Style Submit

2009-03-03 Thread WidePixels

Does anyone know how to style the SUBMIT button when using the AJAX

I know how to styles the button, issue is I am using a custom button
in a css sprite (2 states of the button, rest / hover as 1 image) and
my button has its own text. So how can I remove the text from the ajax
link? I want to remove the "Delete" text.

link('delete', '...'',
array('update' => '',
'class' => 'delete_btn',
'loading'=> "..",
'loaded'=> "...",
'confirm' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this item?',
null, FALSE));

a.delete_btn {float:right;background:url(images/hf_btn_delete.jpg) top
left no-repeat; height:21px; width:49px; display:block}
a.delete_btn:hover{ background-position:0px -21px}


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Ajax.InPlaceEditor is not a constructor error

2009-02-25 Thread WidePixels

Following the setup as on

but i get the error "Ajax.InPlaceEditor is not a constructor"

Here is my code:

array('okButton' => 'false',
'cancelLink' => 'false',
'submitOnBlur' => 'true'));

Anyone run into this?

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Re: Submit using image

2009-02-24 Thread WidePixels

Thanks for your insight. I was actually messing around and came up
with something that works so I will share what I came up with in case
you ever want to give it a try. Not sure if it’s a hack or what but
this is what ended up working.
By adding array('value'=>'') where the title would normally go works
perfect and the form submits AJAX perfectly.

submit(array('value'=>''), array(
'url' => '',
'update' => '.',
'class' => 'save_btn',
'loading'=> '',
'loaded'=> '',
'complete' => '...'

Thanks again,


On Feb 25, 12:10 am, Graham Weldon  wrote:
> Hey,
> The method I use workds really well on all browsers, and is achieved with
> CSS:
> .save_btn {
>    background: #fff url(../img/myimage.png) top left no-repeat;
>    width: 70px;
>    height: 20px;
>    padding-top: 20px;
>    overflow: hidden;
> }
> If your image is a 70 pixel by 20 pixel button for a single sprite, this
> essentially shows the backgorund image in place, while hiding overflow, and
> pushing your text outside its display area. This is also a useful image
> replacement technique for headings and such too.
> Give it a go, and let me know how it works out.
> Cheers,
> Graham Weldon.
> On Tue, 24 Feb 2009 18:56:47 -0800 (PST), WidePixels 
> wrote:
> > What I have been trying to do is use an image to submit the AJAX form.
> > Thing is I am using a  CSS sprite as the image so i have the hover and
> > other button states in the CSS. the actual image(s) are in the CSS and
> > not physically linked to the submit. I have the class added fine to
> > the submit link, but the 'SAVE' text shows up over my CSS button.
> > So basically i need to have the $caption for the link not display.
> > link:
> > submit('save', array(
> >                                            'url' =>'.',
> >                                            'update' => '..',
> >                                            'class' => 'save_btn',
> >                                            'loading'=> '',
> >                                            'complete' => '..'
> > ));?>
> > Ideas, suggestions?
> > Thanks,
> > Dave
> --
> Cheers,
> Graham Weldon
> w.
> e.
> p. +61 407 017 293
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Submit using image

2009-02-24 Thread WidePixels

What I have been trying to do is use an image to submit the AJAX form.
Thing is I am using a  CSS sprite as the image so i have the hover and
other button states in the CSS. the actual image(s) are in the CSS and
not physically linked to the submit. I have the class added fine to
the submit link, but the 'SAVE' text shows up over my CSS button.

So basically i need to have the $caption for the link not display.

submit('save', array(
'url' =>'.',
'update' => '..',
'class' => 'save_btn',
'loading'=> '',
'complete' => '..'

Ideas, suggestions?

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AJAX rendering text

2009-02-24 Thread WidePixels

Does anyone know how to get rid of the text rendering in steps in IE?
When I update a DIV everything works correctly but the text is
rendered all jagged then after a second it "snaps" in an looks
correct. I saw a page on the web about it but now can not find it.

link code:

link('update', '/users/update_profile/' .$user
 array('update' => 'user_div',
   //'class' => 'edit_btn',
'\'frame_load\'); new Effect.Opacity
(\'user_div\' , { from: 1, to: 0 })',
   'loaded'=> 'new 
Effect.Opacity(\'user_div\' , { from: 0, to:
1 })',
   'complete' => 
,null, FALSE)); ?>

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Render element

2009-02-22 Thread WidePixels

Need a little help rendering a view or an element.

What I have is a profile view is:
view_programs'); ?>

which has the info for the user.

I have edit programs button which updates the 
which work s correctly.
This link loads the ajax form which loads into the 
submit works on the form.

 link('edit programs', '/programs/
 array('update' => 'programs',
 'loaded' => 'Effect.BlindDown(\'programs\')')

); ?>

It saves the new data. But how do I re-load the element that was there
originally? I copied the element into the views folder to see what
happens and the view file is loaded not the element so if i hit
refresh i see the correct element info.

in the form i have:

'scriptaculous.js?load=effects'), false); ?>

code in form.
submit('Submit', array('update' => 'programs'));  ?>

in the controller:

function update_programs($slug = null)
  if ($this->RequestHandler->isAjax()) {
 $this->set('freelancer', $this->programs->findBySlug
  if (!empty($this->data)) {
  if ($this->programs->save($this->data)) {
  $this->render('view_programs', 'ajax');
..other code

thanks in advance for any ideas, solutions or help.


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AJAX Submit

2009-02-22 Thread WidePixels

How do I submit a form and once submitted show the newly edited data?

Using the standard Cake ajax helper I click "edit" and load the form
into a div with success, I can use the form to edit the data, hit
submitthen nothing. If I refresh the page I can see the edits made
but this is not how it is supposed to work. What I am looking for is
submit -> saving -> load updated view

Just not sure where I put the code to tell cake to load the original
element... in the form or in the controller?

I start of in the layout rendering an element inside the  which
is what gets replaced by the form, the form is views/users/



create('User', array('action' => 'update_user'));?

echo $form->hidden('user_id');
echo $form->input('User',array('multiple'=>'checkbox'));

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Not URL Accessible

2009-02-19 Thread WidePixels

When using jQuery to load AJAX elements, do you still use the layout -
> ajax in the controller and use the

ajax.ctp  file?

and how do you make the view file not accessable from typing it in the
addess bar?


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Jquery Forms

2009-02-19 Thread WidePixels

Can someone point me in the right direction here, been looking online
and can not find anything. What I want to do is have an "edit" button
on my page so the user can edit his selections. Idea is on the profile
page the user has his selected "Artists". Now I want to add the "edit"
button which will turn that specific section into a form where they
can make changes and then click save and then that section does the
"saving" message and once saved changes to the newly updated
selection of artists.

I have the form as update_artists.ctp in my views/profile

Just confused with do I need a view file for the artists selections.
Right now its part of the profile.ctp so when the page loads it
displays everything. So if I load the update_artists.ctp inside
profile.ctp do i need to make a ctp page that returns the newly
updated info such as say view_artists.ctp which pulls the new info
from the newly update_artist.ctp form?

I am using jQuery and the jQuery.form.js. How do I set that up? I have
them loading from my view file fine. Just unsure how to set it all up.


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Using Jquery

2009-01-30 Thread WidePixels

I am new and I know this is a laughable question so I am prepared for
the laugher but here goes.

If you are using Jquery rather than the Protoype and Scriptauculous,
is the
$ajax->xxx useless? Can you use the ajax helper at all? If not what do
you do when you want to use ajax. Example

$ajax->form becomes what if you are using jQuery?

Bring it on...laugh away... :)


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Ajax Forms

2009-01-30 Thread WidePixels

Wondering how to create form that will edit on a specific table.
Example is I have a User that on their Profile has data that relates
to a HABTM set up. For example on the user Profile there are blocks of
data that represent Artists, Genres, and Favorites which all belong to
the User.

So when the User is viewing their own Profile they can edit specific
areas and not 1 big form. So if they click edit artists, its a form
that only shows the Artists part of the profile.

I copied the edit function straight from baking and renamed it
edit_artists and copied the edit form removing all the elements except
for the artists part, and shows just the artists as I want.
But the form when I check the rendered HTML seems to still be using
the edit function to save the data, not my edit_artists function.

The edit_artists form looks like:


echo $form->hidden('user_id');
('multiple'=>'checkbox', 'label' => 'Artists:'));?>


It works but is that how its supposed to work?


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Cancel and return to original view

2009-01-29 Thread WidePixels

I have a ajax area on the page, simple click a link and it loads new
content into a div.


element('view_artists'); ?>

I have a link that they can "edit artists" which loads the form.
Edit Artists

The edit_artists is a form to edit their selections. Now if they want
to "Cancel" and not make any changes how do I go about loading the
original "view_artists" element?

i tried in the controller:
function cancel()
$this->layout = 'ajax';

but no luck.

Anyone know what I am doing wrong?

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Click to edit.

2009-01-28 Thread WidePixels

How do you set up a "click to edit" on a page? Idea is that a USER can
see his information, but when he clicks "click to edit" button the
page changes into a form where he can save his data with ajax and then
"saving." page now shows his newly updated data?

I tried the echo $ajax->link('Click to Edit', '/users/
array('update'=>'test', 'loaded' => 
\')'),null,false); ?>
but then once the info changed inside the DIV how do i escape and go
back to the original data that was there to begin with?

Then I thought OK must be done with elements, but seems like a lot of
work to render elements because i want to have certain section of the
profile editable in blocksie Contact info is 1 block of editable
info, Bio is another and so on.

Not looking for the answer...just directions pointing me where to look
to start, and general advice on what you would do.

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2009-01-28 Thread WidePixels

How do you add the effects to be used in the $ajax link?

I have the 'scriptaculous.js?load=effects' inmy view file. It loads

link('Test Link', '/artists/update_genres/',
'loading' => 
'loaded' => 
'Effect.BlindDown(\'test\',{duration: 0.5})')); ?>

What happens is it works but nothing like it does on the

it jumps, not smooth at all.

I would prefer to use jquery as its all the rave but no documentation
on how to use it so for now I'm left with this.

Can anyone explaine the proper way to used the effects?



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AJAX Validation

2009-01-27 Thread WidePixels

How do you go about setting up validation on Ajax.InPlaceEditor?

I have the editor working correctly but I cant seem to find anything
related to validating before saving the the data from the editor.


function ajax_update($id, $sub)

  $value = $this->params['form']['value'];
  $this->User->id = $id;
  if (!$this->User->saveField($sub, $value, true)) {
  $this->set('error', true);
  $user= $this->User->read(array($sub), $id);
  if (substr($sub, -3) == '_id') {
  $new_sub = substr($sub, 0, strlen($sub) - 3);
  $model_name = Inflector::camelize($new_sub);
  if (!empty($this->$model_name->display_field)) {
  $display_field = $this->$model_name->display_field;
  } else {
  $display_field = 'name';
  $value = $this->$model_name->field($display_field, array
('id' => $value));

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AJAX views help.

2009-01-27 Thread WidePixels

I have an idea I want to create but before i start I was wondering how
to go about it the correct way.

Basic set up:


So the user can select the genres with the HABTM.
On the users page it shows all the genres that they have selected
using checkboxes (I am fine up to this point)

What i want it to have an edit button where the Genres Section is on
the User page so just that section of code for genres can be edited.
So when the user clicks edit, the genres becomes all checkboxes to
change their selections, click save then the page is returned to the
selections. All of this would be on the same page with AJAX.

Thanks in advance for ideas, suggestions.

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Using jQuery

2009-01-26 Thread WidePixels

Is there something special I need or am missing with using jQuery? I
have the jquery.php im my views/helpers but no matter what i try to
create i get "is not a function" or syntax error in link(array('jquery.easing.1.3'),
false); ?>

Added the javascript that is in the demo to my view.

I checked using FireBug and I can see the scripts in the 
correctly, but nothing happens.

What am I doing wrong? Missing?

Basically i am trying to build the accordian as seen on

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Element placeholder help

2009-01-24 Thread WidePixels

Not sure how to do this or if it is possible. I have my default.ctp
layout for the site. Inside the layout i have a header area (the
element) that i want change depending on the page that the user is on.
I was wondering how to swap the element say for example on the home
page would show the header_index.ctp element and on the profile page
show user_profile.ctp element.


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Auth Redirect

2009-01-22 Thread WidePixels

Does anyone know how to redirect a user once they login succesfully
based on their User Group Id?
When a user is created they are assigned a User.Group_id in the table.
I need to get the group_id and redirect.

Using Auth Component.

I have 3 groups:
Admin -> group_id = 0
Manager -> group_id = 1
Member -> group_id = 2

So if admin logs in they get directed to /admin
manager goes to another URL
and member would go to /profile

Thats the basic idea.

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Saving with AJAX and jQuery

2009-01-20 Thread WidePixels

I am trying to save the fields in a form using a function rather than
1 set for each field. I was trying to get the $data and $fieldname
idea going where based on the field and data it would update the db

This is the code inside the controller:

function update($data, $fieldName) {
if ($this->data) {
App::import('Core', 'sanitize');
$fieldName = Sanitize::clean($this->data

$this->User->id = $this->data['User']['id'];
$this->User->saveField($data, $fieldName);
$this->set($data, $fieldName);

the javascript looks like this

$(function() {

$('.click').editable('/users/update', {
 id: 'data[User][id]',
 name  : '$fieldName',
 indicator : "",
 tooltip   : "Click to edit...",
 style  : "inherit"

The update.ctp view is:

Can any one tell me what i am doing wrong or point me in the right


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Re: Multiple Check Box Styles

2009-01-19 Thread WidePixels

Still no go. I used
echo $form->select('Artists', ..., null, array('multiple' =>

New to this. I am using 1.2 stable.
Thanks for your help


On Jan 20, 12:56 am, brian  wrote:
> Well, that all depends on your CSS. The first thing you need to do is
> check the HTML Cake is creating. In my case, where my form has
> $form->select('...', ..., null, array('multiple' => 'checkbox'))
> the result is:
>         ...
> // etc.
> You can set a width on .checkbox and float it to get the result I
> think you want.
> On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 1:47 PM, WidePixels  wrote:
> > Does anyone know how to add a CSS style to the Checkbox?
> > My controller code:
> > $programs = $this->Software->Program->find('list', array('fields' =>
> > 'program', 'order' => 'program ASC'));
> > which works as I want.
> > But in the view:
> > echo $form->input('Program',array('multiple'=>'checkbox'));
> > it just outputs:
> > checkbox {name of program}
> > checkbox {name of program}
> > checkbox {name of program} so on
> > i would like to organize it so it looks more like a table using CSS
> > checkbox {name of program}  checkbox {name of program} checkbox {name
> > of program}
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Multiple Check Box Styles

2009-01-19 Thread WidePixels

Does anyone know how to add a CSS style to the Checkbox?
My controller code:
$programs = $this->Software->Program->find('list', array('fields' =>
'program', 'order' => 'program ASC'));

which works as I want.

But in the view:
echo $form->input('Program',array('multiple'=>'checkbox'));

it just outputs:
checkbox {name of program}
checkbox {name of program}
checkbox {name of program} so on

i would like to organize it so it looks more like a table using CSS
checkbox {name of program}  checkbox {name of program} checkbox {name
of program}
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Forms to create Users from another controller

2009-01-17 Thread WidePixels

Ok here is the dilema.  I need to create 2 user forms basically the
same, but they have different validations. The forms are identical
only differance is the validation on the contractor checks the email
field for free email accounts which are not allowed so i split the
forms up into separate controllers to have different validation and
keep the "register" as i do not want to use 2 different action names.
Picky picky

Here is what I have been trying to do.

employer_controller -> function register(); allows new users to sign
up as a employer, creates the user into the User db no problem
contractor_controller -> function register(); allows new users to sign
up as a contractor, creates the user into the User db no problem

but the employer and contractor "id" is not being created at the same
controller code:

function register()
  if (!empty($this->data)) {
  if (isset($this->data['User']['password2']))
  $this->data['User']['password2hashed'] = $this->Auth-
  $this->data['User']['username'] = $this->data['Employer']
  $this->data['User']['password'] = $this->Auth->password
  $this->data['User']['group_id'] = '4';
  if ($this->User->save($this->data)) {
  $userId = $this->User->getLastInsertId();
  $this->data['Employer']['user_id'] = $userId;
  $this->data['Employer']['group_id'] = '4';
  $this->Session->setFlash('NEW Employer!');
  $this->redirect(array('controller' => 'users',
'action' => 'index'));
  } else {
  $this->Session->setFlash('Employer error signing up.
Please, try again.');
  $this->data = null;

form code:
Sign up as an Employer

create('Employer', array('action' => 'register'));?>

input('username', array('label'=>'Username:'));
echo $form->input('password', array('label'=>'Password:'));
echo $form->input('password2', array('label'=>'Confirm 
echo $form->input('email', array('label'=>'Email:'));


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