Re: File Uploading

2009-03-12 Thread ORCC

¿Did you put the attribute enctype=multipart/form-data in the form?

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Re: Add property last = true to every validation rule

2008-11-20 Thread ORCC

 class AppModel extends Model {
 function beforeValidate() {
 foreach ($this-validate as $field) {
 foreach ($field as $rule) {
 $rule[last] = true;

It seems that your error comes from a misunderstanding of the foreach
constructor in PHP.

The foreach iteration creates a _copy_ of each element of the array
(the value returned by the each function) when iterates,  hence the
code block inside the foreach works with the copy of the array element
instead of the actual array value.

 Try using references, as is explained in the PHP Manual
foreach ($this-validate as $field) {
foreach ($field as $rule) {


And study the documentation:

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Re: Wamp cakePHP allright except bake

2008-10-27 Thread ORCC

Enable the mysqlcli (Command Line Interface) module in PHP It doesn't
use to be enable by default. The PHP's mysql module for command line
isn't the same mysql module used in CGI/Apache Module.   See the
php.ini file and php documentation for detail (usually you just have
to uncomment a single line in the php.ini file

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Re: CSV file as DataSource

2008-10-27 Thread ORCC

Use the ConnectionManager::getInstance() method to get the DB Manager
instance, and set manually the database.

$conn = ConnectionManager::getInstance()
$conn-config['file'] = 'your_csv_file';

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Re: CSV file as DataSource

2008-10-27 Thread ORCC

Actually, it is (assuming your db configuration variable is called

 $conn = ConnectionManager::getInstance()
 $conn-config-default['file'] = 'your_csv_file';

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How to save recursively with a hasOne relation

2008-10-17 Thread ORCC

I have the following models:

Users (id, name, ...)
Preferences (id, user_id, ...)

With the relationships User hasOne Preference and Preferences
belongsTo User set in each model.

I created a form with all fields for either users and preferences.

$form-create('User',Array('action' = 'register'));
$form-end('Create User');

In the model, I have

function register () {
$this-User-recursive = 1;

Altought, in the above save call, the data is saved only in the User
model, Is there a way for perform the save recusive, namely, that the
User::save create recursively the asociated Profile too?

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Re: What is the proper way of adding script to the layout?

2008-10-17 Thread ORCC

 - css - I want to include some css files only when I use Elements or
 helpers they are used by. Is it any way to do this in cakephp? Or have
 I include all css files into all pages?

I prefer to include all css scripts in the head. It has tow

- The includes are made in one place in my layout, so it's easier to
add or remove
stylesheets (just add or remove the css include in a single file)

- The browsers use to cache all the files. Hence, if a user request a
page that
loads a lot of javascripts and css's, in the next request this
includes will be
cached and the request will be faster.

 - javascript - I have on-dom-ready js function in header and I want to
 add some script to it. I think I can do this by some kind of element
 filled from view but maybe there is a better way?

If the scripts are complex, put all scripts in a js file and include
it in the template.
If your scripts are little bocks of code, user the $javascript-
codeBlock() method
for including your javascript where it is necesary.

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Re: Question on the best way to proceed and stay true to MVC/CakePHP philosophy

2008-10-17 Thread ORCC

Set the name attribute into the CommandParser class (If your are
using PHP 4 the name attribute is mandatory as it is in models and

class CommandParserComponent extends Object {
var $name = CommandParser;

//the rest of the code.
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Re: startpage with different layout

2008-10-15 Thread ORCC

Just set the layout in the first line of your view
?php $this-layout=foo ?

and after this line all your presentation code.

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Re: Question on the best way to proceed and stay true to MVC/CakePHP philosophy

2008-10-15 Thread ORCC

 if(function_exist( $this-{$command}()) ){

For testing the existence of cass methods, you should use
method_exists instead.

if (method_exists(get_class($this),$command) {
   //blah blah

With this fix i think that this idea would work too,
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Re: How to Handle Special Fields on $this-query() statements - Forking from MySQL Having Clausule

2008-10-14 Thread ORCC

Use Set classs for manipulating your find's results, particularly the
Set::combine method maybe helpful for you..

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Re: Troubles doing a complex find

2008-10-14 Thread ORCC

AND logical operator is asociative, hence:

'OR' = Array (
   'AND' = Array ( /*put all conditions here*/)

is equivalent, and here you don't rewrite the Array index.

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Re: Question on the best way to proceed and stay true to MVC/CakePHP philosophy

2008-10-14 Thread ORCC

I think first that all you have to separate the parsing of the text
and the execution of the command itself via components, namely:

1) Create a CommandParser component that has function to parse a
2) Create a CommandExecutive component that has a method for
implement each of the commands.

I suggest you to handle the user input in a unique action in the
controlle. For example, create a send action where all the user text
is sent:

class ChatController extends AppController {
var $components =

/*handles all text send by user*/
function send($text) {
  /*analize wherter the input is a command or is plain
  if (CommandParser::isCommand($text)) {
//is a command redirect for command execution
   //use the parser component to get the command
and the parameter of the command
   $command = CommandParser::getCommand($text);
   $parameter = CommandParser::getParameter($te

  else {
   //is normal text, show

 //here is the rest of actions
function add ($text) {
 //perform logic of add text

function command ($command, $parameter) {
 //perform logic of command

For executing the command you can avoid the big switching statement by
using an array of callbacks indexed with the command names. All
callbacks are methods defined in the ActionExecutive component itself.
For example:

//this function may be in the controller
function proccessCommand($text,$parameter) {
   $command_list = Array (
'help' = displayHelp,
   'quit' = quitUser,
   /* ... */

   /*verify if  it is a valid command*/
   if (empty($command_list[$text])) {
return INVALID_COMMAND; /*this maybe a constant*/

  $callback = $command_list[$text];
  /*execute the command that is a method in a command executive
  $result = CommandExecutive::$callback($parameter);
  return $result;

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Access $data content in afterSave callback

2008-10-13 Thread ORCC

I have the following question:

I'm saving in the controller with the method:


But I don't set $this-Model-data explicitly.

How can I access to the data array in the afterSave callback? Can I
use $this-data if that array wasn't set explicitly with $this-Model-
data = $this-data in the controller?

I need the data in the afterSave because I have to handle a file
upload associated to the model.
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Re: Dynamical display contation on default layout.ctp

2008-10-13 Thread ORCC

Use an element.

1) In your UsersController you have a function that returns the count
of live users:

class UsersController extends AppModel {
  function getCountLiveUsers() {
//perform the calculation
   return $n;

2) Create /view/elements/number_of_live_users.ctp whith this

/*File number_of_live_users.ctp */
$n = $this-requestAction('/users/getCountLiveUsers');
echo $n;

3) and finally, in your layout default.ctp or whatever view, you can
use your element.

 head ... /head
 There are ?php echo $this-
element('number_of_live_users') ?

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Re: MySQL Having Clausule

2008-10-13 Thread ORCC

If you have query with complex conditions, I suggest you to use the
query() method directly

$users = $this-User-query('YOUR SQL QUERY')

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Error when including prototype and scriptaculous in layout template

2008-10-11 Thread ORCC

I have a layout template that includes the prototype and scriptaculous
scripts that are placed in webroot/js directory.

The template looks like:

!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN http://
html xmlns=;
?php echo $html-charset(); ?
?php __('TITLE - '); ?
?php  echo $title_for_layout ?

echo $html-meta('icon');
echo $html-css('gmg_frontend');
echo $javascript-link('swfobject');
//include prototype scriptaculous and lightbox scripts
echo $javascript-link('prototype');
echo $javascript-link('scriptaculous');
echo $javascript-link('lightbox');
//personal scripts
echo $html-css('lightbox');
echo $javascript-link('gmg');
echo $javascript-link('menubar');

 ... (More stuff)...

The page seems to load correctly, altough the Firefox's error console
issues the following errors:

Error: syntax error
Source File: http://MY_DOMAIN/gmg/js/sound.js
Línea: 1
Código fuente:
!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN http://

The code is a missing_controller page generate by cake in the
scriptaculous loading, because the JS controller is missing. (This
is the globlal object in scriptaculous that loads some scripts like
sound, dragdrop and others)

What is the solution for this trouble?
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Re: Documentation - Cakes bad side

2008-10-03 Thread ORCC

The only complain that I found in the API documentation, is that there
are not clear explanations about the parameters that a method expects
(usually as an array) or class attributes are not explained too.
Altought there is the source code; in many cases the source code
itself is the best documentation.

The cookbook I think is very terse and concise. It has some lacks of
content, but you can realize that the cookbook has a beta state too,
and obviously, it will be improved on time.

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Re: Add user_id from session to db when adding a product

2008-10-03 Thread ORCC

Just assign the values to the data array

$this-data['Product']['user_id'] = $user_id

Or put user_id as a hidden field in the form.
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Re: Does calling model methods from elements break MVC pattern?

2008-10-03 Thread ORCC

 ..the comment PERFORM BUSINESS LOGIC should immediately
 let you think that something is not 100% MVC are
 performing LOGIC inside a MODEL, and not just model data

So, where I have to do the business logic?

For example, I have a Product Object, and the product has some taxes
that depends on the product itself (Its category, price, origin
country, etc).

Following the encapsulation principle of the object oriented
programming, I think that the object to have to know how to calculate
the product tax is the product itself. So I add a method
Product::calculateTax(); into the class Product. Tax calculation is
part of the business rules and tax value is inherent for each product,
hence, I guess that the responsibility of tax calculation lays in
the Product class.

Why this could violate the MVC pattern? Or is the product controller
who has to know how to calculate the product's tax?
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Re: Simple Question

2008-10-03 Thread ORCC

When you post a form, the selected value  of a select list is in the
data array as any other form field.

 Hello all, how do I get the selected value from a select drop down
 box.  Basically I want to redirect based on the returned value however
 I can not figure out how to get the selected value?
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Does calling model methods from elements break MVC pattern?

2008-10-02 Thread ORCC

It is a question about MVC pattern in cakephp.

I have a calculated value that I want to display in many views, so I
decided to create an element. The business logic has to be performed
in the model, i.e:


class Product extends AppModel {
 //... all attributes and methods

 function performSomeProductCalculation () {
   //perform business logic
   return $result;

There are two options to create an element that renders the result
returned by the above method:

- Option 1: Call the model method directly from element:


$p = New Product();
div class=result
 The result is ?php echo $p-performSomeProductCalculation() ?

- Option 2: Create a controller method for rendering the result, and
call that method in the element via requestAction


class ProductsController extends AppController {
  //... all attributes and method

  function my_result() {
return $this-Product-performSomeProductCalculation();


$r = $this-requestAction('/products/my_result');
div class=result
 The result is ?php echo $r; ?

Wich options is the correct one in order to respect 100% the MVC
pattern? ? ?
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Re: Database design for local information specific site

2008-10-02 Thread ORCC

I suggest you to:

- Create a single table Cities (id,name). For example

 1   New York
 2   Madrid
 3   Roma

- Create a single table called Properties (id,city_id, property,
value) and place in that table All the properties for each city. For

Id   City_Id   Property  Value
11   greeting   HELLO
22   greeting   HOLA
33   greeting   CIAO
41   contact[EMAIL PROTECTED]
52   contact[EMAIL PROTECTED]

- Add a session value with city_Id, once the user has enter in the
site, and use that id to retreive all the properties from the current

I think that with the above schema you don't need to do too much joins
for retreive your localized properties, just need to know the city_id

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Re: Does calling model methods from elements break MVC pattern?

2008-10-02 Thread ORCC

Ok, that means that I would consider to pass parameters to my elements
(parameters calculated inside the controller) to avoid a requestAction
call, doesn't it?

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Re: javascipt onclick in $html-image

2008-09-30 Thread ORCC

Double quotes should work too:

'on_click' = open_win($id);

On 30 sep, 10:37, bartez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Panic over

 answer is:

 'onclick'='open_win('. $id .')'


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How to allow all non-administrative route with Auth

2008-09-26 Thread ORCC

I'm using Auth component to manage an admin panel. I use admin route
for all function in admin panel. In order to allow all other actions
without login, I add them in beforeFilter method. For instance:

function beforeFilter() {
  parent::beforeFilter(); //Controller general initialization

But this is error prone when the controller has a lot of actions.

Is there a single instruction with Auth component for allowing all
actions with non-administrative route?
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Re: How to update a model with save method?

2008-09-23 Thread ORCC

Thanks for all your answers.

I found my error: I've overridden the exists method in my model for
other uses.

So, it seems that save method invokes the exists method to decide
wheter call an INSERT or an UPDATE. I thought erroneuosly that save
method only checked that the id attribute was set.

On 23 sep, 11:08, teknoid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is your primary key field really named 'id' ... not 'ID' or something
 along those lines?

 That being said $this-Manufacturer-id = $id should work regardless
 of the primary key column name, since the $id property here simply
 refers to the key column and has nothing to do with the actual name.
 The actual name is stored in the $primaryKey property of the model.

 On Sep 23, 1:28 am, ORCC [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Thank you for answer.

  On 23 sep, 00:42, teknoid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   $this-Manufacturer-id = $id;

   you can also save() the data without doing a set() first, i.e. $this-


  This doesn't work either in my model-controller given in the previous
  posts. I can't figure where is the mistake, but I've have tested the

  - Set $this-Manufacturer-id = $id
  - Set $this-data['Manufacturer']['id'] = $id and invoke $this-


  With both alternatives, the mysql error of duplicate key appears and
  the query performed is an INSERT one.

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Re: Wouldn't it be great if cake adds a straight PHP equivalent on it's manual pages e.g redirection

2008-09-23 Thread ORCC

You can issue a header or any php function  into the View, but it is
not correct from the point of view of the MVC pattern, because it
seems that you are putting application logic into the view.

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How to update a model with save method?

2008-09-22 Thread ORCC

In the blog tutorial, they use the save method both to save or update
an existing record. I tried to take that idea for my application and
had some trouble:

My model is the following, with all default table names (i.e id is the
primary key)

class Manufacturer extends AppModel {
  var $name = Manufacturer;
  var $validate = Array (/*validation stuff*/);

  //some other methods

And the controller is as follows

class ManufacturersController extends AppController {
var $name = Manufacturers;
var $helpers = array('Html', 'Form','Javascript');
var $components = array('Session');

   function edit($id = 0) {
if ($id) {

   /*try to update the record*/


In the edit function I set the id attribute for the Manufacturer model
as stated in the documentation; with this, the save method should
update rather than create a new records. Altough, the application
issues the following error message (here key 1 is the primary key, and
12 is a value of an existing id in the database table):

Warning (512): SQL Error: 1062: Duplicate entry '12' for key 1

$sql=   INSERT INTO `manufacturers`
VALUES ('F222','xxx,'xxx','',12)

Wich attribute I have to set in order of the save method generate a
UPDATE query instead of an INSERT one?

Thanks in advice.
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Re: How to update a model with save method?

2008-09-22 Thread ORCC

Thank you for answer.

On 23 sep, 00:42, teknoid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 $this-Manufacturer-id = $id;

 you can also save() the data without doing a set() first, i.e. $this-


This doesn't work either in my model-controller given in the previous
posts. I can't figure where is the mistake, but I've have tested the

- Set $this-Manufacturer-id = $id
- Set $this-data['Manufacturer']['id'] = $id and invoke $this-

With both alternatives, the mysql error of duplicate key appears and
the query performed is an INSERT one.

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How to count associated records in a model?

2008-09-21 Thread ORCC

I have a Manufacturer model having many Products. In order to return
the number of Products of a Manufacturer I wrote the following method
in Manufacturer:

function countProducts() {
   $condition = Array('manufacturer_id' = $this-id)
   return $this-Product-find('count',Array('conditions' =

I would like to know if there is some way of getting the count of
associated records without importing the associated model, but
performing a recursive count.

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Re: using Configure::read in a model definition file

2008-09-21 Thread ORCC

It is a php syntax issue. When you declare a class attribute, its
value must be constant, i.e

class Foo {
 var $foo = Array('equalTo' = 'xx', 'name' = yy);  //correct,
since all array's elements are constant
 var $bar = Array('equalTo' = Conf::read('Secret')); //Error,
since the value its not constant

The solution is to set the attribute in the class constructor

class Foo {
 var $bar = Array(); //declare the attribute

 function __construct() {
  $this-bar['equalTo'] = Conf::read('Secret');

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Generate List with SQL calculated Fields

2008-09-21 Thread ORCC

Usually I create lists for using with $form-select(), vía
find('list') method. For instance, in the controller method

$l = $this-ProductCategory-find('list');

Another way to create the list is by using a plain query:

$l = $this-ProductCategory-query('SELECT `id`, `name` FROM
product_categories ORDER by `name` ASC');

The problem is that select is not correctly rendered when I need a SQL
calculated field. My trouble is the following:

The table product_categories has a field called sex with type
VARCHAR(1) and whose values are 'M' or 'F'.  I need that in my select,
the list items apear of the following manner:

Shirts (WOMEN)
Pants (MEN)
Shirts (MEN)

I try to create the list with the following query:

$query = SELECT `id`, CONCAT(`name`,IF(`sex`= 'M','(MEN)','(WOMEN)'))
AS `description` from `product_categories` ORDER BY `name` ASC, `sex`
$l = ProductCategory-query($query);

But the calculated field appears wrapped into an array and the select
list wouldn't create correctly.

How to make a raw query in order to add SQL calculated fields?

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