Re: Access Control Manager (ACM) Plugin Now Available!

2006-05-06 Thread jeko

Cake Access Control Manager

* Home
* Users  Groups
* Managed Controllers
* Permissions

CakePHP : Rapid Development Framework

Controller dump:

AcmController Object
[name] = Acm
[uses] = Array
[0] = AcmUser
[1] = AcmRole
[2] = AcmPrivilege

[components] = Array
[0] = Acl
[1] = Session

[helpers] = Array
[0] = Html
[1] = Ajax
[2] = Javascript
[3] = Acm

[layout] = cpanel
[autoRender] =
[aroTree] = Array

[roleModel] = AcmRole
[userModel] = AcmUser
[here] = /mariposa/acm/acm
[action] = index
[viewPath] = acm
[_viewVars] = Array

[pageTitle] =
[modelNames] = Array
[0] = AcmUser
[1] = AcmRole
[2] = AcmPrivilege

[base] = /mariposa/acm
[autoLayout] = 1
[beforeFilter] =
[view] = View
[_viewClass] = View Object
[name] = Acm
[here] = /mariposa/acm/acm
[parent] =
[action] = index
[uses] =
[helpers] = Array
[0] = Html
[1] = Ajax
[2] = Javascript
[3] = Acm

[viewPath] = acm
[_viewVars] = Array

[pageTitle] =
[models] = Array

[base] = /mariposa/acm
[layout] = cpanel
[autoRender] =
[autoLayout] = 1
[params] = Array
[controller] = acm
[action] = index
[url] = Array
[url] = acm

[bare] = 0
[webservices] =

[hasRendered] =
[controller] = AcmController Object
[loaded] = Array
[html] = HtmlHelper Object
[base] = /mariposa/acm
[here] = /mariposa/acm/acm
[params] = Array
[controller] = acm
[action] = index
[url] = Array
[url] = acm

[bare] = 0
[webservices] =

[action] = index
[data] =
[model] =
[field] =
[_crumbs] = Array

[tags] = Array
[link] = %s
[mailto] = %s
[form] =
[input] = [textarea] = %s [hidden] = [checkbox] = [radio] = %s
[selectstart] = [password] = [file] = [submit] = [image] =
[tableheader] = %s [tableheaderrow] = %s [tablecell] = %s [tablerow]
= %s [css] = [charset] = [javascriptblock] = [javascriptlink] = )
[_log] = [webroot] = /mariposa/ [themeWeb] = [plugin] = acm )
[ajax] = AjaxHelper Object ( [helpers] = Array ( [0] = Html [1] =
Javascript ) [callbacks] = Array ( [0] = uninitialized [1] = loading
[2] = loaded [3] = interactive [4] = complete ) [ajaxOptions] =
Array ( [0] = type [1] = confirm [2] = condition [3] = before [4]
= after [5] = fallback [6] = update [7] = loading [8] = loaded [9]
= interactive [10] = complete [11] = with [12] = url [13] = method
[14] = position [15] = form [16] = parameters [17] = evalScripts
[18] = asynchronous [19] = onComplete [20] = onUninitialized [21] =
onLoading [22] = onLoaded [23] = onInteractive [24] = insertion )
[dragOptions] = Array ( [0] = handle [1] = revert [2] = constraint
[3] = change ) [dropOptions] = Array ( [0] = accept [1] =
containment [2] = overlap [3] = greedy [4] = hoverclass [5] =
onHover [6] = onDrop ) [sortOptions] = Array ( [0] = tag [1] = only
[2] = overlap [3] = constraint [4] = containment [5] = handle [6]
= hoverClass [7] = ghosting [8] = dropOnEmpty [9] = onUpdate [10]
= onChange ) [sliderOptions] = Array ( [0] = axis [1] = increment
[2] = maximum [3] = minimum [4] = alignX [5] = alignY [6] =
sliderValue [7] = disabled [8] = handleImage [9] = handleDisabled
[10] = values [11] = onSlide [12] = onChange ) [editorOptions] =
Array ( [0] = okText [1] = 

Re: Access Control Manager (ACM) Plugin Now Available!

2006-05-05 Thread TracyB

Hi there:

I've downloaded the ACM plugin and can see it by going to
http://mysite/acm - however, I'm getting some errors even though I'm
pretty sure I have my database set up right.

For instance, I get:

SQL Error in model Aro: 1054: Unknown column ' lft' in 'order clause'
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in
C:\xampp\htdocs\cake\app\plugins\acm\controllers\acm_controller.php on
line 63

SQL Error in model Aco: 1054: Unknown column ' lft' in 'order clause'
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in
C:\xampp\htdocs\cake\app\plugins\acm\controllers\acm_controller.php on
line 80

when I go to the Permissions page.

When I go to Managed Controllers I get:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in
C:\xampp\htdocs\cake\app\plugins\acm\views\acm\privileges.thtml on line

And when I go to Users  Groups I get:

SQL Error in model Aro: 1054: Unknown column ' lft' in 'order clause'
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in
C:\xampp\htdocs\cake\app\plugins\acm\views\acm\privileges.thtml on line

I created my database tables by looking at the fields listed in the
cake\scripts\acl.php file and the column 'lft' does exist in both the
aros and acos tables, so I'm not sure what the issue is.

I'm able to AutoLoad users with no problems.

Anyhow, if this is something I screwed up, sorry to bother you :)
rpeterson wrote:
 Hey Everyone!

 ACM Plugin is now ready to rock! We currently released version
 pending bug fixes to version 1.0. The project can be found at: .

 What is ACM?

 ACM is a simple web-interface will plug into your exisitng CakePHP
 application by simply droping it into the plugin directory. Alowing you
 to easily manage your ACL Permissions.

 Note: Thie project was origonal called ACL Admin, since then we have
 decided to rename it and open it as a whole new project.

 I am usualy on irc if you have any questions.


 **Many thanks to gwoo for all his help on geting this project

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Re: Access Control Manager (ACM) Plugin Now Available!

2006-05-05 Thread Ryan J. Peterson

The best place I would be able to help you is if you could jump on the 
irc channel #CakePHP , but if not I will attempt to assist you in 
getting ACM running. I am really excited to get it as easy to install 
and setup as possible.

First, what version of Cake are you using? Just so I have a record of 
what install people are having issues with.

Have you loaded any controllers into the system yet? I may need to make 
some adjustments on the order by lft query to see if ACO or AROS exist.

I will get back to you with more information once I have lookied into it 
a little further.


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Re: Access Control Manager (ACM) Plugin Now Available!

2006-05-05 Thread calzone

Hi Ryan,

I'm running cake_1.0.1.2708

I'm not sure why my plugins dir wouldn't be readable by my webserver,
it's below the site root and I'm pretty sure everything gets permission
masked upon creation and upload.  open_basedir certainly has access to
it if that's what you mean?

Maybe I can take a peek at the documentation in the source if it's on
the index page ;)

Thanks much for your help (and for putting this together in the first

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Re: Access Control Manager (ACM) Plugin Now Available!

2006-05-05 Thread Ryan J. Peterson


I just realized I was working with cake 0.1 so I am working on fixing it 
up to make sure it all works with 1.0


Hi Ryan,

I'm running cake_1.0.1.2708

I'm not sure why my plugins dir wouldn't be readable by my webserver,
it's below the site root and I'm pretty sure everything gets permission
masked upon creation and upload.  open_basedir certainly has access to
it if that's what you mean?

Maybe I can take a peek at the documentation in the source if it's on
the index page ;)

Thanks much for your help (and for putting this together in the first


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Re: Access Control Manager (ACM) Plugin Now Available!

2006-05-05 Thread TracyB

I would jump on IRC if I weren't at work :) Ports blocked and all that.
I just downloaded cake from the website today, so I'm
guessing I'm running the most recent -

I created an empty user and permission model because the first errors
were looking for models for those 2 tables (i have a permissions table
rather than a roles table). Those are the only files I have in addition
to the ACM folder in plugins.

Now, I'm not sure if this would affect anything, but I'm running cake
from a subdirectory rather than the documentroot. I can change this to
test if you like.


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Re: Access Control Manager (ACM) Plugin Now Available!

2006-05-05 Thread Dominik Schlütter


TracyB wrote:

 I've downloaded the ACM plugin and can see it by going to
 http://mysite/acm - however, I'm getting some errors even though I'm
 pretty sure I have my database set up right.

Yes, that's a problem that git introduces with the 1.0 release.

 SQL Error in model Aro: 1054: Unknown column ' lft' in 'order clause'

for a solution - if there's no database given, CakePHP inserts a blank
in fornt of the fieldname (inside the backticks).

 I created my database tables by looking at the fields listed in the
 cake\scripts\acl.php file and the column 'lft' does exist in both the
 aros and acos tables, so I'm not sure what the issue is.

Your database is probably correct, that has to be changes in the ACM



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Re: Access Control Manager (ACM) Plugin Now Available!

2006-05-05 Thread Ryan J. Peterson


I found some issues, I just realized I was still running 0.1 of cake so 
I am working on getting some bugs worked out of it here with 1.0 and 
will get it updated as soon as I get it all working.


I would jump on IRC if I weren't at work :) Ports blocked and all that.
I just downloaded cake from the website today, so I'm
guessing I'm running the most recent -

I created an empty user and permission model because the first errors
were looking for models for those 2 tables (i have a permissions table
rather than a roles table). Those are the only files I have in addition
to the ACM folder in plugins.

Now, I'm not sure if this would affect anything, but I'm running cake
from a subdirectory rather than the documentroot. I can change this to
test if you like.



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Re: Access Control Manager (ACM) Plugin Now Available!

2006-05-05 Thread calzone

Ryan :)

There may be a lot of us because cake 1.x just got dugg this week and I
think there's been a massive newbie influx.

Thanks for your patience and persistence.

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Re: Access Control Manager (ACM) Plugin Now Available!

2006-05-05 Thread TracyB

Thanks for the swift fix :)

I'm getting another issue now though - I deleted the old installation
and have no files except the new ACM in plugins, and user.php and
permission.php (empty models) in the models directory.

When I try to go to http://mysite/acm, I get:

Fatal error: Call to a member function write() on a non-object in
C:\xampp\htdocs\cake\app\plugins\acm\config.php on line 23

It seems to have a problem with:

If I knew more PHP I'd just try to fix it myself, but I come from an
ASP(ick) background.


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Re: Access Control Manager (ACM) Plugin Now Available!

2006-05-05 Thread rpeterson

Hey All!

Ok, I uploaded a new release ACM that will work with CakePHP
1.0, also added Install instuctions in docs and in the notes of the
release. See the change log for what was done.

Let me know if you have other issues.


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Re: Access Control Manager (ACM) Plugin Now Available!

2006-05-05 Thread Ryan J. Peterson


done by cake


Is there something that has to be done to initialize the session? or is
that done automatically by cake?


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Re: Access Control Manager (ACM) Plugin Now Available!

2006-05-05 Thread calzone


At the risk of coming across as a complete moron, I need to ask:

how did you know to set up user.php and permission.php, how did you
know what to put inside, and how did you know what to do with

I'm totally in the dark.

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Re: Access Control Manager (ACM) Plugin Now Available!

2006-05-05 Thread calzone

I'm making progress.

I actually got a usable UI to appear at

It had some errors about missing tables, and then missing fields.  I
took wild guesses that the missing fields should be varchar 32 to see
what would happen.

Once I stopped getting errors, I tried adding the code below to
posts_controller.php (this is the blog tutorial controller).  But now
I'm getting a php error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: _checkaccess() in
on line 12

And here's the code, lifted straight from the documentation.  I'm not
sure if I was supposed to change anything or not.

var $components = array('Acl');
var $beforeFilter = array('checkAcl');
function checkAcl()
$aco = $this-name . : . $this-action;

if($this-_checkAccess($this-Session-read('User.username'), $aco))
//Not Allowed Action

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Re: Access Control Manager (ACM) Plugin Now Available!

2006-05-05 Thread Ryan J. Peterson


Yes as I note in the doc, I didn't test that script it was just a 
sample. Here is the same script actually implemented into an app of 
mine. This is put in the app_controller.php or your App. You will have 
to set the session information to whatever you use for your user 


  var $components = array('Acl');
   var $beforeFilter = array('checkAdmin');
function checkAdmin()
$aco = $this-name . : . $this-action;
if($this-Session-read('User.logged') === true)

if($this-_checkAccess($this-Session-read('User.username'), $aco))
if($this-_checkAccess('User', $aco))
function _checkAccess($aro, $aco)
 // Check access using the component:
$access = $this-Acl-check($aro, $aco, $action = *);

//access denied
if ($access === false)
return false;
//access allowed
return true;

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Re: Access Control Manager (ACM) Plugin Now Available!

2006-05-04 Thread calzone

care to explain how to get this working?

there seems to be zero documentation at cakeforge or in the download.

the closest I got was a lucky guess to go to at which
point I got:

failed to open stream: Permission denied in
/var/www/vhosts/ on line 303

Fatal error: loadplugincontroller(): Failed opening required
in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 303

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