Re: RequestHandler->isAjax not returning expected data

2007-08-07 Thread Jim Newfer


Hm that is a strange problem. Although I can't really tell you what is
going wrong, I would caution you about using the "fix" you have in
place. All it would take for a user to fake an ajax request would to
get a simple tool like firebug and set what url the ajax post or get
request is calling, and put that into the browser along with the
variable you have included includes.

On Aug 7, 8:20 pm, doubleswizz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Although I'm not sure what is causing the above behavior, I do have a
> workaround for it.  Whenever I call the controller action via ajax, I
> append a get variable onto the URL.  Then, I just check for that
> variable to determine if the action was called via ajax or not.

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Re: Linking a HABTM Association to extra data beside the tag?

2007-08-05 Thread Jim Newfer


Thank you for the reply. Now I'm not sure you understand me correctly,
or I am not sure I understand myself :P. I am aware of this method,
filtering a HABTM relationship creating a "dummy" model in the join
table. I already have something like this and it works perfectly.

What I don't understand what you are saying is, what I tables should
be made? Are you saying that all is necessary is the join table
FansUsers and then in there do something like, and, and
The FansUsers each FansUser belongs to one user? I don't understand
how that would work because If I have user A, and he has fans B and C,
then I want fans B and C to belongs to their corresponding
information, so when I pull up the fans for user A, I get user B and
user C's information.
So if I understand you correctly, I will only need one extra table,
and will just need to fabricate a join table everytime I wish to find
the fans of a user?

Thank you,

On Aug 1, 8:59 am, rtconner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If I'm catching what you are doing... You have to create a FansUser
> model and add some relationships to it.
> I think.. this is what you want. I could be wrong though.
> On Aug 1, 9:47 am, Jim Newfer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Anyone? Sorry, I am just stuck. If there was some way in cake to
> > specify an alternative key it is searching for in the foreign table, I
> > think that may solve my problem.
> > Thanks.
> > Jim.
> > On Jul 31, 1:55 pm, Jim Newfer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hello everyone,
> > > Last resort post, I am stuck. What I have done is create a "friends"
> > > system in my app. Although it is mildly tricky because the friends are
> > > the same thing as users, just using an alias.
> > > My tables look like this right now (only relevant information shown):
> > > Users:
> > > Id
> > > Fans_Users:
> > > fan_id
> > > user_id
> > > Fans:
> > > id
> > > fans_info
> > > The fan is just an alias for another user. I have the HABTM
> > > association set up fine and dandy. But what I cannot seem to get to
> > > work no matter what I try, is get the user infomation to be be pulled
> > > up with that fan. For example, User 67 has two fans, users 45 and
> > > users 46. Not when I query for User 67, his two fans are shown, users
> > > 45 and 46. BUT, I want users 45 and users 46 information to be shown
> > > as well. I have tried all sorts of combinations of hasOne/belongsTo in
> > > the fans table to get the fan to link to some user info. Even tried
> > > adding a fan_id to the user table, (which is the same thing as their
> > > id) And linking it to that. Problem is, it is matching the to
> > > the fan.user_id which is obviously a problem. I was thinking if I
> > > could somehow modify the primary key it is searching for in the local
> > > table, it could work (instead of matching the to the,
> > > match the Fan.fan_id to the
> > > I am really stuck here, has anyone attempting anything similar?
> > > Thanks.
> > > Jim

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Re: Linking a HABTM Association to extra data beside the tag?

2007-08-01 Thread Jim Newfer

Anyone? Sorry, I am just stuck. If there was some way in cake to
specify an alternative key it is searching for in the foreign table, I
think that may solve my problem.


On Jul 31, 1:55 pm, Jim Newfer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> Last resort post, I am stuck. What I have done is create a "friends"
> system in my app. Although it is mildly tricky because the friends are
> the same thing as users, just using an alias.
> My tables look like this right now (only relevant information shown):
> Users:
> Id
> Fans_Users:
> fan_id
> user_id
> Fans:
> id
> fans_info
> The fan is just an alias for another user. I have the HABTM
> association set up fine and dandy. But what I cannot seem to get to
> work no matter what I try, is get the user infomation to be be pulled
> up with that fan. For example, User 67 has two fans, users 45 and
> users 46. Not when I query for User 67, his two fans are shown, users
> 45 and 46. BUT, I want users 45 and users 46 information to be shown
> as well. I have tried all sorts of combinations of hasOne/belongsTo in
> the fans table to get the fan to link to some user info. Even tried
> adding a fan_id to the user table, (which is the same thing as their
> id) And linking it to that. Problem is, it is matching the to
> the fan.user_id which is obviously a problem. I was thinking if I
> could somehow modify the primary key it is searching for in the local
> table, it could work (instead of matching the to the,
> match the Fan.fan_id to the
> I am really stuck here, has anyone attempting anything similar?
> Thanks.
> Jim

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Linking a HABTM Association to extra data beside the tag?

2007-07-31 Thread Jim Newfer

Hello everyone,

Last resort post, I am stuck. What I have done is create a "friends"
system in my app. Although it is mildly tricky because the friends are
the same thing as users, just using an alias.

My tables look like this right now (only relevant information shown):




The fan is just an alias for another user. I have the HABTM
association set up fine and dandy. But what I cannot seem to get to
work no matter what I try, is get the user infomation to be be pulled
up with that fan. For example, User 67 has two fans, users 45 and
users 46. Not when I query for User 67, his two fans are shown, users
45 and 46. BUT, I want users 45 and users 46 information to be shown
as well. I have tried all sorts of combinations of hasOne/belongsTo in
the fans table to get the fan to link to some user info. Even tried
adding a fan_id to the user table, (which is the same thing as their
id) And linking it to that. Problem is, it is matching the to
the fan.user_id which is obviously a problem. I was thinking if I
could somehow modify the primary key it is searching for in the local
table, it could work (instead of matching the to the,
match the Fan.fan_id to the

I am really stuck here, has anyone attempting anything similar?



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Updating a via ajax, although getLastInsertId() or $this->Comment->id does not retrieve the last inserted record.. why?

2007-07-12 Thread Jim Newfer

Sorry guys I just cannot figure this one out. I creating an ajax
comment system that does not have to reload all of the comments (i.e.
foreach loop getting all of the comments) So what I have done is
create a dummy  that the comment will be loaded into, and when
the page is reloaded, it will automatically be placed with the other
comments as usual. The problem is, in my ajax function, it won't
search, find, or in any way see $this->Comment->id or $this->Comment-
>getLastInsertId() for anything after the save.And I do have the debug
level set to 2, and it seems like a query is never being run, except
for where i will explain below The controller looks like so...

function viewstuff(){
$this->layout = 'ajax';


/*Here is everything i have tried, corresponding with their sql
queries it runs  */

// $this->set('comment' ,$this->Comment->findById($this->Comment-
//SELECT `Comment`.`id`, `Comment`.`body`, `Comment`.`user_id`,
`Comment`.`story_id` FROM `comments` AS `Comment` WHERE `Comment`.`id`
IS NULL LIMIT 1, now I have no idea why it sets the id to IS NULL, my
guess is that this means the ID has not been set yet, but i don't
understand this because I have only called upon this function unless I
have saved, meaning the id SHOULD be set

//here is everything i have tried, that does not work
//$id =  $this->Comment->id ;
// $this->set('comment', $this->Comment->read($id));
//returns a sql query that is blank

$tmp_id = $this->Comment->id;
 $this->set('comment', $this->Comment->findAll("id = $tmp_id"));
//this returns a sql error...
//it queries like this, not querying for the id SELECT `Comment`.`id`,
`Comment`.`body`, `Comment`.`user_id`, `Comment`.`story_id` FROM
`comments` AS `Comment` WHERE id =
//then returns the error
//you have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that
corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use
near '' at line 1

***I have tried these and many more, and am begging for assistance :P

Here is my corresponding view as well,

//this is all it is because i am just testing right now

**And I should add I am using jquery to call upon this function (and
the data is saved successfully btw)

// wait for the DOM to be loaded
$(document).ready(function() {
// bind 'myForm' and provide a simple callback function
$('#myform').ajaxForm(function() {
  // $("#newcomment").load('/stories/lastcomment');

And just a side note as well, I can set ANY VARIABLE in the controller
above that I am attempting to call the $this-.Comment->Id or $this-
>Comment->getLastInsertId(); and it will UPDATE JUST FINE. THIS IS

Everything else, all variables, queries, etc. in the controller are
set just fine. I am wondering if for some reason the getLastInsertId
or id is not being set right away for some reason?

Any advice is GREATLY appreciated.

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Autocomplete options in 1.2 messes up my field.

2007-07-08 Thread Jim Newfer


Well I have been using an autocomplete field for quite some time and
everything has worked fine. Although I just tried to add this onto the
end 'afterUpdateElement' => 'getSelectionId')

autocomplete('User.school_id', '/users/
autocomplete', array('afterUpdateElement' => 'getSelectionId')); ?>

/then i have this function to alert the user of the selection id

function getSelectionId(text, li) {
alert (;

This is a very strange problem, everything works fine until I add that
last bit, and a small grey line appears below the autocomplete field.

I'm sure there is a simple fix to this, and my autocomplete view looks
like this btw.

I am trying to automatically input the ID of the selecton in the

.''.$school['School']['city'].', ' .
$school['School']['state']. ''; ?> 

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Struggling with creating a function and search an array then outputting data based upon results...

2007-07-07 Thread Jim Newfer

I have been trying to figure this out for the past 2 hours and to no
avail. :/ So any advice is GREATLY appreciated.

Ok, I have an array that returns data like this (see array below) The
array[0] contains all the votes for one story as well as information
that pertains to that vote, and the array[1] contains vote information
for another story. What I need to do is check is a user_id stored in a
session, is in the array, and then create a boolean array from that.
For example, here I want to check if the user_id is featured in the
first set of data, let's say my user_id is 74. Ok, so it is in the
first set of data, so we set the boolean variable to true. Next I need
to search the second data field for my user_id, 73. It is not featured
here so the value in my array is set to 0. I need an array that
returns values either 1, for true, your user_id was found in the
table, or false, for your user_id was not featured in the table. They
need to be in order of the story too. I'm having trouble one comparing
the two variables against eachother, since the array is very deep, and
two, creating the array on the fly. Any suggestions are recieved with
open arms! Thanks for looking !

[0] => Array
[0] => Array
[id] => 5
[story_id] => 122
[user_id] => 74

[1] => Array
[id] => 6
[story_id] => 122
[user_id] => 74


[1] => Array
[0] => Array
[id] => 7
[story_id] => 123
[user_id] => 74

[1] => Array
[id] => 8
[story_id] => 123
[user_id] => 74

[2] => Array
[id] => 9
[story_id] => 123
[user_id] => 74


[1] => Array

* => Array

[id] => 7
[story_id] => 123
[user_id] => 45
[Story] => storythree




P.S. The reason I am trying to return a boolean array is because they
will set a value in the view in a div tag for the class, like so

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Re: Passing data back from jquery to a controller?

2007-07-06 Thread Jim Newfer

On Jul 6, 9:01 am, Jim Newfer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hey guys,
> Sorry but I just cannot get my head around this one. I am trying to
> pass back a value from jquery to my controller. Everything runs ok,
> except my controller does not get or doesn't recognize the value I am
> passing it via jquery.
> //here is my javascript
> $(document).ready(function(){
> $("#votebox").click(function(){
> $(this).load("/stories/vote/" + $idof);
> })
> //Here I have already checked, $idof contains a value of 3, so should
> the controller that is being requested look like /stories/vote/3 ? Or
> am I missing something. I already asked the guys over at jquery and
> they said syntactically correct, and that it is something wrong on my
> end, so it must be cake.
> Any help is greatly appreciated.
> My function looks like this btw, and accepts an id, which it is not
> recognized
> function vote($id){
> $this->Story->id = $id;
> $count =  $this->Story->field('Story.agree');
> $newcount = $count + 1;
> $this->data['agree'] = $newcount;
> $this->Story->save($this->data);
> }
> Thanks again


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Passing data back from jquery to a controller?

2007-07-06 Thread Jim Newfer

hey guys,

Sorry but I just cannot get my head around this one. I am trying to
pass back a value from jquery to my controller. Everything runs ok,
except my controller does not get or doesn't recognize the value I am
passing it via jquery.

//here is my javascript


$(this).load("/stories/vote/" + $idof);


//Here I have already checked, $idof contains a value of 3, so should
the controller that is being requested look like /stories/vote/3 ? Or
am I missing something. I already asked the guys over at jquery and
they said syntactically correct, and that it is something wrong on my
end, so it must be cake.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

My function looks like this btw, and accepts an id, which it is not

function vote($id){
$this->Story->id = $id;
$count =  $this->Story->field('Story.agree');
$newcount = $count + 1;
$this->data['agree'] = $newcount;

Thanks again

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Re: Using jquery's Ajax functions in tandem with CakePHP...

2007-07-03 Thread Jim Newfer

Gremlin, thank you so much for your reply! So far it isn't working but
in the top of my javascript I have a requestAction, and in my
controller I set something like this

if(isset($this->params['requested'])) {
return  array('stories' => $getstories, 'school' => 

That is all I should need to do to have jquery be able to access my
models right ?

Thanks for any more advice from anyone.

On Jul 2, 10:24 pm, gremlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You can call a script the same way, just use $( "#quote p" ).load( "/
> contoller/action" );
> Make sure your controller handlesajaxrequests. If you don't know
> what that means look up requestAction or parseExtensions in the
> groups.
> On Jul 2, 10:12 pm, Jim Newfer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have been usingjquery, which is great btw, with cakephp for a
> > couple of weeks now. I love it to say the least. I haven't really
> > dealt withajaxvery much, but I have done some basic things with it,
> > and PHP outside of cake. Needless to say, when it comes time to use
> >jquery'sajaxfunctionality with cake, I am completely and totally
> > lost.
> > I trying to get this EXTREMELY simple tutorial to work with cakephp
> > for about the past 3 hours, and just cannot seem to figure it out.
> >
> > I think it make have something to do with this line injquery, where
> > it calls for an outside script.
> >  $("#quote p").load("script.php");
> > I was wondering is there some way to instead, call upon a specific
> > controller? Or passjqueryinformation?
> > Obviously I do not want to include a separate script because that
> > would be an unnecessary hassle. I am just looking for pointers/tips on
> > how to useajax'sfunctionality with cake, because I cannot seem to
> > find any good tutorials anywhere on incorporatingjqueryinto cake.
> > Any guidance is GREATLY appreciated.

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Using jquery's Ajax functions in tandem with CakePHP...

2007-07-02 Thread Jim Newfer

I have been using jquery, which is great btw, with cakephp for a
couple of weeks now. I love it to say the least. I haven't really
dealt with ajax very much, but I have done some basic things with it,
and PHP outside of cake. Needless to say, when it comes time to use
jquery's ajax functionality with cake, I am completely and totally

I trying to get this EXTREMELY simple tutorial to work with cakephp
for about the past 3 hours, and just cannot seem to figure it out.

I think it make have something to do with this line in jquery, where
it calls for an outside script.

 $("#quote p").load("script.php");

I was wondering is there some way to instead, call upon a specific
controller? Or pass jquery information?

Obviously I do not want to include a separate script because that
would be an unnecessary hassle. I am just looking for pointers/tips on
how to use ajax's functionality with cake, because I cannot seem to
find any good tutorials anywhere on incorporating jquery into cake.

Any guidance is GREATLY appreciated.

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Re: A question about integrating jquery in cakephp?

2007-07-01 Thread Jim Newfer

Alright, I got it to work, when I removed the line of code from my
default layout, $scripts_for_layout.

Can someone please tell me what $scripts_for_layout is used for? Thank

On Jul 1, 7:51 pm, Geoff Ford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> All javascript files need to be placed in app/webroot/js and you need
> to include the javascript helper.
> 3/4 down is the
> javascript helper documentation
> Geoff
> --
> On Jul 2, 10:28 am, Jim Newfer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have been using jquery for about a month now, and I love it to say
> > that least. Although, I cannot seem to figure out the best way to
> > incorporate it into my cakephp project, or even to incorporate it at
> > all!
> > When I used jquery before, I just loaded the jquery.js library in the
> > header, and then wrote the javascript in the header in between the
> >  tags.
> > So I have tried to duplicate this in more ways than one, and none of
> > them have worked. I have tried in my default layout, using 
> > $javascript->link('jquery', false) in the header of my default layout 
> > trying to
> > get it to work, and then placing $scripts_for_layout in content area
> > of the default layout. I have tried including both in the view file,
> > and combinations of all of these.
> > Could someone just please explain how and where the files need to go
> > when using jquery with cakephp ? Thank you.

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Re: A question about integrating jquery in cakephp?

2007-07-01 Thread Jim Newfer


Yes, am I aware of this, and this is what I have done, not only have I
included the javascript helpers in my controllers, I also included
them into my AppController so my layout would have access to the
javascript helper when calling $this->javascript('file') in the header
of my default layout. Strange.

On Jul 1, 7:51 pm, Geoff Ford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> All javascript files need to be placed in app/webroot/js and you need
> to include the javascript helper.
> 3/4 down is the
> javascript helper documentation
> Geoff
> --
> On Jul 2, 10:28 am, Jim Newfer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have been using jquery for about a month now, and I love it to say
> > that least. Although, I cannot seem to figure out the best way to
> > incorporate it into my cakephp project, or even to incorporate it at
> > all!
> > When I used jquery before, I just loaded the jquery.js library in the
> > header, and then wrote the javascript in the header in between the
> >  tags.
> > So I have tried to duplicate this in more ways than one, and none of
> > them have worked. I have tried in my default layout, using 
> > $javascript->link('jquery', false) in the header of my default layout 
> > trying to
> > get it to work, and then placing $scripts_for_layout in content area
> > of the default layout. I have tried including both in the view file,
> > and combinations of all of these.
> > Could someone just please explain how and where the files need to go
> > when using jquery with cakephp ? Thank you.

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A question about integrating jquery in cakephp?

2007-07-01 Thread Jim Newfer

I have been using jquery for about a month now, and I love it to say
that least. Although, I cannot seem to figure out the best way to
incorporate it into my cakephp project, or even to incorporate it at

When I used jquery before, I just loaded the jquery.js library in the
header, and then wrote the javascript in the header in between the

So I have tried to duplicate this in more ways than one, and none of
them have worked. I have tried in my default layout, using $javascript-
>link('jquery', false) in the header of my default layout trying to
get it to work, and then placing $scripts_for_layout in content area
of the default layout. I have tried including both in the view file,
and combinations of all of these.

Could someone just please explain how and where the files need to go
when using jquery with cakephp ? Thank you.

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