Re: Advanced setup

2009-09-22 Thread Martin Westin

Your problem is likely the cause of one of your .htaccess files not
set correctly. You probably need a rewrite base. If I get your setup
correctly (and I am not at all sure I do) you have the Apache document
root set to var/www and everything else if in sub-folders of that.

I can't really figure out what you are trying to achieve by this
setup.If it is just allowing you and a college to use the same cake
core on different development branches of the app on the same server I
think you are doing this too complicated for yourself. For example:
- Why define APP_DIR with a foldername in an index.php that is in the
app dir already? index in webroot will do that correctly for you.
Renaming it doesn't hurt this.
- The same question for ROOT

All you really should need to set is CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH since it
is the only folder you have moved. (you still need working rewrite
rules, though.)

I never install in this way myself so I have not examples of rewrite
settings for you. I hope I could at least point you vaguely in the
right direction.


On Sep 22, 1:20 am, The Roman wrote:
 Hello, this is my first post so please accept my apologies if I break
 any conventions.  Searches of this site and google at large have not
 yeilded any results for me, so here goes.

 I have created a cakePHP site which is to be a sub-system within a
 larger PHP based intranet.  It is hosted on a clients site, to which I
 have full access.  Now, my fellow developer and I use svn source
 control and so I have been going through the process of making the
 cake install svn friendly -- splitting of the cake core (cake_1.2.5)
 to /var/www, having svn ignore the app/tmp directory etc.

 This is how I have split cake: (from app/index.php) --

         if (!defined('ROOT')) {
         if (!defined('APP_DIR')) {
                define('APP_DIR', 'statement_archive');
         if (!defined('CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH')) {
                 define('CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH', DS . 'var' . DS .
 'www' . DS . 'cake_1.2.5');

 Note that this file is one of those excluded from svn, my coworker
 will have the same file but his ROOT will use his initials rather than
 'programmer1' so that we each have our own development area.

 So from the above you can see (or hopefully you cannot see, and that
 is my problem!) that the cake 'app' directory has been renamed to
 'statement_archive' and is a sub directory of 'cake_systems'.  The
 idea is that other modules of the php based system may also be done in
 cake, and that these would also be sub directories of 'cake_systems'
 and all would share /var/www/cake_1.2.5.

 Here is where the problem starts.  By setting the route for '/' I can
 get a correctly displayed (layout and all) screen via the 
 This screen provides other links such as 
 Clicking on that link gives a 404 not found -- The requested URL /
 generate/280060 was not found on this server.

 Of course, while under development, when the standard 'development
 style' cake setup (app directory was called 'app' etc) this all
 worked.  It is almost like cakePHP is getting its hands on the url to
 do its routing, something is beating it to the punch perhaps?  To try
 and get around this I set some routes manually in statement_archive/
 config/routes.php -

         Router::connect('/statements/generate/*', array('controller'
 = 'statements', 'action' = 'generate'));
         Router::connect('/statements/view/*', array('controller' =
 'statements', 'action' = 'view'));
         Router::connect('/statements/edit/*', array('controller' =
 'statements', 'action' = 'edit'));
         Router::connect('/statements/delete/*', array('controller' =
 'statements', 'action' = 'delete'));
         Router::connect('/statements/add/*', array('controller' =
 'statements', 'action' = 'add'));
         Router::connect('/logos', array('controller' = 'logos',
 'action' = 'index'));
         Router::connect('/logos/add/*', array('controller' = 'logos',
 'action' = 'add'));
         Router::connect('/statement_controls', array('controller' =
 'statement_controls', 'action' = 'index'));
         Router::connect('/', array('controller' = 'statements',
 'action' = 'index'));

 Any advice as to how and I can links working again?

 Many Thanks,
 The Roman.
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Re: CakePHP and scalability

2009-09-22 Thread Martin Westin

I hope you have seen this blog? They have had a number of post lately
about indexes and always post about optimization in one way or the
other (funny enough).

If you have added indexes which did not improve much you may be
defining them wrong for the query you make. You may also need to
modify your queries so that they can make use of the indexes. When
adding an index it is good to run an explain on the query before and
after to see that the index is being used.

300'000rows for a join-table doesn't sound like too much for one
server unless you really need to scan most of that table for a lot of
queries... like showing a users friends friends friends... I have that
and more in both normal tables and joining tables, though your app
probably sees more requests than mine (not a public app).

I wanted to get to the point that I used to have huge problems with
performance. 9/10 of them needed php related optimizations like
Containable or doing 3 queries instead of a for loop or a Set::extract
(). Once I needed to cache the returned data from Mysql... when
generating reporting data and identical queries could be issued 200
times during the same request.

On Sep 21, 11:00 pm, byqsri wrote:
 My table is about 30 records with only 5 fields
 It's a jointable of a HABTM relation.
 But I use this table in some INNER JOIN in some queries that are very
 I use memcache.
 In these cases what is the best practise to consider?
 On 21 Set, 20:20, Ma'moon wrote:

  i was successfully able to handle tables with more than 200 records
  yes, above 2 million records! with CakePHP and with a very acceptable
  performance and speed, the first thing that you should be thinking of is
  sharding the database into smaller chunks DBs, second thing is enabling
  memcached to reduce DB access specially reducing the master DB hits,
  thirdly enable APC or whatever bytecode cacher you might be able to use
  this will gain your web server a very good performance boost, and finally
  set the debug level for you cake app to 0 to cache the tables DESC
  Taking all the above into consideration CakePHP can be a very powerful
  framework to handle huge databases!.

  On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 8:50 PM, Miles J wrote:

   Well how big is your table? I have tables with over 200,000+ rows and
   it works just fine.

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Re: Multiple forms in the same view not working

2009-09-22 Thread ramanujan

Hi John, thanks for your answer. I take your second advice and it
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Auth redirects ssl back to plain http

2009-09-22 Thread Martin Westin

I was doing a test to see how my app runs under ssl and found that
Auth redirects me out of ssl. All other links and redirects appear to
work which is why I ask for help. It is surely some detail I have
missed since it can't be a bug in Auth or Router. Does anyone know
what I might be doing wrong?

Examples: - Location: (post form)- (logged

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Re: CakePHP and scalability

2009-09-22 Thread Jon Bennett

very interesting. From reading
it would appear that for join tables, indexes with both keys would be
best, rather than a single key per column.

Good tip for the day that :)



 I hope you have seen this blog? They have had a number of post lately
 about indexes and always post about optimization in one way or the
 other (funny enough).

 If you have added indexes which did not improve much you may be
 defining them wrong for the query you make. You may also need to
 modify your queries so that they can make use of the indexes. When
 adding an index it is good to run an explain on the query before and
 after to see that the index is being used.

 300'000rows for a join-table doesn't sound like too much for one
 server unless you really need to scan most of that table for a lot of
 queries... like showing a users friends friends friends... I have that
 and more in both normal tables and joining tables, though your app
 probably sees more requests than mine (not a public app).

 I wanted to get to the point that I used to have huge problems with
 performance. 9/10 of them needed php related optimizations like
 Containable or doing 3 queries instead of a for loop or a Set::extract
 (). Once I needed to cache the returned data from Mysql... when
 generating reporting data and identical queries could be issued 200
 times during the same request.

 On Sep 21, 11:00 pm, byqsri wrote:
 My table is about 30 records with only 5 fields
 It's a jointable of a HABTM relation.
 But I use this table in some INNER JOIN in some queries that are very
 I use memcache.
 In these cases what is the best practise to consider?
 On 21 Set, 20:20, Ma'moon wrote:

  i was successfully able to handle tables with more than 200 records
  yes, above 2 million records! with CakePHP and with a very acceptable
  performance and speed, the first thing that you should be thinking of is
  sharding the database into smaller chunks DBs, second thing is enabling
  memcached to reduce DB access specially reducing the master DB hits,
  thirdly enable APC or whatever bytecode cacher you might be able to use
  this will gain your web server a very good performance boost, and finally
  set the debug level for you cake app to 0 to cache the tables DESC
  Taking all the above into consideration CakePHP can be a very powerful
  framework to handle huge databases!.

  On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 8:50 PM, Miles J wrote:

   Well how big is your table? I have tables with over 200,000+ rows and
   it works just fine.



jon bennett
iChat (AIM): jbendotnet Skype: jon-bennett

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paginator generates wrong url.

2009-09-22 Thread Mal

Hi all,

the following problem manifests itself in both cake 1.2.4 and 1.2.5.

I have a requirement to pass an ID into the index action of a
controller that uses the cake paginator.
The url would look something like this http://server/path/controller/

I can generate the url easily for most references to the page (as
suggested by the cake manual).
However, I have a problem generating the correct url from the
Here is the code I use in the view ($extra is the ID to embed in the
url, 135 in this case):
$options = array ( 'before' = ' | ', 'after' = ' | ' );
if ( ! empty ( $extra ) ) {
$options += array ( 'url' = $extra );
echo $paginator-first(' '.__('First', true), $options, null, array
echo $paginator-prev(' '.__('previous', true), $options, null, array
echo $paginator-numbers( $options );
echo $paginator-next(__('next', true).' ', $options, null, array
echo $paginator-last(__('last', true).' ', $options, null, array

The 'first', 'numbers' and 'last' methods all generate the correct
url: http://server/path/controller/index/135/page:2;.

However, the 'next' and 'last' methods generate this error: Warning
(2): array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #2 is not an array
[CORE/cake/libs/view/helpers/paginator.php, line 318]
and produce this url: http://server/path/controller/%3C%20previous;

I tried supplying the ID as an array to 'prev' and 'next' only:
$options += array ( 'url' = array ( 'ID' = $extra ) );
but that generates this url: http://server/path/controller/page:2/ID:

Is this a bug?  Has anyone got a workaround?

I have not tried the 'sort' method yet to see if that is affected.

Thanks for any help

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Re: paginator generates wrong url.

2009-09-22 Thread Mal

On further investigation, the following bit of code fixes this issue.
Please put it in the next release.

File cake/libs/view/helpers/paginator.php line 318 change from:
$url = array_merge(array('page' = $paging['page'] + ($which ==
'Prev' ? $step * -1 : $step)), $url);
if ( is_array ( $url ) ) {
$url = array_merge(array('page' = $paging['page'] + ($which ==
'Prev' ? $step * -1 : $step)), $url);
} else {
$url = array ( $url ) + array('page' = $paging['page'] + 
($which ==
'Prev' ? $step * -1 : $step));

On 22 Sep, 12:02, Mal wrote:
 Hi all,

 the following problem manifests itself in both cake 1.2.4 and 1.2.5.

 I have a requirement to pass an ID into the index action of a
 controller that uses the cake paginator.
 The url would look something like this http://server/path/controller/

 I can generate the url easily for most references to the page (as
 suggested by the cake manual).
 However, I have a problem generating the correct url from the
 Here is the code I use in the view ($extra is the ID to embed in the
 url, 135 in this case):
         $options = array ( 'before' = ' | ', 'after' = ' | ' );
         if ( ! empty ( $extra ) ) {
                 $options += array ( 'url' = $extra );
         echo $paginator-first(' '.__('First', true), $options, null, array
         echo $paginator-prev(' '.__('previous', true), $options, null, array
         echo $paginator-numbers( $options );
         echo $paginator-next(__('next', true).' ', $options, null, array
         echo $paginator-last(__('last', true).' ', $options, null, array

 The 'first', 'numbers' and 'last' methods all generate the correct
 url: http://server/path/controller/index/135/page:2;.

 However, the 'next' and 'last' methods generate this error: Warning
 (2): array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #2 is not an array
 [CORE/cake/libs/view/helpers/paginator.php, line 318]
 and produce this url: http://server/path/controller/%3C%20previous;

 I tried supplying the ID as an array to 'prev' and 'next' only:
                 $options += array ( 'url' = array ( 'ID' = $extra ) );
 but that generates this url: http://server/path/controller/page:2/ID:

 Is this a bug?  Has anyone got a workaround?

 I have not tried the 'sort' method yet to see if that is affected.

 Thanks for any help

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Re: Missing Controller

2009-09-22 Thread Bert Van den Brande
The directory is app/controllers , not app/controller :)

On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 1:58 PM, Selva manickaraja mavle...@gmail.comwrote:


 I just got CakePhp up and running. To learn the functionality I created
 sample php code. I followed the instruction in the book that I bought few
 days back called Beginning CakePHP published by APress. Following are the
 steps that I had taken.

 1. Created a table in PostgreSQL called *items*.
 2. Wrote a script called item.php and placed it in app\models directory to
 define a class called Items.
 3. Wrote a script called items_controller and placed it in app\controller
 direcrtory to define a class called ItemController.

 Finally I tryped the URL http://localhost/ims/items in the browser. I get
 an error message Missing Controller. I tried following all the naming

 I'm attaching the individual files for your reference. Please check and
 comment as to what had gone wrong.

 Thank you.

 Warmest Regards,



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Re: Missing Controller

2009-09-22 Thread Ma'moon
The class name should be ItemsController controller NOT ItemController

On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 7:58 AM, Selva manickaraja mavle...@gmail.comwrote:


 I just got CakePhp up and running. To learn the functionality I created
 sample php code. I followed the instruction in the book that I bought few
 days back called Beginning CakePHP published by APress. Following are the
 steps that I had taken.

 1. Created a table in PostgreSQL called *items*.
 2. Wrote a script called item.php and placed it in app\models directory to
 define a class called Items.
 3. Wrote a script called items_controller and placed it in app\controller
 direcrtory to define a class called ItemController.

 Finally I tryped the URL http://localhost/ims/items in the browser. I get
 an error message Missing Controller. I tried following all the naming

 I'm attaching the individual files for your reference. Please check and
 comment as to what had gone wrong.

 Thank you.

 Warmest Regards,




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Problem with Ajax.autocomplete and Internet Explorer

2009-09-22 Thread Bs


I'm using the Ajax Helper for some fields in my app and it works
flawlessly from the backend side. The only problem is Internet
Explorer where the popup DIV is displayed totally dispositioned,
several pixels to the right and lower than it's displayed in Firefox,
Opera and any other browser.

I'm using the standard code from the CakeBook in my css file to style
this DIV. Has anybody had the same problem and solved it somehow? I
couldn't find a proper solution apart from setting compatibility
mode in IE8, but that's no real solution for my visitors.

Thanks in advance for any help
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Configure Cake under Nginx with ssl

2009-09-22 Thread Martin Westin

If you are running your CakePHP app under Nginx, this might interest

Cake relies on the php environment variable HTTPS (as in $_SERVER
['HTTPS']) for SSL to be considered by RequestHandler and

This is a problem for anyone running nginx. HTTPS is not mentioned as
a parameter in any php/fastcgi example I have found. Even worse, the
ssl module in nginx does not add any variable at all that can be used
to set this dynamically.

To let php know of the port used you would do fastcgi_param
SERVER_PORT $server_port using the provided variable $server_port to
set the desires environment variable. No $ssl variable exists and
setting true or false based on the port is a bad idea. (I don't know
why, that is just what I have read. Performance presumably.)

If, like me, you make use of includes a lot there is another stumbling
block. Simply adding in the paramater in the server block is not good
enough you have to add it on the same structural level as
fastcgi_pass and those things. So if you have a vhost file contaning
just the barest of info and then you include a which
deals with all the php setups you need do some more work. I went with
the cheesy quickfix of copying the cake include and calling it I won't change a lot in those two files so I guess
I can remember to make any alterations in both. I hope. (did that make
sense without a flowchart?)

In short, you need this line among your fcgi params, but only for
https requests! just adding it to the list of params will make php
think it is always running under ssl.

fastcgi_param HTTPS on;


On Sep 22, 10:38 am, Martin Westin wrote:
 I was doing a test to see how my app runs under ssl and found that
 Auth redirects me out of ssl. All other links and redirects appear to
 work which is why I ask for help. It is surely some detail I have
 missed since it can't be a bug in Auth or Router. Does anyone know
 what I might be doing wrong?

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Localization, using multiple pot files

2009-09-22 Thread Crazy

Is it possible to use multiple po files?

I have not started with localization yet, so I was wondering if it was

What we need is a general translation file, then one that contains all
the errors and another one that contains all the help text.

So my question is can I switch files somehow?

The reason for this is that someone else will write the help texts,
and we can then let him do that without having to use 1 big file with
ALL our localized text.

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Re: Localization, using multiple pot files

2009-09-22 Thread Miles J

Of course you can!

__('textString'); // Uses default.po
__d('errors', 'textString'); // Uses errors.po
__d('help', 'textString'); // Uses help.po

On Sep 22, 8:00 am, Crazy wrote:
 Is it possible to use multiple po files?

 I have not started with localization yet, so I was wondering if it was

 What we need is a general translation file, then one that contains all
 the errors and another one that contains all the help text.

 So my question is can I switch files somehow?

 The reason for this is that someone else will write the help texts,
 and we can then let him do that without having to use 1 big file with
 ALL our localized text.

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Re: get all models in app

2009-09-22 Thread Miles J


On Sep 21, 5:41 pm, brian wrote:
 I'd like to get--from a shell--the names of all models that are in
 app/models dir (NOT Cake's models). I realise that I could scan the
 dir and use Inflector and App:import(), but is there already some way
 to do this? Nothing in the API jumps out at me.

 The reason I'd like to do this is to check which models implement a
 particular Behavior. I know I could keep a list of model names as a
 class var in the Behavior and import() it into the shell, but then I'd
 need to update the array each time I add the Behavior to a model's
 $actsAs array. While that would work, it's not very elegant and prone
 to error.
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Re: how can I pass variable from app_controller to a component?

2009-09-22 Thread Miles J

Why don't you just set the component?

$this-Menu-data = $this-data;

Or within the component, grab the data from the controller.

function setup($Controller) {
$this-data = $Controller-data;
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Re: Missing Controller

2009-09-22 Thread AD7six

On 22 sep, 17:57, Selva manickaraja wrote:
 Hi Guys,

 Sorry, made a typo in the email. I did put the file in the correct directory
 app/controllers and the class name is ItemsController. I'm attaching
 screenshots of path to both class file and the class defined in each file. I
 made everything to be the same as found in the book. But it doesn't work.

most likely you typed the url wrong.


PS the screenshots are not required.
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Re: Multiple forms in the same view not working

2009-09-22 Thread ramanujan

Hi John, thanks for your answer. I've taken your second advice and it

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Re: Missing Controller

2009-09-22 Thread John Andersen

Correct also your model class to Item, not Items! Singular in models,
plural in controllers.
 2. Wrote a script called item.php and placed it in app\models directory to
 define a class called Items.

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Using AuthComponent Within a View or Layout

2009-09-22 Thread walkerfx

Ok, I tore my hair out over this for a while and then figured out an
easy solution. I just wanted to share it for others who run into the
same problem. And maybe somebody has an even better solution that I

Problem: Control accessibility to certain parts of a view or layout
using authorization. For example, if there is a 'delete' button, I
only want someone who actually has access to delete to even see the

Wrong Way: My first attempt, after looking all through the
documentation without enlightenment, was to try to load the
AuthComponent into my layout. This just doesn't work well because the
AuthComponent wants a controller, and I didn't want to have to create
a controller also and risk other missing parts.

Solution: So instead, I just decided to pass my controller to the view
using this call from with beforeFilter. I added this into my
AppController so all my controllers would behave the same.
$this-set('controller', $this);

Now in my views and layouts I have $controller and can use the
following authentication call:

To make this solution complete for those who need it, here's the
isAuthorized method from my AppController.
function isAuthorized($action=null) {
if(!$action) $action = $this-action;
return $this-Acl-check($this-Auth-user(), $action);

I'm curious to hear others' feedback on this approach.

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i18n table with 180 000+ entrys

2009-09-22 Thread chrispie

hei list!

I was wondering if the i18n table is still state of the art for about
30 000 entrys (cities) in a model (=180 000 entrys in i18n).

Or is there a better solution like using a table prefix for different
languages (de_cities, en_cities,)?



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Simple Acl controlled application

2009-09-22 Thread Chippo


I was wondering if any of you could help me, I have been trying to
follow the tutorial in the book...

But I've run into some problems and its pecking my head lol. Is there
any chance one of you has a working copy of the source I can download
to see where Im going wrong?

Any response is greatly appreciated.


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Re: get all models in app

2009-09-22 Thread brian

On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 12:33 PM, Miles J wrote:


Nope. I think that's from an old version. You did jog my memory,
though. It's Configure::listObjects('model'). Thanks.

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Re: Using AuthComponent Within a View or Layout

2009-09-22 Thread brian

Use this in your view:

if ($session-read('Auth.User.whatever'))

Use debug($session-read('Auth')) to see what it looks like.

On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 12:19 PM, walkerfx wrote:

 Ok, I tore my hair out over this for a while and then figured out an
 easy solution. I just wanted to share it for others who run into the
 same problem. And maybe somebody has an even better solution that I

 Problem: Control accessibility to certain parts of a view or layout
 using authorization. For example, if there is a 'delete' button, I
 only want someone who actually has access to delete to even see the

 Wrong Way: My first attempt, after looking all through the
 documentation without enlightenment, was to try to load the
 AuthComponent into my layout. This just doesn't work well because the
 AuthComponent wants a controller, and I didn't want to have to create
 a controller also and risk other missing parts.

 Solution: So instead, I just decided to pass my controller to the view
 using this call from with beforeFilter. I added this into my
 AppController so all my controllers would behave the same.
        $this-set('controller', $this);

 Now in my views and layouts I have $controller and can use the
 following authentication call:

 To make this solution complete for those who need it, here's the
 isAuthorized method from my AppController.
        function isAuthorized($action=null) {
                if(!$action) $action = $this-action;
                return $this-Acl-check($this-Auth-user(), $action);

 I'm curious to hear others' feedback on this approach.


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Re: One to Many

2009-09-22 Thread kicaj

Hmm... Maybe nobody can't understand me, but i show You:

My table 'tags' fields: id, name, foreign_key, model, created,
modified (table simlar to 'i18n'), and i want adding tags with some
content (add event, add post, add article, etc.) - this is simple, but
I want automatically fill in the fields: 'foreign_key' and 'model'. My
question is: How do I do?

Each idea will be helpful!

Thanks a lot! Bye

On Sep 21, 2:57 pm, kicaj wrote:
 Hi, I looking-for solutions like 
 But I would like automatic set field 'class' and 'foreign_id' (or in

 My vision is: One model Comments for many other Models (Post, Event,
 Article, etc.)
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Where to put function needed in multiple models?

2009-09-22 Thread kdubya

I'm trying to follow the structure of CakePHP but I don't know where
to put a utility function that I would like to call to filter certain
fields in more than one Model.

The utility function filters most HTML tags, but allows some safe ones
like b etc. and replaces newlines with br.

I want to call this utility function in the beforeSave() in more than
one Model. So where is the proper place to put it? It's not a behavior
(I don't think).

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Re: Where to put function needed in multiple models?

2009-09-22 Thread brian

If calling from beforeSave(), the best place might be AppModel. If you
don't already have one of those, copy the file at
cake/libs/models/app_model.php to your app directory (not app/models)
and modify that. You would then call the function from within your own
model as $this-yourFunction(...).

Other places to put this function would be bootstrap.php or
AppController. If in the former, call it as yourFunction(). If the
latter, call it from within a controller as $this-yourFunction(...).

On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 4:45 PM, kdubya wrote:

 I'm trying to follow the structure of CakePHP but I don't know where
 to put a utility function that I would like to call to filter certain
 fields in more than one Model.

 The utility function filters most HTML tags, but allows some safe ones
 like b etc. and replaces newlines with br.

 I want to call this utility function in the beforeSave() in more than
 one Model. So where is the proper place to put it? It's not a behavior
 (I don't think).


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Re: Where to put function needed in multiple models?

2009-09-22 Thread kdubya

Thank you, Brian. Sounds like an excellent suggestion! (Why didn't I
think of that?)

On Sep 22, 4:54 pm, brian wrote:
 If calling from beforeSave(), the best place might be AppModel. If you
 don't already have one of those, copy the file at
 cake/libs/models/app_model.php to your app directory (not app/models)
 and modify that. You would then call the function from within your own
 model as $this-yourFunction(...).

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Re: One to Many

2009-09-22 Thread brian

Use TagBehavior. It does exactly that.

On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 4:28 PM, kicaj wrote:

 Hmm... Maybe nobody can't understand me, but i show You:

 My table 'tags' fields: id, name, foreign_key, model, created,
 modified (table simlar to 'i18n'), and i want adding tags with some
 content (add event, add post, add article, etc.) - this is simple, but
 I want automatically fill in the fields: 'foreign_key' and 'model'. My
 question is: How do I do?

 Each idea will be helpful!

 Thanks a lot! Bye

 On Sep 21, 2:57 pm, kicaj wrote:
 Hi, I looking-for solutions like 
 But I would like automatic set field 'class' and 'foreign_id' (or in

 My vision is: One model Comments for many other Models (Post, Event,
 Article, etc.)

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Simple SQL Query that i just cant get right

2009-09-22 Thread Steppio

Hi everybody, this ones been doing my head in for some time now, hope
you can help me out, im sure its very simple but i just cant get it
working. Firstly the table structure is like this:

id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment primary key,
user_id int(11) unsigned not null,
pilid int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,
pcode varchar(255),
quantity text not null,
created DATETIME,
modified DATETIME

And this is inside my pils_controller.php:

function newpil() {
$user_id = $this-Session-read('');
$pilid = $this-Pil-find(
'conditions' = array('Pil.user_id' = $user_id),
'fields' = array('Pil.pilid'),
'order' = array('Pil.pilid DESC'),

$pilid2 = ($pilid['Pil']['pilid'] + 1);


What i want is for the above function to pick out the last pil
(product inquiry list) that the user set-up and to add a 1 to that.

Any ideas where im going wrong? Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you
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Re: Simple SQL Query that i just cant get right

2009-09-22 Thread brian

The first param for find() should be one of 'first', 'all', 'list', etc.

But, if all you want is a single value, use field():

function newpil() {
$pilid = $this-Pil-field(
'Pil.user_id' = $this-Session-read('')
) + 1;


That being said, I wonder if you're heading into other problems here.
Do you know that your table will have duplicates for pilid? Because
they will only ever be unique for a particular user_id.

In fact, I don't know why you're not just using the primary key for
this. It's an auto_increment field and is designed for just this
purpose--increment the value for new records while also ensuring that
it's unique across all records.

On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 5:50 PM, Steppio wrote:

 Hi everybody, this ones been doing my head in for some time now, hope
 you can help me out, im sure its very simple but i just cant get it
 working. Firstly the table structure is like this:

        id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment primary key,
        user_id int(11) unsigned not null,
        pilid int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,
        pcode varchar(255),
        quantity text not null,
        created DATETIME,
        modified DATETIME

 And this is inside my pils_controller.php:

 function newpil() {
                $user_id = $this-Session-read('');
                $pilid = $this-Pil-find(
                'conditions' = array('Pil.user_id' = $user_id),
                'fields' = array('Pil.pilid'),
                'order' = array('Pil.pilid DESC'),

                $pilid2 = ($pilid['Pil']['pilid'] + 1);


 What i want is for the above function to pick out the last pil
 (product inquiry list) that the user set-up and to add a 1 to that.

 Any ideas where im going wrong? Any help will be greatly appreciated.

 Thank you

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Re: get all models in app

2009-09-22 Thread Miles J

Well no its actually not, Configure::listObjects('model') calls
App::objects('model') internally though.

But I forget which one will be deprecated :P

On Sep 22, 12:45 pm, brian wrote:
 On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 12:33 PM, Miles J wrote:


 Nope. I think that's from an old version. You did jog my memory,
 though. It's Configure::listObjects('model'). Thanks.
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Re: Where to put function needed in multiple models?

2009-09-22 Thread Jon Bennett

Hi kdubya,

 I'm trying to follow the structure of CakePHP but I don't know where
 to put a utility function that I would like to call to filter certain
 fields in more than one Model.

 The utility function filters most HTML tags, but allows some safe ones
 like b etc. and replaces newlines with br.

 I want to call this utility function in the beforeSave() in more than
 one Model. So where is the proper place to put it? It's not a behavior
 (I don't think).

Sounds like a perfect candidate for a behaviour to me. It's not
applicable to all models, you wouldn't want your User or Group model
to be checked, and perhaps you have different field names in different
models that need checking, these would go in the config array.

here;s an idea:

var $actsAs = array(

class CleanupBehavior extends ModelBehavior

 * Contain settings indexed by model name.
 * @var array
 * @access private
var $__settings = array();

* setups the behaviour
* @param object $model the model that the behaviour is called from
* @param array $settings the settings array defined in the model
function setup($Model, $settings = array())
if (!isset($this-__settings[$Model-alias]))
if (!empty($settings))
foreach($settings as $field=$options)

$this-__settings[$Model-alias][$field] = am($this-__default, $options);

* beforeSave callback
function beforeSave($Model)
foreach($this-__settings[$Model-alias] as $field = $options)
// clean data - obviously does nothing at the 
$Model-data[$Model-name][$field] = 


return parent::beforeSave($Model);




jon bennett
iChat (AIM): jbendotnet Skype: jon-bennett

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Re: Simple SQL Query that i just cant get right

2009-09-22 Thread Steppio

Thanks for the response. Basically its a bit like a shopping cart. I
need a primary key just to keep each entry into the Product Inquiry
List seperate, for example some of the lines i have in the database at
the moment are:

ID |   User ID   |Pilid|pcode|   quantity   | ...
13 58   1 CM221
14 58   1 CD013
15 58   1 CM003  6
16 58   1 CM1/3   1
17 58   1 CM451  3
When i want to add a new pil i click on the function newpil(), which
at the moment does this
18 58   2  -- --
This is what i want, but when i use the function newpil() again i want
the latest pilid for that user to increment again, i.e.
19 58   3  -- --

What you have sent me worked if the Pilid was 1, it added a 1 to the
'pilid' in the find query, but once it gets
to 2 it seems to stop, just keeps being pilid = 2.

I know this is a wierd way to do it but it seemed to work in my
head :/

Again thanks for the response.

On 22 Sep, 23:06, brian wrote:
 The first param for find() should be one of 'first', 'all', 'list', etc.

 But, if all you want is a single value, use field():

 function newpil() {
         $pilid = $this-Pil-field(
                         'Pil.user_id' = $this-Session-read('')
         ) + 1;



 That being said, I wonder if you're heading into other problems here.
 Do you know that your table will have duplicates for pilid? Because
 they will only ever be unique for a particular user_id.

 In fact, I don't know why you're not just using the primary key for
 this. It's an auto_increment field and is designed for just this
 purpose--increment the value for new records while also ensuring that
 it's unique across all records.

 On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 5:50 PM, Steppio wrote:

  Hi everybody, this ones been doing my head in for some time now, hope
  you can help me out, im sure its very simple but i just cant get it
  working. Firstly the table structure is like this:

         id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment primary key,
         user_id int(11) unsigned not null,
         pilid int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,
         pcode varchar(255),
         quantity text not null,
         created DATETIME,
         modified DATETIME

  And this is inside my pils_controller.php:

  function newpil() {
                 $user_id = $this-Session-read('');
                 $pilid = $this-Pil-find(
                 'conditions' = array('Pil.user_id' = $user_id),
                 'fields' = array('Pil.pilid'),
                 'order' = array('Pil.pilid DESC'),

                 $pilid2 = ($pilid['Pil']['pilid'] + 1);


  What i want is for the above function to pick out the last pil
  (product inquiry list) that the user set-up and to add a 1 to that.

  Any ideas where im going wrong? Any help will be greatly appreciated.

  Thank you
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Optimizing pagination COUNT(*) query

2009-09-22 Thread DanielMedia

I've been working on trying to optimize my code for a client before we
decide to throw more hardware at the problem. One thing that I have
noticed is the way that COUNT(*) queries are generated for pagination
where the controller FIND method includes a JOIN table. For example
here's one of the queries generated via the CakePHP pagination:

SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM `trades` AS `Trade` left JOIN ratings
AS `Rating` ON (`Trade`.`cusip` = `Rating`.`cusip`) WHERE
`Trade`.`trade_date` = '2009-09-11' AND `Trade`.`state_id` = 5;

In this case, it seems like LEFT joins should not be included in the
COUNT query because it has no effect on the records returned. After
some testing, there is a performance hit:

mysql SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM `trades` AS `Trade` left JOIN
ratings AS `Rating` ON (`Trade`.`cusip` = `Rating`.`cusip`) WHERE
`Trade`.`trade_date` = '2009-09-11' AND `Trade`.`state_id` = 5;
| count |
|  4771 |
1 row in set (0.10 sec)

And now WITHOUT the JOIN:

mysql SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM `trades` AS `Trade` WHERE
`Trade`.`trade_date` = '2009-09-11' AND `Trade`.`state_id` = 5;
| count |
|  4771 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Ideally LEFT joins should not be included in the COUNT(*) query for
pagination. I could be wrong here but just looking to get some
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Re: Optimizing pagination COUNT(*) query

2009-09-22 Thread Dave kurak
You can unbind the referenced table before you run your query and it will
not be included...

// This fetches Leaders, and their associated Followers

// Let's remove the hasMany...
array('hasMany' = array('Follower'))

// Now using a find function will return
// Leaders, with no Followers

On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 5:45 PM, DanielMedia danielmedi...@gmail.comwrote:

 I've been working on trying to optimize my code for a client before we
 decide to throw more hardware at the problem. One thing that I have
 noticed is the way that COUNT(*) queries are generated for pagination
 where the controller FIND method includes a JOIN table. For example
 here's one of the queries generated via the CakePHP pagination:

 SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM `trades` AS `Trade` left JOIN ratings
 AS `Rating` ON (`Trade`.`cusip` = `Rating`.`cusip`) WHERE
 `Trade`.`trade_date` = '2009-09-11' AND `Trade`.`state_id` = 5;

 In this case, it seems like LEFT joins should not be included in the
 COUNT query because it has no effect on the records returned. After
 some testing, there is a performance hit:

 mysql SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM `trades` AS `Trade` left JOIN
 ratings AS `Rating` ON (`Trade`.`cusip` = `Rating`.`cusip`) WHERE
 `Trade`.`trade_date` = '2009-09-11' AND `Trade`.`state_id` = 5;
 | count |
 |  4771 |
 1 row in set (0.10 sec)

 And now WITHOUT the JOIN:

 mysql SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM `trades` AS `Trade` WHERE
 `Trade`.`trade_date` = '2009-09-11' AND `Trade`.`state_id` = 5;
 | count |
 |  4771 |
 1 row in set (0.00 sec)

 Ideally LEFT joins should not be included in the COUNT(*) query for
 pagination. I could be wrong here but just looking to get some

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Re: Optimizing pagination COUNT(*) query

2009-09-22 Thread DanielMedia

Thanks for the reply Dave. I should have been more clear. I still need
the JOIN to happen on the data returned but the JOIN should not happen
on the paginator's COUNT(*) query. Seems to be adding overhead that is
not necessary since the left join will not affect the count returned
by that query.
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Re: Optimizing pagination COUNT(*) query

2009-09-22 Thread Miles J

Not sure how you would edit the query for that, but you can create
your own paginationCount() method and rewrite the conditions and call
the parent.
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Re: Optimizing pagination COUNT(*) query

2009-09-22 Thread DanielMedia

Thanks Miles. I was avoiding having to do that but I guess that's the
only approach right now.

I'm actually in the middle of testing if this is a Cake issue or
something weird in my custom App Model. I will report back if the same
issue occurs in a default Cake install. If that's the case, maybe the
Cake devs can consider making that change in the core for performance
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Re: Simple SQL Query that i just cant get right

2009-09-22 Thread Martin Radosta

On 09/22/2009 07:30 PM, Steppio wrote:
 Thanks for the response. Basically its a bit like a shopping cart. I
 need a primary key just to keep each entry into the Product Inquiry
 List seperate, for example some of the lines i have in the database at
 the moment are:

 ID |   User ID   |Pilid|pcode|   quantity   | ...
 13 58   1 CM221
 14 58   1 CD013
 15 58   1 CM003  6
 16 58   1 CM1/3   1
 17 58   1 CM451  3
 When i want to add a new pil i click on the function newpil(), which
 at the moment does this
 18 58   2  -- --
 This is what i want, but when i use the function newpil() again i want
 the latest pilid for that user to increment again, i.e.
 19 58   3  -- --

 What you have sent me worked if the Pilid was 1, it added a 1 to the
 'pilid' in the find query, but once it gets
 to 2 it seems to stop, just keeps being pilid = 2.

 I know this is a wierd way to do it but it seemed to work in my
 head :/

 Again thanks for the response.

 On 22 Sep, 23:06,  wrote:

 The first param for find() should be one of 'first', 'all', 'list', etc.

 But, if all you want is a single value, use field():

 function newpil() {
  $pilid = $this-Pil-field(
  'Pil.user_id' =  $this-Session-read('')
  ) + 1;



 That being said, I wonder if you're heading into other problems here.
 Do you know that your table will have duplicates for pilid? Because
 they will only ever be unique for a particular user_id.

 In fact, I don't know why you're not just using the primary key for
 this. It's an auto_increment field and is designed for just this
 purpose--increment the value for new records while also ensuring that
 it's unique across all records.

 On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 5:50 PM,  wrote:

 Hi everybody, this ones been doing my head in for some time now, hope
 you can help me out, im sure its very simple but i just cant get it
 working. Firstly the table structure is like this:

 id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment primary key,
 user_id int(11) unsigned not null,
 pilid int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,
 pcode varchar(255),
 quantity text not null,
 created DATETIME,
 modified DATETIME

 And this is inside my pils_controller.php:

 function newpil() {
 $user_id = $this-Session-read('');
 $pilid = $this-Pil-find(
 'conditions' =  array('Pil.user_id' =  $user_id),
 'fields' =  array('Pil.pilid'),
 'order' =  array('Pil.pilid DESC'),

 $pilid2 = ($pilid['Pil']['pilid'] + 1);


 What i want is for the above function to pick out the last pil
 (product inquiry list) that the user set-up and to add a 1 to that.

 Any ideas where im going wrong? Any help will be greatly appreciated.

 Thank you


As Brian said, just add 'first' to your code and that should do the job:

$this-Pil-find('first', array(

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Element question

2009-09-22 Thread Dave Maharaj ::

I am trying to use an element inside a foreach loop. 
I have the same code in 3 places and figured it would be easier to put the
duplicated code into an element and just render the 1 where needed.

I put the element inside the foreach because the $award is is different how
it is obtained, its not always foreach ($user['Award'] as $award) that's why
I left it outside the element. 

foreach ($user['Award'] as $award):?
?php echo $this-element('users/block_awards'); ?
?php endforeach; ?


foreach ($campaign['User']['Award'] as $award):?
?php echo $this-element('users/block_awards'); ?
?php endforeach; ?
But the $award inside the element comes back 
Undefined variable: award

Am I missing something here? Cant be done this way?


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Re: Element question

2009-09-22 Thread brian

That's because the element relies on $viewVars. $award is outside the
element's scope because you created it in your view. At least, I
believe that's the case. Do this instead:

echo $this-element('users/block_awards', array('award' = $award));

That should pass your var to the element.

On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 8:51 PM, Dave Maharaj :: wrote:

 I am trying to use an element inside a foreach loop.
 I have the same code in 3 places and figured it would be easier to put the
 duplicated code into an element and just render the 1 where needed.

 I put the element inside the foreach because the $award is is different how
 it is obtained, its not always foreach ($user['Award'] as $award) that's why
 I left it outside the element.


 foreach ($user['Award'] as $award):?

 ?php echo $this-element('users/block_awards'); ?

 ?php endforeach; ?


 foreach ($campaign['User']['Award'] as $award):?

 ?php echo $this-element('users/block_awards'); ?

 ?php endforeach; ?

 But the $award inside the element comes back
 Undefined variable: award

 Am I missing something here? Cant be done this way?



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RE: Element question

2009-09-22 Thread Dave Maharaj ::

Right on thanks.

Found it too after doing a little digging in the cookbook. 

Thanks again,


-Original Message-
From: brian [] 
Sent: September-22-09 10:44 PM
Subject: Re: Element question

That's because the element relies on $viewVars. $award is outside the
element's scope because you created it in your view. At least, I believe
that's the case. Do this instead:

echo $this-element('users/block_awards', array('award' = $award));

That should pass your var to the element.

On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 8:51 PM, Dave Maharaj :: wrote:

 I am trying to use an element inside a foreach loop.
 I have the same code in 3 places and figured it would be easier to put 
 the duplicated code into an element and just render the 1 where needed.

 I put the element inside the foreach because the $award is is 
 different how it is obtained, its not always foreach ($user['Award'] 
 as $award) that's why I left it outside the element.


 foreach ($user['Award'] as $award):?

 ?php echo $this-element('users/block_awards'); ?

 ?php endforeach; ?


 foreach ($campaign['User']['Award'] as $award):?

 ?php echo $this-element('users/block_awards'); ?

 ?php endforeach; ?

 But the $award inside the element comes back Undefined variable: award

 Am I missing something here? Cant be done this way?



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Re: Missing Controller

2009-09-22 Thread Selva manickaraja
Yes, I had corrected that all the first time I sent the email. According to
the book tutorial, I should be getting the view. But I am still stuck with
the error message Missing Controller. Could it be environment setup? Please

Thank you.

On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 1:17 AM, John Andersen j.andersen...@gmail.comwrote:

 Correct also your model class to Item, not Items! Singular in models,
 plural in controllers.
  2. Wrote a script called item.php and placed it in app\models directory
  define a class called Items.


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Re: Advanced setup

2009-09-22 Thread The Roman

Thanks for the response.  As you say, the setup was overly
complicated, and going back to square one certainly helped.  I had
followed advice (as I read it, anyway) from the an article on the
bakery and moved webroot/index down a level into app, which just
confused the situation even if it was not a problem.  Also I had
rename the cake_1.2.5 directory which does seem to upset the apple-
cart.  I wanted to do that so that I had nicer looking urls, but I can
live with what I have.  I have no problems renaming the app dir
itself, which is enough for me.

As you say, I simply wound up specifing CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH to
point to cake and vendors directories which had been removed to
somewhere outside the subversion tree.

Many Thanks,
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Model update problems

2009-09-22 Thread Matias_castro

Hi everyone!

I had a running simple application in wich you were able to see images
in an image gallery. The problem started when I tried to add a Thumb
image. I changed the model in my database by adding a new column
'thumb_url' so I could save the thumb address of an image. The thing
is that I can't get to save nor read anything in/from that new column
(I'm doing exactly the same than before but with one extra line: $this-
data['new']['thumb_url'] = $thumb_url;).
Is there any other thing that I should do to force cake to recognize
that new column??

I would really appreciate some help here!!

Thanks a lot!
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Paginate - order clause is ambiguous!

2009-09-22 Thread mig_akira

Hello everyone!

I'm having a problem here. 

I have a table Pages, which belongsTo Categories. I'm using an ordenable
behaviour, and so both pages and categories have a field called index.
Problem is, in my pages_controller, i wrote this:

var $paginate = array ('order' = 'index');

And as a result, I receive an error saying 

SQL Error: 1052: Column 'index' in order clause is ambiguous

It must be because both categories and pages have the same field. I cant
change this how can I specify that I want to use the index from
the Pages table?

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Re: how can I pass variable from app_controller to a component?

2009-09-22 Thread mig_akira

Well, problem solved...don't know if I did it the right way, though...

Since the variable I was trying to use in my component was an array of data
from a table, I had to import the model in the component using: 

$Category = ClassRegistry::init('Category');

So I set the array after that, in the component as well, like this:

   $categories = $Category-find('all',array(
'order'= array('Category.index'='ASC')


mig_akira wrote:
 Hello everyone.
 I'm trying to build a simple dropdown menu for a website. I'm using this
 THe menu is working, but I don't know how can I pass the array with all
 the data to build the menu from the app_controller to the menu component. 
 I was using a simple element menu, with this in my appcontroller's
 function _setLayoutFrontEnd()
   $this-layout = 'default';
 function _loadMenu()
   $categories = $this-Category-find('all',array(
   'order'= array('Category.indexpag'='ASC')
 With that, I could use the array $categories in my view/elements/menu.ctp. 
 Now I need to pass it to my controllers/components/menu.php. 
 How can I do that?

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Re: Paginate - order clause is ambiguous!

2009-09-22 Thread Andras Kende

Did you try like:

 var $paginate = array ('order' = 'Pages.index');

Andras Kende

On Sep 23, 2009, at 12:33 AM, mig_akira wrote:

 Hello everyone!

 I'm having a problem here.

 I have a table Pages, which belongsTo Categories. I'm using an  
 behaviour, and so both pages and categories have a field called  
 Problem is, in my pages_controller, i wrote this:

var $paginate = array ('order' = 'index');

 And as a result, I receive an error saying

 SQL Error: 1052: Column 'index' in order clause is ambiguous

 It must be because both categories and pages have the same field. I  
 change this how can I specify that I want to use the  
 index from
 the Pages table?

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Multiple belongsTo relations to the same table fails

2009-09-22 Thread Laran Evans

This is the error I get:

Missing Database Table

Error: Database table to_users for model ToUser was not found.

Here's the code that prompts it:

class Mail extends AppModel {

var $actsAs = array('Containable');
var $name = 'Mail';
var $validate = array(
'from_user_id' = array('numeric'),
'from_contact_id' = array('numeric'),
'to_user_id' = array('numeric'),
'to_contact_id' = array('numeric'),
'project_id' = array('numeric'),
'sent' = array('date'),
'subject' = array('notempty')
var $belongsTo = array(
'FromUser' = array(
'className' = 'User',
'foreignKey' = 'from_user_id'
'FromContact' = array(
'className' = 'Contact',
'foreignKey' = 'from_contact_id'
'ToUser' = array(
'className' = 'User',
'foreignKey' = 'to_user_id'
'ToContact' = array(
'className' = 'Contact',
'foreignKey' = 'to_contact_id'
'Project' = array(
'className' = 'Project',
'foreignKey' = 'project_id'


And I already read this:

My code seems to comply. It's just not working. Any ideas?
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Re: Model update problems

2009-09-22 Thread John Andersen

Try changing this line:

$this-data['new']['thumb_url'] = $thumb_url;).


$this-data['YourModelNameHere']['thumb_url'] = $thumb_url;).

In case it doesn't change anything, please provide more information,
code (controller and model), table definitionsetc. so we have a chance
of understanding what may be your problem.


On Sep 23, 6:37 am, Matias_castro wrote:
 Hi everyone!

 I had a running simple application in wich you were able to see images
 in an image gallery. The problem started when I tried to add a Thumb
 image. I changed the model in my database by adding a new column
 'thumb_url' so I could save the thumb address of an image. The thing
 is that I can't get to save nor read anything in/from that new column
 (I'm doing exactly the same than before but with one extra line: 
 $this-data['new']['thumb_url'] = $thumb_url;).

 Is there any other thing that I should do to force cake to recognize
 that new column??

 I would really appreciate some help here!!

 Thanks a lot!
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Re: Multiple belongsTo relations to the same table fails

2009-09-22 Thread Amit Rawat
check your model User what is the table name that you have define in it.

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Re: Paginate - order clause is ambiguous!

2009-09-22 Thread lapinski

Try this:

var $paginate = array ('order' = 'Page.index');


mig_akira wrote:
 Hello everyone!
 I'm having a problem here. 
 I have a table Pages, which belongsTo Categories. I'm using an ordenable
 behaviour, and so both pages and categories have a field called index.
 Problem is, in my pages_controller, i wrote this:
 var $paginate = array ('order' = 'index');
 And as a result, I receive an error saying 
 SQL Error: 1052: Column 'index' in order clause is ambiguous
 It must be because both categories and pages have the same field. I cant
 change this how can I specify that I want to use the index from
 the Pages table?

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