Re: count no of rows.

2008-12-29 Thread Stephen Orr

Your brackets aren't balanced. One of the earlier replies had the
correct syntax though.

$count = $this-Project-Message-find('count', array
('Message.project_id' = $MyProjectId));

On Dec 29, 6:09 am, piyushsharmajec wrote:
  Thanks for your help however i find error as
  unexpected T_DOUBLE_ARROW

 when i paste code
 $count =



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Re: How to remove ugly markup from helper? ( fieldset style=display: none; )

2008-09-14 Thread Stephen Orr

This is in there because Cake's forms can support the additional
methods such as PUT and DELETE that are needed for RESTful
applications, but that aren't supported by browsers as yet. Originally
the input field was not inside a fieldset, however that (according to
the W3C validator, amongst others) is not valid XHTML Strict.

I requested this change so I could validate my forms correctly. But
because including a fieldset, even one that contains only a hidden
input, adds additional spacing to the form, I suggested display: none
to get around it. Rather than add an extra line to the stylesheet, and
risk confusing people, I believe an inline style is the correct way to
do this.

So, the inline style is a web standards issue - but it comes down on
the right side of the fence - it's there to make complying with the
standards possible.

On Sep 13, 9:21 pm, Action [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Form helper inserts the following code in every form:

 fieldset style=display:none;input type=hidden name=_method
 value=POST //fieldset

 Is there any way to remove the fieldset tag or the inline style? I'd
 rather have the entire form inside a single fieldset instead of having
 an invisible input field inside its own fieldset. Also, the inline
 style is a web standards issue.

 How can I fix this?
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Re: Sharing tmp with other applications

2008-06-19 Thread Stephen Orr

I can't be the only one thinking this while reading this thread - but
it sounds like the server operator is excessively paranoid, keeping
the system locked down far beyond what it needs to be. I'd suggest
finding an alternate place to host your sites, it just sounds like
this is going to cause nightmares in future.

On Jun 19, 12:00 pm, acoustic_overdrive [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Well I asked and no symlinks allowed unfortunately. He says symlinks
 can be used to gain access to the root of the machine.

 On Jun 19, 11:02 am, acoustic_overdrive [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Hi Marcin,

  Sorry I'm not that up to speed with linux filesystems but I'll have a
  go at explaining...

  The files are stored on an NFS server which has two mountpoints on the
  webserver, one of which is writable (where my tmp stuff is) and the
  other is read-only (where the rest of my application code and webroot
  is). I'm not allowed any more mountpoints and so I need the shared
  writable folder to be outside this cake application as it is going to
  be shared by several cake applications, not just one. Otherwise I
  would have asked him to mount it as app/tmp inside my app and keep the
  file structure as intended.

  so my structure on the NFS server is:


  and on the webserver it looks like this:


  I think the whole point in this exercise is so he can separate
  readable and writable folders without having to add more mountpoints
  in future.

  He also disabled symlinks for security reasons so I can't use
  mod_rewrite either :-(

  But what you're suggesting could be interesting actually. Can I create
  three symbolic links from the sharedtmp to put my tmp folders back
  where they should be inside each app?

  On Jun 19, 10:33 am, Marcin Domanski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   can't you just symlink the directories ?

   On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 10:02 AM, acoustic_overdrive


Hi Dave,

Thanks for the tip - I didn't realise that. I will give that a try. If
I set that do you think the TMP constant is ignored? or is it still
used for logs?


On Jun 17, 9:05 pm, DaveMahon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Actually, there's an even easier way - and the official one to boot!

Edit the cache command at app/core/config.php to look like

Cache::config('default', array('engine' = 'File', 'path' = '/custom/

Full notes for this command are in config.php.

On Jun 16, 1:03 pm,acoustic_overdrive[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hi Dave thanks for checking.

 I'm not using mod_rewrite, and I've just realised this means that it
 will actually get its folder structure set up by the index.php in the
 root of the installation, not the bootstrap or index.php in webroot.

 Which also means I think I've solved my problem because definingTMP
 in that index.php file seems to work fine.

   Marcin Domanski
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Re: 503 5.5.2 Send hello first (email component)

2008-06-12 Thread Stephen Orr

I think the thinking is that, by not including external solutions
wherever possible, it keeps the licensing clean, making it easier for
bigger companies to adopt for their own projects. The trouble with
including most external libraries is that they're GPLed, which tends
to mean that the entire source code to the application needs to be
released under GPL as well. The MIT license Cake is released under is
just a little more friendly...

SwiftMailer is good though!

By the way, Zend have similar rules with the Zend Framework libraries.

On Jun 12, 1:31 am, villas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Same here.  I struggled with the Cake component but then put my trusty
 phpMailer in vendors and bingo, my emails were soon flying again.

 I now cannot see the point in Cake developers spending their time on
 this Email component when there are such robust, fully-featured
 solutions available to be 'wrapped'.  It goes completely against the
 DRY principle.  How on earth are they expecting to write,  update and
 support anything better than phpMailer or SwiftMailer?

 Sorry about the rant,  but I hope the Team will review the real point
 of this component.  And, when they do, I hope the conclusion isn't,
 Other email libraries are just as good and better,  but they weren't
 invented here.  Once the Team goes down that route,  we'll next be
 having a homegrown Cake alternative to JQuery.

 On Jun 10, 8:49 pm, ianmcn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  While waiting for replys to this, I tried using the Pear mail script
  as a Vendor and got it working within about 30 seconds! Thanks for the
  replies, they have confirmed that it's probably best for now to stick
  with a more mature mail system.

  On Jun 10, 3:09 pm, BrendonKoz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   You could also use the Zend framework's email classes as a vendor if
   need be.  Before the Cake email component was created, that was what
   my original plan was for sending email.  There are plenty of tutorials
   on using the Zend Framework's email class.  (Don't think of the Zend
   Framework as a competitor if you've already chosen Cake.  Cake is a
   full stack framework, Zend is a skeletal framework, you can and should
   use it where and when you can.)

   On Jun 10, 9:46 am, Jonathan Snook [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am trying to use the new email component in cake 1.2, but am having
 problems using it with an authenticated SMTP server. I am getting the
 following error:
 503 5.5.2 Send hello first

Not to knock the core developers but the email component still needs
some work, especially in support for SMTP extensions like AUTH. My
recommendation would be to use SwiftMailer (there are CakePHP
components which a google search is likely to uncover but I'm too lazy
to do myself).
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Re: Admin section without using admin routing

2008-06-05 Thread Stephen Orr

Or you could do what I've done in the past on several occasions and
create a plugin called 'admin', which will allow you to have URLs such
as /admin/users/add.

Works fairly well, and you can define a separate layout just by
including in your plugin a /views/layouts/default.ctp file.

On Jun 5, 6:05 pm, aranworld [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The only thing stopping you is that you might come into problems
 having controllers with the same name.

 If you made a controller named useradmin_controller.php in /
 controllers/admin, cakephp will find it.

 However, if you have users_controller.php in BOTH /controllers and /
 controllers/admin, I believe you will run into naming conflicts.

 Overall, I think you will find that it is ultimately easier to mostly
 use single controllers which contain an index, add, edit, and delete

 On Jun 5, 8:58 am, zw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Is there a way to have a separate admin section that doesn't use the
  built-in CakePHP admin routing feature? I'd like to be able to set up
  my site so there is a folder within controllers called admin, and I
  can put all my admin specific controllers. That way I don't have to
  have my admin code in my standard controllers and easily use a
  separate admin layout. Something like this would be ideal:

  Router::connect('/admin/:controller/:action/*', array('controller' =

  Then i can have:

  From what I can tell this is not possible, and CakePHP will only look
  in app/controllers for controllers. I feel this is a really clean
  structure and way of separating the admin functionality.

  Thanks for your help.
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Re: ShadowBox / Ajax Link Problem

2008-06-02 Thread Stephen Orr

I'm only guessing here, but perhaps the layout being used to render
the shadowbox doesn't including the JS libraries in the header? I
can't be sure, I no longer use the Ajax helper as I prefer jQuery to
Prototype :)

On Jun 2, 8:09 pm, Kyle Decot [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am using an ajax link to update a calendar I have made. The link to
 switch between months will work if the calendar is not loaded with the
 shadowbox link, but when it's activated via shadowbox, the links do
 nothing? What could be causing this?

 div id = cal style = display:none;

 ?php echo $this-renderElement(cal); ?
 // cal.ctp contains ?php echo $ajax-link(/cal/
 index/,/,array(update=cal)); ?

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Re: App Controller Fails to Load

2008-06-02 Thread Stephen Orr

I used RewriteBase / after RewriteEngine on, and the Cake apps I've
deployed to our 11 hosting seem to work fine. You'll need to insert
the RewriteBase directive in each of the 3 .htaccess files.

On Jun 2, 9:08 pm, robbie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello All,

 I have a problem, my local Apache / PHP will correctly load my
 app_controller.php file which is in the /app directory, however on my
 shared 1and1 server, the host
 failing to load this, so any of my Model's are not appearing inside
 the views/elements pages. You can see that on the initial page, the
 for loops just bomb out.

 Also, I cannot reach
 anything to get to the admin page.

 Both of my .htaccess files look like this:


 RewriteEngine on
 RewriteRule    ^$    /app/webroot/    [L]
 RewriteRule    (.*) /app/webroot/$1    [L]

 If I do not include the slash prior to app it generates a 500 server

 If anyone has any suggestions, I would greatly appreciate it. I have
 been pulling my hair out for the last few days.

 Thanks again,
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Re: How to dynamically add fields to model

2008-05-31 Thread Stephen Orr

My suggestion would be to go with your initial idea. It's workable,
it'd take some fiddling with the code to make it work correctly
however. But you could achieve most of what you'd need with a bit of
code in the afterFind method of your model.

On May 31, 4:26 pm, spamec [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Something is wrong with my last response.. anyway its a pitty that
 there is no real solution for this problem. I reallly thought that its
 possible without predefining fields in database in advance. Anyway
 thanks for sharing your knowledge.

 Dnia 31 maja 2008 3:18 b logica [EMAIL PROTECTED] napisał(a):

  This isn't really a CakePHP problem, then. I think you need to rethink
  your database schema. I wouldn't suggest creating one that has table
  columns pop into existence like that.

  Add these extra fields/columns to the clients table with DEFAULT
  NULL and make sure that your model validation rules have allowEmpty =
  true. If you're unsure what other fields (besides the required ones
  you already know about) will be wanted someday, you should probably
  tell your client or boss to spell out their requirements for the
  website pronto.

  In any case, if, sometime in the future, they decide that they want to
  add a shirt size column (for example) to the clients table it's as
  easy as adding a new column to the table with our friend DEFAULT NULL,
  popping the validation rule into the model, and adding the form field
  into the views.

  On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 7:05 PM, spamec  wrote:
   Hmm, but I dont know how many fields can admin declare. Its not
   possible, to make it dynamic in such a way (or am I wrong:) )..
   Imagine a case: admin have to extend a Client (which already has
   name,surname,age etc.) with additional fields like street and postal
   code. Of course, forms should be extended automatically.  What then?
   I'm interested with quite universal solution, because in future I
   would like to extend more of my models with such behavior..

 On 30 Maj, 18:31, b logica [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Why not just create an AdminPage model? Or, keep everything in Page
  but make the other fields DEFAULT NULL in pages table?

  On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 4:49 AM, spamec [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Hi there,

   I came to a problem and I'm really curious how other people manage
   such things. I have to build an application in which, admin can extend
   a Page model with additional fields.

   My idea is to create:

   - dynamicfields: id, name,type, required,modelname
   - dynamicfields_values: id, dynamicfield_id, value,created,updated

   And know there is problem, because I have to add,edit,delete fields
   which are dynamic. What is more, I will have to build forms basing on
   dynamicfields... Do you have some experience with such situations?

   Thanks in advance!
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Re: SelectTag in Array

2008-05-28 Thread Stephen Orr

If you're trying to bring an old website into Cake, now is the time to
use 1.2 instead of the old 1.1. It'll be stable very soon now (I have
faith in the dev team), so you're best off sticking with the newest
and best.

To get the information out that you're looking for, try using (in

$i = 0;
// Loop here
$form-input('Booking.extra_member_group.' . $i, array('type' =
'select', 'options' = $extraMemberGroup));
// End loop here

Completely untested, but this way you get an array of options how
you've requested.

On May 27, 10:55 pm, Sanfly [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Guys

 Im new to cake and still trying to get my head around everything, so
 sorry if the answer to this is obvious. I have been looking around for
 the answer but cant seem to find it

 I have a form from an old wesite I'm trying to bring into cake.  In
 the form I have a number of select items that pass data into an
 array, eg:

 select name=myselect[]options here/select
 select name=myselect[]options here/select

 In cake I cant seem to figure out how to make the array.

 When I print_r the result from this:

 $html-selectTag('Booking/extra_member_group', $extraMemberGroup, '',
 array(), array(), false);

 it gives me:

 Array( [extra_member_group] = 1 )

 But I want it to be like this eg:

 Array( [extra_member_group] = Array ( [0] = 2[1] = 1 ) ) )

 Ive tried:

 $html-selectTag('Booking/extra_member_group[]', $extraMemberGroup,
 '', array(), array(), false);

 $html-selectTag('Booking/extra_member_group/', $extraMemberGroup, '',
 array(), array(), false);

 I hope this makes sense and appreciate any help anyone can give me
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Re: $this-Auth-user() cached? - Cake 1.2

2008-05-22 Thread Stephen Orr

Basically, it looks like the Auth data is not refreshed on each page
load. I can understand why you wouldn't want to do this - performance
notwithstanding - but I've run into a few issues with it myself
(primarily dealing with having an online store where the customer
could change their email address, etc - all stored in the session, so
it didn't actually update when they saved the changes).

There's probably an alternate solution, I'm thinking somewhere along
the lines of forcing a fresh check against the database every time the
page is loaded. Maybe from AppController::beforeFilter(), for example.
No idea what form that would take yet though.

On May 22, 5:55 pm, b logica [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 11:28 AM, theandystratton


  I don't understand what you're trying to do here. Are you trying to
  refresh the $user variable or the data in the session?

  I'm trying to find an easy way to refresh the data held in $this-Auth-

 But you're assigning *from* Auth, not *to* it.

  is that just pointing to the User value in the session?
  I'm not sure how the Auth object maps to the values in the Session.

 Yes, Look at the source for Auth::user(). It's grabbing it from the session.

 Strangely though, I'm suddenly seeing an eerily similar problem in my
 own app :-/
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Re: Saving NOW() in model

2008-05-21 Thread Stephen Orr

I believe I used this method:

'last_login' = '!-NOW()'

Which makes Cake stop trying to quote it. But I'm pretty sure the
latest SVN revision recognises NOW() and doesn't quote it anyway.
Maybe I'm confused.


On May 22, 2:12 am, Alex Ciobanu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Zifnab wrote:
  I'm trying to figure out how to implicitly make a mysql NOW() call
  when doing a model's an example of the code:

  $aUserData = array(
      'User'  =  array(
          'id' = 4,
          'last_login' = 'NOW()'

  $this-User-save( $aUserData, false, array( 'last_login' ) );

  Naturally the save doesn't work, because NOW() saves as a string
  NOW() instead of as a mysql function NOW()How do I get it to
  save as a mysql function?

 $aUserData['User']['last_login'] = date(Y-m-d H:i:s);

 Not using NOW(), but does the trick.
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Re: Form posting with type=get

2008-05-18 Thread Stephen Orr

That does make a lot more sense!

What I did with my own Cake app was to POST the search request, but
then process that request into a series of named parameters and
redirect. That way, if a request came in via POST it was a new search,
if it came in with named params it was an existing one - and the
search didn't happen until the second stage.

You're getting more or less the same result by just sending a GET
request, but my way was just a little more predictable - and works
well I think (check out to see it in action).


On May 17, 7:39 pm, Marcelius [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It is for a search engine :-) Build completly from scratch without
 cakephp last year. The SearchController (which is a cake controller)
 catches the GET request, includes the main search class and it wil
 handle the search request. And it is a requirement that search results
 can be bookmarked so the easy way to do this is using GET.

 Hope this info helps :-)

 On 17 mei, 00:56, Stephen Orr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'm having trouble understanding why you'd want to use GET for
  something... what's the specific situation you're attempting?


  On May 16, 7:48 pm, the_woodsman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

But it just doesn't make any sense to me that input names
are stripped to the column names of a table only when using GET. What
is the reason that cake handles get different from post?

   Surely the handling differs because arrays can't be passed as simply
   via GET as they can via POST?

   the data[x][y] naming system is used (at least in part) because this
   is converted as an array in $_POST.
   $_GET vars don't work that way in PHP (to my knowledge) so the naming
   system is completely pointless for a GET request!

   I'd love to be proved wrong on this one, it'd sure expand my
   knwoledge :)

   On May 16, 7:14 pm, Marcelius [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I agree to. But it just doesn't make any sense to me that input names
are stripped to the column names of a table only when using GET. What
is the reason that cake handles get different from post?

I really want to stay as close as possible to the cake conventions so
I decided at first to use the formhelper. The great thing about the
form helper is that well, helps you build forms I think. But it is the
simple trivial stuff that the formhelper does for you independently
from the rest of the framework. For example, automaticly setting the
'posted' value of an input field, or showing validation errors.

But what if there will be an extension in the functionality later, and
cake should do something with the data? That would be another reason
to stick with the formhelper I think.

Anyways, getting my hands 'dirty' by writing some extra non cake-ish
isn't that big a deal but in my opinion not necessary :-)

On 16 mei, 14:56, mydesignbuddy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If you are not using Cake to process the form why use FormHelper when
 a good old hand-coded form in HTML works.

 To me Helpers are great time savers when you are utilizing the
 frameworks features: validations, auto read/write values to view,
 posting to the next action in your controller. If your not using the
 built features of cake for a form the helpers could slow down your
 performance compared to hard-coded HTML that does not need processing.

 Does anyone else agree with this opinion?


 On May 15, 4:52 am, Marcelius [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  The situation:
  //in some view I have:
  echo $form-create(array(controller=search, 
  echo $form-input(Region.region_name);
  echo $form-end();

  Straight forward, nothing to it... Now I want to post data via GET.
  Cake doesn't have to worry about handling the 'posted' data because
  that is delegated to another 3th party class that does the magic for

  //like so:
  echo $form-create(array(controller=search, action=index,
  echo $form-input(Region.region_name);
  echo $form-end();

  But here comes the problem, the input name isn't data[Region]
  [region_name] anymore, but region_name. So apparently the form
  helper notices the difference in the form method, and changes the 
  the input names are printed. Wy? In this situation it is for example
  impossible to create an array of checkboxes and post them as array
  data because input names with data[Option][1][option_title] and
  data[Option][2][option_title] etc are converted to option_title

  Okay so don't be lazy and print the html yourself. Thats fine with
  me to, but it would be great to have Cake support this problem. Or
  does it and do I miss something?


Re: Can't get Save() to save certain fields

2008-05-16 Thread Stephen Orr

I think it depends which Cake version you're using, but I'm pretty
sure now the preferred method of saving is:


I'm not sure if this changed between 1.1 and 1.2, but I'm using 1.2
and this technique works perfectly. I usually wrap it in a condition,
such as:

if($this-Model-create($this-data)  $this-Model-save()) {
// The information was saved
} else {
// There was an error while saving - handle it here.

Hope that helps.


On May 16, 11:37 pm, Marcin Domanski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 set debug to 1 so cake can refresh the cache,
 you _should_ debug with debug  0 :)

 On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 11:17 PM, Joe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  I'm having trouble with save() and was wondering if anyone could shed
  some light on the problem. I inherited a project that has a page with
  a form on it which updates information to a database upon submission.
  It uses the save() method to update the data in the table, and it
  works fine for all the fields that were on the form when I started
  working on it. Now I'm trying to add a few new fields on the form and
  in the database, but save() refuses to save my data. It still saves
  every *other* field, just not my new ones. The line that saves the
  data is simply:
        $this-Modelname-save($this-data, false);

  I've print_r()'d $this-data, and the field names are in there just
  fine. They exist in the database. There is no fields list in the call
  to save() as you can see, and I tried turning validation off. I just
  can't get it to work and it's rather frustrating.

  I went into model_php5.php, and print_r()'d out $fields and $values
  above this line:
         if ($db-update($this, $fields, $values)) {

  and my new fields are not in there. So I printed out the result of the
  $this-hasField($x) test above the line:
        if ($this-hasField($x)  ($whitelist  in_array($x,
  $fieldList) || !$whitelist)) {

  and it fails for the fields not in there. So that makes sense. But the
  ridiculously frustrating thing is that the fields *are in the
  database*. In the table that belongs to the model. Same name, same
  capitalizations. I just can't figure out what the problem here is...
  does anyone have any idea?


 Marcin Domanski
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Re: Form posting with type=get

2008-05-16 Thread Stephen Orr

I'm having trouble understanding why you'd want to use GET for
something... what's the specific situation you're attempting?


On May 16, 7:48 pm, the_woodsman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  But it just doesn't make any sense to me that input names
  are stripped to the column names of a table only when using GET. What
  is the reason that cake handles get different from post?

 Surely the handling differs because arrays can't be passed as simply
 via GET as they can via POST?

 the data[x][y] naming system is used (at least in part) because this
 is converted as an array in $_POST.
 $_GET vars don't work that way in PHP (to my knowledge) so the naming
 system is completely pointless for a GET request!

 I'd love to be proved wrong on this one, it'd sure expand my
 knwoledge :)

 On May 16, 7:14 pm, Marcelius [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I agree to. But it just doesn't make any sense to me that input names
  are stripped to the column names of a table only when using GET. What
  is the reason that cake handles get different from post?

  I really want to stay as close as possible to the cake conventions so
  I decided at first to use the formhelper. The great thing about the
  form helper is that well, helps you build forms I think. But it is the
  simple trivial stuff that the formhelper does for you independently
  from the rest of the framework. For example, automaticly setting the
  'posted' value of an input field, or showing validation errors.

  But what if there will be an extension in the functionality later, and
  cake should do something with the data? That would be another reason
  to stick with the formhelper I think.

  Anyways, getting my hands 'dirty' by writing some extra non cake-ish
  isn't that big a deal but in my opinion not necessary :-)

  On 16 mei, 14:56, mydesignbuddy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   If you are not using Cake to process the form why use FormHelper when
   a good old hand-coded form in HTML works.

   To me Helpers are great time savers when you are utilizing the
   frameworks features: validations, auto read/write values to view,
   posting to the next action in your controller. If your not using the
   built features of cake for a form the helpers could slow down your
   performance compared to hard-coded HTML that does not need processing.

   Does anyone else agree with this opinion?


   On May 15, 4:52 am, Marcelius [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


The situation:
//in some view I have:
echo $form-create(array(controller=search, action=index));
echo $form-input(Region.region_name);
echo $form-end();

Straight forward, nothing to it... Now I want to post data via GET.
Cake doesn't have to worry about handling the 'posted' data because
that is delegated to another 3th party class that does the magic for

//like so:
echo $form-create(array(controller=search, action=index,
echo $form-input(Region.region_name);
echo $form-end();

But here comes the problem, the input name isn't data[Region]
[region_name] anymore, but region_name. So apparently the form
helper notices the difference in the form method, and changes the way
the input names are printed. Wy? In this situation it is for example
impossible to create an array of checkboxes and post them as array
data because input names with data[Option][1][option_title] and
data[Option][2][option_title] etc are converted to option_title

Okay so don't be lazy and print the html yourself. Thats fine with
me to, but it would be great to have Cake support this problem. Or
does it and do I miss something?

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Re: Is the documentation at open source?

2008-05-06 Thread Stephen Orr

The answer seems to be because some people believe that a wiki is the
solution to all of mankind's problems. I'd rather see people
contributing to the main docs personally, since it was launched the
Book has really helped me get answers faster (there's still some
things I need to refer to the API for but that'll change as time goes


On May 6, 4:34 am, nate [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Why?  Writing a documentation resource on CakePHP from scratch is
 quite an undertaking.  What could possibly be your motivation for
 doing such a thing?

 On May 5, 10:59 pm, Aaron  Shafovaloff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Thanks for the clarification. I'll just start from scratch.

  On May 5, 8:56 pm, Gwoo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   The book is open. Anyone is free to contribute.

   The content is owned by the Cake Software Foundation and contributed
   by loyal members of the CakePHP community who value collaboration and
   central location for information and resources related to the CakePHP
   project. Therefore, you cannot reproduce, distribute, or prepare
   derivative works based on its content for any purpose, without the
   permission of the Cake Software Foundation.

   Bake on.
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Re: a couple of small things I can't figure out

2008-04-19 Thread Stephen Orr

 findAll(array('Table.categoryt'  A )
This definitely won't work.

The array('Table.categoryt' = 'A') part follows PHP syntax, where =
denotes a relationship between the key of the array and the value.

To have a condition where you want rows that DON'T match, use
array('Table.categoryt' = 'NOT A'), or '!= A', or ' A'. One of
those should work (it's late, and I can't be bothered to check which
is correct)


On Apr 19, 5:57 pm, simonb [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 findAll(array('Table.categoryt'  A )

 Try that.

 Not so sure about the second problem I use css to set the width

 regarding multiple records use this
 ?php echo $form-input(Product.{$i}.id, array('value' =
 $node['id'], 'label' = false));
  echo $form-input(Product.{$i}.qty));?

 This is place within a for loop and the $i used as the index.

 In the controller you then use either
foreach($this-data['ProductNode'] as $item) {
  $this-Product-id = null; //this is required otherwise only
 a single row will be inserted.

 or save the lot in one go

 If you need any further help please ask me.

 On Apr 19, 10:27 am, damo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I've looked through the manual/book, but mustn't be looking in the
  right place.

  1) How do I:

  findAll(array('Table.categoryt' != A )

  ie, I know how to return results that are equal to A by = but what
  about those not equal.  Where do I find comparison operators possible
  for my controller?

  2) How can I alter the length of a form input field using form
  helper?  The rows, cols doesn't seem to be suitable for it.  This is
  only for formatting purposes, not for restricting the length of input.

  3) I'm trying to update multiple records using a single form.  Is this
  the best way of doing it, or has something easier been developed that
  I cannot find:

  Thanks for all the help given by everyone so far, my project has
  really come together.  Give me another 6 months, and I might even be
  answering these type of questions!!

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Re: Problem with plugins

2008-04-15 Thread Stephen Orr

Without knowing exactly what files you have there, I can't really
solve the problem.

But, to make a plugin work, this is what you need:

A folder in plugins called whatever your plugin should be called
(hereafter referred to as $plugin).

Within that folder, 2 files - $plugin_app_controller.php and

These 2 should follow the below pattern:

class PluginAppController extends AppController {


class PluginAppModel extends AppModel {


Also within that folder, 3 more folders - controllers, models, views.

Within the controllers folder - $plugin_controller.php.

class PluginController extends PluginAppController {
   var $name = '$plugin';

This should be enough to get any plugin up and running - if it doesn't
contain these files, it probably won't work.


On Apr 15, 2:18 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm having problems getting plugins to work in my app. I keep getting
 missing controller errors as cake is tying to access a controller with
 the name of the plugin. At first I thought I had done something wrong
 in the plugin I was creating but the problems are there with all of
 the plugins that I've downloaded and tried to get to work. Is there
 something I have to do to enable plugins or something?
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Re: Which versions of MySQL compatible with CakePHP

2008-04-15 Thread Stephen Orr

What it sounds like is that he's trying to use the updated $this-
Model-find('all'.) syntax from Cake 1.2 in the older version.

Best bet is to either upgrade, or use the old $this-Model-
findAll($conditions) syntax.


On Apr 15, 8:44 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ... where all ... doesn't look right to me.

 What does your find-statement look like?
 Are you adding where to your condition in Cake? It should just be
 $this-Model-find('title = '.$title) or something similar.
 What does the MySQL error say? (can be seen in Cakes debug message or
 just run that query manually to get the error)


 On Apr 15, 6:26 am, developer01 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  New to Cake and hoping someone can answer this.

  I am running into all bunch of sql syntac error 1064 for the simplest
  of queries.  I'm running MySql 5.0.51a, php 5.2.5, both installed via
  XAMPP, Mac 10.5.  A lot of the queries are generated by cake
  internally so it doesn't make sense to rewrite anything there.

  What MySql versions are best with my cake version of

  For example, this simple sql does not work:

  SELECT `Post`.`id`, `Post`.`title`, `Post`.`body`, `Post`.`created`,
  `Post`.`modified` FROM `posts` AS `Post`   where all LIMIT 1

  The DB table posts is indeed there and the fields all exist and there
  are values.  Cake is producing this code, not me, and it seems to look

  Am I missing something here?
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Re: architecture - organizing related models (?)

2008-04-15 Thread Stephen Orr

My main reason for choosing components rather than models is the
inheritance of them. Cake isn't really set up to handle inheriting
models directly. Creating a component which then returned a reference
to the correct model would be my preference, but without actually
sitting down and coding something up, I could be wrong.


On Apr 15, 3:47 pm, R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah
 Stephen Orr wrote:
  I can't answer all your points, but in theory, you could probably
  achieve what you're aiming for in (2) by making SearchEngine a factory
  class which instantiates the other classes on demand. But you'd
  probably do better with a different architecture.

  My suggestion would be to use a call such as $this-SearchEngine-
  search('google', 'keywords');

  Oh, and I'd be more inclined to make SearchEngine a component than a
  model. Just a difference in opinion, but I think it'd make for simpler

 Thanks for your comments; I strongly believe that the logic should
 be a part of model. Do you have any good reason for choosing

   ?php echo 'Just another PHP saint'; ?
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Re: |OT| What is your preferred URL structure?

2008-04-15 Thread Stephen Orr

Of course, there's no reason you couldn't achieve those preferred URLs
by using custom routes.


On Apr 15, 4:00 pm, R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah
 On Apr 10, 1:18 am, majna [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
snip My suggestion is controller/action/slug solution. Sometimes 
  slug if possible.


Thanks for your comments. The reason for this post is that:
 1. Many times, I find that no one is preferring the named arg thing
 2. It's my preference to have singular controller name for view, edit
 and add:
 products   instead of products/index
 product/view/   instead of products/view
 product/edit/   instead of products/edit

 I wanted others preferences too; thanks for sharing.

   ?php echo 'Just another PHP saint'; ?
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Re: Which versions of MySQL compatible with CakePHP

2008-04-15 Thread Stephen Orr

It's just that the syntax for the find method has been updated, so the
first parameter is no longer the conditions you want to search for,
but an identifier for the type of find you want to perform. There's
quite a few changes like that - there's probably a list floating
around but I have no idea.

Other replacements:
generateList becomes find('list'...)
findAll becomes find('all'...)

There's others. I'm just coded out for the night.


On Apr 15, 5:27 pm, developer01 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks guys.

 There seems to be two version of the Blog tutorial floating around and
 I was looking at the 1.2 version as opposed to the
 1.1.x.  When I get home today I'll upgrade and see if I run into the
 same issue.

 But that being said...i'm surprsied 1.2 is creating SQL that does not
 run in MySQL properly.  Shouldn't cake be producing rather similar SQL
 from 1.1 to 1.2?  It's a simple query after all.

 Or are there strict version compatibilities between Cake versions and
 MySQL versions?  Is that documented?


 On Apr 15, 4:37 am, Stephen Orr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  What it sounds like is that he's trying to use the updated $this-

  Model-find('all'.) syntax from Cake 1.2 in the older version.

  Best bet is to either upgrade, or use the old $this-Model-

  findAll($conditions) syntax.


  On Apr 15, 8:44 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   ... where all ... doesn't look right to me.

   What does your find-statement look like?
   Are you adding where to your condition in Cake? It should just be
   $this-Model-find('title = '.$title) or something similar.
   What does theMySQLerror say? (can be seen in Cakes debug message or
   just run that query manually to get the error)


   On Apr 15, 6:26 am, developer01 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

New to Cake and hoping someone can answer this.

I am running into all bunch of sqlsyntacerror 1064 for the simplest
of queries.  I'm runningMySql5.0.51a, php 5.2.5, both installed via
XAMPP, Mac 10.5.  A lot of the queries are generated by cake
internally so it doesn't make sense to rewrite anything there.

WhatMySqlversions are best with my cake version of

For example, this simple sql does not work:

SELECT `Post`.`id`, `Post`.`title`, `Post`.`body`, `Post`.`created`,
`Post`.`modified` FROM `posts` AS `Post`   where all LIMIT 1

The DB table posts is indeed there and the fields all exist and there
are values.  Cake is producing this code, not me, and it seems to look

Am I missing something here?
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Re: id = 0 or id ='0' not allowed in cakephp?

2008-04-14 Thread Stephen Orr

MySQL specifically disallows an ID of 0. I've tested this manually by
inserting a test row with an ID of 0 into an auto_incremented column.
It ignores it, and gives it an ID of 1 instead.

So, not a CakePHP bug at all.


On Apr 14, 9:37 pm, Defranco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

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Re: architecture - organizing related models (?)

2008-04-09 Thread Stephen Orr

I can't answer all your points, but in theory, you could probably
achieve what you're aiming for in (2) by making SearchEngine a factory
class which instantiates the other classes on demand. But you'd
probably do better with a different architecture.

My suggestion would be to use a call such as $this-SearchEngine-
search('google', 'keywords');

Oh, and I'd be more inclined to make SearchEngine a component than a
model. Just a difference in opinion, but I think it'd make for simpler

On Apr 9, 5:08 pm, R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah
 (The topic not related to the current 
 ; it's different)

 I'm interested to know the preferred way of organizing the models and
 vendor files, for the project say meta search engine - using
 webservices of the search engines:
 My idea as of now:
 1. class SearchEngine extends AppModel{

 // some common grabber codes


 2. class Google extends SearchEngine{
   function search(){


 3. class Yahoo extends SearchEngine{
   function search(){


 4. nusoap in vendor folders

 5. Written grabber codes in models folder

 1. Is it the correct approach?

 2. I think, it's better that if we can call methods like 

 but with current architecture, it's possible only this:

 3. Is it ok to place *our* grabber codings in models folder?

 4. Is it right to say that only the 3rd party scripts to be placed in
 vendors folder?

 5. Should the sub-model files (Google, Yahoo) to be placed inside a

   ?php echo 'Just another PHP saint'; ?
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Re: cakephp 1.2 form helper,how to create() form without ugly inline css

2008-04-07 Thread Stephen Orr

The CSS is there because of a ticket I posted - in XHTML it's invalid
to have any input elements within a form element that aren't also
enclosed by a block-level element (so, a fieldset, a paragraph, a
div). The inline CSS is purely there to allow you to have valid XHTML
and not break your layout with an additional fieldset into the


On Apr 7, 9:30 am, dr. Hannibal Lecter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Why is it bothering you? You can't see it, the user can't see
 it..which means - by all means - that it isn't really there ;-)

 On Apr 5, 10:10 am, dzojntywole! [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi everybody,
  I am trying to use form helper to create a form in my view:
  ?php echo $form-create() ?

  the result is:
  form id=UserAddForm method=post action=/otherwise/6609/users/
  addfieldset style=display:none;input type=hidden
  name=_method value=POST //fieldset

  is there a way to remove that inline style other than editing helper
  files? i do not want to reinvent the wheel if the option like that
  already exist...

  i tried to google it, asked on #cakephp looked on manual.. api.. still

  hope to get hint, thanks

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Re: document root in shared hosting

2008-04-03 Thread Stephen Orr

From a brief look at what they're offering, you should have just been
able to upload the Cake files as downloaded and get something working,
bar the database configuration. Nobody else can help you with the
correct settings for the database however, since they'll be detailed
somewhere within cPanel.

I suggest better research on your part - we can't do it all for you -
Cake in most cases is VERY simple to get running and from looking at
Stonerocket I have to say there's no reason it shouldn't just work.


On Apr 3, 1:40 am, Raistlin Majere [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am hosting with

 On 30 mar, 06:20, Stephen Orr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Which, so long as your RewriteBase directive takes the form of:

  RewriteBase /directory

  Will be exactly right. If this isn't working for you, I suggest
  contacting your hosting company for further support. Cake has worked
  successfully for me every time, deploying onto many different servers
  and hosting environments, in most cases without having to change a
  single line of core code.

  Out of interest, who are you hosting with?

  On Mar 30, 2:47 am, Raistlin Majere [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   The log file says:

   RewriteBase takes one argument, the base URL of the per-directory

   On Mar 29, 1:03 pm, Dardo Sordi Bogado [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Then go and read the server error log as the message suggests.

On Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 12:04 PM, Raistlin Majere [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  I got:

  500 Internal Server Error

  More information about this error may be available in the server
  error log.

  Additionally, a 500 Internal Server Error error was encountered 
  trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

  On Mar 28, 7:45 pm, Галкин Николай [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I think yes! Create the file .htaccess in the root directory and 
   RewriteBase /new_root_folder
   But in your hosting must be enabled module mod_rewrite.
   Sorry for my English. I am from Russian.

Can I change document root in shared hosting?
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Re: How can I user jQuery insted of prototype?

2008-04-03 Thread Stephen Orr

I agree - there's no need for a helper - it seems pointless to add
extra load to PHP processing when you can just add the extra scripting
to your views and layouts directly.

jQuery is concise enough that you don't need to code a helper for
it :)

On Apr 3, 1:08 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 You can either do nothing at all... well, apart from including jquery
 in your layouts, that is.

 If you want you can download a jquery helper from the 

 I do not use any helper for jquery, myself. Since all my javascript,
 including ajax, is applied dynamically to css selectors I have no real
 need for a helper.

 On Apr 3, 5:21 am, dyh1919 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I love jQuery more than prototype,but,what i should do before i use it
  in CakePHP?
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Re: WAMP and CakePHP

2008-04-03 Thread Stephen Orr

I second the recommendation of Wampserver.

Only problem I've found is that it doesn't include a mail server by
default - which means, if you're running under Vista, you can't send
emails from your localhost.


On Apr 3, 7:04 pm, dw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 i use wampserver and like it.


 On Apr 2, 10:05 am, UTDStudent [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I am a college student who is currently trying to set up a WAMP
  installation to run a school project on. Do any of you fine folks have
  any recommendations for a setup.

  PS - Normally I'd like to learn Linux and use a LAMP, but I am pressed
  for time.

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Re: mutliple domains on 1 site

2008-04-02 Thread Stephen Orr

For the database side all I use is a constructor DATABASE_CONFIG(),
which checks whether or not the site is running on localhost. If it
is, I use the settings I've previously defined in the file (following
the same convention as the default setup).

I'm working on expanding my overall concept at this point - the sites
have become plugins, which gives me the separation of functionality
while allowing me to share some simple core functionality. I just need
to figure out a way to get Cake to route to the different plugins
based on the domain name. At this point I'm thinking this would be
something easiest done via AppController, maybe I could reuse the
component code. I'm just not sure yet how that works with routing.

I'll post my existing (now abandoned) code up in the bin later on, I
just need to get my head round this bit first.


On Apr 2, 10:28 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Another thing we use here is dirty hack includes in config files:

 This is my standard database.php file:
 switch (strtolower($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) {
 case 'site.local':
 case 'site':
 include APP . DS . 'config' . DS . 'database_local.php';
 case '':
 include APP . DS . 'config' . DS . 'database_test.php';
 include APP . DS . 'config' . DS . 'database_live.php';


 Which we use to save having to mess about with config on deployment. A
 similar solution would work for TWIOF's case, and may be the simplest

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Re: mutliple domains on 1 site

2008-04-01 Thread Stephen Orr

I'd love to see this sort of functionality in there - I've just built
a component to handle that side of things, it's not perfect but it
does work.

On Apr 1, 12:13 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 See! That's the beauty of cake. It can look awfully restrictive with
 all this convention over configuration, but when it comes down to it
 the framework will let you achieve pretty much anything!

 It's a while since I enthused, so well done once more everyone. That
 said, what do people think about the idea of trying to build an
 enhancement to make the router and/or request handler aware of virtual
 host names? I would put a trac in (even with a patch!), but if people
 think it's an edge case here, it may not be worth it.


 On Apr 1, 12:02 pm, Dardo Sordi Bogado [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Another more elegant, and much more Cakey approach would be to set the
viewPaths in the bootstrap based on the $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].

  Or (still based on $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) set a different layout, or
  use ThemeView with the same trick again.
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Re: mutliple domains on 1 site

2008-04-01 Thread Stephen Orr

Sure thing. I'm pretty certain my method isn't optimal, but it does
work (and as a bonus, because I'm using a model to represent the
Sites, you can add them dynamically).

It relies on the ThemeView at the minute, because that's how I'm
representing each of the different site designs. I ran into the
sticking point where each of the sites needs different functionality,
and that's as far as I've gotten.

Either way, I'll stick the code up somewhere tomorrow (it's at work,
and I'm at home).


On Apr 1, 4:09 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 If you could share that code, I'll happily look at creating a patch to
 tart it up a bit.


 On Apr 1, 3:09 pm, Stephen Orr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'd love to see this sort of functionality in there - I've just built
  a component to handle that side of things, it's not perfect but it
  does work.
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Re: works in localhost, not works in

2008-04-01 Thread Stephen Orr


Suggestion - ask your HOST what the correct settings should be.

On Apr 1, 11:23 pm, Raistlin Majere [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I replaced the line:

 'host' = 'localhost',


 'host' = '',

 Is it wrong?


  You just seem to have an issue with the database connection, verify
  the file config/database.php

  cheers (and welcome to cake)

  On 30 mar, 21:35, Raistlin Majere [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   My site is actually 

   On Mar 30, 4:28 pm, Raistlin Majere [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

What should I do to make my site that works in locahost, work 
inwww.toreadandtowrite.comtoo?-Masquerle texte des messages précédents -

   - Afficher le texte des messages précédents -
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Re: Parsing a cakephp session Data row

2008-03-31 Thread Stephen Orr

Trouble is, as he says in the original post, this is for an external

So he can't use Cake methods. That doesn't mean there's not an easier
way to do it, however I can't think of one :)

On Mar 31, 6:06 am, jonknee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Thanks for your repleys.  I got it working.
  This is how I got it to work. Comments welcome.

 You're hugely over complicating things... If you use the
 SessionComponent as previously suggested, all you'd need to do is:


 No crazy SQL, regular expressions, etc etc. Just a method call.
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Re: document root in shared hosting

2008-03-30 Thread Stephen Orr

Which, so long as your RewriteBase directive takes the form of:

RewriteBase /directory

Will be exactly right. If this isn't working for you, I suggest
contacting your hosting company for further support. Cake has worked
successfully for me every time, deploying onto many different servers
and hosting environments, in most cases without having to change a
single line of core code.

Out of interest, who are you hosting with?

On Mar 30, 2:47 am, Raistlin Majere [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The log file says:

 RewriteBase takes one argument, the base URL of the per-directory

 On Mar 29, 1:03 pm, Dardo Sordi Bogado [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Then go and read the server error log as the message suggests.

  On Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 12:04 PM, Raistlin Majere [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I got:

500 Internal Server Error

More information about this error may be available in the server
error log.

Additionally, a 500 Internal Server Error error was encountered while
trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

On Mar 28, 7:45 pm, Галкин Николай [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I think yes! Create the file .htaccess in the root directory and write
 RewriteBase /new_root_folder
 But in your hosting must be enabled module mod_rewrite.
 Sorry for my English. I am from Russian.

  Can I change document root in shared hosting?
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We're under attack

2008-03-28 Thread Stephen Orr

I'm sure I won't be the first person to have seen this... or the last
to respond to it:

Seems like this guy just doesn't like frameworks. Ours in particular.
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Re: looking for a hosting company

2008-03-27 Thread Stephen Orr

Avoid 1and1 for Cake like the plague. It's a bloody nightmare. I had
to change the .htaccess files, the databases were slow as hell... and
their helpdesk support is pathetic. We're migrating all our sites away
from them now.


On Mar 26, 5:59 pm, Rob  Russell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Anybody hosted Cake on 1and1? I've really liked them so far but I
 haven't pushed any Cake apps on to that server yet. I had a VPS
 (somewhere else) and ran in to trouble locking it down so I've been
 relegated to managed virtual hosting for now (though 1and1 has met my
 needs completely so far).

 On Mar 26, 1:06 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I agree with Chris on the VPS. I use KnownHost and LiquidWeb and both
  have been terrific.

  brian fidler

  Follow me on Twitter:

  Quoting Chris Hartjes [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

   On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 12:20 PM, jelmer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I can't recommend bluehost, you'll run into performance problems quite
quickly I think, unless you have a very simple app. I used to have a
(vbulletin) forum there and I was suspended a few times because of
performance issues. I've heard good things about mediatemple but am
using a vps right now which is all right.

   If you have any sort of sysadmin-fu, I recommend getting a VPS as
   well.  I'm on slicehost and have had ZERO problems since switching to
   them about 5 months ago.

   Chris Hartjes
   Internet Loudmouth
   Motto for 2008: Moving from herding elephants to handling snakes...
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Re: looking for a hosting company

2008-03-27 Thread Stephen Orr

Perhaps I came down a little hard on them. I had a bad experience with
their support the other day, which has resulted in me moving a client
site to Webfusion instead. Stupidity really.

On Mar 27, 2:31 pm, SumanRS [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've had the same experience as Miki. You need to be good at htaccess
 files to get cake working on 1and1 ... but running Cake on 1and1 seems

 - SumanRS

 On Mar 27, 7:06 am, Miki [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Avoid 1and1 for Cake like the plague. It's a bloody nightmare. I had
   to change the .htaccess files, the databases were slow as hell... and
   their helpdesk support is pathetic. We're migrating all our sites away
   from them now.

  I have my first test cake application in 11 (no traffic). The only
  issue was a line i needed to add in htaccess.

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Re: Your database configuration file is not present.

2008-03-27 Thread Stephen Orr

I know this might seem illogical to you - but ALL the information you
need to get Cake working is in the docs. Hell, in most cases all you
have to do is upload the files as downloaded either from the site or
from SVN. This is all I've ever had to do.

Rename app/config/database.default.php to database.php, add your
database settings to it, and that should get you a basic, if minimal,
Cake site running. Beyond that, the docs will help further.

If you're trying to install it in a wildly different folder structure,
then yes, you will have to change some paths in app/webroot/index.php
- but unless you're doing so, you will generally NEVER need to touch

On Mar 27, 1:46 pm, Raistlin Majere [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I searched for root_path and root_app in there, but the text was not

 On Mar 27, 9:31 am, bingo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Probably CakePHP is not able to access the databaes configuration..
  Open app/webroot/index.php file and change appropriate settings such
  as root_path, root_app, etc as suggested in the file.


  On Mar 27, 4:23 am, Raistlin Majere [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I uploaded CakePHP to /public_html, but it is giving me an error.
   Your database configuration file is not present. My database
   configuration file IS present! Why am I getting this error message? I
   need to install CakePHP, but not CakePHP support in my host. How can I
   do that?
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Re: Trailing Whitespace Prevented a Session From Being Started

2008-03-09 Thread Stephen Orr

Is Zend Framework a big enough open-source project for you? They
follow this convention.


On Mar 8, 8:31 pm, Guy Rutenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi rtconner,

 On Mar 8, 1:52 am, rtconner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  FYI, It might be a good practive not to use the '?' to close off your
  php files. PHP closes when it hits the EOF anyways. I've seen some
  projects that do this, it works well.

 It's a nice thing to know. Do you know of any open-source project that
 use this as their coding guidelines?
 If this is even a somewhat used coding convention (I must admit I
 never saw it before) in some big/medium open-source projects I will
 want to consider using it too.

 Regards and thanks for your tip,

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Re: Baking Cake with EasyPHP

2008-03-05 Thread Stephen Orr

Well, it could also be that EasyPHP just isn't very good.

So far, my recommended WAMP setups are either XAMPP or Wampserver.
I've had problems with several others, including Bitnami WampStack and


On Mar 5, 9:15 pm, Juan Luis Baptiste [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Wed, Mar 5, 2008 at 2:17 PM, fahad19 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   i just set up a basic model, and a 'scaffold' controller.
   instead of loading the model, all the content of the 'model php file'
   is shown in the 'html output' of cake.

 Probably you don't have php support configured on apache.

 Juan Luis Baptiste
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