Re: CakePHP Newbie Questions

2013-12-21 Thread Reuben
No doubt you've seen

With this, you set up the Auth component to tell it how you're doing your 
Auth, and what the loginAction should be.  Once a user request comes in for 
a page that requires authentication, and if they're not Authentication, the 
component will redirect the user to the login action, get them logged in, 
and then redirect them to the original page they were trying to get to.  Of 
course, you're free to directly display your login action as well.

As mentioned before, Controllers don't need a Model, but will use 
convention to determine a model to use, if one is not supplied.  If you 
want a controller with no Models, use public $uses = false or public $uses 
= array(), as described here 

When you set up the Auth component, you'll also set up a model that is used 
for that authentication.  Usually it's a User model, with a username and 
password.  To access any fields in the auth model for the current 
authentication session, from the controller, use $this->Auth->user();  i.e. 
$this->Auth->user('username') will give you the user name of the currently 
logged in user. As seen 

I hope that answers your questions.

Reuben Helms

On Wednesday, 18 December 2013 03:21:50 UTC+10, Nick Harper wrote:
> Hi,
> I have recently started to learn CakePHP after just being used to coding 
> from scratch.
> I have installed a couple of plugins but the issue I have is linking them 
> together, for example if I have a login script then how on earth do I just 
> show the login page for example?
> Does every Controller need to have a mysql assigned to it?
> I have been through the blog tutorial but so far it just feels really 
> restrictive compared to just coding from scratch but what really appeals is 
> the plugins / helpers but I am just struggling with basic things like 
> echoing the username they are logged in with when logged in etc.

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Re: CakePHP Newbie Questions

2013-12-20 Thread Silver Troy
Hey Nick,
 I know your pain .. I suggest watching these videos
they will really help explain and walk you through setting up a login / 

Hopefully that helps you and get you moving on your application.


On Tuesday, December 17, 2013 12:21:50 PM UTC-5, Nick Harper wrote:
> Hi,
> I have recently started to learn CakePHP after just being used to coding 
> from scratch.
> I have installed a couple of plugins but the issue I have is linking them 
> together, for example if I have a login script then how on earth do I just 
> show the login page for example?
> Does every Controller need to have a mysql assigned to it?
> I have been through the blog tutorial but so far it just feels really 
> restrictive compared to just coding from scratch but what really appeals is 
> the plugins / helpers but I am just struggling with basic things like 
> echoing the username they are logged in with when logged in etc.

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Re: CakePHP Newbie Questions

2013-12-20 Thread Marush Denchev
Hi Nick,

Well every thing has a learning curve so be patient and you'll get the gist 
of it. I've used almost all PHP frameworks and by far Cake is the one that 
is easiest to learn and use.

To answer your question: No, you don't need a "mysql" assigned to the 
controller. By "mysql" I guess you mean Model. Cake will try to load a view 
with the same name of the method in the controller. So if your Controller 
named "ProductsController" is called and within it the method "index", then 
Cake will load a view with name "index.ctp" from app/Views/Products. In the 
view you can put whatever you want.

Because cake is trying to give you a solid ground for a quick start if you 
have a model named "Product" then Cake will try to load it also. And if you 
don't have a DB table assigned to that model then Cake will be unhappy. If 
you don't want that just use property $uses and set it to array().

On Tuesday, December 17, 2013 7:21:50 PM UTC+2, Nick Harper wrote:
> Hi,
> I have recently started to learn CakePHP after just being used to coding 
> from scratch.
> I have installed a couple of plugins but the issue I have is linking them 
> together, for example if I have a login script then how on earth do I just 
> show the login page for example?
> Does every Controller need to have a mysql assigned to it?
> I have been through the blog tutorial but so far it just feels really 
> restrictive compared to just coding from scratch but what really appeals is 
> the plugins / helpers but I am just struggling with basic things like 
> echoing the username they are logged in with when logged in etc.

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CakePHP Newbie Questions

2013-12-18 Thread Nick Harper

I have recently started to learn CakePHP after just being used to coding 
from scratch.

I have installed a couple of plugins but the issue I have is linking them 
together, for example if I have a login script then how on earth do I just 
show the login page for example?

Does every Controller need to have a mysql assigned to it?

I have been through the blog tutorial but so far it just feels really 
restrictive compared to just coding from scratch but what really appeals is 
the plugins / helpers but I am just struggling with basic things like 
echoing the username they are logged in with when logged in etc.

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Re: Media Plugin - Newbie Questions

2011-02-21 Thread kdubya
I don't know anything about the Media plugin, however your problem may
be with how you have created your inputs in the view. Have you looked
at the structure of $this->data once the form has been submitted to
your action (admin_add)? In order for saveAll() to work. It should
look something like:

[date]=>// some date
. // other fields
[file]=>// some file name

In your view you have:
echo $this->Form->input('file', array('label' => 'File', 'type'

It may be as simple as changing this to:
echo $this->Form->input('Attachment.file', array('label' => 'File',
'type' =>'file'));

BTW, saveAll() will save related model data ONLY if the array passed
is properly structured AND it is only one level deep.


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Media Plugin - Newbie Questions

2011-02-21 Thread mjhnlca
I'm trying to set up the Media plugin, but am having problems.

I have a PressRelease model, and while adding an entry I would like to
choose and upload a PDF file to associate with it. But when adding an
entry, the press_releases table receives an entry, and the attachment
table does not. *If I use the baked Attachment view to add an entry
the attachments table DOES receive the row.

I have followed the documentation, updated the bootstrap file, etc.
Below is the relevant code from the Press Release model, controller
and view.

If you have any idea what I correct, please advise. Thanks!

A few simple questions also:
1. Do I need to add this ...
var $helpers = array('Media.Media');
... to my PressRelease model?

2. Do I need to add "belongsTo" data to the Attachment model?

-- Code Provided Below --

The Press Release model has this:

   var $hasOne = array(
  'Attachment' => array(
  'className' => 'Media.Attachment',
  'foreignKey' => 'foreign_key',
  'conditions' => array('Attachment.model' => 'PressRelease'),
  'dependent' => true,

The Press Release controller has this:

function admin_add() {
$this->layout = 'admin';
if (!empty($this->data)) {
if ($this->PressRelease->saveAll($this->data, 
array('validate' =>
'first'))) {
$this->Session->setFlash('The press release has 
been saved.',
$this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'));
} else {
$this->Session->setFlash('The press release 
could not be saved.
Please, try again.', 'flash_error');
$projects = $this->PressRelease->Project->find('list');

The form in the view looks like this:

Form->create('PressRelease', array('enctype' =>

Form->input('date', array('type'=>'date',
'minYear'=>2005, 'maxYear'=>$max_year, 'selected'=>$unix_timestamp));
echo $this->Form->input('title');
echo $this->Form->input('file', array('label' => 'File', 'type' 
echo $this->Form->input('Project',array('label'=>'Related
Project(s)', 'multiple' => 'checkbox'));

Form->end(__('Add Press Release', true));?>

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Re: Newbie questions regarding views files and layout

2010-06-27 Thread cricket
On Sun, Jun 27, 2010 at 3:08 PM, jimbo  wrote:
> I have been looking through the documentation and tutorials regarding
> changing the default layout. When the home page is loaded it states
> "To change its layout, edit: C:\CakePHP\uniform\UniServer\www
> \project1\views\layouts\default.ctp" however, the other articles that
> I have read state that creating a default.thml file will override the
> default style. When I try to create a default.thml in \views\layouts\
> the page does not render the new layout. When I alter the default.ctp
> file it does. It seems (at least from what I have read) that both .ctp
> and .thml are views files. Can someone explain the difference between
> them and maybe suggest what I might be doing wrong?  Thank you in
> advance.

.thml is an old extension. Cake uses .ctp now.

Always look for a date on any articles about Cake that you find
online. There have been a lot of changes. Articles that reference the
.html extension are probably way out of date.

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Newbie questions regarding views files and layout

2010-06-27 Thread jimbo
I have been looking through the documentation and tutorials regarding
changing the default layout. When the home page is loaded it states
"To change its layout, edit: C:\CakePHP\uniform\UniServer\www
\project1\views\layouts\default.ctp" however, the other articles that
I have read state that creating a default.thml file will override the
default style. When I try to create a default.thml in \views\layouts\
the page does not render the new layout. When I alter the default.ctp
file it does. It seems (at least from what I have read) that both .ctp
and .thml are views files. Can someone explain the difference between
them and maybe suggest what I might be doing wrong?  Thank you in

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Re: some newbie questions

2009-09-19 Thread lorenx

that's exactly what i wanted to know,
thank you.

On Sep 19, 6:35 pm, Hols Kay  wrote:
> Yes - because it's coming from the URL it's not *strictly* necessary
> to redefine it in your controller, but defining it in the controller
> is generally better coding style because the explicit relationship is
> easier to see at-a-glance. It also means that you're better able to do
> checks on the id number, for example:
>         function index($id = null){
>                 if (!$id) {
>                         $this->set('model', $this->Model->read(null, '1'));
>                 } else {
>                         if(!is_numeric($id)) {
>                                 $this->set('model', $this->Model->read(null, 
> '1'));
>                         } else {
>                                 $this->set('model', $this->Model->read(null, 
> $id));
>                         }
>                 }
>         }
> It's really just a style of coding that increases clarity (or not, as
> the case may be ;) ).
> On Sep 19, 4:49 pm, lorenx  wrote:
> > > 1. Cake's reading the id from the url. You're saying, in the url,
> > > 'show me the Post controller / the View method / and record number
> > > #n', and Cake's handling that for you automatically.
> > sure but... what if i comment out all the $id reference?
> > this cleaned code:
> > function view() {
> >         $this->set('post', $this->Post->read());}
> > continues to work properly; it seems that the $this->Post->id=$id
> > assignment is not necessary...
> > > 2. Post/Somefunction only becomes a valid URL if you make a
> > > corresponding view file for it. You can, if you want, use private
> > > methods by marking a method with a preceding underscore, so:
> > > _method() { //code }
> > > That'll make the method only accessible to other methods within the
> > > controller. You can also use routes to redirect users around if they
> > > try to access a method through the url that they shouldn't be using.
> > perfect.
> > thanks...
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Re: some newbie questions

2009-09-19 Thread Hols Kay

Yes - because it's coming from the URL it's not *strictly* necessary
to redefine it in your controller, but defining it in the controller
is generally better coding style because the explicit relationship is
easier to see at-a-glance. It also means that you're better able to do
checks on the id number, for example:

function index($id = null){
if (!$id) {
$this->set('model', $this->Model->read(null, '1'));
} else {
if(!is_numeric($id)) {
$this->set('model', $this->Model->read(null, 
} else {
$this->set('model', $this->Model->read(null, 

It's really just a style of coding that increases clarity (or not, as
the case may be ;) ).

On Sep 19, 4:49 pm, lorenx  wrote:
> > 1. Cake's reading the id from the url. You're saying, in the url,
> > 'show me the Post controller / the View method / and record number
> > #n', and Cake's handling that for you automatically.
> sure but... what if i comment out all the $id reference?
> this cleaned code:
> function view() {
>         $this->set('post', $this->Post->read());}
> continues to work properly; it seems that the $this->Post->id=$id
> assignment is not necessary...
> > 2. Post/Somefunction only becomes a valid URL if you make a
> > corresponding view file for it. You can, if you want, use private
> > methods by marking a method with a preceding underscore, so:
> > _method() { //code }
> > That'll make the method only accessible to other methods within the
> > controller. You can also use routes to redirect users around if they
> > try to access a method through the url that they shouldn't be using.
> perfect.
> thanks...
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Re: some newbie questions

2009-09-19 Thread lorenx

> 1. Cake's reading the id from the url. You're saying, in the url,
> 'show me the Post controller / the View method / and record number
> #n', and Cake's handling that for you automatically.

sure but... what if i comment out all the $id reference?
this cleaned code:
function view() {
$this->set('post', $this->Post->read());
continues to work properly; it seems that the $this->Post->id=$id
assignment is not necessary...

> 2. Post/Somefunction only becomes a valid URL if you make a
> corresponding view file for it. You can, if you want, use private
> methods by marking a method with a preceding underscore, so:
> _method() { //code }
> That'll make the method only accessible to other methods within the
> controller. You can also use routes to redirect users around if they
> try to access a method through the url that they shouldn't be using.


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Re: some newbie questions

2009-09-19 Thread Hols Kay

1. Cake's reading the id from the url. You're saying, in the url,
'show me the Post controller / the View method / and record number
#n', and Cake's handling that for you automatically.

2. Post/Somefunction only becomes a valid URL if you make a
corresponding view file for it. You can, if you want, use private
methods by marking a method with a preceding underscore, so:

_method() { //code }

That'll make the method only accessible to other methods within the
controller. You can also use routes to redirect users around if they
try to access a method through the url that they shouldn't be using.

3. Be careful with that - the $form->something syntax is used only by
the form helper. Cake will automatically build your form inputs so
long as you name them properly, so if you've got $form->input
('Model.fieldname'); then Cake will work its magic on that field and
model. In your edit example, $this->data is the array that's retrieved
from the form - in the edit.ctp file itself, the form should work like

If you want to just display your data without the form helper, then
you can use the set method in the controller:


This makes a variable called $mytitle available to the view template
with the contents of $this->data['Post']['title'] in it.

On Sep 19, 3:27 pm, lorenx  wrote:
> thanks to all!
> ...but i still have some doubts.
> 1.
> if i write:
> function view() {
>         $this->set('post', $this->Post->read());}
> then the urls post/view/1 and post/view/2 continue to show
> respectively post n.1 and post n.2, i cannot understand how (maybe i
> have to look depper in the code)
> 2.
> ok but... if i have two identical pieces of code and i extract them in
> someFunction() then post/someFunction becomes a valid url?
> if so, how to avoid this behaviour?
> 3.
> ok. so $this->data in the controller becomes $form->data in the
> respective ctp file.
> thanks again to all!
> On Sep 18, 9:13 pm, Hols Kay  wrote:
> > 1. $this->Post->id = $id sets the model id field to whatever the id is
> > that you've passed in the URL. That's retained for the $this->Post->read(); 
> > underneath it. You can also say things like $this->set
> > ('post', $this->Post->read(null, $id)); to read all the fields for
> > record $id, for example, instead of assigning the id and then reading
> > it.
> > 2. Every function in the controller IS a method, and every method IS
> > an action ;) They're all synonyms for the same thing. You don't need a
> > view for every controller method, only the ones that you'll logically
> > want a view for, which is what I think you're meaning to ask.
> > 3. $this->data is handled automagically by Cake. It consists of an
> > array of the data that you're moving from one place to another, so you
> > can act on specific fields by calling $this->data['Model']['field'].
> > Hope this helps!
> > On Sep 17, 7:05 pm, lorenx  wrote:
> > > hi all,
> > > i'm new to cakephp and, mentioning the blog tutorial, i have some
> > > simple questions.
> > > 1.
> > > in the sample controller, there is the view action:
> > > function view($id = null) {
> > >         $this->Post->id = $id;
> > >         $this->set('post', $this->Post->read());
> > > }
> > > to better understand, i did some tests.
> > > i tried to comment out the passed parameter $id and the 
> > > $this->Post->id=$id assignment... and the code seems to work as before.
> > > i also printed_r the Post object, before and after that line, but no
> > > change appeared.
> > > so... what exactly do the assignment? and passing the $_GET parameter
> > > is necessary?
> > > 2.
> > > does every function in the controller involve the creation of a
> > > method, of an action?
> > > 3.
> > > in the edit action, there is the $this->data variable.
> > > i presume that this variable is going to populate the edit form. how
> > > is this handled?
> > > thanks to all!
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Re: some newbie questions

2009-09-19 Thread lorenx

thanks to all!
...but i still have some doubts.

if i write:
function view() {
$this->set('post', $this->Post->read());
then the urls post/view/1 and post/view/2 continue to show
respectively post n.1 and post n.2, i cannot understand how (maybe i
have to look depper in the code)

ok but... if i have two identical pieces of code and i extract them in
someFunction() then post/someFunction becomes a valid url?
if so, how to avoid this behaviour?

ok. so $this->data in the controller becomes $form->data in the
respective ctp file.

thanks again to all!

On Sep 18, 9:13 pm, Hols Kay  wrote:
> 1. $this->Post->id = $id sets the model id field to whatever the id is
> that you've passed in the URL. That's retained for the $this->Post->read(); 
> underneath it. You can also say things like $this->set
> ('post', $this->Post->read(null, $id)); to read all the fields for
> record $id, for example, instead of assigning the id and then reading
> it.
> 2. Every function in the controller IS a method, and every method IS
> an action ;) They're all synonyms for the same thing. You don't need a
> view for every controller method, only the ones that you'll logically
> want a view for, which is what I think you're meaning to ask.
> 3. $this->data is handled automagically by Cake. It consists of an
> array of the data that you're moving from one place to another, so you
> can act on specific fields by calling $this->data['Model']['field'].
> Hope this helps!
> On Sep 17, 7:05 pm, lorenx  wrote:
> > hi all,
> > i'm new to cakephp and, mentioning the blog tutorial, i have some
> > simple questions.
> > 1.
> > in the sample controller, there is the view action:
> > function view($id = null) {
> >         $this->Post->id = $id;
> >         $this->set('post', $this->Post->read());
> > }
> > to better understand, i did some tests.
> > i tried to comment out the passed parameter $id and the $this->Post->id=$id 
> > assignment... and the code seems to work as before.
> > i also printed_r the Post object, before and after that line, but no
> > change appeared.
> > so... what exactly do the assignment? and passing the $_GET parameter
> > is necessary?
> > 2.
> > does every function in the controller involve the creation of a
> > method, of an action?
> > 3.
> > in the edit action, there is the $this->data variable.
> > i presume that this variable is going to populate the edit form. how
> > is this handled?
> > thanks to all!
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Re: some newbie questions

2009-09-18 Thread Hols Kay

1. $this->Post->id = $id sets the model id field to whatever the id is
that you've passed in the URL. That's retained for the $this->Post-
>read(); underneath it. You can also say things like $this->set
('post', $this->Post->read(null, $id)); to read all the fields for
record $id, for example, instead of assigning the id and then reading

2. Every function in the controller IS a method, and every method IS
an action ;) They're all synonyms for the same thing. You don't need a
view for every controller method, only the ones that you'll logically
want a view for, which is what I think you're meaning to ask.

3. $this->data is handled automagically by Cake. It consists of an
array of the data that you're moving from one place to another, so you
can act on specific fields by calling $this->data['Model']['field'].

Hope this helps!

On Sep 17, 7:05 pm, lorenx  wrote:
> hi all,
> i'm new to cakephp and, mentioning the blog tutorial, i have some
> simple questions.
> 1.
> in the sample controller, there is the view action:
> function view($id = null) {
>         $this->Post->id = $id;
>         $this->set('post', $this->Post->read());
> }
> to better understand, i did some tests.
> i tried to comment out the passed parameter $id and the $this->Post->id=$id 
> assignment... and the code seems to work as before.
> i also printed_r the Post object, before and after that line, but no
> change appeared.
> so... what exactly do the assignment? and passing the $_GET parameter
> is necessary?
> 2.
> does every function in the controller involve the creation of a
> method, of an action?
> 3.
> in the edit action, there is the $this->data variable.
> i presume that this variable is going to populate the edit form. how
> is this handled?
> thanks to all!
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Re: some newbie questions

2009-09-18 Thread Miles J

1 - The "$this->Post->id = " tells what ID to use for read(). If no ID
is passed then it wont find the correct data or it will return the
first row in the database.

2 - Every page (or action, e.g., /users/login, login is the page) must
be created within the respective controller.

3 - $this->data is the $_POST, or the data you passed to it. If you
used the form helper, the fields should auto-populate if $this->data
has values.

On Sep 18, 11:45 am, Simon  wrote:
> nobody helps no body here sometimes you get luck we need a group
> called cakephp_for_noobs
> On Sep 18, 11:40 am, lorenx  wrote:
> > a little help please?
> > On Sep 17, 8:05 pm, lorenx  wrote:
> > > hi all,
> > > i'm new to cakephp and, mentioning the blog tutorial, i have some
> > > simple questions.
> > > 1.
> > > in the sample controller, there is the view action:
> > > function view($id = null) {
> > >         $this->Post->id = $id;
> > >         $this->set('post', $this->Post->read());
> > > }
> > > to better understand, i did some tests.
> > > i tried to comment out the passed parameter $id and the 
> > > $this->Post->id=$id assignment... and the code seems to work as before.
> > > i also printed_r the Post object, before and after that line, but no
> > > change appeared.
> > > so... what exactly do the assignment? and passing the $_GET parameter
> > > is necessary?
> > > 2.
> > > does every function in the controller involve the creation of a
> > > method, of an action?
> > > 3.
> > > in the edit action, there is the $this->data variable.
> > > i presume that this variable is going to populate the edit form. how
> > > is this handled?
> > > thanks to all!- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -
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Re: some newbie questions

2009-09-18 Thread lorenx

a little help please?

On Sep 17, 8:05 pm, lorenx  wrote:
> hi all,
> i'm new to cakephp and, mentioning the blog tutorial, i have some
> simple questions.
> 1.
> in the sample controller, there is the view action:
> function view($id = null) {
>         $this->Post->id = $id;
>         $this->set('post', $this->Post->read());
> }
> to better understand, i did some tests.
> i tried to comment out the passed parameter $id and the $this->Post->id=$id 
> assignment... and the code seems to work as before.
> i also printed_r the Post object, before and after that line, but no
> change appeared.
> so... what exactly do the assignment? and passing the $_GET parameter
> is necessary?
> 2.
> does every function in the controller involve the creation of a
> method, of an action?
> 3.
> in the edit action, there is the $this->data variable.
> i presume that this variable is going to populate the edit form. how
> is this handled?
> thanks to all!
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Re: some newbie questions

2009-09-18 Thread Simon

nobody helps no body here sometimes you get luck we need a group
called cakephp_for_noobs

On Sep 18, 11:40 am, lorenx  wrote:
> a little help please?
> On Sep 17, 8:05 pm, lorenx  wrote:
> > hi all,
> > i'm new to cakephp and, mentioning the blog tutorial, i have some
> > simple questions.
> > 1.
> > in the sample controller, there is the view action:
> > function view($id = null) {
> >         $this->Post->id = $id;
> >         $this->set('post', $this->Post->read());
> > }
> > to better understand, i did some tests.
> > i tried to comment out the passed parameter $id and the $this->Post->id=$id 
> > assignment... and the code seems to work as before.
> > i also printed_r the Post object, before and after that line, but no
> > change appeared.
> > so... what exactly do the assignment? and passing the $_GET parameter
> > is necessary?
> > 2.
> > does every function in the controller involve the creation of a
> > method, of an action?
> > 3.
> > in the edit action, there is the $this->data variable.
> > i presume that this variable is going to populate the edit form. how
> > is this handled?
> > thanks to all!- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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some newbie questions

2009-09-17 Thread lorenx

hi all,
i'm new to cakephp and, mentioning the blog tutorial, i have some
simple questions.

in the sample controller, there is the view action:

function view($id = null) {
$this->Post->id = $id;
$this->set('post', $this->Post->read());

to better understand, i did some tests.
i tried to comment out the passed parameter $id and the $this->Post-
>id=$id assignment... and the code seems to work as before.
i also printed_r the Post object, before and after that line, but no
change appeared.
so... what exactly do the assignment? and passing the $_GET parameter
is necessary?

does every function in the controller involve the creation of a
method, of an action?

in the edit action, there is the $this->data variable.
i presume that this variable is going to populate the edit form. how
is this handled?

thanks to all!
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Re: A newbie questions about URLs

2009-04-15 Thread Dr. Loboto

Your keyword for google is "Trailing Slash Problem"

On Apr 15, 6:26 am, Beedge  wrote:
> I have uploaded cake to a testing folder on my domain to play
> around with it and see what I can do. I have called my testing
> folder.. wait for it 'cake' :)
> Can someone tell me if this is right.. the url
> shows the installation is ok. but if i leave out the trailing slash
> (, I get a bad request page returned,
> Do I need to configure something, or is this normal behaviour?
> Thanks
> Kevin
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A newbie questions about URLs

2009-04-14 Thread Beedge

I have uploaded cake to a testing folder on my domain to play
around with it and see what I can do. I have called my testing
folder.. wait for it 'cake' :)

Can someone tell me if this is right.. the url

shows the installation is ok. but if i leave out the trailing slash
( ), I get a bad request page returned,

Do I need to configure something, or is this normal behaviour?



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Re: Newbie questions about model relations

2008-10-19 Thread Marritza

Meanwhile, I have thoroughly re-read the manual on the associations, spent
some time recreating db structure, rewritten the associations and now it

Not to mention some small typos in the params (all that camel-case and

Thanks anyway!
(case closed)

teknoid-3 wrote:
> Where is the model association between Design and Status and vice
> versa?
> Your models need to know how they relate to each other.
> Please review the manual as it quite clearly describes all of the
> that.
> On Oct 18, 12:06 pm, Marritza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Ok, let me clarify finally. (Never used newsgroups before so pardon lack
>> of
>> complete information :P )
>> class Design extends AppModel {
>>         var $primaryKey = 'designs_id';
>>         var $useTable = 'design';
>> }
>> class Status extends AppModel {
>>         var $primaryKey = 'status_id';
>>         var $useTable = 'status';
>> }
>> I'm not using foreign keys. The db schema has been posted in the first
>> message.
>> teknoid-3 wrote:
>> > If you cannot alter db structure, that's fine. Cake works perfectly
>> > well with legacy DB's, but you have to ensure that you specify any
>> > settings that do not follow conventions. That includes table names,
>> > primary keys as well as foreign keys.
>> > You didn't provide your model definitions, so it's hard to guess as to
>> > what could be culprit.
>> > On Oct 18, 7:45 am, Marritza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >> Forgot to mention - I am using $prmaryKey syntax in each model,
>> because I
>> >> have limited possibilities to alter the db structure. Tho, it is
>> possible
>> >> for me to create a sample table using cake conventions, I'll try again
>> >> then.
>> >> teknoid-3 wrote:
>> >> > You shouldn't break conventions when naming your primary keys.
>> >> > Cake will expect your primary key to be named 'id'... So
>> and
>> >> >
>> >> > Of course you can override those by setting a $prmaryKey =
>> 'myOwnKey';
>> >> > in the model, but why make your life more difficult?
>> >> > On Oct 17, 8:17 pm, Marritza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >> >> Hello!
>> >> >> I'm using Cake for several days now, I'm still under big impression
>> of
>> >> >> its
>> >> >> capabilities.
>> >> >> Nevertheless, I have faced a problem, to which solution, which I
>> have
>> >> >> found,
>> >> >> feels not logical in the Cake ways of doing things. First, let me
>> show
>> >> >> you
>> >> >> my table structure: (btw, I'm using PostgreSQL 8.3 on Debian Etch).
>> >> >> table DESIGNS
>> >> >> designs_id serial <- primary key
>> >> >> job_name
>> >> >> status_id
>> >> >> ...etc
>> >> >> table STATUS
>> >> >> status_id serial <- primary key
>> >> >> name
>> >> >> The expected outcome is simple - I'm querying the Design model to
>> >> >> retrieve
>> >> >> data about a job, and I expect to see the status name which is
>> related
>> >> >> thru
>> >> >> Design.status_id => Status.status_id.
>> >> >> Now, when I tried to accomplish it with $hasOne in the Design model
>> >> the
>> >> >> result is that Status is joined not on the forementioned basis, but
>> on
>> >> >> Design.design_id -> Status.status_id.
>> >> >> to my surprise, it works using $belongsTo relation.
>> >> >> Perhaps there is something wrong with my understanding of the Cake
>> >> >> relation
>> >> >> ways, perhaps I'm simply overlooking some basic stuff.
>> >> >> Anyhow, any help greatly appreciated.
>> >> >> --
>> >> >> View this message in
>> >>
>> context:
>> >> >> Sent from the CakePHP mailing list archive at
>> >> --
>> >> View this message in
>> >>
>> context:
>> >> Sent from the CakePHP mailing list archive at
>> --
>> View this message in
>> context:
>> Sent from the CakePHP mailing list archive at
> > 

View this message in context:
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Re: Newbie questions about model relations

2008-10-19 Thread teknoid

Where is the model association between Design and Status and vice
Your models need to know how they relate to each other.
Please review the manual as it quite clearly describes all of the

On Oct 18, 12:06 pm, Marritza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok, let me clarify finally. (Never used newsgroups before so pardon lack of
> complete information :P )
> class Design extends AppModel {
>         var $primaryKey = 'designs_id';
>         var $useTable = 'design';
> }
> class Status extends AppModel {
>         var $primaryKey = 'status_id';
>         var $useTable = 'status';
> }
> I'm not using foreign keys. The db schema has been posted in the first
> message.
> teknoid-3 wrote:
> > If you cannot alter db structure, that's fine. Cake works perfectly
> > well with legacy DB's, but you have to ensure that you specify any
> > settings that do not follow conventions. That includes table names,
> > primary keys as well as foreign keys.
> > You didn't provide your model definitions, so it's hard to guess as to
> > what could be culprit.
> > On Oct 18, 7:45 am, Marritza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Forgot to mention - I am using $prmaryKey syntax in each model, because I
> >> have limited possibilities to alter the db structure. Tho, it is possible
> >> for me to create a sample table using cake conventions, I'll try again
> >> then.
> >> teknoid-3 wrote:
> >> > You shouldn't break conventions when naming your primary keys.
> >> > Cake will expect your primary key to be named 'id'... So and
> >> >
> >> > Of course you can override those by setting a $prmaryKey = 'myOwnKey';
> >> > in the model, but why make your life more difficult?
> >> > On Oct 17, 8:17 pm, Marritza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> >> Hello!
> >> >> I'm using Cake for several days now, I'm still under big impression of
> >> >> its
> >> >> capabilities.
> >> >> Nevertheless, I have faced a problem, to which solution, which I have
> >> >> found,
> >> >> feels not logical in the Cake ways of doing things. First, let me show
> >> >> you
> >> >> my table structure: (btw, I'm using PostgreSQL 8.3 on Debian Etch).
> >> >> table DESIGNS
> >> >> designs_id serial <- primary key
> >> >> job_name
> >> >> status_id
> >> >> ...etc
> >> >> table STATUS
> >> >> status_id serial <- primary key
> >> >> name
> >> >> The expected outcome is simple - I'm querying the Design model to
> >> >> retrieve
> >> >> data about a job, and I expect to see the status name which is related
> >> >> thru
> >> >> Design.status_id => Status.status_id.
> >> >> Now, when I tried to accomplish it with $hasOne in the Design model
> >> the
> >> >> result is that Status is joined not on the forementioned basis, but on
> >> >> Design.design_id -> Status.status_id.
> >> >> to my surprise, it works using $belongsTo relation.
> >> >> Perhaps there is something wrong with my understanding of the Cake
> >> >> relation
> >> >> ways, perhaps I'm simply overlooking some basic stuff.
> >> >> Anyhow, any help greatly appreciated.
> >> >> --
> >> >> View this message in
> >> context:
> >> >> Sent from the CakePHP mailing list archive at
> >> --
> >> View this message in
> >> context:
> >> Sent from the CakePHP mailing list archive at
> --
> View this message in 
> context:
> Sent from the CakePHP mailing list archive at
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Re: Newbie questions about model relations

2008-10-18 Thread Pablo Viojo
You are wrong, you can name your id whatever you want as long as you  
define it using $primaryKey

Sent from my iPhone

On 18-10-2008, at 16:43, "Lamonte(Scheols/Demonic)"  

> Yeah cake its strict on everything  so you can't name your id  
> "design_id" stupid? Yes I know.
> On Sat, Oct 18, 2008 at 11:06 AM, Marritza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok, let me clarify finally. (Never used newsgroups before so pardon  
> lack of
> complete information :P )
> class Design extends AppModel {
>var $primaryKey = 'designs_id';
>var $useTable = 'design';
> }
> class Status extends AppModel {
>var $primaryKey = 'status_id';
>var $useTable = 'status';
> }
> I'm not using foreign keys. The db schema has been posted in the first
> message.
> teknoid-3 wrote:
> >
> >
> > If you cannot alter db structure, that's fine. Cake works perfectly
> > well with legacy DB's, but you have to ensure that you specify any
> > settings that do not follow conventions. That includes table names,
> > primary keys as well as foreign keys.
> >
> > You didn't provide your model definitions, so it's hard to guess  
> as to
> > what could be culprit.
> >
> > On Oct 18, 7:45 am, Marritza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Forgot to mention - I am using $prmaryKey syntax in each model,  
> because I
> >> have limited possibilities to alter the db structure. Tho, it is  
> possible
> >> for me to create a sample table using cake conventions, I'll try  
> again
> >> then.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> teknoid-3 wrote:
> >>
> >> > You shouldn't break conventions when naming your primary keys.
> >> > Cake will expect your primary key to be named 'id'... So  
> and
> >> >
> >>
> >> > Of course you can override those by setting a $prmaryKey =  
> 'myOwnKey';
> >> > in the model, but why make your life more difficult?
> >>
> >> > On Oct 17, 8:17 pm, Marritza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> >> Hello!
> >>
> >> >> I'm using Cake for several days now, I'm still under big  
> impression of
> >> >> its
> >> >> capabilities.
> >>
> >> >> Nevertheless, I have faced a problem, to which solution, which  
> I have
> >> >> found,
> >> >> feels not logical in the Cake ways of doing things. First, let  
> me show
> >> >> you
> >> >> my table structure: (btw, I'm using PostgreSQL 8.3 on Debian  
> Etch).
> >>
> >> >> table DESIGNS
> >> >> designs_id serial <- primary key
> >> >> job_name
> >> >> status_id
> >> >> ...etc
> >>
> >> >> table STATUS
> >> >> status_id serial <- primary key
> >> >> name
> >>
> >> >> The expected outcome is simple - I'm querying the Design model  
> to
> >> >> retrieve
> >> >> data about a job, and I expect to see the status name which is  
> related
> >> >> thru
> >> >> Design.status_id => Status.status_id.
> >>
> >> >> Now, when I tried to accomplish it with $hasOne in the Design  
> model
> >> the
> >> >> result is that Status is joined not on the forementioned  
> basis, but on
> >> >> Design.design_id -> Status.status_id.
> >>
> >> >> to my surprise, it works using $belongsTo relation.
> >>
> >> >> Perhaps there is something wrong with my understanding of the  
> Cake
> >> >> relation
> >> >> ways, perhaps I'm simply overlooking some basic stuff.
> >>
> >> >> Anyhow, any help greatly appreciated.
> >>
> >> >> --
> >> >> View this message in
> >> >>
> >> context:
> >>  
> ...
> >> >> Sent from the CakePHP mailing list archive at
> >>
> >> --
> >> View this message in
> >> context:
> >>  
> ...
> >> Sent from the CakePHP mailing list archive at
> > >
> >
> >
> --
> View this message in context: 
> Sent from the CakePHP mailing list archive at
> -- 
> Join Come here for professional PHP coding.
> >

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Re: Newbie questions about model relations

2008-10-18 Thread Joel Perras

> Yeah cake its strict on everything  so you can't name your id "design_id"
> stupid? Yes I know.

Thank you for indicating that you have no idea what you're talking
about. Go back to selling $70 websites and leave the rest of the
internet in peace.
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"CakePHP" group.
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Re: Newbie questions about model relations

2008-10-18 Thread Lamonte(Scheols/Demonic)
Yeah cake its strict on everything  so you can't name your id "design_id"
stupid? Yes I know.

On Sat, Oct 18, 2008 at 11:06 AM, Marritza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ok, let me clarify finally. (Never used newsgroups before so pardon lack of
> complete information :P )
> class Design extends AppModel {
>var $primaryKey = 'designs_id';
>var $useTable = 'design';
> }
> class Status extends AppModel {
>var $primaryKey = 'status_id';
>var $useTable = 'status';
> }
> I'm not using foreign keys. The db schema has been posted in the first
> message.
> teknoid-3 wrote:
> >
> >
> > If you cannot alter db structure, that's fine. Cake works perfectly
> > well with legacy DB's, but you have to ensure that you specify any
> > settings that do not follow conventions. That includes table names,
> > primary keys as well as foreign keys.
> >
> > You didn't provide your model definitions, so it's hard to guess as to
> > what could be culprit.
> >
> > On Oct 18, 7:45 am, Marritza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Forgot to mention - I am using $prmaryKey syntax in each model, because
> I
> >> have limited possibilities to alter the db structure. Tho, it is
> possible
> >> for me to create a sample table using cake conventions, I'll try again
> >> then.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> teknoid-3 wrote:
> >>
> >> > You shouldn't break conventions when naming your primary keys.
> >> > Cake will expect your primary key to be named 'id'... So and
> >> >
> >>
> >> > Of course you can override those by setting a $prmaryKey = 'myOwnKey';
> >> > in the model, but why make your life more difficult?
> >>
> >> > On Oct 17, 8:17 pm, Marritza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> >> Hello!
> >>
> >> >> I'm using Cake for several days now, I'm still under big impression
> of
> >> >> its
> >> >> capabilities.
> >>
> >> >> Nevertheless, I have faced a problem, to which solution, which I have
> >> >> found,
> >> >> feels not logical in the Cake ways of doing things. First, let me
> show
> >> >> you
> >> >> my table structure: (btw, I'm using PostgreSQL 8.3 on Debian Etch).
> >>
> >> >> table DESIGNS
> >> >> designs_id serial <- primary key
> >> >> job_name
> >> >> status_id
> >> >> ...etc
> >>
> >> >> table STATUS
> >> >> status_id serial <- primary key
> >> >> name
> >>
> >> >> The expected outcome is simple - I'm querying the Design model to
> >> >> retrieve
> >> >> data about a job, and I expect to see the status name which is
> related
> >> >> thru
> >> >> Design.status_id => Status.status_id.
> >>
> >> >> Now, when I tried to accomplish it with $hasOne in the Design model
> >> the
> >> >> result is that Status is joined not on the forementioned basis, but
> on
> >> >> Design.design_id -> Status.status_id.
> >>
> >> >> to my surprise, it works using $belongsTo relation.
> >>
> >> >> Perhaps there is something wrong with my understanding of the Cake
> >> >> relation
> >> >> ways, perhaps I'm simply overlooking some basic stuff.
> >>
> >> >> Anyhow, any help greatly appreciated.
> >>
> >> >> --
> >> >> View this message in
> >> >>
> >> context:
> >> >> Sent from the CakePHP mailing list archive at
> >>
> >> --
> >> View this message in
> >> context:
> >> Sent from the CakePHP mailing list archive at
> > >
> >
> >
> --
> View this message in context:
> Sent from the CakePHP mailing list archive at
> >

Join Come here for professional PHP coding.

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"CakePHP" group.
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For more options, visit this group at

Re: Newbie questions about model relations

2008-10-18 Thread Marritza

Ok, let me clarify finally. (Never used newsgroups before so pardon lack of
complete information :P )

class Design extends AppModel {

var $primaryKey = 'designs_id';
var $useTable = 'design';

class Status extends AppModel {

var $primaryKey = 'status_id';
var $useTable = 'status';

I'm not using foreign keys. The db schema has been posted in the first

teknoid-3 wrote:
> If you cannot alter db structure, that's fine. Cake works perfectly
> well with legacy DB's, but you have to ensure that you specify any
> settings that do not follow conventions. That includes table names,
> primary keys as well as foreign keys.
> You didn't provide your model definitions, so it's hard to guess as to
> what could be culprit.
> On Oct 18, 7:45 am, Marritza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Forgot to mention - I am using $prmaryKey syntax in each model, because I
>> have limited possibilities to alter the db structure. Tho, it is possible
>> for me to create a sample table using cake conventions, I'll try again
>> then.
>> teknoid-3 wrote:
>> > You shouldn't break conventions when naming your primary keys.
>> > Cake will expect your primary key to be named 'id'... So and
>> >
>> > Of course you can override those by setting a $prmaryKey = 'myOwnKey';
>> > in the model, but why make your life more difficult?
>> > On Oct 17, 8:17 pm, Marritza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >> Hello!
>> >> I'm using Cake for several days now, I'm still under big impression of
>> >> its
>> >> capabilities.
>> >> Nevertheless, I have faced a problem, to which solution, which I have
>> >> found,
>> >> feels not logical in the Cake ways of doing things. First, let me show
>> >> you
>> >> my table structure: (btw, I'm using PostgreSQL 8.3 on Debian Etch).
>> >> table DESIGNS
>> >> designs_id serial <- primary key
>> >> job_name
>> >> status_id
>> >> ...etc
>> >> table STATUS
>> >> status_id serial <- primary key
>> >> name
>> >> The expected outcome is simple - I'm querying the Design model to
>> >> retrieve
>> >> data about a job, and I expect to see the status name which is related
>> >> thru
>> >> Design.status_id => Status.status_id.
>> >> Now, when I tried to accomplish it with $hasOne in the Design model
>> the
>> >> result is that Status is joined not on the forementioned basis, but on
>> >> Design.design_id -> Status.status_id.
>> >> to my surprise, it works using $belongsTo relation.
>> >> Perhaps there is something wrong with my understanding of the Cake
>> >> relation
>> >> ways, perhaps I'm simply overlooking some basic stuff.
>> >> Anyhow, any help greatly appreciated.
>> >> --
>> >> View this message in
>> >>
>> context:
>> >> Sent from the CakePHP mailing list archive at
>> --
>> View this message in
>> context:
>> Sent from the CakePHP mailing list archive at
> > 

View this message in context:
Sent from the CakePHP mailing list archive at

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"CakePHP" group.
To post to this group, send email to
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Re: Newbie questions about model relations

2008-10-18 Thread teknoid

If you cannot alter db structure, that's fine. Cake works perfectly
well with legacy DB's, but you have to ensure that you specify any
settings that do not follow conventions. That includes table names,
primary keys as well as foreign keys.

You didn't provide your model definitions, so it's hard to guess as to
what could be culprit.

On Oct 18, 7:45 am, Marritza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Forgot to mention - I am using $prmaryKey syntax in each model, because I
> have limited possibilities to alter the db structure. Tho, it is possible
> for me to create a sample table using cake conventions, I'll try again then.
> teknoid-3 wrote:
> > You shouldn't break conventions when naming your primary keys.
> > Cake will expect your primary key to be named 'id'... So and
> >
> > Of course you can override those by setting a $prmaryKey = 'myOwnKey';
> > in the model, but why make your life more difficult?
> > On Oct 17, 8:17 pm, Marritza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Hello!
> >> I'm using Cake for several days now, I'm still under big impression of
> >> its
> >> capabilities.
> >> Nevertheless, I have faced a problem, to which solution, which I have
> >> found,
> >> feels not logical in the Cake ways of doing things. First, let me show
> >> you
> >> my table structure: (btw, I'm using PostgreSQL 8.3 on Debian Etch).
> >> table DESIGNS
> >> designs_id serial <- primary key
> >> job_name
> >> status_id
> >> ...etc
> >> table STATUS
> >> status_id serial <- primary key
> >> name
> >> The expected outcome is simple - I'm querying the Design model to
> >> retrieve
> >> data about a job, and I expect to see the status name which is related
> >> thru
> >> Design.status_id => Status.status_id.
> >> Now, when I tried to accomplish it with $hasOne in the Design model the
> >> result is that Status is joined not on the forementioned basis, but on
> >> Design.design_id -> Status.status_id.
> >> to my surprise, it works using $belongsTo relation.
> >> Perhaps there is something wrong with my understanding of the Cake
> >> relation
> >> ways, perhaps I'm simply overlooking some basic stuff.
> >> Anyhow, any help greatly appreciated.
> >> --
> >> View this message in
> >> context:
> >> Sent from the CakePHP mailing list archive at
> --
> View this message in 
> context:
> Sent from the CakePHP mailing list archive at
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Re: Newbie questions about model relations

2008-10-18 Thread Marritza

Forgot to mention - I am using $prmaryKey syntax in each model, because I
have limited possibilities to alter the db structure. Tho, it is possible
for me to create a sample table using cake conventions, I'll try again then.

teknoid-3 wrote:
> You shouldn't break conventions when naming your primary keys.
> Cake will expect your primary key to be named 'id'... So and
> Of course you can override those by setting a $prmaryKey = 'myOwnKey';
> in the model, but why make your life more difficult?
> On Oct 17, 8:17 pm, Marritza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hello!
>> I'm using Cake for several days now, I'm still under big impression of
>> its
>> capabilities.
>> Nevertheless, I have faced a problem, to which solution, which I have
>> found,
>> feels not logical in the Cake ways of doing things. First, let me show
>> you
>> my table structure: (btw, I'm using PostgreSQL 8.3 on Debian Etch).
>> table DESIGNS
>> designs_id serial <- primary key
>> job_name
>> status_id
>> ...etc
>> table STATUS
>> status_id serial <- primary key
>> name
>> The expected outcome is simple - I'm querying the Design model to
>> retrieve
>> data about a job, and I expect to see the status name which is related
>> thru
>> Design.status_id => Status.status_id.
>> Now, when I tried to accomplish it with $hasOne in the Design model the
>> result is that Status is joined not on the forementioned basis, but on
>> Design.design_id -> Status.status_id.
>> to my surprise, it works using $belongsTo relation.
>> Perhaps there is something wrong with my understanding of the Cake
>> relation
>> ways, perhaps I'm simply overlooking some basic stuff.
>> Anyhow, any help greatly appreciated.
>> --
>> View this message in
>> context:
>> Sent from the CakePHP mailing list archive at
> > 

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Re: Newbie questions about model relations

2008-10-17 Thread teknoid

You shouldn't break conventions when naming your primary keys.
Cake will expect your primary key to be named 'id'... So and

Of course you can override those by setting a $prmaryKey = 'myOwnKey';
in the model, but why make your life more difficult?

On Oct 17, 8:17 pm, Marritza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm using Cake for several days now, I'm still under big impression of its
> capabilities.
> Nevertheless, I have faced a problem, to which solution, which I have found,
> feels not logical in the Cake ways of doing things. First, let me show you
> my table structure: (btw, I'm using PostgreSQL 8.3 on Debian Etch).
> table DESIGNS
> designs_id serial <- primary key
> job_name
> status_id
> ...etc
> table STATUS
> status_id serial <- primary key
> name
> The expected outcome is simple - I'm querying the Design model to retrieve
> data about a job, and I expect to see the status name which is related thru
> Design.status_id => Status.status_id.
> Now, when I tried to accomplish it with $hasOne in the Design model the
> result is that Status is joined not on the forementioned basis, but on
> Design.design_id -> Status.status_id.
> to my surprise, it works using $belongsTo relation.
> Perhaps there is something wrong with my understanding of the Cake relation
> ways, perhaps I'm simply overlooking some basic stuff.
> Anyhow, any help greatly appreciated.
> --
> View this message in 
> context:
> Sent from the CakePHP mailing list archive at
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Newbie questions about model relations

2008-10-17 Thread Marritza


I'm using Cake for several days now, I'm still under big impression of its

Nevertheless, I have faced a problem, to which solution, which I have found,
feels not logical in the Cake ways of doing things. First, let me show you
my table structure: (btw, I'm using PostgreSQL 8.3 on Debian Etch).

designs_id serial <- primary key

table STATUS
status_id serial <- primary key

The expected outcome is simple - I'm querying the Design model to retrieve
data about a job, and I expect to see the status name which is related thru
Design.status_id => Status.status_id.

Now, when I tried to accomplish it with $hasOne in the Design model the
result is that Status is joined not on the forementioned basis, but on
Design.design_id -> Status.status_id.

to my surprise, it works using $belongsTo relation.

Perhaps there is something wrong with my understanding of the Cake relation
ways, perhaps I'm simply overlooking some basic stuff.

Anyhow, any help greatly appreciated.

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Re: Some newbie questions part 1: showing form for a habtm relation

2007-12-03 Thread Adam Royle

I gained a greater understanding about cakephp by baking my models,
controllers and views, and analysing how cake does it by default.
Maybe you should try this? Once you understand how cake does it, then
it should be easier to figure out what cakes like and what you need to
change to get it to work the way you want.


On Dec 1, 8:36 am, Bram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm baking my first CakePHP project at the moment and I've some newbie
> questions. I'll ask each question in it's own topic.
> First of all, I've a model with an habtm relation, let's call this
> model Company. The related model is called Specialty. I would like to
> give users the possibility to select which specialties are applicable
> for a company. I would prefer checkboxes, but I saw somewhere that a
> select is used by default, that will also be fine for now. Anyway,
> Could someone explain how to create a form for an habtm relation in
> CakePHP 1.2.?
> Bram
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Some newbie questions part 1: showing form for a habtm relation

2007-11-30 Thread Bram

Hi all,

I'm baking my first CakePHP project at the moment and I've some newbie
questions. I'll ask each question in it's own topic.

First of all, I've a model with an habtm relation, let's call this
model Company. The related model is called Specialty. I would like to
give users the possibility to select which specialties are applicable
for a company. I would prefer checkboxes, but I saw somewhere that a
select is used by default, that will also be fine for now. Anyway,
Could someone explain how to create a form for an habtm relation in
CakePHP 1.2.?


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Re: Newbie questions

2007-03-27 Thread MrTufty

If you're not sure how to manage the layout structure yet, the last
thing you need is medium/advanced tutorials.

Cake is very simple to learn the basics of, and extremely powerful
once you've gotten your head around the conventions.

To be able to help, you'll need to say which version you're presently
using: 1.1 is currently the stable release, but I use the 1.2 dev
release because I want the very latest features and I know enough to
be able to figure out what's going wrong when something does (which
isn't all that often :))

In any case, feelexit's advice is slightly inaccurate.

Under /app/views/layouts/, if you don't already have one, create a
file called either default.thtml (for 1.1) or default.ctp (for 1.2).
This is your basic layout file, whatever you put in this file will be
output every time. There's more advanced things you can do with
layouts, but for the moment I'd say don't worry about it, until you
get the basics down.

In this file you can indeed use the command feelexit mentions - but
his post was slightly wrong in one respect.

The command you want is renderElement('name_of_element'); ?>

That doesn't help you right now though because you have no elements

You need to create them, under /app/views/elements/ - the filenames
should all be something like name_of_element.thtml (for 1.1) or
name_of_element.ctp (for 1.2). The name_of_element part is what you
put in the renderElement command.

For more dynamic content you may want to look into requestAction and
components, but this is something I've barely scratched the surface of
myself yet, so I can't give you any help there.

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Re: Newbie questions

2007-03-27 Thread feelexit

make new file, header.thtml  in hte component folder.

and in ur layout,  renderElement('header'); ?>

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Newbie questions

2007-03-27 Thread Luca.PESCATORE
 I'm a newbie with CakePHP.

How can I manage with layouta structure with a top menu, a main content and a 
right content ?

Where I can find some medium / advanced tutorial for cakePHP ?

Is it available an integration with the qooxdoo library (you find it on 


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Couple of newbie questions

2007-03-12 Thread Maff^

First of all, my apologies for the 23839929th "newbie questions"
topic ;) But I've been reading up on cakePHP the couple of last days
now, and I've still some questions left which I'll like to answer
before I really can start working on my project.

Maybe some sort of background info could help, so here is some about
me and what I'm trying to accomplish:
My name is Ruud Bijnen, I'm 22 years old and live in the Netherlands.
Although I've been scripting PHP for over 6 years now, I never had any
proper education on computer science. All these years I've worked on
little hobby projects,  which didn't require to much work, so my
experience with frameworks, MVC architecture and open source
contribution is almost zero.
The reason I'm now starting to use cakePHP is that I've taken on a
more complex project, and didn't want to start from scratch, also it's
a nice opportunity for me to learn about frameworks and a more
professional way of scripting/programming.

I live together with 13 other students in a nice student flat. Almost
every day we have diner together, although not everyone will join
everyday, we usually are with about 8 people. In order to keep costs
for everyone fair we keep track of who's eating that day, and which
costs are made, who paid for the food and who's next in line to
prepare diner. For this we have a few forms and those results are
weekly transformed into Excel sheets.
(also we've paperwork for beer, snacks, chores and expenses (on
household products etc.)
My task is to automate those processes. Also there is going to be a
nice little touch screen pc in the living room to be able to access al
(or at least most of the) these tasks. And me and my housemates will
be able to use a public website to access the app.

// sorry for the way to long introduction, I'll try to keep it to the

My first question is: how to best separate the 2 different user
Not only has everything to be large on the touch screen console, the
steps to accomplish something will be totally different in comparison
to the 'public' website. So I can't just use two different style
sheets. But the logic in the models (and probably the most in the
controllers) will be identical, so two different cake apps probably
isn't the best solution.

This brings me to my second question: what sort of code belongs to the
controller, and what to the model?
The manual is imo not very consistent about this, and that confuses
me. For example, in the models chapter they put some functions to a
model, like: hide($id), unhide($id) and makeInactive($uid). This makes
perfectly sense to me, but in "Example: Simple User Authentication"
they just put every thing in the controller (even the password
challenging, which imo should be part of the model).

Third: what would you recommend, develop in 1.x.x.x or 1.2.x.x?
I understand that it could take a while before the 1.2 branch reaches
a RC/stable milestone, and that "it's done when it's done" or as
Samuel DeVoreput it: "when it's done baking" ;). Personally I feel
more like using 1.2, unless you would discourage that.

Fourth, and hopefully last: there are a couple of authentication
examples/methods out there, but what would the best to use at this
point, or should I write my own?
Like most programmers I don't like to reinvent the wheel. There are
now a few auth modules I could chose from, but most are under heavy
development, are abandoned, or lack proper documentation. I'll need a
auth module where users can belong to multiple groups (because some
housemates will be admin to a part of the app and some a few parts),
but don't know which (if there is any).

At this point I don't have a lot of experience with blogging or
writing in general, but maybe at some point I'll try to write some
about this project, and it's problems and solutions I came across.

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