Problems after moving to another server and PHP version - Fatal Error Error: include(): Cannot redeclare class debugger

2014-12-02 Thread Anna P

Recently the application I've created with CakePHP 2.3.0, and which was 
settled on a server with PHP 5.3.3-7, has been moved to new environment, 
based on PHP 5.4.34-1 version.

On the new environment a fatal error occurs:
Error: include(): Cannot redeclare class debugger
File: /home/html/directory/lib/Cake/Core/App.php
Line: 560

What can be the cause of such error?
I would be very appriciated for help.

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Problem with tree data - find('threaded') displays all, but getting threaded data from node (or using children() function) does not return all records

2014-10-07 Thread Anna P

I have a Comment model, which uses the Tree Behavior.
Comments are related to Post model, with the use of post_id field in 
comments table.

The problem is, as described in topic - when I use the find('threaded') 
function like this:

'conditions' = array('post_id'=$p['Post']['id']), 
'fields' = array('', 'parent_id', 'nick', 'comment', 'created'), 
'order' = array('created'='asc')

everything works fine - all comments are existing in $comments array, as 
tree data.

The problem occurs when I want to get comments only from given parent_id 
node (so when I want to get subtree of comments).
I have to use this method (getting subtree of comments from parent 
comments), because I want my comments to be paginated.
To paginate comments I first paginate comments with parent_id=NULL, and 
then for each parent comment I get a threaded list of child comments:

So the simplified code looks like this:
- first - get the parent comments:


- second - get threaded child comments for each parent comment:

if($comments) {
foreach($comments as $key=$value) {
'conditions'=array('post_id' = $p['Post']['id'], 'lft ' = 
$value['Comment']['lft'], 'rght ' = $value['Comment']['rght']),

But the problem is, the subtree of comments does not contain all the 
threaded children.

I checked some of the comments that didn't show up in a subtree and it 
turns out that their rght field value is not smaller than rght or 
parent, but it is a bigger value.

What caused that situation? Why find('threaed') of whole comments table 
returns all the nodes and comments correcty, but getting a subtree fails on 
some records (the ones that have the rght value bigger than parent rght 

I also tried to do this in a way to first get all the childrens ids of a 
parent node, and then get all threaded comments with conditions containing 
'' = '$children_ids.
But the $children_ids array is being created on the basis of Tree Behavior 
childen() function, which also does not return all the records (again, the 
ones with higher rght values are not displayed).

Some one please help :-))

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Re: get the id's from checkbox list

2014-10-07 Thread Anna P

I think you need to add some index to the checkboxes (so it would be rather 
an array), because if there are several items in $tutor variable, you keep 
creating checkboxes with the same name - data[*Model*][available]. So every 
checkbox has the same name and you keep overwriting them if the $tutor 
array has more than 1 element. 
That causes the situation that only the data from the last checkbox is 
being sent within the form.

I would do it like this:
foreach($tutor as $item) {
echo $this-Form-checkbox('available.'.$i, array('value' = $id, 'checked' 
= 0, 'hiddenField'=false);

or even without the $i variable  (notice the dot after the available):

foreach($tutor as $item) {
echo $this-Form-checkbox('available.', array('value' = $id, 'checked' = 
0, 'hiddenField'=false);

hiddenField is set to false for the purpose of not displaying a hidden 
field for checkbox.

Then in the controller you can get the array of checked values of all 
checkboxes like this:

foreach($this-request-data[*Model*]['available'] as $item) {
Just remember to add 'hiddenFIeld' = false to checkboxes.

If your request will be blackholed, simply add the following code at the 
beggining of your controller:
public function beforeFilter() {

or put the $this-Form-unlockField('available').

Hope this helps.

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Re: get the id's from checkbox list

2014-10-07 Thread Anna P
Oh, and if it did not work as expected, try putting a model name before the 
available in the checkbox.

Let's say that you use the Tutor model - the code should look like this:

echo $this-Form-checkbox('Tutor.available.'.$i, array('value' = $id, 
'checked' = 0, 'hiddenField'=false);

or without the $i:
echo $this-Form-checkbox('Tutor.available.', array('value' = $id, 
'checked' = 0, 'hiddenField'=false);

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Re: cakePHP File Download was not found or not readable

2014-01-24 Thread Anna P
Thanks for suggestion, but I already tried that.
The files folder has 0777 permissions.
I also tried to change files attributes to 0777, but the problem still 

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Re: cakePHP File Download was not found or not readable

2014-01-23 Thread Anna P
Had anyone else same problem?
I'm using ver 2.4.4 and I have problems with forced downloading files.

When I click a download link, which in generalization does this:


I get error like:
File XXX cannot be written, because source file could not be read.
Try again later or contact your server administrator.

The download window with option to write file appears, but clicking on OK 
button does nothing (there is no file being saved).

The $f variable contains all the needed data ('file_name' and 'file_ext').

This problem occurs only on the production server. On the localhost 
everything works fine.
Files definately exist in the app/webroot/files folder.

The app/tmp folder has 0777 permissions.

What could it be?

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Paginator and multilingual routes

2013-10-02 Thread Anna P

I have a problem with paginator helper.

I'm developing an app in 2 language versions.

The app conatains among others blog, which is paginated.

Now, the url's in routes.php look for exmaple like this:

Router::connect('/blog/search/*', array('controller' = 'blog_categories', 
'action' = 'search'));
Router::connect('/blog/suche/*', array('controller' = 'blog_categories', 
'action' = 'search'));

This is the route for blog search option.

Now, when I'm on a blog search results page, and I'm on the English version 
of website - everything works fine.
The URLs of pages look like /blog/search/2, /blog/search/3 etc.

But when I switch to German version, the paginator URLs are the same... and 
I want them to also be translated and look like: /blog/suche/2, 
/blog/suche/3, etc.

I guess it is because the '/blog/search/*' is defined first. When I remove 
that line from routes.php - the /blog/suche/ links are in pagination.

How to fix this? In such way that in the german version, paginated links 
will also be german?

Regards and many thanks for help.

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What are the cookies set by CakePHP automatically (cookie named CAKEPHP) for?

2013-03-22 Thread Anna P

I have following question - what are the cookies, which are set 
automatically by CakePHP, for?
By cookies set automatically I mean the cookie named CAKEPHP with some 
hashed value.
I do not use any cookies in my application (but I use sessions) and I 
wonder why is there always a CAKEPHP cookie set, after visiting the page.

The reason I'm asking is because today a law on cookies came into force (in 
my country as well as in UE I guess) - from now on website operators need 
to inform users about the fact that website uses cookie files. And also, 
what is the purpose of using that cookies files. So the users need to be 
of the purpose of collecting information through cookies.

I will be very appreciated for help:)

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Re: ajax Update in a page with 2 divs

2013-03-22 Thread Anna P

When I have to update two (or more) different elements, but both of them 
with different content, I simply only set 'update' in a form on a element 
where I have to display more complex data (for example from database), and 
then I update second div using JavaScript (in a view of updated element).

For example:
I have a submit comment ajax form, and after the form is submitted - I want 
to save comment to database and display refreshed list of comments and also 
the message Comment has been added (but in a different place than updated 
list of comments). 

Let's assume that the view (list of comments and comment submit form) looks 
like this:

divAdd comment/div
div id=message/div
   ?php echo $this-Form-create('Comment')?
   ?php echo $this-Form-textarea('comment')?
   ?php echo $this-Js-submit('Add comment', array(
  'url' = '/comments/add/'.$p['Post']['id'],
  'update' = '#comments_list', 
  'evalScripts' = true,
div id=comments_list
   //here goes the list of comments

After you submit a form, the action add in Comments controller is being 
done - a comment is entered to a database and you retrieve updated list of 
comments from database.
The div with comments_list id is updated with the list of updated 
So your Comments/add.ctp view contains list of comments and a JavaScript 
code to update message div with an info that comment has been added:

//here goes the list of comments
script type=text/javascript
class=messageComment has been added. Thank you!/div';

You have to remember to add 'evalScripts' = true to the submit button, 
otherwise JS code won't be executed.

Hope this helps a bit.

On Wednesday, March 20, 2013 11:12:52 AM UTC+1, Chris wrote:

 hi guys,... how you all doing, can anyone help please,... 
 I got an ajax form that submits and add bookmarks to a site and it's 

 Is it possible to Update in a page with 2 divs ? and how can I do that in 
 a form: , 'update' = 'updateBookmark1',...? and where should I insert 
 'updateBookmark2',... ?? 

 thanks in advance, 

 div id=updateBookmark1 this update confirmation /div
 div id=updateBookmark2 this need to update content /div ,... kind of 
 refreshing content in a page

 p style=float: left; margin: 0 0 0 35px;
 ?php echo $ajax-submit('Add', array('url'= 
 array('controller'='bookmarks', 'action'='add'), 'update' = 
 'updateBookmark1', 'complete' = 'javascript:resetBookmarkForm();' )); ?
 ?php echo $form-end(); ?

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Re: What are the cookies set by CakePHP automatically (cookie named CAKEPHP) for?

2013-03-22 Thread Anna P
You're completely right. Sorry for the dumb question, I lastly had small 
amount of sleep and great amount of work. Anyway, no explanation is good 


On Friday, March 22, 2013 11:02:59 AM UTC+1, AD7six wrote:

 but I use sessions

 It should be obvious that the cookie you're looking at is the *session* 
 The hashed value it contains is the session id.


 On Friday, 22 March 2013 10:01:56 UTC+1, Anna P wrote:


 I have following question - what are the cookies, which are set 
 automatically by CakePHP, for?
 By cookies set automatically I mean the cookie named CAKEPHP with some 
 hashed value.
 I do not use any cookies in my application (but I use sessions) and I 
 wonder why is there always a CAKEPHP cookie set, after visiting the page.

 The reason I'm asking is because today a law on cookies came into force(in 
 my country as well as in UE I guess) - from now on website operators 
 need to inform users about the fact that website uses cookie files. And 
 also, what is the purpose of using that cookies files. So the users need to 
 be informed of the purpose of collecting information through cookies.

 I will be very appreciated for help:)

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Re: How to change order only for child elements in find('threaded').

2012-11-27 Thread Anna P
Thanks a lot!
Your suggestion solved my problem. Just like you said, I run select query 
with ascending order, then if the sorting is set to DESC, I run 
array_reverse on result set.

On Monday, November 26, 2012 8:10:50 PM UTC+1, cricket wrote:

 Model::_findThreaded() uses Set::nest() to create the threaded array. 
 So, perhaps the simplest approach would be to use 'ASC' by default, 
 then test for $sort _after_ you get the results back. To switch to 
 descending order for just the parent comments, run the result through 

 On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 5:10 AM, Anna P javascript: 
  I got problem with setting up an order for child elements different than 
  parent elements. 
  I have a blog with comments. Users can switch between comments order - 
  comments can either be sorted descending or ascending. 
  The problem is, when the order is set to descending, also the child 
  are sorted descending. That way, the child comments which are answers to 
  parent comments are also shown in a way that the newest one is on top. 
 And I 
  would like to order the child elements by ascending way, even when 
  are sorted descending. 
  I tried to use IF statement in order clause like this: 
  if($sort=='desc') { 
$order='IF parent_id IS NULL THEN created desc ELSE created asc END'; 
  } else { 
$order='created asc'; 

  but I get an error: 
  Error: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have 
  error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your 
  server version for the right syntax to use near 'parent_id IS NULL THEN 
  created END desc, IF parent_id IS NOT NULL THEN id END as' at line 1 
  I've read somewhere that the DESC and ASC cannot be used inside IF or 
  statement. How else could the default ordering for whole table be 
 changes to 
  another only for child elements? 
  Regards  thank you in advance for help. 
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How to change order only for child elements in find('threaded').

2012-11-26 Thread Anna P

I got problem with setting up an order for child elements different than 
for parent elements.
I have a blog with comments. Users can switch between comments order - 
comments can either be sorted descending or ascending.
The problem is, when the order is set to descending, also the child 
elements are sorted descending. That way, the child comments which are 
answers to parent comments are also shown in a way that the newest one is 
on top. And I would like to order the child elements by ascending way, even 
when parents are sorted descending.

I tried to use IF statement in order clause like this:

if($sort=='desc') {
  $order='IF parent_id IS NULL THEN created desc ELSE created asc END';
} else {
  $order='created asc';

but I get an error:
Error: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an 
error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL 
server version for the right syntax to use near 'parent_id IS NULL THEN 
created END desc, IF parent_id IS NOT NULL THEN id END as' at line 1

I've read somewhere that the DESC and ASC cannot be used inside IF or CASE 
statement. How else could the default ordering for whole table be changes 
to another only for child elements?

Regards  thank you in advance for help.

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How to get posts that match specified several tags

2012-10-22 Thread Anna P

I'm creating a search engine for a blog and I've got a problem with 
selecting posts based on a given, several tags.

I have following models:
- Post  (posts)
- Tag  (tags)
- PostsTag  (posts_tags)
In Post model there is a hasAndBelongsToMany relationship with Tag model 

Let's say I have following posts and tags assigned to them:
- Raspberry icecream - with icecream tag assigned
- Pineapple icecream - with icecream and pineapple tags assigned
- Pineapple pie - with pineapple and pie tags assigned

What I'm trying to do is select posts that match not only one tag, but all 
the tags that are specified in a search phrase.
Let's say that I've entered to the search engine following search phrase: 
pineapple icecream .

Now, what I want to achieve is to posts that have pineapple tag assigned 
to them and also have icecream tag assigned.
So in search results there is only Pineapple icecream displayed, because 
it is assigned to both search conditions words - pineapple and icecream.

How can I do this?
I tried like that:

//here I get all the tags that match every word in search conditions
if($tags) {
  foreach($tags as $t) {
  if($posts_tags) {
foreach($posts_tags as $pt) {

and then I do the search for posts based on the $posts_ids condition.

But with this solution, I get in search results all the posts, which have 
either icecream tag or pineapple tag. Which does not suit my needs.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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Re: CakeEmail SMTP syntax error 555 (#5.5.4) while sending e-mail to multiple users (with the use of bcc array)

2012-08-06 Thread Anna P
It turned out that mail server had limit on number of recipients in one 
e-mail (I tried to send one mail to 200 e-mail addresses, the limit was 100 

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Re: header information in outlook

2012-08-02 Thread Anna P
I didn't manage to solve the problem using the Mail transport.

However, I switched e-mail transport to Smtp and now it works fine.

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CakeEmail SMTP syntax error 555 (#5.5.4) while sending e-mail to multiple users (with the use of bcc array)

2012-08-02 Thread Anna P

I have following problem: I use Smpt method to deliver e-mails from website.

E-mails which are sent to just one recipient (for example: message with 
registration confirmation, message with new password, etc.) work just fine. 

The problem is when it comes to send message to multiple recipients, while 
sending a newsletter.

When I try to send newsletter to let's say 2 e-mail addresses - it all 
works fine. But when I try to send it to all users (about 200 of them), 
there is a following error:

SMTP Error: 555 syntax error (#5.5.4) 

*Error: * An Internal Error Has Occurred.
Stack Trace 

#0 /home/users/opg/public_html/lib/Cake/Network/Email/SmtpTransport.php(156): 
SmtpTransport-_smtpSend('RCPT TO:_sendRcpt()
#2 /home/users/opg/public_html/lib/Cake/Network/Email/CakeEmail.php(967): 


What could be the cause of this? I cannot find any information in the web. 
Could it be something wrong with the mail server?
I checked e-mail addresses, to which the newsletter was going to be sent - 
and they all seem correct.

Thank you in advance

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Re: header information in outlook

2012-07-30 Thread Anna P
Has somebody solved that issue or know what causes the problem?

I use Outlook Express 6 on XP and it displays e-mail messages correctly 
(they are sent as both - text and html).
But with Outlook on Windows 7 e-mail displays header information, and 
content in both formats.

I use CakePHP 2.0.5 and CakeEmail.

Thanks in advance for help!

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Re: Problem with CakeEmail - rewrite default config and bcc delivery does not work

2012-06-19 Thread Anna P
I managed to switch to a newsletter layout by creating another
config in app/Config/Email.php :

public $newsletter = array(
'transport' = 'Mail',
'charset' = 'utf-8',
'headerCharset' = 'utf-8',
'layout' = 'default',
'template' = 'newsletter',
'emailFormat' = 'html',

and I load it like this:
$email = new CakeEmail('newsletter');

And now it works fine, it uses 'newsletter' layout.
But still, bcc doesn't work - email isn't delivered to recipients.

I've read in cookbook that bcc should  be an array where key is an e-
mail address and value is either name or e-mail, so I changed my bcc
array to something like this:

array(1) {
  [email @]=
  string(X) email @

but it still doesn't work... (of course email in array is a real,
existing address). Please help anyone

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Problem with CakeEmail - rewrite default config and bcc delivery does not work

2012-06-18 Thread Anna P

I have set following default config in app/Config/email.php :
public $default = array(
'transport' = 'Mail',
'charset' = 'utf-8',
'headerCharset' = 'utf-8',
'layout' = 'default',
'emailFormat' = 'both',

Sending e-mails to one e-mail address (without cc and bcc) based on
this config works good.
But I want to send newsletters based on different layout, and to
several e-mail addresses given in bcc config.
E-mails does not deliver to addresses specified in $this-bcc config.
I also try to override default layout, but it keeps sending e-mail
with the default one.

Here is what I do to send e-mail in my newsletter controller:

$email = new CakeEmail();
$email-layout = 'newsletter';


What could be the problem?

I edited temporarily the send() function in lib/Cake/Network/Email/
CakeEmail.php and var_dump'ed $this-bcc and $this-layout and it
returned me the accurate values. But still, e-mail is not delivered to
bcc and the layout remains default.

I pass an array like this to a bcc:

array(1) {

Thank you very much for help!

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Web conference scripts suitable for CakePHP ?

2012-02-08 Thread Anna P

I'm searching for a open source scripts / solutions for on-line web
conferences (like

Has anyone integrated such solution into CakePHP website?
What scripts or software, which is easy to integrate, would you

I need this for an online webinars.

Thank you in advance!

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Data validation in multilingual website (with i18n)

2012-01-23 Thread Anna P
I'm building an multilingual website in CakePHP 2.0.5 with the use of

My question is: how can I define (in model class) validation rules, so
they apply to specified language version (locale)?

I have an i18n table, languages table (id,code), subpages table

While adding new subpage (or editing a subpage) I want to display
fields for title and content in all the language versions at one form.

The simple view ($langs is the list of languages from languages

?php echo $this-Form-create('Subpage',array('url'='/admin/subpages/
table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=table
?php foreach($langs as $l):?
trtd colspan=2Language: ?php echo $l['Language']['code']?/
  td?php echo $this-Form-text('Subpage.title.'.$l['Language']
 ?php echo $this-Form-error('title')?
  td?php echo $this-Form-textarea('Subpage.content.'.
   ?php endforeach;?
?php echo $this-Form-submit('Add
?php echo $this-Form-end();?

The part of code in controller's action:
if($this-request-is('post')) {
if(!empty($this-request-data)) {
if($this-Subpage-validates()) {

It works fine and on add subpage action it entries both translations
to i18n table.
The problem is, I have a validate variable defined for Subpage model
like this:
public $validate = array (
'title' = array(
  'minlength' = array(
'rule' = array('minLength', '1'),
'message' = 'Title cannot be empty',
  'maxlength' = array(
'rule' = array('maxLength', '40'),
'message' = 'Title cannot be longer than 40 characters',
  'chars' = array(
'rule' = array('custom', '/^[A-Za-ząĄćĆęĘłŁńŃóÓśŚźŹżŻ0-9\ ]*
'message' = 'Title can contain only letters, numers and
spaces ',

If I enter an unaccepted string into the title field in ONE of the
language versions and submit form, both fields (in both languages) are
marked as invalid and for both fields the error is being displayed
(apart from the fact that second field is filled correctly).

Does anyone know how to fix this or what should the $validate var look
like? Thank you in advance for help.

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Problem with saveAll translations within one form - CakePHP multilingual website

2012-01-23 Thread Anna P

I'm making multilingual website and I want administrator to add and
edit subpage in all available languages within one form.

The add function works fine, the problem is when I want to edit
subpage and all translations at one time - one of the fields does not
want to update in i18n table.


add function (works fine, adds record to subpages table and records
to i18n table containing title, link and content in every language):

add view:

edit function:

edit view:

Editing title and content and saving form changes only the
translations of fields link and content in i18n table. The title
just won't change at all in translations table, after editing a form.

I've just build another model - Category. Same issue here, although I
translate only two fields (name and link, based on the name). The same
situation with editing - only link translation is being updated, and
name isn't.

Anyone has a clue? Or maybe there is some better solution to create
and update dynamic translations with the use of one form?


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CakePHP 2.x - Call to undefined method View::fetch()

2012-01-16 Thread Anna P

I'm starting to build an app on CakePHP 2.x - I have been using
version 1.2 since now.

I downloaded the 2.0.5 Stable version, set it up on my localhost,
created DB with simple table 'subpages' and Subpage model, created
simple layout with couple of html tags and:

?php echo $this-fetch('content'); ?

And what I get is an error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined method View::fetch() in
(...)default.ctp on line 14

This is a clean version of Cake, I didn't modify anything. Just added
one simple model Subpage.php and default.ctp with call to fetch
function, as wrote in Cookbook.

Anybody knows what could be the problem?

Thanks in advance for help!

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Re: CakePHP 2.x - Call to undefined method View::fetch()

2012-01-16 Thread Anna P
Thanks very much.

I've checked Cookbook again - of course I didn't notice a key
information which is: New in version 2.1. :

On 16 Sty, 17:01, Tilen Majerle wrote:
 of course,

 View::fetch() is available since 2.1, but you have 2.0.5

 use $content_for_layout instead


  I'm starting to build an app on CakePHP 2.x - I have been using
  version 1.2 since now.

  I downloaded the 2.0.5 Stable version, set it up on my localhost,
  created DB with simple table 'subpages' and Subpage model, created
  simple layout with couple of html tags and:

  ?php echo $this-fetch('content'); ?

  And what I get is an error:

  Fatal error: Call to undefined method View::fetch() in
  (...)default.ctp on line 14

  This is a clean version of Cake, I didn't modify anything. Just added
  one simple model Subpage.php and default.ctp with call to fetch
  function, as wrote in Cookbook.

  Anybody knows what could be the problem?

  Thanks in advance for help!

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CakePHP AJAX auto-refresh div in specified time interval - is it possible?

2011-10-12 Thread Anna P
Hello there.

I have a question - is it possible to autorefresh content of specified
element (such as div) in given time interval (for example: 10
I need AJAX to do this, because refreshing should result in fetching
the data from database.

I have an CakePHP app, let's call it online store with loyalty
program. If user buys products, he/she receives so called bonus points
which he/she can later spend on next shopping. These bonus points are
temporary and they expire after one month.

The point I need this auto-refresh option is to prevent this kind of
- user gathered X points which are about to expire soon
- user places an order in which he/she exploits gathered points - on
the order details page there is a form which directs to outside
payment system
- automatic function checks if there are any expired points in system
and remove them - function updates the orders at the same time (if
user used X points on his order and they expire - number of used
points in specified order is turned to NULL and the value of order is
properly increased
- if the user does stays at the order details page and does not
refresh it (after the automatic function updates value of order and
deletes used point) - he/she can proceed to payment system with the
old value of order (not updated).

So, I want to place script on a order details page which will
autoupdate the div with form to payment system and value of order
which should be settled.

Is it possible? Is it the right solution for that kind of matter?

I would be really appriciate for any help. Thanks in advance!

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Help with query (or subquery?)

2011-08-09 Thread Anna P

It's maybe not such a CakePHP question, but rather regarding a rather
complex (for me) SQL query.

I have a table storing e-mail addresses to which has been sent an
invite to a website:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `recomm_emails` (
  `id` mediumint(7) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `user_id` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL,
  `email` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  `registered` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `active` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `created` date NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

'user_id' is the ID of registered user, who has sent an invitation to
given e-mail address.
The 'registered' field means that user who got the invitation has
registered in website. The 'acitve' field holds the information if
invited user has activated his account after registration.

The problem is, I have to create a statistics of invitations. List
should be divided into pages and should contain:
- and User.login_name (both from users table),
- total number of all invited users,
- number of users who registered and activated account (registered=1
and active=1),
- number of users who registered but didn't activate the account
(registered=1 and active=0)
-  number of users who didn't register at all (registered=0).
I need this kind of list, because it will have to be also ordered by
selected parameters (chosen from 4 numbers above). So everything must
be in one query.

How to write such a query? I can't come up with solution for a long
time! Please help!:)

I first came up to an idea to do it by PHP, but it is not a very nice
solution, because on one page I shall present about 30 records, and
there is no point to get data from whole the users table (which can
have let's say couple tousend of records).

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how to set session variable after render?

2010-06-03 Thread Anna P

Just like in topic: how can I set session variable after page render?

The issue is: on first visit on home page, I want to display several
animations (logo sliding down, some not visible boxes appearing after
timeout). But I want to display animations only once, on the first

I wanted to set function afterRender() in AppController and there set
a session variable to switch between showing/not showing animations,
but it seems there is no such function in 1.2.X

How can I accomplish this?

Many thanks in advance,

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Re: CakePHP 1.2.6 - problem with displaying form error messages

2010-04-26 Thread Anna P
Hello. What do you mean by manually?

I don't want to save data to database with just checking if data is
not empty. I want to validate entered data and display errors before
saving to database table.

As I wrote, in model I supply which fields I want to validate - I
supply rule for field and message which should be displayed if field
hasn't been filled out correctly.

In controller I use $this-User-set($this-data) and $this-User-
validates() to check if supplied data is valid.
If it's not valid, I use $this-validateErrors($this-User) to display
error messages.

The problem is, $form-error('field') doesn't display error message
from $validate variable. Validation function creates the div error-
message for message, but the div is empty.
If I use $form-error('field','Some message') - message is displayed.
But I don't want to enter messages text in the view. I rather keep
that in user.php model in $validate variable. But this way, message is
not displayed and I don't know why.

I even changed the version of CakePHP from 1.2.6 to 1.2.5, but it
still doesn't show error messages, which is really weird, cause I use
this solution in every project and in every project on 1.2.5 it always

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CakePHP 1.2.6 - problem with displaying form error messages

2010-04-23 Thread Anna P
Hello all.
I have a problem with displaying error messages after form validation.

Model user.php:

  var $validate = array(
'fname' = array(
  'rule' = array('custom','/^[A-Za-z\ ]{2,30}$/'),
  'message' = 'Supply real first name',
  'allowEmpty' = false,
'lname' = array(
  'rule' = array('custom','/^[A-Za-z\ ]{2,40}$/'),
  'message' = 'Supply real last name',
  'allowEmpty' = false,

In controller, I use $this-User-set($this-data) and $this-User-
validates() to validate inputs.
If form hasn't been filled correcty $this-validateErrors($this-User)
returns invalid fields.

The problem is, error message, with the use of:
$form-error('fname')   or   $form-error('lname')
is not displaying.

Model is validated correctly (it returns information that fname or
lname are not correctly filled, it even creates div class=error-
message/div div for both fields. But there is no message in the
When I type:
$form-error('fname','Supply real first name')
error message is displayed.

But I don't want to put error messages in the view. I rather want to
hold it in model's $validate variable.

What do I do wrong? Or maybe it's some king of bug in 1.2.6?

Many thanks in advance:)

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CakePHP + JS/AJAX - performing actions on browser window close - is it possible?

2010-03-10 Thread Anna P

I have a question, is there a way to perform an action, when user
tries to close browser window?

For example: in an on-line store, when unregistered user places some
order and doesn't proceed to payment system (its order is still not
paid) and wants to leave website/close browser window.
Is there a way in that case to display an information box on browser
window close attempt like You have an order which hasn't been paid
yet. Would you like to pay for order? and if user clicks Yes it
redirects him to some URL address with order details and doesn't close
browser window. And if he clicks No, before window is closed, some
actions are performed on Database (order and all its relative
information is deleted).

Many thanks in advance!

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How to run CRON job with the setup on a virtual server?

2009-12-15 Thread Anna P
I would like to set a CRON job for my application.
In my server administrative panel I want to define the path for the
CRON job.
The problem is, that I cannot give path as URL (like /
some_cron_function), but I have to specify physical file that is on a
server (full path to specified file like /www/app/...)

How to do this? Because I want to run CRON as a function in a defined
controller class. I do not want to put that function in separate file,
because it operates on a database.

Thanks in advance for help!:)

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Re: Allowed memory size exhausted - on clean cakephp install

2009-08-14 Thread Anna P

OK, thanks for help, it seems that I have NO configuration file on my
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Allowed memory size exhausted - on clean cakephp install

2009-08-13 Thread Anna P

I am moving my web application to dedicated server.
I uploaded all of my app files and voila - under server IP I got blank
page. So I've figured out to install clean cakephp version first and
see if it works there. I uploaded Cakephp version and it
displayed me Cake's welcome page. I changed db config and Cake said it
is able to connect to db. But when I entered app_controller.php file
and wrote this:

var $uses = array('User');

it started to show this message:

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted (tried to
allocate 30720 bytes) in [...]/www/cake/libs/view/helpers/form.php on
line 1312

and firstly it showed error at cake/libs/i18n.php at line 437 for
another model
and error at cake/libs/view/view.php on line 663 for another model

What is going on? This is a clean CakePHP application with just models
at model catalog and thats all.
Please,help. :-)

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Re: How to set 301 redirect in htaccess for domain to redirect to .pl

2009-06-08 Thread Anna P

Thank you for suggestion, but that doesn't seem to work either. Still
when I enter it doesn't redirect me to .pl

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How to set 301 redirect in htaccess for domain to redirect to .pl

2009-06-07 Thread Anna P

I have two domains with the same content. Let's say that it's -
I want to redirect domain to .pl

How to set 301 redirect in htaccess file?
I tried like this:

IfModule mod_rewrite.c
   RewriteEngine on
   RewriteRule ^$ / [R=301,L]
   RewriteRule^$ app/webroot/[L]
   RewriteRule(.*) app/webroot/$1 [L]

but it doesn't work (I enter site and it doens't redirect me
to .pl)
Thanks in advance!
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Re: How to set 301 redirect in htaccess for domain to redirect to .pl

2009-06-07 Thread Anna P

I also tried following:

IfModule mod_rewrite.c
   RewriteEngine on
   RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www\.)?*) [NC]
   RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L]
   RewriteRule^$ app/webroot/[L]
   RewriteRule(.*) app/webroot/$1 [L]

But it doesn't seem to work. When I enter on it doesn't
redirect me to .pl.
Anybody help?:-)
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Re: findAllThreaded root hack for version 1.2.x

2009-05-23 Thread Anna P

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findAllThreaded root hack for version 1.2.x

2009-05-19 Thread Anna P

Can anyone help me with hacking findAllThreaded function for version
1.2.x ?

In 1.1.x it looked like it to set the root ID for function:

function findAllThreaded($root = null, $conditions = null, $fields =
null, $sort = null) {
return $this-__doThread(Model::findAll($conditions, $fields,
$sort), $root);

But in 1.2.x findAllThreaded is deprecated:

function findAllThreaded($conditions = null, $fields = null, $order =
null) {
return $this-find('threaded', compact('conditions', 'fields',

How to supply to findAllThreaded function the root ID of a model which
I want to get all children from?

Thanks in advance,
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Re: Strange Reguested URL not found problem.

2009-05-08 Thread Anna P

Thanks for a hint, I didn't realize it could be that kind of problem.
I just changed link from icons to web-icons and voila :-) It
works. Thanks again!
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Strange Reguested URL not found problem.

2009-05-06 Thread Anna P

I have searched all over the web about the The requested URL was not
found on this server and still can't solve the problem. It's rather
strange, because with one parameter it works (page is displayed) and
with other - it doesn't.

You can see it here:

When I try to choose a subcategory from the left menu (for example
nature) cake display's 404 Not Found.
But when I try to select subcategory for graphics or photos:
it shows everything fine.

Displaying list of images (no matter if they are icons, photos or
graphics) is set on a one function in the same controller. Function
takes 3 parameters - main category name, subcategory name = NULL, page
number = NULL

What could possibly be wrong? Why with one parameter function works OK
and displays stuff and with other - it doesn't ?

What is even more interesting - in polish version of this site,
displaying list of icons from chosen subcategory - works fine. (for
example : )

Debug set to 2 showed nothing, deleting files from cache did nothing,
tmp is ste to writable, db connection is OK, route is also set OK.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions:)
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Simple chat between two persons? Please help

2009-03-25 Thread Anna P

I'm looking for simple chat code for CakePHP 1.2. The chat must be
only between two logged persons (it's not a general chat for everyone,
but a kind of private messaging). If anyone could help I would be very
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Ajax form FIELDS validation :-) How to?

2008-11-27 Thread Anna P

Hello! I have a register form with several fields, which I want to
validate in real-time using ajax. Let's say that form has 4 fields:
login_name, pass, confirm_pass, email.

Validation rules in model User are: login - from 3 to 20 letters, pass
- the same, email - VALID EMAIL.

What I want is to code that kind of form:
When user enters login_name, the ajax-observeField calls action with
validating login_name field. When I enter login_name and go to another
field (or better - without clicking outside the input), ajax validates
that field and puts either tick or cross image with error message,
if field didn't pass validation. I want to validate each field without
submiting the form.

I tried this way:

form view:
?php echo $form-create('User',array('url'='/users/register'))?

  ?php echo $form-text('login_name',array('id'='login_name'));?

  ?php echo $ajax-observeField('login_name',array('url' = '/
users/verify_field/login_name','update' = 'login-error')); ?br/
span id=login-error?php echo $form-error
('login_name','Wrong login');?/span
  ?php if(isset($login_error)):?span class=error-message?
php echo $login_error;?/span?php endif;?/div
div class=clean/div

(the same with other fields, instead login_name there is:

function verify_field in controller:

function verify_field($field) {
$this-layout = 'blank-nohtml';  //blank html
if(!empty($this-data['User'][$field])) {
if($this-User-validates()  !($field=='login_name' 
User-find(login_name='.$this-data['User']['login_name'].'))) {
  } else {
if($field=='login_name'  $this-User-find(login_name='.
$this-data['User']['login_name'].')) {

verify_field view:

?php echo $html-image('icons/'.$img.'.png')?nbsp;
?php echo $form-error('login_name',ERROR_LOGIN);?
?php if(isset($login_error)):?span class=error-message?php echo
$login_error;?/span?php endif;?

But this is validation for only one field. How to make it better?

And the most important question: when I verify filed like this, I do
get correct image (tick if validation passed, cross if not), but the
$form-error doesn't show anything if the field didn't pass

For any help I would be very greatful. If you know any ajax form field
validation tutorials - let me know.
Kisses :-)
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How to update two divs with $ajax-link ??

2008-10-09 Thread Anna P

I have a problem with updating divs with ajax component. I use $ajax-
link to update one div which holds picture thumbnail and link to its
original size and I have to update another div with just link to the
How can I update two divs with one $ajax-link ?
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Re: How to update two divs with $ajax-link ??

2008-10-09 Thread Anna P

Hi again!
I tried this way:
?php echo $ajax-link('Frame product', '/products/frameimage/'.
$p['Product']['id'], array('update' = array('p-image','p-link')); ?
so as the second argument I gave link.
But the problem is that I want to update two divs with two different
things (so I want to call two functions (two links/urls) and two views
for them). In 'p-image' I have an image thumbnail and in 'p-link' i
have link to the image of original size.
In the $ajax-link call I want to call function 'updateimage' in
Products controller (and in the 'p-image' div I want the views/
products/updateimage.ctp to display) and call another funcion
'updatelink' in Products controller (and in the 'p-link' div I want
the views/products/updatelink.ctp to display).
How to do that?

I tried to set the link as a variable in the 'updateimage' function
(by $this-set('updated_link',$updated_link)), and then in 'p-link'
to dipslay $updated_link (with 'p-image' and 'p-link' update) but it
doesn't work.
please, help:)
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Validating only several fields in model

2008-10-01 Thread Anna P

I have an issue with data validation.

I have model Administrator with fields : firstname,lastname,password
In Administrator model I set validation for every field (let's say
firstname can't be empty, lastname can't be empty and password can't
be empty and can consist only letters).

I want to define function which will allow user to edit (update)
Administrator's firstname and lastname. So in my function admin_edit:

function admin_edit($id) {
  if(!empty($this-data)) {
if($this-Administrator-validates()) {
   //updating fields in DB
} else {

In my view I have a form with two text fields: firstname and lastname.
I don't want password to be upadted.
And here's the problem: when I pass variables from form to admin_edit
function, validation function validates EVERY field in model
(firstname,lastname and password). And I only give function two
values: firstname and lastname; so the password - $this-
data[Administrator][passowrd] - is empty and returns false from

How can I validate only firstname and lastname fields, without
validating password?

Any help appriciated. :-)

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select options attributes in 1.2

2008-03-10 Thread Anna P

how do I set options attributes in select helper in 1.2?
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findAllThreaded hack with root doesn't work

2008-02-12 Thread Anna P

Hi! I used hack for findAllThreaded function from this group - I
replaced cake's function with:

function findAllThreaded($root = null, $conditions = null, $fields =
null, $sort = null) {
return $this-__doThread(Model::findAll($conditions, $fields,
$sort), $root);

I need this function to display posts on a forum:
function topic($id) {

The problem is - when I supply root's ID ( $this-Post-
findAllThreaded($id)) , function doesn't find any children. If I
leave $this-Post-findAllThreaded() with no root ID specified - it
finds all children.
If I specify fields I want to find, for example:
it finds nothing and returns empty array.

What is wrong?
Thanks in advance!

PS. Maybe someone knows any FORUM TUTORIAL for cakephp? It's a bit
time consuming to write it all by myself.. Cheers!

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Re: Two dependent select tags with data from DB (ajax?) - please help:)

2008-02-06 Thread Anna P

Thank you both for help! Finally, I decided to use tutorial from .
It works, but I have one problem. I use dependent selects in
registration form. Fields 'city_id' (first select) and
'district_id' (second select) must be selected by user - both of them
are validated in form.
The problem is - when I select city and district and then fail with
another field (for example I won't enter my e-mail address in form,
just to make form validate data) - first select shows me the city I
chose, but second select doesn't show me the district I chose and it
also doesn't show district which belong to the chosen city (it shows
me nothing). Why is that? How to fix this?
Thanks in advance - Anna:)
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cakephp losing session after redirect

2008-02-06 Thread Anna P

I'm using version 1.1.18. The problem is: in the login action I set
session variable for user and then redirect. After redirect cakephp is
losing session. I tried with CAKE_SESSION_SAVE - 'php', 'cake' (with
sessions folder writable), CAKE_SECURITY - 'high', 'medium','low'
Nothing works. I searched on group but found no solution.
Anyone please help:-)) it's driving me crazy:/
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Two dependent select tags with data from DB (ajax?) - please help:)

2008-02-01 Thread Anna P

I'm wondering if anyone has any simple script or knows good tutorial
about two dependent select tags.
I use and understand a little of JS, but AJAX is too much for me.
I just need this one functionality from AJAX - I have two tables:
cities (id,name) and districts(id,city_id,name)

I want to create two select tags:

select name=data[Profile][city_id]
?php foreach($cities as $c):?
option value=?php echo $c['City']['id']??php echo $c['City']
?php endforeach;?

select name=data[Profile][district_id]
..options with districts dependent from the chosen city...

Anyone please help...
Can it be done like this... $cities are sorted by name, and when I
enter on the registration page (this is where I need these two select
tags), first select shows me first city from the $cities array and
second select shows me districts of this city.
Thank you in advance!
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Blank page after form submitting

2007-09-19 Thread Anna P

Hi, as in the topic - when I submit form (customer registration for
example), cake php displays me blank page (without title and any
content at all), although the form action, routes, URL - are good.
My DEBUG is 3.
Anyone please help cause it's driving me crazy:-/

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Re: Blank page after form submitting

2007-09-19 Thread Anna P

Thank you for answer:) I solved my problem by putting into controller

function register() {

Don't know why it didn't render the page correctly..

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Re: Blank page after form submitting

2007-09-19 Thread Anna P

That's what I thought. Oh, and I made a mistake, I use $this-render()
and the end of the code in controller:-)

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PHP session doesn't work outside controller...why?

2007-09-19 Thread Anna P

Hi again. Anyone had this thing? I use PHP sessions and in login()
action, when user is authenticated i set:
Under this line i use: var_dump($_SESSION) to check if the variable
was set. And it is.
The problem is, it doesn't exist outside the users controller... in
layout I try to var_dump($_SESSION) and it doesn't seem to have set
'login' ...
what's the matter? thanks in advance

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Re: is_file returns false - while the file exists

2007-09-05 Thread Anna P

Thank you!
if(file_exists(IMAGES_DIR. 'upload' . DS . 'filename'))  worked for
Thank you once again:-))

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Re: wrong coding in layout variables from beforeRender function

2007-09-04 Thread Anna P

No, I don't use js (as for now).

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Re: wrong coding in layout variables from beforeRender function

2007-09-04 Thread Anna P

Yes, there is UTF-8 in layout, DB stores data in UTF-8, encoding for
connection with DB is set to UTF8, in cake there is UTF8 set for DB
connections, I use UTF8 editor it's driving me crazy!:[

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Re: wrong coding in layout variables from beforeRender function

2007-09-04 Thread Anna P

Yes it is:]. In fact, in the layout I use:
?php ini_set('default_charset', 'utf-8');
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');?
at the beggining, so the browser knows what the encoding is.

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Re: is_file returns false - while the file exists

2007-09-04 Thread Anna P

OK so how to use it? When I try
['id']..jpg)):   (the path, which img src just gives me the right
it doesn't work as well.

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wrong coding in layout variables from beforeRender function

2007-09-03 Thread Anna P

Hi! Anyone has an idea how to solve my problem?;-)
I insert data to database using FCK editor, the data in DB looks OK.
My DB has all the fields in UTF8, in database.php i set encoding =
'UTF8', in app_model.php I have 'set names utf8'. In the views where I
display subpages and it's titles everything is OK, the letters are
But in my layout I have a menu with links to all the subpages, as
their titles. And the coding doesn't work. It gives me ??? for
polish letters. I retrieve the titles of subpages in
app_controller.php in function beforeRender. Shouldn't it work the
same as for controllers for views? What's the matter with it, why
doesn't it give me the results in correct encoding?
Please, help:-)

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Can any1 help? CAKEPHP= a lot of numbers in url and js window not opening in IE

2007-08-24 Thread Anna P

Hi. To make it quicker, I'm giving you an url to my site where the
problem exists:
When I try to open a photo in IE it gives me error... in FF works fine

code for each pic looks like:
a href=#' echo
$th['Photo']['id']?','','menubar=no, toolbar=no, location=no,
scrollbars=yes, resizable=no, status=no, location=no, left=0,
?php echo $html-image('photos/'.$c_link.'/'.$s_link.'/'.$th['Photo']

I'm using this code on my others site and works fine under IE and FF.
ANd also, why it gives me the strange URL looking like http://

in app/config/core.php i have define('CAKE_SESSION_SAVE', 'php');
please help;)

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Re: Can any1 help? CAKEPHP= a lot of numbers in url and js window not opening in IE

2007-08-24 Thread Anna P

ok I managed windows in IE
but the browser still gives me URL with CAKEPHP numbers. don't want to
see that in my adress bar, how to get rid of it?

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How to set title of home page that doesn't have a controller? (../views/pages/home.thtml)

2007-08-06 Thread Anna P

Hi:) I have one question. For each page i set title in that page's
controller using $this-pageTitle = ''
But how do I set the title of home page (that lays in views/pages/
home.thtml) that shows up when i go to '' or
'' ? That home page doesn't have a
I thought that i can do this in app_controller.php , but when I use
$this-pageTitle it gives me an error.
Please help:)

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Re: submitTag - how to pass the name of submit button?:)

2007-08-02 Thread Anna P

Why yes, it worked:-) Thank you very much!:)

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