Re: Auth-authenticate in beforeFilter causes Auth issues

2009-06-28 Thread Justin Poliey

I figured Cake would give me errors if I did that, so I never tried
it :( It works fine now though, thanks a lot!


On Jun 27, 5:15 pm, Jorge Horacio Cué Cantú
 You can set the salt to an empty strung, too.


 2009/6/27 Justin Poliey

  That's where I got the information I'm using now. The problem is if I
  just change the hash function with Security::setHash, Cake will still
  apply the salt before it hashes the passwords, so the hashes will
  still be incompatible.


  On Jun 27, 7:06 am, John Andersen wrote:
   I understand that you are using MD5 instead of SHA1 in your user

   If that is the final decision, then why don't you just tell CakePHP to
   use MD5 as default and as shown in the example at:

   Maybe that would help you!

   On Jun 27, 10:37 am, Justin Poliey wrote:

Right now I'm using Cake's Auth component to build a simple user
system. Pastes of the files in their entirety are availablehttp://

The problem is that when I call: $this-Auth-authenticate =
ClassRegistry::init('User'), login.ctp always shows Login failed.
Invalid username or password. even when I haven't submitted anything.
If I uncomment that line (line 10, users_controller.php) the message
is suppressed but the login logic doesn't work, because it needs the
hashedPasswords function in the User model to get the proper password
hash. We need to use plain md5 hashes instead of Cake's regular hash
because before converting to Cake all of our users just had plain md5
hashed passwords.

The strangest thing is that this happened before, and was solved by
getting rid of all the relevant code, and then completely rewriting
it. After the rewrite, it worked for a while, and then I must have
done something to break it again. Can anyone see what is wrong? Am I
doing something dumb and just not realizing it?

Thanks for any help.

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Re: Auth problem with '/' and You are not authorized to access that location.

2009-06-28 Thread mike karthauser

On 27 Jun 2009, at 23:11, tpynegar wrote:


 I've got a setup where i've got a login action at /users/login. If you
 go directly to that
 controller, action there is no error message wereas if you goto '/' as
 in the site
 address with no controller or action and then follow the routes i've
 got setup for '/'
 to /users/login you get this message.

 I've tried putting this into the beforeFilter

$this-Auth-allow( '/' );

You need to allow the action that is called when you go to /. Check in  
routes it's probably default set to display action in the pages  

 but doesn't seem to help.


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Re: Open Flash Chart Helper issues

2009-06-28 Thread Kit

hi all,

i got the same problem too.
my cake core is

i have followed the version-3 instructions
and add the following files from
* /app/views/helpers/flash_chart.php
* /app/views/helpers/flash.php
* /app/vendors/flashchart/open-flash-chart.php
* /app/vendors/flashchart/*37 other files at the time of this
* /app/webroot/open-flash-chart.swf
* /app/webroot/js/swfobject.js
* /app/webroot/js/json/json2.js

then i try to display a simple bar chart as stated in
but it just showed a blank white square with any content?

any ideas on this issue? thanks very much for your help.


On 6月12日, 下午11時34分, Brendon Kozlowski wrote:
 OH!  The helper was updated for version 2, I was still using version
 1.  My mistake!  I guess it's time to upgrade!  :D

 On Jun 11, 1:32 am, Wayne wrote:

  These are the codes (controller) (view)

  There was no error message, the graph just doesn't show up. You can
  say that the chart was not rendered at all.


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Re: Big Websites In cakePHP ?

2009-06-28 Thread


hai you get this records from clr, what about browser from where cake
handle the hole application.

can u tell us the total time to load or make a search complete for the
data ?

On Jun 27, 1:51 am, Mariano Iglesias
 You don't need to use C to run a large webapp. I am a huge fan of C++
 and use it myself, but you don't need to. You can build great CakePHP
 apps that scale well:

 A for instance, from a client app:

 mysql select count(*) as number_of_tables from
 information_schema.tables where table_schema = 'cake_app';
 | number_of_tables |
 |              444 |
 1 row in set (12.43 sec)

 So that's a 444 Table app (has 444 models). Some record counts:

 mysql select count(*) from contacts;
 | count(*) |
 |  2626399 |
 1 row in set (0.59 sec)

 mysql select count(*) from campaign_segments_contacts;
 | count(*) |
 |  3640545 |
 1 row in set (0.65 sec)

 mysql select count(*) from activities;
 | count(*) |
 | 11954349 |
 1 row in set (0.89 sec)

 mysql select count(*) from activity_attributes;
 | count(*) |
 | 73085817 |
 1 row in set (12.46 sec)

 See? Rocking a Cake App with over 70 million records in some tables! ;)

 Keith wrote:
  I've not found MVC frameworks to scale well regardless of the one you
  pick.  Knowing how many records you've got isn't all that helpful
  either because it's how you interact with them that affects

 *Coding Ninja* @ CRICAVA Technologies


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Re: Containable grabbing too much data

2009-06-28 Thread Terr

I did a quick search at, but I couldn't find an
existing bug report that describes this problem. Be sure to send in a
ticket there, that way you can be sure the dev team gets to know about

On Jun 28, 3:23 am, Miles J wrote:
 Yeah I guess we have the same problem, and I have spent a good few
 hour trying to fix this with no avail. Lets hope its a bug and an
 official comes and sees this.

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Re: IIS + CakePHP + ISAPI_Rewrite 3

2009-06-28 Thread Richard Stroobach

No answer yet. :-( Is there anyone who has IIS + cakePHP +
ISAPI_Rewrite working?

On Jun 18, 12:36 pm, Richard Stroobach wrote:

 For a couple of days I'm trying to get CakePHP working on a Windows
 IIS machine with ISAPI_Rewrite 3. I've tried all the possible options
 I could find on the net, but can't get it to work.

 When I uncomment the line: Configure::write('App.encoding', 'UTF-8');
 and delete any .htaccess files. Everything seems to work fine, but I
 would like to use rewriting, since all the books and tutorials I have
 assume I use rewriting.

 ISAPI_Rewrite 3 should work fine with Cake, since it should
 support .htaccess files in the same way as Apache would, but that's
 not my experience so far. Even if it looks like everything works, the
 css files would not get loaded.

 Is there anyone of you who has it working and kind enough to help me
 with this?

 I tried (among other 

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How to deploy ACL-permissions on several envirnoments?

2009-06-28 Thread Jeroen

I have a development and a production envirnoment.
To keep the databases up to date for both envirnoments, migrations are
Is there something like that for ACL permissions?

I now use a temporary function to set the permissions and the aco_sync
plugin for keeping the ACO up to date.
In the temporary function I do things like:
- $aro = new aro();
$aro-save(array('foreign_key' = 0, 'model' = 'Membership',
'alias' = 'Guest'));
- $this-Acl-allow('Geust', 'controllers/Posts/add');

That works perfect to setup permissions on the development, but of
course I all need to redo it also on the production envirnoment.
At the moment I add all ACL-permissions to a file and execute this
permissions again in the temporary function on the production
envirnoment. But I don't think that's a good procedure.

Does anyone knows a good procedure for 'deploying' ACL-permissions on
several envirnoments?
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multilingual app

2009-06-28 Thread floorball92


I plan a project with a special i18n implimentation.

Their won' t be a default language, their are records witch every user
can access unattached of his language. But each record can have
informations individual of the language. I give a sample.

Main Table:

id: 1
name: BMW

Translation Table:

foreigne_key: 1
locale: eng
about: BMW is a german car producer

id: 2
foreigne_key: 1
locale: deu
about: BMW ist ein deutscher Autohersteller

A search Result for find() on this Table should return:

- id: 1
- name: BMW
- 1
- - locale: eng
- - about: BMW is a german car producer
- 2
- - locale: deu
- - about: BMW ist ein deutscher Autohersteller

If I have a Main record without Translations, I want the main record
to be retrieved and the Translation array should be empty.

When I'm right, this isn't directly able with Translate behavior...

Does anyone know, how to solve this?

Best regards, Sebastian

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Re: Big Websites In cakePHP ?

2009-06-28 Thread Mariano Iglesias
It should be good enough that I tell you an application that big works 
very well. I would recommend instead of wasting time trying to get 
people to tell you request times, spend some time investigating OPCode 
caching, SQL replication, Cake view caching, and other performance 
improvement tips that are all over the web. We use them, and needless to 
say that's where you should be spending your time. wrote:
 hai you get this records from clr, what about browser from where cake
 handle the hole application.

 can u tell us the total time to load or make a search complete for the
 data ?
*Coding Ninja* @ CRICAVA Technologies

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Re: Why there are so many failed requests in my cake site?

2009-06-28 Thread Martin Westin

You probably don't really have any failed requests

I suggest looking at the top result.

On Jun 27, 5:08 am, joshua wrote:
 Hi Cakes,
 Today I use ab to give a test of my cake site, there are so many failed
 requests in the output log. I have no idea how to fix it? Can you give some
 ideas or suggestions on this? Thanks in advance! The site was deployed on my
 local machine, so I can eliminate bandwidth factor firstly.

 ab -c 10 -t 60

  This is ApacheBench, Version 2.0.40-dev $Revision: 1.146 $ apache-2.0
  Copyright 1996 Adam Twiss, Zeus Technology Ltd,
  Copyright 2006 The Apache Software Foundation, patient)
  Finished 53 requests

  Server Software:        Apache/2.2.6
  Server Hostname:
  Server Port:            80

  Document Path:          /index
  Document Length:        109093 bytes

  Concurrency Level:      10
  Time taken for tests:   61.296875 seconds
  Complete requests:      53
  *Failed requests:        40*
     (Connect: 0, Length: 40, Exceptions: 0)
  Write errors:           0
  Total transferred:      5804514 bytes
  HTML transferred:       5787504 bytes
  Requests per second:    0.86 [#/sec] (mean)
  Time per request:       11565.448 [ms] (mean)
  Time per request:       1156.545 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent
  Transfer rate:          92.47 [Kbytes/sec] received

  Connection Times (ms)
                min  mean[+/-sd] median   max
  Connect:        0    0   2.1      0      15
  Processing:  4296 10221 2666.6  10648   16203
  Waiting:     4265 10152 2674.7  10585   16031
  Total:       4296 10221 2666.2  10648   16203

  Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
    50%  10640
    66%  11750
    75%  12000
    80%  12390
    90%  13343
    95%  14000
    98%  15468
    99%  16203
   100%  16203 (longest request)

  ab -c 3 -t 60
  This is ApacheBench, Version 2.0.40-dev $Revision: 1.146 $ apache-2.0
  Copyright 1996 Adam Twiss, Zeus Technology Ltd,
  Copyright 2006 The Apache Software Foundation, patient)
  Finished 54 requests

  Server Software:        Apache/2.2.6
  Server Hostname:
  Server Port:            80

  Document Path:          /index
  Document Length:        109094 bytes

  Concurrency Level:      3
  Time taken for tests:   60.62500 seconds
  Complete requests:      54
  *Failed requests:        30*
     (Connect: 0, Length: 30, Exceptions: 0)
  Write errors:           0
  Total transferred:      5913925 bytes
  HTML transferred:       5896600 bytes
  Requests per second:    0.90 [#/sec] (mean)
  Time per request:       3336.806 [ms] (mean)
  Time per request:       1112.269 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent
  Transfer rate:          96.15 [Kbytes/sec] received

  Connection Times (ms)
                min  mean[+/-sd] median   max
  Connect:        0    0   2.9      0      15
  Processing:  2344 3235 624.0   3312    4609
  Waiting:     2312 3207 618.8   3296    4578
  Total:       2359 3236 623.2   3312    4609

  Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
    50%   3312
    66%   3640
    75%   3671
    80%   3734
    90%   3984
    95%   4421
    98%   4484
    99%   4609
   100%   4609 (longest request)

  ab -c 3 -n 100
  This is ApacheBench, Version 2.0.40-dev $Revision: 1.146 $ apache-2.0
  Copyright 1996 Adam Twiss, Zeus Technology Ltd,
  Copyright 2006 The Apache Software Foundation, patient).done

  Server Software:        Apache/2.2.6
  Server Hostname:
  Server Port:            80

  Document Path:          /index
  Document Length:        109094 bytes

  Concurrency Level:      3
  Time taken for tests:   108.703125 seconds
  Complete requests:      100
  *Failed requests:        46*
     (Connect: 0, Length: 46, Exceptions: 0)
  Write errors:           0
  Total transferred:      10940894 bytes
  HTML transferred:       10909394 bytes
  Requests per second:    0.92 [#/sec] (mean)
  Time per request:       3261.094 [ms] (mean)
  Time per request:       1087.031 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent
  Transfer rate:          98.29 [Kbytes/sec] received

  Connection Times (ms)
                min  mean[+/-sd] median   max
  Connect:        0    0   2.1      0      15
  Processing:  2250 3240 734.5   3484    4750
  Waiting:     2234 3205 733.7   3421    4734
  Total:       2250 3241 734.7   3484    4750

  Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
    50%   3484
    66%   3765
    75%   3875
    80%   3968
    90%   4109
    95%   4421
    98%   4703
    99%   4750
   100%   4750 (longest request)


Re: Containable grabbing too much data

2009-06-28 Thread Miles J

I was planning to, but I really dont know how to explain it or what
the real problem is. For all I know, the afterFind() really isnt the
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Re: Problem returning array from function

2009-06-28 Thread Sanfly

No, I dont think so.  I have no trouble building the array because
this line:

print_r($reverse); echo brbr;

does print the entire correct array.  Its returning it from the
function when there is more than one value in the array that gives me
a problem.

On Jun 26, 8:23 pm, John Andersen wrote:
 In the else statement, are you sure you don't need to do something
 with the returnedarrayfrom $this-makeBreadcrumb(...)?


 On Jun 26, 1:08 am, Sanfly wrote:

  Hi All

  I have afunctionin a component.  Basically the aim of it is to
  create a breadcrumb menu eg: Gallery  2009 Photos  Winter Games

  My problem is that if there is more than one element/value in the
 arrayit doesnt seem to return anything.  I know that thearrayis
  being generated though because I can print_r it out within the
 function.  It seems to be getting lost somewhere between the component
  and controller

  In My controller:

  $breadCrumbs = $this-GalleryFunctions-makeBreadcrumb(array($id),

  In My Component:

         functionmakeBreadcrumb($array, $id){

                  // find the parent of the cat
                  $parent = $this-GallerysCat-find( = '$id',
                  $parent = $parent['GallerysCat']['parent'];
                  if($parent == 0){
                          $reverse = array_reverse($array);
                          print_r($reverse); echo brbr;
                          return $reverse;

                          $array[] = $parent;
                          $this-makeBreadcrumb($array, $parent);

  Any Ideas?
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Asset Filter for Plugin (DebugKit)

2009-06-28 Thread Fahad


I have successfully created a filter for all my css files under /
webroot/css. for example, I can access them in URLs like this: /ccss/

But, unfortunately, it is not working for plugin's css files. I use
DebugKit, and this is the url for filtered css:

url from browser: /debug_kit/ccss/debug_toolbar.css
actual location: /app/plugins/debug_kit/vendors/css/debug_toolbar.css

it is currently showing - Error:  CcssController could not be found.

Anyone have any idea how I can fix this?

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query inside a static page

2009-06-28 Thread saavedrajj

Hi everyone! I have the next problem:

I wonder if is possible  to put a query result on a static page.

I have created a view (views/modelos/some.ctp) who calls some()
function who is included inside the controller models_controller.php,
that i can see it perfectly in::

since here everthing is fine, but if I want to integrate or include an
static page through the render() function:
?php echo $this-render('/models/some',);?

the following error appears:

Notice (8): Undefined variable: modelos [APP\views\modelos
\algunas.ctp, line 1]
Warning (2): Invalid argument supplied for foreach() [APP\views\modelos
\algunas.ctp, line 1]

any help?

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query inside a static page

2009-06-28 Thread saavedrajj

Hi everyone! I have the next problem:

I wonder if is possible  to put a query result on a static page.

I have created a view (views/modelos/some.ctp) who calls some()
function who is included inside the controller models_controller.php,
that i can see it perfectly in::

since here everthing is fine, but if I want to integrate or include an
static page through the render() function:
?php echo $this-render('/models/some',);?

the following error appears:

Notice (8): Undefined variable: modelos [APP\views\models\some.ctp,
line 1]
Warning (2): Invalid argument supplied for foreach() [APP\views\models
\some.ctp, line 1]

any help?
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Caching data

2009-06-28 Thread tpynegar


I'd like to take some data from another site and periodically refresh
the data. I've looked at the caching mechanism in cakephp and it
seem's it more directed at view caching. Is there some other mechanism
i can use.

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Re: Caching data

2009-06-28 Thread Miles J

You can use Cakes built in Cache utility class.

Heres an example of how I used it for queries:
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Re: Why there are so many failed requests in my cake site?

2009-06-28 Thread joshua
Thank you, Martin!

 It might be a site that serves dynamic context (such as different cookie
 IDs mentioned) where the file size changes between each query.

Easy way to verify:

Code: $ wget url

Repeat that twice, then:

Code: $ diff retrieved filename retrieved filename.1

See if there are differences. If yes, then you can ignore the length-related
failures. If no, it's some other cause and need to investigate further.

On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 1:01 AM, Martin Westin

 You probably don't really have any failed requests

 I suggest looking at the top result.

 On Jun 27, 5:08 am, joshua wrote:
  Hi Cakes,
  Today I use ab to give a test of my cake site, there are so many failed
  requests in the output log. I have no idea how to fix it? Can you give
  ideas or suggestions on this? Thanks in advance! The site was deployed on
  local machine, so I can eliminate bandwidth factor firstly.
  ab -c 10 -t 60
   This is ApacheBench, Version 2.0.40-dev $Revision: 1.146 $ apache-2.0
   Copyright 1996 Adam Twiss, Zeus Technology Ltd,
   Copyright 2006 The Apache Software Foundation, patient)
   Finished 53 requests
   Server Software:Apache/2.2.6
   Server Port:80
   Document Path:  /index
   Document Length:109093 bytes
   Concurrency Level:  10
   Time taken for tests:   61.296875 seconds
   Complete requests:  53
   *Failed requests:40*
  (Connect: 0, Length: 40, Exceptions: 0)
   Write errors:   0
   Total transferred:  5804514 bytes
   HTML transferred:   5787504 bytes
   Requests per second:0.86 [#/sec] (mean)
   Time per request:   11565.448 [ms] (mean)
   Time per request:   1156.545 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent
   Transfer rate:  92.47 [Kbytes/sec] received
   Connection Times (ms)
 min  mean[+/-sd] median   max
   Connect:00   2.1  0  15
   Processing:  4296 10221 2666.6  10648   16203
   Waiting: 4265 10152 2674.7  10585   16031
   Total:   4296 10221 2666.2  10648   16203
   Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
 50%  10640
 66%  11750
 75%  12000
 80%  12390
 90%  13343
 95%  14000
 98%  15468
 99%  16203
100%  16203 (longest request)
   ab -c 3 -t 60
   This is ApacheBench, Version 2.0.40-dev $Revision: 1.146 $ apache-2.0
   Copyright 1996 Adam Twiss, Zeus Technology Ltd,
   Copyright 2006 The Apache Software Foundation, patient)
   Finished 54 requests
   Server Software:Apache/2.2.6
   Server Port:80
   Document Path:  /index
   Document Length:109094 bytes
   Concurrency Level:  3
   Time taken for tests:   60.62500 seconds
   Complete requests:  54
   *Failed requests:30*
  (Connect: 0, Length: 30, Exceptions: 0)
   Write errors:   0
   Total transferred:  5913925 bytes
   HTML transferred:   5896600 bytes
   Requests per second:0.90 [#/sec] (mean)
   Time per request:   3336.806 [ms] (mean)
   Time per request:   1112.269 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent
   Transfer rate:  96.15 [Kbytes/sec] received
   Connection Times (ms)
 min  mean[+/-sd] median   max
   Connect:00   2.9  0  15
   Processing:  2344 3235 624.0   33124609
   Waiting: 2312 3207 618.8   32964578
   Total:   2359 3236 623.2   33124609
   Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
 50%   3312
 66%   3640
 75%   3671
 80%   3734
 90%   3984
 95%   4421
 98%   4484
 99%   4609
100%   4609 (longest request)
   ab -c 3 -n 100
   This is ApacheBench, Version 2.0.40-dev $Revision: 1.146 $ apache-2.0
   Copyright 1996 Adam Twiss, Zeus Technology Ltd,
   Copyright 2006 The Apache Software Foundation, patient).done
   Server Software:Apache/2.2.6
   Server Port:80
   Document Path:  /index
   Document Length:109094 bytes
   Concurrency Level:  3
   Time taken for tests:   108.703125 seconds
   Complete requests:  100
   *Failed requests:46*
  (Connect: 0, Length: 46, Exceptions: 0)
   Write errors:   0
   Total transferred:  10940894 bytes
   HTML transferred:   10909394 

Re: An example of a Facebook Connect Integration to a cakePHP app ?

2009-06-28 Thread Ashu

Hey Rod,

I think you are the same person on FB Discussion forum as well.

Anyhow, I am still having trouble proceeding with it ? Did you have
any luck ?

Apart from the link you posted, you can also refer this link


On Jun 25, 11:41 am, rod wrote:
 I'm also stuck onfacebookconnect.

 I found this article which is very 

 On Jun 23, 3:15 am, Ashu wrote:

  I am looking to usefacebookconnect to my cakePHP based app. Is there
  any tutorial or example for the same.

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Re: Using FCKEditor in a Plugin

2009-06-28 Thread mattalexx

I wish I could figure this one out too.

On May 30, 6:09 am, Dashman wrote:
 Hi guys 

 I wasted my Friday evening and early Saturday morning trying to sort
 this one out, but to no avail.

 I have created a plugin to be used as a CMS, the plugin is called
 admin. I have been able to integrate FCK by placing all the JS (the
 fckeditor folder) in webroot/js ...

 Now, I am wanting to make this plugin fully portable (the overall
 point of a plugin?). So, I have tried putting the files in /app/
 plugins/admin/vendors/js/. I then link to it in my plugin's default
 layout using:

 echo $javascript-link('/admin/js/FCKeditor/fckeditor.js');

 When I view the source code, I can see the files are linking
 correctly, and I can view the file when I use the url that Cake

 Now, the problem is, when I do it this way, I get the error
 'JSController could not be found.

 Has any body got any idea as how to use FCKEditor withing a plugin,
 and keeping it all fully self contained?


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Re: Using FCKEditor in a Plugin

2009-06-28 Thread Miles J

So weird, I was doing the same thing with MarkItUp 2 days ago.

The answer I found out is no, you cant link to vendor js/css files.
Only vendor css/js in the external vendors folder can be linked, not
the app vendor.
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RE: Using FCKEditor in a Plugin

2009-06-28 Thread Paul

My advice is forget it, FCK is going to load a lot of assets to build the
editor window, it will link internally to the base path, and so you'll have
to catch all the images js css its loading and make sure they are running
through your asset filter or whatever you are using to port these out of
your plug-in vendors dir. Then once thats all working it still means cake is
delivering all those assets = a lot of uneeded overhead = slow.

Its technically possible, but its really fiddly, and will most likely still
require application specific configuration that wouldn’t reside in your
plug-in anyway.



-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of mattalexx
Sent: Monday, 29 June 2009 3:00 p.m.
To: CakePHP
Subject: Re: Using FCKEditor in a Plugin

I wish I could figure this one out too.

On May 30, 6:09 am, Dashman wrote:
 Hi guys 

 I wasted my Friday evening and early Saturday morning trying to sort
 this one out, but to no avail.

 I have created a plugin to be used as a CMS, the plugin is called
 admin. I have been able to integrate FCK by placing all the JS (the
 fckeditor folder) in webroot/js ...

 Now, I am wanting to make this plugin fully portable (the overall
 point of a plugin?). So, I have tried putting the files in /app/
 plugins/admin/vendors/js/. I then link to it in my plugin's default
 layout using:

 echo $javascript-link('/admin/js/FCKeditor/fckeditor.js');

 When I view the source code, I can see the files are linking
 correctly, and I can view the file when I use the url that Cake

 Now, the problem is, when I do it this way, I get the error
 'JSController could not be found.

 Has any body got any idea as how to use FCKEditor withing a plugin,
 and keeping it all fully self contained?



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Paypal Integration

2009-06-28 Thread bhushan A

Hi All,
 Can anybody tell me any link which guides me how to implement payment
gateway in cake? Please mail me on

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Issues with validation with hasOne associating - values passed from form

2009-06-28 Thread MrMeikel

(I have been googling furiously for a while now, and cannot see what I
am doing wrong at the moment. Apologies if it is something obvious!
Also I hope I have followed the naming conventions, this could also be
an issue)

I have a belongsTo/hasOne relation set up between page and page_meta
tables. The page_meta table contains a page_id foreign key (and a
primary id key).
When creating a page record, a page_meta record should also be
created, and the data for both records is being passed from a form
(created using the formhelper).

My issue is that the page_meta validation rules don't seem to
functioning correctly. In pagemeta.php I have a classed defined called
PageMeta, in which my array $validate contains:

'limit_per_page' = array(
'notEmpty' = array(
'rule' = 'notEmpty',
'message' = 'Limit per page must not be blank.'

There are more validation rules, which don't seem to be functioning
either, but they have been cut for brevity. PageMeta has a $belongsTo
relation with Page (foreignKey = page_id) and Page has a hasOne
relation with PageMeta. (Not all Page's have PageMeta's entries, I
don't think this is related to my problem though.)

The PagesController does $this-Page-set($this-data); and then
attempts to validate both models. I have tried 3 different methods of
validation here, and in all cases validation is 'correct' on the Page
data, and doesn't function at all for PageMeta data.

By doesn't function, I mean that $this-Page-PageMeta-validates()
returns 1 even when $this-data['PageMeta']['limit_per_page'] is
empty. $this-Page-saveAll($this-data, array('validate' = 'only')
also returns true when it shouldn't.

If I actually attempt to save (with invalid fields in PageMeta), the
Page data is saved and then the PageMeta query displays a MySQL error
at the top of the page limit_per_page must be not null or similar.

I've been playing around with this for a few hours now, and not really
getting anywhere. If both Model's data is correct, the records are
created as expected. Sorry for the extra-long post! Any help would be
greatly appreciated!

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Wrong folder being displayed via $html-link(), though it works, it's undesirable

2009-06-28 Thread Clash

Hello guys!
I've tried the search but whatsoever I'd search wouldn't be about the
problem I'm having.
So, my website address is

Following the blog tutorial we have this piece of code
?php echo $html-link($post['Post']['title'], array('action' =
'view', 'id' = $post['Post']['id']));?
Which at my website translates to
instead of

Though works, so does which is the one I'm looking for

matchburn/ is the root of my cake installation, so
matchburn/app/ is my app folder
matchburn/cake/ is my cake folder
I haven't modified webroot/index.php
Website root is matchburn/app/webroot/, set via .htaccess

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www.)?$ [NC]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/matchburn/app/webroot/
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /matchburn/app/webroot/$1
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www.)?$ [NC]

Thanks in advance guys!
RewriteRule ^(/)?$ matchburn/app/webroot/ [L]

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