PHP 6 and cakePHP?

2008-11-10 Thread Yodiaditya
I have heard about PHP 6 from my friend a few hours ago.
He told me that PHP 6 have much updates and significant change rather than
Seems it will be make new problem since PHP 6 maybe have big different

So, I think again, if new PHP 6 have big difference, it's possible kill
frameworks development.
Every developer must have big effort to migrate from PHP 5 to PHP 6.

That's all my opinion,
i'm just asking.. cakephp core development have think about this potential

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Ajax Upload Using Prototype in CakePHP

2008-10-28 Thread Yodiaditya
i'm just asking, there are somebody made ajax upload using prototype in
i'm confusing about iframe in ajax upload, especially in CakePHP.

i see somebody post that have good example using
prototype in Ajax Upload.
But, that site get down right now.

Perhaps somebody can share about this problem.

Many thanks...

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2008-10-20 Thread Yodiaditya
I have see your,
nice with color selector.


On 10/20/08, powtac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I just started to build a WYSIWYG cake application builder:
 Here you find a screencast how it works:

 If you want, give me some feedback, here at this message/thread or by
 email: powtac at gmx dot de.

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Re: Saving HABTM data with checkboxes

2008-10-15 Thread Yodiaditya
I using checkbox and have try it...
This like Posts and Tags, both of them in HABTM relations.
for example, in form add post :

on View post :
?php echo $form-create('Post');?
?php echo $form-input('Tag.Tag', array('type'='select',
'multiple'='checkbox', 'options'=$tags, 'label'='Tags:br /')); ?
?php echo $form-end('Save');?

on Post Controller :

function add() {
$this-set('tags', $this-Post-Tag-find('list'));
   if(!empty($this-data)) {

Yodiaditya -

On 10/14/08, cem [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi ;

 In my application one project can have more than one category .
 And there is a HABTM relationship between categories and Projects .
 How can I save more than one category for a project while creating a
 project how should I design the check boxes? Did anyone tried
 something similar before  ?


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Re: HABTM and form-input

2008-10-15 Thread Yodiaditya
Sorry, I don't understand what you mean Todd.
Are you want to editing name in multiple select form? i guess you want make
editing form

Hope this help you a little bit :

in admin edit view
echo $form-input('Division.Division');

in function admin_edit() in Manufactures_controller

$this-set('divisions', $this-Manufacture-Division-find('list'));



On 10/15/08, Todd McGrath [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've been reading docs and searching list, but can't find an answer...

 I have a multiple select form input where I want to change the option

 Model info:
 Manufacturers HABTM Divisions

 admin_edit view for Manufacturers:
 echo $form-input('Division');

 select name=data[Division][Division][] multiple=multiple
 option value=66/option
 option value=77/option
 option value=4646/option
 option value=4747/option
 option value=110110/option

 So, I'd like to it to be:

 select name=data[Division][Division][] multiple=multiple
 option value=6Division.Name/option

 See what I mean?



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Re: Validation for HABTM association

2008-10-15 Thread Yodiaditya
You need to send validation from Product to Users using session.
the logic is :
Users - submit form to Product - Product function ( write session )
- User check session - Read session - show validation

On 10/16/08, bookme [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I tried for a solution for my below problem but could not find any
 where satisfication answer.

 I have two Model  User and  Product they have HABTM relation

 A user can select multiple checkbox of products, if he not selected
 any checkbox then a message should be displayed here. So I am not
 getting where and what validaton should I apply for it.

 combine table name is products_users with product_id and user_id.

 Please tell me what and where validation should I apply?
 or is there any other method for it ?



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Re: Multiple HABTMs

2008-10-09 Thread Yodiaditya
You can use HasMany and BelongsTo :
OS hasMany requirements (on model OS)
browsers hasMany requirements (on model browsers )

requirements belongsTo OS, browsers (on model requirements)

check on about explanation using association hasMany and

On 10/9/08, Ralle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Here's the situation:
 table browsers:
 id name

 table operatingsystems: (OS)
 id name

 table requirements
 id name user_id etc. etc.

 I need to link requirements to a browser and OS combination.
 E.g. one requirement needs to be fulfilled in XP/Firefox, XP/IE7 and

 How would my join tables look like? and the model? Can i use the
 command line 'bake' to cook this stuff up?

 Cheers, Rasmus

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Re: Release: CakePHP RC3 - The RC of Triumph!

2008-10-06 Thread Yodiaditya
I'm agree with you nate. Actually, i never using testing cause don't know
how to use it.
But, in another cases, testing is needed not only for test your sweet cake
before product it. But also give us test the cake for bugs...

On 10/7/08, Nate [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The tweet was just me venting my frustration over an unrelated issue,
 I happened to think the timeliness was funny though.

 Anyway, as far as the wasted bandwidth argument, I have to say that
 seems a bit silly.  Even the largest of the packages weighs in at less
 than 1.2mb.  Anyway, the tests are included for lots of reasons, not
 the least of which being that it helps us as core developers, but also
 the fact that it promotes visibility of testing within the community,
 as well as the ability for people to verify (or more commonly to
 verify the absence of) bugs.

 On Oct 6, 2:05 pm, 703designs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Ah, that makes sense. I'm pretty sure that Nate's suggestion was
  uncalled for, but he's helped me enough with Cake stuff over the last
  year that I know it's in good spirit.
  Here's a question: Why are the tests included? Why not make them a
  separate download? I mean, yes, if they're distributed together, you
  know for sure that the test match the framework package. But you guys
  are certainly wasting bandwidth on the test files.
  On Oct 6, 1:56 pm, Gwoo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Test cases account for at least two thirds of the overall package
   size. In my opinion, thats a good thing.

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Re: Release: CakePHP RC3 - The RC of Triumph!

2008-10-02 Thread Yodiaditya
the bootstrap process is over 10x faster than RC2, and basic requests for
content are now about 5x faster overall 

Great! Hope Rasmus Lerdorf hear that :D

On 10/2/08, Nate [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It's finally here: the final release before the final release of
 CakePHP 1.2, and I just want to say how thrilled I am. This release,
 possibly more than any other in the history of the project, has truly
 been a team effort. Everyone has really come together to make this a
 great release, and I just can't say how proud and happy I am of the
 effort that the team has put in.

 Some of you may remember the benchmarks posted by Rasmus Lerdorf, in
 which CakePHP did not perform so well. We can all debate Rasmus' due
 diligence (or lack of), but what was clear was that we had some
 catching up to do. Over the past few weeks, Larry has worked
 tirelessly on iteration after iteration of performance improvements,
 and now we're faster than ever before. By itself, the bootstrap
 process is over 10x faster than RC2, and basic requests for static
 content are now about 5x faster overall.

 Tim Koschuetzki really stepped up as well. Not only has he contributed
 several new features and many, many tests to the latest release, but
 he also knocked out the remaining bugs left over from 1.1, so we're
 now able to push out another stable 1.1 release for those who haven't
 already moved up to 1.2.

 Garrett, as always, has kept this project running in all the ways we
 don't notice, in addition to many we do. As project manager, Garrett
 works to keep everything running, in addition to tracking bugs and
 contributing code. This project would not be possible without his
 continued efforts.

 Lastly, but most certainly not leastly, I'd like to thank Mark Story,
 who has put as much or more effort into this last release as anyone.
 In working to get RC3 done, Mark has been the most consistent, hardest-
 working contributor, and we'd like to honor him as such. Henceforth,
 October 1st shall be known to the CakePHP community as Mark Story Day!

 So, thanks to everyone on the team for their positive efforts. As
 always, you can download the latest release on CakeForge[1]. To
 announce this release, Jeff and I have recorded a new episode of The
 Show, which you can listen to at the CakePHP Live Website[2]. You can
 also read up on the changes that have gone into this release in the

 So thanks again everyone, and merry Mark Story Day!



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Problem using SaveAll() don't saving related model

2008-10-01 Thread Yodiaditya
I have two models : Account - hasOne - Company  Company - belongsTo -

on /app/models/account.php

class Account extends AppModel {
 var $name = 'Account';.
 var $hasOne = array('Company');

on /app/models/company.php
class Company extends AppModel {
 var $name = 'Company';
 var $belongsTo = array('Account');

on /app/views/company.ctp

echo $form-create(Company, array('action'='add'));
echo $form-input('', array('label'='Company name'));
echo $form-input('');
echo $form-end('Add');

On /app/controllers/companies_controller.php

function add() {
  if(!empty($this-data)) {
  if($this-Company-saveAll($this-data, array('validate'=
true))) {
  $this-Session-setFlash('New post added
  } else {
  $this-Session-setFlash('Failed when add new post, please
try again.');

The problem, If new data inserted, foreignKey account_id in companies table
have null value.:

Table companies :
id | name | account_id
1  | test   |  0

Table accounts :
id | name
1  | testing

How to solve this problem using saveAll? or save maybe? (this is same cases
with )

Thanks ..

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Re: Problem using SaveAll() don't saving related model

2008-10-01 Thread Yodiaditya
Sorry, all work's perfect...
My faults...This code is right..

Hope this help somebody that want saving related data HasOne

On 10/2/08, Yodiaditya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have two models : Account - hasOne - Company  Company - belongsTo -

 on /app/models/account.php
 class Account extends AppModel {
  var $name = 'Account';.
  var $hasOne = array('Company');

 on /app/models/company.php
 class Company extends AppModel {
  var $name = 'Company';
  var $belongsTo = array('Account');

 on /app/views/company.ctp

 echo $form-create(Company, array('action'='add'));
 echo $form-input('', array('label'='Company name'));

 echo $form-input('');
 echo $form-end('Add');

 On /app/controllers/companies_controller.php

 function add() {
   if(!empty($this-data)) {
 array('validate'= true))) {
   $this-Session-setFlash('New post added
   } else {
   $this-Session-setFlash('Failed when add new post,
 please try again.');

 The problem, If new data inserted, foreignKey account_id in companies table
 have null value.:

 Table companies :
 id | name | account_id
 1  | test   |  0

 Table accounts :
 id | name
 1  | testing

 How to solve this problem using saveAll? or save maybe? (this is same cases
 with )

 Thanks ..

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