CakePHP on a Apache alias, - HELP!

2007-12-26 Thread Louie Miranda
I been reading a lot of discussions on the cakephp mailing list. but, could
not figure out how to do this properly. Maybe this thread will be useful
I am familiar with the settings for Apache (httpd.conf) and PHP (php.ini),
the only thing i am a bit clueless is the .htaccess file, but could
understand how it works.

1. Created a apache alias called /cakewww/ on ON httpd.ini. Now
it will look like, when visited.
2. Configured Apache directory directive ON httpd.ini. -- AllowOverride None
to AllowOverride All
3. Extracted cake 1.x to /www/. It is now /www/cakephp_1.x/.
4. Renamed /www/cakephp_1.x/ to /www/cakewww/
5. Visited

* 404 Error - WHY? because cakephp is configured to be set on the main
domain. Which on my example is Which resides on a folder /www/.
When visited, it will still visit and not

6. So, edited /www/cakewww/.htaccess

from ---

>RewriteEngine on
>RewriteRule^$ app/webroot/[L]
>RewriteRule(.*) app/webroot/$1 [L]

to --- (added RewriteBase /cakewww/)

>RewriteEngine on
>RewriteBase /cakewww/
>Redirect /google.html
>RewriteRule^$ app/webroot/[L]
>RewriteRule(.*) app/webroot/$1 [L]

7. Visited -- shoot! It worked, even the CSS
8. Tried to check if the whole cake thing works by visiting -- :( did not worked, 400 error on Apache.

Now, i am lost. What's next?

Louie Miranda ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Security Is A Series Of Well-Defined Steps
chmod -R 0 / ; and smile :)

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Re: Cake is overwriting a record instead of adding a new record

2007-12-26 Thread Chris Hartjes

On Dec 26, 2007 10:07 AM, Robert Sosinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello again,
> I am having this problem.  I have a Thread model and a Post model.
> What is interesting is whenever I have a post that has the same id as
> the thread_id (so, id = 4 and thread_id = 4), cake will no longer add
> new records.  It will only overwrite the same record over and over
> again (like it is editing it).
> Anyone else have this problem?
> Thanks.

I would suggest looking at two things:

1) make sure your associations are set properly
2) make sure you do $this->ModelNameHere->create() before you do a
save.  That way you can insure a new record is supposed to be created.

I also agree with davidgregan's suggestion about making sure you have
the id field for your tables either an auto-increment field or
generate your own unique ID's

Hope that helps.

Chris Hartjes

My motto for 2007:  "Just build it, damnit!"

@TheKeyboard -

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Re: Integration of Ext js in cakephp

2007-12-26 Thread hydra12

Here's a tutorial on using the datagrid with cake:
Read the comments at the bottom: they point to a discussion that has
more information.  I'm working on an update for the tutorial, but
maybe this will help you until then.


On Dec 26, 3:03 am, ProFire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi and welcome to CakePHP!
> You should put your javascript files in "app/webroot/js"
> After that, you can include all the javascript files in your "views/
> layouts/default.thtml". You may have to create this file if it does
> not exist. Just do the standard . You may
> wish to check out the manual for more information on layouts.
> Happy Baking!
> On Dec 26, 2:52 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >  I am new to cakephp... how to include ext-js folder.? should i put it in 
> > "vendors" if yes then help me regarding settings and if NO then where 
> > should i put "ext-js " folder?
> > please reply me  on [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: ajax not working

2007-12-26 Thread regent

Thanks for all the help so far.

The call to action is 'mailer' in the Updater line.

Tested with firebug, no errors shown.

I completely forgot about naming the fields with the model/field
convention.  I'll give this a try.

Thanks again, everyone.

> On Dec 25, 11:12 pm, rtgwork <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have this code in my view:
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  > onclick="new Ajax.Updater('updateDiv', 'mailer', {asynchronous:true,
> > evalScripts:true, parameters:Form.serialize(this.form)})">
> > 
> > In my controller in function mailer(), I am using pr($this->data), but
> > there is nothing showing.  Looks like the ajax call is not passing the
> > serialized form.
> > What is wrong with my code?
> > Thanks.
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Menu System Help - Render Element and Model Functions?

2007-12-26 Thread BFox

Im working on a project that was originally developed by another PHP
developer. He created a helper class to create the main menu in such a

Function A. Would actually add the menu items to an array with the
Anchor Tag, URL and a Key

Function B. Would iterate through each item in the array and create
the link with the Anchor Tag and URL, it would also check if the
passed "Selected" item was equal to the key for each array item, if
so, it puts an "Active" CSS class on it.

This system works using $this->renderElement in the view file as the
element file contains the functions that adds each menu item and
finally does a print() on the menu function with the selected item
being passed to it.

My current project requires that for some of the menu items they have
sub items that are pulled from the DB. I have found that I cant call a
function from a model from the element file because I get an
"unrecognized function in a view file" or something similar.

Is there a way I can call a model function from the element or
otherwise dynamically add menu items from the DB before I do the

The element looks like this...

$mainMenu->addMenuItem("News and Events","news","/news");

addMenuitem is the function within the helper class that adds items
and showMenu, well thats self explanitory...

Sorry this post was long and verbose, just wanted to make sure that
anyone who looks is on the same page.

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Re: prototype window class and CakePHP

2007-12-26 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks for the reply, just had time to look at this today and it
turned out that my problem was with my css path ;P. I tried your
method posted below, but it looks like $this->addScript has either
changed syntax or is no longer working in the version of cakephp that
I'm using (version so if anyone else is trying to get this
to work, and is having this problem try replacing $this-
>addScript($javascript->* with print $javascript->*  That did the
trick for me. Using $this->addScript, it didn't error out, it just
didn't display anything.

On Dec 19, 3:47 am, grigri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'd never heard of the prototype window class before [thanks for the
> link] and got it working with cake in a few minutes. Here's my step-by-
> step process:
> (1) Copied prototype.js and window.js to /app/webroot/js
> (2) Copied default.css and default (folder) to /app/webroot/themes
> (3) Put the following code in my view (it was just for a test)
>  $this->addScript($javascript->link('prototype'));
> $this->addScript($javascript->link('window'));
> $this->addScript($html->css('../themes/default'));
> $this->addScript($javascript->codeBlock( << function showDatWindow() {
>   win = new Window({title: "Sample", width:200, height:150,
> destroyOnClose: true, recenterAuto:false});
>   win.getContent().update("Hello world !!");
>   win.showCenter();}
> , true, true));
> ?>
> Show Dat Window
> At this point it worked fine, but the table was styled a bit weirdly.
> So I edited "default.css", just under the '/* DO NOT CHANGE THESE
> VALUES*/' bit to this:
> .dialog table.table_window  {
>   border-collapse: collapse;
>   border-spacing: 0;
>   width: 100%;
>         margin: 0px;
>         padding:0px;
>         background: transparent; /* added */
>         border: none; /* added */
> }
> .dialog table.table_window td , .dialog table.table_window th {
>   border: none; /* added */
>   padding: 0;
> }
> And it works smashingly. I tried it with another theme, worked fine
> too.
> On Dec 18, 10:53 pm, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > I'm looking for any documentation or "How tos" for using the prototype
> > window class ( from inside
> > cakePHP. I've been trying to get it to work and I'm having some
> > problems. I can get the windows to render, but  the css themes don't
> > fit, they aren't draggable, they are resizeable but they won't overlap
> > anything on the page and the maximize/minimize/close controls are all
> > at the top corner of the page instead of in the top corner of the
> > window. Not sure what I'm doing wrong. If anyone has gotten this to
> > work, let me know how.
> > Thanks,
> > Dave
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Re: Where's my environment.rb??

2007-12-26 Thread nate

See app/config/core.php or app/config/bootstrap.php

On Dec 26, 1:36 pm, Alfredo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok, so I know it's not a 100% a Rails port but whats the equivalent
> for the environment.rb file or for the config/initializers folder?
> I need a place for application config such as API keys and static urls
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Re: User Based RSS

2007-12-26 Thread Williamg
Hi Daniel, if you use the link I sent earlier.. you should be able to set up
a quick and easy feed.

Now, about customising it so that each user has a unique URL, you could
follow my earlier recommendation of adding a hash field in your users table.
| users |

In your controller, (using the techniques) at that link i sent you can check
if the request is an rss request.

If it is, retrieve the hash from the url and get the user from the database
where hash = hash retrieved from the url.

That should work nicely. This will allow you to issue unique urls to each
user without explicit authentication. Obviously if the data in the feed is
sensitive then you probably want to add a few security measures to the above
method. I hope this helps..

P.S: I use cake 1.2

On Dec 26, 2007 6:11 PM, graphicdefine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thanks for the response!  That sounds easy enough but i am not sure
> what the method should look like.  My usual login code?
> On another note, I thought CakePHP 1.2 is only for production and not
> live sites yet?  I was under this assumption so I've been coding this
> site in CakePHP 1.1
> Thanks so much,
> daniel
> On Dec 26, 6:16am, "Dr. Tarique Sani" < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Oops! change the "presume" to "you should" ;)
> >
> > Tarique
> >
> > On Dec 26, 2007 4:45 PM, Dr. Tarique Sani < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > > On Dec 26, 2007 10:57 AM, graphicdefine <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >
> wrote:
> >
> > > > Forgive me for my perhaps naive question, but does anyone know how I
> > > > can offer RSS feeds on my site for each individual user? Originally
> I
> > > > was thinking of attempting to create a password-protected feed, but
> I
> > > > have never done that before and couldn't find any documentation of
> any
> > > > other bakers whom have tried.
> >
> > > I presume you are using cake 1.2 and also presume that you have
> > > created rss feeds using cakephp before - just create a feed like any
> > > other... create a method to accept an md5 unique id as a param
> >
> > > So your URL will look like
> > > http://yourdomain/your_controller/your_rss_action/md5id.rss
> >
> > > Should work
> >
> > > HTH
> > > Tarique
> >
> > > --
> > > =
> > > Cheesecake-Photoblog:
> > > PHP for E-Biz:
> > > =
> >
> > --
> > =
> > Cheesecake-Photoblog:
> > PHP for E-Biz:
> > =
> >

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Re: Best Practice for multiple belongsTo associations (Cake 1.1)

2007-12-26 Thread Pablo Viojo

Take a look at these[1][2]. Maybe it helps (maybe not)


Pablo Viojo


On Dec 21, 2007 8:04 AM, Chris Hawes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm currently designing a database for an app I'm writing, and have a
> question on something.
> I have four tables: tasks, contacts, documents and companies.
> Multiple tasks can be assigned to either a contact, document or company.
> The problems is, I don't want to limit myself to just three tables,
> and I'd rather not have contact_id, document_id and company_id in my
> tasks table.
> What would be the best way around this? Does the answer lie with
> bindModel() ?
> Thanks in advance!
> Chris.
> P.S. I hope everyone has a great Christmas, and a good 2008 baking
> lots of cool stuff!
> >

Pablo Viojo

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Re: Trying to run Bake script in windows...outputs jibberish.

2007-12-26 Thread subtropolis zijn
That's not gibberish; it's the shell script that's being output to the
console because PHP doesn't know what to do with it. Don't call it from PHP,
the shell script will call PHP itself.

First, add both the dir with the PHP executable and the cake console dir to
your system's PATH.


Then you call the shell script like:

./cake bake ...

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Re: Page_Title Bug in Flash()/Render()

2007-12-26 Thread Alan Wagstaff

Hi Rob,

On Nov 23, 5:15 pm, Rob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Running through the Blog tutorial, I noticed that the HTML Title was
> not being output.
> I've tracked this down to this line inflash.thtml :-
> Although the other parameters for url, pause, etc are being created
> before calling this page, $page_titleis not.
> I've tried to track the calling function, but can only get as close as
> _render() in view.php. Sometimespage_titleis called as pageTitle,
> which I think is where the bug lies.

I've just noticed the exact same thing :)  Just been taking a look at
CakePHP and like Rob, was doing the Blog tutorial when I noticed the
same problem.

The problem lies in 2 places:

1) controller\controller.php (Line ~625) in the flash() method - $this-
>set('page_title', $message); - this sets the page title as the flash
2) view\view.php (Line ~599) in the _render() method -  $page_title =
$this->pageTitle; - this then overwrites it with $this->pageTitle
which is set to false when declared in controller.php

To resolve the problem here, I edited controller\controller.php and
changed "$this->set("page_title", $message);" (line 625) to "$this-
>_setTitle($message);".  the flash() method is now working as desired
for me.


P.S. I've only been looking at CakePHP for a couple of hours now but
so far I'm very impressed.  I can see why Mambo decided to go with it
now.  Good job to all involved in its development :)

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Re: Cake is overwriting a record instead of adding a new record

2007-12-26 Thread k10

i presume your id field is auto incrementing. try clearing your id
field ---> $this->data['Model']['id'] = null before issuing a save
query to the model.


On Dec 26, 8:07 pm, Robert Sosinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello again,
> I am having this problem.  I have a Thread model and a Post model.
> What is interesting is whenever I have a post that has the same id as
> the thread_id (so, id = 4 and thread_id = 4), cake will no longer add
> new records.  It will only overwrite the same record over and over
> again (like it is editing it).
> Anyone else have this problem?
> Thanks.

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Where's my environment.rb??

2007-12-26 Thread Alfredo

Ok, so I know it's not a 100% a Rails port but whats the equivalent
for the environment.rb file or for the config/initializers folder?

I need a place for application config such as API keys and static urls

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Re: Best Practice for multiple belongsTo associations (Cake 1.1)

2007-12-26 Thread nate

"Patches are welcome" ;-)

On Dec 25, 9:03 pm, MX <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It would be very nice if Cake had polymorphism associations.
> On Dec 21, 3:09 pm, "subtropolis zijn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > On Dec 21, 2007 6:04 AM, Chris Hawes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I have four tables: tasks, contacts, documents and companies.
> > > Multiple tasks can be assigned to either a contact, document or company.
> > > The problems is, I don't want to limit myself to just three tables,
> > > and I'd rather not have contact_id, document_id and company_id in my
> > > tasks table.
> > Create these tables:
> > contacts_tasks (contact_id, task_id)
> > documents_tasks (document_id, task_id)
> > companies_tasks (company_id, task_id)
> > If/when you add a new table just add a new lookup table as well.
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Re: Trying to run Bake script in windows...outputs jibberish.

2007-12-26 Thread Action

Also, I'm in the app directory when running the command.

On Dec 26, 1:33 pm, Action <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm using wampserver and cakephp 1.2. I'm trying to run the bake.php
> script from the windows command line.
> Here is what I'm typing the command line:
> C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.2.5\php.exe ..\cake\console\cake bake
> This is what is outputted to the window:
> #
> # Bake is a shell script for running CakePHP bake script
> # PHP versions 4 and 5
> #
> # CakePHP(tm) :  Rapid Development Framework 
> # Copyright 2005-2007, Cake Software Foundation, Inc.
> #   1785
> E. Sahara A
> venue, Suite 490-204
> #   Las
> Vegas, Nevad
> a 89104
> #
> # Licensed under The MIT License
> # Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
> #
> # @filesource
> # @copyrightCopyright 2005-2007, Cake Software Foundation,
> Inc.
> # @link
> php CakePHP(tm) Project
> # @package  cake
> # @subpackage   cake.cake.console
> # @sinceCakePHP(tm) v
> # @version  $Revision: 5811 $
> # @modifiedby   $LastChangedBy: phpnut $
> # @lastmodified $Date: 2007-10-20 01:39:14 -0500 (Sat, 20 Oct 2007) $
> # @license  
> hp The MIT License
> #
> clear
> LIB=${0/%cake/}
> APP=`pwd`
> echo "Hello $USER,"
> exec php -q ${LIB}cake.php -working "${APP}" "$@"
> echo " ";
> exit;
> What am I doing wrong here and how can I get this working properly?
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Trying to run Bake script in windows...outputs jibberish.

2007-12-26 Thread Action

I'm using wampserver and cakephp 1.2. I'm trying to run the bake.php
script from the windows command line.

Here is what I'm typing the command line:

C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.2.5\php.exe ..\cake\console\cake bake

This is what is outputted to the window:

# Bake is a shell script for running CakePHP bake script
# PHP versions 4 and 5
# CakePHP(tm) :  Rapid Development Framework 
# Copyright 2005-2007, Cake Software Foundation, Inc.
#   1785
E. Sahara A
venue, Suite 490-204
#   Las
Vegas, Nevad
a 89104
# Licensed under The MIT License
# Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
# @filesource
# @copyrightCopyright 2005-2007, Cake Software Foundation,
# @link
php CakePHP(tm) Project
# @package  cake
# @subpackage   cake.cake.console
# @sinceCakePHP(tm) v
# @version  $Revision: 5811 $
# @modifiedby   $LastChangedBy: phpnut $
# @lastmodified $Date: 2007-10-20 01:39:14 -0500 (Sat, 20 Oct 2007) $
# @license
hp The MIT License



echo "Hello $USER,"

exec php -q ${LIB}cake.php -working "${APP}" "$@"

echo " ";


What am I doing wrong here and how can I get this working properly?
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Re: User Based RSS

2007-12-26 Thread Williamg

You can create get RSS set up following the example at the following

It worked fine for me.

As far as setting up User Based RSS:
If you don't want the user to have to authenticate, I suppose you
could set up a Hash in your users table and pass the unique hash as a
parameter in your rss link.
You can then hash verify in the controller / model. That's just a
suggestion. I hope this helps

On Dec 26, 5:27 am, graphicdefine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Forgive me for my perhaps naive question, but does anyone know how I
> can offer RSS feeds on my site for each individual user?  Originally I
> was thinking of attempting to create a password-protected feed, but I
> have never done that before and couldn't find any documentation of any
> other bakers whom have tried.
> Since I won't be making them log in to their rss feed, I figured
> giving each user a unique url, much like what 37 signals does for
> their products, would work best.  My main problem is I can't figure
> out how to dedicate a specific folder or perhaps even a subdomain, to
> a user.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated!
> Cake 1.1
> feedcreator
> Thanks so much,
> daniel

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displayField from foreign table

2007-12-26 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Can a model's displayField be a field in a foreign table linked to
that model?

For example:

My database has three tables: songs, versions, and tracks.

Every song can exist in several versions. Every version, in turn, can
be referenced by many tracks. Essentially, the relationship looks like

songs <- versions <- tracks

Now, when I add a new track, I want the displayField for "version" to
equal the song's name. That field, however, exists in the "songs"
table. Is it still possible to use it as the displayField?

(If anyone needs the example clarified, just let me know.)

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Re: Noobquestion about relations between dbtables.

2007-12-26 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

yay did it with requestaction() :-)

On 25 Dez., 13:16, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm new to cakephp and i think i need your help. Sorry I know my
> english is bad :-)
> I have an application in which users can be members of many events and
> events have many downloads.
>  Everything is working fine, related downloads are showing up on the
> eventspage, related events are showing up on the users page... but how
> do i accomplish that on the userspage downloads are showing from
> events the user is member of?
> Event model:
>  class Event extends Appmodel{
> var $name ='Event';
> var $hasMany = array ('Download' => array(
> 'className' => 'Download',
> 'foreignKey'=>'event_id')
> );
> var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array ('User' => array(
> 'className' => 'User',
> 'joinTable' => 'events_users',
> 'foreignKey'=>'event_id')
> );}
> ?>
> User model:
>  class User extends Appmodel{
> var $name ='User';
>var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array ('Event' => array(
> 'className' => 'Event',
> 'joinTable' => 'events_users',
> 'foreignKey'=>'user_id')
> var $hasMany = array ('Download' => array(
> 'className' => 'Download',
> 'foreignKey'=>'event_id')
> );}
> ?>
>  class Download extends Appmodel{
> var $name ='Download';
> var $belongsTo = array ('Event' => array(
> 'className' => 'Event',
> 'foreignKey'=>'event_id')
> );
> }
> ?>
> Thank you!
> Andy

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Re: User Based RSS

2007-12-26 Thread graphicdefine

Thanks for the response!  That sounds easy enough but i am not sure
what the method should look like.  My usual login code?

On another note, I thought CakePHP 1.2 is only for production and not
live sites yet?  I was under this assumption so I've been coding this
site in CakePHP 1.1

Thanks so much,

On Dec 26, 6:16 am, "Dr. Tarique Sani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Oops! change the "presume" to "you should" ;)
> Tarique
> On Dec 26, 2007 4:45 PM, Dr. Tarique Sani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Dec 26, 2007 10:57 AM, graphicdefine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Forgive me for my perhaps naive question, but does anyone know how I
> > > can offer RSS feeds on my site for each individual user?  Originally I
> > > was thinking of attempting to create a password-protected feed, but I
> > > have never done that before and couldn't find any documentation of any
> > > other bakers whom have tried.
> > I presume you are using cake 1.2 and also presume that you have
> > created rss feeds using cakephp before - just create a feed like any
> > other... create a method to accept an md5 unique id as a param
> > So your URL will look like
> >http://yourdomain/your_controller/your_rss_action/md5id.rss
> > Should work
> > HTH
> > Tarique
> > --
> > =
> > Cheesecake-Photoblog:
> > PHP for E-Biz:
> > =
> --
> =
> Cheesecake-Photoblog:
> PHP for E-Biz:
> =
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Re: Changing time zone

2007-12-26 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm not sure if this is the best answer, but you can always add 3
hours to the timestamp before you display/store it. also, you might
want to check out the time helper:
It may have some useful functions for this.

On Dec 26, 7:28 am, Robert Sosinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have my webserver in Los Angeles, however I am living in New
> Jersey.  Is there some way I can make cake set the timezone to Eastern
> Standard Time instead of Pacific Standard Time?  This way, all
> timestamps I put into the database are of my timezone.
> Thanks.
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Re: Cake is overwriting a record instead of adding a new record

2007-12-26 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

How are you handling the id# generation? is this an auto-increment
field in your database? Also, I'm not sure I'm understanding what you
are seeing. Do you mean that when you try to add a new post who's id
is greater than 4 it just overwrites the data in your database where
id =4 instead of adding a new one?

On Dec 26, 8:07 am, Robert Sosinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello again,
> I am having this problem.  I have a Thread model and a Post model.
> What is interesting is whenever I have a post that has the same id as
> the thread_id (so, id = 4 and thread_id = 4), cake will no longer add
> new records.  It will only overwrite the same record over and over
> again (like it is editing it).
> Anyone else have this problem?
> Thanks.
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Cake is overwriting a record instead of adding a new record

2007-12-26 Thread Robert Sosinski

Hello again,

I am having this problem.  I have a Thread model and a Post model.
What is interesting is whenever I have a post that has the same id as
the thread_id (so, id = 4 and thread_id = 4), cake will no longer add
new records.  It will only overwrite the same record over and over
again (like it is editing it).

Anyone else have this problem?


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Changing time zone

2007-12-26 Thread Robert Sosinski


I have my webserver in Los Angeles, however I am living in New
Jersey.  Is there some way I can make cake set the timezone to Eastern
Standard Time instead of Pacific Standard Time?  This way, all
timestamps I put into the database are of my timezone.


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Re: model association results

2007-12-26 Thread lordG

This does also tend to be related to my post on naming conventions in

if the class name and the $name value are to be the same, why is this
not the case with Controllers? Is this not inconsistent?
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model association results

2007-12-26 Thread lordG

Hi guys,

There seems to be something incorrectly happening with model
association calls and the naming of the resulting record arrays. If I
have a Model called LayoutModel with $name = 'Layout', then naturally
all the findAll calls etc will give me a resultset with the array keys
as 'Layout'.

However, when one does a call through an associated model like
PageModel which has in my example a belongsTo association to
LayoutModel, the layout resultset comes out in arrays 'LayoutModel'.

This seems like an inconsistency, wouldn't you agree?
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Re: auth problem

2007-12-26 Thread Jon Bennett

> How can I resolve this problem :
> if I try to connect to my application, it asks me a login and
> password , that's ok !
> I'm now connected to the restricted area , that's ok too !
> but now if I open a new window and try to connect to the application,
> it asks me nothing and connects me directly because I'm already
> connect in the another window ...

this is not a cake issue, it's how browsers deal with sessions. it's
no different from gmail or hotmail, if you're signed in in one window
and open a new window pointing at the same url, you won't need to sign
in again.




jon bennett
iChat (AIM): jbendotnet Skype: jon-bennett

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Re: User Based RSS

2007-12-26 Thread Dr. Tarique Sani

Oops! change the "presume" to "you should" ;)


On Dec 26, 2007 4:45 PM, Dr. Tarique Sani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Dec 26, 2007 10:57 AM, graphicdefine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Forgive me for my perhaps naive question, but does anyone know how I
> > can offer RSS feeds on my site for each individual user?  Originally I
> > was thinking of attempting to create a password-protected feed, but I
> > have never done that before and couldn't find any documentation of any
> > other bakers whom have tried.
> I presume you are using cake 1.2 and also presume that you have
> created rss feeds using cakephp before - just create a feed like any
> other... create a method to accept an md5 unique id as a param
> So your URL will look like
> http://yourdomain/your_controller/your_rss_action/md5id.rss
> Should work
> Tarique
> --
> =
> Cheesecake-Photoblog:
> PHP for E-Biz:
> =

PHP for E-Biz:

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Re: User Based RSS

2007-12-26 Thread Dr. Tarique Sani

On Dec 26, 2007 10:57 AM, graphicdefine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Forgive me for my perhaps naive question, but does anyone know how I
> can offer RSS feeds on my site for each individual user?  Originally I
> was thinking of attempting to create a password-protected feed, but I
> have never done that before and couldn't find any documentation of any
> other bakers whom have tried.

I presume you are using cake 1.2 and also presume that you have
created rss feeds using cakephp before - just create a feed like any
other... create a method to accept an md5 unique id as a param

So your URL will look like

Should work


PHP for E-Biz:

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Re: Having problems using scaffolding n acl

2007-12-26 Thread k10

to create an Aro object try

--> $aro = new Aro()

you might want to look @ this article


On Dec 26, 1:55 pm, Jonathan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, i'm trying to get a permissions manager using acl all together
> with scaffolding.
> I've mapped db tables into classes througth console using bake.php.
> All is going good (i mean, i can add, edit, view, view associations,
> etc.) until i use "var $components = array('Acl')"
> The Aro class in the model hasMany AcosAro and hasAndBelongsToMany
> Aco. Additionaly, i have users (deeper in the acl tree), then User
> belongsTo Aro and Aro hasMany Users. As i said, all goes fine (i can
> add users, etc) until i use the line cited up there.
> The problems seems to be that to define $components overwrite the Aro
> class, so i cant do $this->Aro->Aco->generateList() cause it says:
> Undefined property: Aro::$Aco in C:\wamp\www\app\app\controllers
> \aros_controller.php on line 24.
> Any recommendation to manage acces with scaffolding's help?
> I even tried to declare $components in another class and call a method
> that instance the aro object and use the create method, but it didn't
> work.
> Ty for your help.
> --
> Jonathan

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Re: ajax not working

2007-12-26 Thread k10


You might want to try firebug to figure out the issue on the client
side. Also you might try and put breakpoints on your server side code
(using a debugger ofcourse) and see what is causing the problem. This
setup works for me most of the times.


On Dec 25, 11:12 pm, rtgwork <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have this code in my view:
>  onclick="new Ajax.Updater('updateDiv', 'mailer', {asynchronous:true,
> evalScripts:true, parameters:Form.serialize(this.form)})">
> In my controller in function mailer(), I am using pr($this->data), but
> there is nothing showing.  Looks like the ajax call is not passing the
> serialized form.
> What is wrong with my code?
> Thanks.

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auth problem

2007-12-26 Thread ricarou51

Hi everybody !

How can I resolve this problem :

if I try to connect to my application, it asks me a login and
password , that's ok !
I'm now connected to the restricted area , that's ok too !

but now if I open a new window and try to connect to the application,
it asks me nothing and connects me directly because I'm already
connect in the another window ...

Thanks to help me
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Re: ajax not working

2007-12-26 Thread ProFire

Hey rtgwork,

I believe you should use this syntax when naming fields:

That's how Cake captures the data and store it in $this->data

I would recommend using HTML helper using: $html->hidden("cpu/
primaryhd", array("value" => $primaryhdAll))

If you really really prefer using your own naming convention, you can
always fall back to $_POST["primaryhd"] or $_GET["primaryhd"]

On Dec 26, 2:12 am, rtgwork <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have this code in my view:
>      onclick="new Ajax.Updater('updateDiv', 'mailer', {asynchronous:true,
> evalScripts:true, parameters:Form.serialize(this.form)})">
> In my controller in function mailer(), I am using pr($this->data), but
> there is nothing showing.  Looks like the ajax call is not passing the
> serialized form.
> What is wrong with my code?
> Thanks.
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Re: Best Practice for multiple belongsTo associations (Cake 1.1)

2007-12-26 Thread MX

It would be very nice if Cake had polymorphism associations.

On Dec 21, 3:09 pm, "subtropolis zijn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Dec 21, 2007 6:04 AM, Chris Hawes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have four tables: tasks, contacts, documents and companies.
> > Multiple tasks can be assigned to either a contact, document or company.
> > The problems is, I don't want to limit myself to just three tables,
> > and I'd rather not have contact_id, document_id and company_id in my
> > tasks table.
> Create these tables:
> contacts_tasks (contact_id, task_id)
> documents_tasks (document_id, task_id)
> companies_tasks (company_id, task_id)
> If/when you add a new table just add a new lookup table as well.

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User Based RSS

2007-12-26 Thread graphicdefine

Forgive me for my perhaps naive question, but does anyone know how I
can offer RSS feeds on my site for each individual user?  Originally I
was thinking of attempting to create a password-protected feed, but I
have never done that before and couldn't find any documentation of any
other bakers whom have tried.

Since I won't be making them log in to their rss feed, I figured
giving each user a unique url, much like what 37 signals does for
their products, would work best.  My main problem is I can't figure
out how to dedicate a specific folder or perhaps even a subdomain, to
a user.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Cake 1.1

Thanks so much,

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Having problems using scaffolding n acl

2007-12-26 Thread Jonathan

Hi, i'm trying to get a permissions manager using acl all together
with scaffolding.
I've mapped db tables into classes througth console using bake.php.
All is going good (i mean, i can add, edit, view, view associations,
etc.) until i use "var $components = array('Acl')"
The Aro class in the model hasMany AcosAro and hasAndBelongsToMany
Aco. Additionaly, i have users (deeper in the acl tree), then User
belongsTo Aro and Aro hasMany Users. As i said, all goes fine (i can
add users, etc) until i use the line cited up there.

The problems seems to be that to define $components overwrite the Aro
class, so i cant do $this->Aro->Aco->generateList() cause it says:
Undefined property: Aro::$Aco in C:\wamp\www\app\app\controllers
\aros_controller.php on line 24.

Any recommendation to manage acces with scaffolding's help?
I even tried to declare $components in another class and call a method
that instance the aro object and use the create method, but it didn't
Ty for your help.


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Causes of Model::Save() Fail

2007-12-26 Thread ProFire


I have searched through the google group looking for an answer for why
Model::Save() may fail sometimes because I'm experiencing the same

I noticed this pattern that some of them didn't do anything and the
problem solved itself. Just all of a sudden, Model::Save() works. This
was my case also.

Well, I can save my data into the database already, so I won't ask for
that solution.

I feel that Model::Save() is a great feature for us, developers, but
when it fails, it can be a little difficult to debug when we can't
figure out the error.

What I would like to ask is, what causes Model::Save() to fail? And if
it does fail, how do we detect it? When it is detected, what can we do
to solve it? Is there a way to make Model::Save() output some error
code instead of hanging there with a null value or false value?

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Re: Integration of Ext js in cakephp

2007-12-26 Thread ProFire

Hi and welcome to CakePHP!

You should put your javascript files in "app/webroot/js"

After that, you can include all the javascript files in your "views/
layouts/default.thtml". You may have to create this file if it does
not exist. Just do the standard . You may
wish to check out the manual for more information on layouts.

Happy Baking!

On Dec 26, 2:52 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>  I am new to cakephp... how to include ext-js folder.? should i put it in 
> "vendors" if yes then help me regarding settings and if NO then where should 
> i put "ext-js " folder?
> please reply me  on [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Help required for overriding default webroot/img folder to app/tmp/images

2007-12-26 Thread mightyknight

Hi All,

I am uploading images through my controller to app/tmp/images,
uploading is working fine.

But when I try to access the app/tmp/images it does not display the
image in the corresponding view.thtml file.

I am using this code for displaying image


Thanks in advance.

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Re: ajax not working

2007-12-26 Thread dizz

Where is the call to the action?

On Dec 26, 1:12 am, rtgwork <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have this code in my view:
>      onclick="new Ajax.Updater('updateDiv', 'mailer', {asynchronous:true,
> evalScripts:true, parameters:Form.serialize(this.form)})">
> In my controller in function mailer(), I am using pr($this->data), but
> there is nothing showing.  Looks like the ajax call is not passing the
> serialized form.
> What is wrong with my code?
> Thanks.
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Re: Integration of Ext js in cakephp

2007-12-26 Thread dizz

Why not just put it in the /webroot/js/ folder then you can call link('ext-js/ext')?> if you have the javascript helper
included in your controller.

On Dec 26, 1:52 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>  I am new to cakephp... how to include ext-js folder.? should i put it in 
> "vendors" if yes then help me regarding settings and if NO then where should 
> i put "ext-js " folder?
> please reply me  on [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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