Re: Layout code being overlooked

2007-10-15 Thread ifcanduela

Hey, thanks for the tips!

I found the error: Call to undefined function: stripos(). I had to
replace it with two calls to strpos() and then it worked fine. I
didn't know the case-insensitive version didn't work in PHP 4.

Anyways, problem solved, thanks a lot.

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Re: Layout code being overlooked

2007-10-12 Thread ifcanduela

I've been tinkering with it for a while with absolutely no success, so
if anybody has any insight, it would be great to hear it.


On Oct 10, 5:00 pm, ifcanduela <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I have a strange problem: the HTML and PHP/Cake code in the layout
> THTML document is not being sent to the client. The page returned is
> just the lines in the view, without the doctype and the header tags,
> If you take a look at the source code 
> at
> you'll see everything's OK, but if you click on any of the six 'Tonga'
> dummy links and peek at source for the next page (o go 
> to, you'll
> see it lacks the head information.
> The controllers for the 'display' action are virtually identical, the
> layout names are correct in the $this->layout = 'layout_name';
> assignments and the layout thtml files only differ in the document
> title and (obviously) filename.
> Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.
> -Igor

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Layout code being overlooked

2007-10-10 Thread ifcanduela

Hello everybody,

I have a strange problem: the HTML and PHP/Cake code in the layout
THTML document is not being sent to the client. The page returned is
just the lines in the view, without the doctype and the header tags,

If you take a look at the source code at
you'll see everything's OK, but if you click on any of the six 'Tonga'
dummy links and peek at source for the next page (o go to, you'll
see it lacks the head information.

The controllers for the 'display' action are virtually identical, the
layout names are correct in the $this->layout = 'layout_name';
assignments and the layout thtml files only differ in the document
title and (obviously) filename.

Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.


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Re: A problem with paths

2007-08-21 Thread ifcanduela

Thanks, a lot, after some chats with the hosting people, they deleted
the .htaccess files specified in the blog tutorial and almost
everything is working now.

I have another problem though, and this time it's related to including
javascript files. I use

echo $javascript->link('prototype');

to include Prototype in the templates. I've already tried with some
other methods listed in the API docs. I guess this should add
something like

to the page, but it doesn't. PHP just halts execution of the script
and the page returned to the browser is 7 lines long -- from the
doctype declaration to a css link made with $html->link(). If instead
of the cake code I write the HTML 

Re: A problem with paths

2007-08-18 Thread ifcanduela

C'mon guys, anyone knows what could be happening here?


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A problem with paths

2007-08-17 Thread ifcanduela

Hello there,

I have developed a fairly simple application, and it works
flawlessly... on my local server. When it has come the time to upload
the files to the client's host, only the 'home' page is displayed,
without CSS styling, and the links lead to 404s. When I try to reach
another model/action page, the same error (404) appears. There's no
option to enable mod_rewrite in the server or modify their htaccess
files, so I've enabled Cake's own routing, and I guess this is giving
problems. The thing is, in my local server, it al works, wit
mod_rewrite or without. Could it be that I haven't FTP'd a hidden file
or something?

The app is hosted at and I've
setup a phpinfo() script (
phpinfo.php) for anyone to check. Although I've discarded a problem
with Apache or MySQL, I'm no expert whatsoever, so all options are

Thanks a lot for any help.
-Igor F. Canduela

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Re: Strange behaviour when saving data

2007-05-05 Thread ifcanduela

Thanks Cheeze, I'll try that... on Monday :)


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Re: Strange behaviour when saving data

2007-05-03 Thread ifcanduela

I'll follow your advice and paste the relevant code :)

The Region model:

class Region extends AppModel
var $name = "Region";

var $validate = array(

var $hasMany = array(
'Country' => array(
'className' => 'Country',
'foreignKey' => 'region_id'

The Country model:

class Country extends AppModel
var $name = "Country";

var $validate = array(

var $belongsTo = array(
'Region' => array(
'className' => 'Region',
'conditions' => '',
'order' => '',
'foreignKey' => 'region_id'

var $hasMany = array(
'Travel' => array(
'className' => 'Travel',
'foreignKey' => 'country_id'

The add() action in countries_controller:

function add($region_id = null)
if (!empty($this->data))
$this->data['Country']['region_id'] = $region_id;
if ($this->Country->save($this->data))
$this->flash('New country added.', '/countries/index/' .
$region_id, 2);
$this->set('region_id', $region_id);

And the add.thtml view:

New contry

*Country name:
input('Country/name', array('size' =>
'25')) ?>
tagErrorMsg('Country/name', 'A name is
mandatory.') ?>

submit('Save'); ?>

All fields marked * are mandatory.

If thre's something missing, just tell me.

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Re: Strange behaviour when saving data

2007-05-03 Thread ifcanduela

Come on guys, somebody must've stumbled upon this before...

I guess I could add some more info: this only happens when I try to
add a new child (a country) to the parent (the region) to which the
country with id=1 already belongs to. If I manually delete that id=1
country, all works right, and if I add countries to any other region,
they are inserted ok. But if, as I said before, I try to insert a new
child with the same region_id of the country with id=1, this last
country's record gets updated insead of a new one inserted.

Any help would be great, thanks in advance.

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Strange behaviour when saving data

2007-04-30 Thread ifcanduela

Hello, I'm having a strange problem when using the 'save' method to
insert new records.

This is what is happening: I have a Country with id=0 that belongs to
a region with, say, id=3. When the 'add' action of the
countries_controller is called, instead of adding a new country with
id=2 and region_id=3, it updates the country with id=0. I'm pretty
sure the rest of the code is right, however I've had some problems
with this "saving related model" stuff before, since the 'Blog
Tutorial' finishes without adding comments to the mix.

Anybody knows what might be causing this odd behaviour?

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Re: Populating a hidden field

2007-04-13 Thread ifcanduela

Thank you very much for your help, Scott.

Well I've finally managed to get it to work by placing things like

function add($region_id = null)

if (!empty($this->data))
$this->data['Country']['region_id'] = $region_id;
if ($this->Country->save($this->data))
$this->flash('El país se ha añadido a la
lista.', '/countries/index/' . $region_id, 2);
$this->set('region_id', $region_id);

And I'm now able to drop the hidden field by appending $region_id to
the form's "action" url. Apparently everything else didn't work for
It's gonna be interesting if I keep on having more problems like

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Re: Populating a hidden field

2007-04-13 Thread ifcanduela

Ugh, I'm such a newbie...

The view gets the value for region_id OK, but when I submit the form,
it inserts a 0 in the region_id field of the new record instead of the
real region_id. Am I missing something?

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Populating a hidden field

2007-04-13 Thread ifcanduela

Wow, thanks everybody. I've moved the set() call to the 'else' clause
instead of putting it before the 'if' and it works like a charm now. I
guess I still have to learn the mechanics of it all.

And Scott, thank you for pointing me that, it wasn't a typo, I had it
that way in the code.

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Populating a hidden field

2007-04-13 Thread ifcanduela

Hello, I'm new to CakePHP and have what I think is a very simple
question, but I'm apparentyly unable to find a straight answer

I have a couple of MySQL tables, regions and countries, and I have
already setup models, views and controllers for both of them, so I can
display tables listing regions and I can click a region to see
countries in that region. Everywhit working fine.

I've placed an "add country" link in the country listing for each
region, so that I can click the "add" link and enter a new country for
the region.

The problem is, I don't know how to pass the region_id to the country-
add view, and when the country is inserted in the table it remains
regionless. Since I know what the region_id is and I append it to the
url (e.g. /cake/countries/add/8), I've tried to use set() to pass it
to the view.

This is my add function, almost straight from the blog tutorial:

function add($region_id = null)
if (!empty($this->data))
$this->set('region_id' . $region_id);
if ($this->Country->save($this->data))
$this->flash('New country added.', '/countries', 2);

and I've written this in the view:

echo $html->hidden('Country/region_id', array( 'value' =>

However the variable isn't defined and I can't use it in the form.

Anybody can help me?

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