doesn’t seem to apply to my case 
where the nature of these glitches do nothing to make or break my ego, just 
odd pointless differences.

I read “The Bible Code” a while back, and wondered if the code, which seemed 
designed to pass messages into the future, had been used to stabilize a 
particular timeline.  Travelers entering into a new universe could get a 
copy of the Torah and, decoding it with their computerized time travel 
decoder rings, might get some numerical indication of how far they were from 
their original timeline.   Bush is mentioned in the Bible Code, along with 
the Kennedy assassination and Rabin’s assassination, so I suppose his reign 
of errors is also somehow emblematic of this timeline.

Thanks again for the various comments, from whichever universe.  I’d really 
rather not doubt the accuracy of my own memories, but I have less scruples 
when it comes to doubting the memories of others.

Alan Ackley.

Babel theory link

2005-04-01 Thread Alan Ackley
Link to a paper discussing low frequency interference with consciousness;

tower of Babel theory

2005-04-01 Thread Alan Ackley
My theory of the tower of Babel; (a modification of the theory in John 
Keel's "Eighth Tower").

The Babylonians were building a "tower to reach to the sky", and when "God", 
(or in this case, the Elohim) decided to end this form of human progress, 
the method used also had the effect of causing multiple languages to occur.  
Keel suggested that somewhere in the middle east, inside some unspecified 
stone monument, (the big stone in Mecca?) is a generator which has affected 
the mentality of mankind from then until now.  Undoubtedly using ELF waves 
(extra low frequency) this hypothetical device must still be in operation, 
and constantly interferes with human communication abilities contributing to 
war and strife worldwide.

A radar jammer will pick up the radar frequency being used and will then 
broadcast a signal on the same frequency, but 180 degrees out of phase.   
Similarly I suspect a device which picks up broadcasts of human 
consciousness then rebroadcasts a wave 180 degrees (in opposition, to cancel 
or overrride) out of phase.   One possible effect of this is to block human 
telepathy.  If the odds are 50/50 that you will recieve the truth or it's 
opposite, the telepathic link becomes useless, thus humans must fall back on 
the backup method of uttering sounds.  Hypothesizing that pre-Babel humans 
were telepathic, but separate tribes also used local verbal signs, then when 
telepathy was blocked, only the widely variant tribal verbalizations 

One odd observation relating to this;  I've noted when I am meditating or 
deeply into writing or other deep mental states, I very often find the 
imagined position of my body to be reversed; ie, I awake to find I am faced 
North, when in the dream-state I was facing South, 180 degrees out of phase 
with my actual position.

Another aside;  for a while in the '70s and '80s some reserchers believed 
that Russians were beaming ELF at the USA from giant low frequency Tesla 
coils in Siberia.  Rumor had it that a lot of the beams were focused for 
some unknown reason at Oregon.  Of course the HAARP project and other huge 
phased array antenna sites may also have the ability to generate waves that 
directly affect the mass consciousness of humans.  There is no evidence this 
is being done, but the capability is growing.
I suspect such a use would require massive computers to be controlling the 
antenna output (such as is being done in Alaska with HAARP).   Would hate to 
see what advanced black magician types might do with this type of stuff.   
(but, hey, my theory IS that the Babble generator is just such an ancient 
black project, and still operates.)

On the good side;  to grow a population with immunity, you subject them to 
an environment full of the toxin.  if we, (humanity) have been in the toxic 
presence of the Babble generator for thousands of years, perhaps we will or 
are generating a population that has a natural resistance to such 


the question of reality glitches

2005-03-31 Thread Alan Ackley
On reality glitches;  Aside from proving anything, I have a question or 
1)	Can the past be changed?  (or does time have more than one dimension?)
2)	If so, can it be changed so that two or more people have differing 
3)	What effects do recording have?

The people who know me well know I have an unusual memory for details.  Now 
I don’t expect strangers to know this, and really should have expected 
people to doubt my accuracy.   In fact I think this is what happens to most 
reality glitches.  People doubt their own memories, and other people doubt 
them, then everyone ASSUMES that there is a single constant reality.  But 
what if this is not so?  Hey, I admit I have no final proof at this point.  
I have yet to conduct my follow up visit to the construction company.   BUT 
the point here is not whether I have attained proof, it’s to discuss the 
possibility that there are pockets of alternate reality that go unobserved 
precisely BECAUSE we distrust our own and other’s memories; unobserved 
because there is as yet no proof.  The point is to perhaps come up with some 
testable theory.  Because of my detailed memories I have come to believe 
that such glitches do occur, only recently it has been bugging me and I 
wonder if there is some sort of solvable problem here.

 In David Brin’s “Earth” there were many scenes involving people wired with 
cameras constantly downloading stuff to the internet.  I thought of this and 
wondered what might have been the result if I had a recorded record of what 
I had seen and been told in the various agency offices.   In fact what is 
the result (in a quantum sense) of recording events?  Does this make the 
event more stable in everyone’s reality?  If everyone started recording 
entire days, would this cause provability of glitches, or actually prevent 
After all, once you’ve decided to observe something….

When the bag tear glitch occurred, there was a lot of precipitation 
happening, so I was only riding the one bike that had fenders.  This is 
certain.  The other bike had been dropped and had a tear in the bag 
resembling the one observed on the other bike.  Admitting this just adds 
doubt to what at this point appears only to be a tale.  No one messes with 
my bikes but me.  There is no proof.  No one agrees who gave my brother the 
chess set 35 years ago for xmas, but I remember this as the first such 
glitch I observed and have wondered ever since.  The roller derby truck 
rolled under the couch and vanished from all known realities forever.  
Again, I am asking, not to convince anyone or to claim I have proof.  This 
is really about questioning the stability of what we perceive as a single 
world.  Is there a way of constructing/conducting an experiment to 
illuminate this?

You open the box and the cat is dead.  Later you see the cat alive.  Was it 
dead, or did you dream it?  If you had no independent witnesses or 
recordings, you’d be hard put to prove anything.  I suspect that the 
universe with the cat alive will contain only recordings of the living cat.  
Though some would say that the cat was in BOTH states until the box was 
opened.  Does someone else remember the other state of the cat?  We just 
wouldn’t know unless we ask, and then someone will say it must’ve been a 
different cat, or you were dreaming, or sipping fog or something.  Well, it 
was raining.  -- Alan.


reality glitches

2005-03-29 Thread Alan Ackley
Hi Everyone,
David Brin mailed me the contact info for this mailing list group a few days 
back, and although I’ve no idea how this will connect with any past 
discussions, I thought I’d toss this little pebble in the pond;

I had a weird reality glitch reminiscent of the Matrix movie;
Last month I visited Westaff, a temp agency I used to work for, at 29th & 
Valmont where they had been for a decade.  They had lost all my records 
during their computer upgrade, done 1 year ago.   I would have to 
re-interview with them and fill out all new forms.   I figured I'd wait 
until I got back (now) to do that.   I went in there yesterday and they 
weren't there, there was instead a construction company in that suite.   I 
called Westaff on the phone later to find out where they had moved and they 
said they had moved FIVE YEARS AGO!!!   Then they said they had lost all my 
records in last year's computer upgrade and I'd have to reapply.  Their new 
office is at 30th and Pearl.WHERE WAS I LAST MONTH?  In a different 

Emmet Fox (a metaphysical writer) says external reality is just an 
appearance; a reflection of the REAL inner reality of consciousness.   Am I 
observing reality change as my meditative inner work progresses?  (that was 
my thought) Or is someone (angels, Suzanne suggested) reprogramming the 
"reality" matrix (Steve related it to the "Matrix" movies) behind the 

There was a second glitch that appeared yesterday!   I locked the two 
bicycles I brought here to the support bars of the backyard swingset.  To 
protect the leather seats I tied a heavy duty plastic bag (from Performance 
bikeshop) over each seat.   I've only been riding one of these bikes so far. 
  I take off the bag and stuff it in a little pouch in my saddle bag, so I 
can reuse it that night.   Thursday night I noticed the bag had a 2 inch 
tear in it which I figured had happened the previous (very windy Wednesday) 
night.  I rotated the bag so the tear was underneath the seat and kept 
reusing it.  Then last night (Friday) as evening came around I remembered to 
cover the seat before sunset.   I took out the SAME BAG, and looked for the 
tear so I could again rotate the bag so the tear would be underneath.  THERE 

Emmet Fox says that reality only changes when consciousness changes.  I am 
suspecting this as evidence that my consciousness work is actually having an 
effect on external reality.  My working hypothesis is that each of us has a 
partially private "reality bubble" and that such glitches only affect a 
local area.  That is that there is not a second ENTIRE UNIVERSE, only small 
part of the universe was affected by the appearance of the second reality, 
encompassed by the few people (or only me?) who were aware of the 
difference.  I speculate that we distrust our memories and usually gloss 
over such glitches.  This may be how God provides us each with our own 
karma, that there is some slack that allows our private reality bubbles to 
differ in minor details.

I refuse to consider the possibility that I’m just off my rocker, so my 
brain has gone to the more palatable considerations involving multiple 
universe theories.  It bothers me to think that I generated an entire 
universe, and I prefer to believe that there was only a local bubble 
duplicating a small section of the universe.  I have a very accurate memory 
and refuse to doubt my perceptions.  Today I’m going back to the suite where 
the construction company is to ask if they know anything about the prior 

So, what do you think?  Local bubble?  Another universe?  Matrix glitch?
Alan A.