
2011-08-30 Thread Jenna Fox
Who here loves teaching?

I love teaching. I think there's nothing more fun than finding someone brand 
new to programming, and helping them out of the cockpit of freenode and dancing 
about, swinging around trees and giggling gleefully while downing endless 
bottles of cider and.. wait..

I think there's nothing more fun than finding noobs and teaching them how to 
make awesome hacks! I know some of you guys think like I do, and I want to know 
which ones of you that is?

I've a project in mind, and it's going to take some doing. I could do it 
myself, but it'd be way better with a bunch of total geniuses at the helm than 
just silly old me.

So seeing as today is WhyDay and all, it seems like we should be thinking about 
the kids, and about teaching, and about drawing pictures of little silly people 
talking about silly things which somehow leads to education through nothing 
more than a thick coating of irrelevance.

TL;DR; I want brains. Braains http://cl.ly/0i1Q3S0A1017470j2c2r

Freelance internet doofus
Camping-list mailing list

Re: A question about the ecosystem.

2011-08-30 Thread adam moore
Will paginate recently added native Sinatra support, but camping may require
so e workarounds with regards to view handlers.

I must say, the camping list is super friendly and, although quiet, very
responsive when something crops up.

On Wednesday, August 31, 2011, Jenna Fox  wrote:
> I don't know about any of that, but in regards to authentication, I just
use openid! It only takes about twenty lines in a controller to support, and
is secure (even if you don't have https on your site), saves your users
time, respects their privacy, means you don't need to worry about safely
storing passwords or any other secrets, and you don't have to build
login/signup/password reset forms - one simple copy pasteable controller,
one login form, and you're done!
> I stuck my openid code up here:
http://creativepony.com/archive/journal/scripts/camping-openid-consumer/ -
you'll also need the openid rubygem
> —
> Jenna
> On 31/08/2011, at 8:20 AM, Tim Uckun wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 1:33 AM, David Susco  wrote:
> I've got five camping apps in production. They're mostly CRUDs with
> some basic searching/e-mailing/etc. I use a few third party libraries;
> haml, paper_trail, rack/csrf and redcloth being the main ones. I
> haven't had too much need beyond those but your mileage will vary
> obviously.
> What Camping lacks is a lot of the fluff, but that's what I like the
> most about it. It keeps things simple.
> I like the promise of simplicity too.  What are you using for
> Authentication?  Does simple_form or formtastic work with camping or
> do you use something else for that?  I like Typus as a quick way to
> put up admin sites does anybody know if it works with camping? Has
> anybody tried whenever?
> I presume will paginate, chronic etc will work as long as I stick with
> AR (although honestly I want to try something other than AR too).
> ___
> Camping-list mailing list
> Camping-list@rubyforge.org
> http://rubyforge.org/mailman/listinfo/camping-list

Camping-list mailing list

Re: A question about the ecosystem.

2011-08-30 Thread Ed Heil
whoa.  Cool.  Bookmarked. :)  That would have saved me a lot of time 
last time I was messing with Camping.  Thank you. :)

On 8/30/11 6:49 PM, Jenna Fox wrote:
I don't know about any of that, but in regards to authentication, I 
just use openid! It only takes about twenty lines in a controller to 
support, and is secure (even if you don't have https on your site), 
saves your users time, respects their privacy, means you don't need to 
worry about safely storing passwords or any other secrets, and you 
don't have to build login/signup/password reset forms - one simple 
copy pasteable controller, one login form, and you're done!

I stuck my openid code up here: 
- you'll also need the openid rubygem


On 31/08/2011, at 8:20 AM, Tim Uckun wrote:

On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 1:33 AM, David Susco > wrote:

I've got five camping apps in production. They're mostly CRUDs with
some basic searching/e-mailing/etc. I use a few third party libraries;
haml, paper_trail, rack/csrf and redcloth being the main ones. I
haven't had too much need beyond those but your mileage will vary

What Camping lacks is a lot of the fluff, but that's what I like the
most about it. It keeps things simple.

I like the promise of simplicity too.  What are you using for
Authentication?  Does simple_form or formtastic work with camping or
do you use something else for that?  I like Typus as a quick way to
put up admin sites does anybody know if it works with camping? Has
anybody tried whenever?

I presume will paginate, chronic etc will work as long as I stick with
AR (although honestly I want to try something other than AR too).
Camping-list mailing list

Camping-list mailing list
Camping-list mailing list

Re: A question about the ecosystem.

2011-08-30 Thread Jenna Fox
I don't know about any of that, but in regards to authentication, I just use 
openid! It only takes about twenty lines in a controller to support, and is 
secure (even if you don't have https on your site), saves your users time, 
respects their privacy, means you don't need to worry about safely storing 
passwords or any other secrets, and you don't have to build 
login/signup/password reset forms - one simple copy pasteable controller, one 
login form, and you're done!

I stuck my openid code up here: 
http://creativepony.com/archive/journal/scripts/camping-openid-consumer/ - 
you'll also need the openid rubygem


On 31/08/2011, at 8:20 AM, Tim Uckun wrote:

> On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 1:33 AM, David Susco  wrote:
>> I've got five camping apps in production. They're mostly CRUDs with
>> some basic searching/e-mailing/etc. I use a few third party libraries;
>> haml, paper_trail, rack/csrf and redcloth being the main ones. I
>> haven't had too much need beyond those but your mileage will vary
>> obviously.
>> What Camping lacks is a lot of the fluff, but that's what I like the
>> most about it. It keeps things simple.
> I like the promise of simplicity too.  What are you using for
> Authentication?  Does simple_form or formtastic work with camping or
> do you use something else for that?  I like Typus as a quick way to
> put up admin sites does anybody know if it works with camping? Has
> anybody tried whenever?
> I presume will paginate, chronic etc will work as long as I stick with
> AR (although honestly I want to try something other than AR too).
> ___
> Camping-list mailing list
> Camping-list@rubyforge.org
> http://rubyforge.org/mailman/listinfo/camping-list

Camping-list mailing list

Re: A question about the ecosystem.

2011-08-30 Thread Tim Uckun
On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 1:33 AM, David Susco  wrote:
> I've got five camping apps in production. They're mostly CRUDs with
> some basic searching/e-mailing/etc. I use a few third party libraries;
> haml, paper_trail, rack/csrf and redcloth being the main ones. I
> haven't had too much need beyond those but your mileage will vary
> obviously.
> What Camping lacks is a lot of the fluff, but that's what I like the
> most about it. It keeps things simple.

I like the promise of simplicity too.  What are you using for
Authentication?  Does simple_form or formtastic work with camping or
do you use something else for that?  I like Typus as a quick way to
put up admin sites does anybody know if it works with camping? Has
anybody tried whenever?

I presume will paginate, chronic etc will work as long as I stick with
AR (although honestly I want to try something other than AR too).
Camping-list mailing list

Re: Using CouchDB in Camping - looking for advice

2011-08-30 Thread Magnus Holm
On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 05:39, Daniel Bryan  wrote:

> Woah, that sounds pretty cool. Are you using RubyParser or Ripper?
> Neither. I'm using sourcify (
> http://rubydoc.info/gems/sourcify/0.5.0/frames ) to convert blocks into an
> S Expression, and then my own library to parse that and spit out equivalent
> JavaScript syntax. I've made no attempt to deal with Ruby syntax that has no
> direct JS equivalent (like block arguments to function calls), nor to
> capture operations that would be illegal in JavaScript -
> https://github.com/cerales/ShyRubyJS

Very interesting!

> What if you introduce the concept of *contexts*? So all CouchDocument are
> automatically one context (that only include one type of document), but you
> can also introduce your own contexts. So you can have a CookingUser-context,
> which describes a User and what he can do with Receipes. In your controller
> you can say `CookingUser.new(current_user).untried_recepies`. Or maybe a
> UserReceipes which has an "untried"-view.
> So contexts are just a lightweight class where you can place your views.
> The developer has to decide what the context should be called and how they
> should work. The point is that the contexts should mirror the use-cases of
> the data, and as there might be many ways to look at the same data, you
> can't have an automatic way of saying where the view belongs. It all depends
> on the point-of-view.
> I like this!
> The way I'm interpreting this is that contexts could be a really light
> layer on top of the anonymous views. So it'd have your abstract view
> specification - a map block and a view block - and then a couple of little
> links specifying, for example, which model classes / "kinds" it's associated
> with, for the sake of the developer's sanity.
> When I started development on this concept, I put a lot of thought into how
> models would be written, to the point that they became effectively a schema.
> I realised that that was absurd - anything heavier than the optional "needs"
> and "suggests" concepts is throwing away the agility, convenience and
> forgiveness of a NoSQL approach.
> So that's out the window, but there's still a challenge here - model
> schemas, as well as being a concession to the brutality of SQL and its
> greedy demands, are a very useful tool for keeping track of and
> self-documenting your application. It seems there needs to be some kind of
> tool to replace that if your'e doing something like this.

The truth is that there is no such thing as "schema-less". There will always
be a schema. The question is if it will be enforced in the database, at
insert-time in code (each document has a strict schema) or at runtime in
code (it works just as a Hash).

> So what I'm thinking might be useful is some kind of optional admin
> interface that will look at your Models and your Views and your Contexts,
> and try to visualise or contextualise them in some way. Like the django
> admin interface, with all the power of introspection, but somehow groovy.
> Of course, it's so _easy_ to work with data when it's just JSON documents
> that there's no reason you couldn't, with a little thought, build a super
> user-friendly interface where you build your MapReduce views just by being
> given a graphical view of your document Kinds and dragging and dropping
> things into the fields for what you want to emit, what you want to filter,
> etc. It's probably not the best idea philosophically, but for giving people
> the tools to really easily write a dynamic web app it seems like it could be
> useful.

I've been thinking about the exact same concept, but a more general solution
based on relational algebra. My idea was that you defined your schema,
relationships and queries in an admin-panel thingie (inspired from Yahoo!
Pipes) in a database-agnostic way (relational model), and then later defined
the mapping from the database (which could be CouchDB, MongoDB, MySQL,
Redis) to the conceptual schema.

I'd say your project is more limited, but way more feasible than my "big
plan". So I think you should definitely go for it and make a kick-ass
CouchDB platform :-)
Camping-list mailing list

Re: A question about the ecosystem.

2011-08-30 Thread David Susco
I've got five camping apps in production. They're mostly CRUDs with
some basic searching/e-mailing/etc. I use a few third party libraries;
haml, paper_trail, rack/csrf and redcloth being the main ones. I
haven't had too much need beyond those but your mileage will vary

What Camping lacks is a lot of the fluff, but that's what I like the
most about it. It keeps things simple.


On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 6:56 AM, Jenna Fox  wrote:
> Hi Tim!
> Camping is a great choice. It's really lean, and quite robust and well 
> performing. So far as rails plugins go - the default choice of database 
> adaptors for Camping is ActiveRecord - so most ActiveRecord-related rails 
> plugins will work. Camping doesn't have things like rail's form builders and 
> validators and the likes, and it also doesn't have activesupport. You might 
> find that installing the activesupport gem and requiring it at the start of 
> your app makes more rails specific code work, by adding in support for things 
> like String#ends_with?
> Overall, there really isn't very much to miss. Camping provides what you need 
> of controllers and views, while the outer shell of rack provides extras you 
> might like. A sampler box of rack features might have some of these: Several 
> flavours of session storage and cookies - including the fastest variety, used 
> by the likes of google and yahoo; Stream compression filters, to gzip 
> whatever you send out, streamlining cinematic immersion and minimising wasted 
> bytes; http validators; html validators; url mapping to bundle several 
> camping apps together in to one; the option of picking and choosing - you can 
> use camping for some of your app and rails or any of the rest for another 
> part.
> I suppose the best feature of camping is the community though. If there's 
> anything you need there's surely someone happy to help.
> —
> Bluebie
> On 30/08/2011, at 8:40 PM, Tim Uckun wrote:
>> I am a long time rails developer looking for a new framework which is
>> leaner and less complex than rails.  Camping appeals to me for a lot
>> of reasons but I am curious about how a moderately conplex app would
>> look like in camping.  In rails my Gemfile is full of third party
>> libraries and I am wondering if they will all (or most) work with
>> camping. My guess is that they won't and I am worried that I will have
>> to code up all kinds of functionality I take for granted in the rails
>> world.
>> Maybe that's a good thing but I wanted to ask you guys about your
>> experience in taking advantage of other people's work.
>> Cheers.
>> ___
>> Camping-list mailing list
>> Camping-list@rubyforge.org
>> http://rubyforge.org/mailman/listinfo/camping-list
> ___
> Camping-list mailing list
> Camping-list@rubyforge.org
> http://rubyforge.org/mailman/listinfo/camping-list

Camping-list mailing list

Re: A question about the ecosystem.

2011-08-30 Thread Jenna Fox
Hi Tim!

Camping is a great choice. It's really lean, and quite robust and well 
performing. So far as rails plugins go - the default choice of database 
adaptors for Camping is ActiveRecord - so most ActiveRecord-related rails 
plugins will work. Camping doesn't have things like rail's form builders and 
validators and the likes, and it also doesn't have activesupport. You might 
find that installing the activesupport gem and requiring it at the start of 
your app makes more rails specific code work, by adding in support for things 
like String#ends_with?

Overall, there really isn't very much to miss. Camping provides what you need 
of controllers and views, while the outer shell of rack provides extras you 
might like. A sampler box of rack features might have some of these: Several 
flavours of session storage and cookies - including the fastest variety, used 
by the likes of google and yahoo; Stream compression filters, to gzip whatever 
you send out, streamlining cinematic immersion and minimising wasted bytes; 
http validators; html validators; url mapping to bundle several camping apps 
together in to one; the option of picking and choosing - you can use camping 
for some of your app and rails or any of the rest for another part.

I suppose the best feature of camping is the community though. If there's 
anything you need there's surely someone happy to help.


On 30/08/2011, at 8:40 PM, Tim Uckun wrote:

> I am a long time rails developer looking for a new framework which is
> leaner and less complex than rails.  Camping appeals to me for a lot
> of reasons but I am curious about how a moderately conplex app would
> look like in camping.  In rails my Gemfile is full of third party
> libraries and I am wondering if they will all (or most) work with
> camping. My guess is that they won't and I am worried that I will have
> to code up all kinds of functionality I take for granted in the rails
> world.
> Maybe that's a good thing but I wanted to ask you guys about your
> experience in taking advantage of other people's work.
> Cheers.
> ___
> Camping-list mailing list
> Camping-list@rubyforge.org
> http://rubyforge.org/mailman/listinfo/camping-list

Camping-list mailing list

Re: What is the Best Way to Install Camping in 2011?

2011-08-30 Thread Tim Uckun
On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 5:09 PM, John Beppu  wrote:
> Let's say I have a pristine Unixy system in front of me.  (In my case, it's
> a new OS X 10.7 installation and I put MacPorts on there.)
> What is the simplest way to get an up-to-date Camping installation?
> (I've been out of the Ruby loop for a while.)

step 1. Install RVM

$ bash < <(curl -s https://rvm.beginrescueend.com/install/rvm)

step 2. Install ruby

rvm install 1.9.2

step 3. Install camping

gem install camping.

Camping-list mailing list

A question about the ecosystem.

2011-08-30 Thread Tim Uckun
I am a long time rails developer looking for a new framework which is
leaner and less complex than rails.  Camping appeals to me for a lot
of reasons but I am curious about how a moderately conplex app would
look like in camping.  In rails my Gemfile is full of third party
libraries and I am wondering if they will all (or most) work with
camping. My guess is that they won't and I am worried that I will have
to code up all kinds of functionality I take for granted in the rails

Maybe that's a good thing but I wanted to ask you guys about your
experience in taking advantage of other people's work.

Camping-list mailing list

Re: What is the Best Way to Install Camping in 2011?

2011-08-30 Thread Magnus Holm
We definitely need to put out a new release. Try this in the meantime:

  gem install camping --source http://gems.judofyr.net/

(I've just updated the DNS record, so it might take an hour or two to
propagate correctly)

// Magnus Holm

On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 07:09, John Beppu  wrote:

> Let's say I have a pristine Unixy system in front of me.  (In my case, it's
> a new OS X 10.7 installation and I put MacPorts on there.)
> What is the simplest way to get an up-to-date Camping installation?
> (I've been out of the Ruby loop for a while.)
> ___
> Camping-list mailing list
> Camping-list@rubyforge.org
> http://rubyforge.org/mailman/listinfo/camping-list
Camping-list mailing list

Re: What is the Best Way to Install Camping in 2011?

2011-08-30 Thread Bartosz Dziewoński
`gem install camping`


(You may also want to install Markaby, ActiveRecord and all that.)

-- Matma Rex
Camping-list mailing list