Re: [Caml-list] questions

2009-04-01 Thread FALCON Gilles RD-RESA-LAN


When M. Ober say the official material is of poor quality. i am French
and really surprise.
I saw Xavier Leroy teach caml at the CNAM in france, and he know how to
The official document is not an ocaml curse, that's right. (The inria
is not pay for that )

I totally agree that it would be pleasant to have more documentation on
Ocaml, especially if you don't have ocaml lesson.
The reader are a little like you M. Ober, they like good quality and
when a book is not as good as they like, they have the same reaction as
I am disappointed because it is not the better encouragement.
Different views and usages of the language seems to me better than too

I will be happy to read article or book from you



Xavier Leroy a crit:

There must be some reason why the manual and other materials on the
official site are of such poor quality. I've thought a bit about it, and
the only reason I see is that the authors do not have a feel for what it
takes to learn/understand/use that language. They obviously know it all
through, but that's still far removed from being able to explain it to
someone else. I don't know, of course, how it is that one understands
something "well" yet is not able to explain it to somebody else. To me,
that's very fragile knowledge.

Because we are autistic morons who lack your rock-solid knowledge, if
I properly catch your (rather insulting) drift?

At the very least, you're confusing "to be able" with "to intend to".
The "tutorial" part of the OCaml reference manual was a quick job
targeted at readers who already know functional programming and just
want a quick overview of what's standard and what's different in
OCaml.  Maybe that shouldn't be titled "tutorial" at all.

Teaching functional programming in OCaml to beginners is a rather
different job, for which they are plenty of good books already.  Most
of them happen to be in French for various reasons: O'Reilly's refusal
to publish the English translation of the Chailloux-Manoury-Pagano
book; the Hickey-Rentsch controversy, etc.  But, yes, some talented
teachers invested huge amounts of time in writing good intro to Caml
programming books.  Don't brush their efforts aside.

One last word to you, that Xah Lee troll, and anyone else on this
list: if you're not happy with the existing material, write something
better.  Everyone will thank you and you'll get to better appreciate
the difficulty of the task.

- Xavier Leroy

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Re: [Caml-list] Dynamic loading of native code : what about librairies and packs ?

2009-04-01 Thread Julien Signoles

 I am discovering this feature of loading dynamically native code. The
 Frama-C framework ( provides now a plugin
 architecture that allows you to develop your own plugin and loads it
 directly in the framework.
 I targeted to adapt a simple tool I developped as a Frama-C plugin and
 faced some difficulties. I did not found enough information about the
 compilation of cmxs files.

Alain's answers are very good. I confirm that packing and dynamic
loading are compatible features: all Frama-C plug-ins are packed and
some of them are dynamically loaded.

However, in the current distributed release of Frama-C, dynamic loading
of plug-ins is still experimental. This feature will be improved in the
next release and it should be easier for plug-in developers to compile
dynamic plug-ins.

Anyway, if you have any additional Frama-C-specific questions/feedbacks
about plug-in development, don't hesitate to sent a message on the
Frama-C public mailing list

Julien Signoles
CEA LIST, Software Reliability Lab
91191 Gif-Sur-Yvette Cedex
tel:(+33)  fax:(+33)

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Re: [Caml-list] Bug? Constraints get ignored in methods

2009-04-01 Thread Martin Jambon
Goswin von Brederlow wrote:
 small add on to my last mail.
 Think of it as having a set of work queues: clean, dirty, reading,
 writing, write_prepare. The objects need to be able to quickly jump
 from one queue to the back of another when the objects internal state
 changes. And is not only the objects at the head of the queue that
 change states. Can be pretty random what object changes.
 If I put the prev/next links into the objects themself they can easily
 detach themself from a queue and insert themself into another.
 If I put the objects into other generic queue structures then I have to
 find the position in the old queue to remove an object and that would
 be slow.
 If you can think of a solution that would allow
 type 'a data = { next : 'b data option; data : 'a }
 without having to know possibly types of 'b then I could use functors.
 This would have to work:
 let s = { next = None; data = string }
 let i = { next = Some s; data = 23 }

Would the following work for you:

type 'a linked = {
  data : 'a;
  mutable next :   linked option
(* constraint 'a =  ..  *)

let create data next = {
  data = data;
  next = (next :   linked option)

let set_next x y = - (y :   linked option)

class s =
  method s = abc

class i =
  method i = 123

let s = create (new s) None
let i = create (new i) (Some s)

val create : 'a -  ..  linked option - 'a linked = fun
val set_next : 'a linked -  ..  linked option - unit = fun
class s : object method s : string end
class i : object method i : int end
val s : s linked = {data = obj; next = None}
val i : i linked = {data = obj; next = Some {data = obj; next = None}}


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Re: [Caml-list] questions

2009-04-01 Thread Mihamina Rakotomandimby (R12y)

FALCON Gilles RD-RESA-LAN wrote:
I totally agree that it would be pleasant to have more documentation on 
Ocaml, especially if you don't have ocaml lesson.

Yes and No.
The problem can be felt in PHP, where you see anyone witing anything.
So, yes, there should be more documents on Ocaml, but the problem is: Only
inexperienced users have time to write down some learning notes.
The real Gurus are all overbooked...

It's also my wish to see some documentation, but on the other hand, I dont
want it to fall into PHP fashion. Great dilemma...

 Chef de projet chez Vectoris
 Phone: +261 33 11 207 36
System: xUbuntu 8.10 with almost all from package install

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Re: [Caml-list] questions

2009-04-01 Thread Xavier Leroy

I saw Xavier Leroy teach caml at the CNAM in france, and he know how
to teach.

Just for the record: I never lectured at CNAM, but probably you're
thinking of Pierre Weis, who taught a great programming in Caml
course there for several year.  That course was the main starting
point for our book Le langage Caml.


- Xavier Leroy

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Re: [Caml-list] questions

2009-04-01 Thread Till Varoquaux
Well his praise still applies: I did take a course in which Xavier
Leroy taught and it was crystal clear. I was also very impressed by
Didier Remy who came only once.
It also helps that the core O'caml is based on ml which uses a very
clear and regular semantic.


On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 9:13 AM, Xavier Leroy wrote:
 I saw Xavier Leroy teach caml at the CNAM in france, and he know how
 to teach.

 Just for the record: I never lectured at CNAM, but probably you're
 thinking of Pierre Weis, who taught a great programming in Caml
 course there for several year.  That course was the main starting
 point for our book Le langage Caml.


 - Xavier Leroy

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Re: [Caml-list] questions

2009-04-01 Thread Thomas Gazagnaire
I have also learned ocaml with Le Langage Caml and I really enjoyed this
book (it was one of the first book on language programming that I rode).
It might a be a good idea to update the content of this book and to
translate it into ocaml/english :-)


2009/3/31 Martin Jambon

 Kuba Ober wrote:
  There must be some reason why the manual and other materials on the
  official site are of such poor quality. I've thought a bit about it, and
  the only reason I see is that the authors do not have a feel for what it
  takes to learn/understand/use that language. They obviously know it all
  through, but that's still far removed from being able to explain it to
  someone else. I don't know, of course, how it is that one understands
  something well yet is not able to explain it to somebody else. To me,
  that's very fragile knowledge. I always thought that deep understanding
  implies an ability to extract what's important, and to lead the other
  person from some basics (whatever they may be) to the conclusion.

 I can see one reason: like many other French OCaml programmers, I learned
 OCaml at school (it was in 1998). French teachers don't rely heavily on a
 book. There is however one book that covers the essentials, Le Langage
 by Weis and Leroy, which despite using the Caml Light dialect is the most
 enlightening programming book I've ever got to read. For the rest, there is
 the reference manual of OCaml and plenty of source code all around the web.

 I think that's why there is not much more incentive to write a complete
 replace-the-teacher text book on OCaml written by the core OCaml
 who are mostly a French team. Besides, it's a lot of work and doesn't make

 Of course there are now a few great books and tutorials on OCaml in
 none of them having an official status.



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Re: [Caml-list] PowerPC 405

2009-04-01 Thread xclerc

Le 30 mars 09 à 15:45, xclerc a écrit :


I have built a MacOS-to-Linux cross-compiler last week.
I do confirm that the hard part is getting a cross-[g]cc up and  
In fact, this is so tedious that I strongly encourage to resort to  

a prepackaged cross-[g]cc (from binaries, from a Linux packaging
system, whatever), or to the excellent crosstool available at :

On the OCaml side, there are very few things to do and they are
quite straightforward. First, you have to emulate the behaviour of
./configure by producing config/m.h, config/s.h, and config/ 
by hand. This is easier than it may sound, just start from config/m- 
config/s-temp.h, and config/Makefile-templ (these are  

Then, you will have to slightly patch some Makefiles, and you are  

I will setup a webpage with all the necessary steps and patches as  
as I get my notes organized. This will allow us to share knowledge  
on the subject.

The build process I followed along with its accompagnying patch are
available on the Gallium wiki at the following URL:

This is clearly a very experimental draft that is still a bit hackish.
All reports, both positive and negative are hence very welcome,
in order to polish it up.

Hope this helps,

Xavier Clerc

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[Caml-list] DEFUN09: Call for Talks Tutorials (co-located w/ ICFP09)

2009-04-01 Thread Matthew Fluet (ICFP Publicity Chair)
 Call for Talks and Tutorials
 ACM SIGPLAN 2009 Developer Tracks on Functional Programming
 Edinburgh, Scotland, September 3 and 5, 2009
   The workshop will be held in conjunction with ICFP 2009

Important dates

Proposal Deadline: June 5, 2009, 0:00 UTC
Notification: June 19, 2009

DEFUN 2009 invites functional programmers and researchers who know how
to solve problems with functional progamming to give talks and lead
tutorials at the The ICFP Developer Tracks.

We want to know about your favorite programming techniques, powerful
libraries, and engineering approaches you've used that the world
should know about and apply to other projects. We want to know how to
be productive using functional programming, write better code, and
avoid common pitfalls.

We invite proposals for presentations in the following categories.

Lightning talks
5- to 10-minute talks that introduce exciting and promising research
or techniques that may be in progress or not yet ready for widespread
use, but that offer a glimpse into the near future of real world
functional programming.

* Clustered high performance computing in a functional language
* Making advanced type systems more accessible to working programmers
* How and why we're infiltrating category theory info industry

How-to talks
45-minute how-to talks that provide specific information on how to
solve specific problems using functional programming. These talks
focus on concrete examples, but provide useful information for
developers working on different projects or in different contexts.

* How I use Haskell for oilfield simulations.
* How I replaced /sbin/init by a Scheme program.
* How I hooked up my home appliances to an Erlang control system.
* How I got an SML program to drive my BMW.

General language tutorials
Half-day general language tutorials for specific functional languages,
given by recognized experts for the respective languages.

Technology tutorials
Half-day tutorials on techniques, technologies, or solving specific
problems in functional programming.

* How to make the best use of specific FP programming techniques
* How to inject FP into a development team used to more
conventional technologies
* How to connect FP to existing libraries / frameworks / platforms
* How to deliver high-performance systems with FP
* How to deliver high-reliability systems with FP

Remember that your audience will include computing professionals who
are not academics and who may not already be experts on functional

Presenters of tutorials will receive free registration to CUFP 2009.

Submission guidelines

Submit a proposal of 150 words or less for either a 45-minute talk
with a short QA session at the end, or a 300-word-or-less proposal
for a 3-hour tutorial, where you present your material, but also give
participants a chance to practice it on their own laptops.

Some advice:

* Give it a simple and straightforward title or name; avoid fancy
  titles or puns that would make it harder for attendees to figure
  out what you'll be talking about.
* Clearly identify the level of the talk: What knowledge should
  people have when they come to the presentation or tutorial?
* Explain why people will want to attend:
  o Is the language or library useful for a wide range of
  o Is the pitfall you're identifying common enough that a
wide range of attendees is likely to encounter it?
* Explain what benefits attendees are expected to take home to
  their own projects.
* For a tutorial, explain how you want to structure the time, and
  what you expect to have attendees to do on their laptops. List
  what software you'll expect attendees to have installed prior to

Submit your proposal in plain text electronically to by the beginning of Friday, June
5 2009, Universal Coordinated Time.


* Yaron Minsky (Jane Street Capital)
* Ulf Wiger (Erlang Training and Consulting)
* Mike Sperber - co-chair (DeinProgramm)
* Bryan O'Sullivan - co-chair (Linden Lab)

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Re: [Caml-list] Bug? Constraints get ignored in methods

2009-04-01 Thread Goswin von Brederlow
Martin Jambon writes:

 Would the following work for you:

No. Not just like this.

 type 'a linked = {
   data : 'a;
   mutable next :   linked option
 (* constraint 'a =  ..  *)

 let create data next = {
   data = data;
   next = (next :   linked option)

 let set_next x y = - (y :   linked option)

 class s =
   method s = abc

 class i =
   method i = 123

class s and i have no access to the linked type. You could not remove
a class s or i from the linked structure in O(1) from within class s
or i. So linked would have to handle any function that might require
altering the linked structure and pass parts of it to its data. But
data is an unknown type so no method of it can be called.

I would first need a class type containing the common
functionality. Then 'a needs to be constraint to a superset of that
class and next has to be an linked option of that class.

Only then can the linked type call methods of its data.

Your suggestion has one benefit though. By using a record + normal
functions instead of a class one avoids a recursively constraint
method, which ocaml doesn't like.


PS: below is a completly object free solution. It comes at the cost of
requireing Obj.magic though. But its evilness is contained in M alone
and can't escape. Not sure yet what way I will go.

module M :  sig
  type 'a fn = { to_string : 'a - string; alter : 'a - 'a }
  type 'a base
  val make : 'a - 'a fn - 'a base
  val to_string : 'a base - string
  val alter : 'a base - unit
  val iter : ('a base - unit) - unit
end = struct
  type 'a fn = { to_string : 'a - string; alter : 'a - 'a }
  type 'a base = { mutable next : unit base; mutable prev : unit base; mutable 
data : 'a; fn : 'a fn }
  let unit_fn = { to_string = (fun () - ); alter = (fun () - ()) }
  let rec head = { next = head; prev = head; data = (); fn = unit_fn }
  let make data fn =
let e = { next = head; prev = head.prev; data = data; fn = fn }
in - Obj.magic e;
  head.prev - Obj.magic e;
  let to_string x = x.fn.to_string
  let alter x = - x.fn.alter
  let iter (fn : 'a base - unit) =
let fn : unit base - unit = Obj.magic fn in
let rec loop = function
x when x == head - ()
  | x - fn x; loop

let string_fn = { M.to_string = (fun s - s); M.alter = (fun s - s ^ +) }
let int_fn = { M.to_string = (fun i - Printf.sprintf %d i); M.alter = (fun i 
- i +1) }
let s = M.make s string_fn
let i = M.make 1 int_fn
let _ = M.iter (fun x - Printf.printf %s\n (M.to_string x))
let _ = M.iter M.alter
let _ = M.iter (fun x - Printf.printf %s\n (M.to_string x))




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Re: [Caml-list] questions

2009-04-01 Thread Kuba Ober


When M. Ober say the official material is of poor quality. i am  
French and really surprise.
I saw Xavier Leroy teach caml at the CNAM in france, and he know how  
to teach.
The official document is not an ocaml curse, that's right. (The  
inria is not pay for that )

I have given recently one example of how the information about a  
simple topic -- lists -- is
rather arbitrarily split up and distributed across different portions  
of the manual. It seems
that same could be said of almost any other randomly chosen basic  
topic (arrays, types, pattern
matching, etc). I don't think that's how you write good manuals, but  
that's merely my opinion, and
the only way I can explain it better is to give examples of what I  
consider good manuals, which I did

in the post I mentioned.

I totally agree that it would be pleasant to have more documentation  
on Ocaml, especially if you don't have ocaml lesson.

Having or not having OCaml lessons is pretty much irrelevant here.  
Your assumption here is, perhaps,
that you remember everything you are taught. When you're an occasional  
user, like I am, I constantly
forget, and that amplifies any shortcomings in the manual, as I have  
to deal with them repeatedly.
Of course I then write down some notes, and look there first, but this  
does not affect the manual.
There are many similar ways things can be done in ML-like languages.  
Understanding of the
underlying methodology is one thing, but OCaml is a concrete  
implementation and if I forget a way
some particular thing is done, it doesn't help much that I have  
general knowledge of that thing. I still

must look it up :)

The reader are a little like you M. Ober, they like good quality and  
when a book is not as good as they like, they have the same reaction  
as you.
I am disappointed because it is not the better encouragement.   
Different views and usages of the language seems to me better than  
too few.

Encouragement to whom? I'm trying to discuss facts, if that's so  
bothersome then I can't really help it.
My motive is not to offend anyone nor to diminish the excellent work  
otherwise done by the OCaml team.
I'm trying to understand why the manual is so bad -- that's all. I  
know the realities of life, and that
sometimes things cannot be done perfectly even if one so wishes -- I  
went down that road many times.
That's just how it is, I know. What I didn't expect is the religious  
fervor of the replies -- it's an interesting

thing to observe and learn about!

Cheers, Kuba

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Re: [Caml-list] questions

2009-04-01 Thread Kuba Ober

On Apr 1, 2009, at 8:59 AM, Mihamina Rakotomandimby (R12y) wrote:

FALCON Gilles RD-RESA-LAN wrote:
I totally agree that it would be pleasant to have more  
documentation on Ocaml, especially if you don't have ocaml lesson.

Yes and No.
The problem can be felt in PHP, where you see anyone witing  
So, yes, there should be more documents on Ocaml, but the problem  
is: Only

inexperienced users have time to write down some learning notes.
The real Gurus are all overbooked...

It's also my wish to see some documentation, but on the other hand,  
I dont

want it to fall into PHP fashion. Great dilemma...

I generally agree, although the guru term is perhaps overused. I  
figure people do
what they find enjoyable -- if someone who's very good at OCaml simply  
enjoy explaining it in the form of a manual or whatnot, there's no  
helping that, and

it's surely understandable!

Cheers, Kuba

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[Caml-list] FroCoS'09 Call for Papers

2009-04-01 Thread Roberto Sebastiani

   Final Call for Papers

 7th International Symposium on

  Trento, Italy, September 16-18th, 2009

In various areas of computer science, such as logic, computation,
program development and verification, artificial intelligence, knowledge
representation, and automated reasoning, there is an obvious need for
using specialized formalisms and inference mechanisms for special
tasks. In order to be usable in practice, these specialized systems
must be combined with each other, and they must be integrated into
general purpose systems. The development of general techniques and
methods for the combination and integration of special formally defined
systems, as well as for the analysis and modularization of complex
systems has been initiated in many areas. The International Symposium
on Frontiers of Combining Systems (FROCOS) traditionally focuses on
this type of research questions and activities and aims at promoting
progress in the field. 
Like its predecessors, FROCOS’09 wants to offer a common forum for
research activities in the general area of combination, modularization
and integration of systems (with emphasis on logic-based ones), and of
their practical use.  

Typical topics of interest include (but are not limited to): 
* combinations of logics such as combined predicate, temporal, modal,
  or epistemic logics;  
* combinations and modularity in ontologies; 
* combination of decision procedures, of satisfiability procedures,
  and of CS techniques;  
* combinations and modularity in term rewriting; 
* integration of equational and other theories into deductive systems; 
* combination of deduction systems and computer algebra; 
* integration of data structures into CLP formalisms and deduction processes; 
* hybrid methods for deduction, resolution and constraint propagation; 
* hybrid systems in knowledge representation and natural language semantics; 
* combined logics for distributed and multi-agent systems; 
* logical aspects of combining and modularizing programs and specifications. 

* Alessandro Armando, University of Genoa, Italy 
* Thomas Eiter, TU Wien, Austria 
* Boris Motik, Oxford University, UK 
* Ashish Tiwari, SRI International, USA 

Papers must describe original work, be written and presented in
English, and must not substantially overlap with papers that have been
published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a
conference with refereed proceedings. Selection criteria include
accuracy and originality of ideas, clarity and significance of
results, and quality of presentation. All submissions will be subject
to academic peer review by at least three members of the program
committee. For each accepted paper, at least one author is required to
attend the conference to present the paper. 
Papers must be edited in LATEX using the llncs style and be submitted 
electronically as PDF files via the EasyChair system: 
The page limit in Springer LNCS style is 16 pages.
Prospective authors are required to register a title and an abstract a
week before the paper submission deadline (see below). 
Further information about paper submission is available at FROCOS’09 web page.

The proceedings of FroCoS’09 will be published by Springer-Verlag in
the LNAI/LNCS series. 

Abstract submission deadline:April 26th, 2009 
Full paper submission deadline:  May 3rd, 2009 
Notification of acceptance:  June 8th, 2009 
Camera Ready Copy:   June 22th, 2009 
Conference:  September 16-18th 2009

- Silvio Ghilardi, University of Milano, Italy 
- Roberto Sebastiani, University of Trento, Italy

- Franz Baader, T.U. Dresden, Germany 
- Peter Baumgartner, NICTA, Camberra, Australia 
- Torben Brauner, Roskilde University, DK 
- Leonardo de Moura, Microsoft Research, USA 
- Bernhard Gramlich, T.U. Wien, Austria 
- Sava Krstic, Intel Corporation, USA 
- Viktor Kuncak, E.P.F. Lausanne, Switzerland
- Albert Oliveras, T.U. of Catalonia, Spain 
- Silvio Ranise, University of Verona, Italy 
- Christophe Ringeissen, LORIA, Nancy, France 
- Ulrike Sattler, Univ. of Manchester, UK 
- Renate Schmidt, Univ. of Manchester, UK 
- Luciano Serafini, FBK-Irst, Italy 
- Viorica Sofronie-Stokkermans, MPI, Saarbruken, Germany 
- Cesare Tinelli, University of Iowa, USA 
- Frank Wolter, University of Liverpool, UK 
- Michael Zakharyaschev, London Knowledge Lab, UK

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Re: [Caml-list] questions

2009-04-01 Thread David MENTRE

On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 16:44, Martin Jambon wrote:
 There is however one book that covers the essentials, Le Langage Caml
 by Weis and Leroy, which despite using the Caml Light dialect is the most
 enlightening programming book I've ever got to read.

I heartily agree. It's ability to show you how to make a grep or a
simple compiler in a few pages of OCaml and explanations is really an
enlightenment. Probably one of the best computer book I ever read.

Unfortunately, this book is out of print and hard to find.


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Re: [Caml-list] questions

2009-04-01 Thread Jon Harrop
On Wednesday 01 April 2009 20:13:41 David MENTRE wrote:
 Unfortunately, this book is out of print and hard to find.

Incidentally, if anyone out there is still sitting on such a (good) book I'd 
be interested in publishing it for them. The result won't be as cheap as an 
O'Reilly because our overheads are higher but at least it would actually get 
published. Alternatively, I can tell anyone exactly what they'd need to get 
started self-publishing and they could do it themselves.

Dr Jon Harrop, Flying Frog Consultancy Ltd.

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[Caml-list] OCaml job at MyLife

2009-04-01 Thread Martin Jambon
MyLife, a people search engine, is seeking an engineer to join a back-end
software development team in Mountain View, California.  The primary
requirements for this position are:

- proficiency in the OCaml programming language -- as most of the team's
software is written in OCaml

- proficiency in written English -- as much of our team communications (design
brainstorms, bug reports, etc.) are written

- proficiency with Linux and shell scripting, build tools, and source control

The ideal candidate will have a good nose for hunting bugs, diagnosing
performance problems, and reading colleagues' code.

MyLife offers an informal work environment, and an opportunity to work on
challenging engineering problems and information-retrieval algorithms over
vast data, with high-impact on end-user experience. Our team was formed at
Wink (acquired by MyLife this past summer) and includes contributors that are
active in the OCaml community.  If you're interested in applying for this
position, please contact the hiring manager at

Martin Jambon

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